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We establish a mathematically consistent theory of the pseudo-sound pressure fluctuation in the deep ocean induced by nonlinearly interacting random plane waves on the surface. In the process, a new set of the second-order perturbation equations is derived and power-correlation coefficients between random plane waves are introduced. A phenomenological model is adopted for wind pressure which excites the surface waves consisting of wind-driven sea and swell. By solving the first-order- and the second-order-perturbation equations with this wind pressure as the excitation, we obtain an expression for the pressure fluctuation and its power spectral density in the gravity-wave regime. It is concluded that only the swell part of the surface waves generates the pressure fluctuation and the spectral density is modified by the power correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

Although the optical properties of seawater at extreme depths are more suitable for underwater photography than those at the surface or on continental shelves, they still impose severe limitations on long-range wide area bottom photography. Additionally, deep ocean operations impose technical limitations on control, power and bandwidth. This chapter reviews the approaches contemplated or made towards improving the camerato-target range in underwater photography in the deep ocean. Further significant improvements await advances in control, power/light sources and bandwidth reduction. With the developments now contemplated, TV and video systems will eventually present a strong challenge to emulsion film techniques.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of the deep ocean circulation on the characteristics of the ocean as a reservoir, age distributions of the material whose source and sink are at the ocean surface are calculated using an idealized vertical two-dimensional model of the ocean. The results show that the large-scale vertical circulation of the deep water accelerates the renewal of deep water and reduces the average age of the material. It is also shown that the multi-layered structures of the deep circulation are more realistic than the one-layered structure and promote the renewal of the deep water.  相似文献   

A simple release system for a deep ocean instrument package is described. An evacuated chamber holds the instrument to the anchor and an explosive device floods the chamber, allowing the instrument to float to the surface after a present time.  相似文献   

The authors compare the signal-to-noise ratios obtained on bottomed seismometers, bottomed hydrophones, and buried seismometers from near-surface explosions in the Ngendei Expedition. The data were recorded in 5.5-km-deep water in the south central Pacific Ocean with a triaxial borehole seismograph and four triaxial ocean-bottom seismographs having externally mounted hydrophones. At ranges less than 35 km, the data indicate that the ocean bottom seismometer is a superior signal detector than the ocean-bottom hydrophone, and that the subbottom seismometer is superior in performance to the ocean-bottom seismometer. Above 4 Hz, the seismometer appears to have a 10-dB signal-to-noise advantage over the hydrophone for surface explosions at ranges less than 30 km  相似文献   

