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VIRGO/SPM is a helioseismic sunphotometer on board SOHO that observes the disk-integrated sunlight irradiance at three different colors (red, green, and blue). The data obtained for SPM since the beginning of the SOHO mission, April 1996, to March 2001 have been used to study the differences of the p-mode parameters during the solar activity cycle. These time series have been divided in sub-series of 100 days, transformed to power spectra and averaged in sets of three to yield a total number of six averaged power spectra (around one per year). A new way of analyzing the power spectrum has been applied to the six power spectra of each color; it consists of fitting the whole p-mode spectrum at once with a unique background. The results for the frequencies, line widths, power, mode energy, energy rate fed in the mode and splittings along the activity cycle are found, compared and discussed.  相似文献   

An instrument to observe low-degree solar oscillations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have constructed an instrument optimized to observe solar oscillations of low degree. The primary goal of this instrument, which we call LOWL, is to measure the frequency splitting of the low-degree modes in order to determine the rotation rate of the solar core. The LOWL is a Doppler imager based on a magneto-optical filter. It employs a two-beam technique to simultaneously observe solar images in opposite wings of the absorption line of potassium at 769.9 nm. This instrument is very stable against drifts in the wavelength zero-point, is insensitive to noise sources due to intensity fluctuations and image motion, and has a Doppler analyzer with no moving parts. The LOWL has been deployed at HAO's observing station on Mauna Loa, Hawaii and will operate for a period of at least two years.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The detection of low-degree solar oscillation modes with a specific low-resolution detector configuration is investigated. The detector is part of an instrument (the Luminosity Oscillations Imager) in the VIRGO package, to be flown on SOHO. Various problems such as p- and g-mode sensitivity, B and roll angle effects, modes isolation, cross-talk and guiding effects are treated for a given detector configuration. The computed sensitivity will enable the instrument to detect any type of modes for l < 6.B and roll angle effects can be compensated by using adequate filters for mode isolation. Guiding effects are small for p-modes. Also some other complex high-degree mode effects are treated.  相似文献   

Both the net torsional pattern and its derivative, the shear oscillation, are studied in relation to the solar activity cycle using data collected at Mount Wilson from 1967–1986. The shear is seen as the better quantity for study, since it is both more fully determinable with these data and has straighter ties to the zones of activity. The shear zones run from pole to equator, clearly indicating that the cycle begins at the poles. Total transit, roughly at constant speed, takes roughly 18 years, and the active zones emerge to span the zones of shear enhancement after the latter have reached sunspot latitudes. This 18-yr transit time is seen as the proper duration of the cycle: successive cycles begin roughly 11 years apart and thus overlap. The polar origin of the torsional pattern is found to be phenomenologically connected with variations in the polar field amplitude. It is also noted in both the magnetic and torsional patterns that, for the past few cycles, the activity portion begins earlier and thus lasts longer in the northern hemisphere.In a general discussion of torsional oscillations and their role in the solar cycle, the net pattern and k = 2 wave interpretations of the torsional phenomenon are contrasted and reasons for preferring the net pattern are presented. A model is proposed in which the torsional oscillations are the surface signature of an azimuthal convective-roll pattern. This model could provide the original Babcock model with a mechanism for trapping and further amplifying the toroidal field.Solar Cycle Workshop Paper.  相似文献   

The stability of linear convective and acoustic modes in solar envelope models is investigated by incorporating the thermal and mechanical effects of turbulence through the eddy transport coefficients. With a reasonable value of the turbulent Prandtl number it is possible to obtain the scales of motion corresponding to granulation, supergranulation and the five-minute oscillations. Several of the acoustic modes trapped in the solar convection zone are found to be overstable and the most unstable modes, spread over a region centred predominantly around a period of 300 s with a wide range of horizontal length scales, are in reasonable accord with the observed power-spectrum of the five-minute oscillations. It is demonstrated that these oscillations are driven by a simultaneous action of the -mechanism and the radiative and turbulent conduction mechanisms operating in the strongly superadiabatic region in the hydrogen ionization zone, the turbulent transport being the dominant process in overstabilizing the acoustic modes.  相似文献   

