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由名地图学家、国际欧亚科学院院士廖克《现代地图学》已于2003年4月由科学出版社出版。  相似文献   

通过对《孔疏》标“兴”之特点与《毛诗传》《郑笺》标“兴”之特点比较分析,提出《孔疏》之标“兴”主要着眼于“兴”与作品主旨之间的关系,而没有特别注重标“兴”的位置。这些特点使得《孔疏》之“兴”开始从政治化逐渐转向文学化。  相似文献   

通过对《孔疏》标“兴”之特点与《毛诗传》《郑笺》标“兴”之特点比较分析,提出《孔疏》之标“兴”主要着眼于“兴”与作品主旨之间的关系,而没有特别注重标“兴”的位置。这些特点使得《孔疏》之“兴”开始从政治化逐渐转向文学化。  相似文献   

老子《道德经》有言:“天下难事,必做于易;天下大事,必做于细”我们已经生活在“细节经济”时代,细节已经成为企业竞争的最重要的表现形式,所谓“针尖上打擂台,拼的就是精细”。在工作中往往因为一件小事导致全盘的否定,就出现“100-1=0”的现象,因此在现代管理中,精细化管理已成为企业发展的必经之路。  相似文献   

青海省实施《土地管理法》办法(以下简称《实施办法》)已经省十届人大常委会第二十三次会议修订通过。《实施办法》修订过程中,充分考虑了青海的省情,  相似文献   

2009年6月12日,黑龙江省人大常委会以第19号公告颁布了《黑龙江省地质环境保护条例》(以下简称《条例》),自2009年10月1日起施行。《条例》的颁布与实施将对我省地质环境保护工作产生怎样的影响?省国土资源厅将如何进一步推进地质环境保护工作?带着这些问题,记者日前专访了省国土资源厅孙纲厅长。  相似文献   

在中国楚辞学的研究领域,察知域外的研究历史及现状,借鉴域外的研究成果,对于促进楚辞学研究的不断深入,无疑具有非常重要的意义.徐志啸教授的<日本楚辞研究论纲>全面介绍了日本的楚辞研究历史、现状及重要代表人物,并以中国的楚辞研究为参照系,对日本的楚辞研究的特点进行了准确的概括,是我们了解日本楚辞研究的重要参考书.  相似文献   

在中国楚辞学的研究领域,察知域外的研究历史及现状,借鉴域外的研究成果,对于促进楚辞学研究的不断深入,无疑具有非常重要的意义。徐志啸教授的《日本楚辞研究论纲》全面介绍了日本的楚辞研究历史、现状及重要代表人物,并以中国的楚辞研究为参照系,对日本的楚辞研究的特点进行了准确的概括,是我们了解日本楚辞研究的重要参考书。  相似文献   

2011年6月30日,第十一届全国人大常委会第二十一次会议审议通过了《中华人民共和国行政强制法》,自2012年1月1日起施行。《行政强制法》是继《行政处罚法》、《行政复议法》、《行政许可法》之后又一部规范行政机关行政行为的重要法律,旨在规范行政强制的设定和实施,保障和监督行政机关依法履行职责,维护公共利益和社会秩序,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益。学习贯彻好《行政强制法》,保证《行政强制法》在我省国土资源系统得到全面、正确的实施。是当前国土资源执法监察工作的一项重要任务,是深入推进依法行政的迫切需要。  相似文献   

Web Service基本特征及其在构造供应链管理系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对Web Service理论和技术的基本特征进行了探讨,并应用该技术的跨平台互操作性和结合XML的数据通信的开放性为大型集团公司构造供应链管理系统,从而证实Web Service为企业间进行信息数据交换提供了强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

长期以来我国农村公共产品处于严重的供给不足及结构不合理的状态,这已成为制约农村经济稳定发展的“瓶颈”因素。追根究底,影响农村公共产品有效供给的根本性因素在于制度方面的深层次原因。在对农村公共产品供给制度存在的问题进行分析的基础上提出了相应的优化构想。  相似文献   

气象信息网络是气象部门进行信息传输的基础保障,结合气象信息与技术保障体系业务实际,开发适合市、县两级气象信息网络的全网监控系统是市级网管人员急需解决的一个问题.由于SNMP简单、易于实现、功能强大等特点,近年来得到了广泛的应用和发展.在简要介绍了SNMP的基本概念和代理模式后,对基于SNMP分布式网络管理系统的设计思路、开发方法进行了讨论.  相似文献   

