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The unconventional oil and gas resources presented in oil shales have meant these potential sources of hydrocarbons,which has become a research focus. China contains abundant oil shale resources,ranking fourth in the world,with ca. 7 254. 48 × 10~8 t within 24 provinces,including 48 basins and 81 oil shale deposits. About 48% of the total oil shale resources are concentrated in the eastern resource region,with a further 22% in the central resource region. 65% of the total quantity of oil shale resources is present at depths of 0-500 m,with 17% of the total resources being defined as high-quality oil shales yielding more than 10% oil by weight.Chinese oil shale resources are generally hosted by Mesozoic sediments that account for 78% of the total resources. In terms of the geographical distribution of these resources,some 45% are located in plain regions,and different oil shale basins have various characteristics. The oil shale resources in China represent a highly prospective future source of hydrocarbons. These resources having potential use not only in power generation and oil refining but also in agriculture,metal and chemical productions,and environmental protection.  相似文献   

North China, whose total area is 420,000 km2, covers 2 provinces and 2 cities (Shanxi and Hebei provinces, Beijing and Tianjin) and the territories of Henan and Shandong provinces to the north of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Liaoning Province. Most of this region, which is situated in the semi-humid, semi-arid continental climate temperate zone, gets an annual precipitation of 500-600 mm, whereas, the perennial average amount of total water resource is 50.99 billion m3, including 33.82 billion m3 of surface water, 32.94 billion m3 of ground water and 15.77 billion m3 of their duplication. Due to the intensive exploitation of water resource caused by the deficiency of water resource in North China, key elements of water balance was changed, runoff volume reduced, evaporation increased, vertical movement of moisture strengthened, water circulation pattern transformed from open system into regionally closed system; meanwhile, due to the incompetent water  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the distribution and production layout of the major mineral resources in China,including coal,iron ore,copper and bauxite,from a national perspective.It also identifies the incompatibility between the mineral resources distribution and regional economic development.Significant issues with China’s mineral resource industry cause challenges for the sustainable development of both the mining industry and the national socio-economy.The sustainability of regional mineral resources and the environmental pollution by mining in the western China were also analyzed.Results show that the distribution of China’s mineral resources is misaligned with its regional layout of economic development.China’s mineral resources have been over-exploited,and the mineral resources production in the eastern China is unsustainable.The continuously expanding production of mineral resources in the western China has heavily endangered the ecological environment.We propose strategies to boost the sustainable development of mineral resources,including measures to accelerate economic development and enhance the sustainability of domestic mineral resources.We also offer suggestions for scientifically planning the mineral resource prospecting and exploitation and regional economic layout,as well as for proactively undertaking industry transfer in the eastern China and raising the environmental benchmark requirements for the mineral industry in the central and western China.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Northeast China is located in the eastern marginal part of Eurasian plate. There are about 700 Cenozoic volcanoes and about 50 000km2 volcanic rocks in Northeast China. The Cenozoic volcanism is related to the Pacific plate subducting, back-arc spreading and corresponding marginal continental rifting. About 700 Cenozoic volcanoes in Northeast China are concentrated at some places, so Shuangliao, Keluo, Wudalianchi, Yitong, Shulan, Shangzhi, Longgang, Jingbo Lake, …  相似文献   

Based on recent year's advances in geothermal resources studies and explorations in China, this paper reviews the basic distributive characteristics of hot springs in the uplifted area and geothermal water in the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins, suggests that two hydrothermal activity concentrated zones (South Tibet Autonomous Region - West Sichuan Province - West Yunnan Province and coastalarea of Southeast China), one large basin(North China Basin) and two smaller basins(Weihe Basin and Leiqiong Basin) are major areas of study and exploration of geothermal resources in China continent, considers that geothermal resources in China have certain potential of exploitation and should be used, but the scale of exploitation seems to be limited, they cannot occupy an important position in energy supply and can only be regarded as a supplementary energy source.  相似文献   