The stability of radial solar acoustic oscillations is studied using a time-dependent formulation of mixing-length theory. Though the radiation field is treated somewhat simplistically with the Eddington approximation, and we appreciate that any coupling of the pulsation to the radiation field is important, for the lower frequency radial modes that have been computed this should not produce too serious an error. Instead, we have concentrated upon treating the coupling with convection as accurately as is currently possible with generalized mixing-length theory in order to learn something about its pertinence. Our principal conclusion is that, according to this theory, solar radial acoustic oscillations are expected to be stable and generated by turbulence. Moreover, the theory predicts changes in mode frequency that may, in part, explain the discrepancy between solar observations and the adiabatic pulsation frequencies of theoretical models. We also compute the amplitudes of the modes using a theory of stochastic excitation. These are in good agreement with observed power spectra.  相似文献   

R. H. Dicke 《Solar physics》1988,115(1):171-181
It has previously been shown that the statistics of the phase fluctuation of the sunspot cycle are compatible with the assumption that the solar magnetic field is generated deep in the Sun by a frequency stable oscillator and that the observed substantial phase fluctuation in the sunspot cycle is due to variation in the time required for the magnetic field to move to the solar surface (Dicke, 1978, 1979). It was shown that the observed phase shifts are strongly correlated with the amplitude of the solar cycle. It is shown here that of two empirical models for the transport of magnetic flux to the surface, the best fit to the data is obtained with a model for which the magnetic flux is carried to the surface by convection with the convection velocity proportional to a function of the solar cycle amplitude. The best fit of this model to the data is obtained for a 12-yr transit time. The period obtained for the solar cycle is T = 22.219 ± 0.032 yr. It is shown that the great solar anomaly of 1760–1800 is most likely real and not due to poor data.  相似文献   

The frequencies of solar p-modes are known to change over the solar cycle. There is also recent evidence that the relation between frequency shift of low-degree modes and magnetic flux or other activity indicators differs between the rising and falling phases of the solar cycle, leading to a hysteresis in such diagrams. We consider the influence of the changing large-scale surface distribution of the magnetic flux on low-degree ( l ≤3) p-mode frequencies. To that end, we use time-dependent models of the magnetic flux distribution and study the ensuing frequency shifts of modes with different order and degree as a function of time. The resulting curves are periodic functions (in simple cases just sine curves) shifted in time by different amounts for the different modes. We show how this may easily lead to hysteresis cycles comparable to those observed. Our models suggest that high-latitude fields are necessary to produce a significant difference in hysteresis between odd- and even-degree modes. Only magnetic field distributions within a small parameter range are consistent with the observations by Jiménez-Reyes et al. Observations of p-mode frequency shifts are therefore capable of providing an additional diagnostic of the magnetic field near the solar poles. The magnetic distribution that is consistent with the p-mode observations also appears reasonable compared with direct measurements of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Using a 1154 d long measurement of solar oscillations, obtained by the Global Oscillation Network Group from 1995 June 10 to 1998 August 6, we study the dependence of the accuracy of radial p-mode parameters on the duration of the observations. It is shown that relatively rare pulses of large power lead to the decrease of the accuracy achievable for a given duration of the observations and it is usually underestimated. The corresponding correction factor to the Libbrecht formula for a frequency accuracy estimation is provided. We have also investigated the influence of the solar activity on the mode parameters soon after the solar activity minimum. There is a clearly visible increase of the radial p-mode power in the beginning of the new solar cycle while the mode frequency variations are within the corresponding error bars.  相似文献   

A study of the green corona rotation rate, during the period 1970–1974, confirms that the differential rotation degree varies systematically through a solar cycle and that the corona rotates in an almost rigid manner before sunspot minimum. During the first two years, 1970–1971, the differential rotation degree, characteristic of high solar activity periods is detected. While during the years of declining activity, 1972–1974, a drastic decrease of the differential rotation degree occurs and the green corona rotates almost rigidly, as the coronal holes observed in the same period. These conclusions are valid only for the rotation of coronal features with lifetime of at least one solar rotation.  相似文献   

