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新疆伊犁喀什河断裂带分段性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据两种关系,即1812年尼勒克8级地震产生的地表破裂与断裂破裂的对应关系和地震最高烈度与破裂延伸烈度区间的关系,同时考虑古地震研究成果和现代地震活动特征,对喀什河断裂带进行了破裂分段性研究,将喀什河断裂带以博尔博松为界分为东、西两段,东段长220 km以上,西段长290 km。研究表明,东段目前处于1812年尼勒克8级地震以后的地震活动相对平静期,在未来的时间里喀什河断裂带西段可能是大震活动的主要区段。  相似文献   

喀什河断裂带古地震研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
喀什河断裂带是我国北天山西段一条规模较大的活动断裂,第四纪以来垂直运动速率为3.8毫米/年,现今地震活动频繁。历史上曾发生过1812年尼勒克8级地震,沿断层带造成长达80公里的形变带,史前地震也很活跃,经初步研究,断裂带至少发生过两次古地震活动,大震复发周期为2000—2500年  相似文献   

山东省地壳垂直形变特征与深大断裂带的活动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新疆尼勒克1812年地震断层构造特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
研究了1812年尼勒克地震断层的展布、构造类型和组合型式等地表特征,认为属倾滑型地盐碱地。破裂展布与逆冲性质的喀什河断裂一致,可分为三段。地震破裂的类型有正断层、走滑正断层、逆断层和地震裂缝四种,连续性较差,垂直错距约为水平位移的4倍,断裂带东西两端具有不同的特点。最后对发震构造与地表地震破裂的性质不一致问题进行了简单讨论。  相似文献   

李莹甄  沈军 《内陆地震》2001,15(2):141-147
通过对哈密地区几大活动断裂带、历史地震以及近30年中、小地震活动性的分析,认为哈密地区同时受到南部印度-欧亚板块的碰撞作用与北部西伯利亚-蒙古地区地壳运动的影响,其构造运动兼具西部天山地区和北部蒙古-阿尔泰地区的构造运动的特点,即块体比较完整,只发育大断裂,大断裂之间的中、小断裂不很发育。这种特殊的地震地质和地球动力学环境,决定了哈密地区历史和现今地震活动的特点为:大震复发周期长,低b值,中、小地震活动水平较低等。  相似文献   

浑江断裂带及水系的分形特征和构造活动性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用分开有几何学方法对浑江断裂带及水系进行了分形特征研究。计算结果表明,浑江断裂带具有较强的活动性,而且次级NNE向断层比NE和NW向断层活动性更强,结合地震活动属于 质地貌,构造应力场等方面的分析。探讨了该断裂带的活动性及区域新构造运动特征。  相似文献   

东昆仑断裂带的古地震研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1986—1990年对东昆仑断裂带进行地震地质考察的资料,对古地震活动的时空分布、特征和地震构造条件,作了较系统的研究。  相似文献   

新疆阜康-吉木萨尔断裂带的几何特征与活动性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
尤惠川  任利生  张玉梅 《地震地质》2003,25(3):375-T002
根据详实的野外资料对新疆阜康 -吉木萨尔断裂带的构造几何特征和活动性进行了分析与研究 ,结果表明 :断裂带由东、西两大段组成 ,西段由 4条次级S倾逆断裂左行斜列组成 ,东段由 3条次级S倾逆断裂右行斜列组成 ,总体上呈向北微凸的近EW向展布 ,长达 14 0km ,控制着东天山北缘的第四纪构造演化和地貌发育 ;组成断裂往往是低角度的逆断层 ,与褶皱共生 ,切割深度 5~ 6km ,第四纪晚期多期 (次 )活动 ,以间歇性稳定滑动为特征 ;断裂带端部段落倾角较大 ,活动量较小 ,全新世平均垂直滑动速率为 0 .10~ 0 4 0mm/a ,中部段落以低倾角的推覆为特征 ,活动强烈 ,全新世平均垂直滑动速率达 0 80~ 1 0 0mm/a以上  相似文献   

