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Integrated geophysical techniques including resistivity image, vertical electrical sounding (VES), and seismic refraction have been conducted to investigate the Wadi Hanifah water system. The groundwater in Wadi Hanifah has problems caused by the high volumes of sewage water percolating into the ground. The combination of VES, resistivity image, and seismic refraction has made a valuable contribution to the identification of the interface between the contaminated and fresh water in Wadi Hanifah area. The contaminated groundwater has lower resistivity values than fresh groundwater due to the higher concentration of ions which reduces the resistivity. Resistivity image and sounding in this area clearly identified the nature of the lithological depth and proved useful at identifying water-bearing zones. Fresh groundwater was found in the study area at a depth of 100 m within the fractured limestone. Water-bearing zones occur in two aquifers, shallow contaminated water at 10 m depth in alluvial deposits and the deeper fresh water aquifer at a depth of about 100 m in fractured limestone. The interface between the contaminated water (sanitary water) and fresh water marked out horizontally at 100 m distance from the main channel and vertically at 20 m depth.  相似文献   

Integrated geoelectrical and hydrochemical surveys were used to investigate and delineate different types of groundwater in the Kuala Selangor alluvial aquifer. Previous hydrogeological borehole investigation showed that this aquifer contains several types of groundwater in relation to its salinity. The high salinity of the groundwater in some areas is believed to be due to either saltwater intrusion from the nearby sea or river infiltration during high tide season. The vertical electrical sounding (VES) method was employed to study and map the subsurface variation of resistivity in the area. For each sounding measurement, a total spread length of 300 m was obtained with a vertical depth penetration of about 60 to 75 m. Chemical analysis of the groundwater samples taken from both shallow and deep boreholes was carried out for the water quality determination. A total of 45 VES stations were succesfully established along three parallel roads with a direction almost perpendicular to the coastal line. The distance between stations varies from 1 to 2 km with a maximum length of about 60 km surveyed line. Results of the vertical electrical soundings as well as the hydrochemistry of the groundwater samples show that the soil and groundwater in the study area can be grouped into fresh and brackish water zones. The subsurface resisitivity sections derived from the VES study suggest that the area is dominated by brackish soil and groundwater zones, especially in the area towards the coast. This result appears to agree well with the groundwater pumped from boreholes scattered around in the area. Water drawn from boreholes near the coast showed higher salinity compared to the water pumped from inland boreholes. Chloride values greater than 250 mg/L are considered to represent the brackish zones whilst values less than 250 mg/L represents zones of fresh soil and groundwater.  相似文献   

Frequent failures of monsoons have forced to opt the groundwater as the only source of irrigation in non-command areas. Groundwater exploration in granitic terrain of dry land agriculture has been a major concern for farmers and water resource authorities. The hydrogeological complexities and lack of understanding of the aquifer systems have resulted in the failure of a majority of the borehole drillings in India. Hence, a combination of geophysical tools comprising ground-penetrating radar (GPR), multielectrode resistivity imaging (MERI), and vertical electrical sounding (VES) has been employed for pinpointing the groundwater potential zones in dry land agricultural of granitic terrain in India. Results obtained and verified with each other led to the detection of a saturated fracture within the environs. In GPR scanning, a 40-MHz antenna is used with specifications of 5 dielectric constant, 600 scans/nS, and 40 m depth. The anomalies acquired on GPR scans at various depths are confirmed with low-resistivity ranges of 27–50?Ω m at 23 and 27 m depths obtained from the MERI. Further, drilling with a down-the-hole hammer was carried out at two recommended sites down to 50–70 m depth, which were complimentary of VES results. The integrated geophysical anomalies have good agreement with the drilling lithologs validating the MERI and GPR data. The yields of these bore wells varied from 83 to 130 l/min. This approach is possible and can be replicated by water resource authorities in thrust areas of dry land environs of hard rock terrain around the world.  相似文献   

