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The Soft X-ray focusing Telescope (SXT), India’s first X-ray telescope based on the principle of grazing incidence, was launched aboard the AstroSat and made operational on October 26, 2015. X-rays in the energy band of 0.3–8.0 keV are focussed on to a cooled charge coupled device thus providing medium resolution X-ray spectroscopy of cosmic X-ray sources of various types. It is the most sensitive X-ray instrument aboard the AstroSat. In its first year of operation, SXT has been used to observe objects ranging from active stars, compact binaries, supernova remnants, active galactic nuclei and clusters of galaxies in order to study its performance and quantify its characteriztics. Here, we present an overview of its design, mechanical hardware, electronics, data modes, observational constraints, pipeline processing and its in-orbit performance based on preliminary results from its characterization during the performance verification phase.  相似文献   

We present observations of the active M-dwarf binary AT Mic(dM4.5e+dM4.5e) obtained with the orbital observatory Astro Sat. During 20 ks of observations, in the far-ultraviolet(130–180 nm) and soft X-ray(0.3–7 keV)spectral ranges, we detected both quiescent emission and at least five flares on different components of the binary.The X-ray flares were typically longer than and delayed(by 5–6 minutes) with respect to their ultraviolet counterparts, in agreement with the Neupert effect. Using X-ray ...  相似文献   

On 28th September 2015, India launched its first astronomical space observatory AstroSat, successfully. AstroSat carried five astronomy payloads, namely, (i) Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI), (ii) Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC), (iii) Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT), (iv) Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) and (v) Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) and therefore, has the capability to observe celestial objects in multi-wavelength. Four of the payloads are co-aligned along the positive roll axis of the spacecraft and the remaining one is placed along the positive yaw axis direction. All the payloads are sensitive to bright objects and specifically, require avoiding bright Sun within a safe zone of their bore axes in orbit. Further, there are other operational constraints both from spacecraft side and payloads side which are to be strictly enforced during operations. Even on-orbit spacecraft manoeuvres are constrained to about two of the axes in order to avoid bright Sun within this safe zone and a special constrained manoeuvre is exercised during manoeuvres. The planning and scheduling of the payloads during the Performance Verification (PV) phase was carried out in semi-autonomous/manual mode and a complete automation is exercised for normal phase/Guaranteed Time Observation (GuTO) operations. The process is found to be labour intensive and several operational software tools, encompassing spacecraft sub-systems, on-orbit, domain and environmental constraints, were built-in and interacted with the scheduling tool for appropriate decision-making and science scheduling. The procedural details of the complex scheduling of a multi-wavelength astronomy space observatory and their working in PV phase and in normal/GuTO phases are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

We review some of the history and properties of theories for the variation of the gravitation and fine structure `constants'. We highlight some general features of the cosmological models that exist in these theories with reference to recent quasar data that is consistent with time-variation in alpha since a redshift of 3.5. The behaviour of a simple class of varying-alpha cosmologies is outlined in the light of all the observational constraints. We discuss the key role played by non-zero vacuum energy and curvature in turning off the variation of constants in these theories and the issue of comparing extra-galactic and local observational data. We also show why black hole thermodynamics does not enable us to distinguish between time variations of different constants. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract— The remarkable fact about the Mazapil meteorite is that it fell on the same night, in 1885, that the Andromedid meteor shower underwent a spectacular outburst. The simultaneity of these two events has driven speculation ever since. From ?1886 to ?1950 the circumstances of the Mazapil fall were taken, by a number of researchers, as the paradigm that demonstrated the fact that comets were actually swarms of meteoritic boulders. Beginning ?1950, however, most researchers began to adopted the stance that the timing of the Mazapil fall was nothing more than pure coincidence. The reason behind this change in interpretation stemmed from, amongst other factors, the fact that none of the prominent annual meteor showers could be clearly shown to deliver meteorites. Also, with the introduction of the icy‐conglomerate model for cometary nuclei, by F. Whipple in the early 1950s, it became increasingly clear that only exceptional circumstances would allow for the presence of large meteoritic bodies in cometary streams. Further, by the mid 1960s it had been shown that meteorites could, in fact, be delivered to the Earth from the main belt asteroid region via gravitational resonances. With the removal of the dynamical “barrier” against the delivery of meteorites from the asteroid region, the idea that the Mazapil meteorite could have been part of the Andromedid stream fell into complete disfavor. This being said, we nonetheless present the results of a study concerning the possible properties of the parent object to the Mazapil meteorite based upon the assumption that it was a member of the Andromedid stream. This study is presented to illustrate the point that while cometary showers do not yield meteorites on the ground, this does not, in fact, substantiate the argument that no meteoritic bodies reside in cometary streams. Indeed, we find no good reason to suppose that an object with the characteristics of the Mazapil meteorite could not have been delivered from the Andromedid stream. However, we argue that upon the basis of the actual reported observations and upon the scientific maxim of minimized hypothesis and least assumption it must be concluded that the timing of the fall of the Mazapil meteorite and the occurrence of the Andromedid outburst were purely coincidental.  相似文献   

