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Feizi  Morteza  Jalali  Mohsen  Renella  Gianacrlo 《Natural Hazards》2019,95(3):657-675

More than 80% of sewage sludge (SS) produced in Iran is landfilled with high environmental impact. The chemical properties of SS produced from wastewater plants of cites of Arak, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Rasht, Saveh, Shiraz, Sanandaj, Tehran, Takestan, and Toyserkan were studied to assess the potential beneficial effects of their application to agricultural soil as sustainable SS management. The pH and EC values, total content and water-soluble concentration of nutrients and heavy metals, their water-extractable pools were determined, and their speciation was done through the NICA–Donnan model using the Visual MINTEQ software. Relatively high contents of N, P, and physiologically active cations indicated potential beneficial effects of SS for land application in the agro-ecosystems, whereas the heavy metal content depended on the SS production site, with higher levels found in the SS of the Arak and Saveh wastewater treatment plants. The pH value was the main factor controlling the metal speciation, with Cu and Pb having the highest affinity for the organic matter, and Zn and Mn being mainly present as free ions or inorganic species. Results showed that SS from different locations in Iran differed in their main chemical properties and elemental composition and that speciation analysis could be used to predict potential beneficial and harmful effects of SS, particularly upon the modeling of metal–organic complexes by the NICA–Donnan approach. Globally, our results confirmed that while the SS produced in Iran has potential suitable chemical properties for use in agriculture, their heavy metals load should not be ignored.


This paper presents an experimental study on a deeply dewatered sewage sludge produced by using a new technique of membrane filter press. The experiments involve measurements of sludge composition, basic physical properties, shear strength, water permeability, and leaching toxicity. The measurements of shear strength and permeability were also performed on the sludge specimens soaked in a low acid leachate or distilled water for 1 and 2 months. This is to investigate the influence of chemical change in pore fluid as a result of rainfall infiltration or leachate seepage at landfills. Comparison tests were also carried out on silty clay that is commonly used for landfill cover material. The experimental results show that the deeply dewatered sludge contains 66 % organic content and 85 % water content (dry mass basis). The undrained shear strength of the sludge is >25 kPa even after 2-month soaking in the leachate and distilled water, meeting the requirement of the Chinese standard [CJ/T249-2007, Disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant: sludge quality for co-landfilling. Ministry of Building and Construction, P.R. China (in Chinese), 2007]. The measured cohesion and friction angle for the sludge are >20 kPa and 22.3°, respectively. The soaking of sludge specimens in either leachate or distilled water resulted in an increase in frictional angle by several degrees. The water permeability for the sludge ranges from 0.68 × 10?8 to 1.3 × 10?8 cm/s, and permeability after 2-month soaking is less than the minimum requirement for the barrier layer of landfill covers (i.e., 1.0 × 10?7 cm/s). The concentrations of heavy metals leaching from the dewatered sludge are lower than the limit values of leaching toxicity for the wastewater discharge standard of China. The experimental results indicate that deeply dewatered sludge can be used as an alternative material for the barrier layer of landfill covers.  相似文献   

