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GIS-ILA: The GIS for Italian logistics in Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 IntroductionTheGISfortheItalianLogisticsinAntarctica(GIS_ILA)collectsthedatainvolvedwiththeItal ianscientificexpeditionsinAntarctica ,obtainedfromtheyearlyExpeditionReports.Allthematicinformationavailableuptonowhavebeeninsertedintothedatabase ,fromthef…  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the multiple ways of envisioning the relationships between maps and narratives. This is approached from a map making perspective. Throughout the process of editing this special issue, we have identified two main types of relationships. Firstly, maps have been used to represent the spatio-temporal structures of stories and their relationships with places. Oral, written and audio-visual stories have been mapped extensively. They raise some common cartographic challenges, such as improving the spatial expression of time, emotions, ambiguity, connotation, as well as the mixing of personal and global scales, real and fictional places, dream and reality, joy and pain. Secondly, the potential of maps as narratives and the importance of connecting the map with the complete mapping process through narratives is addressed. Although the potential of maps to tell stories has already been widely acknowledged, we emphasize the increasing recognition of the importance of developing narratives that critically describe the cartographic process and context in which maps unfold - the core idea of post-representational cartography. Telling the story about how maps are created and how they come to life in a broad social context and in the hands of their users has become a new challenge for mapmakers.  相似文献   


This paper describes the design and development of two trial 1:100 000 scale Ordnance Survey maps targeted specifically at the inexperienced and reluctant map users in the touring and holiday market. These are two maps which depart from the very high map specification designs normally offered by Ordnance Survey. The use of extensive consumer market research and the objective analysis of existing touring type maps on sale have enabled Ordnance Survey to publish two experimental maps, which will succeed or fail by consumer reaction alone.  相似文献   

GIS专业中地图学教学方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合GIS专业的特点,探讨了地图学课程在GIS专业课程体系中的作用,并就传统教学方法存在的问题,通过定位教学方法、引进大型作业环节和开设具有本校特点的实验课内容的研究,提出根据学校特点开展地图学课程教学的方法,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高课程教学效果。  相似文献   

GIS中多尺度地理数据库的研究与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文中首先分析了GIS中建立多心谋理数据库的必要性,然后介绍了多尺度地理数据库的建立方法,并提出了一种混合表示法的设计、实现和更新方法,最后讨论了应用多尺度地理数据库方法建立港城市地理信息系统的实例。  相似文献   


While graphic variables in 2D maps have been extensively investigated, 4D cartography is still a widely unexplored field. In this paper, we investigate the usefulness of 4D maps (three spatial dimensions plus time) for cartographically illustrating spatio-temporal environmental phenomena. The presented approach focuses mostly on explorative research rather than on enhancement and extension of existing methods and principles. The user study described in the paper shows that 4D cartography is not a well-explored research area and that many experienced map users try to apply their knowledge from 2D maps to 4D dynamic visualisations. Thus, in order to foster the discussion within the community, we formulated several basic research questions for the area of 4D cartography, which range from methods for representing time in 4D visualisations and understanding the temporal context to finding generic methods to achieve optimized temporal generalisation and a consistent definition of graphical variables for 3D and 4D.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheincreaseinresearchintheChileanAntarcticTerritoryhasbecomemanifestoverthelasttenyearsinthesubstantialincreaseinthenumberofscientificstationsestablishedandmaintainedonReyJorgeIsland ,makingitneccesarytoregulatetheuseofthoseareasofintere…  相似文献   

Climate maps have been widely used for the construction of species distribution models. These maps derive from interpolation of data collected by meteorological stations. The sparse distribution of stations generates maps with coarse spatial resolution that are unable to detect microclimates or areas that can serve as plant or animal refuges. This work proposes a method for downscaling temperature maps using the solar radiation falling upon hillsides as predictor for the influence of relief on local variability. Solar irradiance is estimated from a digital elevation model of the study area using a routine based on analytical hillshading. Some examples of downscaling from 1 km to 25 m spatial resolution are shown. The results are compared with the surface temperature maps from Landsat 8 satellite imagery.  相似文献   

赵燕 《北京测绘》2010,(3):81-83
GIS软件是一种用于数据采集、存储、管理、运算、分析、显示和描述的技术系统,本文着重介绍其在地图制图中的应用技术。总结出利用GIS软件制作专题地图的流程与方法以及存在的问题,进而对运用GIS软件编制专题地图的应用前景与未来做了展望与设想。  相似文献   

The recent study and classification of over 200 cadastral maps created in the nineteenth century in Catalonia have provided a valuable source of information about the agricultural landscape country’s past, but by linking them with data recorded in tax books known as amillaramientos, it is possible to gain a better knowledge of the past. By applying this method to the 1861 cadastral map of Horta and its corresponding amillaramiento, a planimetric map showing the land use distribution in the town was created. The resulting land use map was subsequently overlaid on top of a digital elevation model to create 3D visualizations which show the altitudinal distribution of crops and other features. Finally, the article explores a way of distributing the results online, making them accessible to the public and increasing the research impact of future findings. Therefore, the method described in this article allows the systematic recreation and distribution of past landscapes by using Catalan cadastral maps of the nineteenth century, something which can help enrich the scientific knowledge of many disciplines.  相似文献   


