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A tracer model with random diffusion coupled to the hydrodynamic model for the Zhujiang River Estuary (Pearl River Estuary, PRE) is to examine the effect of circulations on the transport of completely conservative pollutants. It is focused on answering the following questions: (1) What role does the estuarine plume front in the winter play in affecting the pollutants transport and its distribution in the PRE? (2) What effect do the coastal currents driven by the monsoon have on the pollutants transport? The tracer experiment results show that: (1) the pollutant transport paths strongly depend on the circulation structures and plume frontal dynamics of the PRE and coastal waters; (2) during the summer when a southwesterly monsoon prevails, the pollutants from the four easterly river inlets and those from the bottom layer of offshore stations will greatly influence the water quality in Hong Kong waters, however, the pollutants released from the four westerly river-inlets will seldom affect the water quality of Hong Kong waters due to their transport away from Hong Kong; (3) during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails, all pollutants released from the eight river gates will be laterally transported seaward inside the estuary and transport westward in the coastal waters along the river plume frontal zone. However, pollutants released from the surface layer of offshore stations near or east of the Dangan Channel will be carried into the coastal waters of Hong Kong by the landward component of the westward coastal current driven by the winter northeasterly monsoon. But the pollutants from the bottom layer of the offshore stations will be carried away from the offshore by the bottom flow driven by the northeasterly monsoon. This implies that only surface-released matter from offshore stations will affect the water quality of the coastal waters around Hong Kong during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails.  相似文献   

珠江口悬浮泥沙迁移数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
建立了珠江口海域三维悬浮泥沙的非饱和输沙数学模型,并与珠江口三维水动力斜压模型耦合,对悬沙迁移分布进行了模拟。模型由4个点的逐时实测含沙量过程进行了验证。各点模拟含沙量与实测含沙量吻合较好,表层分布与同期珠江口悬沙分布遥感图像基本一致.模拟结果表明,珠江口海域悬沙分布分层明显,河口附近水域大多为底层含沙量大于表层,但在盐淡水交汇处出现中层含沙量最小的情况总体上,自各个口门输出的泥沙受沿岸流作用向西南万向输送明显。大多数河口落潮时相对涨潮时含沙量等值线外移,反映珠江口水域悬浮泥沙主要来自河流。  相似文献   

张恒  李适宇 《海洋学报》2010,32(1):34-46
通过建立一个珠江口三维水质模型,对夏季珠江口溶解氧垂向输运进行研究。结果表明:潮汐、风及上升流间歇性破坏层化,令溶解氧垂向对流及扩散通量的方向和大小随潮汐发生周期性变化。在西四口门海域,由于水体层化稳定,垂向上对流及扩散作用产生的溶解氧输运通量都较小,且相互平衡;在伶仃洋内的深槽,径流与潮汐的相互作用强烈,层化被间歇性地打破,溶解氧的垂向对流通量大于扩散通量,导致底层溶解氧浓度产生波动;在伶仃洋内的西部浅滩上,层化相对稳定,溶解氧的垂向扩散通量大于对流通量。这表明在珠江口不同区域,垂向的对流扩散作用对溶解氧垂向输运起不同作用,从而影响表底层溶解氧的浓度。  相似文献   

The Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary is a complex water system whose catchments basincovers a very large part of southern China. The large quantity of fresh water carried by the river system flows into the northern coast of the South China Sea through its eight inlets. The Zhujiang River Delta has experienced the fastest economic growth in China during the past two decades. Rapid population expansion and increased industrial development coupled with insufficient waste management turned the Zhujiang Estuary into waste disposal channels just before entering the coastal waters. The water quality of the estuaries and the coastal oceans has become polluted. During the past two years, an intensive study and monitoring efforts of the pollutions of these waters have been made. A systematic and integrated monitoring task including shore-based measurements, shipboard in-situ measurements, and satellite and radar remote sensing surveys has been completed. Comprehensive collection of physical, chemical and biological  相似文献   

I~IOXMoreattentionhasbenpaidtothefishcornlnwhtiesintheestuaryandcoastalwaters,andanemphasishashogivenontheuseofvariousdiversityindicesandmultivariateanalysismethanethat~onthaisindicesinthestudyofthecharacteristicsOffishcornmwhties(Zhuetal.,1994;Zhuet...  相似文献   