In the knowledge economy era,science and technology(S&T) resources are getting more and more important in shaping regional competiveness and building regional innovation capacity.As such,the spatial distribution of S&T resources is a key to understanding regional development and disparities.By designing an input-output indicator system,this paper develops an evaluation model to examine the spatial distribution of S&T resources in China and assess their spatial efficiency.Moreover,the paper tries to explain spatial differences in the efficiency of S&T resources in China.Major findings are:1) the input and output of S&T resources in China shows a clear T-shaped spatial structure,i.e.,concentrated mainly in the coastal region and along the Changjiang(Yangtze) River;2) the efficiency of S&T resources in China displays strong spatial disparities,with the level of efficiency descending from the east to the west while high efficiency appearing in only several clusters;3) the utilization rates of S&T resources in most provinces are quite low,resulting in low efficiency of S&T resources allocation.The paper suggests that the utilization rate of S&T resources should be raised and the commercialization of S&T outputs should be enhanced to improve the efficiency of S&T resources in China.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China,and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization.The result of comprehensive analysis shows that constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China are complicated, including physical geographi cal factors and socio-economic factors, such as uneven distribution of water resources at temporal and spatial scales,inappropriate institutional arrangement and non-water-saving and non-water-conservation production and life mode.The countermeasures against constraining factors to water resources sustainable development are put forward as follows: l) using wetlands and forests, and through spatial conversion to realize temporally sustainable supply of water resources; 2) transferring water between basins and areas and developing various water resources in water shortagearea; 3) establishing water-saving society; 4) strengthening water pollution control and water resources protection;and 5) establishing unified water resources management mechanism.  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

根据南海西北部海区2012年2月实测的CTD资料计算出该海域的声速,给出了声速的垂向分布的几种类型和断面的分布状况以及它们的一些重要特征.并根据浅海声速跃层标准(ΔC/ΔH≥0.5/S),讨论了本海域声速跃层的分布状况.  相似文献   

陆表水是维持人类生存的重要资源之一,而中国是水资源严重匮乏的国家之一。因此,掌握中国陆表水的空间分布及其变化状况对合理利用水资源、提高人们节约用水意识等具有重要作用。利用全球首套空间分辨率为30m的全球地表覆盖数据(Globe Land30))中的2000年和2010年两期数据,首先采用重分类的方法提取出我国2000年和2010年的内陆地区水体数据,再根据我国的主要流域和等降水量线数据,统计出各流域及各降水区域的水域面积、水域率数据,并对其动态变化进行分析。结果表明,我国水资源分布不均,呈现明显的南多北少、东多西少的态势。从2000到2010年,我国的陆表水水域面积趋于减少,其中以长江流域水域面积的减少最为明显。  相似文献   

Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has impor-tant practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy,sustainable and stable development of this region.Ac-cording to their influencing factors and reciprocity mechanism,using system dynamics approaches,this paper built a SD model for measuring the carrying capacity of resources and environment of the city clusters in the central China,and through setting different development models,the comprehensive measurement analysis on the carrying capacity was carried out.The results show that the model of promoting socio-economic development under the protection of resources and environment is the optimal model for promoting the harmony development of resources,environment,society and economy in the city clusters.According to this model,the optimum population scale of the city clusters in2020 is 42.80×106 persons,and the moderate economic development scale is 22.055× 1012 yuan(RMB).In 1996-2020,the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the city clusters took on obvious phase-change characteristics.During the studied period,it is basically at the initial development stage,and will come through the development process from slow development to speedup development.  相似文献   

