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A set of parameters is considered which allow us to determine the morphological structure of the vertical temperature, salinity, and density fields. If the parameters are integrated over the layer chosen, their computing does not call for imposing conditions of the fluctuation components' statistical heterogeneity. The parameters can be applied to describe both fine structure stratification and background stratification. Presumably, they may be used for mapping diverse types of thermohaline water stratification and the vertical structure of other fields when large sets of data covering the areas with marked spatial variability of the relevant conditions are available. Examples of simulations andin situ calculations are provided.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

A. V. Zimin 《Oceanology》2013,53(3):259-268
Experimental data obtained in the summer of 2011 in three White Sea continental shelf areas with different stratification are analyzed. The measurements were conducted using a unified procedure that combines frequent oceanographic stations (scanning) and deployment of moorings. It is shown that the tide-induced variability of the thermohaline fields and internal waves is of different types. A shelf area is detected where intense short-period internal waves are observed during every tidal cycle and their contribution to water mixing is significant.  相似文献   

Transformation of internal tidal waves over the Guinean shelf is studied on the basis of theoretical and field research. This area is characterized by the presence of a narrow high-frequency waveguide. Internal tides propagating over the shelf are similar to shock waves. Short-period oscillations with an amplitude of 15 m develop at the wave's fore front. A shock wave is generated at the phase of a syzygial tide.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

《Marine Models》1999,1(1-4):3-38
A 1-dimensional (vertical) physical-biological coupled model is presented. The model is designed for investigations into the link between the vertical turbulent structure of a coastal or shelf sea water column, and the primary production. The physical model employs a turbulence closure scheme to provide the link between local vertical stability (driven by seasonal solar heating) and the vertical turbulent mixing (driven by tidal currents and surface wind stress). The biological component of the model is a simple cell quota, threshold limitation model, with either 1 or 2 taxa/species of phytoplankton growing in response to light and dissolved inorganic nitrogen. The user has control over all model physical and biological driving parameters. Graphical screen output, suitable for basic visualisation and teaching purposes, is generated as the model operates, and more detailed data are written to files for later analysis.In order to demonstrate the model's use in simple hypothesis investigation, an example of the model operation is illustrated. This focuses on the effect that the springs-neaps tidal cycle has on the production within the summer sub-surface biomass maximum, illustrating the fortnightly input of new nitrogen into the thermocline and the subsequent new production.  相似文献   

The AMANDES project aims to study transports from the Andean mountains to the Atlantic Ocean through the Amazon system. This requires realistic estuarine modelling in this area strongly forced by tides and river discharge. As none of the existing models for this region would fit the actual needs of the project, a specific new generation model has been implemented.The model is based on the hydrodynamic finite element model T-UGOm. In a first step, we limit our investigations to tidal dynamics. As the Amazon estuary is a very shallow macro-tidal area, it is necessary to improve the available bathymetries and to develop a precise bottom friction parametrisation.In this paper, we discuss the implementation of a high resolution regional model. This allows us to develop a precise and accurate tidal model: for instance, the overall root mean square error on complex differences is reduced from 54 cm in a standard model to 27 cm in our best model. Such precise and accurate tidal modelling is a prerequisite for modelling particle transport.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the case study of Rattray Island (Great Barrier Reef, northeast Australia), lying perpendicular to tidal flow in shallow waters. At ebb and flood, attached (stable) eddies develop in the wake where swirls of turbidity suggest that sediment-laden waters are brought to the surface as a result of vertical transport. Both eddy and tip upwellings are encountered in the tidal flow around Rattray Island but there is currently no clear-cut answer as to which secondary flow generates upwelling with the largest intensity. This paper addresses this specific issue through idealized and realistic high-resolution numerical experiments. The analysis is supported by physical arguments based on the theory of flow separation. Given Rattray's geometry and surrounding bathymetry, the mechanism of flow separation in shallow waters helps explain the asymmetry in size of the eddies and their intensity. The results of idealized numerical experiments also suggest that eddy and tip upwellings may be of similar intensity at Rattray Island.  相似文献   

