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We present the study of dust environment of dynamically new Comet C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR) based on spectroscopic and photometric observations. The comet was observed before and after the perihelion passage at heliocentric distances from 5.2 to 9.5 AU. Although the comet moved beyond the zone where water ice sublimation could be significant, its bright coma and extended dust tail evidenced the high level of physical activity. Afρ values exceeded 3000 cm likely reaching its maximum before the perihelion passage. At the same time, the spectrum of the comet did not reveal molecular emission features above the reflected continuum. Reddening of the continuum derived from the cometary spectrum is nonlinear along the dispersion with the steeper slop in the blue region. The pair of the blue and red continuum images was analyzed to estimate a color of the comet. The mean normalized reflectivity gradient derived from the innermost part of the cometary coma equals to 8% per 1000 Å that is typical for Oort cloud objects. However, the color map shows that the reddening of the cometary dust varies over the coma increasing to 15% per 1000 Å along the tail axis. The photometric images were fitted with a Monte Carlo model to construct the theoretical brightness distribution of the cometary coma and tail and to investigate the development of the cometary activity along the orbit. As the dust particles of distant comets are expected to be icy, we propose here the model, which describes the tail formation taking into account sublimation of grains along their orbits. The chemical composition and structure of these particles are assumed to correspond with Greenberg’s interstellar dust model of comet dust. All images were fitted with the close values of the model parameters. According to the results of the modeling, the physical activity of the comet is mainly determined by two active areas with outflows into the wide cones. The obliquity of the rotation axis of the nucleus equals to 20° relative to the comet’s orbital plane. The grains occupying the coma and tail are rather large amounting to 1 mm in size, with the exponential size distribution of a−4.5. The outflow velocities of the dust particles vary from a few centimeters to tens of meters per second depending on their sizes. Our observations and the model findings evidence that the activity of the nucleus decreased sharply to a low-level phase at the end of April–beginning of May 2007. About 190 days later, in the first half of November 2007 the nucleus stopped any activity, however, the remnant tail did not disappear for more than 1.5 years at least.  相似文献   

An analysis of the behavior of the dust coma of the Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) from visible and infrared images acquired shortly before and after the disruption of the comet's nucleus is presented. During the predisruption phase, the overall dust production increased by a factor of 11 in two steps; an initial outburst occurred between July 18 and 19 and a second stronger one occurred between July 20 and 21. Postdisruption images obtained on July 26 and 27 suggest that most of the dust was released in the huge outburst produced during the disruption of the nucleus a few days before. The color of the dust coma did not show any measurable day-to-day variation and was also very uniform throughout the coma. The latter is an indication of the homogeneity of the dust component of the nucleus.  相似文献   

The mechanism of brightness outbursts of comets based on selective absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation by hydrogen atoms in the cometary head is considered. Due to this process, influence of the radiation on parent and daughter molecules in the near-nucleus region of the cometary head is different. As a result, under certain physical conditions in the cometary coma, the electronic-temperature increase may cause an outburst in the brightness of the comet.  相似文献   

Splitting events affect cometary nuclei to a different level of severity ranging from complete disruption of the nucleus (e.g., C/1999 S4 LINEAR) to separation of major fragments (e.g., 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3) and spill-offs of smaller boulders (e.g., C/2001 A2 LINEAR).Fragmentation of comets produces secondary products over a wide range of sizes (from cometesimals to sub-micron dust). It is detectable through the presence of fragments (with own comae and tails) in the coma of the parent nucleus, through outbursts in its activity and through arc-lets (“coma wings”)associated with fragments. The secondaries have different life times and show different non-gravitational forces. Nucleus splitting is also considered to generate whole families of comets (Kreutz group) or — if gravitational bound — multiple nuclei (e.g., C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp). It may explain the striae phenomena seen in dust tails of bright comets (C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp) and the detection of chains of impact craters onother bodies in the solar system. As process of significant mass loss it is relevant for the scenario of nucleus extinction, at the same time it also plays a role for the number statistics of existing (observable) comets and for the size distribution of comet nuclei. Various model scenarios for nucleus splitting are proposed: tidal disruption, rotational splitting, break-up due to internal gas pressure, fragmentation due to collision with other bodies. Only in one case, Comet D/1993 F1Shoemaker-Levy 9, the physical process of fragmentation could be undoubtedly identified. In any case, comet splitting provides important insights inthe internal structure, surface layering and chemistry of comet nuclei.  相似文献   

Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) was exceptional in many respects. Its nucleus underwent multiple fragmentations culminating in the complete disruption around July 20, 2000. We present circular polarization measurements along the cuts through the coma and nucleus of the comet during three separate observing runs, in June 28-July 2, July 8-9, and July 21-22, 2000. The circular polarization was detected at a rather high level, up to 0.8%. The left-handed as well as right-handed polarization was observed over the coma with the left circularly polarized light systematically observed in the sunward part of the coma. During our observations the phase angle of the comet varied from 61 up to 122°, which allowed us to reveal variations of circular polarization with the phase angle. Correlation between the degree of circular polarization, visual magnitude, water production rate, and linear polarization of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) during its final fragmentation in July 2000 was found. The mechanisms that may produce circular polarization in comets and specifically in Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) are discussed and some tentative interpretation is presented.  相似文献   

Imaging and polarimetry of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) during its disruption provide information about the physical properties of the scattering dust particles, and some insight into the structure of the nucleus. A significant decrease in the brightness was noticed, together with a drastic change in the shape of the dust coma. The whole-coma polarization increased, which was typical of a comet with a near 27 percent maximum in polarization, the increase being comparable to previous observations for comets suffering a limited fragmentation. An important gradient in the intensity on the solar side corresponds to the ejected material. The degree of polarization in this region is higher than generally observed in jets and it increases with time as the nucleus (or its fragments) breaks up and ejects relatively large and compact particles. In the surrounding coma, these large particles are fragmented on short time-scales, indicated by the decrease of polarization. These results suggest that the fragile nucleus was not, as far as the physical properties of the dust are concerned, differentiated, and that it was possibly built of primordial cometesimals originating from the same formation region.  相似文献   

We analyze the thermodynamic model of changes in comet brightness focusing on the exceptional case which is comet 29 P/Schwassmann-Wachmann(hereafter 29 P/SW). This object demonstrates quasiregular flares that occur in a short period of time; most often it lasts about a dozen hours. The analysis of observational data shows that the average number of comet outbursts for 29 P/SW is 7.3 per year. This is the only known comet with such a number of outbursts per year, which demonstrates its uniqueness. In the proposed approach to analyze the outburst of comet 29 P/SW, we took into account the complex structure of particles which are in its coma and assumed that they are composed of water ice, dust and organic matter.The paper explains how this diversity affects the more efficient scattering of incident sunlight during the outburst of comet 29 P/SW.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the actual brightness change of comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann, which took place in 1995. The consequence of a cometary outburst is the destruction of a fragment of its surface. This causes the emission of comet material from both the surface and from exposed subsurface layers. Therefore, the calculations take into account the scattering cross-sections that come from ice and dust particles. It was assumed that the dust particles are silicates which are characterized by high irregularity of their structure. This assumption is a consequence of the analysis of the results provided by the Rosetta mission to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The main factor determining the amplitude of a cometary outburst is the mass ejected as well as the loss of ice that holds the individual nucleus structures together. Consequently, this phenomenon can significantly contribute to the destruction and even decay of the cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