Integrated geoelectric, geological and geochemical investigations are carried out in Budge Budge and Dum Dum areas of south and north 24 Parganas district for ascertaining the prevailing hydrological condition and aquifer characteristic with chemical qualities of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. The proposed areas are constituted of alluvium and marine sediments of Quaternary age being a part of Gangetic delta. Vertical electrical soundings (VES) of Budge Budge have delineated four to six layers consisting of top soils, the brackish water zone, clay layer, first fresh water zone, another clay layer and the bottom-most(sixth layer) second fresh water bearing zone. The first fresh water zone is located at a depth of 128 m with thickness of 43 m having resistivity range of 32 ohm.m to 37 ohm.m for VES locations BB2 and BB3. The resistivity of the deeper second fresh water bearing zone is varying from 47 ohm.m to 51 ohm.m. The interpreted VES results significantly correspond with the borehole litholog of Budge Budge area. Similar VES results are also obtained for Dum Dum area showing promising potential aquifer zone especially for VES locations DD3 and DD4. A litho-resistivity relation is also determined for the area. Total TDS content of Budge Budge ground water samples are ranging from 720 mg/l to 4400 mg/l and same is ranging from 1012 mg/l to 1930mg/l for Dum Dum ground water samples. According to IS standard, the value of major cations and anions are near to the permissible limit for Dum Dum but same is not observed in Budge Budge for drinking and irrigation purpose excepting location G7. According to Piper trilinear diagram, the ground water in Budge Budge area is sulphate rich type and in Dum Dum it is fresh in nature. Chemically, the groundwater samples from Dum Dum and Budge Budge is classified as (Ca+Mg+Cl+SO4) facies. The geochemical parameters like total hardness (TH), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), Kelly’s ratio (KR), magnesium ratio (MR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), corrosivity ratio (CR), Gibb’s ratio-I&II (GR-I & GR-II), chloro alkaline indices (CAI-I & CAI-II), permeability index (PI), sea water contamination (SWC) are also determined for better understanding of the quality of groundwater in the above areas.  相似文献   

Geoelectric and hydrochemical approaches are employed to delineate the ground-water potential zones in District Okara, a part of Bari Doab, Punjab, Pakistan. Sixty-seven VES surveys are conducted with the Electrical Resistivity Meter. The resultant resistivity verses depth model for each site is estimated using computer-based software IX1D. Aquifer thickness maps and interpreted resistivity maps were generated from interpreted VES results. Dar-Zarrouk parameters, transverse resistance (TR), longitudinal conductance (SL) and anisotropy (λ) were also calculated from resistivity data to delineate the potential zones of aquifer. 70% of SL value is ≤3S, 30% of SL value is > 3S. According to SL and TR values, the whole area is divided into three potential zones, high, medium and low potential zones. The spatial distribution maps show that north, south and central parts of study area are marked as good potential aquifer zones. Longitudinal conductance values are further utilized to determine aquifer protective capacity of area. The whole area is characterized by moderate to good and up to some extent very good aquifer protective area on the basis of SL values. The groundwater samples from sixty-seven installed tube wells are collected for hydro-chemical analysis. The electrical conductivity values are determined. Correlation is then developed between the EC (μS/cm) of groundwater samples vs. interpreted aquifer resistivity showing R2 value 0.90.  相似文献   

Geoelectrical survey was carried out in the western delta region of River Vasista Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India, for delineation of groundwater prospective zones due to acute shortage of water supply for various purposes. Forty-six vertical electrical soundings (VES) were done, employing the Schlumberger configuration with a maximum AB/2 of 160 m. The interpreted results of VES show four to five layers with variable thicknesses, such as topsoil zone (1.5–3 m), clay zone (0.84–32 m), finer sand zone (2–72 m), medium to coarse sand zone (4 to 28.8 m) and clay zone (1.2–∞ m), indicating a multi-aquifer system. These results are corroborated with the known lithologs of the study area. Further, the resistivity is also compared with electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater observed nearby shallow wells representing buried channel (BC), flood plain (FP) and coastal (C) zones, which indicate slightly brackish to brackish water (EC: 1470–6010 µS/cm), whereas the groundwater observed from deep wells shows the fresh (EC: 726–1380 µS/cm), fresh to brackish (EC: 1010 to 3250 µS/cm), and brackish water (EC: 3020 to 4170 µS/cm) located in BC, FP and C zones, respectively. This survey reveals the prospective aquifer zones with potable water at VES locations of 4–6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16–28, 33–36, 39 and 42–44, where the resistivity values vary from 10 to 40 Ω m. The slightly brackish and brackish water zones are also observed from the resistivity of less than 10 Ω m at shallow depth in BC (VES-22, 37, 38 and 46), FP (VES-1, 2, 7, 29, 30 and 40) and C (VES-3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 15, 31, 32, 41 and 45) zones. As a result, the present investigation has delineated the freshwater zones at shallow (<?12 m) and also at deeper depths (30–45 m) as prospective areas, where BC zone occurs. Freshwater pockets also identified in FP (VES-8 and 39) and C (VES-11, 14 and 15) zones. Thus, this study helps to solve the drinking and irrigation water problems.  相似文献   

