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日照市土壤重金属来源解析及环境风险评价   总被引:63,自引:3,他引:63  
选择日照市的东港区和岚山区为研究区,采集了445个0~20 cm表层土壤样品,并测定了10种重金属元素的含量;采用多元统计和地统计分析,揭示了研究区土壤重金属污染的主要来源以及与土地利用、成土母质之间的关系,绘制了重金属的环境风险概率的空间分布图.结果表明:①As、Co、Cr和Cu的平均值低于山东省东部地区土壤背景值,Cd、Hg、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn的平均值高于背景值,尤其是Cd、Hg的含量分别为背景值的1.85和1.38倍,土壤中重金属累积较为明显.②10种元素可被辩识出4个主成分(PCs),PC1 (Co、Cr、Mn、Ni和Zn)和PC3 (As、Cu)为自然源因子,PC2 (Cd、Pb)为工农业及交通源因子,PC4(Hg)为工业源因子;其中Pb、Zn在PC1和PC3上均有较大载荷,受地质背景和人类活动的共同控制.③Cd、Hg含量在不同的覆被类型有显著差异,在城镇建设用地的含量最高;Co、Cr、Cu、Mn和Ni在花岗岩和变质岩母质的含量高,与冲积与海积物母质有较大差异.④来自于同一主成分的元素及元素组合的环境风险空间格局与相应主成分插值结果基本一致,所有重金属综合环境风险的高值区在西部和东部呈点状分布,主要是由西部的高地质背景和东部的强烈人为干扰的综合作用造成的.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of lake (Renstradträsket) and estuarine (Pieni Pernajanlahti Bay) sediment was investigated in a medium sized watershed draining to the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Catchment land-use types were compared and found similar. Sediment cores were dated using 210Pb- and 137Cs-chronologies and analyzed for Al, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, phosphorus fractions, TN, TC and biogenic silica (BSi). Differences between the sediment cores were studied by using linear regression analysis and principal components analysis (PCA). Despite similarities in catchment land-use and history, the sediment geochemical profiles of the sites varied significantly. Some of the differences could be related to differences in chemical sedimentation environment (lacustrine versus estuarine). TP concentration was found to be positively correlated with sediment iron content in estuarine sediment but negatively correlated with Fe in lake sediment. In the estuarine core sedimentary iron was not correlated to lithogenic potassium and aluminum but in the lake core the iron seemed to be lithogenic in origin, as suggested by the strong positive correlations (r 2 = 0.95–0.96) between these three variables. Most similarities among the cores were found in Al concentrations. Estuarine nutrient profiles appeared relatively monotonous compared to the lake core. This is probably due to more vigorous mixing of the sediments that may ensure more rapid and complete consumption of the organic matter deposited on the bottom of the estuary. Therefore the lake sediment appeared to preserve the historical record of eutrophication better. Biologically less active and more particle-bound materials like the trace metals Cu and Zn seemed to retain good records of anthropogenic impact also in the estuarine core. The study highlights the need to take the sedimentation environment into account when interpreting geochemical record.  相似文献   

The level of Kluane Lake in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, has fluctuated tens of metres during the late Holocene. Contributions of sediment from different watersheds in the basin over the past 5,000 years were inferred from the elemental geochemistry of Kluane Lake sediment cores. Elements associated with organic material and oxyhydroxides were used to reconstruct redox fluctuations in the hypolimnion of the lake. The data reveal complex relationships between climate and river discharge during the late Holocene. A period of influx of Duke River sediment coincides with a relatively warm climate around 1,300 years BP. Discharge of Slims River into Kluane Lake occurred when Kaskawulsh Glacier advanced to the present drainage divide separating flow to the Pacific Ocean via Kaskawulsh and Alsek rivers from flow to Bering Sea via tributaries of Yukon River. During periods when neither Duke nor Slims river discharged into Kluane Lake, the level of the lake was low and stable thermal stratification developed, with anoxic and eventually euxinic conditions in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