珠江口夏季水体中的氮和磷   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
根据1999年7月17~28日于珠江口现场调查和实验的资料,研究夏季水体中氮、磷的分布、形态变化和初级生产力的限制因素.结果表明该海域氮含量高,N/P属于世界上高值区之一.从河口向外海运输过程中,氮和磷的形态和浓度均有剧烈的变化.虽然氮在中途中有新源的补充;但由于外海水的入侵稀释、生物吸收和形态变化的迁移作用,NO3-和可溶无机氮的浓度总的变化趋势仍是随盐度增大而大幅度地降低,以至珠江口外出现N/P低于16.由于夏季水体层化稳定,在表、底层其生物地球化学变化方向相反,PO43的浓度变化互成镜像关系并可按盐度分为3段不同特征的反应区.初级生产力的限制因素在大部分区域是磷,但从口门至最大浑浊带和口外区则分别是浊度(或光照)及可溶无机氮.现场培养实验再现了真光层和底层氮和磷的生物地球化学过程差异并表明磷的循环和再生比氮迅速;在可溶无机氮浓度大且高N/P的海域,磷的再生可成为水华的引发因素,而氮被耗尽却是水华消亡的原因.总体上夏季该区水体氮的迁出率比磷高.于水体层化稳定的区域,氮和磷的生物地球化学作用在真光层以浮游生物吸收占优势、在下层以有机物的降解和可溶无机态的再生为主,当层化消失、上下水体充分混合则可完成循环.  相似文献   

Chemometric approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to examine the spatial variances of environmental and ecological characteristics in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary and adjacent waters (ZREAW) in the South China Sea. The PCA result shows that the ZREAW can be divided into different zones according to the principal components and geographical locations of the study stations, and indicates that there are distinct regional variances on environmental features and the corresponding phytoplankton biomass and community structures among different areas. The spatial distribution of ecological features was implied to be influenced by various degrees of the different water resources, such as the Pearl River discharges, the coastal current and the oceanic water from the South China Sea. The variation of the biomass maximum zone and the complex impacts on the spatial distributions of phytoplankton biomass and production were also evaluated.  相似文献   

To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River)Estuary and its adjacent areas, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate hydrolysable amino acids (PHAA), and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured. The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a. The spectra distribution,relative content (dry weight in milligram per gram), PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs. amino sugars (AA/AS) and glucosamine vs. galactosamine (Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion. In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable, organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton, microbial reworked characteristics, which suggest that these organic matters were relatively “old“. In the estuarine brackish region, organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh, easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter.During physical - biological processes within the eastuary, organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.  相似文献   

南海北部及珠江口细菌生产力研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年2~3月和2004年8~9月两个航次中对珠江口及南海北部海域的异养浮游细菌生物量、生产力及其调控机制进行了观测研究.结果表明,营养物质的供应对调查区域真光层水体内的细菌生物量和生产力起着主要控制作用,从而导致冬季航次珠江口-陆架-外海调查断面表层细菌生物量和生产力呈现沿盐度梯度向外海逐渐降低的特征.就南海北部调查区域而言,冬季真光层异养细菌生物量(C)平均为(712±290)mg/m2,夏季平均为(937±397)mg/m2;真光层细菌生产力(C)冬季平均为(65.1±42.8)mg/(m2·d),夏季平均(52.5±28.6)mg/(m2·d).本调查中,南海北部海区IBP和IPP比值范围是4%~96%,平均为26%,IBP和IPP比值与初级生产力呈负相关,其分布特征与新生产力f比的分布趋势相反,显示了异养细菌在真光层物质循环过程中所发挥的作用在南海近岸富营养海域和外海寡营养海域之间的差异.  相似文献   

采用pH 电测法测定了珠江口区表层海水碱度。发现珠江河口区表层海水碱度,在盐度0 .080~25.722 范围内,变化范围为0.670 ~1 .94mmol·dm - 3 ,碱度平均值为1 .43 ±0 .33mmol·dm - 3 。相应比碱度变化范围为0.106 ~68 .667 ,平均为11 .3 ±22 .6 。自湾北到湾外碱度随盐度增大而增大,与盐度呈密切正相关。并讨论了比碱度、碳酸碱度与硼酸碱度的分布变化。  相似文献   

基于波-流耦合模型的珠江口悬浮泥沙数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究珠江口悬浮泥沙输运动力机制,本文发展了一套三维波、流、泥沙耦合数值模型。模型结果与观测数据吻合较好,统计显示模型获得良好的评分分值。利用数值模拟研究了不同强迫(径流,波浪和风)对珠江口中悬浮泥沙的影响。模型结果表明,河口重力环流对珠江口最大浑浊带的发展起着重要作用,特别是在小潮期间。另外,径流的增加可导致泥沙向海输运。底部的悬浮泥沙浓度随着波浪底部轨迹速度和波高的增大而增加。由于西滩水深较浅,波浪对西滩悬浮泥沙的影响大于东槽。西南风引起的波浪对悬沙的影响大于东北风引起的波浪的影响,而东北风致流对悬沙的影响略大于对西南风致流的影响。在其他条件相同情况下,稳定的西南风比稳定的东北风更有利于伶仃洋悬浮泥沙浓度的增加;在稳定的西南风下,伶仃洋平均悬浮泥沙浓度约为稳定东北风下的1.1倍。  相似文献   

