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This paper examines the advantages of the traditional cattlepost system against the recent drive towards the fencing of Botswana's rangelands and the establishment of privatised, commercial beef ranches. Consideration of operational and environmental factors emphasise the benefits of the cattlepost system, while socio-economic and political factors explain why the current drive towards fenced ranches will continue for the foreseeable future. It is concluded that while the degradation issue on Botswana's rangelands has been overstated, alleged concern for the conservation of the grazing resource is explicitly driving Botswana's current New Agricultural Policy. By accentuating the existing marked socio-economic inequalities within the livestock sector, such misplaced policies will fuel much graver environmental problems, as the underlying equity issue remains unaddressed.  相似文献   

从牧户角度,通过牧户调查、遥感数据、自然要素和社会经济要素综合分析,研究生态移民政策和牧户的响应情况及原因,对以后的人地和谐共处具有借鉴作用.以黄河源区玛多县牧户调查为例,利用1977~2004年三期草地退化数据、近28年气象数据、1988~2004年放牧压力数据、两年的PRA牧户访谈共144户的资料,通过综合分析,得出以下结果:(1)玛多县草地普遍发生退化现象,两期退化草地占总草地面积比重均在43%以上,并且退化呈加快趋势,冬春草场退化情况最为严重.(2)草地退化是气候干暖化和草地载畜超载共同造成的.(3)移民政策和牧户社会经济情况的对比利益差异,导致移出的牧户以老年牧户、无畜/少畜户为主,分别占移民户总数48.5%和68.3%,牲畜多的、中青年牧户普遍不愿移民.而且,移民户中,一证多户中的部分户移民占所有移民户54.5%.移民牧户结构的上述特征导致通过移民实现草地载畜量明显减少的目标难以实现.  相似文献   

东北草原区产草量和载畜平衡的遥感估算   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
徐斌  杨秀春 《地理研究》2009,28(2):402-408
基于国内外相关研究进展,结合国家农业部草原遥感监测相关任务,依托大量的草原地面样方数据源,开展了东北草原区产草量和载畜平衡的遥感估算研究。主要结论有:(1)指数模型是进行草原区产草量遥感估算的优化模型,模型的估产精度达到80%以上;(2)2007年东北草原鲜产草量总计16916万吨,折合干草5094万吨;鲜重单产为4562kg/ha,折合成干重单产为1374kg/ha;(3)2007年东北草原区75%以上的牧区和半牧区县(旗)牲畜超载,牧区载畜平衡指标为32.23%,半牧区载畜平衡指标为48.51%。本文可为东北草原区的畜牧业发展规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In South Africa, interventions in communal rangelands proposed by most agriculture-sector institutions are still dominated by the belief that communal herders have little technical skills and by the tenets of “the tragedy of the Commons”, assuming that individual livestock keepers are selfish, norm free, and aiming at maximising short-term offtake and that there is no consistent management of the commons. In this study we show that practices of a diversity of livestock keepers on the Leliefontein Commons of Namaqualand are at odds with this viewpoint: access to rangeland and its use are structured by collective norms and concerns regarding both the sharing of resources and their long-term sustainability. We also show that part of the management of the commons relies on grazing practices which involve tacit and formalised technical knowledge that can be described and modelled. Livestock keepers assess the heterogeneity of the grazing quality of the commons. They are aware of the toxicity and unpalatability of some plants, of the way this differs according to the amount ingested and the availability of other forage, and of the variations of these two factors over seasons of grazing. They classify grazing areas and decide on daily grazing routes according to a complex set of criteria. Carrying capacity of each area is not considered as a fixed parameter but rather as a variable dependant on rainfall. Seasonal movements between areas are designed accordingly. These findings offer a new perspective for research agendas on technical models and extension measures for communal rangeland management particularly in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Developing countries must consider the influence of anthropogenic dynamics on changes in rangeland habitats. This study explores happened degradation in 178 rangeland management plans for Northeast Iran in three main steps: (1) conducting a trend analysis of rangeland degradation and anthropogenic dynamics in 1986-2000 and 2000-2015, (2) visualizing the effects of anthropogenic drivers on rangeland degradation using bivariate local spatial autocorrelation (BiLISA), and (3) quantifying spatial dependence between anthropogenic driving forces and rangeland degradation using spatial regression approaches. The results show that 0.77% and 0.56% of rangelands are degraded annually during the first and second periods. The BiLISA results indicate that dry-farming, irrigated farming and construction areas were significant drivers in both periods and grazing intensity was a significant driver in the second period. The spatial lag (SL) model (wi=0.3943, Ei=1.4139) with two drivers of dry-farming and irrigated farming in the first period and the spatial error (SE) model (wi=0.4853, Ei=1.515) with livestock density, dry-farming and irrigated farming in the second period showed robust performance in quantifying the driving forces of rangeland degradation. To conclude, the BiLISA maps and spatial models indicate a serious intensification of the anthropogenic impacts of ongoing conditions on the rangelands of northeast Iran in the future.  相似文献   