1812年尼勒克地震断层及最大位移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外考察和地貌变形测量等手段,研究了尼勒克1812年8级地震的地震断层的平面分组特点、活动性质、分段特征,讨论了地震滑塌构造、地震断层与重力滑坡的区别,分析了线性滑坡后壁与地震断层的潜在关系。在正确区分地震断层和滑坡后壁的基础上,确定了地震断层的最大位移。该形变带从吉仁台延伸到乔尔马以东,东西总长124 km,南北最宽处约28 km,地震断层断续展布97 km,最大垂直错距为15 m,水平位移为4 m。  相似文献   

喀什河断裂中更新世以来的活动速率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地貌和新近系位错测量的方法,结合遥感、地貌、变形测量与新近纪测年等手段,重点研究了伊犁盆地喀什河断裂中更新世以来的垂直活动速率。喀什河断裂在中更新世以来的新活动主要表现在河流阶地和地层的位错,综合研究了这些位错数据,分析了断裂各段在中更新世以来的活动速率,讨论了1812年尼勒克地震的平均位错反映的断裂现今最新的活动速率,提供了喀什河断裂中更新世以来不同时期活动的定量数据,填补了天山内部新近纪晚期研究的部分空白,对现今地壳运动与地球动力学研究及减轻地质灾害有重要意义。  相似文献   

新疆独山子GPS形变测量与断层活动性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
1995 年5 月2 日独山子南发生MS5.8 地震后,对独山子南部山区开展了GPS测量,自1995~1997 年共进行3 次复测。独山子GPS网共布设测点13 个,跨附近的一些活动构造断裂。所有观测量用随机软件进行了平差处理,最大相对误差为2.4×10- 7。独山子地区的活动断层总的活动特点是以逆断或逆掩方式为主,主断层面多朝南倾或近直立,四条主要断裂在两年来的活动速率为0.4~5m m /a。  相似文献   

讨论了阿尔金断裂带1900年以来的5级以上地震活动,结果显示空间上地震活动具有分段性,其中在青海段出现5级地震填空性空段,并形成5级地震的平静区,时间上具有平静和活跃交替的特征。进一步分析阿尔金断裂带青海段(茫崖北—肃北)现代小震活动,结果显示:茫崖以西震源深度约40 km以内,青海段(茫崖北—肃北)震源深度约10 km范围内,超过10 km较少,肃北—黑崖子以东约100 km处震源深度由浅逐渐变深,从10 km左右逐渐变化到40 km左右。与此同时,依据上述资料探讨了阿尔金断裂带青海段的强震危险性。  相似文献   

对喀什地磁新台址地质条件、磁场梯度分布和背景噪声等技术条件,以及观测数据精度进行了分析.分析结果表明,喀什地磁台的台址背景环境、场地环境以及局部观测环境,符合国家地磁台建设规范的要求,同时也满足现代数字化地磁观测技术的需求.  相似文献   

试论安宁河断裂带新活动的分段性与地震活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐荣昌  黄祖智 《地震研究》1989,12(4):337-347
本文根据近几年来对安宁河断裂带的野外调查资料,结合地震活动性、地壳形变、断层带中断层泥SEM特征分析,着重讨论了安宁河断裂带活动性的分段特征及其与地震活动的关系。资料表明,断裂带在晚更新世以来活动的强弱与地震活动在时间上和空间上分布的不均匀性有较好的一致性,即地震活动的强度、频度,严格受断裂带在晚更新世以来的活动强度、活动方式的制约。研究活动断层的活动分段性,对判定地震危险区及工程稳定性评价具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

新疆南部构造区带与地震活动状态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曲延军  王琼  聂晓红 《内陆地震》2010,24(4):298-306
以地震活动为主线并依据新疆地质构造运动、地壳缩短速率、断裂活动、局部应力场及历史强地震活动特征等的研究,将新疆南部地区初步划分为南天山东段、柯坪块体、喀什—乌恰交汇区及西昆仑地震带4个地震构造区带。利用新疆1900年以来的地震记录,在不同强度地震记录完整性分析的基础上,通过计算上述各构造区带年应变能释放均值、折合震级、不同震级下限的地震年发生率、b值和应变加速释放模型参数m值等参数,对各构造区带中地震活动状态进行了定量分析,进而提取了各构造区带地震活动状态的特征指标,为地震趋势分析和判定提供了定量的依据。  相似文献   

