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We report on Adaptive Optics observations of the satellite of Asteroid 121 Hermione with the ESO-Paranal UT4 VLT and the Keck AO telescopes. The binary system, belonging to the Cybele family, was observed during two observing campaigns in January 2003 and January 2004 aiming to confirm its trajectory and accurately determine its orbital elements. A precessing Keplerian model was used to describe the motion of S/2002 (121) 1. We find that the satellite of Hermione revolves at a=768±11 km from the primary in P=2.582±0.002 days with a roughly circular and prograde orbit (e=0.001±0.001, i=3±2° w.r.t. equator primary). These extensive astrometric measurements enable us to determine the mass of Hermione to be 0.54±0.03×1019 kg and its pole solution (λ0=1.5°±2.00, β0=10°±2.0 in ecliptic J2000). Additional Keck AO observations taken close to the asteroid opposition in December 2003 give us direct insight into the structure of the primary which presents a bilobated shape. Since the angular resolution is limited to the theoretical angular resolution of the telescope (43 mas corresponding to a spatial resolution of 80 km), two shape models (called snowman and peanut) are proposed based on the images which were deconvolved with MISTRAL deconvolution process. Assuming a purely synchronous orbit and knowing the mass of the primary, the peanut shape composed of two separated components is quite unlikely. Additionally the J2 calculated from the analysis of the secondary orbit is not in agreement with the peanut model, but close to the snowman shape. The bulk density of the primary as derived from the observed size of the snowman shape is estimated to ρ∼1.8±0.2 g/cm3 implying a porosity ∼14% for this C-type asteroid, corresponding to a fractured asteroid. Considering the IRAS diameter, the density is lower (ρ=1.1±0.3 g/cm3) leading to a high porosity (p=30-60%) with a nominal value of p=48%, which indicates a completely loose rubble-pile structure for the primary. Further work is necessary to better constrain the size, shape, and then internal structure of Hermione's primary.  相似文献   

Despite a fainter Sun, the surface of the early Earth was mostly ice-free. Proposed solutions to this so-called “faint young Sun problem” have usually involved higher amounts of greenhouse gases than present in the modern-day atmosphere. However, geological evidence seemed to indicate that the atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Archaean and Proterozoic were far too low to keep the surface from freezing. With a radiative-convective model including new, updated thermal absorption coefficients, we found that the amount of CO2 necessary to obtain 273 K at the surface is reduced up to an order of magnitude compared to previous studies. For the late Archaean and early Proterozoic period of the Earth, we calculate that CO2 partial pressures of only about 2.9 mb are required to keep its surface from freezing which is compatible with the amount inferred from sediment studies. This conclusion was not significantly changed when we varied model parameters such as relative humidity or surface albedo, obtaining CO2 partial pressures for the late Archaean between 1.5 and 5.5 mb. Thus, the contradiction between sediment data and model results disappears for the late Archaean and early proterozoic.  相似文献   

In August 2002, the near-Earth Asteroid 2002 NY40, made its closest approach to the Earth. This provided an opportunity to study a near-Earth asteroid with a variety of instruments. Several of the telescopes at the Maui Space Surveillance System were trained at the asteroid and collected adaptive optics images, photometry and spectroscopy. Analysis of the imagery reveals the asteroid is triangular shaped with significant self-shadowing. The photometry reveals a 20-h period and the spectroscopy shows that the asteroid is a Q-type.  相似文献   

We present observations of the Centaur (32532) 2001 PT13 taken between September 2000 and December 2000. A multi-wavelength lightcurve was assembled from V-, R- and J-band photometry measurements. Analysis of the lightcurve indicates that there are two peaks of slightly different brightness, a rotation period of 0.34741±0.00005 day, and a maximum photometric range of 0.18 mag. We obtained VRJHK colors (V-R=0.50±0.01, V-J=1.69±0.02, V-H=2.19±0.04, and V-K=2.30±0.04) that are consistent with the grey KBO/Centaur population. The V-R color shows no variation as a function of rotational phase; however, we cannot exclude the possibility that rotational variations are present in the R-J color. Assuming a 4% albedo, we estimate that 2001 PT13 has an effective diameter of 90 km and a minimum axial ratio a/b of 1.18. We find no evidence of a coma and place an upper limit of 15 g s−1 on the dust production rate.  相似文献   

