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We quantify the charge states of submicrometer aerosols and aromatic macromolecules in Titan's organic haze. The aerosol charge is balanced between the recombination of positive ions with the aerosol plus the ejection of electrons from the aerosol via the UV-driven photoelectric effect and the recombination of electrons with the aerosol. During the day, the dominant charge state for submicro-meter aerosols is positive. Macromolecules composed of fewer than 32 carbon atoms with low electron affinities (<1.0 eV) are neutral, while the rest are mainly neutral and negatively charged with a small fraction (∼10%) becoming positively charged at higher (≥300 km) altitudes. At night, Titan's aerosol population becomes uniformly neutral and negatively charged. The time taken for a nighttime aerosol to change from being negatively charged to its most probable daytime positive charge is on the order of a few seconds for the largest submicrometer aerosols, while macromolecules tend to persist in an anionic charge state for one to several Earth days. Charging strongly influences aerosol agglomeration via Coulomb attraction and may account for the seasonal variations in the albedo of the Titan haze at midrange (∼200-250 km) altitudes. Enhanced agglomeration may also efficiently produce a source of condensation nuclei for the daily rainout of methane. In addition, the difference in aerosol charge between Titan's day and night (or summer and winter) phases will produce dramatically different chemistries which must be accounted for in future photochemical models. Finally, if there are PAH-like macromolecules in the Titan haze, Cassini Huygens should be able to observe these charge differences, with neutral macromolecules emitting strongly at 3.3 and 11.2 μm, cationic macromolecules emitting between 6.2 and 8.6 μm, and anionic macromolecules emitting in both infrared spectral regions.  相似文献   

The early evolution of Titan's atmosphere is expected to produce enrichment in the heavy isotopomers of CO, 13CO and C18O, relative to 12C16O. However, the original isotopic signatures may be altered by photochemical reactions. This paper explains why there is no isotopic enrichment in C in Titan's atmosphere, despite significant enrichment of heavy H, N, and O isotopes. We show that there is a rapid exchange of C atoms between the CH4 and CO reservoirs, mediated by the reaction 1CH2+*CO→1*CH2+CO, where *C is 13C. Based on recent laboratory measurements, we estimate the rate coefficient for this reaction to be 3.2×10−12 cm3 s−1 at the temperature appropriate for the upper atmosphere of Titan. We investigate the isotopic dilution of CO using the Caltech/JPL one-dimensional photochemical model of Titan. Our model suggests that the time constant for isotopic exchange through the above reaction is about 800 Myr, which is significantly shorter than the age of Titan, and therefore any original isotopic enhancement of 13C in CO may have been diluted by the exchange process. In addition, a plausible model for the evolution history of CO on Titan after the initial escape is proposed.  相似文献   

Cassini RADAR topography data are used to evaluate Titan’s hypsometric profile, and to make comparisons with other planetary bodies. Titan’s hypsogram is unimodal and strikingly narrow compared with the terrestrial planets. To investigate topographic extremes, a novel variant on the classic hypsogram is introduced, with a logarithmic abscissa to highlight mountainous terrain. In such a plot, the top of the terrestrial hypsogram is quite distinct from those of Mars and Venus due to the ‘glacial buzz-saw’ that clips terrestrial topography above the snowline. In contrast to the positive skew seen in other hypsograms, with a long tail of positive relief due to mountains, there is an indication (weak, given the limited data for Titan so far) that the Titan hypsogram appears slightly negatively skewed, suggesting a significant population of unfilled depressions. Limited data permit only a simplistic comparison of Titan topography with other icy satellites but we find that the standard deviation of terrain height (albeit at different scales) is similar to those of Ganymede and Europa.  相似文献   