The goal of this contribution is not to describe results on accretion discs launching jets obtained within the self-similar framework. Rather, I would like (1) to emphasize the huge difficulties one has to face when attempting to perform magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulations of such discs; (2) to show how self-similar solutions can help to solve these difficulties. In particular, they allow to choose suitable boundary conditions and/or relevant initial conditions. In all cases anyway, they provide a framework for understanding and testing the outcome of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present results of thermal evolution calculations for objects originating in the Kuiper belt and transferring inwards, to the region of the outer planets. Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) are considered to be part of a reservoir that supplies the flux of small icy bodies, mainly Centaurs and Jupiter‐family comets, to regions interior to the orbit of Neptune. We study the internal thermal evolution, for ?108 yr, of three typical KBOs and use the end state of the simulation as initial conditions for evolutionary calculations of two typical Centaurs. Some evolutionary trends can be identified for the KBOs, depending on key physical parameters, such as size and composition. The subsequent evolution in the Centaur region results in both specific features for each modeled object (mainly surface and sub‐surface composition) and common characteristics of thermally evolved Centaurs.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, our group has been developing hydrodynamic models to simulate formation of the Eagle Nebula pillars. The true test of any model is, of course, how well it can reproduce the observations. Here, we discuss how we go about testing our models against observations. We describe the process by which we “observe” the model data to create synthetic maps. We show an example of this technique using one of our model runs and compare the resultant synthetic map to the real one.  相似文献   

I review the processes that shape the evolution of protoplanetary discs around young, solar-mass stars. I first discuss observations of protoplanetary discs, and note in particular the constraints these observations place on models of disc evolution. The processes that affect the evolution of gas discs are then discussed, with the focus in particular on viscous accretion and photoevaporation, and recent models which combine the two. I then discuss the dynamics and growth of dust grains in discs, considering models of grain growth, the gas–grain interaction and planetesimal formation, and review recent research in this area. Lastly, I consider the so-called “transitional” discs, which are thought to be observed during disc dispersal. Recent observations and models of these systems are reviewed, and prospects for using statistical surveys to distinguish between the various proposed models are discussed.  相似文献   

The RadioAstron ground-space interferometer provides the highest angular resolution achieved now in astronomy. The detection of interferometric fringes from quasars with this angular resolution on baselines of 100–200 thousand km suggests the brightness temperatures which exceed the Compton limit by two orders of magnitude. Polarimetric measurements on ground-space baselines have revealed fine structure testifying to recollimation shocks on scales of 100–250 μas and a helical magnetic field near the base of radio emission in BL Lacertae. Substructure within a the scattering disk of pulsar emission on interferometer baselines (from 60000 to 250000 km) was discovered. This substructure is produced by action of the interstellar interferometer with an effective baseline of about 1 AU and the effective angular resolution of better than 1 μas. Diameters of scattering disks were measured for several pulsars, and distances to diffusing screens were evaluated. The ground-space observations of sources of the maser radiation in lines of water and hydroxyl have shown that the maser sources in star-forming regions remain unresolved on baselines, which considerably exceed the Earth diameter. These very compact and bright features with angular sizes of about 20–60 μas correspond to linear sizes of about 5–10 million km (several solar diameters).  相似文献   