On 23 July 2009, a catastrophic debris flows were triggered by heavy rainfall in Xiangshui gully, Kangding county, southwestern China. This debris flow originating shortly after a rainstorm with an intensity of 28 mm per hour transported a total volume of more than 480×103 m3 debris, depositing the poorly sorted sediment including boulders up to 2-3 m in diameter both onto an existing debris fans and into the river. Our primary objective for this study was to analyze the characteristics of the triggering ra...  相似文献   

Fine root is critical to restrain soil erosion and its distribution pattern is of great influence on the restraining effects. This study studied the fine root biomass(Br) distribution of different aged Leucaena leucocephala(5, 10, 15 years) in debris flow source area in Jiangjia Gully by digging downward to the bottom at different distances to stem in three directions on slope. The results showed the Br increased dramatically by 143% from 5 years to 10 years and then rose slowly by 38% from 10 years to 15 years. The Br of 5 years was significantly asymmetric between uphill and alonghill directions, but there was little difference among directions for other ages, and a concentration trend appeared to exist in downhill and alonghill directions. Moreover, fine root(D≤1 mm) was significantly heavier than that of fine root(1mmD≤2 mm), playing a leading role in the vertical distribution of the whole fine root, with a logarithmic or an exponential function. The results presented may shed light on fine root distribution pattern and evaluation of its effect on slope stability in debris flow source area.  相似文献   

In this paper, flow around two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement with unequal diameters has been investigated using the particle image velocimetry technique (PIV) in a water channel. The upstream to downstream diameter ratio was kept constant at d/D = 2/3, the centre-to-centre distance was varied from 1.2D to 5D and the Reynolds number was varied from 1200 to 4800. The flow characteristics were analyzed through ensemble-averaged patterns of velocity, vorticity, normalized Reynolds stress contours and streamlines. Based on ensemble-averaged and instantaneous flow fields, different flow patterns, including single-wake-shedding at small spacing ratio, bi-stable flow behavior (alternating behavior of reattachment and vortex shedding) at intermediate spacing ratio and co-shedding pattern at large spacing ratio were observed. The effects of Reynolds number and the centre-to-centre spacing ratio on flow patterns and turbulent characteristics were also investigated. It was found that the diameter ratio appears to have a certain effect on the flow patterns at intermediate spacing ratios, where the reattachment of shear layer depends on the lateral width of the wake flow in the lee of the upstream cylinder. Extensive discussion on the distributions of Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy was presented.  相似文献   

发展供应链的协同商务理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出基于供应链的协同商务的定义,在分析基于供应链的协同商务与传统供应链管理思想的区别的基础上、探讨了基于供应链的协同商务主要研究方向:协同商务的核心功能——协同化供应链网络管理和协同商务对供应链的优化作用两方面内容。  相似文献   

With the increase of petroleum and gas production in deep ocean, marine risers of circular cylinder shape are widely used in the offshore oil and gas platform. In order to research the hydrodynamic performance of marine risers, the dynamic mesh technique and User-Defined Function (UDF) are used to simulate the circular cylinder motion. The motion of a transversely oscillat-ing circular cylinder in combination of uniform flow and oscillating flow is simulated. The uniform flow and oscillating flow both are in x direction. SIMPLE algorithm is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The User-Defined Function is used to control the cylinder transverse vibration and the inlet flow. The lift and drag coefficient changing with time and the map of vorticity isolines at different phase angle are obtained. Force time histories are shown for uniform flow at Reynolds number (Re) of 200 and for the com-bination of uniform and oscillating flows. With the increase of amplitude of oscillating flow in combined flow, the change of lift am-plitude is not sensitive to the the change of cylinder oscillating frequency. Lift amplitude increases with the increase of oscillating flow amplitude in the combined flow, but there is no definite periodicity of the lift coefficient. The drag and inertia force coefficients change when the maximum velocity of the oscillating flow increases in the combined flow. The vortex shedding near the circular cylinder shows different characteristics.  相似文献   

介绍一种以89C58单片机为中央处理器的智能流量积算仪。它具有精度高、动态性能好,同时测量瞬时流量和累计流量两个参数,测量结果以LED显示,掉电数据不易失,并配有RS232串行口输出。  相似文献   

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