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Lithologic succession, microscopic examination as well as X-ray diffraction and chemical data revealed that the surface Middle Miocene evaporites of Wadi Quei are composed of anhydrite beds intercalated with carbonate and green shale, whilst the subsurface evaporites of Gemsa locality are composed of gypsum, anhydrite, carbonates and celestite with a rare amount of halite. The anhydrite is found to be formed diagenetically after gypsum. The carbonate is interpreted as having been of biogenic origin. The strong smell of H2S and golden crystals of pyrite at Wadi Quei beds are indications of the biogenic action of sulphate-reducing bacteria in the presence of organic matter. It is suggested that the evaporite sequence which was deposited in a supratidal sabkha environment is characterized by alkaline-reducing conditions. The presence of nodular gypsum at Gemsa locality is probably deposited in a supratidal environment with oscillation of sea level.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the Farasan Islands (Pliocene?CPleistocene deposits) is established on the basis of a detailed study of six stratigraphic sections described and sampled in the field. Detailed examinations involve the microfacies analyses and identification of macrofossils makes it possible to determine two new informal formations, namely, from the base to the top: Esbah formation of Pliocene age and Farasan formation of Pleistocene age. The detected microfacies types of the studied samples are only carbonate facies and include five major types: mudstone, wackestone, packstone, floatstone and boundstone. No grains of quartz sand or igneous mineral were found in the islands. The nomenclature of the biostratigraphic units established in the present work is not intended to define world-wide zonal standards. It is only used to subdivide the sequence into biostratigraphic zones according to 137 macrofaunal species (78 bivalves, 56 gastropods and three echinoids). These biozones, namely: Lithophaga teres zone (Early Pliocene), Clypeaster reticulates?CLaganum depressum zone and Chesapecten madisonius?CNoetia limula interval zone are assigned to the Late Pliocene; meanwhile, Noetia limuli?CAnadara ovalis interval zone and A. ovalis range zone are assigned to the Pleistocene age. The affinity of the Pliocene?CPleistocene fauna recorded from the Farasan Islands increase with time towards the Indo-Pacific realm. The identified bivalves and gastropods are dominated by the Indo-Pacific forms suggesting the connection of the Red Sea rift with the open Indian Ocean via the Gulf of Aden and Bab El Mandab in the latest Miocene and Early Pliocene.  相似文献   

In order to assess the pollution levels of selected heavy metals, 45 bottom sediment samples were collected from Al-Kharrar lagoon in central western Saudi Arabia. The concentrations of the heavy metals were recorded using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The results showed that the concentrations of Pb and Cd exceeded the environmental background values. However, the heavy metal contents were less than the threshold effect level (TEL) limit. The concentrations of heavy metals in lagoon bottom sediments varied spatially, but their variations showed similar trends. Elevated levels of metals were observed in the northern and southern parts of the lagoon. Evaluation of contamination levels by the sediment quality guidelines (SQG) of the US-EPA revealed that sediments were non-polluted-moderately to heavily polluted with Pb; non-polluted to moderately polluted with Cu; and non-polluted with Mn, Zn, Cd, and Cr. The geoaccumulation index showed that lagoon sediments were unpolluted with Cd, Mn, Fe, Hg, Mo, and Se; unpolluted to moderately polluted with Zn and Co; and moderately polluted with Pb, Cr, Cu, and As. The high enrichment factor values for Pb, As, Cu, Cr, Co, and Zn (>2) indicate their anthropogenic sources, whereas the remaining elements were of natural origins consistent with their low enrichment levels. The values of CF indicate that the bottom sediments of Al-Kharrar lagoon are moderately contaminated with Mn and Pb.  相似文献   

The OligoceneeMiocene Qom Formation has different depositional models in the Central Iran,SanandajeSirjan and Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc provinces in Iran.The Kahak section of the Qom Formation in the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc has been studied,in order to determinate its microfacies,depositional model and sequence stratigraphy.The textural analysis and faunal assemblages reveal ten microfacies.These microfacies are indicative of five depositional settings of open marine,patch reef,lagoon,tidal flat and beach of the inner and middle ramp.On the basis of the vertical succession architecture of depositional system tracts,four third-order sequences have been recognized in the OligoceneeMiocene Kahak succession of Qom Formation.Based on the correlation charts,the transgression of the Qom Sea started from the southeast and continued gradually towards the north.This resulted in widespread northward development of the lagoon paleoenvironment in the Aquitanian-Burdigalian stages.Also,the sequence stratigraphic model of the OligoceneeMiocene Qom Formation has an architecture similar to those that have developed from OligoceneeMiocene global sea level changes.  相似文献   

