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The barotropic and baroclinic disturbances axisymmetrized by the barotropic basic vortex are examined in an idealized modeling framework consisting of two layers.Using a Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approach,the radial propagation of a baroclinic disturbance is shown to be slower than a barotropic disturbance,resulting in a slower linear axisymmetrization for baroclinic disturbances.The slower-propagating baroclinic waves also cause more baroclinic asymmetric kinetic energy to be transferred directly to the barotropic symmetric vortex than from barotropic disturbances,resulting in a faster axisymmetrization process in the nonlinear baroclinic wave case than in the nonlinear barotropic wave case.  相似文献   

In the context of advection dynamics,19 experiments(Exps.)are performed using a quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model to explore the condition for the mergence of binary vortices and the self-organization of the larger scale vortex.Results show that the initial distance between the centers of binary vortices and the non-axisymmetric distributions of their initial vorticity are two factors affecting the mergence of binary vortices.There is a critical distance for the mergence of initial symmetric binary vortices, however,the mergence of initial non-axisymmetric binary vortices is also affected by the asymmetric structure of initial vortices.The self-organization processes in 19 experiments can be classified into two types:one is the merging of identical,axisymmetric binary vortices in which the interaction of the two vortices undergoes slowly change,rapid change,and the formation,stretching,and development of the filaments of vorticity, and the two vortices merge into a symmetric vortex,with its vorticity piled up in the inner region coming from the two initial vortices,and the vorticity of the spiral band in the outer region from the stretching of the filaments of the two initial vortices.And the other type is the merging of the two non-axisymmetric initial vortices of an elliptic vortex and an eccentric vortex in which the elliptic vortex,on the one hand, mutually rotates,and on the other hand moves towards the center of the computational domain,at the same time expands its vorticity area,and at last forms the inner core of resultant state vortex;and the eccentric vortex mutually rotates,meanwhile continuously stretches,and finally forms the spiral band of resultant state vortex.The interaction process is characteristic of the vorticity piled up in the inner core region of resultant state vortex originating from the elliptic vortex and the vorticity in spiral band mainly from the successive stretch and rupture of the eccentric vortex.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of TC intensification and track to the initial inner-core structure on a β plane is investigated using a numerical model. The results show that the vortex with large inner-core winds(CVEX-EXP) experiences an earlier intensification than that with small inner-core winds(CCAVE-EXP), but they have nearly the same intensification rate after spin-up. In the early stage, the convective cells associated with surface heat flux are mainly confined within the inner-core region in CVEXEXP, whereas the vortex in CCAVE-EXP exhibits a considerably asymmetric structure with most of the convective vortices being initiated to the northeast in the outer-core region due to the β effect. The large inner-core inertial stability in CVEX-EXP can prompt a high efficiency in the conversion from convective heating to kinetic energy. In addition, much stronger straining deformation and PBL imbalance in the inner-core region outside the primary eyewall ensue during the initial development stage in CVEX-EXP than in CCAVE-EXP, which is conducive to the rapid axisymmetrization and early intensification in CVEX-EXP. The TC track in CVEX-EXP sustains a northwestward displacement throughout the integration, whereas the TC in CCAVE-EXP undergoes a northeastward recurvature when the asymmetric structure is dominant. Due to the enhanced asymmetric convection to the northeast of the TC center in CCAVE-EXP, a pair of secondary gyres embedded within the large-scale primary β gyres forms, which modulates the ventilation flow and thus steers the TC to move northeastward.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the difference in tropical cyclone(TC) formation in different cyclonic circulation locations using a mesoscale model on a beta plane. A weak initial vortex is imposed at different positions in a cyclonic circulation. Numerical experiments indicate that the tropical disturbances located in the center and northeastern parts of the cyclonic circulation are favorable to TC formation, while those located in the south of the cyclonic circulation are unfavorable. Since the asymmetric circulation induced by the beta effect peaks in the northeastern quadrant of the vortex, when the initial vortex is placed in the southern part of the cyclonic circulation, the vortex begins to develop in the south due to the effect of the westerly wind of the cyclonic circulation. The westerly wind of the cyclonic circulation gradually decreases and the vortex is contributed mainly by the beta effect afterwards. Thus, establishment of the convection–circulation–moisture positive feedback is delayed, unfavorable to TC rapid development. On the contrary, when the initial vortex is placed in the northern part of the cyclonic circulation, the superposition of the beta gyres and easterly wind of the cyclonic circulation induces stronger wavenumber-1 wind in the northeastern part of the vortex. The greater asymmetric wind is closely associated with the symmetric wind through energy conversion, thus accelerating a positive feedback and facilitating vortex development into a stronger TC. Meanwhile, when the initial vortex is placed in the center and eastern parts of the cyclonic circulation, the vortex develops a little slower than when it is placed in the northern part, but stronger than when placed in the southern part.  相似文献   

