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A discussion of gravitational instability of a finitely conducting medium with streams of variable velocity distribution is made in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. It is found that the variable streaming motion shows a destabilizing effect and affects the instability criterion only in the case of general wave propagation. For purely parallel propagation to the direction of the magnetic field and the streaming motion, the criterion is independent of the variation in the streaming motion and further the Jeans's criterion is found to remain unaffected in this case. For purely transverse propagation, the criterion is independent of any streaming motion and the Jeans's criterion remains unaffected. The criterion is further independent of the magnetic field and the finite conductivity except in the case of transverse propagation where the magnetic field exhibits a stabilizing influence in case of an infinitely conducting medium.  相似文献   

Magnetogravitational instability of a thermally-conducting, rotating plasma flowing through a porous medium with finite conductivity and finite Larmor radius in the presence of suspended particles has been investigated. The wave propagation has been considered for both parallel and perpendicular axes of rotation. Magnetic field is being taken in the vertical direction. A general dispersion relation has been derived through relevant linearized perturbation equations. It has been observed that the condition of instability is determined by the Jeans's criterion in its modifed form. Thermal conductivity replaces the adiabatic velocity of sound by the isothermal one. Rotation decreases the Larmor radius. Porosity decreases the Alfvén velocity. In case of a viscous medium the effects of FLR, rotation, and suspended particles are not observed in the Jeans's condition, for transverse propagation for rotational axis parallel to the magnetic field. The effects of rotation and FLR are decreased by the porosity and the suspended particles. Finite conductivity removes the Alfvén velocity from Jeans's condition.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous finitely conducting viscid fluid through porous medium is studied in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field and finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) effects. The medium is considered uniformly rotating along and perpendicular to the direction of the prevalent magnetic field. A general dispersion relation is obtained from the relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. Furthermore, the wave propagation along and perpendicular to the direction of existing magnetic field has been discussed for each direction of the rotation. It is found that the simultaneous presence of viscosity finite conductivity, rotation, medium porosity, and FLR corrections does not essentially change the Jeans's instability condition. The stabilizing influence of FLR in the case of transverse propagation is reasserted for a non-rotating and inviscid porous medium. It is shown that the finite conductivity has destabilizing influence on the transverse wave propagation whereas for longitudinal propagation finite conductivity does not affect the Jean's criterion.  相似文献   

The unexpected and unusual characteristics of the lunar seismogram have given rise to various speculations regarding their origin: secondary ejecta, diffusive wave propagation and wave propagation effects in a self-compacted powder layer with a linearly increasing velocity with depth. Many of the characteristics can be explained, qualitatively, by the simple theory of a self-compacting, dry powder layer for which the velocity varies as the sixth root of the depth. This gives a very low seismic velocity at the lunar surface which, in turn, allows the signal to have a long duration, a lack of correlation between horizontal and vertical displacements, a signal envelope that changes with source to receiver separation and a varying spectrum over the duration of the signal. To explain the long duration of the seismic signal quantitatively, it is necessary to include scattering of the normally incident rays at the surface by shallow surface undulations. The sixth root velocity-depth dependence is consistent with the measured variation, with pressure, of the compressibility and velocity of lunar samples.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogenous rotating plasma through a porous medium in the presence of a uniform magnetic field with finite electrical and thermal conductivities has been studied. With the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem, a general dispersion relation is obtained, which is further reduced for the special cases of rotation, parallel and perpendicular to the megnetic field acting in the vertical direction. Longitudinal and transverse modes of propagation are discussed separately. It is found that the joint effect of various parameters is simply to modify the Jeans's condition of instability. The effect of finite electrical conductivity is to remove the effect of magnetic field where as the effect of thermal conductivity is to replace the adiabatic velocity of sound by the isothermal one. Rotation has its effect only along the magnetic field in the transverse mode of propagation for an inviscid plasma, thereby stabilizing the system. Porosity reduces the effect of both, the magnetic field and the rotation, in the transverse mode of propagation in both the cases of rotation. The effect of viscosity is to remove the rotational effects parallel to the magnetic field in the transverse mode of propagation.  相似文献   

The propagation of the nonlinear electrostatic ion acoustic solitary wave structures in two component, non relativistic, homogenous, magneto rotating plasma are studied. The inertialess electrons are assumed to follow nonextensive q velocity distribution. Small amplitude reductive perturbation technique is applied to derive Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation and its analytical solution is presented. The effects of variation of different plasma parameters on propagation characteristics of solitary wave structure in the presence of the Coriolis force are discussed. It is observed that nonextensive parameter q modifies the structure of solitary wave structures in rotating plasmas.  相似文献   