The general statement of a non-linear problem in modelling a barotropic tide for the limited part of a real shelf and the problems related to artificial division of the computation area in the ocean by a liquid boundary are considered. Linear combinations of various types of boundary conditions and analytical expressions are used to describe the tidal wave structure at the liquid boundaries. The results of test computations for basins with the simplest outlines are given. The model is used to reconstruct the spatial distribution of characteristics of theM 2 tide on the shelf of Guinea. The methods of computation and specification of unambiguously determined model parameters are described. Joint analysis of the modelling results and the field data has been carried out. The tidal map of theM 2 wave is plotted for the area under investigation.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The neutrally stratified boundary layer over a smooth rough surface is consider. The turbulent flow is simulated using a finite-difference eddy-resolving model of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The model includes different turbulence closure schemes and numerical approximations for advection components of the momentum balance equation. We investigate the quality of reproduction of spectral characteristics of the turbulent flow and the model’s capabilities to reproduce the observed profile of mean wind velocity near the rough surface. It is shown that the best result is obtained by coupling a numerical scheme of higher order of accuracy with a mixed closure scheme based on an adaptive estimation of the mixing length for subgrid-scale fluctuations. Here, we are able to reproduce the asymptotics of the fluctuation spectrum of the longitudinal component of wind velocity near the surface and within the boundary layer as well as the logarithmic profile of mean velocity near the surface.  相似文献   

We studied the structure of the surface perturbations generated by a stratified flow of an ideal fluid of finite depth around underwater obstacles. We consider a cylinder modeled by a point dipole localized near the density interface both above and below the interface. It is shown that density jumps characteristic of the marine medium significantly influence the formation and variability of the structure of the surface perturbations generated during a fluid??s flowing around an underwater obstacle. The results are compared with the data of the previous model calculations made by the authors for an infinite flow around an obstacle [4]. Significant differences between them are revealed, which should be taken into account in the solution of practical problems, for example, monitoring of coastal marine basins.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment with assimilation of hydrological observational data from a survey in October 2007 on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea was carried out using the hydrodynamic model with nonlinear equations of motion, equations of heat and salt advection, and data assimilation. The results of this calculation are compared with thermohydrodynamic fields obtained without taking into account temperature and salinity measurements. It is shown that allowance for the observation data leads to qualitative and quantitative differences in the structure of the hydrophysical fields. Mesoscale eddies and intense jet streams that agree with satellite observations were found in the field of currents and were investigated. These eddies are not resolved in low-resolution field experiments.  相似文献   

台湾浅滩大型沙波、潮流结构和推移质输运特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
杜晓琴  李炎  高抒 《海洋学报》2008,30(5):124-136
对2006年8月所获台湾浅滩的底质、水深、多层位流速、流向以及CTD观测数据进行了分析,探讨了台湾浅滩大型沙波区水流的时空分布特征、沉积物输运过程及影响因素,结果表明,台湾浅滩动力作用较强,底质为粗砂,其上发育的沙波波长为325~822 m,波高为14.4~20.3 m,较接近由前人总结的沙波波高、波长的关系式计算出的波高和波长。沙波波峰、波谷、迎水面和背水面流速以12.5 h为周期沿顺时针方向旋转;底部最大流速出现在半日潮周期的同一时段,对应的方向均为偏南方向,且沙波迎水面的流速大于背水面的。在两个半日潮过程中研究区域的沉积物输入量大于输出量,处于淤积状态。在潮流作用下沉积物输运量较少,沙波脊线移动较小,而台湾浅滩有较大规模的沙波运动,故认为改造沙波的主要作用力应该是风暴流。在观测的断面中涨潮推移质输运量大于落潮的,且第一个半日潮涨落潮的输运能力均较第二个半日潮的大,这可能与潮流的流速-时间不对称特征及潮能变化形式有关。  相似文献   

Both wind turning with height and ageostrophic flow in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer are analyzed using a three-parameter turbulence model. For a quasi-steady state of the boundary layer, the cross-isobaric flow is determined only by turbulent stress at the surface in the direction of geostrophic wind. The “operative” prediction models, in which the first-order turbulence closure schemes are used, tend to overestimate the boundary-layer depth and underestimate the angle between the surface and geostrophic winds when compared to “research” models (schemes of high-level turbulence closure). The true value of the angle between the surface and geostrophic winds is significant for the presentation of a large-scale flow. A nocturnal low-level jet is a mesoscale phenomenon reflected in data obtained from measurements in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. It is found that such jets are of great importance in transporting humidity, momentum, and air pollution. In this study, the difference between jet flows over a homogeneous underlying surface and over a spatially localized large-scale aerodynamic roughness is shown.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional nonhydrostatic numerical model is used to study the generation of internal waves by the barotropic tidal flow over a steep two-dimensional ridge in an ocean with strong upper-ocean stratification. The process is examined by varying topographic width, amplitude of the barotropic tide, and stratification at three ridge heights. The results show that a large amount of energy is converted from the barotropic tide to the baroclinic wave when the slope parameter, defined as the ratio of the maximum ridge slope to the maximum wave slope, is greater than 1. The energy flux of internal waves can be normalized by the vertical integral of the buoyancy frequency over the ridge depths and the kinetic energy of the barotropic tides in the water column. A relationship between the normalized energy flux and the slope parameter is derived. The normalized energy flux reaches a constant value independent of the slope parameter when the slope parameter is greater than 1.5. It is inferred that internal wave generation is most efficient at the presence of strong upper-ocean stratification over a steep, tall ridge. In the Luzon Strait, the strength of the shallow thermocline and the location of the Kuroshio front could affect generation of internal solitary waves in the northern South China Sea.  相似文献   

