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地基微波辐射计能够克服星载遥感对低层大气不敏感的缺点,在边界层大气探测方面更具优势.一维变分反演算法考虑了辐射传输过程等物理机制,在应用于微波辐射计的反演时具有很高的可信度.针对微波辐射计信息含量较低以及一维变分算法收敛率不高等问题,提出利用地面气象要素改进算法在近地面层的反演精度和引入正则化算子提升算法的收敛特性.利用探空数据对上述改进方法的提升效果进行验证,结果表明:地面气象要素的引入使得反演算法在地表温湿度的均方根误差分别降低了78.2%和55.5%,对于上层大气温湿廓线也有小幅提升;正则化算子对算法的反演时间和反演精度影响很小,但是可以显著地减少未收敛样本个数和提升反演廓线的质量.  相似文献   

大气GPS掩星观测反演方法   总被引:37,自引:9,他引:28  
大气GPS掩星观测可获得全球的大气气象参量剖面信息.本文阐述了地球大气GPS掩星观测反演原理,详细介绍了其几何光学近似反演方法和全谱反演方法,提出了将几何光学反演方法和全谱反演方法结合以形成可以处理多路径掩星数据的反演新方案.该方案和几何光学反演方法应用于GPS/MET和CHAMP大气掩星数据反演,成功地获得了大气参量剖面.结果表明,新反演方案是可行的、有效的GPS大气掩星反演方案.  相似文献   

星载高精度GPS观测数据可提供卫星速度和位置信息,而卫星的运行轨迹又与所处位置的大气密度紧密相关,因此可通过求解大气阻力微分方程,由高精度GPS观测数据反演出卫星运行轨迹上的热层大气密度.本文从星载高精度GPS观测数据出发,给出大气密度的反演方法,以及平均平动参数nM、反弹道系数B两个重要参数的解算过程,并以天宫一号为例,给出反演结果与天宫一号观测数据的比对.结果表明,反演结果与观测值符合很好,两者的均方差在2012年1月1日、2月24日分别为8.6%和8.4%,说明利用星载GPS观测数据反演大气密度是有效、可行的,可成为今后获取高精度大气密度的一种方法.  相似文献   

利用2008年中山站、Amundesen-Scott(SouthPole)站和Neumayer站为期一年的温度和臭氧探空数据,对AIRS第六版温度和臭氧垂直廓线产品在南极的精度进行了验证.结果表明,AIRS温度与探空温度总体上具有显著的一致性,其中对流层偏差最小(RMSe < 2℃),近地面温度由于受到下垫面影响偏差略大(RMSe~2℃),平流层偏差较大(2℃ < RMSe < 3℃),AIRS温度平均低于探空观测且受季节变化影响显著,秋冬季偏差整体上高于春夏季.AIRS臭氧反演精度在平流层(RMSe~25%)要优于对流层(RMSe~30%),RMSe最大值出现在UT-LS区域(可达40%)且在\"臭氧洞\"期间明显增大.AIRS产品精度在南极沿岸和内陆存在差异,由于南极地区探空资料较少且主要位于沿海,故在南极内陆地区进行探空观测对于提高卫星资料精度,改善该区域天气预报能力具有重大意义.  相似文献   

北京边界层大气污染物的垂直廓线监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于扫描差分光学吸收光谱(DOAS)系统,于2007年8月27日~9月4日期间对北京市朝阳区大气污染物SO2,HCHO,O3和NO2的垂直分布进行了连续监测,并对污染物垂直廓线进行了分析,详细探讨了SO2垂直分布特征以及夜间NO对O3的滴定作用.结果表明,SO2浓度通常没有明显垂直分层分布特征,但在清晨风速较低时呈现负梯度变化.研究发现夜间O3、NO和NO2之间存在稳态作用,表明城市区域O3的滴定主要来自于地面NO的直接排放,显示出NO的滴定作用对夜间O3、NO和NO2的垂直变化起到重要作用.  相似文献   

GPS无线电掩星技术反演大气参数方法对比   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
无线电掩星技术是一种探测地球大气的崭新途径.菲涅耳衍射反演是GPS掩星技术中基于物理光学原理的新的反演方法.文章研究了菲涅耳及几何光学方法的反演原理,利用GPS/MET数据分别反演得到了大气折射率及温度廓线.对比分析了菲涅耳衍射方法在10 Hz、25 Hz和50 Hz三个采样频率下不同的反演结果,通过与几何光学反演结果及相应探空数据的对比分析,表明菲涅耳衍射反演得到的结果在对流层,特别是水汽含量丰富的区域中更为准确可靠.  相似文献   

本文利用1999和2003年的GPS观测数据,通过在欧亚框架下的数据反演,并根据断裂带的活动性质和活动性的强弱,将测区范围内的红河断裂带分为三段(见图3示):北段断裂带、南段断裂带和中间转换区.  相似文献   

