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Feldspar grain-size reduction occurred due to the fracturing of plagioclase and K-feldspar, myrmekite formation and neocrystallization of albitic plagioclase along shear fractures of K-feldspar porphyroclasts in the leucocratic granitic rocks from the Yecheon shear zone of South Korea that was deformed under a middle greenschist-facies condition. The neocrystallization of albitic plagioclase was induced by strain energy adjacent to the shear fractures and by chemical free energy due to the compositional disequilibrium between infiltrating Na-rich fluid and host K-feldspar. With increasing deformation from protomylonite to mylonite, alternating layers of feldspar, quartz and muscovite developed. The fine-grained feldspar-rich layers were deformed dominantly by granular flow, while quartz ribbons were deformed by dislocation creep. With layer development and a more distributed strain in the mylonite, lower stresses in the quartz-rich layers resulted in a larger size of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains than that of the protomylonite.  相似文献   

The Whitestone Anorthosite (WSA), located in southern Ontario, underwent granulite facies metamorphism during the Grenville orogeny at 1.16 Ga. During the waning stages of metamorphism fluids infiltrated the outer portions of the anorthosite and promoted the formation of an envelope comprised of upper amphibolite facies mineral assemblages. Also, this envelope corresponds to portions of the anorthosite that underwent deformation related to movement along a high-grade ductile shear zone. Samples from this portion of the anorthosite (the margin) contain CO2-rich inclusions in plagioclase porphyroclasts (relict igneous phenocrysts), matrix plagioclase and garnet. These inclusions have features which normally are interpreted as indicating that they are texturally primary, but they have relatively low CO2 densities (0.61–0.95 g cm-3). Plagioclase from the anorthosite interior contains texturally secondary inclusions with relatively high CO2 densities (generally from 0.99 to 1.10 g cm-3). The high CO2 densities suggest that the inclusions in the plagioclase of the anorthosite core formed prior to inclusions in porphyroclast minerals of the outer portions of the anorthosite, an interpretation that is apparently inconsistent with inclusion textures. This apparent paradox indicates that most fluid inclusions from the anorthosite margin were formed during, or were modified by, the dynamic recrystallization that affected this portion of the WSA. In either case, late formation or modification, the texturally primary fluid inclusions do not contain pristine samples of the peak metamorphic fluid. Furthermore, because shear-related deformation is apparently associated with entrapment of the lowest fluid densities, some strain localization persisted to relatively low temperatures (e.g. less than approximately 500° C). These results constrain a part of the retrograde P–T path for this portion of the Grenville Orogen to temperatures of approximately 400–500° C at pressures of approximately 1–2 kbar.  相似文献   

Robert J. Stull 《Lithos》1978,11(3):243-249
Mantled feldspars that formed by resorption, development of skeletal plagioclase crystals, and filling with alkali feldspar are common in the Golden Horn batholith, Washington. Subhedral plagioclase mantles have weak normal zoning from An17 to An10. Plagioclase zoning and twinning are crosscut by resorption channels. Resorption cavities and channels are coated with albite (An10). Anhedral, perthitic orthoclase within the plagioclase is optically continuous with orthoclase in channels and on the mantle exterior.This texture resulted from resorption of calcic cores of plagioclase as pressure decreased when water-undersaturated granite magma intruded to a shallow crustal level. At shallow level, only alkali feldspar and quartz crystallized and were available to fill the skeletal plagioclase.  相似文献   