舟山群岛海域潮能丰富,近年来大面积的围垦工程影响了邻近海域的潮流结构与潮能分布特征。基于FVCOM(finite volume coastal ocean model)三维水动力数值模型,选取1984年、2010年、2019年三个代表年份,探讨围垦工程影响下舟山群岛海域潮流结构与潮能分布的时空变化状况。结果显示:1984年至2010年间围垦面积相对不大,且较为分散,主要改变外海进入杭州湾各通道的潮能分配,对能量耗散的影响较小。2010年至2019年间的围垦工程缩窄了潮汐通道,流速增大使得螺头水道及邻近水道的潮能增加,近底流速增大与较强湍流涡旋的产生,使得围垦工程周边海域能量耗散更为集中。  相似文献   

An examination is made of the circulation in narrow estuaries subject to a predominant tidal forcing. Velocity structures are derived separately for residual flow components associated with (a) river flow, (b) wind stress, (c) a well-mixed longitudinal density gradient and (d) a fully stratified saline wedge. Dimensionless parameters are introduced to indicate the magnitude of each component and these parameters are evaluated for 9 major estuaries, thereby revealing their sensitivity to each component.For a channel of constant breadth and depth, formulae are deduced for the length of saline intrusion, L. Comparisons with observed data show that such formulae may be used with confidence to predict changes in L arising from variations in river flow, tidal range or channel depths.The level of stratification is shown to be related to a product of two parameters, one associated with velocity structure and a second involving the square of the ‘flow ratio’ uu? (i.e. residual velocity/amplitude of the tidal velocity). This relationship provides a simple classification system for estuarine stratification which can be used to indicate the sensitivity of any particular estuary to changing conditions.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite element model is used to investigate the formation of shallow-water eddies in the wake of Rattray Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia). Field measurements and visual observations show that stable eddies develop in the lee of the island at rising and falling tides. The water turbidity downstream of the island suggests the existence of strong upwelling that would be responsible for carrying bed sediments up to the sea surface. We first propose to look at the upwelling velocity and then use the theory of the age to diagnose vertical transport. The water age is defined as the time elapsed since particles of water left the sea bottom, where the age is prescribed to be zero. Two versions of this diagnosis are considered. Although the model predicts upwelling within the eddies, it is not sufficiently intense to account for vertical transport throughout the water column during the life span of the eddies. As mesh resolution increases, this upwelling does not intensify. However, strong upwelling is then resolved off the island's tips, which is confirmed by the results obtained with the age. This study also shows that the finite element method, together with unstructured meshes, performs well for representing three-dimensional flow past an island.  相似文献   

吴尧  张蔚  何用  卢陈  吴门伍 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):186-193
潮汐汊口作为河网的重要单元,关系到水沙以及可溶污染物、营养物质的输运和分配,对河口三角洲的水文过程、地貌沉积和生态环境,都有至关重要的影响。本文选取国内最大的珠江河网的分汊顶点-马口、三水分汊,基于一个大潮潮周期内走航ADCP测量,分析潮汐汊口各个支汊的流速过程及三维流速的时空分布特征;结合非稳态的调和分析算法和小波连续变换确定汊口处主要的潮汐组分,利用潮流分离技术,剥离出占主导作用的潮波信号并探讨潮波动力在潮汐汊口处的空间分布形态。研究发现,由于潮波在西江马口和北江三水汊道内传播的不对称性,两汊间的流速过程存在1.5 h左右的相位差。而连接西北江的岗根汊道,由于存在频繁的水体交换和弯道水流的特性,岗根断面的动力作用较为复杂,其最大垂向平均流速在涨落急时刻分别向左、右岸偏移,横向断面均出现了显著的顺时针二次流。  相似文献   

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