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Here we make a new study of the behaviour of the Na  i /K  i column density ratio in the interstellar medium, using a sample of new observations of 28 stars obtained at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in 1996 and 1997, and previously published observations (obtained by some of the authors) of 21 stars. The sightlines cover a range of distances and directions, including into the Galactic halo. We make use of new observations of the Na  i ultraviolet (UV) doublet for some 18 stars. This doublet is much weaker than the Na  i D doublet and so is less susceptible to saturation effects, and it is well known that it can be used to obtain more accurate Na  i column densities with a smaller error range. We find an average N (Na  i )/ N (K  i ) ratio from the Na  i UV data of about 90, which is rather higher than that found previously by Hobbs and Lequeux. The Na  UV–K  i   ratio shows a small increase in value with increasing column density, while we also find a sample of low N (Na  i )/ N (K  i ) ratio clouds generally seen towards distant objects on high-latitude sightlines that reach into the halo, so that the ratio decreases more sharply at lower column densities. As the values of the ratio for these halo clouds  (10–20)  bracket the cosmic Na/K abundance ratio, we suggest that these ratios result from a harder radiation field in the lower halo, such that the ionized fractions of Na  i and K  i become similar. Clearly caution needs to be applied in using any kind of 'standard value' for the Na  i /K  i column density ratio.  相似文献   

During the past decade or so, measurements of Galactic H  i absorption using VLBI against extragalactic sources, as well as multi-epoch observations in pulsar directions, have detected small-scale transverse variations corresponding to tens of au at the distance of the absorbing matter. Hitherto these measurements have been interpreted as small-scale structure in the H  i distribution with densities n H  i ∼104–105 cm−3, orders of magnitude greater than those of the pc-scale structure. Naturally, it is difficult to imagine how such structures could exist in equilibrium with other components of the ISM.
In this paper we show that structure on all scales contributes to the differences on neighbouring lines of sight, and that the observed differences can be accounted for by a natural extension of the distribution of irregularities in the distribution of H  i opacities at larger scales, using a single power law. This, in our opinion, should put an end to the decades-long puzzle of the so-called small-scale structure in H  i and other species in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Ultra-high-resolution  ( R ∼ 300 000)  profiles of four diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are presented. The λλ 5797-, 5850-, 6196- and 6379- Å DIBs were observed towards the reddened supergiant HD 24398, a line of sight free of Doppler splitting; thus the observed profiles can be considered as intrinsic to the DIB carriers. Three of the profiles show substructure which supports the hypothesis of a molecular origin for these DIBs.  相似文献   

I review the recent discoveries of variable interstellar absorption lines, widely taken to imply the existence of very small scale(10–100 AU) structure in the interstellar medium. Possible origins of this structure are discussed, and attention is drawn to the fact that most known examples seem to be associated with interstellar shells and bubbles of various kinds. On the other hand, in at least one case (κ Velorum),the variation appears to occur in the supposedly quiescent cold neutral medium, consistent with earlier studies of small scale structure in atomic hydrogen probed at radio wavelengths. Further work is urgently required to determine the prevalence, mode of formation, and the physical and chemical state of these enigmatic structures. Only then will their implications for our wider understanding of the interstellar medium become apparent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have applied the method of investigating extinction curves using statistically meaningful samples that was proposed by us 25 years ago. The extensive data sets of the ANS (Astronomical Netherlands Satellite) and 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) were used, together with UBV photometry to create average extinction curves for samples of OB stars. Our results demonstrate that in the vast majority of cases the extinction curves are very close to the mean galactic extinction curve. Only a few objects were found to be obviously discrepant from the average. The latter phenomenon may be related to nitrogen chemistry in translucent interstellar clouds (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have observed emission from both ortho and para spin states of ketene (CH2CO) towards several deeply-embedded protostars. The low CH2CO fractional abundances (∼10−10) and the rotation temperatures (∼20 K) are consistent with emission from the cooler envelope. We compare our results with previous studies and discuss possible production pathways to interstellar ketene. We suggest that, if low observed excitation temperatures of CH2CO, CH3CHO and H2CO are indicative of their absence from the hot core region, then this may be due to the extensive hydrogenation of pre-existing grain mantles prior to evaporation into the inner envelope, leading to lower abundances of these compounds and to mantles rich in alcohols.  相似文献   