The distribution and genesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in a 40-m core from a lagoon of the Laptev Sea that appeared during the Holocene resulting from the flooding of seawater into a freshwater lake in the area of the Buor-Khaya Gulf. The bulk of the core is constituted of permafrost rocks, thawed partially in their upper layers and covered with recent sediments (mainly by the products of intense thermoabrasion). The ratio of petrogenic and pyrogenic PAHs was evaluated.  相似文献   

The Late Miocene–Pliocene Loxton Sand strandplain extends across the western part of the Murray Basin in southeastern Australia. Gamma logging on groundwater bores surrounding Lake Tutchewop, which lies close to the eastern limit of this strandplain, showed that a heavy mineral layer within the Loxton Sand is displaced across the northern extension of the Leaghur Fault. A crevasse splay sand within the overlying Pliocene Shepparton Formation is also displaced, indicating that tectonic activity along the Leaghur Fault occurred in the Early Pliocene. This coincides with the Kosciusko Uplift, a major phase of Neogene tectonism across southeastern Australia, which also resulted in movement along the Danyo, Hindmarsh, Tyrell and Avoca Faults in northwestern Victoria.  相似文献   

Sedimentary complexes of ancient gulfs provide valuable information about paleoenvironmental dynamics. The study of several Pliocene–Pleistocene sections allowed reconstruction of the regional stratigraphical framework in the southwestern fringes of the Nile Delta. The Kafr El-Shiekh, the Gar El-Muluk, and the Kom El-Shelul formations of the Zanclean Age and the Wastani Formation of the Piacenzian Age constitute the Pliocene sedimentary succession in the study area. The establishment of 11 facies types related to 5 facies associations coupled with the results of the stratigraphical study indicate the existence of a paleogulf corresponding to the modern delta and lower valley of the Nile. This Nile Paleogulf appeared and reached its maximum spatial extent in the beginning of the Pliocene. Then, it retreated gradually and disappeared before the end of this epoch when alluvial sedimentation reestablished. There was significant flux of siliciclastic material to the study area. The Zanclean Flood in the Mediterranean Sea allowed marine incursion in the study area where the river valley incised during the precedent Messinian Salinity Crisis. Regional tectonic uplift and filling of the accommodation space with siliciclastic material from the eroded land were the main controls on the paleogulf evolution. Strengthened glaciation triggered global sea level fall, and alluvial deposition dominated the study area in the late Pliocene–Pleistocene.  相似文献   

To study the crustal structure beneath the onshore–offshore transitional zone, a wide-angle onshore–offshore seismic experiment was carried out in northern South China Sea near Hong Kong, using large volume airgun sources at sea and seismic stations on land. The crustal velocity model constructed from traveltime fitting shows that the sedimentary thickness abruptly increases seaward of the Dangan Islands based on the characteristics of Pg and Multiple Pg, and the crustal structure beneath the sedimentary layer is relatively simple. The Moho depth is about 25–28 km along the profile and the P-wave velocity increases gradually with depth. The velocities in the upper crust range from 5.5 to 6.4 km/s, while that in the lower crust is 6.4–6.9 km/s. It also reveals a low velocity zone with a width of more than 10 km crossing the crust at about 75–90 km distance, which suggests that the Littoral Fault Zone (LFZ) exists beneath the onshore–offshore transitional zone. The magnetism anomalies, bouguer gravity anomalies and active seismic zone along the coastline imply the LFZ is a main tectonic fault in the onshore–offshore area. Combined with two previously published profiles in the continental South China (L–G profile) and in the northern margin of South China Sea (OBS1993) respectively, we constructed a land-sea super cross-section about 1000 km long. The results show the onshore–offshore transitional zone is a border separating the unstretched and the stretched continental crust. The low velocity layer (LVL) in the middle crust was imaged along L–G profile. However, the high velocity layer (HVL) in the lower crust was detected along OBS1993. By analyzing the mechanisms of the LVL in the middle crust and HVL in the base of crust, we believe the crustal structures had distinctly different attributes in the continental South China and in the northern SCS, which indicates that the LFZ could be the boundary fault between them.  相似文献   