Recently, the deterioration of water quality in the coastal zones of Lekki Peninsula area of Lagos due to saltwater infiltration into the freshwater aquifer has become a major concern. With the aim of providing valuable information on the hydrogeologic system of the aquifers, the subsurface lithology and delineating the groundwater salinity, vertical electrical resistivity (VES) sounding survey was carried out utilizing surface Schlumberger electrode arrays, and electrode spacing varying between 1 and 150 m. The DC resistivity surveys revealed significant variations in subsurface resistivity. Also, the VES resistivity curves showed a dominant trend of decreasing resistivity with depth (thus increasing salinity). In general, the presence of four distinct resistivity zones were delineated viz.: the unconsolidated dry sand (A) having resistivity values ranging between 125 and 1,028 Ωm represent the first layer; the fresh water-saturated soil (zone B) having resistivity values which correspond to 32–256 Ωm is the second layer; the third layer (zone C) is interpreted as the mixing (transition) zone of fresh with brackish groundwater. The resistivity of this layer ranges from 4 to 32 Ωm; while layer four (zone D) is characterized with resistivities values generally below 4 Ωm reflecting an aquifer possibly containing brine. The rock matrix, salinity and water saturation are the major factors controlling the resistivity of the formation. Moreover, this investigation shows that saline water intrusion into the aquifers can be accurately mapped using surface DC resistivity method.  相似文献   

El Bahariya Oasis is a part of the great groundwater reservoir of the Western Desert of Egypt. The different stratigraphic units, the water-bearing zones, aquifer potentiality conditions, and the favorable locations for drilling new wells were evaluated by carrying out 24 Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VESs), along with the data of some wells drilled in the near vicinity of the measuring sites. The results of the interpreted field data revealed the presence of ten distinctive subsurface geoelectric layers; a thin surface, dry loose sand and gravel, sandy clay and shale interclations, saturated coarse sand layer, shale and clay, and saturated fine sandstone and saturated coarse sandstone. The aquifer is a multilayer aquifer with different thicknesses represented by the fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth geoelectric layers. Results also revealed that the thicknesses of the water-bearing horizons increase towards the east direction, consequently the aquifer potentiality increases. Therefore, the best production well locations are in that direction. Depth to water starts from 40 m at VES no. 14 and increases gradually toward the east to reach 66 m at VES no. 5. Hydrogeochemical analysis of two groundwater samples taken from Ein El Ezza and well no. 2 showed that groundwater in the study area is suitable for agricultural purposes but not for human consumption due to the high iron content. Recommendations concerning site selection for drilling new productive groundwater wells are given.  相似文献   

Twenty seven vertical electrical sounding (VES) profiles surrounding four known traverses were obtained in Ngor-Okpala local government area of Imo state to examine the subsurface geomaterials and the associated groundwater potential. The VES data, constrained by borehole data, provided useful information about the subsurface hydrogeologic and lithologic conditions. From the validated interpretation, the area assessed has loamy soil, medium grained sands, well-sorted medium-grained/gravelly sands and river sand as the lithologic succession from top to the bottom of the depth penetrated. The aquifers in the area were found in the medium-grained sands and well-sorted medium-coarse-grained sands. The aquifer depth for all-season groundwater that would be devoid of draw-down can be found at a depth range of 42–50 m. The resistivity maps of selected depths exhibit sharp resistivity changes at depth due mainly to undulating subsurface topography. A map of the distribution of the kσ-values shows that good quality groundwater can be found in most parts of the area.  相似文献   

