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阎传海  徐科峰 《地理科学》2005,25(1):94-101
徐连过渡带位于江苏省北部,地当南北要冲,为一典型的生态过渡带;低山丘陵生态环境遭到严重破坏,生态系统的恢复与重建任重道远。基于10个样地4650 m2的野外调查资料,建立了徐连过渡带低山丘陵森林植被分类系统,包括2个植被型组、3个植被型、3个植被亚型、6个群系组、12个群系。根据建群种与光照强度的关系,分析了12个森林植被群系间的演替关系,构建了徐连过渡带低山丘陵森林植被次生演替模式。以次生演替模式为指导,论述了徐连过渡带低山丘陵生态恢复重建策略。  相似文献   

甘肃省湿地植被分类系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统地分析了甘肃省主要湿地植被类型及其分类。依据中国湿地植被、甘肃植被等分类原则和分类系统,结合甘肃省湿地植被的形成、发育和分布特点,甘肃省湿地植被划分为4个植被型组、9个植被型、74个群系和138个群丛;依据湿地的定义和湿地植被的特征种、指示种等特点,从生态学角度分析西北地区一些受争议的河岸林缘植被、胡杨(Populus euphratica)群系等是否属湿地植被,并依据此类群落的群落和生境特征,将胡杨等群系列入湿地植被。  相似文献   

编制南北过渡带地区1∶25万和典型山地1∶5万植被类型图是南北过渡带综合科学考察的主要任务之一。以往植被类型图的编制都是采用大量的地面调查来完成的,地面调查方法虽然精确,但费时费力,并且由于自然条件的限制,地面调查往往只能覆盖较小的范围。遥感数据因为其全覆盖的优势,可以很好地弥补样方调查的局限性,但目前大范围的植被类型遥感信息提取尤其是自动提取方面仍然存在一定的困难和瓶颈。本文以1∶5万太白山植被类型图的编制为例,利用多源多时相的高分辨率遥感数据,结合地面调查数据、以往的各种比例尺的植被类型图数据和森林资源调查数据等,探讨并研究基于山地垂直带谱的中大比例尺植被类型图的遥感提取方法和制图方法。研究结果表明:① 山地植被垂直带谱可以有效地支持1∶5万山区植被类型图的遥感制图。利用太白山植被垂直带谱和1∶1万数字表面模型数据(DSM)可以生成具有垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子;将地形约束因子与多源多时相高分辨率遥感数据、地面调查数据、以往的小比例尺植被类型图数据等相结合,可以有效提取各级植被类型,从而实现中大比例尺植被类型图的编制。② 典型山地1∶5万植被类型图的遥感制图基本流程为植被型组解译→植被群系组、群系、亚群系解译→植被型、植被亚型分类,采取自上而下和自下而上相结合的分类方法来分类。本文的研究成果可以为中大比例尺植被类型图的编制提供示范和科学依据。  相似文献   

广西岩溶植被自然分布规律及对岩溶生态恢复重建的意义   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
广西的岩溶植被类型和物种多样性丰富,分为5个植被型组8个植被型共96个群系,广西岩溶植被纬度分布由南至北为季节性雨林→含热带成份的常绿落叶阔叶混交林→常绿落叶阔叶混交林,生态结构复杂,特有成分突出,形成特殊的热带亚热带岩溶植物区系。岩溶区生态建设与植被恢复过程中,需遵循植被地带性分布规律,参照区域性顶极植物群落,进行人工群落的重建设计,选择优良乡土树种尤其是速生常绿阔叶树种,模拟天然植被构建先锋植物群落,乔灌藤草优化配置,针对生境异质性的主导因子,强化岩溶山地造林与封育管理技术,有效提高生物生产效率和植被覆盖率,开发特有适生的名特优产品,带动经济发展、促进生态环境尽快改善。  相似文献   

