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Radial contraction of the dust layer in the midplane of a gas–dust protoplanetary disk that consists of large dust aggregates is modeled. Sizes of aggregates vary from centimeters to meters assuming the monodispersion of the layer. The highly nonlinear continuity equation for the solid phase of the dust layer is solved numerically. The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions under which the solid matter is accumulated in the layer, which contributes to the formation of planetesimals as a result of gravitational instability of the dust phase of the layer. We consider the collective interaction of the layer with the surrounding gas of the protoplanetary disk: shear stresses act on the gas in the dust layer that has a higher orbital velocity than the gas outside the layer, this leads to a loss of angular momentum and a radial drift of the layer. The stress magnitude is determined by the turbulent viscosity, which is represented as the sum of the α-viscosity associated with global turbulence in the disk and the viscosity associated with turbulence that is localized in a thin equatorial region comprising the dust layer and is caused by the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. The evaporation of water ice and the continuity of the mass flux of the nonvolatile component on the ice line is also taken into account. It is shown that the accumulation of solid matter on either side of the ice line and in other regions of the disk is determined primarily by the ratio of the radii of dust aggregates on either side of the ice line. If after the ice evaporation the sizes (or density) of dust aggregates decrease by an order of magnitude or more, the density of the solid phase of the layer’s matter in the annular zone adjacent to the ice line from the inside increases sharply. If, however, the sizes of the aggregates on the inner side of the ice line are only a few times smaller than behind the ice line, then in the same zone there is a deficit of mass at the place of the modern asteroid belt. We have obtained constraints on the parameters at which the layer compaction is possible: the global turbulence viscosity parameter (α < 10?5), the initial radial distribution of the surface density of the dust layer, and the distribution of the gas surface density in the disk. Restrictions on the surface density depend on the size of dust aggregates. It is shown that the timescale of radial contraction of a dust layer consisting of meter-sized bodies is two orders of magnitude and that of decimeter ones, an order of magnitude greater than the timescale of the radial drift of individual particles if there is no dust layer.  相似文献   

The pumping up of orbital inclinations of asteroids caused by sweeping secular resonances associated with depletion of a protoplanetary disk is discussed, focusing on the dependence on the disk inclinations and surface density distribution. The asteroids have large mean inclinations that cannot be explained by present planetary perturbations alone. It has been suggested that the sweeping secular resonances caused by disk depletion are responsible for these high inclinations. Nagasawa et al. (2000, Astron. J.119, 1480-1497) showed that the inclinations of asteroids are pumped up if the disk is depleted in an inside-out manner on a time scale longer than 3×105 years. Their assumed disk midplane is not on the invariant plane. However, it should be affected by the inclination of the disk plane. Here we investigate the dependence on the disk inclinations. We assume a disk depletion model in which the disk inside the jovian orbit has been removed and the residual outer disk is uniformly depleted. We calculate the locations of the secular resonances and the excitation magnitude of the inclinations with analytical methods. We found that the inclinations are pumped up to the observational level for a depletion time scale longer than 106 years in the case of the disk plane that coincides with the invariant plane. The required time scale is longest (3×106 years) if the disk plane coincides with the jovian orbital plane. However, it is still within the observationally inferred depletion time scale. We also studied dependence on a disk surface density gradient and found that the results do not change significantly as long as the inner disk depletion is faster than the outer disk one.  相似文献   

We present three-dimensional numerical simulations on binary formation through fragmentation. The simulations follow gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud core up to growth of the first core by accretion. At the initial stage, the gravity is only slightly dominant over the gas pressure. We made various models by changing initial velocity distribution (rotation speed, rotation law, and bar-mode perturbation). The cloud fragments whenever the cloud rotates sufficiently slowly to allow collapse but faster enough to form a disk before first-core formation. The latter condition is equivalent to Ω0 t ff ? 0.05, where Ω0 and t ff f denote the initial central angular velocity and the freefall time measured from the central density, and the condition is independent of the initial rotation law and bar-mode perturbation. Fragmentation is classified into six types. When the initial cloud rotates rigidly the cloud collapses to form a adiabatic disk supported by rotation. When the bar-mode perturbation is very minor, the disk deforms to a rotating bar, and the bar fragments. Otherwise, the adiabatic disk evolves into a central core surrounded by a circumstellar disk, and the the circumstellar disk fragments. When the initial cloud rotates differentially, the cloud deforms to a ring or bar in the isothermal collapse phase. The ring fragments into free or more cores, while the bar fragments into only two cores. In the latter case, the core merges due to low orbital angular momentum and new satellite cores form in the later stages.  相似文献   

