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In this paper, the north?Csouth (N?CS) asymmetry of the polar faculae at relatively low (RLLs), relatively high (RHLs) as well as total latitudes (TLs) respectively, are investigated. It is found that (1) the polar faculae behave in a different asymmetrical way at different latitudinal bands; (2) the asymmetry of solar activity may be a function of latitudes, which is present not only in the low-latitude solar activity but also in the high-latitude solar activity; (3) the N?CS asymmetry of the polar faculae at TLs depends on that at RHLs, and the asymmetry of the polar faculae at RLLs only plays a modulatory role.  相似文献   

Andrews  M.D. 《Solar physics》2002,208(2):317-324
Several recent papers have considered the observation of halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using the assumption that coronal emission is symmetric with respect to angular position from the Sun. This paper presents a simple but rigorous treatment of the observation of a single electron in the solar corona. The brightness of an electron as a function of height and angle from the solar limb is presented. The conclusion is reached that there is a front-to-back asymmetry of coronal emission that becomes significant at large angle and/or large height. The observation of halo CMEs is considered. The suggestion is made that a mass cut-off makes it likely that halo CMEs will be more massive, wider, and faster than the typical CMEs. Front-side halos should be more commonly observed than CMEs from the back side.  相似文献   

金双根  朱文耀 《天文学报》2003,44(2):180-188
完全基于空间大地测量数据,得出全球活动构造板块边缘相对运动速度、板块间运动类型、南半球膨胀、北半球压缩以及GPS垂向运动季节性变化振幅和相位随纬度的分布等,由此得出全球构造分布定量特征;全球构造在空间位置和几何形态上相互对称,而构造特征性质相反-即全球构造非对称性。  相似文献   

It is proposed to use the coefficient of asymmetry of the distribution function of fluctuations of a scintillating source flux density as a parameter that characterizes interplanetary turbulent plasma. It is demonstrated that this parameter can be measured with a differential method and that its informative capacity is equivalent to that of the source scintillation index. A series of test observations of scintillations was performed with the Large Phased Array antenna of the Lebedev Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, simultaneously with measurements of the source scintillation indices and coefficients of asymmetry. Comparative analysis of the measured quantities showed that the coefficient of asymmetry within a numerical coefficient equals the source scintillation index, normalized to the flux density of the scintillating component. The coefficient of asymmetry makes it possible to restore scintillation indices when the radio sources are weak and it is difficult to measure their mean flux densities, and, hence, it enlarges the number of observable scintillating sources and makes the exploration of interplanetary plasma by means of the mapping of scintillation indices more efficient.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 375–380.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Shishov, Tyul’bashev, Artyukh, Subaev, Chashei, Chernikov.  相似文献   

运用统计方法系统研究了1978-2002年太阳光球磁通量南北不对称性变化特征,发现其与太阳活动周有关.不对称值在太阳活动极小年要明显高于太阳活动极大年,并且磁通量变化总是由上升段的北半球占优逐渐过渡到下降段的南半球占优.另外运用小波变换方法详细讨论了这种不对称性变化可能存在的周期信息.  相似文献   

从三方面概述了太阳活动不对称的进展;不对称性的特征及其演化行为、周期性和可能的解释。太阳活动的南北半球及东西半球人发布是不均匀的,且在南北半球上分布不对称;但目前仍无法确定东西半球分布不对称。在众多的解释太阳活动不对称的理论中,没有一种理论被广泛接受。对将来开展太阳活动不对称性研究工作提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

综述了近年来太阳色球耀斑爆发时Hα谱线不对称性的研究进展,着重讨论了光谱特征和与其对应的不对称性产生机制,以及利用大气半经验模型再生观测谱线轮廓不对称性等方面,并提出尚待解决的主要问题和进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

A study of the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Venus nightside ionosphere is conducted by examining the configuration of the ionospheric trans-terminator flow around Venus and also the dawn-ward displacement of the region where most of the ionospheric holes and the electron density plateau profiles are observed (dawn meaning the west in the retrograde rotation of Venus and that corresponds to the trailing side in its orbital motion). The study describes the position of the holes and the density plateau profiles which occur at neighboring locations in a region that is scanned as the trajectory of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) sweeps through the nightside hemisphere with increasing orbit number. The holes are interpreted as crossings through plasma channels that extend downstream from the magnetic polar regions of the Venus ionosphere and the plateau profiles represent cases in which the electron density maintains nearly constant values in the upper ionosphere along the PVO trajectory. From a collection of PVO passes in which these profiles were observed it is found that they appear at neighboring positions of the ionospheric holes in a local solar time (LST) map including cases where only a density plateau profile or an ionospheric hole was detected. It is argued that the ionospheric holes and the density plateau profiles have a common origin at the magnetic polar regions where plasma channels are formed and that the density plateau profiles represent crossings through a friction layer that is adjacent to the plasma channels. It is further suggested that the dawn-dusk asymmetry in the position of both features in the nightside ionosphere results from a fluid dynamic force (Magnus force) that is produced by the combined effects of the trans-terminator flow and the rotational motion of the ionosphere that have been inferred from the PVO measurements.  相似文献   

Halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) originating from regions close to the center of the Sun are likely to be responsible for severe geomagnetic storms. It is important to predict geoeffectiveness of HCMEs by using observations when they are still near the Sun. Unfortunately, coronagraphic observations do not provide true speeds of CMEs because of projection effects. In the present paper, we present a new technique to allow estimates of the space speed and approximate source location using projected speeds measured at different position angles for a given HCME (velocity asymmetry). We apply this technique to HCMEs observed during 2001 – 2002 and find that the improved speeds are better correlated with the travel times of HCMEs to Earth and with the magnitudes of ensuing geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

耀斑谱线轮廓的不对称性是耀斑动力学过程的一个重要观测事实。本文在一定的耀斑半经验大气模型基础上,计算了不同速度模式和色球凝聚下的Ha和CaⅡK谱线轮廓,从半经验角度探讨了大气各个层次的速度对Hα和CaⅡK谱线轮廓的影响。结果表明:耀斑早期短时间的Hα蓝不对称性可由位于过渡区的色球凝聚引起;随后的红不对称性是上部色球物质向下运动的结果;而后来出现的CaⅡK不对称性特征则可由色球中、下部具有10—20km/s的向下速度来解释。  相似文献   

I study some effects of aspherical mass loss during the last stages of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) on the appearance of proto-planetary nebulae (proto-PNs) and young PNs. The aspherical mass loss can be small-scale inhomogeneities, and/or axially symmetric mass-loss geometry. I first examine the role of the dust opacity in the optical band on the appearance of proto-PNs. I conclude that large optical depths will be found in proto-PNs that are post-AGB stars having high equatorial mass-loss rates, which require a stellar binary companion for their existence. In these cases light from the central star will reach larger distances along and near the polar directions, leading to the appearance of an elongated reflection nebula. These proto-PNs will become bipolar PNs, i.e., PNs with two lobes and an equatorial waist between them, or extreme ellipticals, e.g., a ring but no lobes on the two sides of the equatorial plane. I then derive the conditions for the enhancement of non-radial density inhomogeneity by the propagation of the ionization front at the early PN stages. The ionization will proceed faster in the radial direction along low-density regions. The low-density regions will be heated earlier, and they will expand as a result of their higher pressures, reducing further their densities. The opposite occurs in high-density regions. The condition for this ionization instability to develop is that the ionization time difference between two directions at the same radius is longer than the sound crossing time between these two regions. This condition for the ionization front instability can be expressed as a condition on the mass-loss rate inhomogeneity, i.e., its dependence on direction.  相似文献   

Over an 18-year period, seasonal changes in the north-south asymmetry of polarization at high latitudes of Jupiter have been revealed by polarimetric observations in blue light. The average seasonal difference in the polarization degree between north and south is positive and equal to about 0.5%. There is some relationship between seasonal variations in the observed difference and the seasonal north-south asymmetry in solar radiation incident on Jupiter's atmosphere. There are two maxima on the observed seasonal curve, falling on the jovian spring and autumn and coinciding correspondingly with positive and negative maxima of the heliographic latitude of Jupiter. Two possible explanations are discussed: seasonal changes in insolation and/or time-dependent magnetospheric influence on the polar events.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the solar luminosity variations in the Fexii line (195 Å) over the period 1996–1999, which corresponds to the minimum and rising phase of the current 23rd solar cycle. The relatively or rather high temporal cadence and spatial resolution of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) allowed a nearly continuous measurement of intensity of different structures on the Sun. We find that a significant contribution to the longitudinal asymmetry, and thus to the 27-day variability of the solar EUV radiation, is produced by the numerous intermediate brightness elements that are globally distributed over large areas (up to about of the whole surface of the Sun). When activity is low, this component even becomes dominant over the contribution from localized active regions and bright points. This suggests that weak magnetic field areas outside active regions constitute an important factor through which solar activity modulates the solar EUV luminosity.  相似文献   