At the beginning of the twentieth century, a British mapping team led by Captain S. F. Newcombe surveyed and mapped the Negev region, Sinai, and western Jordan. The map was mainly produced for military use. Consequently, it included a network of branched routes, water supplies and facilities, and topographic contours. This study used this map to examine the development of routes in the Negev region between the beginning of and until the end of the twentieth century. First, the individual sheets comprising the study area were pieced together and the accuracy of the map was evaluated. The accuracy found on the Newcombe map was 0.76 mm on the map scale, equivalent to 100.3 m. Route development during the twentieth century was then evaluated by comparing the routes digitized from the Newcombe map to digitized routes on a late twentieth-century map. The results do not reveal tremendous changes in path, shape, or number of routes. Instead, they merely indicate the natural development in their quality. This Historical GIS-based approach provided a useful technique for analyzing and comparing the line segments extracted from historical and modern maps. The implemented approach may also serve other geographical or historical studies aiming to examine the development of branched networks throughout history.  相似文献   

针对《"数字苏州"总体建设方案》提出的目标,对苏州市基础地理信息平台进行了总体框架设计。平台由标准化方案、基础地理信息管理、应用系统、系统维护四部分组成,各部分又包含若干子系统。系统实现了多源数据的标准化、基础数据建库与管理,在数据交换和共享基础上,实现了专业应用、政务管理、公共信息相关应用等服务功能。  相似文献   

GIS空间数据的分析与制图一体化策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地理信息系统(GIS)是地理学、地图学等在信息化时代发展的新的理论技术体系,其软件系统需要同时具有地理空间分析与地图表达两方面的功能。但是分析与制图对地理空间数据的要求存在一定程度的差异,导致两者间数据无法充分共享。在分析地理空间数据冲突的基础上,初步探讨了在GIS中实现分析与制图功能一体化的数据采集与应用方案,有助于避免数据的重复建设,提高地理空间数据的利用效率。  相似文献   

GIS空间数据的分析与制图一体化策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统(GIS)是地理学、地图学等在信息化时代发展的新的理论技术体系,其软件系统需要同时具有地理空间分析与地图表达两方面的功能.但是分析与制图对地理空间数据的要求存在一定程度的差异,导致两者间数据无法充分共享.在分析地理空间数据冲突的基础上,初步探讨了在GIS中实现分析与制图功能一体化的数据采集与应用方案,有助于避免数据的重复建设,提高地理空间数据的利用效率.  相似文献   

潘黎明 《现代测绘》2003,26(5):20-22
本文介绍了日本国应用GPS、GIS和制图技术为防灾,城市建设、交通、教育等领域服务的应用动向,分析了我们在这个领域的差距。  相似文献   

田江鹏  游雄  贾奋励  夏青 《测绘学报》2016,45(11):1352-1360
采用形式语言的方法,研究了移动地图制图的句法模型。剖析了移动地图制图的过程,将句法模型定位在制图的逻辑演算层面;结合地图表达的层次性和递归性特征,将移动地图制图的句法结构抽象为"制图词汇+句法规则"的最简形式。在制图词汇方面,建立了制图词汇的分类体系,并重点对空间关系谓词系统进行了建模;在句法规则方面,描述了句法操作规则和不同层次的句法单位描述规则。探讨了句法模型的编译流程和关键技术,并通过试验对移动地图制图句法模型的可行性进行了验证。句法模型的本质是一种使用有限规则和词汇动态生成不同地图表达形式的形式语言语法,可作为一种高阶的人机交互制图接口。  相似文献   

运用地理信息系统(GIS)研制了江苏省公益林分布图,总结了公益林分布图制作的原理、方法、技术路线和特点。为江苏省公益林进行信息化管理奠定了基础,为发展高效林业提供了科学的决策和管理平台。  相似文献   

Within the history of cartography, relatively little attention has been devoted to the study of the growing body of maps and spatial data focusing on environmental issues. This is rather surprising, considering the importance of this type of cartography in the handling of the complex environmental problems of modern society. This paper analyses the development of thematic maps and spatial data focusing on the terrestrial environment of Danish landscapes. The paper is introduced with a review of the concept of environmental cartography, followed by a historical analysis of the development of environmental mapping in Denmark. Results suggest that there has been a change in the content and aim of environmental cartography in the twentieth century, from an initial focus on mapping potentials for land use improvement and optimization of the economic outputs from engagement with terrestrial ecosystems, to a focus on monitoring ecosystems and regulation of human intervention. Finally, the usefulness of the concept environmental cartography to frame analytical work dealing with the still increasing number of maps produced for environmental purposes within the history of cartography, is evaluated.  相似文献   

Although climate change is highly prevalent in the media, people in Europe and the United States are often unsure about climate change terms, processes, and its personal consequences. In other words, climate change communication seems to be largely failing so far. Among other communication tools, maps are widely used for explanatory purposes by scientists and the media. Here two questions arise: first, whether high map complexity may be too intricate to be understood and discourage people from deciphering the map; and second, whether personal interest in climate change can be influenced by the phenomenon depicted or the map’s scale. In a survey conducted among 109 students in the USA, 63% of respondents preferred a simple map, but a substantial subset, 37%, asked for complexity to receive more information. Regional phenomena evoked more concern than far-off phenomena (concern level index difference of 0.93 on a 5-ranked Likert scale). The advantage of maps showing local areas could not be statistically confirmed.  相似文献   


In an introductory theoretical way, the authors attempt to place cartography into the general context of sciences. Based on the traditional definition describing cartography as a science, technique and art, its defined scientific role in the development of geographic thinking is analysed. This approach corresponds to the procedural method in epistemology. Cartography is, according to a general model in science, classified considering the fact whether its sources of origin of the concepts, its principles and postulates are genuine or derivatives from other disciplines. After comparative statements between Cartography and Geography, an analysis of all environmental sciences with reference to the use of technologies is carried out.  相似文献   

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