The Bitterroot mylonite is a ductile-deformed amphibolitefacies mylonite (A-mylonite), abruptly capped by ductile- to brittle-deformed greenschist-facies mylonite (G-mylonite). The movement picture of the A-mylonite from its lineation and S-C-surfaces is strongly focused; the average orientation for the G-mylonite is similar but much more diffuse.Regional metamorphism, and intrusion of quartz diorite orthogneiss, granodiorite, and granite of the Idaho-Bitterroot batholith between 105 and less than 60 m.y. ago was followed by regional extension, formation of the A-mylonite, and rapid drop in temperature from about 700 °C to about 280 °C, at a time inferred to be about 57 to 53 m.y. ago. Pressure-relief melting of water-undersaturated rocks at deeper crustal levels, in response to the rapid decrease in pressure, may have produced the nearly dry magmas emplaced as very shallow plutons or erupted as the Challis rhyolitic volcanics 52 or 53 m.y. ago.The greenschist-facies mylonite/chloritic breccia formed during further cooling to about 100 °C, during listric normal faulting on the eastern flank of the Bitterroot dome about 40 m.y. ago.
Zusammenfassung Der Bitterroot-Mylonit ist ein duktil deformierter amphibolitfazieller Mylonit (A-Mylonit), der von einem duktil bis spröd deformierten grünschieferfaziellen Mylonit (G-Mylonit) scharf getrennt wird. Das Bewegungsbild des A-Mylonites ist anhand seiner Lineationen und seiner S-C-Gefüge stark ausgerichtet; die Durchschnittsorientierung für die G-Mylonite ist ähnlich, streut aber breiter. Der Regionalmetamorphose, den Intrusionen von Quarzdiorit, Orthogneis, Granodiorit und dem Granitbatholithen von Idaho-Bitterroot zwischen 105 und mindestens 60 Ma folgte eine regionale Dehnungsphase, dann die Bildung der A-Mylonite, danach ein rascher Temperaturabfall von ungefähr 700 °C auf ca. 280 °C, wahrscheinlich im Zeitraum vor 57 bis 53 Ma. Druckabhängiges Schmelzen wasseruntersättigter Gesteine in tieferen Krustenniveaus könnte als Reaktion auf den rapiden Druckabfall zur Bildung der nahezu trockenen Magmen geführt haben, die dann vor ca. 52 oder 53 Ma als sehr flachliegende Plutone intrudierten oder wie der Challis-Rhyolith eruptiert wurden.Der grünschieferfazielle Mylonit und die Chloritbrekzien bildeten sich während der weiteren Abkühlung bis auf ca. 100 °C mit der Entwicklung von listrisch geformten Abschiebungen auf der Ostflanke des Bitterroot-Domes vor ca. 40 Ma.

Résumé L'ensemble mylonitique de Bitterroot comporte une mylonite engendrée par déformation ductile dans le facies des amphibolites (mylonite A), en contact brusque avec une mylonite, ductile à cassante, appartenant au facies des schistes verts (mylonite G). L'image cinématique de la mylonite A est définie de manière très précise par sa linéation et la disposition des plans s et c; l'image de la mylonite G est semblabe, mais plus diffuse.Le métamorphisme régional et l'intrusion de méta-diorite quarzique, de granodiorite et de granite formant le batholite de l'Idaho-Bitterroot, entre 105 Ma et moins de 60 Ma, ont été suivis d'une extension régionale accompagnée de la formation de la mylonite A et d'une chute rapide de la température depuis 700 °C jusqu' à ±280 °C, probablement entre 57 et 53 Ma. La fusion de roches sous-saturées en eau, provoquée dans des niveaux crustaux plus profonds par la baisse rapide de la pression peut être à l'origine des magmas presque secs responsables de la mise en place de plutons peu profonds et d'éruptions comme celle des volcanites rhyolitiques de Challis il y a 52 ou 53 Ma.La mylonite de facies schistes verts et la brèche chloritique se sont formées au cours du refroidissement ultérieur, jusqu'à ±100 °C, à l'occasion de la production de failles normales listriques sur le flanc est du dôme de Bitterroot, il y a environ 40 Ma.

, Bitterroot (-), (G-), . - , Bitterroot, ; , G- , . , -, , Idaho-Bitterroot 105 60 : , — -, — 700 ° 280 °, , , 57 53 . , , , , 52–53 , , Challis. 100 °, Bitterroot 40 .

Partially turbid alkali feldspars from hydrothermally altered Tertiary granites on the Isle of Skye (the Red Hills granites) were studied using light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopies, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Limpid cores and turbid rims of individual crystals were compared to determine the causes of the turbidity. The limpid cores were cryptoperthitic, with lamellar widths of 0.1–0.3 μm. In contrast, the turbid rims contained K-rich and Narich areas coarsened to >0.5 μm. Turbid regions contained abundant inclusions, whereas limpid regions did not. Two generations of turbidity were recognized. Feldspars from the Beinn an Dubhaich granite, a granite with near-normal values for 18O/16O possessed limpid cores surrounded by turbid rims that cast a reddish-brown hue in transmitted light. When viewed in darkfield light microscopy, the regions with the reddish-brown turbidity were blue. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the cloudy appearance of these turbid regions arises from the scattering of light by micrometerto submicrometer-sized inhomogeneities in refractive index caused by fluid-filled cavities. Feldspars from the Loch Ainort granite, a granite with low values for 18O/16O possessed limpid and reddish-brown-turbid cores surrounded by turbid rims that cast a blackish hue in transmitted light. Ion thinning of the turbid areas produced an abundance of small holes (≤1–2 μm) apparently the remains of fluid inclusions. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that some holes from regions of reddish-brown turbidity contained non-feldspar material, including halite and metal-rich phases of various compositions. In contrast, blackish turbid regions contained cavities filled with alteration products, such as kaolinite. Hence, the feldspars from granites on the Isle of Skye apparently record interactions with at least two fluids: a saline fluid (possibly a late-stage magmatic fluid) and a meteoric fluid.  相似文献   

