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The optimal estimator in the maximum-likelihood sense fur the propeller speed of a ship, using underwater radiated cavitation noise generated by the propeller blades, is derived. From the result the number of blades on the propeller can also be derived. Results obtained for real sonar data using a digital implementation of the estimator will be presented  相似文献   

The reflectivity density approximately describing electromagnetic scattering from a "two-scale" rough surface has a phase linearly dependent on surface height. The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is a complicated partially understood transformation of this reflectivity density, but in demonstrable situations the complex image's phase also contains sea height information: reported here is an initial study of an algorithm that exploits this. Envelope and phase demodulation, regression, and filtering algorithms are verified and applied to simulated and actual satellite radar SEASAT-SAR data. The simulation of a simplified stationary scene established tentative sufficient conditions on large-scale SAR and sampling parameters for accurate estimation of the large-scale structure's height and imply feasible system design. The algorithm accurately estimated a long wavelength low-amplitude large-scale sea height structure present in a SEASAT-SAR data record, consistent with available sea truth.  相似文献   

A low-angle tracking technique based on a novel high-resolution algorithm is presented. The new high-resolution algorithm, which is called the forward-backward nonlinear prediction (FBNLP) method, replaces the linear predictor in the conventional forward-backward linear prediction (FBLP) method with a nonlinear one to try to improve the tracking in a realistic naval environment, Real radar tracking data over the sea, which were recorded with a 32-element sampled aperture antenna on an “over-water” path, were used in this study. They were recorded in a multipath environment, i.e., one where, in addition to the customary direct signal, an indirect signal was also received by the antenna system, and separation of these two signals was less than one standard beamwidth. The performance of the FBNLP method is shown to be better than that of the modified FBLP algorithm for the data sets used in this paper  相似文献   

This paper presents a vision algorithm that enables automated jellyfish tracking using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The discussion focuses on algorithm design. The introduction provides a novel performance-assessment tool, called segmentation efficiency, which aids in matching potential vision algorithms to the jelly-tracking task. This general-purpose tool evaluates the inherent applicability of various algorithms to particular tracking applications. This tool is applied to the problem of tracking transparent jellyfish under uneven time-varying illumination in particle-filled scenes. The result is the selection of a fixed-gradient threshold-based vision algorithm. This approach, implemented as part of a pilot aid for the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's ROV Ventana, has demonstrated automated jelly tracking for as long as 89 min.  相似文献   

Panoramic sweeps produced by a scanning range sensor often defy interpretation using conventional line-of-sight models, particularly when the environment contains curved, specularly reflective surfaces. Combining multiple scans from different vantage points provides geometric constraints necessary to solve this problem, but not without introducing new difficulties. Existing multiple scan implementations, for the most part, ignore the data correspondence issue. The multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) algorithm explicitly deals with data correspondence. Given canonical observations extracted from raw scans, the MHT applies multiple behavior models to explain their evolution from one scan to the next. This technique identifies different topological features in the world to which it assigns the corresponding measurements. We apply the algorithm to real sonar scans generated specifically for this investigation. The experiments consist of interrogating a variety of two-dimensional prismatic objects, standing on end in a 1.2-m-deep freshwater tank, from multiple vantage points using a 1.25 MHz profiling sonar system. The results reflect the validity of the algorithm under the initial assumptions and its gradual performance degradation when these assumptions fail to characterize the environment adequately. We close with recommendations that detail extending the approach to handle more natural underwater settings  相似文献   

It is shown that sea-surface height may not be estimated directly from the phase of complex synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery.  相似文献   

The problem of associating data with targets in a cluttered multi-target environment is discussed and applied to passive sonar tracking. The probabilistic data association (PDA) method, which is based on computing the posterior probability of each candidate measurement found in a validation gate, assumes that only one real target is present and all other measurements are Poisson-distributed clutter. In this paper, a new theoretical result is presented: the joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) algorithm, in which joint posterior association probabilities are computed for multiple targets (or multiple discrete interfering sources) in Poisson clutter. The algorithm is applied to a passive sonar tracking problem with multiple sensors and targets, in which a target is not fully observable from a single sensor. Targets are modeled with four geographic states, two or more acoustic states, and realistic (i.e., low) probabilities of detection at each sample time. A simulation result is presented for two heavily interfering targets illustrating the dramatic tracking improvements obtained by estimating the targets' states using joint association probabilities.  相似文献   