Fossil capybaras were long regarded as composed of numerous taxa, each one endemic to a particular area, a scenario completely different from the one shown by the living species. The interpretation of the record according to new criteria of ontogenetic change has demonstrated that they are useful for biocorrelation because their members have short biochrons with wide geographic distribution. The levels with capybaras of each locality would represent a short lapse within the bearing lithostratigraphic units. In turn, they would also represent short intervals within the temporal extension proposed for each Stage/Age or SALMA. All the late Miocene–Pliocene records of capybaras were analyzed and a chronological scheme was built mainly for Argentina, where records are most abundant. Numerical ages and magnetostratigraphic studies contribute to correlate this scheme with the global time scale. The Chasicoan SALMA would be correlated with part of the Tortonian Stage/Age; the Huayquerian SALMA with the late Tortonian-Messinian, and it could even extend to the earliest Zanclean. The Montehermosan SALMA would be restricted to the Zanclean. The Chapadmalalan SALMA would be correlated with the late Zanclean-early Piacenzian.  相似文献   

The south Solaf zone in SW Sinai comprises a metasedimentary sequence of metagraywackes intercalated with minor metavolcanic sheets, metasiltstones, meta-arenites, and calc–silicates. The metavolcanics (basalt–andesite) show high- to medium-K calc–alkaline nature. They exhibit distinctive Nb-Ta negative anomalies relative to enriched LILE, being highly similar to active continental margin lavas, but they also have the characteristics of rift-related magmatism. Magmas of similar composition are interpreted to be formed in an extensional environment and their source regions are zones of enriched subcontinental lithosphere. The metasediments are poor to moderate sorting, intercalated to the north with minor impure calcareous layers. Geochemical investigation shows that they are immature to semi-mature sediments derived from a source of mafic to felsic composition. These metasediments are chemically similar to the active continental margins and are comparable to the Feiran gneisses and metagraywackes that were deposited before 800 Ma in an extensional environment. The investigated rocks suffered LP-HT amphibolite facies metamorphism. The P-T estimates using various thermobarometric calibrations gave temperatures of 554–610 °C and pressures of 2.2–4.0 kbar.  相似文献   

The northerly dipping Sha’it–Nugrus shear zone (SNSZ) is the boundary separating the Central Eastern Desert from the South Eastern Desert of Egypt. The hangingwall of this shear zone is composed of low-grade metavolcanics and ophiolitic nappes of the Central Eastern Desert, while the footwall consists of South Eastern Desert high-grade metapsammitic gneisses (Migif-Hafafit gneissic complex). The SNSZ is about 700 m thick and represents the shear foliated lower parts of the hangingwall and upper parts of the footwall. A significant part of the SNSZ has been truncated by a later normal fault along Wadi Sha’it, however the SNSZ is well-preserved along Wadi Nugrus. Features of the SNSZ include shear-related schistosity (termed Ss), mylonite zones, sheared syn-kinematic granitoid intrusions, diverse metasomatism and metamorphic effects (higher T overprinting of hangingwall lithologies and retrogression of footwall lithologies). Shear-sense indicators clearly show top-to-N or NW displacement sense. SNSZ structures overprint arc collision related nappe structures (~680 Ma) and are therefore post-arc collision. SNSZ syn-kinematic intrusives have been dated at ~600 Ma. The SNSZ is deformed (regionally and locally folded and thrust dissected) during later NE–SW compressive tectonism. The SNSZ had an originally approximately E–W strike, low-angle N-dip and a normal shear sense, making this an example of a low-angle normal ductile shear (LANF) or detachment fault. The steep NE dip of Ss foliations and low-pitching slip lineations along Wadi Nugrus are due to NW–SE folding of the SNSZ, and do not indicate a sinistral strike-slip shear zone. The normal shear sense activity is responsible for juxtaposing the low-grade Central Eastern Desert lithologies against South Eastern Desert gneisses. A displacement of 15–30 km is estimated on the SNSZ, which is comparable to LANF displacements in the Basin and Range province of the western USA. Frictional resistance along this shear was probably reduced by high magmatic fluid pressure and hydrothermal fluid pressure. The vastness and diversity of the hydrothermal activity along this shear zone is a characteristic of other LANFs in the Eastern Desert, e.g. at Gabal El-Sibai, and may be Gabal Meatiq. The SNSZ formed during the Neoproterozoic extensional tectonic phase of Eastern Desert that began ~600 Ma, and followed arc collision and NW-ward ejection of nappes.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of stream sediments collected from 30 stations in the Dahab-Wadi Kid area (southeastern Sinai, Egypt) are presented. The studied...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - New structural data obtained by a geophysical survey during Cruise 69 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 2017 indicate that the Khatanga−Lomonosov fault zone is...  相似文献   