Anita Joshi 《Solar physics》1995,157(1-2):315-324
This paper presents the results of studies of the asymmetries (N-S and E-W) for different manifestations of solar activity events (sunspot groups, H flares and active prominences/filaments) during the maximum-phase (1989–1991) of solar cycle 22. During the period considered, the results obtained show the existence of a real N-S asymmetry, whereas the E-W asymmetry may exist only for H flares. There is no definite relationship between the asymmetries and the occurrence of events; however, around low activity sometimes we find enhanced asymmetry, and low asymmetry around high activity. Our study suggests a good agreement with similar studies made by others.  相似文献   

The year 1991 is a part of the declining phase of the solar cycle 22, during which high energetic flares have been produced by active regions NOAA/USAF 6659 in June. The associated solar proton events have affected the Earth environment and their proton fluxes have been measured by GOES space craft. The evaluation of solar activity during the first half of June 1991, have been carried out by applying a method for high energetic solar flares prediction on the flares of June 1991. The method depends on cumulative summation curves according to observed H-alpha flares, X-ray bursts, in the active region 6659 during one rotation when the energetic solar flares of June 1991 have occurred. It has been found that the steep trend of increased activity sets on several tens of hours prior to the occurrence of the energetic flare, which can be used, together with other methods, for forecasts of major flares. All the used data at the present work are received from NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA.  相似文献   

Longitude-latitude and time-latitude distributions of the number and area of prominences observed at Lomnický Stit coronal station in the years 1986–1990 are studied using the method of contour maps construction with different degree of smoothing. Special attention is paid to the bifurcation in the prominence distribution. Comparison with the ascending phase of solar cycle 21 is made.  相似文献   

We analyze the pattern of behavior of p-mode wave packets with solar cycle using TON one-day helioseismic data with a high spatial resolution. The time—distance method is used to perform this task. We make an attempt to determine the variations in the travel time of acoustic waves at maximum and minimum solar activity; at maximum activity, this time decreases by 2 s compared to that at minimum activity to a depth of 0.8R. In addition, the correlation amplitudes of acoustic wave packets from minimum to maximum solar activity were found to decrease by 10–20% for all angular distances.  相似文献   

The principal polar-crown coronal helmet structures were selected from nearly three years (May, 1965–January, 1968) of K-coronameter observations made at Haleakala and Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Six isolated and long-lived helmet systems were found at latitudes of 45° and above. Their developments are compared with underlying chromospheric and photospheric activity and a simple phenomenological model is presented showing that a coronal system is formed over an active region. Thereafter the center of gravity of the system gradually drifts poleward with the trailing unipolar magnetic region (UMR), and it becomes a high latitude coronal helmet, arched over a polar crown filament.By comparison of these coronal helmets with observations of the outer corona (to circa 4 R ) made at solar eclipse, lunar sunset, and with balloon and rocket-borne externally occulted corona-graphs, it appears that ground-based K-coronameter measurements to a distance of 1.5–2.0 R are sufficient to detect the coronal streamers.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Solar Physics - We consider the atmospheric behaviour of solar oscillations in a model including a detailed, semi-empirical atmosphere. Equations of radial and non-radial oscillation, with...  相似文献   

Two density profiles of the thermospheric nitric oxide were obtained by means of the γ(1,0) band airglow measured with rocket-home radiometers flown from Uchinoura, Japan (31°N) at around autumnal equinoxes in 1982 and 1983. The peak densities were found at altitudes of 105–110 km and are 9 × 107 and 7 × 107 cm−3, respectively. They are well reproduced by the variation of solar activity in terms of a one-dimensional photochemical-diffusive model, but the densities above 140 km under moderate solar activity differ considerably from the model prediction. A similar discrepancy has already been found in the NO density profile obtained by our previous experiment at solar maximum. These discrepancies infer a possibility either that our understanding of thermospheric nitrogen chemisty includes a serious error, or that the meridional circulation affects considerably the NO density profile even at altitudes above 140 km and at low latitudes.  相似文献   

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