Ralph D. Lorenz 《Icarus》2002,156(1):176-183
General constraints on geyser phenomena are developed and applied to speculative methane geysers on Titan. Variation of boiling point with depth of ethane-methane-nitrogen fluids is found to be of order 0.3 K m−1, in contrast with around 2 K m−1 for water on Earth. It is found that geysers are possible on Titan but require enhancements of ∼100 above global-average geothermal heat flux, a factor similar to that required on Earth. Eruption velocities of order 25 m s−1 appear to be typical for 10-m-deep geyser vents on both Earth and Titan. While eruption velocities on Earth are usually limited by the low sound speed in water-steam mixtures, sound speeds in Titan fluids are higher and the Titan limit is imposed by the available energy in the boiling fluid. Eruption intervals should be nearly the same for geysers with equivalent plumbing. There is an interesting symmetry between geysers on Titan and those on Earth: The volatility of the relevant fluid scales with the available heat flow.  相似文献   

The influence of Saturn's gravitational tide on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated by means of a three-dimensional general circulation model. Titan's orbital eccentricity of 0.0292 gives rise to time-dependent radial and librational tide whose potential circles eastward on Titan. Unlike atmospheric tides on terrestrial planets, Saturn's tide on Titan has a large impact on the dynamic meteorology down to the surface. The surface pressure oscillates by up to 1.5 hPa through the orbit. Near the surface the tidal wind dominates the atmospheric flow and exhibits strong temporal and spatial variation. The superposition of the annually present, thermally forced latitudinal pressure gradient and tidally caused pressure variation produces a unique wind pattern near the surface characterized by equatorward flow and high-latitude whirls. At higher levels the tidal wind manifests itself as eastward traveling planetary-scale wave of wavenumber 2 superposed on the background wind. In general tidal winds are more significant in the troposphere, where other forcing mechanisms are weak. Meridional tidal winds become as fast as 5 m s−1 in the troposphere and change direction periodically through the orbit and along the parallel of latitude. Except in the lower troposphere, zonal winds always remain prograde because the tidal wind amplitude is usually smaller than the mean zonal wind. The tide also has a large impact on the mean zonal circulation in the stratosphere. A meridional drift of the descending Huygens Probe in the troposphere would be the easiest way to verify the tidal wind on Titan, but more complete observations of tropospheric wind and surface pressure by a future mission would be required to unveil the complete details of the tidal wind.  相似文献   

Accretional temperature profiles for Saturn’s large moon Titan are used to determine the conditions needed for accretion to avoid global melting as a function of the timing, duration, and nebular conditions of Titan’s accretion. We find that Titan can accrete undifferentiated in a “gas-starved” disk even with modest quantities of ammonia mixed in with its ices. Simulations of impact-induced core formation are used to show that Titan can remain only partially differentiated after an outer Solar System late heavy bombardment capable of melting its outer layers, permitting some of its rock to consolidate into a core.  相似文献   