The Jinping–Fan Si Pan (JFP) Cenozoic magmatic and Cu–Mo–Au metallogenic belt in the southeastern part of the Ailao Shan shear zone host the Tongchang, Chang′an, Habo, and Chinh Sang Cu–Mo–Au deposits. These deposits form an integrated epithermal-porphyry regional mineralization system associated with 40–32 Ma high-K alkaline magmatism. The magmatic rocks in the belt have relatively low TiO2 (<0.73 wt%), P2O5 (<0.29 wt%), and FeO* (<4.99 wt%), and high Na2O (2.86–4.75 wt%) and K2O (4.01–7.98 wt%). They also have high contents of incompatible trace elements, and are enriched in LILE (Rb, Ba, K, Sr) and LREE. They have marked Nb, Ta, Ti and P depletion in primitive mantle-normalized spidergrams, and plot close to the EMII mantle field in the Sr–Nd isotopic diagram. These characteristics are similar to those of the Eocene high-K alkaline rocks along the northern Ailao Shan belt, eastern Tibet plateau. The sulfur and lead isotope analyses of sulfide minerals from both the ores and related magmatic rocks confirm the involvement of a magmatic ore fluid. The Cenozoic alkaline intrusions and Cu–Mo–Au mineralization in the JFP were formed prior to the initiation of left-lateral shearing along the Ailao Shan shear zone. The magmas appear to have been derived from enriched mantle, possibly with mixing of materials from the buried Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, and/or crust.  相似文献   

The Bayan Gol ophiolite fragment is a portion of the North Tianshan Early Carboniferous ophiolite belt. This ophiolite belt represents a geological record of an Early Carboniferous “Red Sea type” ocean basin that was developed on the northern margin of the Tianshan Carboniferous-Permian rift system in northwestern China. The late Early Carboniferous Bayan Gol ophiolite suite was emplaced in an Early Carboniferous rift volcanosedimentary succession of shallow-marine to continental facies (Volcanics Unit). Ophiolitic rocks in the Bayan Gol area comprise ultramafic rocks, gabbros with associated plagiogranite veins, diorite, diabase, pillow basalts and massive lavas. The Early Carboniferous tiffing and the opening process of the North Tianshan ocean basin produced mafic magmas in composition of tholeiite and minor amounts of evolved magmas. Compositions of trace elements and Nd, Sr and Pb isotopes reveal the presence of two distinct mantle sources: (1) the Early Carboniferous rift mafic lavas from the Volcanics Unit were generated by a relatively low degree of partial melting of an asthenospheric OIB-type intraplate source; (2)younger (late Early Carboniferous, -324.8 Ma ago) mafic lavas from the Ophiolite Unit were formed in a relatively depleted MORB-like mantle source, located in the uppermost asthenosphere and then gradually mixed with melts from the asthenospheric OIB-like mantle. A slight interaction between asthenosphere-derived magmas and lithospheric mantle took place during ascent to the surface. Subsequently, the most depleted mafic lavas of the ophiolite assemblage were contaminated by upper-crustal components (seawater or carbonate crust).  相似文献   

An interesting bivalve fossil obtained from the Claystone Member of the Chhasra Formation (Burdigalian), Kachchh District, India was found conspecific with Anadara gourae Dey (Arcidae, Anadarinae) from the Quilon Beds (Burdigalian), Kerala. However, this form is feebly inequivalve and has dissimilar ornamentation on the two valves, a trapezoidal form and its maximum height is at the posterior. Also, there is a small but distinct median sulcus on the exterior of the umbonal region. These characteristics do not agree with definition of the genus Anadara. Hence it is described here under a new genus, Indarca. Subgenus Cunearca Dall of genus Scapharca Gray (Arcidae, Anadarinae), also shows dissimilar ornamentation on the two valves, but differs from Indarca in having an inflated form, left valve slightly larger and absence of a sulcus on the umbonal region. Indarca resembles Bentharca Verrill and Bush (Arcidae, Anadarinae) in certain respects, but differs from it in not having a markedly reduced anterior. Occurrence of Indarca gourae strengthens the faunal affinity between the Chhasra Formation of Kachchh and the Quilon Beds of Kerala.  相似文献   

The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in Bachu County of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region is identified by chemo-biostratigraphic methods and placed near the base of the Upper Member of the Bachu Formation. The important oil-reservoir bed of the Tarim Basin, the Donghe Sandstone, should not be attributed to the Early Carboniferous, because it has an age no later than the Frasnian. Gypsum beds and a Ni-Cr-Cu-Ti anomaly in the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds may have had an origin in a rifting-volcanic-hydrothermal process.  相似文献   

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