The observation light curves of the main belt asteroid (469) Argentina, obtained on March 9–11 2002 and August 10–11 2004, are presented in this paper. The complex light curve of the (469) suggests that it may be in NPA rotation. Using the Fourier analysis method, some prominent spectrum values are derived individually for two subset data. Among these period values, periods of 13.00 and 8.74 h are regarded as basic components. Other derived period values can be combined linearly with these two basic period values. If the (469) is in a free-force precession mode, the motion mode will be LAM (largest-axis mode) according the ratio of precession and rotation periods. And the minimum of I 1/I 3 (ratio of the largest and smallest principal momentum of inertial) is 3.05. Assuming an external torque releasing by a satellite forces the (469) to precess, the mass of satellite roughly is the same order as the primary’s on condition that the precession and rotation periods are two basic values. At present, we cannot draw an unambiguous conclusion on (469)’s motion for sparse data, So the further observations are necessary for understanding the (469)’s tumbling motion farther.  相似文献   

The results of V-band polarimetric observations of the potentially hazardous near-Earth Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 at large phase angles are presented as well as its photometric observations in BVRI bands. Observations were made in March-April 2006 during its close approach to the Earth using the 1.82-m Asiago telescope (Italy) and the 0.7-m telescope at the Chuguevskaya Observational Station (Ukraine). We obtained polarimetric measurements at the phase angle of 115°, the largest phase angle ever observed in asteroid polarimetry. Our data show that the maximum value of the polarization phase curve reached 7.7% and occurred in the phase angle range of 90-115°. The measured values of linear polarization degree, BVRI colors and magnitude-phase dependence correspond to the S-type composition of this asteroid. Based on our observations the following characteristics of the Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 were obtained: a rotation period of 2.5325±0.0004 h, a lightcurve amplitude of 0.13 mag, an albedo of 0.24±0.06 and a diameter of 1.6±0.3 km.  相似文献   

The potentially hazardous Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24 approached the Earth within 0.0125 AU on 2001 December 16 and was the target of a number of optical, infrared, and radar observing campaigns. Interest in 1998 WT24 stems from its having an orbit with an unusually low perihelion distance, which causes it to cross the orbits of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, and its possibly being a member of the E spectral class, which is rare amongst near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We present the results of extensive thermal-infrared observations of 1998 WT24 obtained in December 2001 with the 3-m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii and the ESO 3.6-m telescope in Chile. A number of thermal models have been applied to the data, including thermophysical models that give best-fit values of 0.35±0.04 km for the effective diameter, 0.56±0.2 for the geometric albedo, pv, and 100-300 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 for the thermal inertia. Our values for the diameter and albedo are consistent with results derived from radar and polarimetric observations. The albedo is one of the highest values obtained for any asteroid and, since no other taxonomic type is associated with albedos above 0.5, supports the suggested rare E-type classification for 1998 WT24. The thermal inertia is an order of magnitude higher than values derived for large main-belt asteroids but consistent with the relatively high values found for other near-Earth asteroids. A crude pole solution inferred from a combination of our observations and published radar results is β=−52°, λ=355° (J2000), but we caution that this is uncertain by several tens of degrees.  相似文献   

I. W?odarczyk 《Icarus》2009,203(1):119-123
A method for computing impact probabilities between asteroids and the planet Mars is presented that uses impact clones and validation analysis based on a normal distribution of computed errors. This method uses OrbFit software, and we present a calculation of the impact probabilities between Asteroid 2007 WD5 and Mars, which passed within about 20,000 km of the martian surface on January 30, 2008. This method can be generalized for computing impact probabilities between asteroids and other planets including Earth. Presented method applies in principal the same technique already in use for years at the JPL NASA and by the group of researchers at the University of Pisa [Milani, A., Chesley, S.R., Sansaturio, M.E., Tommei, G., Valsecchi, G.B., 2005a. Icarus 173, 362].  相似文献   