Previous modeling by Banaszkiewicz et al. (2000a,b) showed that the CH4 thermospheric mixing ratio on Titan could vary as much as 35-40% due to ion-neutral chemical reactions. A new vertical methane profile has been computed by simultaneously modifying the stratospheric methane mixing ratio and the K(z) previously considered by Lara et al. (1996) and Banaszkiewicz et al. (2000a,b). A satisfactory fit of the methane thermospheric abundance and stratospheric mixing ratio of other minor constituents is achieved by placing the homopause at ∼1000 km and increasing the methane stratospheric mixing ratio (qCH4) up to 3.8%. The new proposed eddy diffusion coefficient steadily rises from 1×107 cm2 s−1 at 700 km to 1×1010 cm2 s−1 at 1500 km, whereas the stratospheric values are in the range (4-20)×103 cm2 s−1. Other likely ionization sources that can influence the methane distribution are (i) a metallic ion layer produced by micrometeoroid infall and (ii) frequent X-rays solar flares. Analysis of the effects of these ionization sources on the methane distribution indicates that, unlike previously assumed, CH4 can suffer considerable variations. These variations, although proved in this work, must be cautiously regarded since several assumptions have to be made on the rate of N2 and CH4 ionization by the processes previously mentioned. Hence, these results are only indicative of methane sensitivity to ionospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the analysis of the highest spatial resolution hyperspectral images acquired by the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) onboard the Cassini spacecraft during its prime mission. A bright area matches a flow-like feature coming out of a caldera-like feature observed in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data recorded by the Cassini radar experiment [Lopes et al., 2007. Cryovolcanic features on Titan's surface as revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper. Icarus 186, 395-412, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.09.006]. In this SAR image, the flow extends about 160 km east of the caldera. The contrast in brightness between the flow and the surroundings progressively vanishes, suggesting alteration or evolution of the composition of the cryolava during the lifetime of the eruptions. Dunes seem to cover part of this flow on its eastern end. We analyze the different terrains using the Spectral Mixing Analysis (SMA) approach of the Multiple-Endmember Linear Unmixing Model (MELSUM, Combe et al., 2008). The study area can be fully modeled by using only two types of terrains. Then, the VIMS spectra are compared with laboratory spectra of known materials in the relevant atmospheric windows (from 1 to 2.78 μm). We considered simple molecules that could be produced during cryovolcanic events, including H2O, CO2 (using two different grain sizes), CH4 and NH3. We find that the mean spectrum of the cryoflow-like feature is not consistent with pure water ice. It can be best fitted by linear combinations of spectra of the candidate materials, showing that its composition is compatible with a mixture of H2O, CH4 and CO2.  相似文献   

To explain the observed abundances of CO2 in Titan's atmosphere, a relatively high water deposition into the atmosphere needs to be invoked due to the importance of H2O photolysis in CO2 production. A likely source of H2O is icy dust particles from space. This paper considers the direct dust input to Titan's atmosphere from the interplanetary environment, and also ejecta particles from micrometeoroid impacts with the icy satellites Hyperion, Iapetus and Phoebe. It is found that the likely mass influx to Titan is 10–16 to 10–15 kg m–2 s–1. This mass influx is an order of magnitude too low to explain the observed levels of CO2 in Titan's atmosphere in the context of a recent photochemical model. This leads one to speculate as to the likelihood of one large impact to Titan in the recent past;i.e., that the atmosphere is not in equilibrium but is cnrrently losing CO2.  相似文献   

The first two swaths collected by Cassini's Titan Radar Mapper were obtained in October of 2004 (Ta) and February of 2005 (T3). The Ta swath provides evidence for cryovolcanic processes, the possible occurrence of fluvial channels and lakes, and some tectonic activity. The T3 swath has extensive areas of dunes and two large impact craters. We interpret the brightness variations in much of the swaths to result from roughness variations caused by fracturing and erosion of Titan's icy surface, with additional contributions from a combination of volume scattering and compositional variations. Despite the small amount of Titan mapped to date, the significant differences between the terrains of the two swaths suggest that Titan is geologically complex. The overall scarcity of impact craters provides evidence that the surface imaged to date is relatively young, with resurfacing by cryovolcanism, fluvial erosion, aeolian erosion, and likely atmospheric deposition of materials. Future radar swaths will help to further define the nature of and extent to which internal and external processes have shaped Titan's surface.  相似文献   

