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Floating platform system has been extensively used in ocean exploitation, particularly for a tension-leg platform (TLP) system in deep water. Most of the TLPs are multi-mooring systems, where multi-joints are connected to the tension-legs so that the platform is not allowed to twist freely and may subject to enormous force induced by large incident waves in the weak-direction of the structure. This study aims to exploit a single moored offshore platform system that may attract less force and can be operated with less effort. In our analysis, in addition to mechanical properties of the tether, two important properties are also taken into consideration for the single mooring tether with expanded cross sectional dimension and utilization of stronger material, namely, the sag-extensibility and the flexural rigidity. Finally, the dynamic structural behavior produced by the mechanical effects on the new system is investigated and compared with that of traditional design while the wave-structure interactions of large body are also accounted for. Our study finds that the neglect of sag-extensibility or the flexural rigidity of large, strong mooring cable may result in a conservative but not necessarily safe design.  相似文献   

In this paper, a typical tension-leg type net cage system is analyzed, and a set of motion equations for the cage system in the simplified two-dimensional case is derived. Subsequently, a close form analytical solution is obtained when all of the multi-interactions between the top platform structure, the incident wave, and the motion of both the tether and net are considered. The parameter of solidity as a ratio of the twine diameter to the mesh size of the cage is also taken into account in the analysis. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dragged surge motion of the tension-leg type cage system when subjected to incident waves and flow drags on the net-cages. Furthermore, the dynamic behavior of the platform is compared to the case when the net-cage drag is not considered. Numerical examples are carried out in a range of periods of waves, and the results are discussed focusing on the motion of both the platform and cage. It was found that there is a significant influence of the net-cage drag on the surge motion of the entire structural system. Various parameters such as the material property, twine diameter, mesh size and the dimension of the net-cages were considered. It was found that the vibration of the net-cage system might be significantly overestimated if the drag effect of the net and tethers is neglected.  相似文献   

半潜式平台动力定位系统控制力动态约束分配法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半潜式平台动力定位推力分配系统通过计算每个推力器的推力和推力角,将控制力分配到推力系统的各推力器上。基于系统耗能最小模式,根据推力器之间的损失模型,通过动态设置推力可行域,将推力分配问题转化为求解二次型优化模型。考虑推力器的物理性能,以推力变化率和转角变化速率为控制参数,利用序列二次规划法得到数值计算结果。该方法充分考虑推力器的物理性能,降低推力器的机械磨损,且可以避免处理可行域为非凸集问题,有效地提高推力器的推力效率。  相似文献   

地震与波浪联合作用下海洋平台动力特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要针对地震与波浪联合作用下空间导管架式海洋平台结构的动力响应特性进行研究。以春晓平台结构为例,利用ANSYS程序进行了动力响应的数值计算,分析中考虑了地震设防烈度、风浪条件及场地土类型等因素对结构响应的影响,并与地震单独作用下的结构响应进行了对比。分析结果表明,抗震设防烈度较低、中等及较大风浪条件下对海洋平台结构进行抗震分析时有必要考虑地震与波浪的联合作用。  相似文献   

我国南海海域海洋环境条件复杂且海水密度垂直层化现象显著,内孤立波活动频繁,因内孤立波而造成海洋开采平台破坏的案例屡见不鲜。依托水动力计算软件AQWA二次开发功能,采用Kdv方程,借助Fortran语言将深水半潜式平台立柱、浮箱、系泊系统3部分的内孤立波作用力叠加到外力项中,联合求解半潜式平台的6自由度动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在内孤立波作用下,半潜式平台的运动及系泊线张力均受到了显著的影响。在不考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台在纵荡和横荡方向上产生较大的漂移运动,最大偏移量较无内孤立波情况下增加了8倍;系泊线最大张力提高了17%,增加了系泊线断裂的风险。在考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台的纵荡和横荡运动响应在原响应基础上继续提高15%,但是系泊线张力变化不大。内孤立波不同浪向下的平台纵荡和横荡响应相差也很明显;系泊系统合力在不同方向上的大小决定了平台不同方向上运动的大小。  相似文献   

点蚀损伤下桩基式平台腿柱轴压极限承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用圆柱体点蚀损伤模型,建立含细观尺度点蚀损伤的桩基式平台腿柱多尺度精细化数值模型,研究壁厚损伤度、点蚀损伤强度以及点蚀体积损伤强度影响平台腿柱轴压极限承载力的规律。研究结果表明,壁厚损伤度及点蚀损伤强度明显削弱平台腿柱的极限强度,且随点蚀损伤强度增大壁厚损伤度的影响加剧;点蚀体积损伤强度由于综合考虑了壁厚损伤度和点蚀损伤强度的耦合因素,相比于独立考虑后两者,其更能合理地描述点蚀损伤对平台腿柱极限强度的影响,故点蚀体积损伤强度体现了点蚀损伤的关键特征。本方法不仅适用于研究点蚀损伤构件的极限承载力,其所提出的点蚀损伤模型的构建方法,可拓展于研究受点蚀损伤的整体平台结构的极限承载力,且确定点蚀体积损伤强度为描述点蚀损伤特征的关键参数后,有望将其用于修正点蚀损伤平台腿柱的承载力设计公式。  相似文献   