The HELIOS A and B zodiacal light photometers can be used to view comets as they pass the spacecraft. Because the HELIOS spacecraft orbit the Sun on their own, and are generally far from Earth, the spacecraft allow us to view comets from a different perspective than normally available. Comet West (1976VI) passed through perihelion on February 25, 1976. The comet crossed the HELIOS A and B spacecraft zodiacal light photometer fields of view, allowing them to record the brightness, polarization and color of the comet. Data from the U, B and V photometers showed a distinct blueing followed by a slight reddening corresponding to the ion and dust tails, respectively, entering the field of view of each photometer sector. The extent of the tail of Comet West was far greater seen from the HELIOS spacecraft than seen from Earth, even taking into account their generally closer viewing perspective. As Comet West traveled away from the Sun, it was observed in the zodiacal light photometer fields of view at a solar distance of more than 1.4 AU. The zodiacal light photometers also viewed Comet Meier (1978XXI). Comet Meier is far more compact than Comet West, extremely blue and unlike Comet West showed no significant dust tail. The interplanetary medium is observed to a level of the variations in the brightness of the electron-scattering component near Comet West. A brightness bump present in the data before the comet reached some photometer positions can be shown to approximately form a parabolic shape sunward and ahead of the orbital motion of the Comet West nucleus. We presume that this bump is evidence of the position of the cometary atmosphere or an enhancement of the ambient interplanetary medium ahead of the comet motion. The brightness bump in terms of density generally corresponds to a density enhancement of the ambient medium by a few times in the vicinity of the comet. When compared with Comet Halley and couched in terms of the shock stand-off distance, the distance of this brightness increase from the nucleus implies a neutral gas production rate of approximately 2.5 times that of Halley. This is in agreement with the neutral gas production rate measured from Comet West using more direct techniques.Now at Scientific Applications Inc., La Jolla, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Our polarimetric database contains six comets, C/1975 V1 (West), 16P/Brooks 2,C/1988 A1 (Liller), D/1996 Q1 (Tabur), C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), and C/2001 A2(LINEAR), which can be related to the group of split comets. Comets West, S4(LINEAR) and A2 (LINEAR) were observed during splitting. We compare thepolarimetric measurements of the dust particles in these comets, sometimes togetherwith available photometric and colorimetric data, with those in normal comets. Weconclude that there is no significant evidence for differences of polarization betweentidally split comets (e.g., Brooks 2), dissipating comets (e.g., Tabur), non-tidally splitcomets (e.g., West) and normal comets. The total disintegration of Comet S4 (LINEAR), however, did produce significant changes in the observed properties of dust.  相似文献   

As far as outbursts activity is concerned, the 29P/Schwassmann‐Wachmann 1 is the exceptional comet. This Centaur object shows quasi‐regular flares with periodicities of 50 days (Trigo‐Rodriguez et al. 2010). In the introductory part of the presented paper the most well‐known hypotheses which try to explain this cometary behaviour are reviewed. The second, actual part of this paper presents the new model for the outburst activity of this comet. The model is based on the idea of Ipatov (2012), according to which there are large cavities below a considerable fraction of the comet's surface containing material under high gas pressure. In favourite conditions the surface layers over the cavities are thrown away and the interior of these cavities is exposed. Consequently, an outburst of the comet's brightness may be observed. The main characteristics of an outburst of this comet, the brightness jump, is calculated. Numerical simulations were carried out for wide range of possible cometary parameters. The obtained results are in good agreement with the observations. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Cometary outbursts, sudden increases in luminosity have not been clearly explained so far and their source is still a mystery. Various possible mechanisms as a source of cometary outbursts at large distances from the Sun have been considered. It has been stated that plausible mechanisms are the polymerization of HCN and the amorphous water ice transformation combined with electrostatic destruction of cometary grains in the head of the comet. The calculations have been carried out for a large range of cometary parameters and it has been shown that the proposed scenario of the outburst gives a jump in the comet brightness which is consistent with the real jump observed during the 29P/Schwassmann‐Wachmann 1 outbursts.  相似文献   

