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冀西北石榴基性麻粒岩中辉石的演化及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冀西北石榴基性麻粒岩中的辉石可分为三个世代。第一世代的单斜和斜方辉石包裹于石榴石变斑晶中,它们形成的温压条件为 T=750~830℃, P=1.0~1.26GPa。第二世代的单斜和斜方辉石分布于基质中,它们和斜长石常构成120°交角的稳定共生结构, 形成条件 T=780~860℃,P=0.83~0.92GPa。第三世代的辉石产于石榴石的冠状反应边内, 形成条件T=720~750℃, P=0.554~0.679GPa。从第一世代单斜辉石到第三世代单斜辉石,它们的Al  相似文献   

冀东麻粒岩流体包裹体研究   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
用各种方法对冀东麻粒岩中的包裹体进行分析后发现,第一类高温包裹体在石榴石和石英中呈负晶形出现,主要为高密度CO_2,对应的温度和压力表明该类包裹体是在麻粒岩相变质作用期间捕获的。第二和第三类包裹体的H_2O含量增加,形成温度依次降低,表明它们是在麻粒岩地体抬升的不同阶段捕获的。  相似文献   

安徽大别山北部石榴辉石麻粒岩岩石历因及演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙先如  杜建国 《岩石学报》2000,16(2):203-219
石榴辉石麻粒岩主要产在北大别,以团块状,沿铁镁质超基性岩块走势分布。它们的主要矿物成分由石榴石、透辉石、紫苏辉石、斜长石等组成,在石榴石边部分别形成角闪石+斜长石,紫苏辉石+斜长石成成合晶结构。通过矿物温度压力计计算,高峰期变质温度740℃ ̄890℃,压力0.8 ̄1.52GPa;退变质期温度700℃ ̄862℃,压力0.69 ̄0.79GPa,表明石榴辉石麻粒岩PT轨迹为等温降压顺时针轨迹。通过主量元  相似文献   

通过对大别山北部石榴二辉麻粒岩中的变质结构及变质反应特征的研究,认为石榴二辉麻粒岩在变质作用过程中,经历了四个主要的变质演化作用阶段:(1)S1阶段以早期的残留矿物,并呈包体的形式产于石榴石中为特征,以Cpx+Q(Cs)+Ru+Gt组合为代表,T=612~750℃,表明石榴二辉麻粒岩曾经历过榴辉岩相阶段的变质作用;(2)S2阶段是以Opx+Cpx+Gt+Amp+Q+Ti+Mt矿物组合为牲,其相应的T=837~887℃,P=1.03~0.95Gpa,此时的变质条件为麻粒岩相;(3)S3阶段,矿物组合为Cpx+Gt+Amp+Pl+Mt,T=530~660℃,P=0.85~0.95Gpa,此时的温故知新压条件代表岩石已经进入了角闪岩相阶段;和(4)晚期的低角闪岩相阶段S4,其形成的温压条件为T=495℃,P=0.56~0.70Gpa。  相似文献   

大别山花岗岩流体包裹体面的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地质流体是在应力作用下迁移演化的,把它们割裂开来研究是不可取的。流体包裹体面就是把地质流体与应力联系起来的好途径。通过对花岗岩流体包裹体面的研究,可以揭示花岗岩在侵位冷却过程中经受的区域应力场变化及受应力控制的流体运移和演化特征。统计了位于大别山碰撞造山带中的主薄原、天柱山和司空山三个花岗岩岩体的流体包裹体面产状,并对其中的流体包裹体进行了显微测温。数据显示,主薄原和天柱山岩体的流体包裹体面特征相似,有NE和NWW两个优势方向,其中NWW向早于NE向,从NWW向到NE向均一温度、盐度降低,CO2含量下降;司空山岩体的流体包裹体面与主薄原和天柱山岩体的明显不同,有SN和EW两个优势方向,EW向早于SN向。从早到晚流体的演化趋势为高温、高盐度、含CO2和CH4的流体演化为较低温度、低盐度、基本不含挥发组分的流体。司空山岩体与主薄原和天柱山岩体侵位于不同的区域应力场下,流体的组分也存在一定的差别。但流体总的演化趋势一致:从高温、高盐度、富挥发分的流体向低温、低盐度、贫挥发分的方向演化。  相似文献   