We discuss the classic theorem according to which a gravitational lens always produces at least one image with a magnification greater than unity. This theorem seems to contradict the conservation of total flux from a lensed source. The standard solution to this paradox is based on the exact definition of the reference 'unlensed' situation, in which the lens mass can be either removed or smoothly redistributed.
We calculate magnifications and amplifications (in photon number and energy flux density) for general lensing scenarios not limited to regions close to the optical axis. In this way the formalism is naturally extended from tangential planes for the source and lensed images to complete spheres. We derive the lensing potential theory on the sphere and find that the Poisson equation is modified by an additional source term that is related to the mean density and to the Newtonian potential at the positions of observer and source. This new term generally reduces the magnification, to below unity far from the optical axis, and ensures conservation of the total photon number received on a sphere around the source.
This discussion does not affect the validity of the focusing theorem , in which the unlensed situation is defined to have an unchanged affine distance between source and observer. The focusing theorem does not contradict flux conservation, because the mean total magnification (or amplification) directly corresponds to different areas of the source (or observer) sphere in the lensed and unlensed situation. We argue that a constant affine distance does not define an astronomically meaningful reference.
By exchanging source and observer, we confirm that magnification and amplification differ according to Etherington's reciprocity law, so that surface brightness is no longer strictly conserved. At this level we also have to distinguish between different surface brightness definitions that are based on photon number, photon flux and energy flux.  相似文献   

In less than a decade, infrared array detectors have revolutionized infrared astronomy. Most of us remember using single element photometers in the early eighties, yet today, most of us are using 256×256 pixel arrays. At this meeting we have heard of plans to fabricate 1024×1024 arrays in the near infrared. From one to one million pixels in such a short period of time is amazing. The new array technology has also stimulated the development of many varieties of infrared cameras and spectrometers. At the UCLA Infrared Imaging Detector Lab we have commissioned two near infrared imaging systems (KCam and Gemini) based on 256×256 arrays and a spectrometer design study is in progress for 1024×1024 arrays. Performance of these cameras on the telescope will be reported briefly.  相似文献   

The unsurpassed sensitivity and resolution of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will make it possible for the first time to probe the continuum emission of normal star forming galaxies out to the edges of the universe. This opens the possibility for routinely using the radio continuum emission from galaxies for cosmological research as it offers an independent probe of the evolution of the star formation density in the universe. In addition it offers the possibility to detect the first star forming objects and massive black holes.In deep surveys SKA will be able to detect Hi in emission out to redshifts of z ≈ 2.5 and hence be able to trace the conversion of gas into stars over an era where considerable evolution is taking place. Such surveys will be able to uniquely determine the respective importance of merging and accreting gas flows for galaxy formation over this redshift range (i.e. out to when the universe was only one third its present age). It is obvious that only SKA will able to see literally where and how gas is turned into stars.These and other aspects of SKA imaging of galaxies will be discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection, or the ability of the magnetic field lines that are frozen in plasma to change their topology, is a fundamental problem of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Webriefly examine the problem starting with the well-known Sweet-Parker scheme, discuss effectsof tearing modes, anomalous resistivity and the concept of hyperresistivity. We show that the field stochasticity by itself provides a way toenable fast reconnection even if, at the scale of individual turbulent wiggles,the reconnection happens at the slow Sweet-Parker rate. We show that fast reconnectionallows efficient mixing of magnetic field in the direction perpendicular tothe local direction of magnetic field. While the idea of stochastic reconnection still requiresnumerical confirmation,our numerical simulations testify that mixing motions perpendicular to the local magnetic field are upto high degree hydrodynamical. This suggests that the turbulent heattransport should be similar to that in non-magnetized turbulent fluid, namely,should have a diffusion coefficient ~V L L, whereV L is the amplitude of the turbulent velocity and L is the scale of the turbulent motions. We present numericalsimulations which support this conclusion. The applicationof this idea to thermal conductivity in clusters of galaxies shows that thismechanism may dominate the diffusion of heat and may be efficient enoughto prevent cooling flow formation.  相似文献   

I review the observational constraints on the stars responsible for the upturn in the UV spectra of ellipticals, ranging from galaxies in the local Universe to distant clusters. In nearby galaxies, this UV upturn is produced by a minority population of extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars, with the large variations observed in the UV-to-optical flux ratio driven by variations in the number of EHB stars, and not the type of UV-bright stars. Deep UV images of the nearest elliptical galaxy, M32, show that it has a well-populated EHB, even though it has the weakest UV upturn of any known elliptical galaxy. However, M32 suffers from a striking dearth of the hot post-HB stars expected from canonical evolutionary theory. As we observe to larger lookback times in more distant galaxy clusters, the UV upturn fades, as predicted by theories of stellar and galactic evolution, but does so gradually. Because the EHB stars do not appear suddenly in the Universe, their presence is likely driven by a large dispersion in the parameters that govern HB morphology.  相似文献   