Water tank experiments were performed in order to investigate the behaviour of currents in pockmarks. A particle-seeded flow was visualised and quantified with the aid of the particle tracking velocimetry technique. The employed analogue pockmark is a 1:100 idealised scale model of a natural pockmark, while the highest Reynolds number in the experiments was one order of magnitude smaller than in nature. Interaction of the flow with the pockmark geometry resulted in an upwelling current downstream of the pockmark centre, along with enhanced water turbulence in the depression. Scaling-up the experimental measurements, it is found that the upwelling would be capable of preventing the settling of particles as large as very fine sand. Furthermore, the increased turbulence would support the suspended fine material, which can thus be transported away before settling. The net effect for a variable-direction near-bed current over long periods of time would be to winnow the settling sediments and reduce the sedimentation rate in pockmarks. These mechanisms may be responsible for the observed lack of sediment infill and the typical presence of relatively coarser sediments inside pockmarks compared to the surrounding bed. In contrast, sediments transported as bedload are likely to be deposited in pockmarks because of the weakening of near-bed currents as well as lateral flow convergence associated with the upwelling. Bedload, however, may not be the dominant mode of sediment transport in areas covered by cohesive sediments, where pockmarks are found.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The chaotic advection of a passive admixture during the excitation of chains of vortex structures in circular barotropic flows with a complex two-jet...  相似文献   

The fast update rate and good performance of new generation electronic sector scanning sonars is now allowing practicable use of temporal information for signal processing tasks such as object classification and motion estimation. Problems remain, however, as objects change appearance, merge, maneuver, move in and out of the field of view, and split due to poor segmentation. This paper presents an approach to the segmentation, two-dimensional motion estimation, and subsequent tracking of multiple objects in sequences of sector scan sonar images. Applications such as ROV obstacle avoidance, visual servoing, and underwater surveillance are relevant. Initially, static and moving objects are distinguished in the sonar image sequence using frequency-domain filtering. Optical flow calculations are then performed on moving objects with significant size to obtain magnitude and direction motion estimates. Matches of these motion estimates, and the future positions they predict, are then used as a basis for identifying corresponding objects in adjacent scans. To enhance robustness, a tracking tree is constructed storing multiple possible correspondences and cumulative confidence values obtained from successive compatibility measures. Deferred decision making is then employed to enable best estimates of object tracks to be updated as subsequent scans produce new information. The method is shown to work well, with good tracking performance when objects merge, split, and change shape. The optical flow is demonstrated to give position prediction errors of between 10 and 50 cm (1%-5% of scan range), with no violation of smoothness assumptions using sample rates between 4 and 1 frames/s  相似文献   

Northern Radar's Cape Race Ground Wave Radar (GWR) system became operational in the fall of 1990. The radar facility has the potential to provide surveillance of over 160000 square kilometres of the Grand Banks off Newfoundland, from a coastal station. GWR is a multipurpose sensor capable of detecting ships, monitoring icebergs and sea-ice, and measuring surface currents and sea state. The radar system employs a frequency modulated interrupted continuous wave (FMICW) as the transmit waveform. This waveform uses a pulse compression technique that combines good range resolution and high maximum range with a relatively high duty cycle. In this paper, we describe the implementation of the FMICW waveform in a practical real time radar system. We also show some examples of vessel, iceberg, acid aircraft detection and tracking using the Cape Race facility. These examples demonstrate that the Cape Race GWR may be used as an effective tool to assist in the management, surveillance, and enforcement of Canadian interests in the Exclusive Economic Zone  相似文献   

A position and attitude tracking control law for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV's) in 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) is derived. The 4-parameter unit quaternion (Euler parameters) is used in a singularity-free representation of attitude. Global convergence of the closed-loop system is proven. In addition, several 3-parameter representations in terms of the Euler parameters are discussed with application to the same control law. These schemes contain singularities, and only local convergence can therefore be proven. The proposed control scheme is simulated with Euler parameters and Euler angles  相似文献   