Estimation of the probability distribution of extreme sea levels, for the present time and the next century, is discussed. Two approaches are described and their strengths and weaknesses are compared. The first approach is based on dynamics and uses a storm surge model forced by tides, winds and air pressure fields. The second approach is based on the statistical analysis of observed hourly sea level records using a new first-order Markov process that can capture non-Gaussian characteristics (such as skewness) in the non-tidal component of the observed sea level record. It is shown that both approaches can provide good estimates of present day flooding probabilities for regions with relatively strong tides. The limitations of both approaches in terms of assessing the effect of global sea level rise, glacial-isostatic adjustment of the land, and changes in the frequency and severity of storms and hurricanes, are illustrated using recent results for the Northwest Atlantic. Some sensitivity studies are carried out to transform uncertainty in climate change projections into uncertainties in the probability of coastal flooding.  相似文献   

Summary Feldspar phenocrysts in alkali rhyolite from Oki-Dogo island in the Sea of Japan show mantled textures with cores of anorthoclase and rims of sanidine. These feldspars were examined by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray microanalysis. Anorthoclase first crystallized, then was partially resorbed, and finally sanidine overgrew on the anorthoclase. Saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces between the cores and rims were likely formed at the magmatic stage of resorption and overgrowth. Optically perthitic intergrowths appear in thin sections cutting saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces of the mantled feldspars. The sanidine preserves primary cryptoperthitic textures of a periodicity smaller than 10 nm, which are considered to have been produced by subsolidus exsolution after the resorption event ended. The anorthoclase has no exsolution texture under an electron microscope.
Feldspatkristalle in Alkali-Rhyolith von der Insel Oki-Dogo, Japan
Zusammenfassung Feldspatkristalle in Alkali-Rhyolith von der Oki-Dogo Insel im Japanischen Meer zeigen ummantelte Texturen mit Kernen von Anorthoklas und Rändern von Sanidin. Diese Feldspate wurden mit Elektronenmikroskopie, Röntgendiffraktion und Mikrosondenanalyse untersucht. Anorthoklas kristallisierte zuerst, wurde dann teilweise resorbiert und schließlich wuchs Sanidin über den Anorthoklas. Sägezahn- und Kamm-ähnliche Grenzen zwischen Kernen und Rändern wurden wahrscheinlich wahrend des magmatischen Stadiums von Resorption und Überwachsung gebildet. Unter dem Mikroskop erkennt man, daß perthitische Verwachsungen durch Sägezahn- oder Kamm-artige Grenzen der ummantelten Feldspäte hinwegsetzen. Der Sanidin erhellt primäre kryptoperthitische Texturen mit einer Periodizität von > 10 nm, die als Produkte einer Subsolidus-Entmischung nach der Resorption interpretiert werden. Anorthoklas läßt unter dem Elektronenmikroskop keine Entmischungstexturen erkennen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Hydrolytic weakening in quartz has been extensively demonstrated by experimental deformation of single crystals and aggregates. This paper describes the deformation and recrystallization microstructures and preferred orientations of quartz in a mylonite zone separating granulite facies (0.2% H2O) from amphibolite facies (1.0% H2O) acid gneisses. The transition from slightly deformed country rock on both sides to the ultimate product of mylonitization (a phyllite) is described and the following major differences are noted:
1. (1) The strain prior to recrystallization is higher on the granulite side.
2. (2) Misorientations across deformation-band boundaries are much higher on the granulite side.
3. (3) Subgrains and new grains are considerably smaller at the same stage of recrystallization on the granulite side.
4. (4) Preferred orientation of [0001] developes more rapidly with respect to strain on the amphibolite side.
5. (5) There is a closer orientation relationship between host and recrystallized (new) grains on the granulite side.
The microstructures and preferred-orientation development on both sides are related to concurrent ductile deformation, dynamic recovery and recrystallization processes. The differences between the two sides is attributed to the difference in bulk H2O content of the rocks and a resultant difference in strain rate. The suggested effect of water on recovery processes is favoured over its possible role in slip processes.  相似文献   