A combination of vertical electrical soundings (VES), 2D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) surveys and borehole logs were conducted at Magodo, Government Reserve Area (GRA) Phase 1, Isheri, Southwestern Nigeria, with the aim of delineating the different aquifers present and assessing the groundwater safety in the area. The Schlumberger electrode array was adopted for the VES and dipole-dipole array was used for the 2D imaging. The maximum current electrode spread (AB) was 800 m and the 2D traverse range between 280 and 350 m in the east-west direction. The thickness of impermeable layer overlying the confined aquifer was used for the vulnerability ratings of the study area. Five lithological units were delineated: the topsoil, clayey sand, unconsolidated sand which is the first aquifer, a clay stratum and the sand layer that constitutes the confined aquifer horizon. The topsoil thickness varies from 0.6 to 2.6 m, while its resistivity values vary between 55.4 and 510.6 Ω/m. The clayey sand layers have resistivity values ranging from 104.2 to 143.9 Ω/m with thickness varying between 0.6 and 14.7 m. The resistivity values of the upper sandy layer range from 120.7 to 2195.2 Ω/m and thickness varies from 3.3 to 94.0 m. The resistivity of the clay layer varies from 11.3 to 96.1 Ω/m and the thickness ranges from 29.6 to 76.1 m. The resistivity value of the confined aquifer ranges between 223 and 1197.4 Ω/m. The longitudinal conductance (0.0017–0.02 mhos) assessment of the topsoil shows that the topsoil within the study area has poor overburden protective capacity, and the compacted impermeable clay layer shows that the underlying confined aquifer is well protected from contamination and can be utilized as a source of portable groundwater in the study area. This study therefore enabled the delineation of shallow aquifers, the variation of their thicknesses and presented a basis for safety assessment of groundwater potential zones in the study area.  相似文献   

吉林省西部是我国主要粮食产区,但区内农业水利规划管理同时面临潜水资源与生态环境双重风险。近20年来,区内曾尝试多种水资源利用模式,但缺少不同模式应用效果的定量化对比。文章建立了不同水资源利用模式,对比分析各模式的水资源与次生盐碱化风险。以洮儿河流域为例,采用循环神经网络预测2019—2023年该地区大气降水和地表水对地下水补给量;通过随机数值模拟预测现状开采、连续干旱、无序开采、地下水库建设、节水灌溉、旱田改水田6种情形下,区内潜水水位空间分布特征。以防止次生盐碱化为目标,定义水位埋深上限为1 m;以含水介质厚度为参考,定义水位埋深下限为12 m。遴选适合吉林省西部地区地下水资源可持续利用模式。结果显示:无序开采是导致区内水资源枯竭的主要诱因;地下水库建设和旱改水工程有助于潜水资源维护,但长期运行可加剧生态环境风险。节水灌溉(净采强度为2.0×108~3.0×108 m3/a)是降低区内水资源风险和生态环境风险的最佳方式。文章采用的神经网络—随机模拟分析方法成功预测了地下水位变化驱动因子和地下水位中长期变化趋势,为我国干旱半干旱地区潜水资源利用方案制定提供了新方法。  相似文献   

Coastal aquifers can become polluted due to natural and human activities, such as intrusion of saline water, discharge of effluents in industrial areas and chemical weathering of natural geological deposits. The present study is aimed mainly at understanding the geophysical and chemical characteristics of groundwater near Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, India by studying the electrical resistivity distribution of the subsurface groundwater by applying the Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique followed by chemical analysis of water samples. A total of 20 VES soundings were carried out to understand the resistivity distribution of the area and 21 water samples were collected to analyze the chemical quality. The interpretation and analysis of the results have identified different hydrogeologic behaviors, a highly saline coastal aquifer and freshwater locations. The results obtained from geophysical and geochemical sampling are in good agreement with each other. The approach shows the efficacy of the combination of geophysical and geochemical methods to map groundwater contamination zones in the study area.  相似文献   

滹滏平原地下水系统脆弱性最佳地下水水位埋深探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
笔者以滹滏平原为研究区, 采用统计分析的方法, 分析了地下水防污性与地下水资源脆弱性随地下水位埋深之间的变化关系。结果表明, 当地下水位埋深增大时, 地下水防污性增强的地区, 地下水资源脆弱性也增高;通过二者之间变化关系, 认为受地下水位埋深制约及地下水位埋深对二者的不同影响, 存在使地下水系统脆弱性最佳的地下水位埋深区间;通过地下水位埋深对地下水防污性与地下水资源脆弱性影响及其制约关系, 确定滹滏平原淡水区和咸水区地下水系统脆弱性最佳地下水位埋深分别为27~30 m和15~19 m。  相似文献   

