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卫星遥感在国土资源调查中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
卫星遥感是以人造地球卫星作为遥感平台的各种遥感技术系统的统称。主要是利用卫星对地球和低层大气进行光学和电子观测,包括气象卫星、资源(陆地)卫星、海洋卫星和雷达卫星等。 相似文献
卫星遥感在岛,礁,滩,沙资源分布现状综合调查中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在借鉴前人科研工作的基础上,为更好地开展岛、礁、滩、沙资源分布现状遥感综合调查工作,我们选用通过卫星遥感技术获取的航天遥感数据TM—CCT作为主要遥感信息源,并辅以对重点岛、礁、滩区进行航摄后获取的航空遥感资料开展定位。与此同时还将探索新路,把 相似文献
杭州市区(不合萧山、余杭)土地利用现状数据为2006年调查数据,距2007年已有一年多,由于杭州市区变化频繁,土地利用变化情况复杂,为进一步提高土地调查成果质量,做到数据、图件和实地“三者一致”,为政府快速提供真实、准确的土地利用现状数据,杭州市国土资源局决定采用高分辨率卫星遥感影像数据作为2007年度土地变更调查工作的基础数据,通过对高分辨率卫星影像的识别、判读实现准确并快速地提取出土地变更信息,更为精确地勾绘出变化图斑的边界线,外业核查时更为明晰、高效。 相似文献
省级国土资源遥感综合调查初步探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用遥感技术探讨省(区、市)级国土资源的综合调查方法、研究内容和需要达到的目标,以及组织实施的思路和课题、专题设置原则、任务要求等,为省(区、市)级开展国土资源遥感综合调查提出具体的构思设想和建议 相似文献
通过对资源、环境与可持续发展的辩证认识,结合对四川省资源、环境现状的分析,提出卫星遥感应用是四川资源、环境可持续发展的高技术支撑,并对其应用前景和效益进行了预测分析。 相似文献
以吉林省辽源市煤炭矿山为研究对象,通过对SPOT5卫星影像纠正、融合、解译等处理,快速、便捷地查清矿区的地质环境问题:矿区固体废物堆放、尾矿库分布情况;矿山采空区地面塌陷、山体开裂、滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、岩溶塌陷、煤田自燃等地质灾害分布情况;由矿产开发引发的水土流失、土地沙化、侵占土地、植被破坏的情况;矿区水体、植被、土壤污染状况等。通过矿山地质环境调查实践,总结出了SPOT5卫星影像最优波段组合、融合方法及矿山地质环境调查中的地物判读标志,从而使SPOT5卫星影像在遥感环境地质调查中发挥了重要作用。 相似文献
坚持资源调查与环境评价并举开展好新一轮国土资源大调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
蒋承菘 《水文地质工程地质》1999,26(3):1-2
新一轮国土资源大调查是依据新的形势要求开展的一项重要工作,开展新一轮国土资源大调查必须体现了一个“新”了,创新是新一轮国土资源大调查的灵魂。在开展新一轮国土资源大调查时,一定要有新思路,尤其在战略上要坚持“资源调查与环境评价并举”的原则,在加强资源调查工作的同时,大力开展环境评价工作。 相似文献
新一轮国土资源大调查是依据新的形势要求开展的一项重要工作。建国以来,经过广大地矿、土地、海洋、测绘工作者的艰苦奋斗,我国国土资源调查评价工作取得了长足进展,在推 相似文献
土地更新调查中遥感资料应用与调查方法的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章从介绍遥感技术方法入手,扼要阐述本地单位在土地更新调查过程中,有关遥感图像资料应用方面和图像处理的一些做法,提出目前利用遥感图像进行土地更新调查应以实际外业调查为主,内业解译为辅的观点。 相似文献
全国第二次土地调查于2007年下半年启动,2009年完成,安徽省于2008年4月率先启动了芜湖县的试点工作,并自行购买了ALOS1B1级数据制作DOM,套合上矢量的原始土地利用现状图,以便于外业调绘的全面开展.下面,是笔者对利用ALOS1B1级数据制作正射影像图以及外业调绘用图的方法进行了探讨,研究发现,此方法易于掌握,调绘底图的生产快速,质量可靠,效果显著. 相似文献
To both collect terrain data rapidly and save labor costs, the present study employs high-spatiotemporal-resolution imaging through Formosat-2 and aerial photography through unmanned aerial vehicles. In daily visits to the same area, images taken by Formosat-2 can be employed as data for long-term observation. Unclouded images from 2006 to 2010 processed with a false-color overlay and calculated of the normalized difference vegetation index are selected as terrain data. Aerial photos taken by unmanned aerial vehicles are utilized ground-truth data. These two types of data are analyzed to proceed with supervised classification. The results reveal that in the study area mangroves are the most exuberant in summer. The growth of mangroves in Sihcao Wetland remained in dynamic equilibrium from 2006 to 2010 without any sharp increase or decrease in quantity. This proposed method is believed to be suitable to investigate and preserve mangroves by long-term image monitoring and to avoid any unnatural influence on these conservation areas. 相似文献
The spatial changes in forest cover of Similipal biosphere reserve, Odisha, India over eight decades (1930–2012) has been quantified by using multi-temporal data from different sources. Over the period, the forest cover reduced by 970.8 km2 (23.6% of the total forest), and most significantly during the period, 1930–1975. Human-induced activities like conversion of forest land for agriculture, construction of dams and mining activities have been identified as major drivers of deforestation. Spatial analysis indicates that 399 grids (1 grid = 1 × 1 km) have undergone large-scale changes in forest cover (>75 ha) during 1930–1975, while only 3 grids have shown >75 ha loss during 1975–1990. Annual net rate of deforestation was 0.58 during 1930–1975, which has been reduced substantially during 1975–1990 (0.04). Annual gross rate of deforestation in 2006–2012 is indeed low (0.01) as compared to the national and global average. This study highlights the impact and effectiveness of conservation practices in minimizing the rate of deforestation and protecting the Similipal Biosphere Reserve. 相似文献
Application of hyperspectral remote sensing for environment monitoring in mining areas 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Environmental problems caused by extraction of minerals have long been a focus on environmental earth sciences. Vegetation
growing conditions are an indirect indicator of the environmental problem in mining areas. A growing number of studies in
