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南麂列岛海洋自然保护区信息系统开发与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南麂列岛国家级海洋自然保护区管理信息系统是采用集成技术开发的专用信息系统。该系统建立了可科学管理南麂列岛自然保护区的地理空间数据、贝藻类数据、水文气象数据、文本数据、多媒体数据等数据库系统,具有空间数据和属性数据的管理、更新、查询及其扩展等功能。介绍了南麂列岛土地覆盖状况分析的应用实例。系统对提高南麂列岛自然保护区管理,同时建设海洋类型的自然保护区信息系统具有重要的示范作用。  相似文献   

围子山省级自然保护区位于山东省烟台市莱山区,区内地质遗迹丰富,本文将保护区内的地质遗迹资源分为基础地质、地貌景观及地质灾害3个大类、6个类,8个亚类。对各类地质遗迹特征进行分析,并从科学性、稀有性、完整性、美学性、保存程度、可保护性等6个方面对区内地质遗迹资源进行定性评价,结果表明,围子山自然保护区内丰富的地质遗迹资源科学性、完整性、美学性较好,具有较高的科研、科普、美学及旅游开发价值,是普及地学知识的理想之地。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS Engine的自主旅游信息系统的设计和实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统旅游信息系统注重旅游信息的查询以及决策和管理,很少有自主发布信息的、个性化的、注重自主享受旅游和回顾评价旅游过程的信息系统出现。为此,本文以C#语言为基础用Arc GIS Engine二次开发的方法,设计和实现了一个自主旅游信息系统原型,详细剖析了该系统的设计和实现流程,测试表明该系统能初步满足游客个性化旅游的要求,为宣传"智慧旅游"提供了新的方法和手段。  相似文献   

基于GIS的矿产资源规划审查信息系统的设计与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用地理信息系统技术,根据矿产规划提供的数字化电子图成果,结合规划审查的探矿权、采矿权等内容,对矿产资源规划审查信息系统提出了设计方案.以山西省为例,采用MAPGIS的二次开发工具和VB山西省市县级矿产资源规划审查信息系统进行了开发.该系统为山西省矿产资源规划的审查提供服务平台,取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

安庆湿地信息系统结构与功能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地是一种重要的土地资源,也是人类生产、生活资料的重要源泉。利用GIS、RS、GPS技术研究湿地资源具有重要意义。安庆湿地由龙感湖、黄大湖、泊湖、菜子湖等组成。该区生物多样性和物种稀有性方面有其独特的意义,对研究人为活动影响下,湖泊湿地的发展变化及恢复有重要作用。建立湿地信息系统,为加强安庆湿地资源的开发利用和规划管理提供决策服务。  相似文献   

集成化国土资源信息系统研究与应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在对我国国土资源信息系统发展阶段进行分析和总结的基础上,阐述了集成化国土资源信息系统的基本内容,提出建设集成化国土资源信息系统所需要采用的关键技术、应用模式以及产品化过程,并以柳州市国土信息系统为例对SuperMap LIS数字国土信息系统软件的设计与开发思路进行了介绍。  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的网络国土资源信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国土资源管理信息化、网络化是政府部门上网工程的一项重要内容之一。本文从分析WebGIS的特点和功能及其实现模式入手,提出了建立基于WebGIS技术的网络国土资源信息系统的实现方案。从系统的可行性分析,系统设计,系统结构,功能设计,数据库,网络安全等方面进行了详细论述。最后,通过实际应用证明方案是可行的。  相似文献   

随着GIS应用的深入和广泛 ,空间数据元数据的重要性愈加明显和突出。在探讨空间数据元数据的概念、内容、功能和作用的基础上 ,针对多源地学信息系统元数据的组织和管理———数据字典的设计及其实现技术和方法进行了研究。研究结果表明 ,以数据库管理系统建立的空间数据元数据的数据字典不仅在多源地学信息系统设计、建设和应用阶段具有指导意义 ,而且对用户在使用空间数据的过程中提供查询和说明空间数据的质量和可靠性方面具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

基本农田信息系统的设计与实例研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文按照基本农田建设和管理要求 ,在 GIS软件支持下进行了基本农田信息系统的设计及其理论探讨。实践表明 ,应用地理信息系统辅助完成基本农田管理 ,实现办公电子化、信息化可以为土地管理部门提供现代化的管理手段 ,节省大量人力、财力、物力 ,为科学管理及时、高效、准确地提供依据 ,提高科学管理水平。  相似文献   