A case study was conducted to find the groundwater potential zones in an area between the Serang and Bogowonto rivers, Kulon Progo Regency, Java, Indonesia. The objectives of this study were to delineate the groundwater potential zone based on a number of groundwater parameters that can be surveyed in the field and to incorporate the geomorphological conditions into these data. The geomorphology interpretation was conducted using the landform approach. This approach begins by preparing supporting data such as an Indonesian Topographic Map containing contour and land use data; a regional geology map containing lithology type and geology structures; and soil, climate, and hydrological data. The determination of the geomorphology unit was conducted manually by the visual interpretation of Digital Landsat ETM+ with some image interpretation keys. Four groundwater parameters were surveyed in the field: (a) depth to the water table, (b) water table fluctuation, (c) fluid electrical conductivity to represent groundwater quality, and (d) aquifer thickness. The groundwater potential zones were obtained by overlaying all the groundwater field parameters in terms of weighted overlay methods using the spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS 9.2. During the weighted overlay analysis, rankings were produced for each individual parameter of each groundwater field parameter, and weights were assigned based on the amount of influence they had (i.e., depth to the water table—30 %, water table fluctuation—20 %, aquifer thickness—30 %, and fluid conductivity—20 %). We then found the good, moderate, and poor zones in terms of groundwater potential, which had areas of 5.83, 4.53, and 2.36 km2, respectively. Areas with good groundwater potential are located largely within sand dunes, beach ridges, beaches, and fluviomarine plain landforms, which are characterized by a shallow water table, low fluctuation, thick aquifer, and low EC value. Moderate groundwater zones are generally characterized by poor water quality (high EC value), which is found to some degree in the alluvial plain. The regions with poor groundwater potential are spread mainly across the landforms composed of igneous rock (thin aquifers), such as denudational hills, which act as run-off zones due to their steep slope.  相似文献   

In the rural Guatemalan Central Highlands, drinking water wells are a rare commodity due to lack of data regarding depth and sustainability of groundwater. At a study well in Lemoa, aquifer sustainability and other characteristics were estimated using hydrograph data and Theiss recovery method for pumping tests. These tests showed that while specific capacity remained fairly constant, transmissivity increased, indicating development of the well subsequent to installation of the study well. The time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) method was evaluated at the site as a prospective groundwater prospecting technique. Characterization of subsurface conditions using TDEM is feasible with local subsurface data for correlation; however, it is limited to delineating low electrical resistive zones without geologic data for correlation. Data showed that groundwater produced from volcanic alluvium at approximately 79 m in depth is sustainable at the study area at current use rates.  相似文献   

Shallow geothermal prospecting ( < 700 m) has been performed in four zones in Morocco for which few deep data are available: northwestern basin, northeastern basin, Tadla Basin and Agadir Basin. These areas are different geologically and hydrogeologically. The temperature data from 250 wells at depths between 15 and 500 m have been analysed in order to estimate the natural geothermal gradient in these areas, to determine the principal thermal anomalies, to identify the main thermal indices and to characterise the recharge, discharge and potential mixing limits of the aquifers.The hydrostratigraphical study of each basin revealed several potential reservoir layers in which the Turonian carbonate aquifer (Tadal and Agadir Basins) and Liassic acquifer (Moroccan northwestern and northeastern basins) are the most important hot water reservoirs in Morocco. The recharge zones of each aquifer are characterised by high topography, high water potential, shallow cold water, low geothermal gradient and negative anomalies. The discharge zones are characterized by low topography, low piezometric level, high geothermal gradient, high temperature with hot springs and positive anomalies. The main thermal indices and the principal thermal anomalies that coincide with the artesian zones of the Turonian and Liassic aquifers have been identified.  相似文献   