采用样线法结合样方法对北京汉石桥湿地自然保护区的湿地植被进行调查和分类研究。汉石桥湿地共有湿地植被2个植被型组、4个植被型、22个群系组、31个群系。对研究区主要植物群系进行多样性分析发现,莲(Nelumbo nucifera)群系的Simpson多样性指数最高,而芦苇(Phragmites australis)群系的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和群系物种数最高。并对该湿地核心区2003年和2006年的主要湿地植被分布情况进行分析,结果表明,该湿地在2004年进行恢复工程的前后各区域土地利用和植被分布有较大变化,人为干扰及恢复工程是汉石桥湿地植被的分布变化的主要原因。针对目前的状况,保护区应该采取保障水源,营造不同的生境类型和保护湿地动植物资源等方法,维持湿地物种多样性和生态功能的稳定。  相似文献   

甘肃民勤荒漠区植被演替特征及驱动力研究--以民勤为例   总被引:43,自引:20,他引:23  
通过对40多年来民勤荒漠植被类型、植被演替特征的分析,发现民勤荒漠区的自然植被类型20世纪50年代大体可分为5个植被型,19个群系,现在只有9个群系;民勤土地旱化现象日趋严重,脆弱的生态系统进行着逆向演替,群落的生物多样性及植被类型减少,生态系统的稳定性减弱且结构趋于简单、功能衰退,荒漠植被进一步取代了草甸植被成为优势种。生态位变宽;同时,通过对地下水位、降水量、植被盖度近20a的定位观测,定量研究植被退化的驱动因子表明:人类的各种经济活动导致地表径流的大幅度减少、超采地下水,使地下水位急剧下降,成为植被退化最直接的根源。  相似文献   

我国南方植物生态学研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国热带亚热带区域生态系统具有很高的潜在脆弱性,在人类干扰和全球变化的双重影响下,我国南方地区面临着严峻的生态环境问题。本文总结和评述了近年来我国南方植物生态学研究的几个重点领域,包括森林群落生物多样性维持、群落演替机制、养分循环和碳循环,山地丘陵退化生态系统的植被恢复,湿地环境修复、生物多样性保护、生物入侵机制和温室气体排放,城市植物的环境修复、热岛效应缓解及碳源汇功能等,并展望了我国南方植物生态学研究的未来方向,提出修复和重建大面积的退化生态系统,促进生物多样性保护,维护人居环境和人类健康,提高生态系统对全球变化的适应性,增强生态安全保障,是今后我国南方植物生态学研究所肩负的历史使命。  相似文献   

库姆塔格沙漠东南边缘天然植被调查研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
通过对库姆塔格沙漠东南缘天然植被调查结果显示:调查区天然植被以荒漠植被类型为主,在5种植被型23个植被群系中,荒漠植被群系占到52%,表现出植被类型的荒漠特性。荒漠植物群落有经向、纬向和海拔高度变化的分布格局,水分是影响植被径向分布的主要因素,气候则反映了植被纬向和海拔高度分布的变化。同时对主要的典型植物群落的特征进行了分析,为荒漠植被的恢复及其沙漠综合治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

南京幕燕风景名胜区景观生态评价与规划   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
赵清  丁登山  阎传海 《地理科学》2005,25(1):113-118
风景名胜区景观生态评价可以为风景区规划、建设和管理提供重要的依据,也是实现风景区可持续发展的有效途径之一。以南京幕燕风景名胜区为例,对幕燕风景区的景观生态评价与规划进行了研究。在大量野外工作的基础上,建立了幕燕风景区次生植被分类系统,并以植被为标志,拟建了风景区景观生态分类系统,调绘了风景区景观生态现状图;选取多样性、代表性等8项指标对风景区的景观生态进行了评价,并根据景观综合评价指数将类景观类型划分出4个等级;以景观生态评价结果为依据,提出了风景区景观生态规划的关键措施,研制了风景区景观生态规划图;最后,根据景观生态学原理和方法,进一步提出了风景区可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

能值理论及其在环境管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了能值理论的发展历程、基本概念和原理,并对美国波多黎各地区(PuertoRico)退化森林生态系统6种不同恢复重建措施进行了能值投入和产出分析,结果表明每公顷货币成本分别以经济林最高(9712$),自然演替林次之(1620$),外来物种入侵林最低(1217$);能量转换效率即能值转换率分别以涵养林最高(5.5×104sej/J),自然演替林次之(3.9×104sej/J),外来物种自发入侵林最低(2.0×104sej/J);能值货币价值以自然演替林最高(4006Em$),经济林次之(3044Em$),外来物种自发入侵最低(1554Em$)。  相似文献   