This paper is a brief review of the work carried out by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) in measuring tides and sub-surface pressure variations in the deep water of the ocean basins using Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPRs). It deals particularly with the work of David Cartwright which he began in the early 1970s and carried out until he left POL in 1986 but is continued by his co-workers of that time.The paper mentions the early work in the north Atlantic when instrument deployments were limited to one month duration and describes what was achieved from the measurements. It concentrates mainly on measurements that were made since the early 1980s when it became possible, because of developments in instrument technology, to achieve individual measurements lasting for one year or more. The results obtained from these measurements are described and some interesting features of the spectrum of the pelagic sub-surface pressure are discussed.As instrument technology further improved, it became possible to study low frequency variations in sub-surface pressure. The contributions made by POL to studies of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the contribution to ocean circulation studies during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment are discussed. This led to the development of an instrument capable of operating continuously at ocean depths for five years. The preliminary results from a four year deployment of this instrument which was completed in November 1996 are included.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution, abundance and characteristics of plastic particles in plankton samples collected routinely in Northeast Pacific ecosystems, and to contribute to the development of ideas for future research into the occurrence and impact of small plastic debris in marine pelagic ecosystems. Plastic debris particles were assessed from zooplankton samples collected as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) ongoing ecosystem surveys during two research cruises in the Southeast Bering Sea in the spring and fall of 2006 and four research cruises off the U.S. west coast (primarily off southern California) in spring, summer and fall of 2006, and in January of 2007. Nets with 0.505 mm mesh were used to collect surface samples during all cruises, and sub-surface samples during the four cruises off the west coast. The 595 plankton samples processed indicate that plastic particles are widely distributed in surface waters. The proportion of surface samples from each cruise that contained particles of plastic ranged from 8.75 to 84.0%, whereas particles were recorded in sub-surface samples from only one cruise (in 28.2% of the January 2007 samples). Spatial and temporal variability was apparent in the abundance and distribution of the plastic particles and mean standardized quantities varied among cruises with ranges of 0.004-0.19 particles/m3, and 0.014-0.209 mg dry mass/m3. Off southern California, quantities for the winter cruise were significantly higher, and for the spring cruise significantly lower than for the summer and fall surveys (surface data). Differences between surface particle concentrations and mass for the Bering Sea and California coast surveys were significant for pair-wise comparisons of the spring but not the fall cruises. The particles were assigned to three plastic product types: product fragments, fishing net and line fibers, and industrial pellets; and five size categories: <1 mm, 1-2.5 mm, >2.5-5 mm, >5-10 mm, and >10 mm. Product fragments accounted for the majority of the particles, and most were less than 2.5 mm in size. The ubiquity of such particles in the survey areas and predominance of sizes <2.5 mm implies persistence in these pelagic ecosystems as a result of continuous breakdown from larger plastic debris fragments, and widespread distribution by ocean currents. Detailed investigations of the trophic ecology of individual zooplankton species, and their encounter rates with various size ranges of plastic particles in the marine pelagic environment, are required in order to understand the potential for ingestion of such debris particles by these organisms. Ongoing plankton sampling programs by marine research institutes in large marine ecosystems are good potential sources of data for continued assessment of the abundance, distribution and potential impact of small plastic debris in productive coastal pelagic zones.  相似文献   

For navigation in deep ocean the most important navaids are self contained dead reckoning systems (DRS) such as classical DRS with log and compass or Doppler‐DRS or inertial navigation system (INS) and the external radio navaids LORAN, Omega and Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS). These navaids cannot satisfy the requirements for precise surveying if they are used in the conventional manner. Accuracy can be increased by integration of the DRS with the external navaids by a computer which estimates best values of position, velocity, etc. from all available data. The DRS is used as reference system and the external navaids are used for control measurements. The measurements are compared with the same quantities computed from the positions, which are indicated of the DRS. The differences between the measured and the computed values are described by error models of the integrated navaids and processed by a filter to estimate best values of the errors of the DRS and to make corresponding corrections. The principles of least square filtering are described in detail for integrated Inertial/LORAN‐C and Inertial/Omega navigation.  相似文献   

EPSONDE is a tethered free-fall profiling system used to obtain temperature microstructure and velocity turbulence data to a depth of at least 1500 m. EPSONDE, which carries a variety of slow and fast sensors, is deployed on a loose kevlar multiconductor cable by a specialized wire-handling system. Data are transmitted from this underwater unit (1792 samples per second) to a shipboard system which includes a dedicated microcomputer for data logging and online data processing. The performance of this system is demonstrated by discussing a study of turbulent mixing processes in a lens of Mediterranean water (a MEDDY) found at a depth of 1000 m in the Canary basin. These studies indicate that turbulent kinetic energy dissipation may be an important mechanism in determining the decay and lifetime of a MEDDY  相似文献   

Single species populations and natural populations of phytoplankton were grown in mixtures of surface sea water and deep ocean water. The yields of Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the natural species assemblages were positively correlated with the percentage of deep water in the mixture. Single species populations of Thalassiosira weissflogii and Amphidinum sp. showed yields which were positively correlated with per cent deep water at low deep water concentrations and negatively correlated at high deep water concentrations. Transition from the positive to the negative slope occurred at about 75% deep water for T. weissflogii and at about 25% deep water for Amphidinium. Populations were apparently limited by an inorganic nutrient, probably nitrogen, in the region of positive slope and by some other factor, probably organic, in the region of negative slope. The addition of EDTA increased the yields of T. weissflogii and Amphidinium in the presence of deep water and reduced lag times in the growth of the natural populations.  相似文献   