The propagation of axially symmetric wave beams near the equatorial plane of a neutron star is studied. These waves are excited by a spatially bounded perturbation in the form of a transverse magnetic field applied to the inner boundary of the crust of the star. For a small ratio of the perturbed to the unperturbed magnetic field, a linear theory can be employed to solve the evolution equation. This condition is satisfied in the crust plasma of a neutron star for typical radio luminosities of pulsars. The resulting simple, exact solution in the form of linear gaussian beams exists without additional conditions on the dissipation, dispersion, and narrowness of the beams, if the velocity c n of these waves is constant. The latter requirement is well satisfied for the plasma in neutron star crusts. The width of the gaussian beam also depends weakly on position.  相似文献   

The propagation of sonic discontinuity in conducting and radiating atmosphere has been discussed under the influence of magnetic field. The velocity of sonic wave and its termination into shock wave has been obtained. We have also obtained the critical time at which sonic wave terminates into shock wave. There is significant effect of magnetic field on sonic velocity and its termination into shock wave.  相似文献   

The propagation of axially symmetric magnetoelastic waves near the equatorial plane of the crust of a neutron star embedded in a transverse magnetic field is examined. The crust is treated as a solid-state plasma and waves are excited in it in the form of a transverse magnetic field applied to the inner boundary of the star’s crust. The time dependent equation is solved in a linear approximation assuming that the perturbing magnetic field is small compared to the unperturbed field. A simple, exact solution in the form of linear gaussian beams is obtained without additional conditions being imposed on the dissipation, dispersion, and narrowness of the beam, provided only that the velocity cn of these waves depends weakly on position. This last condition is satisfied for the plasma in the crust of a neutron star. As it propagates to the star’s surface, the radius of the beam remains constant. The electric currents generated by the wave beam on the star’s surface are also calculated. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 547–556 (November 2007).  相似文献   

The modulational instability of the weakly nonlinear longitudinal Langmuir as well as the transverse electromagnetic waves, propagation in the relativistic plasma without the static fields is described. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation taking account of the nonlinear Landau damping for these waves has been derived by means of the relativistic Vlasov and Maxwell equations. The plasma with the weakly relativistic temperature and that with an ultrarelativistic one has been investigated. In the first case, for the electron-proton plasma with the temperature more than 2.3 KeV we found the regional change of the wave numbers for which the soliton of two types, subsonic and supersonic, can exist. The soliton of the transverse waves can exist when the group velocity of the waves is between the thermal velocity of the electron and ion and the length of the linear waves is less than 2c/ pi .In the second case the regions of the wave numbers, with the solitons of the Langmuir and transverse waves have been determined.The nonlinear waves in the electron-positron plasma and the waves with the phase velocity, which is about the light one, are also considered in the following paper.  相似文献   

Through a synthesis of magnetometer, plasma, energetic particle and electric field data from the ISEE satellite pair, we describe the characteristics of the initial (11 December 1977) magnetotail plasma vortex event reported by Hones et al. (1978). The event is associated with a hot (β ~ 1) compressional hydromagnetic wave and apparent vortical motion is seen because at two points in the flow cycle the flow is field-aligned. The behaviour of the energetic ions receives special study : when combined with the thermal flow measurements energy dispersion is evident in the field-aligned flow, while the large pitch angle energetic ions reveal the presence of gradients. We argue that these gradients are wave-induced and use the data to determine the perpendicular wave wavelength together with the speed and direction of transverse wave propagation.  相似文献   

The propagation of axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic waves near the equatorial plane of the crust of a neutron star that is in a transverse magnetic field is considered. These waves are excited by a spatially limited excitation in the form of a transverse magnetic field applied to the inner boundary of the neutron star's crust. The magnetic fields and electric currents excited at the stellar surface by this wave beam are determined.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain similarity solutions for the propagation of plane relativistic shock waves in the presence of a transverse magnetic field for the medium, where the nucleon number density obeys a power law of distance from the plane of explosion. The shock surface moves with constant velocity and the total energy of the disturbance is dependent on time. The solutions are applicable only to an isothermal medium or a cold gas.  相似文献   

The propagation of axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic waves near the equatorial plane of the crust of a neutron star in a transverse magnetic field is considered. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the equatorial plane. The magnetic fields and electric currents excited by this wave beam at the stellar surface are determined.  相似文献   

Properties of a guided MHD-wave propagating in a magnetic field tube with the plasma density differing from the ambient density are studied. Like the Alvén wave this wave propagates along the magnetic field and is connected with the field-aligned currents flowing at the periphery of the oscillating tube. The guided wave is accompanied by the magnetic field compression, nevertheless the wave moves without attenuation. The guided wave velocity is between the Alvén velocities inside and outside the oscillating tube. In a tube of elliptical cross-section the propagation velocity depends on the polarization of the wave.  相似文献   