降雨信息空间插值的不确定性分析   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:48  
文章以潮白河流域为样区,根据58个雨量站1990年的降雨观测数据,采用反距离权重法、克立格法、样条函数法、趋势面法等插值方法,分析了站点数量变化、时间尺度变化、栅格像元的尺度变化、插值方法的差异对降雨数据空间插值结果的影响,剖析降雨插值中的不确定性。结果表明:(1)插值站点数量越大,区域降雨插值的不确定性越小;(2)像元尺度在50m~1000m间变化对降雨插值的不确定性只有微弱的影响;(3)对应于时间尺度由年到月到日的变化,降雨插值的不确定性随时间尺度的减小而显著增大;(4)不同插值方法影响到降雨空间插值的不确定性水平。为了减少降雨信息空间插值的不确定性,根本途径是要引入第三方相关变量,并将其整合到现有的插值算法中。高相关性变量的选取及其与插值模型的整合方式将成为降雨插值研究的主导方向。  相似文献   

内蒙土壤微量元素含量的空间结构特征   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
徐尚平  陶澍  徐福留  曹军 《地理学报》2000,55(3):337-345
用因子克里格法分析了内蒙地区土壤中10种微量元素含量的空间结构特征。结果显示,母质和以土类为代表的表生地球化学作用是影响内蒙土壤中微量元素含量窨分布模式的主要因素。母质因子的窨变异尺度较小,而表生地球化学作用因子则具有较大变异尺度。整体而言,母质的影响强于表生地球化学作用。内蒙土壤中微量元素含量在不同空间尺度具有料为一致的相关特征。取决于离子半径的类质同象作用是形成特定相关特征的重要原因。  相似文献   

闽东南沿海老红砂的地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
曾从盛 《中国沙漠》2000,20(3):248-251
闽东南沿海老红砂的地球化学分析表明,B、Ga、Sr、Ba、K、Cr、Ni和V等微量元素含量及B/Ga和Sr/Ba比值指示老红砂应为陆相沉积,其磷酸钙组分和古盐度亦指示为陆相。老红砂的化学全量组合特征与花岗岩风化壳相似,但SiO2含量较花岗岩风化壳大,而Al2O3的含量明显少于花岗岩风化壳。从老红砂垂直剖面变化看,其硅铝铁率一般从上往下增加,分解系数(Fe2O3/MgO)一般从上往下减少。  相似文献   

The object of this study is to build a three-dimensional (3D) geometric model of the stratigraphicunits of the margin of the Rhone River on the basis of geophysical investigations by a networkof seismic profiles at sea. The geometry of these units is described by depth charts of eachsurface identified by seismic profiling, which is done by geostatistics. The modeling starts bya statistical analysis by which we determine the parameters that enable us to calculate thevariograms of the identified surfaces. After having determined the statistical parameters, wecalculate the variograms of the variable Depth. By analyzing the behavior of the variogramwe then can deduce whether the situation is stationary and if the variable has an anisotropicbehavior. We tried the following two nonstationary methods to obtain our estimates: (a) Themethod of universal kriging if the underlying variogram was directly accessible. (b) Themethod of increments if the underlying variogram was not directly accessible. After havingmodeled the variograms of the increments and of the variable itself, we calculated the surfacesby kriging the variable Depth on a small-mesh estimation grid. The two methods then arecompared and their respective advantages and disadvantages are discussed, as well as theirfields of application. These methods are capable of being used widely in earthsciences forautomatic mapping of geometric surfaces or for variables such as a piezometricsurface or aconcentration, which are not stationary, that is, essentially, possess a gradient or a tendencyto develop systematically in space.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of grazing on vegetation composition on the Arabian Peninsula. The aim of this study therefore was to analyse the vegetation response to environmental conditions of open woodlands along an altitudinal and a grazing gradient in the Jabal al Akhdar mountain range of Oman. The species composition, vegetation structure, grazing damage and several environmental variables were investigated for 62 samples using a nested plot design. Classification analysis and a Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) were used to define vegetation types and to identify underlying environmental gradients. The relationship between environmental variables and diversity was analysed using correlation coefficients and a main-effects ANOVA. The plant species richness followed a unimodal distribution along the altitudinal gradient with the highest number of species at the intermediate altitudinal belt. The cluster analysis led to five vegetation groups: The Sideroxylon mascatenseDodonaea viscosa group on grazed and the Olea europaeaFingerhuthia africana group on ungrazed plateau sites at 2000 m a.s.l., the Ziziphus spina-christiNerium oleander group at wadi sites and the Moringa peregrinaPteropyrum scoparium group at 1200 m a.s.l, and the Acacia gerrardiiLeucas inflata group at 1700 m a.s.l. The CVA indicated a clear distinction of the groups obtained by the agglomerative cluster analysis. The landform, altitude and grazing intensity were found to be the most important variables distinguishing between clusters. Overgrazing of the studied rangeland is an increasing environmental problem, whereas the plant composition at ungrazed sites pointed to a relatively fast and high regeneration potential of the local vegetation.  相似文献   

