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In our preceding paper {see [L. Sh. Grigorian and S. Gottlöber, Astrofizika (in press)]} we investigated a self-gravitating system consisting of a scalar field and a linear tensor field ik= ki with minimal coupling and with allowance for the action of vacuum polarization effects. In the present paper we investigate the case of a nonlinear tensor field ik. The action S () of the field ik is determined by the difference Rikik, where Rik is the space-time Ricci tensor and Rik is the analogous quantity constructed using the metric ik=gik+ik induced by ik ( is a free parameter). Here S () coincides with the previously known expression for the action of a linear field ik. Equations of motion are derived for ik in curved space-time. The energy-momentum metric tensor, determining the contribution of ik to the gravitational field equations, is calculated.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 135–144, January-March, 1996.  相似文献   

The effect of a poloidal magnetic field on the structure of isothermal gas spheres in hydrostatic equilibrium under the pressure of partially degenerate relativistic electrons and radiation has been considered. An equation of state involving Fermi-Dirac functionsF 2() andF 3() has been used. Modifications to the values of various structural parameters have been tabulated for the cases c =0, 2, 3, 5, and 10, c being the central degeneracy parameter.  相似文献   

In the theory of supergravity (N=1), the supersymmetric version of general relativity, and for the Kasner cosmological model (Bianchi type I) we find a non-trivial solution (for the metric and spinor-vector) under the most simple assumption =11 + 22; 12+21=0 and for a special choosed gaugeN=1,N j=0, 0=0. This method could be also applied to other cosmological metrics and extended to enlarged Grassmann basis.O. Obregón was partially supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new parameter, the shear angle of vector magnetic fields, , to describe the non-potentiality of magnetic fields in active regions, which is defined as the angle between the observed vector magnetic field and its corresponding current-free field. In the case of highly inclined field configurations, this angle is approximately equal to the angular shear, , defined by Hagyardet al. (1984). The angular shear, , can be considered as the projection of the shear angle, , on the photosphere. For the active region studied, the shear angle, , seems to have a better and neater correspondence with flare activity than does . The shear angle, , gives a clearer explanation of the non-potentiality of magnetic fields. It is a better measure of the deviation of the observed magnetic field from a potential field, and is directly related to the magnetic free energy stored in non-potential fields.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the Taylor–Proudman balance, a balance between the pressure, Coriolis and buoyancy forces in the radial and latitudinal momentum equations (that is expected to be amply satisfied in the lower solar convection zone), the superadiabatic gradient is determined by the rotation law and by an unspecified function of r, say, S(r), where r is the radial coordinate. If the rotation law and S(r) are known, then the solution of the energy equation, performed in this paper in the framework of the ML formalism, leads to a knowledge of the Reynolds stresses, convective fluxes, and meridional motions. The ML-formalism is an extension of the mixing length theory to rotating convection zones, and the calculations also involve the azimuthal momentum equation, from which an expression for the meridional motions in terms of the Reynolds stresses can be derived. The meridional motions are expanded as U r(r,)=P 2(cos)2(r)/r 2+P 4(cos)4(r)/r 2 +..., and a corresponding equation for U (r,). Here is the polar angle, is the density, and P 2(cos), P 4(cos) are Legendre polynomials. A good approximation to the meridional motion is obtained by setting 4(r)=–H2(r) with H–1.6, a constant. The value of 2(r) is negative, i.e., the P 2 flow rises at the equator and sinks at the poles. For the value of H obtained in the numerical calculations, the meridional motions have a narrow countercell at the poles, and the convective flux has a relative maximum at the poles, a minimum at mid latitudes and a larger maximum at the equator. Both results are in agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