In the Lesser Himalayan region of Garhwal, an elongate, NW-SE trending zone of mylonitic rocks is developed along the Singuni Thrust within the metasedimentary formation of the Deoban-Tejam Belt. Detailed petrography of various mylonitic rocks indicates that a quartz and felspar porphyry was emplaced along the Singuni Thrust. This was initially metamorphosed in the almandine-amphibolite facies before profound ruptural or cataclastic and crystalloblastic deformation evolved mylonitic rocks in the green schist facies. Southwesterly dipping foliation and an equally prominent mica lineation plunging in the same direction are developed in these mylonitic rocks. The quartzite is also intensely cataclastically deformed in the green schist facies and is highly schistose with a prominent mica lineation normal to the trace of Singuni Thrust, Uttarkashi Thrust and Main Central Thrust in the ‘a’ direction of tectonic transport. In quartzite and mylonitic rocks, a probable contemporaneous development of the metamorphic and structural elements has been postulated along the Singuni Thrust during large scale tectonic movements. Normally exposed Gamri Quartzite is more metamorphosed near its base along the Singuni Thrust and Uttarkashi Thrust while the intensity of deformation increases near the top of normally exposed quartzite along the Main Central Thrust and, thus, signifying the role of thrusting in cataclastically deforming the rocks and contributing to the phenomenon of widespread reversal of metamorphism in the Lesser Himalaya.  相似文献   

Peraluminous and metaluminous plutonic rocks of the Peninsular Ranges batholith near Borrego Springs in southern California were mylonitized in the large shear zone known as the eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone (EPRMZ). Accompanying mylonitization in this portion of the EPRMZ was metamorphism at intermediate-low-pressure amphibolite-facies conditions. Deformation in the zone overlapped in time with Cretaceous intrusion of the batholith. In the San Ysidro Mountain — Pinyon Ridge area, four north-south trending zones of differing intensity of deformation have been defined; from east to west the degree and style of deformation gradually change from undeformed or weakly deformed rocks to strongly mylonitized rocks. Electron microprobe analysis shows that recrystallized hornblende, biotite, and plagioclase are variable in composition, probably reflecting a range of metamorphic conditions accompanying deformation. Comparison of mineral compositions with those from mafic schists of Vermont suggests conditions ranged from andalusite-staurolite through sillimanite-muscovite grades as defined for pelitic rocks. Stability of muscovite+quartz in mylonite assemblages and lack of remelting of granitic rocks indicate that temperature did not exceed about 650° C during mylonitization and lithostatic pressure did not exceed about 5 kbar. Over time, any given rock volume experienced a range of temperature, lithostatic pressure, and perhaps fluid pressure and differential stress. Mineral reactions in the zone involved hydration, requiring introduction of water. The possibility of large-scale migration of K and Fe is suggested by whole-rock chemical data. Brittle and ductile deformation features are closely associated in one part of the EPRMZ. The combined evidence suggests the presence of a pore fluid with fluid pressure close to lithostatic pressure. Short periods of low fluid pressure and possible high differential stress cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Alteration of a Komatiite Flow from Alexo, Ontario, Canada   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
To investigate the ability of komatiites to preserve duringalteration a record of the geochemical and isotopic compositionof the Archean mantle, we studied the petrology and geochemistryof a komatiite flow from Alexo, Ontario. Although this flowis relatively well preserved, two main types of alteration arerecognized: (1) hydration of variable intensity throughout thewhole flow; (2) local rodingitization. In samples only slightlyaffected by hydration, the alteration was essentially isochemical;where more intense, hydration was accompanied by the mobilityof TiO2, Zr and the light rare-earth elements (LREE). The mobilityof these reputedly immobile trace elements is influenced bytexture and secondary mineral assemblages. Rodingitization wasaccompanied by still greater mobility. An Nd isochron with anage of 272698 Ma and Nd(T) =+ 2.5 is defined by wholerock samples.Because the spread of Sm-Nd ratios is far greater than can beexplained by magmatic processes, the age is interpreted as thatof the main alteration event during or soon after emplacement.Scattered initial Sr isotopic ratios and Nd (T) (+ 3.6 to +0.7)provide evidence for several younger events. The Nd (T) of magnaticclinopyroxene ( plus;3.8) is higher than that of mafic tofelsicrocks and pyroxenes from the Abibiti belt (Nd (T) +2.5). Thisresult implies: (1) the komatiites exchanged Nd with surroundingrocks during waterrock interaction; (2) the isotopic compositionof komatiites and their mantle source differed from that ofthe more common basalts of the Abitibi belt. KEY WORDS: alteration; Archean; Komatiite; trace elements; radiogenic and stable islotopes *Present address: Ore Genesis Research Group, VIEPS Department of Earth Science, Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia. Telephone: (61) 3 9905-3881. Fax: (61) 3 9905–4903. e-mail: ylahaye{at}artemis.earth.monash.edu.au  相似文献   