In the paper the potential sources of energy of cometary outbursts have been reviewed. Considerations focus on four probable sources of the outbursts' energy. These are the polymerization of hydrogen cyanide HCN, impacts with the meteoroids, destruction of cometary grains in the field of strong solar wind and the transformation of amorphous water Ice into the crystalline one. The values of released energy and jumps of cometary brightness caused by these mechanisms have been discussed. A modern approach to the problem of the thermodynamical evolution of the comet nucleus which includes amorphous water ice is considered as the starting point in the discussion presented in the paper. The main characteristics of an outburst of a hypothetical comet belonging to the Jupiter family comet are calculated. The obtained results are in a good agreement with the characteristics observed during the real outbursts of comets. The main conclusion of this paper confirms a general presumption that the cometary outbursts can have different causes. However, the hypothesis concerning the amorphous water ice transformation appears to be the most probable one. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Edward P. Ney 《Icarus》1974,23(4):551-560
Observations of Comets Kohoutek (1973f), Bradfield (1974b), and P/Encke have been made at a number of wavelengths between 0.55 and 18 μm. The silicate feature first observed in Comet Bennett (1969i) seems to be a common characteristic of cometary material. The comas of these comets radiate infrared with an effective temperature higher than the black-body temperature at the given distance from the Sun. The albedo of the dust particles is between 0.10 and 0.20. The particles in the coma and tail are small (diameter less than 2 μm), but the particles in the anti-tail of Comet Kohoutek must be larger than about 10 μm diameter. The observations give an absolute upper limit to the diameter of Comet Kohoutek of 30 km. A consistent interpretation would indicate that Comets Kohoutek and Bradfield have nuclear diameters of 5 to 10km, that Bennett was several times larger, and that P/Encke is 10 times smaller. The peculiar behavior of Bradfield showed that the coma of a single comet can abruptly change its dust composition.  相似文献   

Micha? Drahus  Wac?aw Waniak 《Icarus》2006,185(2):544-557
The article presents results of CCD photometry in R-band of a dynamically new Comet C/2001 K5 (LINEAR), obtained at a heliocentric distance of about 5.6 AU, after the perihelion passage. Being so distant from the Sun, this comet was extremely active (Afρ close to 2000 cm), exhibiting quite well developed dust coma and tail. During the observations, general photometric behavior of the comet with heliocentric distance r was well described by the 2.5nlog(r) function with coefficient n=5. The radial profiles of the coma were found to be undulated, with mean slope of the dependence between cometary magnitude and 2.5log of aperture radius (at comet distance) equal to . The light curve of Comet LINEAR exhibited short-term variability which we attributed to cyclic changes of dust emission, induced by nucleus rotation. Model computations by some authors have revealed that active comets can change their spin status quite substantially even during a single orbital revolution. Thus, attempting to search for a rotation frequency, we have modified the classical PDM approach by including the spin acceleration term. Such DynamicalPDM (DPDM) method revealed the most reliable solution for the frequency f0=0.019048±0.000013 h−1 and its first time-derivative (index “zero” denotes reference to the mid time of the whole observing run), indicating a rapid spin-down of the nucleus. These parameters are equivalent to the rotation period of 52.499±0.036 h and its relative increment of 0.02729±0.00013. We present the most probable evolution of the rotation frequency of Comet LINEAR, based on the results of periodicity analysis and a simple, almost parameter independent, dynamical model of nucleus rotation. It is also shown that the DPDM may be an effective tool for determination of a nucleus radius, which provided us with the value of 1.53±0.25 km for Comet LINEAR.  相似文献   