容丽  王世杰  刘宁  杨龙 《山地学报》2005,23(1):35-42
通过研究贵州西南部典型喀斯特植被退化区花江峡谷植被现状,选取具一定经济价值和推广价值的先锋植物,采用生物显微制片技术与数理统计方法相结合,报导了6科10种分属不同生活型的植物叶片的解剖结构特征,并进行了比较和解剖因子分析。结果表明研究区喀斯特先锋植物叶片在不同种类之间具有明显差异,这些差异除受遗传因子控制外,环境因子(主要为光照和水分)也有重要作用;生活型不同对先锋植物叶片特征有一定影响,但未表现出规律性。根据叶片适应特征的差异,10种先锋植物可分为3种类型,即旱生或阳生叶类型的构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、火棘(pyracantha fortuneana)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、白三叶(Trifolium repens);偏中生叶类型(香椿的Toona sirensis)、顶坛花椒(Zanthaxylum pinum var.dingtanensis)、黔滇木蓝(In-digofera esquirolii)、忍冬(Lomicera japonica)、紫云英(Astragalus sinicus);偏阴生叶类型的繁缕(Stellaria media)。  相似文献   

The catchment of South Luohe River in Central China is an important region for investigating modern pollen-environment relationship, because it is located in the transitional zone between south and north China, an environment which is sensitive to climate changes. In this study, 40 surface samples under ten vegetation types were collected to reveal the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation. The results show that the surface pollen assemblages reflect the vegetation quite well. In forest topsoils, the average of arboreal pollen content is greater than 40%, and the Selaginella sinensis spore is high. As to sparse forest grassland and shrub community, the average arboreal pollen is 13.2% and 16.6% respectively, and the shrub pollen is relatively higher than that of grassland samples. The grassland and farmland are characterized by low percentage of tree and shrub pollen (<10% and <1%), and high percentage of herbs (>80%). Pinus, Quercus and some other arboreal pollen can indicate the regional vegetation because of their dispersal ability. Quercus pollen is under-representative and so is Pinus. Artemisia pollen is significantly over-represented, has poor correlation with the plant coverage, and may reflect human disturbance. Gramineae can indicate plant quite well, but with low representation. High content of Chenopodiaceae probably suggests human impact. Predominant Selaginella sinensis can be used as an indicator of forest environment. Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of pollen assemblages can distinguish forest and non-forest vegetation well. The former method is better at separating pine and mixed forests, while the latter is more stable and could better differentiate farmland and other non-forest area. The first axis of PCA mainly reflects the humidity.  相似文献   

伊洛河流域典型地区森林景观格局动态   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
以野外调查资料和1983~1999年森林资源分布图为主要信息源,用ARC/INFO作为空间信息处理工具,采用斑块数、平均斑块面积、破碎化指数、斑块伸长指数、分数维、稳定度等指标分析了近20年来伊洛河流域中部典型地区的森林景观格局动态。结果表明,(1) 研究区内森林总面积在增加,斑块数量迅速增大,由556块增至1 494块。其中以刺槐林、经济林和杨树林斑块数量增加最多。景观破碎化程度明显加大。(2) 森林景观要素中灌木林、刺槐林、经济林、杨树林、栎林等斑块的面积有所增加,而非林地、荒草地、疏林、油松林等斑块的面积有所减小;除杨树林外,各森林类型斑块的平均面积都在减小。 (3) 研究区内沟谷植被覆盖面积共减少了220 827.9 hm2;丘陵森林覆被面积由1983年的161 870.4 hm2增加到1999年的312 599.7 hm2,增加了93.1%;斑块数目由79块增加到758块,增加了860%。而丘陵地区斑块平均面积却大大减小;山地森林覆被面积有所减少,由1983年的375 348.6 hm2减小到1999年的338 733.9 hm2,而斑块数却大幅度增加,由1983年的432块增加到1999年的1 127块,增加了695块。(4) 研究区南北山坡森林景观格局变化明显不同,这与南北坡土地类型不同、人类活动方式不同和地形地势的差别有关。  相似文献   