以Diviner红外亮温数据为基础,结合半有限固体的热传导模型,模拟了月壤温度廓线并分析了影响月壤温度廓线的三种因素,为"嫦娥"卫星微波探测仪数据稳定性分析提供可靠依据.利用Diviner通道7红外亮温反演月表温度,代替月表辐射热平衡模型求解月表温度的过程,减少了由于辐射热平衡模型中月表太阳辐照度理想假设引起的误差.通过月壤逐层迭代10000次月球昼夜周期,月球赤道地区6.0 m深月壤底面温度趋于246 K,与以表面辐射热平衡为条件的底面温度模拟值250 K近似.基于Diviner实测数据的月表温度与辐射热平衡模型模拟月表温度对比结果为:赤道地区Diviner实测表面温度比模拟值差异主要分布在月球白天,在受月表地形起伏影响较大的月球昼夜交替的时间段更为显著,约50 K;在月球夜晚,两者差异约2 K.利用Diviner数据与热传导模型模拟得到的月壤温度廓线可当作月壤温度廓线的真实值,作为进一步分析"嫦娥一号/二号"微波探测仪数据的依据.  相似文献   

GNSS掩星中大气水汽的非线性反演   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
研究利用无线电掩星探测数据反演大气水汽参数,文中使用一维非线性方法,反演对流层水汽压廓线.首先,定义了一维目标函数,并以几何光学假设为前提,反演出电波弯曲角;将电波弯曲角作为掩星探测量,大气模式输出的温、湿参量作为初始场,代入目标函数,对目标函数求最优反演出水汽压廓线.文中给出了部分反演结果,经讨论分析认为:非线性方法反演水汽压对初始场的精度依赖较小,能够同时反演出大气温度水汽压廓线及相应的误差分析,对数值天气预报的应用及数据同化研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文在分析GPS电离层掩星Abel积分变换反演的基础上,介绍了一种顾及电离层水平梯度信息的反演新方法,即地基GPS VTEC约束的电离层掩星反演法,并将该方法应用于COSMIC低纬掩星观测资料的反演.初步的统计结果表明,与经典Abel变换反演相比,地基GPS VTEC约束反演的临界频率foF2更接近于电离层测高仪观测的结果.  相似文献   

卫星-地基-模式统一的自动观测云分类原则和标准的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着空基、地基云状观测自动化进程的推进,国际通用的人工观测云分类标准不再适用于自动观测.本文提出了适用于自动观测的卫星观测、地基观测和数值预报模式统一的云分类原则和分类标准,依据大气代表性原则、仪器观测可行性原则、历史继承性原则和可扩展性原则,不考虑云的高度,沿用形态学和发生学理论,将云分为卷云、层状云、波状云和积状云4属,更细分为薄卷云、密卷云、波云、雨波云、层云、雨层云、浅积云和深积云8类,列出了各类云特征的定性描述,为自动观测、预报保障和模式评估提供参考.  相似文献   

This work introduces a new variational Bayes data assimilation method for the stochastic estimation of precipitation dynamics using radar observations for short term probabilistic forecasting (nowcasting). A previously developed spatial rainfall model based on the decomposition of the observed precipitation field using a basis function expansion captures the precipitation intensity from radar images as a set of ‘rain cells’. The prior distributions for the basis function parameters are carefully chosen to have a conjugate structure for the precipitation field model to allow a novel variational Bayes method to be applied to estimate the posterior distributions in closed form, based on solving an optimisation problem, in a spirit similar to 3D VAR analysis, but seeking approximations to the posterior distribution rather than simply the most probable state. A hierarchical Kalman filter is used to estimate the advection field based on the assimilated precipitation fields at two times. The model is applied to tracking precipitation dynamics in a realistic setting, using UK Met Office radar data from both a summer convective event and a winter frontal event. The performance of the model is assessed both traditionally and using probabilistic measures of fit based on ROC curves. The model is shown to provide very good assimilation characteristics, and promising forecast skill. Improvements to the forecasting scheme are discussed.  相似文献   

中国电离层TEC现报系统   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
作为最重要的电离层参量之一,电离层电子浓度总含量(TEC)可以通过当前广泛使用的全球定位系统(GPS)的信标进行观测.我们在我国北起漠河、经北京和武汉、南到三亚四个观测站建立了GPS接收站,经单站数据处理后将原始的单站GPS TEC观测数据上载到北京数据处理中心;采用我们发展的经验基函数模式算法,用实测数据估算格点TEC并提供给用户,同时生成覆盖中国疆域的TEC地图并在因特网上实时发布.这一电离层TEC现报系统是我国首个类似的技术系统,在观测站布局和TEC地图算法上有所创新.该系统已用于实时监测我国电离层环境,并可为我国卫星定位导航和测控等技术系统的电波修正提供实测电离层数据.  相似文献   