The duration of activity growths in solar cycles is on average shorter than the duration of its declines. This asymmetry can result from fluctuations in dynamo parameters. A solar dynamo model with fluctuations in the α-effect shows the statistical asymmetry which increases with both fluctuation amplitude and coherence time. An interpretation for the asymmetry origin is suggested, which predicts a correlation between the asymmetry measure and delay of the polar field reversals relative to the activity maxima. Data on the twelve latest solar cycles confirm such a correlation.  相似文献   

In this article we present the results of a study of the spatial distribution and asymmetry of solar active prominences (SAP) for the period 1996 through 2007 (solar cycle 23). For more meaningful statistical analysis we analyzed the distribution and asymmetry of SAP in two subdivisions viz. Group1 (ADF, APR, DSF, CRN, CAP) and Group2 (AFS, ASR, BSD, BSL, DSD, SPY, LPS). The North – South (N – S) latitudinal distribution shows that the SAP events are most prolific in the 21° to 30° slice in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres; the East – West (E – W) longitudinal distribution study shows that the SAP events are most prolific (best observable) in the 81° to 90° slice in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. It was found that the SAP activity during this cycle is low compared to previous solar cycles. The present study indicates that during the rising phase of the cycle the number of SAP events are roughly equal in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. However, activity in the Southern Hemisphere has been dominant since 1999. Our statistical study shows that the N – S asymmetry is more significant then the E – W asymmetry.  相似文献   

I study the question of whether the asymmetry of 56Ni ejecta that results in the asymmetry of the Hα emission line at the nebular epoch of the type-IIP supernova SN 2004dj can account for the recently detected polarization of the supernova radiation. I have developed a model of the Hα profile and luminosity with nonthermal ionization and excitation in a spherically symmetric envelope for an asymmetric bipolar 56Ni distribution. I have calculated the polarized radiation transfer against the background of the recovered electron density distribution. The observed polarization is shown to be reproduced at the nebular epoch around day 140 for the same parameters of the envelope, and the 56Ni distribution for which the evolution of the Hα luminosity and profile is explained. Yet the model polarization decreases with time more slowly than is observed. The origin of the additional component responsible for the early polarization on day 107 is discussed.  相似文献   

The asymmetry of fluxes of solar wind and planetary ions is studied by using the ASPERA-3 observations onboard the Mars Express spacecraft in February 2004 to March 2006. Due to the small scale of the Martian magnetosphere and its induced origin, the flow pattern near Mars is sensitive to the directions of the interplanetary magnetic and electric (-V×B) fields. Asymmetry of the magnetic field draping produces an asymmetry in plasma flows in the plane containing the IMF. The crustal magnetic fields on Mars also influence the flow pattern. Scavenging of planetary ions is less efficient in the regions of strong crustal magnetization and therefore the escape fluxes of planetary ions in the southern hemisphere are smaller. The results of the observations are compared to simulations based on a 3D hybrid model with several ion species.  相似文献   

色球压缩区是耀斑大气动力学过程的一个基本特征,是产生色球谱线红不对称性的基础。本文基于压缩区从大气高层向低层传播的理论公式,在二种不同情况下,计算得到了压缩区内物质运动速度随高度和时间的变化.结果表明,色球蒸发区压力增量Δp为常数时压缩区之寿命比压缩区波阵面后的压力p2为常数时要长得多,这就大大缓解了以往谱线不对称性的延续时间的理论值比观测值小的矛盾。形成高度不同的谱线具有不同程度的不对称性这一观测现象也同色球压缩区的传播特性相一致。  相似文献   

The distributions of sunspot longitude at first appearance and at disappearance display an east-west asymmetry that results from a reduction in visibility as one moves from disk centre to the limb. To first order, this is explicable in terms of simple geometrical foreshortening. However, the centre-to-limb visibility variation is much larger than that predicted by foreshortening. Sunspot visibility is also known to be affected by the Wilson effect: the apparent ‘dish’ shape of the sunspot photosphere caused by the temperature-dependent variation of the geometrical position of the τ=1 layer. In this article we investigate the role of the Wilson effect on the sunspot appearance distributions, deducing a mean depth for the umbral τ=1 layer of 500 – 1500 km. This is based on the comparison of observations of sunspot longitude distribution and Monte Carlo simulations of sunspot appearance using different models for spot growth rate, growth time and depth of Wilson depression.  相似文献   

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