Jenhwa Guo   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(5-6):473-483
This study presents a novel navigation and control system allowing a biomimetic-autonomous underwater vehicle (BAUV) to track a target. A Bayesian approach using an extended Kalman filter and combined localization and environmental mapping by a BAUV are implemented. This strategy selects the best sensor measurement by choosing one of several forward-looking directions. The body of the BAUV moves in a cyclical pattern; thus, an inexpensive echo sounder can be installed on the BAUV head to detect environmental features without the need for expensive scanning devices. The localization and environmental mapping problem is then transformed into a non-linear two-point boundary value problem. Optimal policies are to maintain the accuracy of predicted states and to approach minimal observation cost by solving the control problem. A line-of-sight guidance law is utilized that drives the BAUV to the target. An approach that controls the motion of the body/caudal fin and pectoral fins of the BAUV is utilized for target tracking. Estimation, measurement, and control processes are integrated to form a working system. Experiments using a test bed BAUV confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper describes a regularized acoustic inversion algorithm for tracking individual elements of a freely drifting sonobuoy field using measured acoustic arrival times from a series of impulsive sources. The acoustic experiment involved 11 sonobuoys distributed over an 8/spl times/6-km field, with a total of six sources deployed over 72 min. The inversion solves for an independent track for each sonobuoy (parameterized by the sonobuoy positions at the time of each source transmission), as well as for the source positions and transmission instants. Although this is a strongly under-determined problem, meaningful solutions are obtained by incorporating a priori information consisting of prior estimates (with uncertainties) for the source positions and initial sonobuoy positions and a physical model for sonobuoy motion along preferentially smooth tracks. The inversion results indicate that the sonobuoys move approximately 260-700 m during the source-deployment period. Closely spaced sonobuoys move along similar tracks; however, there is considerable variability in track directions over the entire field. Positioning uncertainties in horizontal coordinates are estimated using a Monte Carlo appraisal procedure to be approximately 100 m in an absolute sense and 65 m in a relative sense. A sensitivity study indicates that the uncertainties of the a priori position estimates are the limiting factor for track accuracy, rather than data uncertainties or source configuration.  相似文献   

Various parameters associated with the track of a stable CW source moving with constant velocity are estimated using synthetic aperture and Doppler processing techniques. These include the source frequency before Doppler distortion by its motion, the relative speed between the source and a constant velocity receiver, the range at closest approach to the source track, and the relative bearing to the source. Different processing techniques are suggested for a range of signal stabilities and observation times. Frequency analysis, or Doppler processing, supplements conventional synthetic aperture processing, and for relatively unstable signals a synthetic Doppler method is recommended. This method makes use of a rapid scan of signals from a succession of sensors in a horizontal line array to stimulate a higher speed motion of the array  相似文献   

An operational passive sonar is required to detect signals from sources, which are subject to spatial and temporal coherence losses via modifications by the ocean environment. Furthermore, these signals are to be detected in the presence of frequency-dependent correlated noise fields. For a system which employs splitbeam cross-correlation processing, the spatial and spectral properties of the signal and noise are of significant import. Therefore, the exact probability density and cumulative distribution functions of the N-sampled correlator outputs of a splitbeam broadband passive sonar are derived for the case of Gaussian inputs which are described by arbitrary cross-spectral density matrices. The validity of approximating the exact probability density function (pdf) as a Gaussian distribution is investigated. The effect of signal coherence loss and noise correlation on the detection performance is considered and the associated processing loss is expressed as a degradation factor within the detection threshold equation  相似文献   

Multiuser Communications Using Passive Time Reversal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A recent paper (Song , IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 170-178, 2006) demonstrated multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communications in shallow water using active time reversal where the time reversal array (i.e., base station) sent different messages to multiple users simultaneously over a common bandwidth channel. Passive time reversal essentially is equivalent to active time reversal with the communications link being in the opposite direction. This paper describes passive time reversal communications which enables multiple users to send information simultaneously to the time reversal array. Experimental results at 3.5 kHz with a 1-kHz bandwidth demonstrate that as many as six users can transmit information over a 4-km range in a 120-m-deep water using quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation, achieving an aggregate data rate of 6 kb/s. Moreover, the same data rate has been achieved at 20-km range by three users using 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM).  相似文献   

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