Near-Earth Asteroid (29075) 1950 DA may closely encounter Earth in 2880. The probability of Earth impact may be as high as 1/300, but the outcome of the encounter depends critically on the physical properties of the asteroid [Giorgini et al., 2002. Science 196, 132-136]. We have used Arecibo and Goldstone radar data and optical lightcurves to estimate the shape, spin state, and surface structure of 1950 DA. The data allow two distinct models. One rotates prograde and is roughly spheroidal with mean diameter 1.16±0.12 km. The other rotates retrograde and is oblate and about 30% larger. Both models suggest a nickel-iron or enstatite chondritic composition. Ground-based observations should be able to determine which model is correct within the next several decades.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the observational campaign carried out at ESO NTT and VLT in April and May 2006 to investigate the nature and the structure of the near-Earth object (144898) 2004 VD17. In spite of a great quantity of dynamical information, according to which it will have a close approach with the Earth in the next century, the physical properties of this asteroid are largely unknown. We performed visible and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy, as well as polarimetric observations. Polarimetric and spectroscopic data allowed us to classify 2004 VD17 as an E-type asteroid. A good agreement was also found with the spectrum of the aubrite meteorite Mayo Belwa. On the basis of the polarimetric albedo (pv=0.45) and of photometric data, we estimated a diameter of about 320 m and a rotational period of about 2 h. The analysis of the results obtained by our complete survey have shown that (144898) 2004 VD17 is a peculiar NEO, since it is close to the breakup limits for fast rotator asteroids, as defined by Pravec and Harris [Pravec, P., Harris, A.W., 2000. Icarus 148, 12-20]. These results suggest that a more robust structure must be expected, as a fractured monolith or a rubble pile in a “strength regime” [Holsapple, K.A., 2002. Speed limits of rubble pile asteroids: Even fast rotators can be rubble piles. In: Workshop on Scientific Requirements for Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids, Washington, September, 2002].  相似文献   

Sulfurous acid (H2SO3) has never been characterized or isolated on Earth. This is caused by the unfavorable conditions for H2SO3 within Earth's atmosphere due to the high temperatures, the high water content and the oxidizing environment. Kinetic investigations by means of transition state theory showed that the half-life of H2SO3 at 300 K is 1 day but at 100 K it is increased to 2.7 billion years. Natural conditions to form H2SO3 presumably require cryogenic SO2 or SO2/H2O mixtures and high energy proton irradiation at temperatures around 100 K. Such conditions can be found on the Jupiter moons Io and Europa. Therefore, we calculated IR-spectra of H2SO3 which we compared with Galileo's spectra of Io and Europa. From the available data we surmise that H2SO3 is present on Io and probably but to a smaller extent on Europa.  相似文献   

Ethane spectral lines were observed in emission from Titan in August 1993, October 1995, and September 1996, at a spectral resolution of λ/Δλ≈106, at wavelength 11.7−11.9 μm using the Goddard Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The ethane mole fraction is determined to be (8.8±2.2)×10−6 (68.3% confidence limits, “1σ”), averaging the retrievals from each observing run obtained using the “recommended” thermal profile of R. V. Yelle, D. Strobel, E. Lellouch, and D. Gautier (1997, in Huygens: Science, Payload, and Mission (J.-P. Lebreton, Ed.), pp. 243-256, European Space Agency SP-1177).  相似文献   