Self-organization of typhoon vortex in a baroclinic environment is studied based on eight numerical experiments with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results show that, when there are only two 400-km-away mesoscale axisymmetric vortices with a radius of 500 km in the initial field, the two vortices move away from each other during co-rotating till the distance between them greater than a critical distance named co-rotating critical distance. Then, they stop co-rotating. The situation is changed when a small vortex with a radius of 80 kin is introduced in between the two vortices in the initial field, with the two initially separated vortices approaching each other during their co-rotation, and finally self-organizing into a typhoon-like vortex consisting of an inner core and spiral bands. This result supports both Zhou Xiuji's view in 1994 and the studies in the barotropic framework concerning the interactions between the same and different scales of vortices. Six other experiments are carried out to study the effects of the initial vortex parameters, including the initial position of the small-scale vortex, the distance and intensity of the initially axisymmetric binary mesoscale vortices. It is found that the distance between the initial axisymmetrie mesoscale vortices is the most important parameter that influences the self-organizing process of the final typhoon-like vortex. This conclusion is similar to that obtained from barotropical model experiments.  相似文献   

With the aid of the baroclinicity parameter M2,inertial instability parameter F2 and the stratification instability paramter N2 as the slowly varying function both spatially and temporally,an energetic equation is derived of symmetric perturbation waves in baroclinic vortices in the framework of progressively changing wavetrain theory,or WKB,alongside the examination of effects of these parameters upon the vortex disturbance.  相似文献   

A two-layer quasi-geostrophic model is used to study the stability and sensitivity of motions on smallscale vortices in Jupiter’s atmosphere. Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations (CNOPs) and linear singular vectors (LSVs) are both obtained numerically and compared in this paper. The results show that CNOPs can capture the nonlinear characteristics of motions in small-scale vortices in Jupiter’s atmosphere and show great difference from LSVs under the condition that the initial constraint condition is large or the optimization time is not very short or both. Besides, in some basic states, local CNOPs are found. The pattern of LSV is more similar to local CNOP than global CNOP in some cases. The elementary application of the method of CNOP to the Jovian atmosphere helps us to explore the stability of variousscale motions of Jupiter’s atmosphere and to compare the stability of motions in Jupiter’s atmosphere and Earth’s atmosphere further.  相似文献   

A method of linear momentum approximation is proposed that deals with weak nonlinear problems in an approximate manner. A motion of nonlinear nature is obtained in the system by assuming the motion to be in the form of linear momentum flow in the corresponding space introduced, followed by the transformation from the specified into a physical space. Significant results have been thereby derived in examining the effects of baroclinic Ekman momentum flow upon Eady-type baroclinic waves and frontogenesis. Also, this technique can be applied to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the weak nonlinear boundary layer including topography, stratification and non-Ekmantype friction for gaining further insight into the influence on the boundary layer inner parameters of terrain, baroclinicity and inhomogeneous process so that the classic theory is revised.  相似文献   

In this study,singular vectors related to a heavy rainfall case over the Korean Peninsula were calculated using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) adjoint modeling system.Tangent linear and adjoint models include moist physical processes,and a moist basic state and a moist total energy norm were used for the singular-vector calculations.The characteristics and nonlinear growth of the first singular vector were analyzed,focusing on the relationship between the basic state and the singular vector.The horizontal distribution of the initial singular vector was closely related to the baroclinicity index and the moisture availability of the basic state.The temperature-component energy at a lower level was dominant at the initial time,and the kinetic energy at upper levels became dominant at the final time in the energy profile of the singular vector.The nonlinear growth of the singular vector appropriately reflects the temporal variations in the basic state.The moisture-component energy at lower levels was dominant at earlier times,indicating continuous moisture transport in the basic state.There were a large amount of precipitation and corresponding latent heat release after that period because the continuous moisture transport created favorable conditions for both convective and nonconvective precipitation.The vertical propagation of the singular-vector energy was caused by precipitation and the corresponding latent heating in the basic state.  相似文献   

The evolution of spiral-band-like structures triggered by asymmetric heating in three tropical-cyclone-like vortices of different intensities is examined using the Three-Dimensional Vortex Perturbation Analyzer and Simulator (3DVPAS) model. To simulate the spiral bands, asymmetric thermal perturbations are imposed on the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of vortices, which can be considered as the location near the eyewall of real tropical cyclones (TCs). All the three vortices experience a hydrostatic adjustment after the introduction of thermal asymmetries. It takes more time for weaker and stable vortices to finish such a process. The spiral-band-like structures, especially those distant from the vortex centers, form and evolve accompanying this process. In the quasi-balance state, the spiral bands are gradually concentrated to the inner core, the wave behavior of which resembles the features of classic vortex Rossby (VR) waves. The unstable vortices regain nonhydrostatic features after the quasi-balance stage. The spiral bands further from the vortex center, similar to distant spiral bands in real TCs, form and maintain more easily in the moderate basic-state vortex, satisfying the conditions of barotropic instability. The widest radial extent and longest-lived distant bands always exist in weak and stable vortices. This study represents an attempt to determine the role of TC intensity and stability in the formation and evolution of spiral bands via hydrostatic balance adjustment, and provides some valuable insights into the formation of distant spiral rainbands.  相似文献   