Sewage sludges are dewatered end products of human sewage waste and are recognised repositories of organic pollutants and heavy metals. They may be considered targets for economic extraction of Au because of the documented Au content of sewage sludges worldwide which are of the order of some ore deposits currently mined for Au. They are also highly nutrient enriched (nitrogen and phosphorus) and therefore amenable to use as agricultural fertiliser or as covers for mine wastes. The sewage of Melbourne, Australia, a city with a current population of 3.3 million, was stockpiled in large, closed, lagoonal tanks from 1898 until 1980. In 1995 Echidna Mining, an Australian gold exploration company, acquired the exploration rights to the ground surrounding the historic sludge reserves and commenced a program of resource evaluation, utilising RNAA, INAA, GFAAS, ICP–MS and FLAAS to determine 31 elements, including Au, Ag, Sb, As, Cd, Hg, Zn, Cu, and Pb. The study was initiated to determine Au, Ag and other metal variations in both space and time and to investigate the economics of chemical extraction of the precious metals. A total of 149 samples from over 50 hand-auger drillholes to a depth up to 4 m have been analysed from the stockpiles, with Au assays yielding remarkably consistent results. Average grades of 0.77 g/t Au and 18.8 g/t Ag have been documented for a measured resource of 770,000 m3 (of an estimated 1.6–2.5 million m3 contained) at a density of 1.0 g/cm3 and an average moisture content of around 40%. Laboratory-based extractive metallurgy of the Werribee sludges has demonstrated that Au, Ag and Zn can be removed with relative ease by heap-leaching using modified conventional technology, albeit with prohibitive reagent consumption. The extraction of the precious metals also results in the variable removal of contaminant metals such as Cd, As, Sb, Hg and Cr which may render the sludges fit for sale as agricultural fertiliser, provided organic pollutants and pathogenic organisms are below governmental environmental protection limits, an area beyond the scope of this paper. Another potential avenue of the exploitation of sewage sludges is discussed: that of the utilisation of sludges to extract contaminant metals from waste water and contaminated mine waters, which we demonstrate on pure aqueous synthetic samples. This paper presents a study of the exploitation of an historic sludge resource for its contained Au and residue post-metal extraction.  相似文献   

According to the engineering features of the proposed power plant and the possible pollution accidents, the accident conditions of two kinds of polluted groundwater, such as the light diesel oil tank bottom leakage and the power plant pond bottom leakage are set up. Using the two-dimensional hydrodynamic dispersion equation of the continuous injection and instantaneous injection, the groundwater pollution in the accident condition is predicted and evaluated. The results show that, with the passage of time, the migration range of groundwater pollutants caused by sewage leakage from industrial wastewater buffer tank shows a trend of gradual expansion; however, the maximum value of pollutant concentration exceeding standard is gradually decreasing. After 10 years, the excessive pollutant migration distance has reached 390 m. If no remedial measures are taken in time, during the operation of the power plant, industrial wastewater pool sewage leakage will cause long-term pollution to the groundwater. Similarly, if the accident was diesel tank explosion, the range of diesel contamination to groundwater is also increasing over time, but the concentration of pollutants is gradually decreasing. About 25 years later, the pollutant concentration within 400 m downstream of pollution source has decreased to 0.04 mg/L, and the impact of diesel oil leakage on groundwater has largely disappeared.  相似文献   