We consider gravitational instability of the dust layer in the midplane of a protoplanetary disk with turbulence and shear stresses between the gas in the disk and that in the dust layer. We solve a linearized system of hydrodynamic equations for perturbations of dust (monodisperse) and gas phases in the incompressible gas approximation. We take into account the gas drag of solid particles (dust aggregates), turbulent diffusion and the velocity dispersion of particles, and the perturbation of the azimuthal velocity of gas in the layer upon the transfer of angular momentum from solid particles to it and from this gas to the surrounding gas in the disk. We obtain and solve the dispersion equation for the layer with the ratio of surface densities of the dust phase and gas being well above unity. The following parameters of gravitational instability in the dust layer are calculated: the critical surface density of solid matter and the Stokes number of particles corresponding to the onset of instability, the wavelength range in which instability occurs, and the rate of its growth as a function of the perturbation wavelength in the circumsolar disk at radial distances of 1 and 10 AU. We show that at 10 AU, the maximum instability growth rate increases due to the transfer of angular momentum of gas in the layer to gas outside it, a new maximum emerges at a longer wavelength, a long-wavelength instability “tail” forms, and the critical surface density initiating instability decreases relative to that determined without the transfer of angular momentum to gas outside the layer. None of these effects are observed at 1 AU, since instability in this region probably develops faster than the transfer of angular momentum to the surrounding gаs of a protoplanetary disk occurs.  相似文献   

The far outer regions of galactic disks allow an important probe of both star formation and galaxy formation. I discuss how observations of HII regions in these low gas density, low metallicity environments can shed light on the physical processes which drive galactic star formation. The history of past star formation at large radii, as traced by observations of old and intermediate-age stars, constrains the epoch at which the highest angular momentum regions of disks were in place; first results for the M31 disk suggest this occured a significant (≳ 8 Gyr) time ago. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - Within the framework of Tsallis nonextensive statistics, the criteria for the Jeans gravitational instability are derived for a self-gravitating protoplanetary disk, whose...  相似文献   

The orbital evolution of more than 22000 Jupiter-crossing objects under thegravitational influence of planets was investigated. We found that the meancollision probabilities of Jupiter-crossing objects (from initial orbits close tothe orbit of a comet) with the terrestrial planets can differ by more than twoorders of magnitude for different comets. For initial orbital elements close tothose of some comets (e.g., 2P and 10P), about 0.1% of objects got Earth-crossingorbits with semi-major axes a < 2 AU and moved in such orbits for more than a Myr (up to tens or even hundreds of Myrs).Results of our runs testify in favor of at least one of these conclusions: (1) the portionof 1-km former trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) among near-Earth objects (NEOs)can exceed several tens of percent, (2) the number of TNOs migrating inside the solarsystem could be smaller by a factor of several than it was earlier considered, (3) mostof 1-km former TNOs that had got NEO orbits disintegrated into mini-comets and dustduring a smaller part of their dynamical lifetimes if these lifetimes are not small.  相似文献   


The sequence of evolution of the protoplanetary gas-and-dust disk around the parent star includes, according to modern concepts, its compression in the central plane and decay into separate dust condensations (clusters) due to the occurrence of various types of instabilities. The interaction of dust clusters of a fractal structure during their collisions is considered as a key mechanism for the formation and growth of primary solids, which serve as the basis for the subsequent formation of planetesimals and embryos of planets. Among the mechanisms contributing to the formation of planetesimals, an important place belongs, along with gravitational instability, hydrodynamic instabilities, in particular, the socalled streaming instability of the two-phase gas-dust layer due to its ability to concentrate dispersed particles in dense clots. In contrast to a number of existing models of streaming instability, in which dust particles are considered structurally compact and monodisperse, this paper proposes a more realistic model of polydisperse particles of fractal nature, forming dust clusters as a result of coagulation. The instability of the dust layer in the central plane of the protoplanetary disk under linear axisymmetric perturbations of its parameters is considered. A preliminary conclusion can be drawn that the proposed model of dust fractal aggregates of different scales increases the efficiency of linear growth of hydrodynamic instabilities, including the streaming instabilities associated with the difference between the velocities of the dust and gas phases.


本文根据吸秘盘理论与天文观测结果,给出一个恒星在星云盘中形成的模型.通过计算角动量方程,获得了质量定常分布ρ(r)~r_(-β)(β=0,1,2)时的一般性解.对1M恒星的数值解表明:恒星在转动磁化的星云盘中形成时,角动量确实发生了巨大转移;并且,β=2的解能较满意地解释太阳系的角动量奇异性.  相似文献   

We report some results on galaxy disk formation in hierarchical hydrodynamical simulations with characteristics compatible with observed spirals. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Migration of trans-Neptunian objects under their mutual gravitation influence and the influence of the giant planets is investigated. These investigations are based on computer simulation results and on some formulas. We estimated that about 20 % of near-Earth objects with diameter d ≥ 1 km may have come from the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘尧  王红池 《天文学进展》2011,29(2):148-167
原行星盘是环绕在年轻星天体(如T Tauri型星,HAe/Be星)周围的气体尘埃盘,是具有初始角动量的分子云核在塌缩形成恒星过程中的自然结果,是行星系统的起源地。原行星盘研究不仅是恒星形成理论的重要组成部分,而且是行星形成理论的基础。首先介绍了盘的形成与演化规律;然后介绍了年轻星天体的能谱分布,盘的模型和参数(质量吸积率、质量、尺度、温度、寿命);随后讨论了尘埃颗粒在盘中生长的观测证据以及行星在盘中形成的大致过程;最后对原行星盘研究的现状和未来做了总结与展望。  相似文献   