选取南洛河上游洛南盆地10 种植被类型下40 处样点表土苔藓开展孢粉与植被关系的研究.结果表明,表土中孢粉组成能很好地反映植被类型.森林表土中乔木植物花粉含量平均值大于40%,且有较高含量的中华卷柏孢子;疏林草原、灌丛群落中乔木植物花粉平均含量分别为13.2%和16.6%,灌木植物花粉相对草丛群落含量较高;草丛群落和农田中乔木花粉平均含量均<10%,草本植物花粉>80%,灌木植物花粉<1%.洛南盆地表土孢粉总浓度平均为1.42×105粒/g,与植被覆盖度关系较弱,而与植被类型有一定联系,能辅助植被类型的辨识.聚类分析和PCA分析都能较好区分森林和非森林植被,前者能较好地区分松林和混交林,后者能较好地区分农田和灌、草丛植被,且比聚类分析更加稳定.松属、栎属等乔木花粉具有较强的扩散能力,能指示区域植被,松属没有表现出很强的超代表性,栎属具有低代表性;蒿属花粉与植被覆盖度间的相关关系较差,具有明显的超代表性,其大量出现与人类的干扰有一定的联系,禾本科花粉具有很好的植被指示性和低代表性,藜科花粉的高含量主要指示了高强度的人类活动;中华卷柏孢子在地层中的大量出现具有指示森林或松林环境的意义.  相似文献   

研究了苏北低山丘陵森林植被的多佯性表明:(丑)杂木林多佯性最高,物种多佯性指数SI)II.39~2. 40,群落均匀度指数 CE 0.56~0.88,生态优势度指数 EDO 15~0.39;侧柏林和刺槐碎多样性最低,——k’7~几m,”—队叮~k‘5,。。k93~几‘8;杆类林和温性松林(赤松林)的多样性分居第二、弟三位.(2)相对而言,苏北东北部低山丘陵生物多样性较西北部低山丘陵高.并对该地区生物多佯性的有效保护提出了建议.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xinghang  Zhang  Baiping  Wang  Jing  Yu  Fuqin  Zhao  Chao  Yao  Yonghui 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(3):350-368
The Qinling-Daba Mountains are the main body of China's North-South Transitional Zone.Analysis of the north-south gradual variation of vegetation components is significant for understanding the structural diversity and complexity of this transitional zone.In this study,based on survey data of plant communities,the eastern Qinling-Daba Mountains is divided into four geographic units:the north flank of eastern Qinling Mts.,south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.,north flank of eastern Daba Mts.and south flank of eastern Daba Mts.We also explore division of regional climate according to areal differentiation of plant-species,com-munity structure and species-richness,respectively.The results show that,(1)at plant-species level,there are mainly northern plants in north flank of eastern Qinling Mts.with evergreen species and fewer northern plants in south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.;there are mainly southern plants in eastern Daba Mts.(2)At community structure level,there are 4 formations(3 northern formations and 1 widespread formation)in north flank of eastern Qinling,6 formations(3 northern formations,1 southern formation,and 2 widespread forma-tions)in south flank of eastern Qinling,4 formations(2 southern formations and 2 widespread formations)in north flank of eastern Daba Mts.,and 3 formations(3 southern formations)in south flank of eastern Daba Mts.In terms of the numbers and properties of formations,there is a mixture of northern and southern formations only in the south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.(3)At species-richness level,the diversity of families,genera and species decreased with increasing latitude,but the mixing of northern plants and the southern plants began to occur in south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.This means that the south flank of the eastern Qinling Mts.serves more suitably as the dividing line between China's warm temperate and sub-tropical zones.  相似文献   