We have elaborated an evolutionary turbulent model of the subnebula of Saturn derived from that of Dubrulle (1993, Icarus106, 59-76) for the solar nebula, which is valid for a geometrically thin disk. We demonstrate that if carbon and nitrogen were in the form of CO and N2, respectively, in the early subnebula, these molecules were not subsequently converted into CH4 and NH3 during the evolution of the disk, contrary to the current scenario initially proposed by Prinn and Fegley (1981, Astrophys. J., 249, 308-317). However, if the early subnebula contained some CH4 and NH3, these gases were not subsequently converted into CO and N2. We argue that Titan must have been formed from planetesimals migrating from the outer part of the subnebula to the present orbit of the satellite. These planetesimals were relics of those embedded in the feeding zone of Saturn prior to the completion of the planet and contained hydrates of NH3 and clathrate hydrates of CH4. It is shown that, for plausible abundances of CH4 and NH3 in the solar nebula at 10 AU, the masses of methane and nitrogen trapped in Titan were higher than the estimate of masses of these components in the primitive atmosphere of the satellite. If our scenario is valid and if our turbulent model properly describes the structure and the evolution of the actual subnebula of Saturn, the Xe/C ratio should be six times higher in Titan's atmosphere today than in the Sun, while the current scenario would probably result in a quasi solar Xe/C ratio. The mass spectrometer and gas chromatograph instrument aboard the Huygens Titan probe of the Cassini mission has the capability of measuring this ratio in 2004, thus permitting us to discriminate between the current scenario and the one proposed in this report.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft has acquired 25 radar altimeter elevation profiles along Titan's surface as of April 2008, and we have analyzed 18 of these for which there are currently reconstructed ephemeris data. Altimeter measurements were collected at spatial footprint sizes from 6-60 km along ground tracks of length 400-3600 km. The elevation profiles yield topographic information at this resolution with a statistical height accuracy of 35-50 m and kilometer-scale errors several times greater. The data exhibit significant variations in terrain, from flat regions with little topographic expression to very rugged Titanscapes. The bandwidth of the transmitted waveform admits vertical resolution of the terrain height to 35 m at each observed location on the surface. Variations in antenna pointing and changes in surface statistics cause the range-compressed radar echoes to exhibit strong systematic and time-variable biases of hundreds of meters in delay. It is necessary to correct the received echoes for these changes, and we have derived correction algorithms such that the derived echo profiles are accurate at the 100 m level for off-nadir pointing errors of 0.3° and 0.6°, for leading edge and echo centroid estimators, respectively. The leading edge of the echo yields the elevation of the highest points on the surface, which we take to be the peaks of any terrain variation. The mean value of the echo delay is more representative of the mean elevation, so that the difference of these values gives an estimate of any local mountain heights. Finding locations where these values diverge indicates higher-relief terrain. Elevation features are readily seen in the height profiles. Several of the passes show mountains of several hundred m altitude, spread over 10's or even 100's of km in spatial extent, so that slopes are very small. Large expanses of sub-100 m topography are commonplace on Titan, so it is rather smooth in many locations. Other areas exhibit more relief, although the overall observed variation in surface height on any pass is less than about 1 km. Some elevation features correspond to observed changes in brightness in Cassini infrared images, but many do not. Correspondence between the imaging SAR ground tracks and the altimeter paths is limited, so that identifying elevation changes with higher resolution SAR features is premature at present.  相似文献   

We present global-scale maps of Titan from the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument on Cassini. We map at 64 near-infrared wavelengths simultaneously, covering the atmospheric windows at 0.94, 1.08, 1.28, 1.6, 2.0, 2.8, and 5 μm with a typical resolution of 50 km/pixel or a typical total integration time of 1 s. Our maps have five to ten times the resolution of ground-based maps, better spectral resolution across most windows, coverage in multiple atmospheric windows, and represent the first spatially resolved maps of Titan at 5 μm. The VIMS maps provide context and surface spectral information in support of other Cassini instruments. We note a strong latitudinal dependence in the spectral character of Titan's surface, and partition the surface into 9 spectral units that we describe in terms of spectral and spatial characteristics.  相似文献   