A 20 km long high resolution seismic reflection profile was carried out approximately 300 km southwest of Bermuda. The data were collected using a small airgun sound source and a single hydrophone receiver towed 100 m above the seafloor at a depth of 5400 m. Comparisons with nearby conventional seismic reflection profiles show the considerable improvement of resolving power provided by this method, particularly of the basement morphology beneath the 700 m thick sediment column. The data were recorded digitally and selected data examples show the enhancement provided by filtering, stacking, source deconvolution and corrections for hydrophone motion. The precise picture of basement topography that results from this data is compared with deep tow bathymetry profiles of the present day mid-Atlantic Ridge flanks, and is seen to be remarkably similar.  相似文献   

An idea has been proposed to recover and dispose of the fossil-fuel CO2 generated by stationary power plants into the deep sea, thereby reducing the CO2 emission to the atmosphere. The assessment of its environmental effects and risks is essential for developing new technology for the recovery/disposal system, which has recently received growing attention in Japan.The simple calculation made here did not yield any decisively significant environmental risks so far. However, a further detailed study is needed for the consequences of lowering local pH and the abrupt dissolution of CaCO3 in the deep-sea sediments. It is also shown that, on longer term, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 may be influenced by the degree at which the reaction between the disposed fossil-fuel CO2 and the sedimentary CaCO3 takes place under such conditions. At any rate, the problem should be brought to serious scientific attention much like the case of ocean dumping of radioactive wastes.  相似文献   

We explore the efficacy of “super parameterization” (SP) in ocean modeling in which local 2-d non-hydrostatic plume-resolving fine-grained (FG) models are embedded at each vertical column of a coarse-grained (CG) hydrostatic model. A general multi-scale algorithm is described in which tendencies from the FG models are projected onto the CG model which in turn constrains the average state of the FG models, coupling the two models together. The approach is tested in the context of models of open ocean deep convection and compared with a pure hydrostatic, coarse resolution model using convective adjustment (HYD) and a full 3-d non-hydrostatic plume-resolving simulation (NH). The SP model is found to be greatly superior to HYD at much less computational cost than the fully non-hydrostatic calculation.  相似文献   

This paper describes an underwater 3500 m electric manipulator (named Huahai-4E,stands for four functions deep ocean electric manipulator in China),which has been developed at underwater manipulation technology lab in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) for a test bed of studying of deep ocean manipulation technologies.The manipulator features modular integration joints,and layered architecture control system.The oil-filled,pressure-compensated joint is compactly designed and integrated of a permanent magnet (PM) brushless motor,a drive circuit,a harmonic gear and an angular feedback potentiometer.The underwater control system is based on a network and consisted of three embedded PC/104 computers which are used for servo control,task plan and target sensor respectively.They communicate through User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multicast communication in Vxworks OS.A supervisor PC with a virtual 3D GUI is fiber linked to underwater control system.Furthermore,the manipulator is equipped with a sensor system including a unique ultra-sonic probe array and an underwater camera.Autonomous grasp strategy based multi-sensor is studied.The results of watertight test in 40 MPa,joint’s efficiency test and autonomous grasp experiments in tank are also presented.  相似文献   

The results of two oceanographic surveys designed to delineate the flow response near Cato Island (155°32′E, 23°15′S) in the Western Coral Sea are presented. The surveys were conducted in October 1992 and February 1993 and coincided with conditions of strong, steady incident currents and relatively weak, variable currents, respectively. For the strong inflow case study, a surface-intensified cyclonic eddy observed in the wake of the island was co-incident with a zone of strong upwelling. Isotherm displacements within the eddy were in excess of 90 m. The lee side response was strongly depth dependent, with recirculation confined to the upper 120 m. A dynamical systems approach incorporating ADCP data was used to compute Lagrangian trajectories numerically for particles released at various locations in the wake zone. There was no evidence of enhanced chlorophyll concentrations downstream of the island. Comparisons with other dynamically similar studies indicate that eddy shedding is likely during periods of steady incident currents. During the second survey, weaker incident currents resulted in a less pronounced flow disturbance. Small isothermal displacements were capped beneath the strong seasonal thermocline. Lee side currents were weak and variable, with recirculation confined to the upper 50 m. A strong biological response was observed downstream, with increased integrated chlorophyll content and zooplankton biomass in the lee providing evidence of the island mass effect.  相似文献   