大别山双河和碧溪岭超高压变质岩流体包裹体研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
傅斌  肖益林 《岩石学报》2000,16(1):119-126
对大别山双河和碧溪岭含柯石英榴岩和硬玉石英岩进行了详细的流体包裹体研究。根据流体包裹体的成分和盐度的不同,可以划分出至少五种类型不同的气液包裹体;(1)N2包裹体;(3)高盐度流体包裹体;(3)CO2包裹体;(4)CO2-H2O包裹体;(5)低盐度流体包裹体。本仅见于含柯石英榴辉岩,而高盐度流体包裹体则几乎存在于所有的榴辉岩和硬玉石英岩中。CO2包裹体沿榴辉岩中微剪切带分布,或存在于强变形的硬玉石  相似文献   

龙门山中段推覆体内流体包裹体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用流体包裹体研究和地质研究相结合的方法,研究了龙门山茂汶推覆体和彭灌推覆体内流体特征,讨论了盆山间流体的温度,盐度变化规律和流体可能的流动方向。研究表明推覆体内流体的均一温度为101.9-226℃,压力为13.5-18.0MPa,密度为0.91-1.14g/cm^3。从茂汶推覆体至彭灌推覆体,流体的盐度具有增高、温度总体有降低特征;靠近造山带一侧的盆地内流体,其盐度和温度明显低于造山带内推覆体中的流体。在推覆体内部,从推覆体前锋到主滑面流体的均一温度逐渐降低。断层是流体运移的主要通道,盆山间流体有运移和热交换,盆地流体有可能通过滑动面被带入造山带内部。  相似文献   

下庄铀矿田流体包裹体地球化学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对下庄铀矿田不同矿体矿石中的石英、萤石、方解石等脉石矿物进行了系统的流体包裹体测温工作。研究结果表明,下庄铀矿田从成矿早期→成矿期→成矿晚期均一温度明显降低,但流体盐度变化不大,均为低盐度的流体。下庄铀矿田不同矿床均一温度与流体盐度具有相似的变化范围,矿床在中温(187~275℃)与低盐度(NaCl1.6~9.6wt%)条件下形成。  相似文献   

High-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions from a sapphirine-bearing granulite (Hakurutale, Sri Lanka) have been studied by microthermometry, Raman spectrometry and SEM analysis. Based on textural evidence, two groups of inclusions can be identified: primary, negative crystal shaped inclusions (group I) and pseudo-secondary inclusions, which experienced a local, limited post-trapping modification (group II). Both groups contain magnesite as a daughter mineral, occurring in a relatively constant fluid/solid inclusion volume ratio (volsolid =0.15 total volume). CO2 densities for group I and II differ only slightly. Both groups contain a fluid, which was initially trapped at peak metamorphic conditions as a homogeneous (CO2+MgCO3) mixture. Thermodynamic calculations suggest that such a fluid (CO2+15 vol% MgCO3) is stable under granulite facies conditions. After trapping, magnesite separated upon cooling, while the remaining CO2 density suffered minor re-adjustments. A model isochore based on the integration of the magnesite molar volume in the CO2 fluid passes about 1.5–2 kbar below peak metamorphic conditions. This remaining discrepancy can be explained by the possible role of a small quantity of additional water.  相似文献   

北大别片麻岩的超高压变质证据——来自锆石提供的信息   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文对北大别片麻岩锆石中矿物包体及年代学进行了研究,首次发现了北大别片麻岩的超高压变质作用证据。结合阴极发光图像和同位素定年,片麻岩锆石中矿物包体组合至少可分出三期:(1)原岩岩浆矿物组合,即斜长石、黑云母、石英和磷灰石;(2)超高压变质矿物组合,即金刚石、石榴子石和金红石等;(3)麻粒岩相退变质矿物组合,如透辉石等。其中,金刚石和石榴子石主要以包体形式被包裹于透辉石中,而透辉石是北大别麻粒岩相退变质阶段形成的代表性矿物。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果表明,北大别片麻岩的峰期变质时代和麻粒岩相退变质时代分别为218±3Ma和199±10Ma。这些证明北大别片麻岩,如同其中的榴辉岩一样,经过了印支期超高压变质作用。  相似文献   