放射源监管信息系统的设计与集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的发展和各个领域的进一步开放,作为一种高新技术产品,放射源已经广泛地应用于工业、农业、医学、资源、环境、军事、科学研究等领域。本研究在分析放射源对各个领域的具体用途和使用特点的基础上,分析了企业和环境监管部门管理的需要。通过对遥感系统(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)、全球定位系统(GPS)、数据库、通信、网络技术等综合研究,设计开发了企业版和政府版的放射源监管信息系统,实现对放射源的监控与管理,为放射源监控管理和安全使用提出了一套较为有效的技术解决方案。从而减少由于放射源应用单位的管理能力参差不齐而导致的放射源丢失、被盗等事故,该系统在焦作市环境保护局的应用表明:基于空间信息集成技术的放射源监控信息系统的应用,为国内环境保护部门对放射性环境进行管理提供了较为可靠的技术手段,并发挥了重要的作用,较大程度地提高了放射源监控管理能力。同时,增强了放射源突发事件的应急处理处置能力,在保障社会公共安全和人民健康方面发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

海洋自然保护区地理信息系统建设初探   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
 海洋自然保护区是海洋事业的重要组成部分,但由于起步较晚,基础薄弱,长期以来,它的发展建设受到了管理落后的制约,海洋自然保护区管理手段的现代化势在必行。运用RS、GIS等空间信息技术,建设海洋自然保护区地理信息系统(MNRGIS)是解决这一问题的有效途径。本文从海洋自然保护区及其空间信息技术应用的基本特点方面进行了论述,并着重对MNRGIS的系统结构、关键技术和数据库结构的设计进行了初步探索,同时提出了MNRGIS建设应注意的几个问题  相似文献   

Meteorites are the extraterrestrial rocks, which provide insights into the origin and evolution of the solar system. During the past half century, a great number of meteorites has been discovered on the Antarctic Ice Sheet, confirming that the Antarctica is the most important meteorite concentration area on the earth. Since the first four Antarctic meteorites were found in Grove Mountains in 1998, a total of 9834 meteorites have been collected by four subsequent expeditions. It opens a new field of meteorite study in China, and also accumulates a great deal of scientific samples for China. Recently, classification of Grove Mountains meteorites has been carried out for 6 years, and made following progresses: (1) 2433 meteorites, which include many special meteorites, e.g. Martian meteorites, ureilites and carbonaceous chondrites, have been classified. (2) the Antarctic meteorite curation and the sample sharing system are set up preliminarily. (3) the classification procedure, the management of meteorite samples, and the application procedure for the Antarctic meteorites are completed after the systematic classification during these years. (4) young generation researchers on meteorite are trained through the cooperation of many universities and institutes on meteorite classification.  相似文献   

The establishment of GPS network in Grove Mountains, East Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 Introduction The Grove Mountains is located at Princess Elizabeth land in East Antarctica, about 400 km from Zhongshan station and 160 km east of the Mawson Escarpment, consists of a scattered group of mountains and nunataks. The range extends73°-76°E…  相似文献   