The possibility of realization of a mechanism of regular acceleration of charged particles at the shock front in shell-type supernova remnants (SNR) is demonstrated. In the framework of this mechanism, in order to satisfy the observed fact that there is no separation of SNR emissivity by spectral indices , it is necessary that the value e e (where e is the fraction of particles injected into the mechanism and e is the threshold energy of injection) should be a strongly increasing function of . The shape of this function is obtained by using calibration objects with independently estimated magnetic fields, and its behaviour with respect to the evolution of SNRs is investigated.The magnetic field values estimated for the chosen SNRs with the aid of this function are close to their minimum values if one ignores the proton component of relativistic particles. The ratio of magnetic field energy density to the kinetic energy density increases with the increase of the SNR diameter.  相似文献   

Biskamp  D.  Welter  H. 《Solar physics》1989,120(1):49-77
The evolution of two-dimensional coronal magnetic arcades driven by photospheric shear flows is studied by numerical solution of the resistive MHD equations neglecting pressure and gravitational forces. By varying the distribution of the frozen-in photospheric magnetic flux, the shear flow profile and the magnetic Reynolds number, a fairly general picture is obtained. Isolated arcades develop in a quasi-selfsimilar stable way, invalidating previous studies of equilibrium sequences 2 = F() with monotonically increasing parameter . Groups of several interacting arcades show a more complex behavior. When of sufficiently large height arcade structures tend to bifurcate, leading to plasmoid (or filament) formation. Usually this is a slow resistive process and the plasmoid is confined in the arcade interior. Configurations containing at least three arcades may give rise to fast plasmoid ejection.  相似文献   

On November 27, 1974, a map of the Moon was obtained at 6 cm wavelength with the 100-m-telescope in Effelsberg. The high angular and favourable temperature resolution allowed an interpretation of the observed brightness distribution. The dominant feature of the brightness distribution is the centre-to-limb variation, particularly noticeable in the direction of the poles. The exponent of the commonly adopted cos ()-law, describing the temperature variation across the lunar disk, is determined as 0.4. The North-South variation of the lunar surface temperature is estimated to be 30%; the depth of penetration (L e) of electromagnetic waves of 6 cm wavelength is found to beL e 17 m.  相似文献   

Heinzel  P.  Anzer  U. 《Solar physics》1999,184(1):103-111
Magnetic dips are generally assumed to be basic equilibrium configurations in quiescent solar prominences. Here we discuss two types of the magnetic dips which were considered in the literature: (1) dips resulting from a force-free magnetic equilibrium in the corona, and (2) magnetic dips which are formed in situations where the Lorentz force balances the weight of the prominence plasma. An important parameter which decides between these two cases is the plasma . For 1, the effect of the prominence material on the equilibrium structure is quite negligible and the case (1) holds. If, however, is larger, say between 0.1 and 1 or even higher, magnetic dips of the second kind are formed and they can be characterized by the angle 1 between the vertical and the direction of the field lines at the surface of the prominence structure. A simple and illustratory formula is derived to relate this angle to the plasma at the prominence center, namely ccot21. c=1 thus corresponds to 1=45°. Finally, we discuss the range of values of both c and 1 as deduced from various observations and conclude that the dips of the second kind are important for the prominence equilibria. We also suggest a new method for determination of the field-line inclination.  相似文献   

The scope of the present paper is to provide analytic solutions to the problem of the attitude evolution of a symmetric gyrostat about a fixed point in a central Newtonian force field when the potential function isV (2).We assume that the center of mass and the gyrostatic moment are on the axis of symmetry and that the initial conditions are the following: (t 0)=0, (t 0)=0, (t 0)=(t 0)=0, 1(t 0)=0, 2(t 0)=0 and 3(t 0)= 3 0 .The problem is integrated when the third component of the total angular momentum is different from zero (B 1 0). There now appear equilibrium solutions that did not exist in the caseB 1=0, which can be determined in function of the value ofl 3 r (the third component of the gyrostatic momentum).The possible types of solutions (elliptic, trigonometric, stationary) depend upon the nature of the roots of the functiong(u). The solutions for Euler angles are given in terms of functions of the timet. If we cancel the third component of the gyrostatic momentum (l 3 r =0), the obtained solutions are valid for rigid bodies.  相似文献   