Minor granulites (believed to be pre-Triassic), surrounded by abundant amphibolite-facies orthogneiss, occur in the same region as the well-documented Triassic high- and ultrahigh-pressure (HP and UHP) eclogites in the Dabie–Sulu terranes, eastern China. Moreover, some eclogites and garnet clinopyroxenites have been metamorphosed at granulite- to amphibolite-facies conditions during exhumation. Granulitized HP eclogites/garnet clinopyroxenites at Huangweihe and Baizhangyan record estimated eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions of 775–805 °C and ≥15 kbar, followed by granulite- to amphibolite-facies overprint of ca. 750–800 °C and 6–11 kbar. The presence of (Na, Ca, Ba, Sr)-feldspars in garnet and omphacite corresponds to amphibolite-facies conditions. Metamorphic mineral assemblages and PT estimates for felsic granulite at Huangtuling and mafic granulite at Huilanshan indicate peak conditions of 850 °C and 12 kbar for the granulite-facies metamorphism and 700 °C and 6 kbar for amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism. Cordierite–orthopyroxene and ferropargasite–plagioclase coronas and symplectites around garnet record a strong, rapid decompression, possibly contemporaneous with the uplift of neighbouring HP/UHP eclogites.

Carbonic fluid (CO2-rich) inclusions are predominant in both HP granulites and granulitized HP/UHP eclogites/garnet clinopyroxenites. They have low densities, having been reset during decompression. Minor amounts of CH4 and/or N2 as well as carbonate are present. In the granulitized HP/UHP eclogites/garnet clinopyroxenites, early fluids are high-salinity brines with minor N2, whereas low-salinity fluids formed during retrogression. Syn-granulite-facies carbonic fluid inclusions occur either in quartz rods in clinopyroxene (granulitized HP garnet clinopyxeronite) or in quartz blebs in garnet and quartz matrices (UHP eclogite). For HP granulites, a limited number of primary CO2 and mixed H2O–CO2(liquid) inclusions have also been observed in undeformed quartz inclusions within garnet, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase which contain abundant, low-density CO2±carbonate inclusions. It is suggested that the primary fluid in the HP granulites was high-density CO2, mixed with a significant quantity of water. The water was consumed by retrograde metamorphic mineral reactions and may also have been responsible for metasomatic reactions (“giant myrmekites”) occurring at quartz–feldspar boundaries. Compared with the UHP eclogites in this region, the granulites were exhumed in the presence of massive, externally derived carbonic fluids and subsequently limited low-salinity aqueous fluids, probably derived from the surrounding gneisses.  相似文献   

In this paper the first fluid-inclusion data are presented from Late Archaean Scourian granulites of the Lewisian complex of mainland northwest Scotland. Pure CO2 or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions are moderately abundant in pristine granulites. These inclusions show homogenization temperatures ranging from − 54 to + 10 °C with a very prominent histogram peak at − 16 to − 32 °C. Isochores corresponding to this main histogram peak agree with P-T estimates for granulite-facies recrystallization during the Badcallian (750–800 °C, 7–8 kbar) as well as with Inverian P-T conditions (550–600 °C, 5 kbar). The maximum densities encountered could correspond to fluids trapped during an early, higher P-T phase of the Badcallian metamorphism (900–1000 °C, 11–12 kbar). Homogenization temperatures substantially higher than the main histogram peak may represent Laxfordian reworking (≤ 500 °C, < 4 kbar). In the pristine granulites, aqueous fluid inclusions are of very subordinate importance and occur only along late secondary healed fractures. In rocks which have been retrograded to amphibolite facies from Inverian and/or Laxfordian shear zones, CO2 inclusions are conspicuously absent; only secondary aqueous inclusions are present, presumably related to post-granulite hydration processes. These data illustrate the importance of CO2-rich fluids for the petrogenesis of Late Archaean granulites, and demonstrate that early fluid inclusions may survive subsequent metamorphic processes as long as no new fluid is introduced into the system.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
J. J. Wilkinson   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):229-272
The principal aim of this paper is to consider some of the special problems involved in the study of fluid inclusions in ore deposits and review the methodologies and tools developed to address these issues. The general properties of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore-forming systems are considered and the interpretation of these data in terms of fluid evolution processes is discussed. A summary of fluid inclusion data from a variety of hydrothermal deposit types is presented to illustrate some of the methodologies described and to emphasise the important role which fluid inclusion investigations can play, both with respect to understanding deposit genesis and in mineral exploration. The paper concludes with a look to the future and addresses the question of where fluid inclusion studies of hydrothermal ore deposits may be heading in the new millenium.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Fluid inclusions in olivine and pyroxene in mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks contain abundant CO2-rich fluid inclusions, as well as inclusions of silicate glass, solidified metal sulphide melt and carbonates. Such inclusions represent accidentally trapped samples of fluid- and melt phases present in the upper mantle, and are as such of unique importance for the understanding of mineral–fluid–melt interaction processes in the mantle. Minor volatile species in CO2-rich fluid inclusions include N2, CO, SO2, H2O and noble gases. In some xenoliths sampled from hydrated mantle-wedges above active subduction zones, water may actually be a dominant fluid species. The distribution of minor volatile species in inclusion fluids can provide information on the oxidation state of the upper mantle, on mantle degassing processes and on recycling of subducted material to the mantle. Melt inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths give information on silicate–sulphide–carbonatite immiscibility relationships within the upper mantle. Recent melt-inclusion studies have indicated that highly silicic melts can coexist with mantle peridotite mineral assemblages. Although trapping-pressures up to 1.4 GPa can be derived from fluid inclusion data, few CO2-rich fluid inclusions preserve a density representing their initial trapping in the upper mantle, because of leakage or stretching during transport to the surface. However, the distribution of fluid density in populations of modified inclusions may preserve information on volcanic plumbing systems not easily available from their host minerals. As fluid and melt inclusions are integral parts of the phase assemblages of their host xenoliths, and thus of the upper mantle itself, the authors of this review strongly recommend that their study is included in any research project relating to mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