This review examines the conservation, risk, productivity, viability and acceptability of range management technology as it relates to sustaining rangeland ecosystems specifically in arid and semi-arid climates. The efficiency, cost effectiveness and risk with which rainfall is converted into plant production, and eventually gross farming income, without deterioration of natural resources form the essence of sustainability of rangeland ecosystems in these areas. Range and soil degradation can dramatically influence soil water balance, nutrient cycling, soil loss, production and the economics of a farm unit. Management for long-term sustainability often requires sacrifice of short-term welfare. With respect to deterioration and loss of productivity of natural vegetation, a co-ordinated approach is needed towards establishing a comprehensive inventory of the condition of national vegetation resources on a geographically and scientifically sound basis.  相似文献   

Recent extensive harvesting of large, often dead Acacia trees in arid savanna of southern Africa is cause for concern about the conservation status of the arid savanna and its animal community. We mapped vegetation and nests of the Black-tailed Tree Rat Thallomys nigricauda to assess the extent to which the rats depend on particular tree species and on the existence of dead, standing trees. The study was conducted in continuous Acacia woodland on the southern and eastern edge of the Kalahari, South Africa. Trees in which there were tree rat nests were compared with trees of similar size and vigour to identify the characteristics of nest sites. Spatial analysis of tree rat distribution was conducted using Ripley's-L function. We found that T. nigricauda was able to utilize all available tree species, as long as trees were large and old enough so that cavities were existing inside the stem. The spatial distribution of nest trees did not show clumping at the investigated scale, and we therefore reject the notion of the rats forming colonies when inhabiting continuous woodlands. The selection of a particular tree as a nest site was furthermore depending on the close proximity of the major food plant, Acacia mellifera. This may limit the choice of suitable nest sites, since A. mellifera was less likely to grow within a vegetation patch containing a large trees than in patches without large trees.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40771016 Author: Liu Ye (1980–), Ph.D, specialized in integrated physical geography.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions.  相似文献   

The biophysical environment of rangelands in the arid and semi-arid lowland parts of Africa is customarily viewed as a homogenous entity. Such notion has encouraged employing a blanket management approach. However, there are perceptible variations within them which necessitate site-specific range management. This study has attempted to identify the variability of soil and forage attributes and assess the existing management practices of those resources in the Baro River plain, Ethiopia. Sample transects, representing pre- and post-fire conditions, were used to collect composite soil samples and vegetation attributes. Alongside the physical survey, a household survey was undertaken to validate the laboratory-generated information. The result showed significant differences of soil and forage attributes among different management regimes, distances from river course and dominant cover types. In general, the distribution of soil nutrients showed a 'distance decay effect', while the distribution of pH showed the reverse pattern. Application of heavy fire load and congested grazing are the principal range management related factors. About 80 per cent of sample pastoralists employ heavy fire without due consideration for the sustainability of the range resource and without considering the local variability. Recognition of site-specific information is the key to effective management of range resources in the study area.  相似文献   

吴玉琴  严茂超 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1380-1390
土地利用变化与城市代谢间的研究为全球变化的核心计划,是当前生态环境研究的热点问题。本研究以Odum的能值评估方法为分析工具,以广州生态-经济-社会系统为研究范围,以19902006年的资源流动量核算17年来广州城市代谢的演变情况,并在此基础上从整体角度探讨了广州城市代谢与土地利用变化的互动关系,结果表明:(1)广州市近...  相似文献   