The 40km-long, NEE trending Reshui-Taostuo River Fault was found in the southern Dulan-Chaka highland by recent field investigation, which is a strike-slip fault with some normal component. DEM data was generated by small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)on key geomorphic units with resolution<0.05m. Based on the interpretation and field investigation, we get two conclusions:1)It is the first time to define the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault, and the fault is 40km long with a 6km-long surface rupture; 2)There are left-handed dislocations in the gullies and terraces cut by the fault. On the high-resolution DEM image obtained by UAV, the offsets are(9.3±0.5) m, (17.9±1.5) m, and(36.8±2) m, measured by topographic profile recovery of gullies. The recovery measurements of two terraces present that the horizontal offset of T1/T0 is(18.2±1.5) m and the T2/T1 is (35.8±2) m, which is consistent with the offsets from gullies. According to the historical earthquake records, a M5 3/4 earthquake on April 10, 1938 and a MS5.0 earthquake on March 21, 1952 occurred at the eastern end of the surface rupture, which may be related to the activity of the fault. By checking the county records of Dulan and other relevant data, we find that there are no literature records about the two earthquakes, which is possibly due to the far distance to the epicenter at that time, the scarcity of population in Dulan, or that the earthquake occurred too long ago that led to losing its records. The southernmost ends of the Eastern Kunlun Fault and the Elashan Fault converge to form a wedge-shaped extruded fault block toward the northwest. The Dulan Basin, located at the end of the wedge-shaped fault block, is affected by regional NE and SW principal compressive stress and the shear stress of the two boundary faults. The Dulan Basin experienced a complex deformation process of compression accompanying with extension. In the process of extrusion, the specific form of extension is the strike-slip faults at each side of the wedge, and there is indeed a north-east and south-west compression between the two controlling wedge-shaped fault block boundary faults, the Eastern Kunlun and Elashan Faults. The inferred mechanism of triangular wedge extrusion deformation in this area is quite different from the pure rigid extrusion model. Therefore, Dulan Basin is a wedge-shaped block sandwiched between the two large-scale strike-slip faults. Due to the compression of the northeast and southwest directions of the region, the peripheral faults of the Dulan Basin form a series of southeast converging plume thrust faults on the northeast edge of the basin near the Elashan Fault, which are parallel to the Elashan Fault in morphology and may converge with the Elashan Fault in subsurface. The southern marginal fault of the Dulan Basin(Reshui-Taostuo River Fault)near the Eastern Kunlun fault zone is jointly affected by the left-lateral strike-slip Eastern Kunlun Fault and the right-lateral strike-slip Elashan Fault, presenting a left-lateral strike-slip characteristic. Meanwhile, the wedge-shaped fault block extrudes to the northwest, causing local extension at the southeast end, and the fault shows the extensional deformation. These faults absorb or transform the shear stress in the northeastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. Therefore, our discovery of the Dulan Reshui-Taostuo River Fault provides important constraints for better understanding of the internal deformation mode and mechanism of the fault block in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. The strike of Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is different from the southern marginal fault of the Qaidam Basin. The Qaidam south marginal burial fault is the boundary fault between the Qaidam Basin and the East Kunlun structural belt, with a total length of ~500km. The geophysical data show that Qaidam south marginal burial fault forms at the boundary between the positive gravity anomaly of the southern East Kunlun structural belt and the negative gravity anomaly gradient zone of the northern Qaidam Basin, showing as a thrust fault towards the basin. The western segment of the fault was active at late Pleistocene, and the eastern segment near Dulan County was active at early-middle Pleistocene. The Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is characterized by sinistral strike-slip with a normal component. The field evidence indicates that the latest active period of this fault was Holocene, with a total length of only 40km. Neither remote sensing image interpretation nor field investigation indicate the fault extends further westward and intersects with the Qaidam south marginal burial fault. Moreover, it shows that its strike is relatively consistent with the East Kunlun fault zone in spatial distribution and has a certain angle with the burial fault in the southern margin of Qaidam Basin. Therefore, there is no structural connection between the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault and the Qaidam south marginal burial fault.  相似文献   

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