根据珠江口2015年7月6日至17日航次的CTD(conductivity, temperature, and depth)观测结果,分析得到:珠江口附近海域存在海水的垂向逆温现象,逆温差平均值为0.42 oC,上界深度在1 m-6 m间,下界深度在3 m-10 m间,逆温层平均厚度约为4 m。根据时空分布差异的不同,逆温现象可区分为以下三种情况:(1)在狮子洋、太平水道和蕉门水道的出口汇集处,存在温、盐差异的不同水体的交互过程中,由于潮汐和径流的作用所形成的水平流场差异导致了垂向温度的逆转现象。(2)在珠江口西侧的盐度锋面区域附近,第一航段观测期间锋面内侧低盐水团的温度低于锋面外侧高盐水团约2 oC,此时可观测到逆温现象;但在同一区域的第二航段观测期间由于河口内表层水温的上升,导致了逆温现象消失。该区域盐度锋面附近的两个水团在锋面位置附近发生叠置,冲淡水覆盖于海水之上,两个水团的温、盐差异是温度逆转现象的主因。(3)香港西南侧的上升流区域与盐度锋面的相互作用导致了该区域逆温现象的产生。  相似文献   

The contents of total copper, total dissolved copper, particulate copper, and free ion copper in the Zhujiang River Estuary were investigated in July 2002 and January 2003 respectively, and the spatial distribution trend of these species of copper were compared in two cruises. It was found that, in summer, the total copper content in the Zhujiang River Estuary increased with salinity, while the content office ion copper decreased with salinity. However, in winter, the contents of total copper and free ion copper both decreased with salinity. So, it could be concluded that, copper content and speciation in the Zhujiang River Estuary were regulated by other factors than runoffdiffusion such as upwelling current. In order to prove the spatial trend of rice ion copper content in the Zhujiang River Estuary, the cultivation of Dunaliella tertiolecta in waters obtained from sampling stations with different salinities was carried out, and the copper uptake by algae cells was measured then. It was found that, the cells' uptake of copper increased with rice ion copper, not the content of total copper.  相似文献   

研究海平面上升对河口的影响情况有助于了解输运过程的变化,基于21世纪海平面上升预测研究(陈长霖,2012;张吉,2014),本文选取珠江河口这一径优型与潮优型并存的河口为研究区域,利用数值模拟的方法,研究其在未来海平面上升后可能出现的响应。结果表明,河口的平均盐度、咸潮上溯距离和层化强度都将随着海平面的上升而增加,这些因素的变化有着明显的季节性。伶仃洋平均盐度在4月和10月增加更多;伶仃洋枯水期咸潮上溯距离的增量大于丰水期,磨刀门则相反;伶仃洋丰水期层化强度及其增量都要大于枯水期。海平面上升后的输运过程响应结果显示:(1) 垂向输运时间将增加,虽然海平面上升带来的潮差潮流的增强将加强垂向混合,但是层化的加强会削弱垂向交换。垂向输运时间的增加是由于层化的加强,层化加强抑制了潮汐变化带来的影响,表层水更难交换到底层; (2) 南北向河口环流将加强,表层余流向海加强,底层余流向陆加强,南北向余流整体向海减小。造成这些现象的主要原因是海平面上升后水深增加带来的河道比降的减小和压力梯度力的改变。  相似文献   

在自然和人为的双重作用下,珠江口伶仃洋地貌特征发生了巨大变化,改变了水动力环境,致使纳潮能力也发生深刻变化。本文以珠江口伶仃洋地貌变化和纳潮能力变化为研究对象,采用近百年来的古地图资料、人类活动和水文特征等资料,通过第四纪地质学、地图学、遥感学、历史地理学等方法,反演内伶仃洋形态变化过程,探讨1906年以来珠江口伶仃洋的地貌变化过程。采用岸线分维数、形状指数、纳潮量、潮差消减能力,定量反映地貌变化对纳潮能力的影响。结果表明,1906-2014年,地形演变造成伶仃洋纳潮量减少了14.50%;1971-2014年,伶仃洋纳潮量减少了11.27%。海岸线的变化引起纳潮能力逐渐变弱,潮差沿程变化率减小了0.23,尤其是自1971年以来,因堤围等建设,河口岸线逐渐平直,纳潮能力逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