The relationship between sunspot area and other observable solar parameters, such as spectral solar irradiance or total magnetic flux, is frequently sought by examining scatterplots of daily data, which generally show a non-linear distribution of points. We show that the scatterplots are consistent with our published result that these observable solar parameters are related to sunspot area by a transformation that is both linear and time invariant, namely by convolution with a finite impulse response function. Most solar parameters are affected by extended active regions, not just by sunspots. The fact that a complex active region evolves much more slowly than its associated sunspots provides a simple physical explanation of the observed non-linearities in scatterplots.  相似文献   

Retrievals performed on Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer data obtained during the distant Jupiter flyby in 2000/2001 have been used to generate global temperature maps of the planet in the troposphere and stratosphere, but to higher latitudes than were shown previously by Flasar et al. [Flasar, F.M., 39 colleagues, 2004a. Nature 427, 132-135; Flasar, F.M., 44 colleagues, 2004b. Space Sci. Rev. 115, 169-297]. Similar retrievals were performed on Voyager 1 IRIS data to provide the first detailed IRIS map of the stratosphere, and high latitudes in the troposphere. Thermal winds were calculated for each data set and show strong vertical shears in the zonal winds at low latitudes, and meridional temperature gradients indicate the presence of circumpolar jets, as well. The temperatures retrieved from the two spacecraft were also compared with yearly ground-based data obtained over the intervening two decades. Tropospheric temperatures reveal gradual changes at low latitudes, with little obvious seasonal or short-term variation [Orton et al., 1994. Science 265, 625-631]. Stratospheric temperatures show much more complicated behavior over short timescales, consistent with quasi-quadrennial oscillations at low latitudes, as suggested in prior analyses of shorter intervals of ground-based data [Orton et al., 1991. Science 252, 537-542; Friedson, A.J., 1999. Icarus 137, 34-55]. A scaling analysis indicates that meridional motions, mechanically forced by wave or eddy convergence, play an important role in modulating the temperatures and winds in the upper troposphere and stratosphere on seasonal and shorter timescales. At latitudes away from the equator, the mechanical forcing can be derived simply from a temporal record of temperature and its vertical derivative. Ground-based observations with improved vertical resolution and/or long-term monitoring from spacecraft are required for this purpose, though the Voyager and Cassini data given indications that the magnitude of the forcing is very small.  相似文献   

Purpose of this paper is to clarify how Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are very interesting laboratories to study cosmic gas dynamics. I first recall the history of PNe which are generated from low and intermediate mass stars through successive mass loss processes starting in the Reg Giant phase of evolution and continuing also after the termination of the pulsed AGB phase, where most of the nebular mass is believed to be ejected. The correpondings tellar winds are the ingredients of the nebula. Their initial properties and subsequent mutual interactions, under the action of the evolving stellar radiation field, are responsible for the properties of the nebula. The observed structures of PNe are considered in detail. Larger scale macroscopic structures (MACS) are examined separately from quite smaller scale microscopic structures (MICS). The formation of MACS, at least in cases of round to moderately elliptical PNe, is shown to be reasonably well understood in terms of existing hydrodynamical models. Considering the kinematical behaviour, MICS can be separated into FLIERs (Fast Low Ionization Emitting Regions) and SLOWERs (slowly moving). Attention is focussed on FLIERs and on the proposed mechanisms to interpret them. Recent observations with the Hubble Space Telescope have provided us with a wealth of detailed (subarcsec) information on the nebular structures. The inner structure of FLIERs is here illustrated to consist of substructures of various shapes with an high degree of individually from object to object, also within the same PN. These new data call for deeper thoretical efforts to solve the problems of cosmic gas dynamics, posed by their observed properties. An ample account is given of the most relevant original works, in an effort to allow the non specialist reader to quickly become acquainted with the status of art in the various aspects of the subject. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss the essential differences between comets and asteroids. Ironically, with the exception of the rocky asteroids in the inner solar system, most of the objects classified as asteroids at and beyond Jupiter's orbit are likely to conceal buried volatiles, and thus are more usefully considered as comets.  相似文献   

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