From a rare freshwater lake characteristic of alkalescence, named “Cattle Pond”, on the Dongdao Island of South China Sea (16°39′–16°41′ N, 112°43′–112°45′ E), we collected two undisturbed sediment cores that contain seabird droppings. In this paper, we determined the concentration-versus-depth profiles of the geochemical elements in the ornithogenic sediment layers of the two cores, analyzed these profiles by various statistical methods, and studied their geochemical characteristics. The concentration profiles of As, Cd, Cu, Se, Zn, P and S are significantly correlated with each other and with loss on ignition (LOI) at 550°C, the measure for the abundance of organic matter. Similar geochemical characteristics, however, were not observed in the upper sediment layer of the Cattle Pond notably affected by cattle excrements, as well as in the bottom sediment layer compositionally dominated by coral sand and gravel. This shows that these “bio-elements” are mainly derived from seabird feces and their geochemical composition is an important geochemical characteristic of the lacustrine ornithogenic sediments. By Q-mode factor analysis (QFA) on the concentration profiles of these bio-elements, we reconstructed the historical seabird population on Dongdao Island between 1350 and 350 year B.P., and observed significant fluctuations in the calculated population. The fluctuations seem to be related to the change of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Southern China Sea. This study provides new paleoenvironmental information of past seabird population changes in low latitude areas using an indirect geochemical method.  相似文献   

A number of large and giant ore deposits have been discovered within the relatively small areas of lithospheric structure anomalies, including various boundary zones of tectonic plates. The regions have become the well-known intercontinental ore-forming belts, such as the circum-Pacific gold–copper, copper–molybdenum, and tungsten–tin metallogenic belts. These belts are typical geological anomalous areas. An investigation into the hydrothermal ore deposits in different regions in the former Soviet Union illustrated that the geologic structures of ore fields of almost all major commercial deposits have distinct features compared with the neighboring areas. These areas with distinct features are defined as geo-anomalies. A geo-anomaly refers to such a geologic body or a combination of bodies that their composition, texture–structure, and genesis are significantly different from those of their surroundings. A geo-anomaly unit (GU) is an area containing distinct features that can be delineated with integrated ore-forming information using computer techniques on the basis of the geo-anomaly concept. Herein, the GU concept is illustrated by a case study of delineating the gold ore targets in the western Shandong uplift terrain, eastern China. It includes: (1) analyses of gold ore-forming factors; (2) compilation of normalized regional geochemical map and extraction of geochemical anomalies; (3) compilation of gravitational and aeromagnetic tectonic skeleton map and extraction of gravitational and aeromagnetic anomalies; (4) extraction of circular and linear anomalies from remote-sensing Landsat TM images; (5) establishment of a geo-anomaly conceptual model associated with known gold mineralization; (6) establishment of gold ore-forming favorability by computing techniques; and (7) delineation and assessment of ore-forming units. The units with high favorability are suggested as ore targets.  相似文献   

The patterns of spatial variation of diatom assemblages from surface sediments in Lake Lama were quantified using a combined approach of ordination and geostatistics. The aims were (i) to estimate the amount of variation between diatom assemblages within the lake, (ii) to model the spatial variability of the diatom assemblages and their diversity, and (iii) to map the diatom distributions in the lake. A correspondence analysis (CA) separated the diatom assemblages into a planktonic and a periphytic group. Rheophilic taxa were found within the periphytic group. Variogram analysis showed that only the sample scores of the first CA axis and the Shannon diversity index were spatially structured. The range of spatial correlation was estimated to be 55 km for both variables. The diversity and, to a lesser extent, the sample scores had considerable small-scale variability of about 20 and 3%, respectively. Estimates of the first component of the CA and the Shannon index were derived using block-kriging. The maps of the estimates provided a basis for partitioning Lake Lama according to the spatial structures into an eastern and a western basin, a north–south connection between the basins, and a north–south directed tip at the far eastern end. It was shown that variation in diatom assemblages is mainly spatially structured at the catchment scale and that there is a considerable amount of variation at smaller scales. According to the modeled spatial distribution, the assemblages are most likely affected by the lake size, morphology, and the water and nutrient input introduced by rivers. This has to be taken into account when paleolimnological interpretations are drawn from records of complex lake systems like Lake Lama.  相似文献   

