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Indoor radon mapping and its relation to geology in Hungary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Indoor radon mapping may show stronger dependence on geological formations if the measured homes are one-storied houses with no basement. In Hungary, 17,244 homes were investigated on the yearly average of indoor radon concentrations; among these homes, there were 6,154, one-storied, no-basement houses. In Hungary, 21 geological units were created relevant for indoor radon index characterized by lithology, the position of the ground water table, and the gas permeability. Maps were drawn of different topography (counties, grid, geological units) and different values (maximum, mean, indoor radon indexes). A kind of standardization of houses was that only the one-storied, no-basement ones were chosen, but from geological point of view some more information was gained when the wall materials (bricks or adobe) were also taken into account. (“Adobe” is made of clay and straw in Hungary, and not burned as brick, just dried on sunshine). Enhanced indoor radon values can be observed on the bedrock of Cenozoic volcanic rocks and their eroded materials deposited on the local alluvial valleys. Another group with relatively increased indoor radon values can be connected to granite bodies. The grid method is useful for covering large state or even continental areas. For practical public use and detailed radon risk mapping geological or administrative unit-systems could yield more reasonable and useful results.  相似文献   

本文分析了氡气测量的原理和氡气异常与不同地质现象的关系 ,提出了氡异常的判据与特征 ,并结合工程实例探讨了氡气测量在工程地质中的重要作用。  相似文献   

构造地质与工程地质的基本关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
构造地质学是研究各种地质构造及其成生演化的基础地质学 ,工程地质学主要是应用地质学理论尤其是构造地质学理论解决人类工程建设活动中与构造现象和构造活动有密切关系的地质问题的应用地质学。二者的研究目的虽然不同 ,但所研究的主要对象是相同的 ,即都是地质构造 ,所研究的又都是地球变化过程中的构造变动及其各类效应。文中讨论了构造地质学与工程地质学之间的基本关系 ,主要包括地质构造对工程地质环境和工程地质条件的控制作用 ;深部构造、浅部构造以及表层构造动力学特征与区域地壳稳定性之间的关系 ;构造结构面、构造应力场与岩土体稳定性的关系 ;活动构造与工程建筑安全性的关系以及地质构造与崩滑流、地裂缝、地面沉降等地质灾害的关系等问题。  相似文献   

High indoor radon concentrations in a uranium-radium low-level area in the Eifel region, Germany, near the village of Döttingen are caused by ascending radon migration following the convection of groundwater and soil gas along pathways (fractures and faults) in the bedrock sediments of Lower Devonian age. Positive radon anomalies in the soil gas are found to coincide with the locations of houses showing the highest concentrations. These houses are older buildings without concrete foundation slabs. Normally radon concentrations in soil gas are highly correlated with the values of emanated radon calculated on the basis of radium content in the surrounding soils and rocks (diffusive radon potential). However, close to zones of tectonic fractures and faults around the maar-type volcano of Döttingen abnormally high radon concentrations, which were transported by circulating groundwater and postvolcanic exhalation of CO2 (convective radon potential) were detected.  相似文献   

Terra rossa and eutric cambisol soils were surveyed in Slovenia. At both sites, 6–13 boreholes were drilled in a regular 24 m × 24 m square grid. Soil samples from various depths were taken for gamma spectrometric analysis, and radon in soil gas was measured at a depth of 80 cm using an AlphaGuard instrument. The following ranges of activity concentration (Bq kg−1) were obtained for 238U, 226Ra, 228Ra, 40K and 137Cs: in terra rossa, 64–74, 70–84, 45–49, 293–345, 20–30 and, in eutric cambisol, 55–80, 132–147, 50–57, 473–529, 106–272. Radon activity concentrations in both soils ranged from about 100 kBq m−3 to 370 kBq m−3.  相似文献   

The Shillong plateau and Mikir Hills form a conspicuous feature in the geologically complex region of Northeastern India. From observations of geomagnetic variations at Shillong a consistent suppression of the vertical (Z) component of variation is noted. From previous analyses of a selected geomagnetic storm observed at Shillong, Ujjain and Jaipur, stations at nearly the same latitude, the complex demodulates ofZ variation at Shillong demonstrate this suppression. Results from a comparative study of bays and storm sudden commencements are also cited. An attempt to calculate induction vectors at Shillong was made but they were found to be indeterminate. However, a case for the presence of induced current concentrations near Shillong is strong, when these characteristics of geomagnetic variations are considered in the context of regional geology. Shillong and the Mikir Hills are the intruded northeastern remnants of the Indian Shield, that have been transported into the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis. But the present data are insufficient to delineate the path of induced currents in the Shillong region or to estimate their intensity.  相似文献   