1.Introduction TheQinlingDabieorogenicbeltwasformedbycollisionbetweentheNorthChinaandYangtzeblocks.Thecorepartoftheorogenicbeltconsistsofseveralmetamorphicrockgroups,includingtheDabie(Tongbai)complex,Hong’an(Susong)group,SujiahegroupandSuixian(Yao…  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic systems   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Robert H. Goldstein   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):159-193
Some of the major problems in sedimentary geology can be solved by using fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic minerals. Important fluids in the sedimentary realm include atmospheric gases, fresh water of meteoric origin, lake water, seawater, mixed water, evaporated water, formation waters deep in basins, oil, and natural gas. Preserving a record of the distribution and composition of these fluids from the past should contribute significantly to studies of paleoclimate and global-change research, is essential for improving understanding of diagenetic systems, and provides useful information in petroleum geology. Applications of fluid inclusions to sedimentary systems are not without their complexities. Some fluid inclusions exposed to natural conditions of increasing temperature may be altered by thermal reequilibration, which results in stretching, or leakage and refilling, of some fluid inclusions. Similarly, overheating in the laboratory can also cause reequilibration of fluid inclusions, so fluid inclusions from the sedimentary realm must be handled carefully and protected from overheating. Natural overheating of fluid inclusions must be evaluated through analysis of the most finely discriminated events of fluid inclusion entrapment, fluid inclusion assemblages (FIA). Consistency in homogenization temperatures within a fluid inclusion assemblage, consisting of variably sized and shaped inclusions, is the hallmark of a data set that has not been altered through thermal reequilibration. In contrast, fluid inclusion assemblages yielding variable data may have been altered through thermal reequilibration. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has not been altered by thermal reequilibration, its fluid inclusions may be useful as geothermometers for low- and high-temperature systems, or useful as geobarometers applicable throughout the sedimentary realm. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has been altered partially by thermal reequilibration, techniques for distinguishing between altered and unaltered fluid inclusions may be applied.

In studies of global change, fluid inclusions can be used as sensitive indicators of paleotemperature of surface environments. Fluid inclusions also preserve microsamples of ancient seawater and atmosphere, the analysis of which could figure prominently into discussions of past changes in chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans. In petroleum geology, fluid inclusions have proven to be useful indicators of migration pathways of hydrocarbons; they can delineate the evolution of the chemistry of hydrocarbons; and they remain important in understanding the thermal history of basins and relating fluid migration events to evolution of reservoir systems. In studies of diagenesis, fluid inclusions can be the most definitive record. Most diagenetic systems are closely linked to temperature and salinity of the fluid. Thus, fluid inclusions are sensitive indicators of diagenetic environments.  相似文献   

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