The validation of land use/land cover (LULC) maps is usually performed using a reference database consisting of a sample of points or regions to which the ‘real’ class is assigned. This assignment is usually performed by specialists using photointerpretation (PI) of high-resolution imagery and/or field visits, which are time consuming and expensive processes. The aim of this article is to assess if the data available in the collaborative project OpenStreetMap (OSM) may be used as a source of data to assist the creation of these reference databases, reducing the time spent and costs associated with their generation. For this aim, two case studies were used, where the validation of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Urban Atlas (UA) was performed. The used methodology requires the harmonization of the data available in OSM with the UA nomenclature, and the subsequent creation of a LULC map from the OSM data. This map was then compared to UA to assess the similarity of the regions mapped in both. To test the usefulness of OSM data to assess the accuracy of UA, a sample of points was created and two reference databases generated, one assigning the data extracted automatically from OSM to the points where these data were available, and PI for the remaining points, and the other using only PI. The accuracy assessment of UA for the two case studies was then made building confusion matrixes and computing accuracy indicators. The results showed that for the two study areas, only low percentages of points had to be photo interpreted in the first reference database (respectively, 12% and 2% for the two study areas), decreasing the work load considerably. The results obtained with both reference databases are comparable for level 1 classes. For level 2 classes, worse results were obtained for some classes, showing that the OSM data used are not enough to create reliable reference data.  相似文献   

水文系统不确定性分析方法及应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水文系统是一个复杂的系统,包含了很多不确定性因素,增加了精确模拟和预测水文过程的困难。为了提高计算结果的可靠性,水文系统的不确定性分析已成为当前研究的热点。本文对水文系统不确定性分析方法及应用研究进展进行了分类综述,介绍了它们的数学原理、操作程序和应用现状,并对值得进一步研究的问题进行了展望,指出加强水文过程机理研究、在水文循环过程更多环节上拓宽不确定性研究、以及将多种不确定性分析方法进行综合是未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used to investigate the spatial association between metallic mineral sites and lithodiversity in Nevada. Mineral site data sets include various size and type subsets of about 5,500 metal-bearing occurrences and deposits. Lithodiversity was calculated by counting the number of unique geological map units within four sizes of square-shaped sample neighborhoods (2.5-by-2.5, 5-by-5, 10-by-10, and 20-by-20 km) on three different scales of geological maps (national, 1:2,500,000; state, 1:500,000; county, 1:250,000). The spatial association between mineral sites and lithodiversity was observed to increase with increasing lithodiversity. This relationship is consistent for (1) both basin-range and range-only regions, (2) four sizes of sample neighborhoods, (3) various mineral site subsets, (4) the three scales of geological maps, and (5) areas not covered by large-scale maps. A map scale of 1:500,000 and lithodiversity sampling neighborhood of 5-by-5 km was determined to best describe the association. Positive associations occurred for areas having >3 geological map units per neighborhood, with the strongest observed at approximately >7 units. Areas in Nevada with more than three geological map units per 5-by-5 km neighborhood contain more mineral sites than would be expected resulting from chance. High lithodiversity likely reflects the occurrence of complex structural, stratigraphic, and intrusive relationships that are thought to control, focus, localize, or expose mineralization. The application of lithodiversity measurements to areas that are not well explored may help delineate regional-scale exploration targets and provide GIS-supported mineral resource assessment and exploration activity another method that makes use of widely available geological map data.  相似文献   