从提高锚泊系统收放时效性入手,提出了一种半潜式钻井平台复合式锚泊系统组分配比优化设计方法,旨在尽可能降低复合式锚泊系统的钢链配比长度,提高收放效率。结合锚泊系统设计参数,制定优化设计准则,建立优化分析流程,采用ANSYS-AQWA建立锚泊定位半潜式平台水动力分析模型,获得平台运动参数和锚链动力参数,对平台漂移量、锚链最小安全系数、走锚临界张力、锚链最小卧底长度和起锚力进行无量纲指标分析,并综合考虑张力倾角与预张力对优化结果的影响,获得复合式锚泊系统钢链与钢缆的最优配比关系,确定最优钢链长度为395 m,较原钢链长度缩短225 m,钢链收放时间降低36%,进一步提高锚泊系统收放时效性,并降低平台可变荷载。  相似文献   

In this study a typical tension-leg type of floating platform incorporated with the tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) device is studied. The purpose is to find an effective and economic means to reduce the wave induced vibrations of the floating offshore platform system. The floating offshore platform has been widely applied for the offshore exploitation such as operation station, cross-strait bridges, floating breakwater and complex of the entertainment facilities. For offshore platform being employed as a public complex the stability and comfort to stay will be the major concern besides the safety requirement. Therefore, how to mitigate the vibration induced from waves and similar environmental loading becomes an important issue. The TLCD system utilizing the water sloshing power to reduce the vibration of the main structure, a newly developed device that could effectively reduce the vibrations for many kinds of structure is the first-time employed in the floating platform system. In both the analytical and experimental results it is found that the accurately tuned TLCD system could effectively reduce the dynamic response of the offshore platform system in terms of the vibration amplitude and the resonant frequency.  相似文献   

单铁兵 《海洋工程》2020,38(5):1-11
系泊系统是半潜式支持平台抵抗恶劣海洋环境作用、限制平台偏移、实现海上定位的重要设备,辐射状多点系泊是常用的布置方式。针对该平台系泊系统开展了设计方法和分析流程研究,阐述了系泊系统配置设计,包括系泊缆的数量、抛出长度、单根系泊缆的刚度、直径、破断负荷、定位锚的型式、最大抓力等;系泊系统的布置设计,包括系泊缆之间的水平夹角、系泊绞车、导缆器、定位锚的位置等;同时归纳风载荷、流载荷以及波浪慢漂载荷的常用估算方法;总结适用于该类平台系泊系统设计的规范要求。将上述方法和流程应用于某型半潜式支持平台系泊系统的开发和设计,采用系泊定位分析程序MIMOSA对该系统的定位能力进行分析,研究了系泊缆形状、夹角等参数随张力的变化特征,同时系泊缆按照船级社的规范要求进行衡准,反复调整和优化系泊系统的配置和布置方式,直至系泊系统满足要求,最终设计出较合适的系泊系统。相关方法、流程和结论为实际工程项目提供重要的设计思路。  相似文献   

导管架生产储油平台在油轮靠泊和外输期间,如遇风浪天气,平台的晃动非常明显,为此引入橡胶靠球减震系统。运用ANSYS有限元分析软件,建立导管架生产储油平台的真实有限元模型,计算平台在靠船碰撞力和波浪力共同作用下平台关键点位置应力变化及振动响应过程,为靠球减震系统在实际工程中应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation model based on the finite element method. The method is used to analyze the motion response and mooring line tension of the flatfish cage system in waves. The cage system consists of top frames, netting, mooring lines, bottom frames, and floats. A series of scaled physical model tests in regular waves are conducted to verify the numerical model. The comparison results show that the simulated and the experimental results agree well under the wave conditions, and the maximum pitch of the bottom frame with two orientations is about 12o. The motion process of the whole cage system in the wave can be described with the computer visualized technology. Then, the mooring line tensions and the motion of the bottom frame with three kinds of weight are calculated under different wave conditions. According to the numerical results, the differences in mooring line tensions of flatfish cages with three weight modes are indistinct. The maximum pitch of the bottom frame decreases with the increase of the bottom weight.  相似文献   