The HCN emission features near 3 μm recently detected by Geballe et al. (2003, Astrophys. J. 583, L39) are analyzed with a model for fluorescence of sunlight in the ν3 band of HCN. The emission spectrum is consistent with current knowledge of the atmospheric temperature profile and the HCN distribution inferred from millimeter-wave observations. The spectrum is insensitive to the abundance of HCN in the thermosphere and the thousand-fold enhancement relative to photochemical models suggested by Geballe et al. (2003, Astrophys. J. 583, L39) is not required to explain the observations. We find that the spectrum can be matched with temperatures from 130 to 200 K, with slightly better fits at high temperature, contrary to the temperature determination of 130±10 K of Geballe et al. (2003, Astrophys. J. 583, L39). The HCN emission spectrum is sensitive to the collisional de-excitation probability, P10, for the ν3 state and we determine a value of 10−5 with an accuracy of about a factor of two. Analysis of absorption lines in the C2H2ν3 band near 3 μm, detected in the same spectrum, indicate a C2H2 mole fraction near 0.01 μbar of 10−5 for P10=10−4. The derived mole fraction, however, is dependent upon the value adopted for P10 and lower values are required if P10 at Titan temperatures is less than its room temperature value.  相似文献   

Measurements at Lowell Observatory of Titan in the b (472 nm) and y (551 nm) filters of the Strömgren photometric system at thirty four consecutive apparitions (282 nights) from 1971/72 to 2006 show a 10% sinusoidal variation that lags seasonal extremes by about 1/8 of a Titan year. The seasonal variations are asymmetric: the autumn lightcurve maxima of the northern and southern hemispheres differ significantly as do the spring lightcurve minima. Changes also occur from one Titan year to the next: Titan was ∼3% fainter in b and ∼1% fainter in y following the 2002 southern summer solstice than it was one Titan year earlier in 1973. These changes appear to be intrinsic to Titan's atmosphere and cannot be explained by instrumental effects and changing geometries. Orbital variations visible in recent Hubble Space Telescope images at 673 nm and Voyager orange images (590–640 nm) may have a small (0.002±0.001 mag) counterpart in the b, y photometric record (eastern elongation brighter, consistent with the Cassini near-infrared albedo map).  相似文献   

We propose a new interpretation of the D/H ratio in CH4 observed in the atmosphere of Titan. Using a turbulent evolutionary model of the subnebula of Saturn (O. Mousis et al. 2002, Icarus156, 162-175), we show that in contrast to the current scenario, the deuterium enrichment with respect to the solar value observed in Titan cannot have occurred in the subnebula. Instead, we argue that values of the D/H ratio measured in Titan were obtained in the cooling solar nebula by isotopic thermal exchange of hydrogen with CH3D originating from interstellar methane D-enriched ices that vaporized in the nebula. The rate of the isotopic exchange decreased with temperature and became fully inhibited around 200 K. Methane was subsequently trapped in crystalline ices around 10 AU in the form of clathrate hydrates formed at 60 K, and incorporated into planetesimals that formed the core of Titan. The nitrogen-methane atmosphere was subsequently outgassed from the decomposition of the hydrates (Mousis et al. 2002). By use of a turbulent evolutionary model of the solar nebula (O. Mousis et al. 2000, Icarus148, 513-525), we have reconstructed the entire story of D/H in CH4, from its high value in the early solar nebula (acquired in the presolar cloud) down to the value measured in Titan's atmosphere today. Considering the two last determinations of the D/H ratio in Titan—D/H=(7.75±2.25)×10−5 obtained from ground-based observations (Orton 1992, In: Symposium on Titan, ESA SP-338, pp. 81-85), and D/H=(8.75+3.25−2.25)×10−5, obtained from ISO observations (Coustenis et al. 2002, submitted for publication)—we inferred an upper limit of the D/H ratio in methane in the early outer solar nebula of about 3×10−4. Our approach is consistent with the scenario advocated by several authors in which the atmospheric methane of Titan is continuously replenished from a reservoir of clathrate hydrates of CH4 at high pressures, located in the interior of Titan. If this scenario is correct, observations of the satellite to be performed by the radar, the imaging system, and other remote sensing instruments aboard the spacecraft of the Cassini-Huygens mission from 2004 to 2008 should reveal local disruptions of the surface and other signatures of the predicted outgassing.  相似文献   