The possibility of nitrogen isotopic fractionation owing to ion–molecule exchange reactions involving the most abundant N-containing species in dense interstellar clouds has been explored. We find that exchange reactions between N atoms and N-containing ions have most influence on the fractionation, although the extent of fractionation is too small to be readily detectable.  相似文献   

Intermediate-resolution (60 000 R 120 000) observations of interstellar Na  i lines towards 29 stars in the general direction of the Lupus molecular clouds (330°≲ l ≲350°; 0°≲ b ≲25°) are presented. Previously published spectra towards an additional seven stars are also included. Based on the Hipparcos distances to these stars, and the minimum distance at which strong interstellar Na  i lines appear in the spectra, I obtain a distance of ~150±10 pc to the Lupus molecular complex. While in agreement with a number of other independent estimates, this result is at odds with the value of 100 pc recently obtained by Knude & Høg from a Hipparcos -based study of interstellar extinction. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is discussed, and it is concluded that the value of 150±10 pc obtained here is to be preferred. In addition, these observations have some other implications for the structure of the interstellar medium in this direction, and these are briefly considered.  相似文献   

The pure rotational spectrum of homonuclear diatomic molecules in the interstellar medium is strongly forbidden, and no such spectrum has been detected. In regions of high excitation, vibrational emission may occur, as is widely detected in the case of H2 in interstellar shocks and photon-dominated regions. However, it is of considerable interest to know the abundance of homonuclear diatomics in quiescent regions. We propose that vibrational emission from homonuclear diatomic molecules in cold clouds may be detectable, where the excitation is mainly through collisions with non-thermal electrons arising from the cosmic-ray ionization of H2. As an example, we estimate the intensity of emission from N2 in cold, dark interstellar clouds. We show that such emission is at the limit of detectability with current technology. Other excitation mechanisms may also contribute and enhance this emission.  相似文献   

An upper limit of the column density of the C5 linear molecule in translucent interstellar clouds is estimated from high-resolution ( R =80 000) and very high signal-to-noise ratio (∼1000) echelle spectra. It is 1012 cm−2 per E ( B − V )=1 (two orders of magnitude lower than that of C2).  相似文献   

The paper presents a survey of profiles of reasonably strong diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) based on the extensive set of high-resolution spectra acquired with the aid of echelle spectrographs installed at the 2-m Terskol, 2-m Pic du Midi and 1-m SAO telescopes. The surveyed diffuse interstellar bands cover the spectral ranges of blue and near-infrared, i.e the DIBs not surveyed by Krełowski & Schmidt . The possible modifications caused by stellar and telluric lines are discussed. The very broad features such as 4430 are not discussed because the shapes of their profiles, extracted from echelle spectra, are very uncertain. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios of the spectra are not high enough to enable discussion of the profiles of numerous weak interstellar features discovered recently.  相似文献   

This investigation is aimed at clarifying the nature of the interstellar gas seen in absorption against bright O and B stars. Towards this end we have obtained for the first time HI absorption spectra towards radio sources very close to the lines of sight towards twenty five bright stars previously studied. In this paper we describe the selection criteria, the details regarding our observations, and finally present the absorption spectra. In the accompanying paper we analyse the results and draw conclusions.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of the magnetic flux density in a magnetically supported molecular cloud driven by Hall and Ohmic components of the electric field generated by the flows of thermal electrons. Particular attention is given to the wave transport of the magnetic field in a cloud whose gas dynamics is dominated by electron flows; the mobility of neutrals and ions is regarded as heavily suppressed. It is shown that electromagnetic waves penetrating such a cloud can be converted into helicons – weakly damped, circularly polarized waves in which the densities of the magnetic flux and the electron current undergo coherent oscillations. These waves are interesting in their own right, because for electron magnetohydrodynamics the low-frequency helicoidal waves have the same physical significance as the transverse Alfvén waves do for a single-component magnetohydrodynamics. The latter, as is known, are considered to be responsible for the widths of molecular lines detected in dark, magnetically supported clouds. From our numerical estimates for the group velocity and the rate of dissipation of helicons it follows that a possible contribution of these waves to the broadening of molecular lines is consistent with the conditions typical of dark molecular clouds.  相似文献   

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