 The purpose of this study was to compare regional patterns of indoor radon concentration with uranium-bearing rock zones and county populations in Texas. Zones yielding radon concentrations that are relatively high for Texas include shale and sandstone in northwest Texas; red beds in north-central Texas; felsic volcanic rocks in west Texas; and sandstone, limestone, and igneous rocks in central Texas. Located in northwest Texas, only five of the 202 counties evaluated have mean indoor radon concentrations above 4.0 pCi l–1. Two of those counties have populations above the state median of 20 115. The highest county mean concentration is 8.8 pCi l–1. Results of this study suggest that (1) regional geology influences indoor radon concentrations in Texas, (2) statewide, the radon concentrations are relatively low, (3) highly populated counties do not coincide with regions of high indoor radon concentration, and (4) regions that may warrant further monitoring include northwest Texas and, to a lesser degree, west and central Texas. Received: 8 August 1995 · Accepted: 6 September 1995  相似文献   

Relationship between radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil gas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the Ljubljana region, 53 schools were selected for measurements of radon concentrations in soil gas close to a school building, and indoor radon concentrations in one of the ground-floor classrooms of each building. The aim was to establish a relationship between radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil gas from the ground on which the building is situated. Soil gas radon concentrations between 2 and 14 kBqm-3 were found. Indoor radon concentrations ranged from 20 to 1,440 Bqm-3, with seven values exceeding 200 Bqm-3. It is concluded that good quality of the construction elements ensure low indoor radon concentration, regardless of high soil gas radon level.  相似文献   

A national-scale survey of the environment in and around mines was conducted to evaluate the status of total As contamination in agricultural soils surrounding numerous abandoned metal mines in Korea. This survey aimed to compare As concentrations in soils in relation to geology and mineralization types of mines. A total of 16,386 surface soil (0–15 cm in depth) samples were taken from agricultural lands near 343 abandoned mines (within 2 km of each mine). These samples were decomposed by aqua regia and analyzed for As by AAS with a hydride-generation (HG) device. To compare As levels in soils meaningfully with geology and mineralization types, three sub-classification criteria were adapted: (1) five mineralization types, (2) four valuable ore mineral types, and (3) four parent rock types. The average concentration of As in all the soils was 11.6 mg kg−1 with a range of 0.01–4230 mg kg−1. Based on the mineralization types, average As concentrations (mg kg−1) in the soils decreased in the order of pegmatite (18.2) > hydrothermal replacement (14.5) > sedimentary deposits (12.4) > hydrothermal vein (10.7) > skarn (4.08). In terms of the valuable ore mineral types, the concentrations decreased in the order of Sn, W, Mo, Fe and Mn mines > Au, Ag, and base metal mines > Au and Ag mines ≈ base metal mines. For parent rock types, soils from metamorphic rocks and heterogeneous rocks exhibited enhanced As levels related to both igneous and sedimentary rocks. Therefore, it can be concluded that soils from highly altered rocks subject to metamorphic and igneous activities contained relatively high concentrations of As in the surface environment.  相似文献   

In this study, soil radon levels have been measured for the first time across the Ganos fault (GF), which is known as the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. LR 115 Type 2 Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (time integrated) have been applied to determine soil gas radon levels, and the survey was performed in 16 stations along the fault line. The results showed that soil gas radon concentrations and variation of concentration levels are comparable high along the fault line. It is also observed that in the middle of the Ganos Fault, fairly elevated radon levels were detected. These can be related to the activity of the fault lines. It is confirmed that the study area has a very active tectonic structure and is great location for analyzing radon variations.  相似文献   

A study of the indoor radon gas levels was performed in 935 homes in Scania, southernmost Sweden, located on geologically different ground with regard to uranium (U) content. In one of these two areas the bedrock consists of alum shale with U contents exceeding 200 ppm. In the other area there is no U-rich bedrock. Indoor radon levels are influenced by U content and permeability as shown below.For maam nancy for table, please place here. Thanx!The results show that the indoor radon levels were highest in homes located on bedrock with medium to high U content combined with a highly permeable drift covering the bedrock. The difference was statistically significant(P < 0.0001). Other results of the investigation are: 14 homes built from aerated concrete made from U-rich alum shale had higher levels than 767 homes with walls from other material (312 vs 106 Bq/m3;P = 0.0011); 242 homes with a cellar had lower radon levels than 563 without (62 vs 138 Bq/m3;P <0.0001); further, 418 homes with private well had higher levels than 360 with public water supply (140 vs 82 Bq/m3;P <0.0001). The results of the investigation show a profound effect of a combination of high bedrock U content and high cover permeability. The effect of the uraniferous drift on the indoor radon levels is evident. Thus, the geological conditions should be carefully considered when screening for high-risk buildings, as well as when planning for new ones. Also, the construction of the building and its water supply have some influence.  相似文献   

The construction of the European Geogenic Radon Map in a proposed grid system 10 × 10 km requires the data test to derive the probability of exceeding the indoor action level 200 Bq m−3 from the geologically based data. The Czech Republic disposes both indoor and soil gas data sets to test the real probability to exceed 200 Bq m−3 from indoor radon measurements and to compare it with the probability calculated from soil gas radon concentrations. Comparison of real and calculated probability enables to delineate the areas, where under- or overestimation can be expected. The results of data processing show minor differences between processing the raw data in generalised polygons of geological units and in a grid net, when using the generalised geological characteristics of grid cells.  相似文献   