We considered the impacts of very large cosmic bodies (with radii in the range 100–200 to 1000–2000 km) on the early Earth, whose mass, radius and density distribution are close to the current values. The impacts of such bodies were possible during the first hundreds of million years after the formation of the Earth and the Moon. We present and analyze the results of a numerical simulation of the impact of a planetesimal, the size of which is equal to that of the contemporary Moon (1700 km). In three-dimensional computations, the velocity (15 and 30 km/s) and the angle (45°, 60°, and 90°) of the impact are varied. We determined the mass losses and traced the evolution of the shape of the Earth's surface, taking into account the self-consistent gravitational forces that arise in the ejected and remaining materials in accordance with the real, time-dependent mass distribution. Shock waves reflected from the core are shown to propagate from the impact site deep into the Earth. The core undergoes strong, gradually damped oscillations. Although motions in the Earth's mantle gradually decline, they have enough time to put the Earth in a rotational motion. As a result, a wave travels over the Earth's surface, whose amplitude, in the case of an oblique impact, depends on the direction of the wave propagation. The maximum height of this wave is tremendous—it attains several hundred kilometers. Some portion of the ejected material (up to 40% of the impactor mass) falls back onto Earth under the action of gravity. This portion is equivalent to the layer of a condensed material with a thickness on the order of ten kilometers. The appearance of this hot layer should result in a global melting of near-surface layers, which can limit the age of terrestrial rocks by the time of the impact under consideration. For lesser-sized impactors, say, for impactors with radii of about 160 km, the qualitative picture resembles that described above but the amplitude of disturbances is considerably smaller. This amplitude, however, is sufficient to cause a crustal disruption (if such a crust has already formed) and intense volcanic activity.  相似文献   

目前的星系形成理论认为,盘状星系由暗晕中的重子物质冷却并坍缩而成。在这一演化图像中,重子物质的角动量及其分布起着关键作用,它直接决定了盘状星系的结构。然而,在盘状星系形成和演化的各种解析、半解析模型及数值模拟中,出现了一系列与角动量有关的问题。其中包括角动量灾变(angular momentum catastrophe)及角动量分布不匹配(mismatch of angulamomentum profile)等。近年来,为解决此类问题,人们进行了大量的研究,引入并建立了各种机制和模型。详细表述了星系形成与演化中两类主要的角动量问题,并系统地综述了目前针对此类问题所提出的各种可能的解决方法和途径。  相似文献   

Hidekazu Tanaka  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》1996,120(2):371-386
We have developed a semi-analytic method of calculating the changes in heliocentric Keplerian orbital elements due to gravitational scattering by a protoplanet as a three-body problem. In encounters with high incident velocities, either the gravity of the protoplanet or the solar gravity can be regarded as perturbation force. In close encounters, by taking into account the solar gravity as a perturbation, we modified the two-body gravitational scattering. On the other hand, in slightly distant encounters, we apply the perturbing force of the protoplanet to the heliocentric Keplerian orbit of planetesimals. As a result, as for high-velocity encounters, the three-body problem is semi-analytically solvable. Our semi-analytic method can reproduce the numerical result of the orbital changes of individual planetesimals for the broad range of high-energy encounters with surprising high accuracy. We found that our method is valid under the conditions (i)b0? 2 and (ii) (e20+i20b20)1/2? 4, wheree0andi0are eccentricity and inclination of relative motion normalized by the reduced Hill radius andb0is the difference between semimajor axes normalized by the Hill radius. Though our method needs some numerical procedure, its cpu time is negligibly short compared with that of the direct orbital integration. In simulation of orbital evolution of planetesimals around a protoplanet in the gas, which we will perform in the subsequent paper, most encounters can be calculated by the semi-analytic method. This makes it possible to perform the long term (∼105years) orbital calculation of ∼103–4planetesimals.  相似文献   

We study two and three-dimensional resonant periodic orbits, usingthe model of the restricted three-body problem with the Sun andNeptune as primaries. The position and the stability character ofthe periodic orbits determine the structure of the phase space andthis will provide useful information on the stability and longterm evolution of trans-Neptunian objects. The circular planarmodel is used as the starting point. Families of periodic orbitsare computed at the exterior resonances 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4 withNeptune and these are used as a guide to select the energy levelsfor the computation of the Poincaré maps, so that all basicresonances are included in the study. Using the circular planarmodel as the basic model, we extend our study to more realisticmodels by considering an elliptic orbit of Neptune and introducingthe inclination of the orbit. Families of symmetric periodicorbits of the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem andthe three-dimensional problem are found. All these orbitsbifurcate from the families of periodic orbits of the planarcircular problem. The stability of all orbits is studied. Althoughthe resonant structure in the circular problem is similar for allresonances, the situation changes if the eccentricity of Neptuneor the inclination of the orbit is taken into account. All theseresults are combined to explain why in some resonances there aremany bodies and other resonances are empty.  相似文献   

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