The barotropic and baroclinic disturbances axisymmetrized by the barotropic basic vortex are examined in an idealized modeling framework consisting of two layers. Using a Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approach, the radial propagation of a baroclinic disturbance is shown to be slower than a barotropic disturbance, resulting in a slower linear axisymmetrization for baroclinic disturbances. The slower-propagating baroclinic waves also cause more baroclinic asymmetric kinetic energy to be transferred directly to the barotropic symmetric vortex than from barotropic disturbances, resulting in a faster axisymmetrization process in the nonlinear baroclinic wave case than in the nonlinear barotropic wave case.  相似文献   

The linear and weakly nonlinear dynamics of long, low frequency, spatially growing baroclinic waves embedded in slowly varying zonal flow on a β-plane channel are examined in a continuous model of the atmosphere. For a basic state jet flow possessing a locally unstable region, the nonlinear solution yields a maximum amplitude that is located near the region of maximum baroclinicity and substantially upstream of the maximum amplitude obtained from linear theory. The difference between the linear and nonlinear solutions is due to the time-averaged wave fluxes becoming large enough in the nonlinear problem to stabilize the flow prior to reaching the location (jet center) where the basic state baroclinicity and locally computed linear growth rate are maximized.  相似文献   

涡旋中的非对称扰动又是一种较为常见的流体运动现象,如不成熟飓风中出现的中尺度深厚对流云区(又称圆形抽气云CEC),热带风暴发展时的不对称性以及环流中心往往位于浓密云区的边缘等,都是涡旋中存在不对称扰动的表现形式。然而对于涡旋中非对称扰动的稳定性问题的研究,目前还比较少。文中从柱坐标下的斜压模式出发,研究了热带气旋等一类涡旋中心的非对称扰动的不稳定问题,结果表明:(1)与平直的基本流相比,涡旋中更容易出现斜压不稳定,扰动更容易发展;(2)不稳定可以使涡旋中的能量由基本场向扰动场转换,涡旋变得不对称。扰动是一种重力内波,其传播速度远小于基本流角速度,有些甚至逆基本流缓慢倒转;(3)在通常的稳定度参数条件下,发展扰动主要集中在高层,从结构上看,扰动的倾斜度大。当稳定度参数很小时,扰动可扩展到整个对流层,倾斜度较小;(4)高层反气旋也可以激发出不稳定内波,这种扰动在低层表现明显。当稳定度参数较小时,扰动发展较快,并且也以很小的速度倒转。  相似文献   

守恒系统中台风强度变化及其可能因子的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
罗哲贤 《气象学报》2003,61(3):302-311
用一个高分辨率的f平面正压涡度方程模式,实施了时间积分为36h的21组试验,研究相邻中尺度涡旋与台风涡旋的相互作用。结果指出:这种相互作用能否导致台风加强,取决于两类因子:一是台风涡旋最大风速的取值以及圆形基流切变的强弱;二是切变基流中的中尺度涡旋的自身条件,包括中尺度涡旋的分布、尺度、强度和结构。台风强度与初始中尺度涡旋的尺度、强度之间存在着非线性的联系。  相似文献   

Summary Considerable advancements have recently been made in understanding tropical cyclone motion. Based on these new understandings, the requirements for accurate tropical cyclone motion prediction with dynamical models can be specified. Four issues related to dynamical track prediction are the initial specifications of the environmental wind field, the symmetric vortex and the asymmetric vortex structure, as well as the adequacy of the models to predict the time evolution of each of these three components of the total wind field. Recently developed barotropic and limited-region or global baroclinic models are examined in terms of these issues. The capability of the Hurricane Research Division barotropic model to provide skillful track forecasts to 48 h retrospectively substantiates that tropical cyclones motion is governed by barotropic dynamics to first order. Limited-region baroclinic models are demonstrated to have many of the numerical characteristics, physical process representations, and initial condition specifications that will be required to properly predict tropical cyclone tracks. In particular, the semioperational Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory model most closely addresses all of the above issues, and has demonstrated potential for markedly improved tracks for a small sample of cases. Finally, the inclusion of some aspects of tropical cyclone structure in the initial conditions of global baroclinic models has improved their track predictions. Thus, the outlook is for a significant improvement in dynamical track predictions.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

The merging of multiple vortices is a fundamental process of the dynamics of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. In this study, the interaction of like-signed vortices is analytically and numerically examined in a framework of two-dimensional inviscid barotropic flows. It is shown that barotropic vortex interaction turns out to be more intricate than simple merging scenarios often assumed in previous studies. Some particular configurations exist in which the vortex merging process is never complete despite strong interaction of like-signed vortices, regardless of the strengths or distances between the vortices. While the conditions for a complete vortex merging process introduced in this study appear to be too strict for most practical applications, this study suggests that careful criteria for vortex mergers should be properly defined when simulating the interaction of vortices, because the merging may not always result in a final enhanced circulation at the end of the interaction, as usually assumed in the literature.  相似文献   

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