OCCAM global ocean model results were applied to calculate the monthly water transport through 7 straits around the East China Sea(ECS)and the South china Sea(SCS).Analysis of the features of velocity profiles and their variations in the Togara Strait,Luzon Strait and Eastern Taiwan Strait showed that;1)the velocity profiles had striped pattern in the Eastern Taiwan Strait,where monthly flux varied from 22.4 to 28.1 Sv and annual mean was about 25.8 Sv;2)the profiles of velocity in the Togara Strait were characterized by core structure,and monthly flux varied from 23.3 to 31.4 Sv,with annual mean of about 27.9 Sv;3)water flowed from the SCS to the ECS in the Taiwan Strait,with maximum flux of 3.1 Sv in July and minimum of 0.9 Sv in November;4)the flux in the Tsushima Strait varied by only about 0.4 Sv by season and its annual mean was about 2.3 Sv;5)Kuroshio water flowed into the SCS in the Luzon Strait throughout the year and the velocity profiles were characterized by multi-core structure.The flux in the Luzon Strait was minimun in June(about 2.4 Sv)and maximum in February(about 9.0 Sv),and its annual mean was 4.8 Sv;6)the monthly flux in the Mindoro Strait was maximum in December(3.0 Sv)and minimum in June(Only 0.1 Sv),and its annual mean was 1.3 Sv;7)Karimata Strait water flowed into the SCS from May to August,with maximum in-flow flux of about 0.75 Sv in June and flowed out from September to April at maximum outflow flux of 3.9 Sv in January.The annual mean flux was about 1.35 Sv.  相似文献   

东海中南部海域锈斑蟳渔业生物学和数量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了1998—1999年东海区虾蟹类调查所获的部分锈斑蟳样品与1998~2004年在东海拖虾作业与蟹笼作业等周年逐月渔获物中采集的锈斑蟳样品的生物学特性,结果表明:东海锈斑蟳渔获群体的甲长范围为26~105mm,甲宽范围为36~165 mm,体重范围为5~610 g,雄性个体平均要略大于雌性个体;周年雌蟹略多于雄蟹,性比为1∶0.94,繁殖期为7~12月,繁殖高峰期为8~10月,不同个体怀卵量在113 867~1 594 167粒之间;调查海区10月开始出现幼蟹,5月生长加速,最小抱卵个体的甲长为60 mm,甲宽为85 mm,体重为110 g。另根据1998~1999年调查资料分析得知:锈斑蟳主要分布在长江口渔场以南水深60 m以内海域,中心区分布在闽东渔场,渔期为11月~翌年2月,是舟山、长江口渔场三疣梭子蟹汛期结束后,蟹笼、流刺网作业的又一主捕对象。  相似文献   

Through petroleum exploration of 20 years, a new petroleum production area has been constructed in Hailar Basin. Their petroleum geological characteristics and hydrocarbon distribution has been known in detail. The Hailar Basin is a basin group consisted of many scattered sub-basins with similar structural developed history. Each sub-basin has unique hydrocarbon distributing rules, including (1) oil/gas reservoir distribution is controlled by the oil/gas sag, and the oil/gas bearing in big sag is rich; (2) underwater fan and turbidity fan are the most favorable reservoirs; structure zone controlled by main fault is favorable zone of forming composite oil/gas accumulation; (3) lower fault-block in higher rise and higher fault-block in lower rise are favorable to oil/gas accumulation; (4) deep fault and granite body are closely related to oil/gas reservoir, its distributing area is favorable area of oil and mantle source non-hydrocarbon gas formation;(5) higher geothermal area is favorable oil/gas bearing area.  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels are a major component of the zoobenthos and they therefore play an important role in freshwater ecosystems. The community composition and the standing crop of freshwater mussels in Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China and one of two lakes connected to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, were investigated from February 2008 to May 2009. Mussels were sampled in hydrologically and geographically distinct sampling areas. A total of 42 species and 13 genera were identified, of which 32 species were endemic to China. Two species, Unio douglasiae and Lamprotula caveata, dominated all sampling areas. The number of genera and species, and the number of species within each genus, differed significantly among sampling areas. Freshwater mussels were very abundant, with an overall density of 0.28 ± 0.22 ind./m2 and biomass of 4.08 ± 3.96 g/m2. Significant variation observed among sampling areas and among genera was probably due to the variety of habitats among the areas sampled and to the adaptability of different freshwater mussels to environments. This study suggests that Poyang Lake and other freshwater lakes in the region are important sites of freshwater mussel biodiversity and conservation.  相似文献   