PreliminaryresultsonkinematicmodeloftectonicblocksderivedfromhighprecisionGPSobservationsinSouthwestChinaLIRENHUANG1)(黄立人)...  相似文献   

中国地壳运动观测网络的建设及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
"中国地壳运动观测网络"是国家"九五"期间建设的重大科学工程,自1998年开始观测以来,获取了大量的地壳形变GPS观测资料和相对重力观测资料,为认知中国大陆地壳运动特征及其动力学机制提供了至关重要的基础资料和定量约束。"十一五"期间,国家将实施中国地壳运动观测网络的二期工程"中国大陆构造环境监测网络",对网络中观测站点的空间密度、观测方式和应用功能进行大幅度强化。本文扼要介绍了中国地壳运动观测网络一期工程的建设内容、运行现状和主要成果及二期工程的建设规划。中国地壳运动观测网络一、二期工程将为我国地震监测和地学研究提供一个具有国际先进水平的大地测量基础平台。  相似文献   

Although remote sensing data are often plentiful, they do not usually satisfy the users’ needs directly. Data assimilation is required to extract information about geophysical fields of interest from the remote sensing observations and to make the data more accessible to users. Remote sensing may provide, for example, measurements of surface soil moisture, snow water equivalent, snow cover, or land surface (skin) temperature. Data assimilation can then be used to estimate variables that are not directly observed from space but are needed for applications, for instance root zone soil moisture or land surface fluxes. The paper provides a brief introduction to modern data assimilation methods in the Earth sciences, their applications, and pertinent research questions. Our general overview is readily accessible to hydrologic remote sensing scientists. Within the general context of Earth science data assimilation, we point to examples of the assimilation of remotely sensed observations in land surface hydrology.  相似文献   

GPS授时技术在地震观测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地震观测中,时间基准测量的精度非常重要。我们利用全球定位系统(GPS)设计完成了数字地震记录仪的实时在线授时系统,提高了时间服务精度。本文详细介绍了利用GPS授时的基本原理,给出了我们研制的数字地震仪中授时系统设计的理论计算和具体的同步算法和程序以及硬件设计框图。  相似文献   

Based on the GPS velocity field data of 1999-2007 and 2011-2013,we used the least squares configuration method and GPS velocity profile results to synthetically analyze the dynamic evolution characteristics of crustal deformation in the Yunnan area before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. The dynamic evolution of GPS velocity field shows that the direction is gradually changed from the south in the southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan block to the south-west in the southern Yunnan block and there is a clear relative motion characteristic near the block boundary fault zone. Compared with the GPS velocity of 1999-2007, the results of 2011-2013 also reflect segmental deformation characteristics of the block boundary fault zone. Southeast movement shows a significant increase, which may be related to crustal deformation adjustment after the Wenchuan earthquake. The dynamic evolution of strain parameters shows a pattern of \"extension in the middle and compression at both ends\" in the whole area and the distribution of deformation (shear, extension or compression) is closely related to the background motion and deformation characteristics of the main fault zone. Compared with the results of the period of 1999-2007, the extensional deformation zone of 2011-2013 is expanded eastward and southward. The compressional deformation of the eastern boundary (the Xiaojiang fault zone) of the Sichuan-Yunnan block is no longer significant, which is mainly concentrated in the northern section of the Xiaojiang fault zone and may be related to the post-seismic deformation adjustment of the Wenchuan earthquake. The GPS velocity profile results show that the left-lateral slip velocity of the Xiaojiang fault zone reduced gradually from north to south (10mm/a-5mm/a), and the width of the northern section is wider. The right-lateral slip rate of the Honghe fault zone is about 4mm/a, and the deformation width is wider. The dynamic results show that the Wenchuan earthquake has little effect on the deformation modes of these two fault zones.  相似文献   

回顾了地壳形变观测工作的发展历程,详细阐述了地壳形变观测手段、方法的变化,以及观测台网的布局,最后分析了测量误差。  相似文献   

Calculation of repeated observation data at the densified GPS monitoring network in northeastern area of Pamir together with data from IGS stations in the peribphyery of the area yielded the movement rate of more than 40GPS station sites in the area,and,hence,the recent crustal deformation rate pattern and time series of fiductial GPS stations in the area were obtained.The result indicates that the principal movement direction of the GPS station sites is NNW,basically diagonal to the strike of Tianshan fold belt,i.e.a normal compression occurs in the Tianshan region.The movement pattern near Jiashi and its southwestern zone is some different from that of station sites in their surrounding areas,indicating a certain relation of tectonic deformation in Jiashi area to seismic activity during last years.The movement rate of station sites in the periphery of Taim basin less varies and its direction is basically consistent It indicates less or basically no deformation within Tarim basin.  相似文献   

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