Spatially homogeneous, anisotropic Bianchi types I-II-III-V-VIo-VIh and Kantowski-Sachs (KS) are shown to have perfect fluid solutions in Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JDB) cosmological theory. All the solutions obey the relation =a2+b+c, where and are the re-scaled energy density and the re-scaled scalar field, respectively, and is a time parameter. This relation is derived in Bianchi type-I and gives rise to the general solution for this model universe. In the remaining Bianchi types this same relation is shown to hold as well; and new solution, some of which do not possess locally rotational symmetry, are obtained.  相似文献   

We present the use of the analytical solutions of the planets and of the Moon's motion in the determination of the quantities which relate the barycentric and the geocentric coordinate systems and of the expressions of precession-nutation. The computation of the precession and nutation quantities are built with the analytical theories of the motion of the Moon, the Sun and the planets of the Bureau des longitudes. We take into account the influence of the Moon, the Sun and all the planets on the potential of the Earth limited to C j,0 for j from 2 to 5, C 2,2, S 2,2, C 3, S 3, , for from 1 to 3 and C 4,1, S 4,1. We determine the 3 Euler angles , , and 2 calculating the components of the torque of the external forces with respect to the geocenrer in the case of the rigid Earth. The equations are solved by iterations and so are taken into account the nutations-on-the-nutations effects. We have determined the analytical variations of the angles and w fixing the equator with respect to the ecliptic J2000. We find, in w, a secular term of –26.5026 mas per century. The analytical solution of the precession-nutation has been compared to a numerical integration over the time span 1900–2050. The differences do not exceed 16 µas for and 12 µas for .  相似文献   

An idea is developed that the vacuum in the gravitational field acquires properties of an elastic medium described by a definite tension ik . The vacuum is stated to also participate in the formation of the space-time metric, together with the usual matter. So, the matter, vacuum and metric form a complex unity determined by the solution of the field equations. The vacuum may prove to play an essential role in the extremely strong fields existing in superdense celestial bodies. The tensor ik is not to be identified with the pseudo-tensor of the energy-momentum of the gravitational field the idea of which is preserved.The problem of vacuum is investigated in the case of the central symmetry static field. A number of properties of the tensor ik is found using the symmetry of the field and comparison with the post-Newton limit. The external and internal problems, as well as the procedure of joining the solutions on the surface of a celestial body, have been formulated. The stellar surface is determined in the usual way:P(r) = 0 whereP is the matter pressure. The theory includes three dimensionless parametersa=p/,b=p / (,p, p are the density of the vacuum energy and of its pressures in the radial and transverse directions) and determining the vacuum elastic properties. Generally speaking, they depend on the valueP/c2 in the stellar centre where is the mass density. From general physical considerations it is shown that 0 1 + lim P (l/q). The field equations are solved for the simple version of the theoryb=–a. There are solutions corresponding to superdense celestial bodies with masses considerably exceeding that of the Sun.  相似文献   

Analytic structure of high-density steady isothermal spheres is discussed using the TOV equation of hydrostatic equilibrium which satisfies an equation of state of the kind:P = K g , = g c 2.Approximate analytical solutions to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations of hydrostatic equilibrium in (, ), (,U) and (u, v) phase planes in concise and simple form useful for short computer programmes or on small calculator, have been given. In Figures 1, 2, and 3, respectively, we display the qualitative behaviours of the ratio of gas density g to the central density gc , g / gc ; pressureP to the gc ,P/ gc ; and the metric componente , for three representative general relativistic (GR) isothermal configurations =0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. Figure 4 shows the solution curve (, ) for =0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 (=0 represents the classical (Newtonian) curve). Numerical values of physical quantitiesv (=4r 2 P *(r)), in steps ofu (=M(r)/r)=0.03, and the mass functionU, in steps of =0.2 (dimensionless radial distance), are given, respectively, in Tables I and II. Other interesting features of the configurations, such as ratio of gravitational radius 2GM/c 2 to the coordinate radiusR, mass distributionM(r)/M, pressure (or density) distributionP/P c , binding energy (B.E.), etc., have also been incorporated in the text. It has further been shown that velocity of sound inside the configurations is always less than the velocity of light.Part of the work done at Azerbaijan State University, Baku, U.S.S.R., and Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq, 1985-1986  相似文献   

