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YANG Jie LIAO Mingsheng YANG Wen ZHANG Li YANG Jie Master National Laboratory for Information Engineering in Survey-ing Mapping Remote Sensing WTUSM Luoyu Road Wuhan China 《地球空间信息科学学报》1999,2(1):100-103
In Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry, the precise co-registration is a key problem to obtain the fine interferogram. Theoretically, 1/10 pixel accuracy is essential. Once the control points are determined, the relative rectification (pixel re-sampling)is also the important procedure. In this paper,a piecewise transformation algorithm based on Delaunay Tessellation algorithm is developed. The strategy is to "anchor" geographically all control points and transform the imagery on the basis of triangle by triangle. The piecewise algorithm, the accuracy evaluation and the preliminary results are described. The experiment result shows that the piecewise transformation out-performes the traditional polynomial transformation. 相似文献
LIAO Mingsheng ZHANG Zuxun ZHANG Li ZHANG Jianqing LIAO Mingsneng professor National Laooratory for momation Engineering in Surveying Mapping Remote Sensing Luoyu Road Wuhan China 《地球空间信息科学学报》1999,2(1):30-34
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) allows production of high resolution DEM and detection of small earth motions using multiple pass SAR data sets obtained by remote sensing satellite. But the whole process has not yet reached sufficient robustness to warrant automated DEM production as commonly produced by stereovision with optical images. The automatic algorithm for precision registration is one of the bottlenecks in InSAR data processing. In this paper, an automatic approach with multi-step image matching algorithm is presented. All procedures are automatically implemented. The experiment is carried out successfully with SIR-C/L-band InSAR data. The triangular piecewise rectification is also advanced in reducing local distortion between the images and processing the large scene image. The primary result has prospect in the precision registration for the repeat-track InSAR data and reveals the potential of the presented automatic strategy. 相似文献
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) allows production of high resolution DEM and detection of small earth motions using multiple pass SAR data sets obtained by remote sensing satellite. But the whole process has not yet reached sufficient robustness to warrant automated DEM production as commonly produced by stereovision with optical images. The automatic algorithm for precision registration is one of the bottlenecks in InSAR data processing. In this paper, an automatic approach with multi-step image matching algorithm is presented. All procedures are automatically implemented. The experiment is carried out successfully with SIR-C/L-band InSAR data. The triangular piecewise rectification is also advanced in reducing local distortion between the images and processing the large scene image. The primary result has prospect in the precision registration for the repeat-track InSAR data and reveals the potential of the presented automatic strategy. 相似文献
本文针对SAR和光学遥感图像的异源遥感图像匹配的问题,采用6种基于图像灰度信息的相似性度量方法进行研究和实验.在求得图像间旋转和尺度参数的基础上,重点比较了如何提取平移量.采用了包括归一化互相关、相似率、结构相似性、交互方差、互信息和f散度的方法,并根据SAR图像特性进行了部分改进,得到了不同场景下的实验结果,最后对结果进行了比较和分析.结果表明针对不同场景中匹配方法各有优势,其中归一化互相关方法和f散度方法在场景适应性及精度上表现出了很好的适应性. 相似文献
通过对GF-2卫星影像正射校正及波段模拟配准误差试验,分析GF-2卫星正射校正方法的选择以及不同配准误差下对GF-2卫星影像自动分类结果的影响;最后介绍GF-2遥感影像在森林资源监测应用中的初步测试。研究结果表明:正射校正时,当校正精度要求控制在RMS2时,控制点数量选择范围在85~95间较为合理,且控制点数在90个时,RMS值最小;经有理函数模型与卫片模型比较后,卫片模型校正精度较高;以目视判读为主时,实践中建议使用三次卷积重采样法输出结果最好;波段模拟配准误差试验中,配准误差与各地类面积变化间存在显著的线性关系;对于森林面积监测时,配准误差应小于0.3个像元。此研究可为新型国产卫星数据在森林资源监测中的应用提供参考。 相似文献
针对不动产统一登记平台建设问题,该文以江西省,不动产登记平台建设为例从多源不动产登记信息数据的整合、不动产统一登记平台设计与实现两个方面开展。对土地、房产、草原、林地、海域等多行业的数据进行整理、整合,形成统一的不动产登记数据库。平台总体框架由基础保障系统、不动产历史数据库、共享服务平台、数据管理平台、政务基础平台、登记信息管理平台、登记信息公示平台7部分组成。 相似文献
针对房产产权产籍系统中由于大数据量图形数据传输所造成的性能过低的问题,本文首先分析了系统业务特点以及数据特点。在此基础上,利用业务数据访问相对集中的业务特点以及系统数据相对稳定的数据特点,着重研究缓存的内容选择、内容预取、替换策略和一致性维护策略等关键技术,并形成了详细的解决方案。实验表明,适当使用数据缓存技术能有效提高系统的性能。 相似文献
针对遥感影像由于载荷类型、观测角度、地形起伏等内外部因素造成的影像局部几何畸变,而基于全局配准方法制约着影像配准精度的提高,基于像元的弹性配准方法可大幅提升遥感影像的配准精度,但是存在运算效率这一瓶颈等问题,该文利用像元弹性配准参数的稀疏性,提出一种基于压缩感知的弹性配准方法。通过对遥感影像像元梯度幅值响应较强的点进行随机抽样,形成观测样本点集,采用弹性配准局部参数解算模型求解样本点平移参数;通过压缩感知稀疏重构算法重构影像各像元平移参数。实验表明,在配准精度差异较小和一定的参数设置条件下,该方法可显著提高弹性配准运算速度。 相似文献
In this paper, the registration of decimeter-resolution airborne multi-aspect SAR (MASAR) data of inner city areas by application of the radargrammetric range-Doppler equations is investigated. The geometrical model is adapted to linear flight trajectories and zero-Doppler processed SAR data, whereas the observed trajectory parameters are adjusted using a strict Gauss–Helmert model and known ground control points. The significance of the estimated corrections is examined and the most suitable set of free parameters is determined. Finally, the methodology is applied to real test data of an airborne campaign over the city of Munich, Germany, and the feasability of the proposed radargrammetric registration method is shown. 相似文献
利用SIFT和静态小波变换的遥感影像配准方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文首先利用静态小波变换对影像进行多层分解,在其低频子影像上利用SIFT提取特征点集;之后,通过统计不同阀值下的匹配点集精度和数量信息,利用多项式拟合的方法自动建立约束条件,并以此约束条件自动校正控制点集以得到数量可观且高精度的控制点集.试验结果表明,该方法是一种有效的遥感影像配准控制点自动提取方法. 相似文献
机载LiDAR技术在快速获取空间三维地理信息及其应用方面具有不可估量的前景,然而,机载LiDAR系统获得的相邻航带点云数据在重叠区存在"漂移"问题,需要采用航带平差的方法实现不同航带点云数据之间的"无缝"拼接。针对最小二乘航带平差方法中存在的某些不足,结合总体最小二乘与航带平差方法,将总体最小二乘应用于点云的平面拟合,从而提高了相邻航带匹配的精确性。采用实际飞行数据,设计实验方案对航带平差效果进行比较分析。 相似文献