Summary The cooling history of the feldspars of a hypersthene-augite trachyte lava of Oki-Dogo island, Japan was investigated by optical microscope, electron microscope and X-ray microanalyzer. Anti-Rpakivi mantled feldspars in the alkaline volcanic rocks consist of anhedral plagioclase cores and subhedral to euhedral sanidine mantles. The interfaces between the cores and mantles are wavy, saw-tooth-like, or comb-like under the optical microscope, suggesting sanidine overgrowth after plagioclase was partially resorbed. Perthitic lenses or lamellae of plagioclase are also observed in the sanidine near the interfaces. After the formation of such mantled feldspars at the magmatic stage, perthitic lamellae were produced in sanidine due to subsolidus exsolution. Periodicity of the perthitic lamellae is below 10 nm.[/ab]
Zusammenfassung Die Abkühlungs-Geschichte von Feldspäten einer Hypersthen-Augit-Trachyt-Lava von der Insel Oki-Dogo, Japan, wurde mikroskopisch, elektronenmikroskopisch und mit der Mikrosonde untersucht. Anti-Rapakivi-Feldspate in den Alkali-Vulkaniten bestehen aus anidiomorphen Plagioklas-Kernen and idiomorphen Sanidin-Rändern. Die Grenzen zwischen Kernen and Randern erscheinen unter dem Mikroskop gewellt, sägezahnartig oder kammartig. Dies deutet darauf hin, daß Überwachsung mit Sanidin nach teilweiser Resorption von Plagioklas stattgefunden hat. Perthitische Linsen oder Lamellen von Plagioklas im Sanidin wurden im Grenzbereich der beiden Feldspäte beobachtet. Perthit-Lamellen im Sanidin entstanden durch Subsolidus-Entmischung nachdem die Feldspäte wahrend der magmatischen Phase gebildet worden waren. Die Periodizität der Perthit-Lamellen liegt unter 10 nm.

Laboratory driven ionic thermal exchange of alkali feldspars from K to Na produces samples which are strongly luminescent in the ultraviolet region near 320 nm. The sites providing this luminescence are suggested as being correlated with the motion of Na atoms along interface-interphases of the material (i.e. with Na-O bond fracture). The thermoluminescence peaks show multi-order kinetics. Thermal preheatings of low albite sensitize the feldspar lattice with respect to thermoluminescence generated by exposure to UV irradiation and heating produces a strong blue luminescence spread over the range 350 nm to 500 nm band in feldspars. The upper temperature for thermoluminescence in feldspars is ∼300 °C, which is also the point where ionic conductivity of albite (010) begins, but the 300 °C region is also the starting point of a large second glow peak in adularia. Whilst it seems appropriate to link the Na motion to the 350–500 nm emission, it is unclear whether these changes are the result of the large anisotropic thermal vibration of Na atoms or the massive Na jumps that occur when the lattice reaches 300 °C. A speculative model is considered in which the UV TL emissions of natural minerals are linked to different interface-interphases (grain boundaries, exsolution limits, twinning planes, antiphase domains). Increased interface coherency energies are related to the kinetic order and the spectral position of luminescence emission peaks. Received: 3 December 1998 / Revised, accepted: 17 April 1999  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1674-1679
Potassium feldspars in pegmatites of the Mama district are microclines and orthoclases. In granitoid pegmatites and undifferentiated vein pegmatites, unaffected by postmagmatic processes, the feldspars are represented by orthoclase with the X-ray triclinism (△p) as 0.0-0.4. Wherever postmagmatic solutions were active, in granitoid pegmatitic fields or zonal bodies of vein pegmatites, the feldspars are represented by microcline with △p as 0.5-1.0. At that, the ultimate microcline is recorded only in micaceous zones. There is a connection between △p and Ba content of the feldspars High concentrations of Ba interfere with order in the feldspar crystal structures. There is a definite inverse relationship between △p and Ba in feldspars containing 0.9-2.6% Ba. In feldspars which are low in Ba, △p may vary at one and the same concentration of Ba. Such state of the crystal structure of feldspars is metastable. The magnitude of △p depends upon conditions of the original crystallization and on factors conducive to orderliness in the crystal structure, as well as the interferences, specifically the effect of the admixture elements. — Authors.  相似文献   