The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, specifically the Very Wide segment of data, is used to search for possible main-belt comets. In the first data set, 952 separate objects with asteroidal orbits within the main-belt are examined using a three-level technique. First, the full-width-half-maximum of each object is compared to stars of similar magnitude, to look for evidence of a coma. Second, the brightness profiles of each object are compared with three stars of the same magnitude, which are nearby on the image to ensure any extended profile is not due to imaging variations. Finally, the star profiles are subtracted from the asteroid profile and the residuals are compared with the background using an unpaired T-test. No objects in this survey show evidence of cometary activity. The second survey includes 11438 objects in the main-belt, which are examined visually. One object, an unknown comet, is found to show cometary activity. Its motion is consistent with being a main-belt asteroid, but the observed arc is too short for a definitive orbit calculation. No other body in this survey shows evidence of cometary activity. Upper limits of the number of weakly and strongly active main-belt comets are derived to be 630±77 and 87±28, respectively. These limits are consistent with those expected from asteroid collisions. In addition, data extracted from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope image archive of main-belt Comet 176P/LINEAR is presented.  相似文献   

The evolution of the morphology of C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) is examined from aseries of images taken from shortly before the disruption of the nucleus until10 days afterwards. This is combined with light curve data to provide a uniquedocumentation of the early evolution of the disruption event. Neither imagesfrom the 1-m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope nor the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescopeat the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain)show no evidence of bright sub-nuclei, although the presence of a well-definedstable lance-point structure in the head of the comet indicates that a dust and gasproducing source remained active in this region. The centre of brightness of thecoma moved in the anti-solar direction at a few tens of metres per second afterdisruption indicating that it was a mainly dust structure. The contrast in thefragmentation history of comets such as C/1999 S4, C/2001 A2 and 141P/Machholz2 suggests that there is a wide variation in nucleus properties from highly unstableand loosely bound rubble piles to relatively consolidated conglomerates.  相似文献   

A very long series of photographic observations of the comet Hale-Bopp has been made during January–April 1997 at the double astrograph (400/2000) of the Main Astronomical Observatory (Kyiv, Ukraine). Some of the cometary photos were obtained with two wide-band filter combinations. One of these combinations isolates C2 emission, another — the nearby dust continuum. The images were digitized by means of AMDPH-XY machine and then calibrated following the standard procedure. After subtraction of the dust continuum the distribution of surface brightness in the C2 emission coma of comet Hale-Bopp was studied. We found an asymmetric brightness distribution both pre- and post-perihelion. On 21.77 April 1997 a secondary brightness peak is found at the distance of 1.03 × 105 km from the nucleus. It is possible that this peak is related to the extended source of the C2 molecules. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Peschke  S. B.  Grün  E.  Böhnhardt  H.  Campins  H.  Osip  D. J.  Hanner  M. S.  Heinrichsen  I.  Knacke  R. F.  Leinert  Ch.  Lemke  D.  Stickel  M.  Lisse  C. M.  Sykes  M.  Zarnecki  J. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):299-304
Comet Hale-Bopp has been observed five times with ISOPHOT, the photometer on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), four times before its perihelion passage at heliocentric distances of 4.92, 4.58, 2.93 and 2.81 AU, and at 3.91 AU postperihelion. Each time, multi-filter photometry covering the range between 3.6–175 μm with eight to ten filters was performed to sample the spectral energy distribution of the comet. These measurements were used to determine dust temperatures for the cometary coma. The evolution of the strength of the silicate feature can be followed in the data as well as the flux deficit at longer wavelengths. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) showed a very special behaviour between 28 June and1 July 2000. Optical observations of the dust coma in two distinct continuum bandsrevealed that it changed morphologically as well as in colour. The two-dimensionalcoma morphology indicates a splitting of the nucleus which probably occurred shortlybefore the observations of 28 June 2000. The distribution of the dust particles in sunand tail direction reflected by the slopes of the radial profiles indicate the presence ofa considerable amount of disintegrating dust particles in the sunward hemisphere andan overabundance of dust, reflecting at 440 nm, within the first 18,000 km of the dusttail. The spatial profiles of the (BC–RC) colour index in sun direction are distinctly different on 28 June and 1 July, indicating the production of a large amount of particles observable in blue continuum after 28 June.  相似文献   

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