The process of re-escalation of the scalar field as R 3, the energy density as R 3, and the pressurep aspR 3P, lends itself to obtain a reduced equation that represents, for a wide variety of equations of state, the cosmological evolution of an homogeneous and isotropic, flat Universe. A particular solution to this equation is presented.  相似文献   

We study the effects of the sector structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) anisotropy at solar minimum by using Global Network neutron monitor data. The hourly neutron monitor data for 1976 were averaged for the positive (+) and negative (–) IMF sectors (+ and – correspond to the antisolar and solar directions of magnetic field lines, respectively) and then processed by the global survey method. We found that the magnitude of the GCR anisotropy vector is larger in the positive IMF sector and that the phase shifts toward early hours. The derived GCR components A r, A , and A for the different + and – sectors are then used to calculate the angle ( 46°) between the IMF lines and the Sun–Earth line, the solar wind velocity U ( 420 km/s), the ratio of the perpendicular (K ) and parallel (K ||) diffusion coefficients K /K || = ( 0.33), and other parameters that characterize the GCR modulation in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

A simple reticle with parallel equally spaced lines to transmit light in an autometric gyro is shown to give a signal which can be used for very accurate angular precession measurements. Frequency analysis of the signal is chosen over time domain analysis and/or over a specially designed reticle.Gyro precession will induce a change in the interference structure of the spectrum in addition to dilating the overall frequency distribution. The expected output spectrum has been analytically determined, exhibiting the dependence on spot and reticle line cross sections and line spacing so that they can be precisely determined from the output data.The spectrum structure is extremely sensitive to precession. Computer simulations indicate that accuracy will be limited by reticle line spacing variations to ±4×10–9 rad. This would allow a Lense-Thirring precession measurement accurate to ±20% in 30 days (accuracy being limited by physical effects common to all such experiments) or a ±1% de Sitter precession measurement in four days.Nomenclature a n() Fourier coefficients ofI() - a n r () rapidly varying part ofa n() - a m x ,b m x Fourier coefficients ofI(x) - a (),b () Fourier sine and cosine transforms of x(x) - angle between star and gyro spin axis - 0 initial alignment angle - f focal length of optical system - I transmitted light intensity, signal function - l reticle line width - r distance from light spot center - R light-circle radius - = reduced light-circle radius - 0 reduced reticle center-spin center offset - s reticle line space - T(x) reticle transmission function - angle of gyro rotation - w g gyro angular velocity This work was supported by the M.I.T. Center for Space Research under NASA Grant NGL-22-009-019.  相似文献   

We study the bimetric theory of gravitation with background metric ik. In contrast to the accepted point of view, in which ik, is a metric given a priori, we assume that ik is a dynamic variable determined from the condition that the total action of the gravitating system must be an extremum. As a result it turns out that (1) ik can be described by the Einstein equation in space-time with the metric ik and (2) the energy-momentum tensor of the graviational field ik, is the source of ik. In this sense ik can be considered a secondary field in relation to gik. We determine the conditions for existence of integral covariant conservation laws. Two of the latter have no analogs in the theory with the background metric given a priori.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1994.The author is grateful to the participants in the seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics at Erevan State University, and also to W. Bleier, K. A. Bronnikov, V. N. Mel'nikov, and G. Yu. Treder for discussions and valuable remarks. The investigations presented in this paper were partly financed by the International Scientific Fund, grant Ph1-262-0902.  相似文献   