钾长石是南平伟晶岩中分布广泛的一种造岩矿物,它的结晶作用几乎贯穿于伟晶岩形成-演化过程的所有阶段。通过对不同类型伟晶岩和同一类型伟晶岩中不同世代钾长石的产出条件、物理性质、矿物粉晶X光衍射、化学成分等方面研究,发现钾长石在伟晶岩中的分布有明显的规律性。这不仅深化了对南平伟晶岩形成机制的了解,而且对钾长石的综合利用也有重要意义。  相似文献   

Co-existing plagioclase and alkali feldspars of the Sierra Nevada granites and plagioclases of the mafic inclusions have been analysed using an ARL EMX electron microprobe analyser. Each Sierran rock type contains co-existing feldspar pairs within specific compositional ranges. Core plagioclase compositions of the mafic inclusions are only slightly higher or lower in anorthite than the host rock plagioclases and cluster between An30 and An40. The chemical inhomogeneity of the Sierran potash feldspars and this effect on the Barth k value prohibits the use of the feldspars as geothermometers for these particular rocks. Results of the electron microprobe, x-ray, and petrographic study and the experimental hydrothermal investigation of the granites suggest but do not prove that both the plagioclase composition and the mafic inclusion mineralogy can be explained in terms of a model which considers the inclusions to be the refractory residue left over from the partial melting of crustal material.Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

江西雅山花岗岩长石中磷的分布及意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘昌实  黄小龙 《岩石学报》1999,15(2):291-297
雅山富氟高磷花岗岩具较高的全岩磷含量(0.15%~0.55%),长石是磷的主要赋存矿物,磷以PAlSi-2替换方式进入长石结构中。各种结晶习性的长石的磷含量各不相同。早世代钠长石和雪球结构中钠长石包裹体的结晶较早,平均磷含量分别为0.18%和0.19%,而晚世代钠长石和环带钾长石中钠长石嵌晶的结晶稍晚,具较高的平均磷含量(分别为0.25%和0.23%)。钾长石的磷含量相对于钠长石总体上较低,早期结晶的雪球结构主晶钾长石和环带钾长石的磷含量最低,分别为0.04%和0.02%,晚期细粒钾长石的平均磷含量略高(0.19%)。长石对全岩磷的贡献率还与磷锂铝石等磷酸盐副矿物是否达到饱和有关,当无磷锂铝石结晶时,长石磷的贡献率约为76%,反之则约为31%。  相似文献   

The cathodoluminescence (CL) of a variety of alkali feldspars from South Greenland has been examined in an attempt to understand the causes of the CL and its petrological significance. Analytical methods have included CL spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to correlate the presence of certain CL emissions to the presence of certain trace element and point defects. Where possible, blue and red luminescent fractions of the same rock samples have been separated and analysed separately. Blue CL appears to relate to the presence of electron holes on bridging oxygens, particularly on the Al-O-Al bridge, as determined from EPR studies. No correlation with other proposed activators for blue CL such as Eu2+, Ga3+ or Ti4+ was observed. Some blue luminescent feldspars also have an emission in the infra-red (IR), invisible during normal visible CL petrography. The red and IR CL emissions correspond to features in EPR spectra attributed to Fe3+ and support previous suggestions that Fe3+ is related to this emission. However, our studies indicate that the visible red CL relates specifically to Fe3+ on the T1 site, whereas the equivalent CL from disordered feldspars lies in the IR. The difference between red and IR CL emissions therefore relates to the state of Fe3+ order across the tetrahedral sites. These data allow more meaningful interpretations of CL as a petrographic tool in alkali feldspar-bearing rocks. Received: 5 March 1998 / Accepted: 23 November 1998  相似文献   

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