Visual data mining of spatial data is a challenging task. As exploratory analysis is fundamental, it is beneficial to explore the data using different potential visualisations. In this article, we propose and analyse network graphs as a useful visualisation tool to mine spatial data. Due to their ability to represent complex systems of relationships in a visually insightful and intuitive way, network graphs offer a rich structure that has been recognised in many fields as a powerful visual representation. However, they have not been sufficiently exploited in spatial data mining, where they have principally been used on data that come with an explicit pre-specified network graph structure. This research presents a methodology with which to infer relationship network graphs for large collections of boolean spatial features. The methodology consists of four principal stages: (1) define a co-location model, (2) select the type of co-association of interest, (3) compute statistical diagnostics for these co-associations and (4) construct and visualise a network graph of the statistic from step (3). We illustrate the potential usefulness of the methodology using an example taken from an ecological setting. Specifically, we use network graphs to understand and analyse the potential interactions between potential vector and reservoir species that enable the propagation of leishmaniasis, a disease transmitted by the bite of sandflies.  相似文献   

Harris  J. R.  Wilkinson  L.  Heather  K.  Fumerton  S.  Bernier  M. A.  Ayer  J.  Dahn  R. 《Natural Resources Research》2001,10(2):91-124
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to prepare and process digital geoscience data in a variety of ways for producing gold prospectivity maps of the Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Data used to produce these maps include geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and remotely sensed (Landsat). A number of modeling methods are used and are grouped into data-driven (weights of evidence, logistic regression) and knowledge-driven (index and Boolean overlay) methods. The weights of evidence (WofE) technique compares the spatial association of known gold prospects with various indicators (evidence maps) of gold mineralization, to derive a set of weights used to produce the final gold prospectivity map. Logistic regression derives statistical information from evidence maps over each known gold prospect and the coefficients derived from regression analysis are used to weight each evidence map. The gold prospectivity map produced from the index overlay process uses a weighting scheme that is derived from input by the geologist, whereas the Boolean method uses equally weighted binary evidence maps.The resultant gold prospectivity maps are somewhat different in this study as the data comprising the evidence maps were processed purposely differently for each modeling method. Several areas of high gold potential, some of which are coincident with known gold prospects, are evident on the gold prospectivity maps produced using all modeling methods. The majority of these occur in mafic rocks within high strain zones, which is typical of many Archean greenstone belts.  相似文献   

Cartographic modelling operations provide powerful tools for analysing and manipulating geographic data in the raster data model. This research extends these operations to the vector data model. It first discusses how the spatial scopes of analysis can be defined for point, line, and polygon features analogous to the raster cell. Then it introduces the local, focal, and zonal operations available for vector features, followed by providing a prototype syntax that might guide the implementation of these operations. Through example applications, this research also demonstrates the usefulness of these operations by comparing them with traditional vector spatial analysis.  相似文献   

探索性空间分析及其与GIS集成模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探索性空间分析基于让数据说话的理念,可以避免野值或非典型观测值的误导。在对探索性空间分析的基本原理和概念界定的基础上,探讨交互式和动态空间数据分析、地学可视化及可视化空间分布、确认性空间分析、空间数据挖掘等探索性空间分析的主要技术。由于统计分析软件和GIS的数据格式差异很大,直接将二者简单集成存在一定困难,因此切实可行的集成方式是采用对象连接和嵌入(OLE)技术,分别调用统计分析软件的探索性分析功能(或者函数)以及GIS的地图显示和空间分析功能,并进行必要开发,实现二者的集成。最后对探索性空间分析的发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

降水是水热循环以及气候变化研究的重要环节,降水资料的准确与否直接影响流域尺度的水文过程研究。本文基于2000-2015年天山南坡阿克苏河流域气象站点观测降水数据,对比分析了Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM)降水数据集和Global Land Data Assimilation System(GLDAS)两种具有代表性的降水格网数据集在阿克苏河流域的适用性。结果表明:TRMM3B43数据在阿克苏河流域的整体表现优于GLDAS-2数据。两种数据的精度在月尺度上表现最优,相关系数分别为0.938和0.901,通过了0.01的显著性检验;在季节尺度,TRMM3B43数据各季节与站点插值的拟合度要优于GLDAS-2数据,但二者均呈现出高估冷季降水而低估暖季降水的趋势;在年尺度上,两种数据表现较差。在空间分布上,两种数据类型均能够反映出阿克苏河流域降水自西北向东南递减的空间分布趋势。并且两种数据在平原区的表现均优于山区,低估高海拔地区降水而高估低海拔地区的降水。  相似文献   

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