Titan has been observed with UVES, the UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope, with the aim of characterizing the zonal wind flow. We use a retrieval scheme originally developed for absolute stellar accelerometry [Connes, P., 1985. Astrophys. Space Sci., 110, 211-255] to extract the velocity signal by simultaneously taking into account all the lines present in the spectrum. The method allows to measure the Doppler shift induced at a given point by the zonal wind flow, with high precision. The short-wavelength channel (4200-5200 Å) probes one scale height higher than the long-wavelength one (5200-6200 Å), and we observe statistically significant evidence for stronger winds at higher altitudes. The results show a high dispersion. Globally, we detect prograde zonal winds, with lower limits of 62 and 50 m s−1 at the regions centered at 200 and 170 km altitude, but approximately a quarter of the measurements indicates null or retrograde winds.  相似文献   

Observations of optical depth and scattering by instrumentation onboard the Huygens probe have been used by Tomasko et al. [Tomasko et al., 2005. Rain, winds and haze during Huygens probe's descent to Titan's surface. Nature 438 (8), 765-778] to deduce that the size and abundance of Titan aerosols could be nearly independent of altitude. Here we show that by assuming a constant mass flux with altitude and using the measured optical depth as a constraint, we obtain more realistic size and abundance distributions. In particular, the calculated abundance decreases from 3.5×107 m−3 at 100 km to 8×106 m−3 near the surface while the particle radius varies from 0.25 μm at 150 km to 1.1 μm at the surface. These distributions are consistent with the reported measurements for these quantities. Our results are then employed to compute electron and ion densities and conductivities for various solar UV photoelectron emission thresholds. Our model shows that to get agreement with the published (preliminary) conductivity measurements, photoemission cannot be an important source of electrons and ions. To get agreement with the electron and ion conductivity observations, both an additional population of aerosol embryos above 50 km and a trace amount of an electrophillic molecular species below 50 km are needed.  相似文献   

Possible trajectories of passive balloons in Titan's troposphere are simulated with the instantaneous wind field predicted by a GCM (general circulation model). In most areas the basic motion of a balloon is a predominantly eastward or westward drift, depending on altitude, latitude and season of the balloon release point. Some meridional oscillation is always superposed on this basic motion, resulting in a wavy trajectory, with a maximum extent (of 40°) at high latitudes of the winter hemisphere. As a general rule, the meridional oscillation can be maximised if a balloon is deployed in altitudes and latitudes where the mean zonal wind is eastward and smaller than the phase speed of Saturn's gravitational tide on Titan. A balloon's groundtrack does not repeat as it makes successive circuits around Titan, but rather makes a spiral or braided pattern. The summer pole is rather difficult to access for a balloon not directly introduced there because of small meridional oscillation, while the winter pole can be readily accessed and left several times. A preferred zonal drift direction can be achieved by choosing a proper altitude and hemisphere, but choosing a preferred meridional direction is not possible.  相似文献   

A technique, referred to as SARTopo, has been developed for obtaining surface height estimates with 10 km horizontal resolution and 75 m vertical resolution of the surface of Titan along each Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) swath. We describe the technique and present maps of the co-located data sets. A global map and regional maps of Xanadu and the northern hemisphere hydrocarbon lakes district are included in the results. A strength of the technique is that it provides topographic information co-located with SAR imagery. Having a topographic context vastly improves the interpretability of the SAR imagery and is essential for understanding Titan.SARTopo is capable of estimating surface heights for most of the SAR-imaged surface of Titan. Currently nearly 30% of the surface is within 100 km of a SARTopo height profile. Other competing techniques provide orders of magnitude less coverage.We validate the SARTopo technique through comparison with known geomorphological features such as mountain ranges and craters, and by comparison with co-located nadir altimetry, including a 3000 km strip that had been observed by SAR a month earlier. In this area, the SARTopo and nadir altimetry data sets are co-located tightly (within 5-10 km for one 500 km section), have similar resolution, and as expected agree closely in surface height. Furthermore the region contains prominent high spatial resolution topography, so it provides an excellent test of the resolution and precision of both techniques.  相似文献   

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