Pastoral production around artificial watering points in semi-arid environments affects the density and composition of plant communities. In the Kalahari desert of southwestern Africa, bush encroachment is often regarded as the major form of land degradation resulting from pastoral production around watering points. We investigated the OvaHerero pastoralists’ perceptions of the extent of vegetation change since the establishment of artificial watering points in the northern Kalahari desert of Namibia, and related this to ecological data on vegetation change. We determined the utility of woody vegetation to pastoralists’ livelihoods in terms of provision of construction material, fuel wood and browse. We quantified local knowledge of cattle browse consumption and correlated this with field data. We also assessed the purposes for which major livestock types were used. Our results showed that: (1) pastoral knowledge of bush encroachment and browse consumption was consistent with concurrently collected field data, (2) the current level of bush encroachment was perceived to be beneficial for pastoral production, and (3) cattle played an important role in the production of milk and milk by-products for domestic use, and served as a source of cash income, while sheep and goats were primarily kept for meat consumption. This result contrasts with historical studies that mainly portray cattle as a symbol of social status among OvaHerero pastoralists.  相似文献   

Rangeland systems play an important role in ecological stabilization and the terrestrial carbon cycle in arid and semiarid regions. However, little is known about the vegetative carbon dynamics and climatic and topographical factors that affect vegetative carbon stock in these rangelands. Our goal was to assess vegetative carbon stock by examining meteorological data in conjunction with NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) time series datasets from 2001-2012. An improved CASA (Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach) model was then applied to simulate the spatiotemporal dynamic variation of vegetative carbon stock, and analyze its response to climatic and topographical factors. We estimated the vegetative carbon stock of rangeland in Gansu province, China to be 4.4× 1014 gC, increasing linearly at an annual rate of 9.8×1011 gC. The mean vegetative carbon density of the whole rangeland was 136.5 gC m-2. Vegetative carbon density and total carbon varied temporally and spatially and were highly associated with temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. Vegetative carbon density reached the maximal value on elevation at 2500-3500 m, a slope of >30°and easterly aspect. The effect of precipitation, temperature and solar radiation on the vegetative carbon density of five rangeland types (desert and salinized meadow, steppe, alpine meadow, shrub and tussock, and marginal grassland in the forest) depends on the acquired quantity of water and heat for rangeland plants at all spatial scales. The results of this study provide new evidence for explaining spatiotemporal heterogeneity in vegetative carbon dynamics and responses to global change for rangeland vegetative carbon stock, and offer a theoretical and practical basis for grassland agriculture management in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

基于综合指标法的中国生态系统服务保护有效性评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将生态系统服务保护纳入到传统的以保护区为基础的自然保护之中是生态保护研究的新领域。利用综合指标方法,分析了中国从2000-2010年的4种生态系统服务时空变化特征;并对中国的七大生态保护和恢复区域的服务空间保护成效进行评价,提出了国家尺度上的生态系统服务保护优先性分级。主要结论为:① 中国的生态系统服务自西北向东南逐渐增加,显著增加区主要分布在黄土高原地区,显著减少区主要分布在东北及华北地区。黄土高原的生态系统服务提高主要是农田向草地和林地、草地向林地的转换引的;华北地区的降低主要是耕地的减少以及人工用地的增加引起的;东北地区是由于林地向耕地草地、耕地向湿地与人工用地的转换引起的。② 七大生态保护和恢复区的生态系统服务均为增加趋势而且显著增加面积大于减少面积;显著增加面积最大的为三北防护林工程区、最小的为重点生态功能区;显著减少最大为重要生态功能区、最小的为三北防护林工程区。而且,对服务的保护成效在重要生态功能区最高,其次为天然林保护工程区,其余区域均小于全国平均水平。③ 提出的生态系统服务保护优先性等级中,极高级别占到了国土面积的26.18%,保护的生态系统服务量占到全国总量的64.19%,保护成效为全国平均水平的2.47倍。  相似文献   