参考英国的Kincardine风机采用的新式的Semi-Spar概念,结合spar式基础和半潜式基础的特点,提出了一种新式海上浮式风机平台模型,并基于三维势流理论,利用AQWA软件进行水动力计算,验证新式平台可靠性。分析了在风、浪、流荷载联合作用下,锚链竖向夹角、系缆数量对风机浮式平台运动性能和系泊张力的影响,对系泊系统进行优化,并验证极端工况下的可靠性。结果证明风机平台水平运动和纵摇运动幅值较小,但垂荡幅值略大,而通过减小锚链竖向夹角可以控制平台运动响应幅值,增加系缆数量可以同时减小系泊张力大小。计算结果证明了新型Semi-Spar式海上风机平台可行性,为浮式风机平台及系泊系统的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于三维频域势流理论,计算船体的水动力参数;采用动态耦合方法分析了深海半潜式生产平台各系统之间的相互作用特征,研究了立管系统对锚泊系统定位能力的影响。计算结果表明,立管系统在一定程度上增加了整个系统的刚度,其所受的附加质量和阻尼可降低平台的低频响应,从而降低平台的偏移和系泊缆的张力;海流将增大立管上的拖曳力,使平台偏移更远,锚索上的张力更大;立管系统对锚泊系统定位性能的最终影响需综合考虑多种因素的叠加。对目标平台而言,由于服役海域的流速较大,对立管的拖曳作用较为明显。因此,为确保平台的安全性,当服役海域流速较大时,带有多立管的平台,其锚泊系统的设计应考虑立管的影响。  相似文献   

针对深海半潜式平台及其系泊系统的水动力特性,运用时域耦合的分析方法,对一座水深为1 000 m的半潜式平台,及其悬链线式系泊系统的水动力性能进行探索,获得频域和时域响应结果。同时阐述了平台系泊系统的设计流程,并通过系泊系统参数的变化,研究其特性寻找影响系泊系统作用的一般规律,为平台及其系泊系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

构建一个智能优化平台,包括粒子群算法、蚁群算法、遗传算法、模拟退火算法、混沌算法和复合形法。该平台包括四个模块,分别是优化问题选择,优化参数设置,优化过程显示以及优化结果输出。将该优化平台应用在等效水深截断系统的优化设计中,对截断系泊系统的构造参数进行优化,能在很短时间内给出符合海洋工程需要的等效水深截断系泊系统。  相似文献   

孙永泰 《海洋工程》2008,26(1):93-97
对平台液压升降模拟仿真系统研究的必要性进行分析,针对自升式平台作业工况和机理,提出总体设计方案,进行各部分的研究设计。在软件方面,建立虚拟仪器测试系统,该系统的建立实现了平台升降系统的仿真及液压阀件的测试。  相似文献   

基于多变量极值理论的联合概率模型,根据BZ28—1油田一年多的风浪同步观测资料统计得到风浪联合概率分布及其参数,讨论了海洋平台结构系统可靠度分析的等效荷载方法,在此基础上分析了JZ20—2MUQ平台结构的系统可靠度,并与不考虑风浪相关性影响的JZ20—2MUQ平台结构的系统可靠度比较,得到了风浪相关性对系统可靠度的影响情况。  相似文献   

在海洋平台摇摆墙体系基础上,提出在海洋平台和摇摆墙之间刚性连接杆的铰接点处安装粘弹性转角阻尼器的减振措施,对海洋平台进行进一步减振控制。对粘弹性转角位移阻尼器的刚度和阻尼参数进行了优化分析,可知阻尼器的阻尼与刚度在结构减振中起到了十分重要的作用,且存在特定范围内的优化值。以JZ20-2北高点井口平台为例,利用ANSYS进行地震荷载作用和实测挤压冰荷载下的仿真分析,研究了粘弹性转角阻尼器在海洋平台和摇摆墙之间刚性连接杆铰接点处的不同安装方式,对比分析减振效果。结果表明,在该体系刚性连接杆的铰接点处安装粘弹性转角阻尼器能显著降低结构的振动反应,连接杆右侧安装粘弹性转角阻尼器的方式为减振效果最佳方式。  相似文献   

衣凡  王磊  李博  余尚禹 《海洋工程》2019,37(4):16-26
针对带有禁止角的半潜平台动力定位系统推力分配算法功率较大的问题,提出了一种基于人工神经网络拟合桨—桨干扰推力损失函数的序列二次规划推力分配算法。该方法考虑了半潜平台桨—桨干扰造成的推力损失,引入推力系数来表达推力损失。利用人工神经网络拟合推力系数,将推力损失加入到推力分配的数学模型中,取消了禁止角。采用序列二次规划求解推力分配数学模型。最后以某半潜式钻井平台为例,选取三种浪向角工况进行推力分配仿真模拟,结果显示该算法在高效分配定位所需推力的同时有效减小了功率消耗,应用前景广泛。  相似文献   

A new analytical method is proposed to analyze the force acting on a rectangular oscillating buoy due to linear waves. In the method a new analytical expression for the diffraction velocity potential is obtained first by use of the eigenfunction expansion method and then the wave excitation force is calculated by use of the known incident wave potential and the diffraction potential. Compared with the classical analytical method, it can be seen that the present method is simpler for a two-dimensional problem due to the comparable effort needed for the computation of diffraction potential and for that of radiated potential. To verify the correctness of the method, a classical example in the reference is recomputed and the obtained results are in good accordance with those by use of other methods, which shows that the present method is correct.  相似文献   

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