recent years made substantial efforts to better utilize remote sensing for dynamic monitoring of vegetation growth conditions
and the environment in mining areas. In this article, airborne and satellite hypersectral remote sensing data—HyMap and Hyperion
images are used in the Mount Lyell mining area in Australia and Dexing copper mining area in China, respectively. Based on
the analyses of biogeochemical effect of dominant minerals, the vegetation spectrum and vegetation indices, two hyperspectral
indices: vegetation inferiority index (VII) and water absorption disrelated index (WDI) are employed to monitor the environment
in the mining area. Experimental results indicate that VII can effectively distinguish the stressed and unstressed vegetation
growth situation in mining areas. The sensitivity of VII to the vegetation growth condition is shown to be superior to the
traditional vegetation index—NDVI. The other index, WDI, is capable of informing whether the target vegetation is affected
by a certain mineral. It is an important index that can effectively distinguish the hematite areas that are covered with sparse
vegetation. The successful applications of VII and WDI show that hyperspectral remote sensing provides a good method to effectively
monitor and evaluate the vegetation and its ecological environment in mining areas. 相似文献
近20年来,高光谱遥感技术(HyperSpectral Remote sensing)发展迅速,已成为遥感技术的前沿,而矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测是高光谱遥感应用中最成功的领域.高光谱遥感技术具有分辨率高的特点,通过对矿物种类、丰度和成分的识别,特别是对与成矿作用、矿山污染源密切相关的蚀变矿物的识别,可以有效地圈定热液矿化蚀变带,定量或半定量地估计相对蚀变强度和蚀变矿物含量,从而进行岩石矿物的分类和填图,并为矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测提供靶区,指导进一步找矿勘探和环境监测工作的开展.介绍了高光谱遥感技术在矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中的应用原理和成像光谱学的逐步完善,并详细列举了高光谱遥感技术在斑岩铜矿、热液型金矿、地浸砂岩型铀矿、油气、金刚石等矿种的找矿方面,以及在矿山废弃物中生成酸和缓冲酸分布的监测等方面的具体案例,以期为中国矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中高光谱遥感技术的应用提供借鉴. 相似文献
Groundwater potential zonation for basaltic watersheds using satellite remote sensing data and GIS techniques 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Biswajeet Pradhan 《Central European Journal of Geosciences》2009,1(1):120-129
This paper summarizes the findings of groundwater potential zonation mapping at the Bharangi River basin, Thane district, Maharastra, India, using Satty’s Analytical Hierarchal Process model with the aid of GIS tools and remote sensing data. To meet the objectives, remotely sensed data were used in extracting lineaments, faults and drainage pattern which influence the groundwater sources to the aquifer. The digitally processed satellite images were subsequently combined in a GIS with ancillary data such as topographical (slope, drainage), geological (litho types and lineaments), hydrogeomorphology and constructed into a spatial database using GIS and image processing tools. In this study, six thematic layers were used for groundwater potential analysis. Each thematic layer’s weight was determined, and groundwater potential indices were calculated using groundwater conditions. The present study has demonstrated the capabilities of remote sensing and GIS techniques in the demarcation of different groundwater potential zones for hard rock basaltic basin. 相似文献
近20年来,高光谱遥感技术(Hyperspectral Remote Sensing)发展迅速,已成为遥感技术的前沿,而矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测是高光谱遥感应用中最成功的领域。高光谱遥感技术具有分辨率高的特点,通过对矿物种类、丰度和成分的识别,特别是对与成矿作用、矿山污染源密切相关的蚀变矿物的识别,可以有效地圈定热液矿化蚀变带,定量或半定量地估计相对蚀变强度和蚀变矿物含量,从而进行岩石矿物的分类和填图,并为矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测提供靶区,指导进一步找矿勘探和环境监测工作的开展。介绍了高光谱遥感技术在矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中的应用原理和成像光谱学的逐步完善,并详细列举了高光谱遥感技术在斑岩铜矿、热液型金矿、地浸砂岩型铀矿、油气、金刚石等矿种的找矿方面,以及在矿山废弃物中生成酸和缓冲酸分布的监测等方面的具体案例,以期为中国矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中高光谱遥感技术的应用提供借鉴。 相似文献
近20年来,高光谱遥感技术(Hyperspectral Remote Sensing)发展迅速,已成为遥感技术的前沿,而矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测是高光谱遥感应用中最成功的领域。高光谱遥感技术具有分辨率高的特点,通过对矿物种类、丰度和成分的识别,特别是对与成矿作用、矿山污染源密切相关的蚀变矿物的识别,可以有效地圈定热液矿化蚀变带,定量或半定量地估计相对蚀变强度和蚀变矿物含量,从而进行岩石矿物的分类和填图,并为矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测提供靶区,指导进一步找矿勘探和环境监测工作的开展。介绍了高光谱遥感技术在矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中的应用原理和成像光谱学的逐步完善,并详细列举了高光谱遥感技术在斑岩铜矿、热液型金矿、地浸砂岩型铀矿、油气、金刚石等矿种的找矿方面,以及在矿山废弃物中生成酸和缓冲酸分布的监测等方面的具体案例,以期为中国矿产资源评价与矿山环境监测中高光谱遥感技术的应用提供借鉴。 相似文献