Sewage sludges are potential targets for economic extraction of Au because of the documented Au content of sewage sludges worldwide, which are of the order of some ore deposits currently mined for Au. The sewage of Melbourne, Australia, was stockpiled in large, closed, lagoonal tanks from 1898 until 1980. Reeves, Plimer and Foster, 1999, have conducted, and published, an extensive and exhaustive study of the Werribee sewage reserves utilising RNAA, INAA, GFAAS, ICPMS, and FLAAS to determine 31 elements, including Au, Ag, Sb, As, Cd, Hg, Zn, Cu, and Pb. The study was initiated to determine Au, Ag and other metal variations in both space and time and to investigate the economics of chemical extraction of the precious metals. A total of 149 samples from over 50 hand-auger drillholes to a depth up to 4m were analysed from the stockpiles, with Au assays yielding remarkably consistent results. Average grades of 0.77 g/t Au and 18.8 g/t Ag have been documented for a measured resource of 770,000 m3. Laboratory-based extractive metallurgy of the Werribee sludges has demonstrated that Au, Ag, and Zn can be removed with relative ease by heap-leaching using modified conventional technology, albeit with prohibitive reagent consumption. The extraction of the precious metals also results in the variable removal of contaminant metals such as Cd, As, Sb, Hg and Cr which may render the sludges fit for sale as agricultural fertiliser, provided organic pollutants and pathogenic organisms are below governmental environmental protection limits.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties and heavy metal content of landfill leachate sludge samples from two municipal solid waste disposal sites near Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, and their correlation with heavy metals are studied in the present work. Leachate was found to be sufficiently magnetic with mass-specific magnetic susceptibility that varies from 64.8 to 349.0 × 10−8 m3 kg−1. It is, however, less magnetic than the soils around the landfill sites. The magnetic minerals are predominantly pseudo-single domain and multidomain magnetite. Leachate samples from the older but inactive disposal site, Jelekong, are found to be more magnetic than that from Sarimukti, the younger and active site. The enhancement of leachate due to the soil-derived ferrimagnetic particles is possibly the same for both Sarimukti and Jelekong. The fact that strong correlation between magnetic parameters and heavy metals is observed in Jelekong but is absent in Sarimukti suggests that the use of magnetic measurement as a proxy measurement for heavy metal content in leachate is plausible provided that the magnetic susceptibility exceeds certain threshold value. Moreover, the accumulation of magnetic minerals and heavy metals in leachate might depend on the activity and the age of landfill site.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total and dissolved elements were determined in 35 water samples collected from rivers in Sardinia, a Mediterranean island in Italy. The overall composition did not change for waters sampled in both winter and summer (i.e., January at high-flow condition and June at low-flow condition), but the salinity and concentrations of the major ions increased in summer. Concentrations of elements such as Li, B, Mn, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba and U were higher in summer with only small differences between total and dissolved (i.e., in the fraction <0.4 μm) concentrations. The fact that these elements are mostly dissolved during low flow periods appears to be related to the intensity of water–rock interaction processes that are enhanced when the contribution of rainwater to the rivers is low, that is during low-flow conditions. In contrast, the concentrations of Al and Fe were higher in winter during high flow with total concentrations significantly higher than dissolved concentrations, indicating that the total amount depends on the amount of suspended matter. In waters filtered through 0.015 μm pore-size filters, the concentrations of Al and Fe were much lower than in waters filtered through 0.4 μm pore-size filters, indicating that the dissolved fraction comprises very fine particles or colloids. Also, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were generally higher in waters collected during the high-flow condition, with much lower concentrations in 0.015 μm pore-size filtered waters; this suggests aqueous transport via adsorption onto very fine particles. The rare earth elements (REE) and Th dissolved in the river waters display a wide range in concentrations (∑REE: 0.1–23 μg/L; Th: <0.005–0.58 μg/L). Higher REE and Th concentrations occurred at high flow. The positive correlation between ∑REE and Fe suggests that the REE are associated with very fine particles (>0.015 and <0.4 μm); the abundance of these particles in the river controls the partitioning of REE between solution and solid phases.Twenty percent of the water samples had dissolved Pb and total Hg concentrations that exceeded the Italian guidelines for drinking water (>10 μg/L Pb and >1 μg/L Hg). The highest concentrations of these heavy metals were observed at high-flow conditions and they were likely due to the weathering of mine wastes and to uncontrolled urban wastes discharged into the rivers.