 Generalized geologic province information and data on house construction were used to predict indoor radon concentrations in New Hampshire (NH). A mixed-effects regression model was used to predict the geometric mean (GM) short-term radon concentrations in 259 NH towns. Bayesian methods were used to avoid over-fitting and to minimize the effects of small sample variation within towns. Data from a random survey of short-term radon measurements, individual residence building characteristics, along with geologic unit information, and average surface radium concentration by town, were variables used in the model. Predicted town GM short-term indoor radon concentrations for detached houses with usable basements range from 34 Bq/m3 (1 pCi/l) to 558 Bq/m3 (15 pCi/l), with uncertainties of about 30%. A geologic province consisting of glacial deposits and marine sediments was associated with significantly elevated radon levels, after adjustment for radium concentration and building type. Validation and interpretation of results are discussed. Received: 20 October 1997 · Accepted: 18 May 1998  相似文献   

Geologic and geochemical variations across a 4200 km2 area of south-central Wisconsin (USA) were used to examine their relationship to phosphorus concentrations in groundwater from more than four hundred private water supply wells. Surficial geology in the study area ranged from Cambrian sandstones to Ordovician dolomites. Groundwater phosphorus concentrations were higher in aquifers of older Cambrian age compared to the concentrations in aquifers of younger Cambrian and Ordovician age. Because iron concentrations were relatively low in these waters and agricultural land use was similar in all geologic regions, we propose that the differences in bedrock phosphorus and anthropogenic geochemical impacts explain the differences in phosphorus concentrations between aquifers. Within the older Cambrian aquifers, groundwater phosphorus concentrations were elevated in groundwater with higher nitrate-nitrogen concentrations. This finding is consistent with the presence of phosphorus within sediment in these strata and geologic conditions that weakly buffered pH reduction from anthropogenic acidification. In contrast, groundwater phosphorus concentrations in younger Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers were not elevated in samples with higher nitrate. Anthropogenic acidification in these carbonate-rich aquifers was neutralized through increased carbonate weathering, which led to higher groundwater calcium and alkalinity and would limit the dissolution of phosphate-rich minerals, such as apatite, where present. Low iron concentrations observed in most samples suggest that the phosphorus release in the Cambrian strata occurs beyond the zone of secondary mineral retention in the soil. These results have important implications for the eutrophication of inland surface waters in areas with bedrock phosphorus and anthropogenic acidity that is not neutralized before it contacts phosphatic rock.  相似文献   

1Introduction Radonisaradioactivegasarisingfromtheurani umdecaychain,andisthelargestsinglesourceofra diationexposuretothepopulation(Fovtetal.,1999).Highradonexposureshavebeenshownto causelungcancer(JonMiles,1998),anditiscom monlybelievedthatthegreatertheexposureofradon radiation,thegreatertheriskofdevelopinglungcanc er(YangWenjieetal.,1999).Theairradoncomes mainlyfromundergroundsoilandconstructionmateri als.Ingeneral,222Rnhasthehighestlevelinthebase mentsandundergroundspacesthatareincontact…  相似文献   

Analysis of 153 residential air radon (Rn-222) screening measurements from southeast Michigan indicates that basements host Rn levels two to three times higher than upper-level rooms. Compared to unfinished basements, finished (e.g., paneled walls, tiled floors) basements apparently reduce indoor air Rn levels while partially finished basements may not. Factor analysis of residence questionnaire data explains 59 percent of the Rn data variance. The volume of pathways (e.g., foundation cracks/holes, uncapped sumps) allowing Rn seepage into the dwelling controls the largest portion, 23 percent, of the explained data variance. The residence water source explains 11 percent of the Rn data variance. Groundwater Rn levels contribute to the air Rn data variability, but the study data cannot quantitatively assess this contribution. Seven percent of the Rn data variance is likely controlled by house depressurization facilitated by residence structural properties. Residences with foundation cracks or poorly sealed joints and low-volume indoor-outdoor air exchange are more prone to this effect. Eighteen percent of the explained Rn data variance correlates with the residence's primary heat source. Evidently, operating combustion sources also induce house depressurization and allow Rn to be drawn into the house through entry paths. Twenty-four percent of the analyses equal or exceed 4 pCi/1 Rn. In residences occupied 5 years by the same individuals, 17 percent of the Rn data are 4 pCi/l; here the arithmetic mean air Rn level is 8.3 pCi/l and the average occupancy period 17.4 years.  相似文献   

 Radon concentrations were measured in soil, air and groundwater in Bhilangana Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India by using an LR-115 plastic track detector and radon emanometer. Radon concentrations were found to vary from 1 KBq/m3 to 57 KBq/m3 in soil , 5 Bq/l to 887 Bq/l in water and 95 Bq/m3 to 208 Bq/m3 in air. The recorded values are quite high due to associated uranium mineralization in the area. Radon concentration was also found to depend on the tectonic structure and geology of the area. Received: 22 July 1996 · Accepted: 8 January 1997  相似文献   

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