Determination of Shape, Gravity, and Rotational State of Asteroid 433 Eros   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Prior to the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission, little was known about Eros except for its orbit, spin rate, and pole orientation, which could be determined from ground-based telescope observations. Radar bounce data provided a rough estimate of the shape of Eros. On December 23, 1998, after an engine misfire, the NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft flew by Eros on a high-velocity trajectory that provided a brief glimpse of Eros and allowed for an estimate of the asteroid's pole, prime meridian, and mass. This new information, when combined with the ground-based observations, provided good a priori estimates for processing data in the orbit phase.After a one-year delay, NEAR orbit operations began when the spacecraft was successfully inserted into a 320×360 km orbit about Eros on February 14, 2000. Since that time, the NEAR spacecraft was in many different types of orbits where radiometric tracking data, optical images, and NEAR laser rangefinder (NLR) data allowed a determination of the shape, gravity, and rotational state of Eros. The NLR data, collected predominantly from the 50-km orbit, together with landmark tracking from the optical data, have been processed to determine a 24th degree and order shape model. Radiometric tracking data and optical landmark data were used in a separate orbit determination process. As part of this latter process, the spherical harmonic gravity field of Eros was primarily determined from the 10 days in the 35-km orbit. Estimates for the gravity field of Eros were made as high as degree and order 15, but the coefficients are determined relative to their uncertainty only up to degree and order 10. The differences between the measured gravity field and one determined from a constant density shape model are detected relative to their uncertainty only to degree and order 6. The offset between the center of figure and the center of mass is only about 30 m, indicating that Eros has a very uniform density (1% variation) on a large scale (35 km). Variations to degree and order 6 (about 6 km) may be partly explained by the existence of a 100-m, regolith or by small internal density variations. The best estimates for the J2000 right ascension and declination of the pole of Eros are α=11.3692±0.003° and δ=17.2273±0.006°. The rotation rate of Eros is 1639.38922±0.00015°/day, which gives a rotation period of 5.27025547 h. No wobble greater than 0.02° has been detected. Solar gravity gradient torques would introduce a wobble of at most 0.001°.  相似文献   

T. Kohout  R. Kiuru  P. Scheirich  R. Macke 《Icarus》2011,212(2):697-700
The density measurements of Almahata Sitta ureilites reveal a bulk density of ∼3.1 g/cm3. This value, together with the 2008 TC3 asteroid shape model and albedo, was used to estimate the asteroid’s mass. Based on the study of recovered meteorites and atmospheric entry observations Asteroid 2008 TC3 is compositionally heterogeneous and of low mechanical strength. Thus we consider the presence of significant macroporosity likely, lowering asteroid’s bulk density compared to that of the Almahata Sitta ureilites. Most realistic albedos lie in a range of 0.09-0.2 and the presence of significant macroporosity leads to mass estimates below 20 × 103 kg, which is lower than previously estimated. The presence of a non-ureilitic fraction and space weathering may affect the albedo and also influence the mass estimates. However, from current data it is not possible to quantify this effect.  相似文献   

We estimate Asteroid 1992 SK's physical properties from delay-Doppler images and Doppler-only echo spectra obtained during March 22-27, 1999, at Goldstone and from optical lightcurves obtained during February-March 1999 at Ond?ejov Observatory. The images span only about 15° of sky motion and are not strong, but they place up to twenty 40 m by 160 m pixels on the asteroid and have complete rotational phase coverage. Our analysis establishes that the radar observations are confined to subradar latitudes between −20° and −40°. The echo spectra and optical lightcurves span ∼80° of sky motion, which provides important geometric leverage on the pole direction. The lightcurves are essential for accurate estimation of the asteroid's shape and spin state. We estimate the asteroid's period to be 7.3182±0.0003 h and its pole direction to be at ecliptic longitude, latitude=(99°±5°,−3°±5°). The asteroid is about 1.4 km in maximum extent and mildly asymmetric, with an elongation of about 1.5 and relatively subdued topography. The OC radar albedo is 0.11±0.02 and the SC/OC ratio is 0.34±0.05. The current orbital solution permits accurate identification of planetary close approaches during 826-2690. We use our model to predict salient characteristics of radar images and optical lightcurves obtainable during the asteroid's March 2006 approach.  相似文献   