Equations for the chemical evolution of the Galaxy are derived, accounting for (i) the dynamical evolution of the Galaxy (i.e. the collapse of the proto-galaxy), and (ii) either a variable mass-spectrum in the birth-rate stellar function of the type (m, t)=(t)(m, t), or a constant mass-spectrum with variable lower mass limit for star birth:m mf=mmf(Z). Simple equations are adopted for the collapse of the proto-galaxy, accounting for the experimental data (i.e. axial ratio and major semi-axis) relative to the halo and to the disk, and best fitted for a rapid collapse; gas density is assumed to be always uniform. Numerical computations of several cases show that there is qualitative agreement with the experimental data relative to theZ(t) function when: (i) the mass-spectrum is nearly constant in time: (m, t)(m)=m –2.35; (ii) the efficiency (t) is sufficiently high; moreover, the super metallic effect (SME) takes place for greater than a given value (1.5); (iii) the shorter the collapse timeT c, the more rapid is the initial increase of metallicity, the asymptotic value being left nearly unaltered. The theoretical present-day values of gas density and metallicity so obtained differ from the experimental values by a factor of 2 or 3. Leaving aside other possible explanations, such a discrepancy is within the range of the uncertainties concerning the amount of gas returned back into space by the decay of the stars. Our theoretical results are not in complete agreement with the observed data bearing on theN n(Z) function (N n is the number of stars whose Main-Sequence lifetime is not less than the age of the Galaxy), while a hypothesis of star formation with different efficiencies in different zones of the Galaxy, and successive stellar mixing from zone to zone, is not inconsistent with such data.  相似文献   

We develop an automatic, computer controlled procedure to select and to analyze the Network Bright Points (NBPs) on solar images. These have been obtained at the Sac Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope by means of the Universal Birefringent Filter and Zeiss H filters, tuned, respectively, along the profiles of the H, Mg-b1, Na-D2, and H lines.A structure is identified as an NBP if at the wavelength H- 1.5 A its maximum intensity is greater than I + 3 and its area is greater than 1.5 arc sec2 at I + 1.5, where I is the mean value and the standard deviation of the intensity distribution on the image. Each detected NBP is then searched and confirmed in all the remaining 31 images at different wavelengths.For each NBP several parameters are measured (position, area, mean and maximum contrast, Dopplergram velocity, compactness, and so on) and some identification constraints are applied.The statistical analysis of the various parameter distributions, for NBPs present within an active region and its surroundings, shows that two types of NBPs can be identified according to the value of their mean contrast C min the H- 1.5 Å image (C m 0.1 type I, C m> 0.1 type II). The type I NBPs (all occurring on the boundaries of the supergranular network) appear to be much more frequent (180/26) than the type II ones.The size A of type I NBPs is less than 1.0 arc sec for H/H wings but of the order of 1.2 arc sec for Na-D2 and Mg-bl. The mean contrast C m is around the value of 10% along the Na-D2 and Mg-bl profiles and of 20% along the H/H wings.The C m - A scatter diagrams show, for the photospheric radiation (h < 100 km), a narrow range of variability for C min correspondence with a wide range for A. For radiation orginated at higher levels (h > 200 km), the C m- A scatter diagrams seem to indicate, even if with a large variance, that the highest C m's tend to correspond to the highest A values.The mean Doppler shift is close to zero for Na-D2 and Mg-bl lines but negative (downward motion) for H and H lines.The type II NBPs tends to be preferentially located in the neighbourhood of small, compact sunspots and their detectability is almost constant through all the 4 studied line profiles. No conclusions can be derived on the mean size, contrast and Doppler shift values because their distributions are too dispersed. The only positive information is that its C m- A scatter diagram, in H and H wings, indicates a wide range of variability for C m in correspondence with very narrow range of variability for A.  相似文献   

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