土壤无机氮的可利用性是影响植物生长发育和植被演替进程的关键因子之一,尤其在生态系统十分脆弱的黄土丘陵沟壑区更为重要。因此,采用时空代换法,通过选取不同退耕年限(10 a、20 a、30 a、40 a)的刺槐林地及相邻对照草地为研究对象,系统研究刺槐林在生长季(4~9月)土壤无机氮净转化速率的变化情况。结果表明:(1)刺槐林地土壤NO3--N平均含量约是对照草地的4.57倍,而NH4+-N在两个样地之间没有显著差异。(2)刺槐林地及对照草地土壤在7~8月以硝化作用为主,在4~5月和8~9月以氨化过程为主,且刺槐林地氮素净转化速率大于对照样地。(3)刺槐林地土壤NO3--N在前30 a处于积累状态,随后呈现消耗趋势。总而言之,退耕地刺槐林营造可以减少土壤NO3--N的淋失,提高NO3--N净转化速率,但刺槐林NO3--N的累积状态在30 a后变为消耗状态。所以要采取应对30 a以上林龄的刺槐林采取间伐措施,以促进刺槐林的健康发展。  相似文献   

近20年来伊洛河流域典型地区森林景观格局动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on the information from forest resources distribution maps of Luoning County of 1983 and 1999,six indices were used to analyze spatial patterns and dynamics of forest landscapes of the typical region in the middle of the Yihe-Luohe river basin.These indices include patch number,mean patch area,fragment index,patdch extension index,etc,The results showed that;(1) There was a rapid increase in the number of patch and total area from 1983 to 1999 in the study area,The fragment degree became very high.(2) The area of all the forest patch types had witnessed great changes,The fractal degree of each forest patch type became big from 1983 to 1999 ,The mean extension index of Robinia pseudoacacia forest ,non- forest shrub forest ,sparse forest ,and Quercus species forest in creased rapidly,but that of economic forest became zero ,The fractal dimension each showed that forest coverage has been promoted.(3)The changes of landscape patterns were different in different geomprhic regions.From 1983 to 1999 the vegetation cover area,the gross number and the density of patch,diversity and evenness of landscape were all reduced greatly in gullies and ravines,but the maximum area and the mean area of patch types were increased ,In hilly region,both the forest cover area and the number of patch increased from 1983 to 1999,but the mean area of patch was reduced greatly,In mountain region,even though the area under forest canopy reduced from 1983 to 1999 ,the patch number was increased greatly,the mean area of all patch types was reduced ,the extension index,diversity index and evenness index of landscape were all increased.Furthermore,because of different types of land use,human activtiy and terratin ,the vegetation changes on northern and southern mountain slopes were different.According to these analyses,the main driving forces,such as the policies of management,market economy,influence of human activities etc.are brought out.  相似文献   

Based on the information from forest resources distribution maps of Luoning County of 1983 and 1999, six indices were used to analyze spatial patterns and dynamics of forest landscapes of the typical region in the middle of the Yihe-Luohe river basin. These indices include patch number, mean patch area, fragment index, patch extension index, etc. The results showed that: (1) There was a rapid increase in the number of patch and total area from 1983 to 1999 in the study area. The fragment degree became very high. (2) The area of all the forest patch types had witnessed great changes. The fractal degree of each forest patch type became big from 1983 to 1999. The mean extension index of Robinia pseudoacacia forest, non-forest, shrub forest, sparse forest, and Quercus species forest increased rapidly, but that of economic forest became zero. The fractal dimension each showed that forest coverage has been promoted. (3) The changes of landscape patterns were different in different geomorphic regions. From 1983 to 1999 the vegetation cover area, the gross number and the density of patch, diversity and evenness of landscape were all reduced greatly in gullies and ravines, but the maximum area and the mean area of patch types were increased. In hilly region, both the forest cover area and the number of patch increased from 1983 to 1999, but the mean area of patch was reduced greatly. In mountain region, even though the area under forest canopy reduced from 1983 to 1999, the patch number was increased greatly, the mean area of all patch types was reduced, the extension index, diversity index and evenness index of landscape were all increased. Furthermore, because of different types of land use, human activity and terrain, the vegetation changes on northern and southern mountain slopes were different. According to these analyses, the main driving forces, such as the policies of management, market economy, influence of human activities etc. are brought out.  相似文献   

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