The processes of water resources exploitation and utilization can be divided into three stages by water resources transformation, and the history, present situation and future trend of water resources development in piedmont areas around high mountains of arid northwestern China. The three stages are: the stage of surface water development (the first stage), the stage of comprehensive development of surface and ground water (the second stage) and the stage of economical development of water resources (the third stage). The three stages link each other and show the law and processes of water resources exploitation and utilization associated with social and technological progress. The economical water policy should run through the three stages. On this point, however, the third stage differs from the others, particularly, refering to irrigated agriculture. The third stage has more progressive significance because it breaks the traditional ideas on water resources development. According to our investigation and calculation, under present conditions of water resources development, the net used water is about 160 × 108 m3, accounting for 18% of the total water resources of northwestern China. The water resources have not been fully developed. If the first stage is finished, the exploitable water can be increased by 91%. After the second stage, furthermore, it can be increased by 216%. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

1IntroductionHailar Basin is located in the eastern part of In-ner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, with the area of 44 210 km2 (Fig.1).Fig.1SketchmapshowingthelocationofHailarBasinThe Hailar Basin is neither different from the foreland basin of west pa…  相似文献   

面向中国洪涝灾害应急监测的无人机空港布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前洪涝灾害对社会的经济发展和人民生命财产安全构成严重威胁。无人机机动、灵活,安全性高,可迅捷甚至实时获取灾区影像,对灾情的快速评估和应急救援决策意义重大。遥感无人机在洪涝灾害救援中能够发挥的重要作用已得到广泛共识,但是由于灾害的突发性,缺乏就近部署的资源制约了无人机遥感观测和救援作用的发挥。针对突发灾害,在区域和全国范围内建立起一定的无人机遥感应急体系成为国家面向未来正在考虑的选项。基于此,本研究提出了基于中国科学院的野外台站构建全国无人机遥感观测网的设想。本研究以中国防范洪涝灾害等级分布数据、行政区划数据、中国科学院野外台站分布数据和当前无人机性能数据库为数据源;以行政区划离散并提取的中心点作为需求点,台站作为设施点,不同洪涝等级区域内需要无人机进行应急观测的重要程度作为权重,利用最大覆盖选址模型进行空港选址布局;利用成本-效益曲线确定台站的最佳数量,最终从268个台站中选取出81个作为支撑全国洪涝灾害无人机遥感观测网络的无人机空港。无人机空港布局结果在理论上能够实现对中国绝大数突发洪涝灾害在2 h内初步完成洪涝观测,这对于构建中国空天地一体化的洪涝灾害监测体系具有重要意义。同时,本研究中的方法和成果对于进一步构建行业和综合性的全国无人机遥感观测网也具有一定借鉴和参照意义。  相似文献   

人口分布的研究对实现人口、环境、资源可持续管理具有深刻意义。相对于洛伦斯曲线、基尼系数等传统度量指标,运用空间自相关分析可以较好地表达人口分布的集聚现象,揭示人口格局的空间结构和空间相互作用。空间自相关测度的关键因素之一为空间权重矩阵。当前人口空间自相关特征测度多采用单一邻近关系定义空间权重矩阵,忽视了不同空间邻近关系对自相关特征分析结果的影响。本文根据距离阈值和邻接关系定义了八种空间权重,包括新定义的高铁两小时可达性空间权重。基于2010年《中国人口年鉴》统计资料,结合GeoDa软件测度了中国人口空间分布自相关特征并分析空间权重定义对自相关特征分析结果的影响。发现:(1)在不同空间邻近关系下,中国省域人口密度分布在全局自相关上均呈现空间正自相关,但其显著性水平有差异;(2)局部自相关分析结果Moran's I表现出明显的区域差异。  相似文献   

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