This paper explores the practical experiences of the cluster development of the deep ocean water (DOW) industry in the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan. The DOW industry is emerging as a new sector for utilizing diverse applications in the water, aquaculture, agriculture, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, tourism, and energy industries. Porter's perspective of the cluster is used to compare DOW commercialization in the three countries and to analyze their interactions with the economy, society, and technology. Using a multiple case study, this paper presents some implications beyond the geographical proximity, especially the triple-helix of academy, industry, and government within the borderless cluster. Finally, a comprehensive comparison among the three countries is examined to offer implications to managers and policy makers in the DOW industry.  相似文献   

A parachute drogue is described that can quickly be assembled and easily launched at sea. An anchored buoy, which provides a reference from which drogue trajectories can be determined is also described and methods for launching are outlined. This buoy, which can be moored in several kilometers depth, will extend to the deep ocean the use of drogue monitoring techniques capable of defining wind driven currents and their short-term periodicities.  相似文献   

深海锚泊浮标的二阶动力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算了规则波上深海锚泊浮标的运动响应和锚泊线的动力响应。在对浮标的二阶漂移力计算时考虑了锚系的影响,并将浮标平均漂移的计算结果与不考虑锚系影响的结果进行了比较。本文计算所用浮标为单点系泊浮标,锚链由不同重量的分段组成。  相似文献   

Inertial oscillations as deep ocean response to hurricanes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We discuss the deep ocean response to passing hurricanes (aka typhoons), which are considered as generators of near-inertial, internal waves. The analysis of data collected in the northwestern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans in the hurricane season permit us to assess the deep ocean response to such a strong atmospheric forcing. A large number of moorings (more than 100) in the northwestern Pacific have allowed us to characterize the spatial features of the oceanic response to typhoons and the variable downward velocity of near-inertial wave propagation. The velocity of their downward propagation varies in the range 1–10 m/hour. It is higher in the regions of low stratification and high anticyclonic vorticity. The inertial oscillations generated by a hurricane last for 10–12 days. The mean anticyclonic vorticity in the region increases the effective frequency of inertial oscillations by 0.001–0.004 cyc/hour.  相似文献   

This overview compares and contrasts trends in the magnitude of the downward Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) flux with observations on the vertical profiles of biogeochemical parameters in the NE subarctic Pacific. Samples were collected at Ocean Station Papa (OSP, 50°N, 145°W), between 18–22 May 1996, on pelagic stocks/rate processes, biogenic particle fluxes (drifting sediment traps, 100–1000 m), and vertical profiles of biogeochemical parameters from MULVFS (Multiple Unit Large Volume Filtration System) pumps (0–1000 m). Evidence from thorium disequilibria, along with observations on the relative partitioning of particles between the 1–53 μm and >53 μm classes in the 50 m mixed layer, indicate that there was little particle aggregation within the mixed layer, in contrast to the 50–100 m depth stratum where particle aggregation predominated. Vertical profiles of thorium/uranium also provided evidence of particle decomposition occuring at depths ca. 150 m; heterotrophic bacteria and mesozooplankton were likely responsible for most of this POC utilisation. A water column carbon balance indicated that the POC lost from sinking particles was the predominant source of carbon for bacteria, but was insufficient to meet their demands over the upper 1000 m. While, the vertical gradients of most parameters were greatest just below the mixed layer, there was evidence of sub-surface increases in microbial viability/growth rates at depths of 200–600 m. The C:N ratios of particles intercepted by free-drifting and deep-moored traps increased only slightly with depth, suggesting rapid sedimentation even though this region is dominated by small cells/grazers, and the upper water column is characterised by long particle residence times (>15 d), a fast turnover of POC (2 d) and a low but constant downward POC flux.  相似文献   

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