任杰  张颖 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):105-113
本文利用2010年枯季在珠江口进行的大、中、小潮LISST剖面及底边界层观测资料,分析了磨刀门河口枯季稳定存在的絮团三峰结构,即构建絮团的基本粒子的平均粒径约为8.3~9.0 μm,小絮团为36~100 μm,大絮团大于180 μm。小潮期,盐跃层捕集的悬浮泥沙以强絮凝过程为主,大絮团含量占优;中、大潮期,平均粒径普遍增大,絮凝占优。潮内的动力变化对絮团多峰结构及形态参数的影响不明显,絮凝与解凝处于动态平衡。结合坐底三角架的湍流资料和简化的群体平衡模型(Population Balance Equation,PBE),进一步揭示了絮团变化的湍流动力机制。高流速下的强紊动剪切力,直接导致大絮团被破坏形成小絮凝体,絮凝体平均粒径减小,反之絮凝强于解凝作用。同时,基于高斯矩积分方法求解PBE,得到的粒径分布基本与观测值吻合,说明在有较好的现场湍流与粒径观测资料的条件下,PBE包含的湍流动力机制可以用来研究黏性泥沙的絮凝过程。  相似文献   

叶翔  李靖  王爱军 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):79-89
滨海湿地作为人类活动和全球变化反应最为敏感的区域,其沉积记录可以反映出周边地区环境变化及人类活动信息。珠江口淇澳岛滨海湿地钻孔分析结果表明,在中全新世期间淇澳岛附近海域为河口湾环境,在风化层以上开始出现淤积,但在4 200 a BP前后受极冷气候的影响,沉积物粗化;自2 500 a BP以来,沉积环境相对稳定,在小冰期期间略有变化。沉积速率计算结果显示:淇澳岛附近海域自中全新世高海面以来的平均沉积速率为0.29 cm/a,4 160~2 500 a BP、2 500 a BP-1488年、1488-1893年、1893-1986年、1990-2007年期间的平均沉积速率分别为:0.17 cm/a、0.23 cm/a、0.35 cm/a、1.37 cm/a和5.94 cm/a,沉积速率逐渐增大,反映了珠江三角洲演化过程中沉积相与沉积环境的变化;1986-1990年期间的海堤建造极大地扰动了该钻孔上部的沉积过程,在工程施工期间共沉积了厚度约112 cm的沉积层,而在海堤建成后,沉积速率也显著增大。沉积物总有机碳、总氮和C/N值的垂向分布表明,在4 160~2 500 a BP期间受海洋环境影响较大,沉积物中有机碳以海源为主,2 500 a BP以来沉积物中碳、氮含量明显增大,C/N也相应变大,有机碳主要来源于陆源输入,但在小冰期期间海源有机碳贡献略有所增大;近百年来由于受人类活动影响显著,陆源有机碳的贡献快速增加。  相似文献   

珠江口最大浑浊带的形成与季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用Delft3D研究了珠江口最大浑浊带的分布以及影响因素。盐度和悬沙浓度的垂向分布揭示出最大浑浊带范围的变化。最大浑浊带在干季的悬沙浓度比湿季更大,而其中心位置与湿季相比向上游移动10 km。最大浑浊带的形成受到潮汐、径流和地形的综合影响,而沉积物的再悬浮和垂向环流为影响最大浑浊带的主要因素。  相似文献   

Tidal energy budget in the Zhujiang(Pearl River) Estuary(ZE) is evaluated by employing high-resolution baroclinic regional ocean modeling system(ROMS). The results obtained via applying the least square method on the model elevations are compared against the tidal harmonic constants at 18 tide stations along the ZE and its adjacent coast. The mean absolute errors between the simulation and the observation of M_2, S_2, K_1 and O_1 are 4.6, 2.8, 3.2 and 2.8 cm in amplitudes and 9.8°, 15.0°, 4.6° and 4.6° in phase-lags, respectively. The comparisons between the simulated and observed sea level heights at 11 tide gauge stations also suggest good model performance. The total tidal energy flux incoming the ZE is estimated to be 343.49 MW in the dry season and larger than 336.18 MW in the wet season, which should due to higher mean sea level height and heavier density in the dry season. M_2, K_1, S_2, O_1 and N_2, the top five barotropic tidal energy flux contributors for the ZE,import 242.23(236.79), 52.97(52.08), 24.49(23.96), 16.22(15.91) and 7.10(6.97) MW energy flux into the ZE in dry(wet) season, successively and respectively. The enhanced turbulent mixing induced by eddies around isolated islands and sharp headlands dominated by bottom friction, interaction between tidal currents and sill topography or constricted narrow waterways together account for the five energy dissipation hotspots, which add up to about 38% of the total energy dissipation inside the ZE.  相似文献   

The Zhujiang River Estuary is becoming eutrophic due to the impact of anthropogenic activities in the past decades. To understand nutrient dynamics and fluxes to the Lingdingyang water via four outlets(Humen,Jiaomen, Hongqimen and Hengmen), we investigated the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of dissolved nutrients in the Zhujiang River Estuary, based on fourteen cruises conducted from March 2015 to October 2017,covering both wet(April to September) and dry(October to March next year)...  相似文献   

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