A large percent of spicules shows a surge-like behavior on the solar limb, supporting a multi-component model with twisted threads. The counterpart of limb spicules foot-points is investigated on the disk, and this re-examination indicates that the interpretation of transverse motion of off-limb spicules could directly be related to rotational motion at the feet of disk spicules. Related bright elements move and vary in brightness on the timescales of chromospheric oscillations. The motions are similar to random displacements of the bright elements along the network boundaries with amplitudes of about 200 to 400 km, with evidence of “spinning” or vortex motion. We find a clear evidence and in several cases for splitting process and suggesting a formation mechanism for doublet (or multi-component) spicules. A general inter chromospheric network velocity pattern with twists existing before the emergence and eruption of spicules seems to be required. In this paper a helical- kink mode propagation consistent with the new evidence of spicule multiple structure is presented and provides an explanation for the origin of the Alfvenic wave propagation along the spicules. The evidence of spinning spicules remains unclear from disk Dopplergram observations, we use a 3D time slice “column” diagrams (2D in x and y and time in z being the 3d dimension) by consecutive partly transparent slices put in perspective to show the rotational behavior at the chromospheric rosettes, and provide a wealth of information on spinning motion, helical wave propagation and splitting.  相似文献   

Examination of thermal plasma data obtained by low-altitude satellite measurements indicates that the intersection of the cusp in the dayside magnetosphere with the topside ionosphere creates a distinct plasma geometry at low altitudes. This region consists of one or two plasma discontinuities with steep boundaries. As a result of the plasma structuring in the cusp which commonly takes place in the winter hemisphere, the propagation of compressional surface MHD waves is supported. This point is illustrated by an analysis of the polarization state of compressional surface MHD waves propagating along a plasma layer with thickness a and ambient magnetic field B0 parallel to the interfaces. The results obtained are applicable to the case of a single interface, which is derived in the limit a → ∞. In the general case the polarization of the compressional surface MHD waves in the plane transverse to the magnetic field B0 is elliptical. This feature of the polarization state of the compressional surface modes does not follow from the former analysis by Edwin and Roberts (1982, Solar Phys. 76, 239) for a magnetic slab, because the disturbance components parallel to the interfaces and perpendicular to the magnetic field B0 have not been examined. Although the absence of these components does not prove to be essential for deriving the exact dispersion equation for arbitrary wave directions of the surface modes, they must be included when considering polarization states. The surface mode polarization in the plasma layer changes its sense three times: at interfaces X = 0 and X = a and in the middle plane X = a/2. For the symmetrical (sausage) mode the wave disturbance component bn transverse (normal) to the interfaces becomes zero in the middle plane; for the asymmetrical (kink) mode, the component bt parallel to the interfaces and transverse to the ambient magnetic field is zeroed in the same plane. For a moving observer such as a satellite the polarization patterns which might be recorded change, depending on the velocity of the observer and the angles at which the layered cusp is traversed. An essential feature in the polarization of the compressional surface MHD modes is the presence of jumps in the magnetic disturbance component bt at the interfaces. These jumps disappear only for propagation along the ambient magnetic field. In this particular case the component bt vanishes and then the surface modes are undistinguishable from the body modes.  相似文献   

The interaction between a shock-wave and the magnetopause is formulated on the basis of one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics. The magnetopause is assumed to be a tangential discontinuity, and the magnetic field is limited to the case of perpendicularity. Both the forward and reverse shocks' impact on the magnetopause are considered and analyzed separately. The forward shock-magnetopause interaction results in a transmitted shock, a tangential discontinuity, and a simple rarefaction wave. The reverse shock-magnetopause interaction creates a transmitted shock, a tangential discontinuity, and a reflected wave. The propagation of an SSC signal which is related to an interplanetary shock-induced geomagnetic storm's onset-time on Earth is discussed in general terms. It was found in earlier work (Shen and Dryer, 1972) that the propagation velocity of an inter-planetary shock is decreased by about 1015% following its impact with the earth's bow shock; the present study shows that its velocity is then suddenly increased by a factor of two to three after impact with the magnetopause. The fast propagating shock-wave inside the magnetosphere degenerates into a hydromagnetic wave as it advances into an increasing intensity of the distorted dipole geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

In this paper propagation of magnetogasdynamic spherical shock waves is considered in an exponentially increasing medium. The shock wave moves with variable velocity and the total energy of the wave is variable. It is shown that the magnetic field changes the flow velocity, density and pressure.  相似文献   

Internal gravity waves excited by overshoot at the bottom of the convection zone can be influenced by rotation and by the strong toroidal magnetic field that is likely to be present in the solar tachocline. Using a simple Cartesian model, we show how waves with a vertical component of propagation can be reflected when traveling through a layer containing a horizontal magnetic field with a strength that varies with depth. This interaction can prevent a portion of the downward traveling wave energy flux from reaching the deep solar interior. If a highly reflecting magnetized layer is located some distance below the convection zone base, a duct or wave guide can be set up, wherein vertical propagation is restricted by successive reflections at the upper and lower boundaries. The presence of both upward and downward traveling disturbances inside the duct leads to the existence of a set of horizontally propagating modes that have significantly enhanced amplitudes. We point out that the helical structure of these waves makes them capable of generating an α-effect, and briefly consider the possibility that propagation in a shear of sufficient strength could lead to instability, the result of wave growth due to over-reflection.  相似文献   

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