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the chemical parameters and the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of raw domestic sewage and effluents from treatment with activated sludge and a floating emergent-macrophyte filter from a domestic wastewater treatment plant in the city of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The physicochemical analysis revealed that both treatment systems achieved the legal emission pattern for biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids, but ammoniacal nitrogen and E. coli values were above the limits in the macrophyte treatment effluent. Phosphorous values were above the maximum permitted for both treatments. The results obtained from the Allium cepa test and the micronuclei test in fish did not demonstrate any significant differences in both cytotoxicity (mitotic index) and genotoxicity (chromosome aberration and micronucleus) endpoints between the negative control group and the exposed groups. However, the comet assay in fish revealed a DNA damage increase in animals exposed to the 30 % concentration of the macrophyte effluent and two concentrations of the activated sludge treatment effluent (10 and 75 %), which suggests that these two treatment systems may increase wastewater genotoxicity.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted to investigate the effects of application of sewage sludge and nitrogen fertilizer on herbage growth and fertility improvement of raw mixed-loess soils at the west waste dump of Antaibao surface mine (ATB) in Shanxi, China. Four indigenous species present in mining areas, including Kentucky bluegrass, Erect milkvetch, Alfalfa and Alfalfa–ryegrass mixture were selected as the herbaceous plants in the field trial. The results showed that applying sewage sludge and nitrogen fertilizer, biomasses of all the four grasses were significantly increased when compared with those in the control group. After 100 days growth, applying sewage sludge had the greatest effects on biomass increasing for Kentucky bluegrass (17.54 times in the overground yields and 13.94 times in underground yields when compared with the control group) or Alfalfa–ryegrass mixture (5.34 and 7.20 times, respectively); meanwhile, the combined application of sewage sludge and nitrogen fertilizer also had the best effects. It was concluded that Kentucky bluegrass is the best pioneer species for quickly establishing vegetation in ATB abandoned opencast mining areas; municipal sewage sludge is an effective bio-fertilizer for the fertility improvement of raw mixed-loess soils; and the combined application of sewage sludge and nitrogen fertilizer in plots revegetated with Alfalfa–ryegrass mixture is the best strategy to help quickly establish a self-sustaining vegetation system during the primary stage of reclamation in ATB abandoned opencast mining areas in China.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation was made of the relationships between fracture initiation, growth, stress field and boundary conditions. Two-dimensional plane strain continuum models were used in which fractures appeared as zones of strain localization developed through application of a strain softening Mohr–Coulomb constitutive model. R and R′ fractures developed first, followed by Y fractures at larger strains. The models showed that equal development of conjugate R and R′ fractures is easily changed to favor one or the other set by minor variations in model initial conditions. Strength loss in fractures caused stress field rotations in regions bounded by fractures, altering the orientation of subsequent fractures. The amount and sense of stress field rotation is dependent on the strength loss during displacement on the fractures, the orientation of fractures, and on the boundary conditions. Y oriented fractures could be explained on the basis of a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion provided that stress field rotation is accounted for. Monitoring of fracture slip activity showed that, under conditions of constant boundary velocity, slip was discontinuous in time, alternating on fractures throughout the model.  相似文献   