Ureilites are a common group of achondrites with a high abundance of carbon. They probably have a genetic relationship with chondrites, hence provide an insight into origin and evolution of terrestrial planets. A new meteorite-rich region, Grove Mountains (GRV), was found by the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition, with discovery of 9834 meteorites. Of 2433 meteorites classified, 9 ureilites have been identified. In this paper, we report petrography of 6 of these ureilites. Four ureilites contain graphite and exhibit triangle conjunction and common reduced margins of olivine. GRV 052382 probably experienced heavy shock metamorphism followed by fast cooling, as indicated by mosaic texture or fine-grained granular texture of olivine. GRV 022931 was highly reduced of these ureilites, with olivine as isolated grains in abundant carbonaceous matrix. All 9 ureilites are monomict, and are classified into subtype II (with medium FeO content, Fa15-18) and subtype I (with high FeO content, Fa>18) based on compositions of the cores of olivine. The diverse mineral compositions and petrography of these ureilites suggest that they are not paired and reveal a multi-event history of the parent body. Partial melting of the parent body produced carbon-rich magma, followed by crystallization of graphite and silicates. Later, graphite was partially inverted to diamond by shock events. Reburial of the shocked debris experienced various degree of thermal metamorphism. Finally, these rocks were excavated from the parent asteroid and ejected into Earth-cross orbit by another impact event.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Ge, As, Sb, W, Re, Ir, Pt and Au of two ungrouped iron meteorites, Grove Mountains (GRV) 98003 from Antarctica and Ujimqin, were measured using instrumental neutron activation analysis. According to the bulk chemistry, GRV 98003 is classified as a member of ⅠAB group, and Ujimqin as a unique one of ⅠAB iron meteorite complex. The elemental abundance pattern and correlation between elements (e. g. Ni-Au, Co-Au, As-Au, W- Au, Cu-Au, Sb-Au) of GRV 98003 are similar with those of NAW 468 (ⅠAB), but significantly depleted in refractory siderophile elements ( Re, It) and moderate volatile elements (Ca, Ge) relative to the latter. In addition, we reclassify Nantan (ⅢCD) as a member of ⅠAB main group (MG) and Yongning (ⅠA) as a unique iron meteorite related with IAB iron meteorite complex.  相似文献   

The first study of erratic boulder exposure ages in the Grove Mountains,interior Antarctica,indicates the two erratic boulders(060131-1 and 060131-2,collected from a typical nunataks,Zakharoff Ridge in the Grove Mountains) have 10Be minimum exposure ages of 1.24±0.11 Ma,1.37±0.12 Ma,and 26Al ages of 0.90±0.12 Ma,0.44±0.04 Ma,respectively.Meanwhile,another erratic boulder sample 060131-4,coming from vicinal ice surface,has 10Be and 26Al minimum exposure ages of 0.47±0.3 Ma and 0.44±0.04 Ma,respectively.The e...  相似文献   

The Grove Mountains, located between the Zhongshan Station and Dome A, are a very important area in inland Antarctic research. China has organized five investigations of the Grove Mountains, encompassing the geological structure, ancient climate, meteorites, ice-movement monitoring, basic mapping, meteorological observations, and other multi-disciplinary observational studies. During the 26th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition in 2010, the Grove Mountains investigation team applied specialized ground-penetrating radar(GPR) to survey subglacial topography in the eastern kernel area of the Grove Mountains. In this paper, we processed GPS and GPR data gathered in the field and drew, for the first time, two subglacial topographic maps of the Grove Mountains kernel area using professional graphics software. The preliminary results reveal the mystery of the nunatak landform of this area, give an exploratory sense of the real bedrock landforms, and indicate a possible sedimentary basin under the Pliocene epoch fossil ice in the Grove Mountains area. Additionally, it has been proven from cross-sectional analysis between Mount Harding and the Zakharoff ridge that the box-valley shape between two nunataks has already matured. ′  相似文献   

The cold desert soll has been discovered at first time in southern ridge of Mount Harding, Grove Mountains of interior East Antarctica Ice Sheet. Based on the micro structural observation, dominant characteristics of quartz grains include: distinct surface stria and fractures, and clean features of frost action at both of crystal margins and micro crannies of quartz grains. These features show a pedogenesis environment of few water, short transportation and frost action, revealing a warmer climatic event existed in this re, on.  相似文献   

Shock effects of 93 Grove Mountains (GRV) ordinary chondrites were studied in this work, including fracture, various types of extinction, and recrystallization of silicates observed under optical microscopy. Shock-induced veins and pockets show various microtextures, decomposition and phase transformation of minerals. The confirmed high-pressure polymorphs of silicates are ringwoodite, majorite, pyroxene glass and maskelynite. Based on the shock effects and assemblages of high-pressure minerals, shock stages of all of 93 GRV chondrites were classified. In comparison with literature, the Grove Mountains meteorites have a higher fraction (23 out of 93) of heavily shocked samples (S4-S5). Most of the heavily shocked meteorites are L group (22 out of 23), except for one H chondrite. The distinct shock metamorphism between H and L groups may indicate different surface properties of their parent bodies. In addition, there is relationship between petrologic types and shock stages, with most heavily shocked samples observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (especially Type 5 and 6).  相似文献   

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