The reactivity of C2(X1Σ+g) with simple saturated (CH4, C2H6 and C3H8) and unsaturated (C2H2 and C2H4) hydrocarbons has been studied in the gas phase over the temperature range 24-300 K using the CRESU (Cinétique de Réaction en Ecoulement Supersonique Uniforme or Reaction Kinetics in a Uniform Supersonic Flow) technique. All reactions have been found to be very rapid in this temperature range and the rate coefficients are typically ?10−10 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 with the exception of methane for which the rate coefficient is one order of magnitude lower: ∼10−11 cm3 molecule−1 s−1. These results have been analyzed in terms of potential destruction sources of C2(X1Σ+g) in the atmospheres of Titan and the Giant Planets. It appears that the rate coefficient of the reaction 1C2 + CH4 should be updated with our new data and that reactions with C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 should also be included in the existing photochemical models.  相似文献   

王晓彬  张西亮 《天文学报》2006,47(2):202-211
小行星自转参数的资料不仅可以为小行星碰撞演化提供数据,还可以为太阳系的演化研究提供依据.利用云南天文台1米望远镜对主带碳类小行星(360)Carlova进行了新的CCD测光观测,结合前人的测光资料,利用Epoch-方法对(360)的自转参数进行了反演计算,得到该小行星自转的恒星周期为0.25780417±0.00000003天,自转轴的黄道坐标为(95°±3,°40°±1°).新的结果与前人的结果相比较为一致,其精度稍高于以前的估算结果.  相似文献   

田伟 《天文学报》2021,62(2):16-62
作为一颗与地球共轨道的小行星,(469219)Kamo'oalewa是一个具有很高研究价值的近地小天体,也是中国首次小行星探测计划的目标天体之一.针对其轨道特性,建立了兼顾太阳、地球和月球非球形引力作用的小行星动力学模型.并在该模型的基础上,利用国际小行星中心(Minor Planet Center,MPC)提供的2004|2018年间的光学观测数据对该小行星的轨道进行确定.拟合后观测残差的均方根误差约为0:2″(与美国喷气推进实验室的Horizons在线历表系统相当),其中2004年期间数据的观测残差有所改进.最后,对小行星(469219)Kamo'oalewa的轨道误差进行了详细分析,并预报了2020-2025年期间该小行星的轨道误差.  相似文献   

Priscilla N Mohammed 《Icarus》2003,166(2):425-435
Recently, a model for the centimeter-wavelength opacity of PH3 under conditions characteristic of the outer planets was developed by Hoffman et al. (2001, PhD thesis), based on centimeter wavelength laboratory measurements. New laboratory measurements have been conducted which show that this model is also accurate at low pressures and temperatures, and at millimeter wavelengths such as will be employed in Cassini Ka-band (9.3 mm) radio occultation studies. The opacity of PH3 in a hydrogen/helium (H2/He) atmosphere has been measured at frequencies in the Ka-band region at 32.7 GHz (9.2 mm), 35.6 GHz (8.4 mm), 37.7 GHz (8.0 mm), and 39.9 GHz (7.5 mm) at pressures of 0.5, 1, and 2 bar and at temperatures of 295, 209, and 188 K. Additionally, new high-precision laboratory measurements of the opacity of NH3 in an H2/He atmosphere have been conducted under the same temperature and pressure conditions described for PH3. These new measurements better constrain the NH3 opacity model supporting use of a Ben-Reuven lineshape model. These measurements will also elucidate the interpretation of millimeter wavelength observations conducted with the NRAO/VLA at 43 GHz (7 mm).  相似文献   

From the point of view of the non-parametric statistics, a general estimation method of the accuracy and con?dence interval of preliminary orbit determination is proposed for the occasion without any other information but observational data. Based on the bootstrap method, the estimation relies only on the observational data and does not require the precise orbit determination as a reference, or the assumption of normal distribution of observational errors. Numerical experiments show that this method is very simple in implementa- tion, and may serve as an easy accuracy evaluation for the preliminary orbit determination and for the follow-up employments.  相似文献   

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