土地资源的生态化管护成为土地资源可持续利用的主要目标。从土地评价发展历史出发,利用土地资源学理论,界定了土地生态系统管理的含义是将人与社会的可持续发展作为土地生态系统发展的最终目标,充分发挥不同利益团体的协调能力,由政策、协议和实践来实施的土地资源多功能结构的生态管护。采用景观生态学理论和方法建立了土地资源的动态评价分析方法,注重空间格局与多生态过程。在信息技术支持下建立了土地资源动态评价技术路线,并以干旱区为例进行了3S指标体系的初建。该动态评价方法充分利用较为方便和经济的遥感历史时序信息为土地生态系统监测评价服务。  相似文献   

John McKenna  Andrew Cooper 《Area》2006,38(4):421-431
The participative, 'bottom-up' approaches of contemporary European ICZM (integrated coastal zone management) are ineffectual and unsustainable. The approach lacks the authority and resources to deliver ICZM and should be abandoned. A new model of ICZM in a predominantly sectoral administrative framework is presented. It requires that capacity be built in existing statutory authorities and in-house ICZM groups be established. Time-limited participatory projects would be used to gain information on conflicts and issues that transcend existing sectoral boundaries, but this information would be passed to the established statutory authorities for action. A sound statutory and legislative basis is the essential prerequisite for effective coastal management – not voluntary partnerships.  相似文献   

非正规经济是世界城市化过程的普遍现象,关于它的发展态势及与城市化的关系是学界长期关注的重要问题。本文引入多指标多原因(MIMIC)模型估算中国非正规经济规模,在分析其发展空间格局的基础上,运用计量模型揭示了非正规经济与城镇化的动态关系。研究表明,2000年以来中国非正规经济不断增长,2008年后出现较快增长态势,2017年占GDP比例达到20.55%,非正规就业人员达1.59亿人。非正规经济的空间分布呈现西北-东南高、西南-东北低的不平衡特点。模型显示,中国非正规经济与人口城镇化水平存在倒U型关系,即非正规经济占整体经济的份额随城镇化水平的提高呈现先上升、后下降的变化过程,发生这一变化的城镇化水平临界值为72.48%。由此推断中国非正规经济占比还将伴随城镇化进程而继续上升,由于城镇化发展阶段的差异,不同地区的非正规经济发展态势将不同。非正规经济还受到经济发展阶段、产业结构、流动人口、国有经济和政府管制等因素的影响。本文有助于加深认识非正规经济的发展规律,为制定基于城镇化发展阶段差异的非正规经济政策提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Conflicts in the management of renewable natural resources are situations in which actors have diverging opinions on issues of natural resource use. In the literature, among the causal factors for conflicts discussed are resource wealth or scarcity and the role of governance. The evidence, however, is contradictory. In order to analyze the role of governance in more detail, we propose a combined analysis of property rights and conflicts. In this way, an improved understanding of the causes of local conflicts over renewable natural resources can be achieved. We use comparative case study data from pasture management in the Caucasus region, first, to classify conflicts according to the bundle of property rights approach and, second, to explore how the causal factors resource scarcity and current governance contribute to those conflicts.  相似文献   

This article engages with the coproduction of urban space by focusing on a slum upgrading project in Recife, Brazil. It argues that the urban situation is essentially inconsistent, unpredictable and unstable. It documents the history of urban planning in Recife, paying special attention to the coexistence of two different planning traditions, one aimed at what city planners call the informal city, which is participatory, bottom up and democratic, yet susceptible to be corrupted by political clientelism, and another aimed at the formal city, which is ‘strategic’, top down, technocratic and neoliberal. It argues that the informal/formal binary operates as a disjunctive synthesis that separates social actors rather than connecting them and provides the coordinates within which processes of coproduction take place. The disjunctive synthesis renders possible all sorts of fantastic imaginations that both disavow and reveal the missing ground of the city. Community leaders play a central role in the coproduction of urban space and function as the symptom of this absent ground. The article concludes that participatory urban development interventions aiming to curtail the role of community leaders end up as veritable tyrannies of participation, which should be seen as evidence of the disjointed character of planning rather than as forms of effective governmentality.  相似文献   

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