The city of Burdur, which is built on an alluvium aquifer, is located in one of the most seismically active zones in southwestern Turkey. The soil properties in the study site are characterized by unconsolidated and water-saturated sediments including silty, clayey and sandy units, and shallow groundwater level is the other characteristic of the site. Thus, the city is under soil liquefaction risk during a large earthquake. A resistivity survey including 189 vertical electrical sounding (VES) measurements was carried out in 2000 as part of a multi-disciplinary project aiming to investigate settlement properties in Burdur city and its vicinity. In the present study, the VES data acquired by using a Schlumberger array were re-processed with 1D and 2D inversion techniques to determine liquefaction potential in the study site. The results of some 1D interpretations were compared to the data from several wells drilled during the project. Also, the groundwater level map that was previously obtained by hydrological studies was extended toward north by using the resistivity data. 2D least-squares inversions were performed along nine VES profiles. This provided very useful information on vertical and horizontal extends of geologic units and water content in the subsurface. The study area is characterized by low resistivity distribution (<150 Ωm) originating from high fluid content in the subsurface. Lower resistivity (3–30 Ωm) is associated with the Quaternary and the Tertiary lacustrine sediments while relatively high resistivity (40–150 Ωm) is related to the Quaternary alluvial cone deposits. This study has also shown that the resistivity measurements are useful in the estimation of liquefaction risk in a site by providing information on the groundwater level and the fluid content in the subsurface. Based on this, we obtained a liquefaction hazard map for the study area. The liquefaction potential was classified by considering the resistivity distributions from 2D inversion of the VES profiles, the types of the sediments and the extended groundwater level map. According to this map, the study area was characterized by high liquefaction hazard risk.  相似文献   

The Dhanbad district in Jharkhand faces acute water scarcity and is chronically drought-prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat-5 Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) data of band 2 and band 4 and false colour composite (FCC) of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, and pediplain, buried pediment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting. The occurrence and movement of groundwater is restricted to the unconsolidated material, weathered and fractured rocks. For the selection of tube well sites, geoelectrical resistivity investigations have been carried out at the sites, which were found suitable based on hydrogeomorphological and hydrogeological studies. Twenty-six Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) have been carried out by using Schlumberger electrode configuration, which have brought out 3 to 7 layered sub-surface layers. The resistivity of water-bearing weathered/fractured rocks varies from 120–150 ohm m. The integrated studies have revealed that the blue colour zones are most promising for groundwater exploration and dug wells may be dug up to depths of 30±5m.  相似文献   

Zarif  Fardous  Slater  Lee  Mabrouk  Mohamed  Youssef  Ahmed  Al-Temamy  Ayman  Mousa  Salah  Farag  Karam  Robinson  Judy 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1169-1185

Understanding and developing groundwater resources in arid regions such as El Salloum basin, along the northwestern coast of Egypt, remains a challenging issue. One-dimensional (1D) electrical sounding (ES), two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity imaging (ERI), and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) measurements were used to investigate the hydrogeological framework of El Salloum basin with the aim of determining the potential for extraction of potable water. 1D resistivity sounding models were used to delineate geoelectric sections and water-bearing layers. 2D ERI highlighted decreases in resistivity with depth, attributed to clay-rich limestone combined with seawater intrusion towards the coast. A depth of investigation (DOI) index was used to constrain the information content of the images at depths up to 100 m. The VLF-EM survey identified likely faults/fractured zones across the study area. A combined analysis of the datasets of the 1D ES, 2D ERI, and VLF-EM methods identified potential zones of groundwater, the extent of seawater intrusion, and major hydrogeological structures (fracture zones) in El Salloum basin. The equivalent geologic layers suggest that the main aquifer in the basin is the fractured chalky limestone middle Miocene) south of the coastal plain of the study area. Sites likely to provide significant volumes of potable water were identified based on relatively high resistivity and thickness of laterally extensive layers. The most promising locations for drilling productive wells are in the south and southeastern parts of the region, where the potential for potable groundwater increases substantially.


The presence of groundwater is strongly related to its geological and geohydrological conditions.It is,however,important to study the groundwater potential in an area before it is utilized to provide clean water.Werner-Schlumberger’s method was used to analyze the groundwater potential while hydraulic properties such as soil porosity and hydraulic conductivity were used to determine the quality and ability of the soil to allow water’s movement in the aquifer.The results show that the aquifer in the Sekara and Kemuning Muda is at a depth of more than 6 meters below the ground level with moderate groundwater potential.It is also found that the aquifer at depths of over 60 m have high groundwater potential.Moreover,soil porosity in Kemuning is found to be average while the ability to conduct water was moderate.This makes it possible for some surface water to seep into the soil while the remaining flows to the rivers and ditches.  相似文献   

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