Seasonal plant growth dynamics were followed for a year in undisturbed plots of tall and short formSpartina alterniflora Loisel. and in plots of short formS. alterniflora which were enriched with sewage sludge at a rate of 100 g dry sludge m?2wk?1, corresponding to a nitrogen enrichment of 2 g N m?2wk?1. Monthly determinations of aboveground live and dead biomass, density of live stems, the ratio of number of young shoots to total number of shoots, and belowground mass of macro-organic matter to a depth of 30 cm were made for each area. Sludge fertilization increased the live biomass of the short formS. alterniflora by up to 150% of the control live biomass, but had little effect on the dead biomass, stem density, or proportion of young shoots. There was a trend of increased amount of belowground macro-organic matter in fertilized compared to control plots during the last 6 months of the study. In all areas, there was a marked decrease in the proportion of young shoots from winter to early summer, followed by a rapid increase in the percent of young shoots from late summer to fall. Sampling of plots 7 and 20 months after termination of sludge enrichment showed higher plant biomass and % N content in surface soils, but no difference in N content of live plant tissue, in fertilized compared to unfertilized marsh. After 20 months, about half of the sludge nitrogen remaining in the soils of the fertilized plots had disappeared.  相似文献   

The potential release of metals from anoxic sediments exposed to oxygen was investigated by using a synthetic preparation of metal sulphides dominated by solid phase FeS. The technique of DGT (diffusive gradients in thin-films) was used to measure sulphide and Fe, Mn and Ni in the anoxic metal-sulphide slurry, which had a pH of 6.4. Speciation calculations based on these data showed there was moderate supersaturation with respect to amorphous FeS in the solution phase. Measurements made using DGT with a range of diffusion layer thicknesses showed that when Fe, Mn and Ni are removed from solution there is fairly rapid (minutes) release from the solid phase, that is reasonably well sustained. This presumed desorptive release will be responsible for elevated concentrations of some metals in solution when sediments are resuspended. Oxidation of the slurry by bubbling with air rapidly (hours) removed Fe, Mn and Ni from the pore water solution. While Fe concentrations in solution remained low after the removal, Mn and Ni were transiently released. These results were consistent with initial rapid oxidation of Fe(II) to oxyhydroxides, which remove Mn(II) and Ni by adsorption. The slower oxidation of FeS then releases Mn and Ni, but these too are eventually removed by adsorption to iron oxyhydroxides. These data suggest that oxidation of metal sulphides will contribute to the release of metals from sediment disturbed by dredging or remedial aeration, but it is likely to be short lived, with complete removal within a day.  相似文献   

Thirteen genotypes of cotton developed through hybridization and mutation breeding techniques were evaluated during two consecutives years 2002-03-04 on eight locations covering most of the area of Punjab province including Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh and Jhang. The eight sets of experiments were conducted in the naturally highly saline sodic soils, EC ranges from 7.8–36.1 d/Sm, pH=8.1–8.8, SAR=10.1–40.5, Saturation percentage 31.3–40.8 and texture Sandy Clay loam and Clay loam. The seed yield data was collected at maturity and stability parameters were computed to know genotypic environment interaction and varietals performance. The combined analysis of variance showed highly significant variance in case of varieties, locations and varieties x environment (Lin) also showed highly significant differences. It means that genotypes exhibited different behavior in different locations/environments which is due to their different genetic make up. The behavior may be cross over (in which significant change in ranking order occurs from one environment to another) or cross over nature (in which case the ranking of genotypes remains constant across environments and the interaction is significant because of change in the magnitude of response) depending upon the ranking order of genotypes performance under different environments. In our study only S-12 behavior was of almost non cross over nature, while others had cross over type of interaction. Based on over all seed yield cotton variety NIAB-999 and CIM-707 produced highest seed yield cotton (3.2 t/ha, 3.17t/ha). The lowest seed yield cotton was noted in S-12 (1.86 t/ha). All the three parameters of stability i.e. overall mean seed yield cotton, regression coefficient and standard deviation to regression provided clear evidence that variety NIAB-999 and CIM-707 produced maximum stable yield compared to S-12.  相似文献   

To study the mobility of polluting agents through the soil, the authors have designed an experiment that attempts to reproduce the behavior of heavy metals in the soil as a part of the non-saturated zone. This work was based on a controlled experiment using soil columns. A calcareous soil was amended with 30,000, 90,000 and 180,000 kg sludge/ha. Chromium, cadmium, and nickel were analyzed in soil samples at intervals of 15 cm depth. Leachates were collected at the bottom of the columns and the metals were analyzed. No important displacements of polluting metals were found in this soil.  相似文献   

Biodegradation has proved to be a versatile technique to remediate benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene mixtures in contaminated soil and groundwater. In this study, a mixed microbial culture obtained from a wastewater treatment plant was used to degrade liquid phase ethyl benzene and xylene, at initial concentrations varying between 15 to 75 mg/l. Experiments were conducted according to the 2k?1 fractional factorial design to identify the main and interaction effects of parameters and their influence on biodegradation of individual ethyl benzene and xylene compounds in mixtures. The removal efficiencies of these compounds varied between 2 to 90% depending on the concentration of other compounds and also on their interaction effects. A statistical interpretation of the results was done based on the Fishers variance ratio (F) and probability (P) values. Though all the main effects were found significant (P < 0.05) at the 5% confidence level, the interactions between benzene and toluene and benzene and xylene concentrations were also found to be statistically significant and play a major role in affecting the total ethyl benzene and xylene removal.  相似文献   

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