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编者的话 <热带地理>自1999年第4期起开辟了"争鸣园地”栏目,并以粤东"‘冰臼'与‘壶穴'之争”为题开展热烈讨论.至今两年来,在广大读者竭诚支持下,本栏目在国内外地学界已产生了广泛影响,争鸣至今热度未减.现因内容安排等原因,对本专题的讨论只能暂告一段落. 为继续贯彻"学术争鸣”方针,加强地学各相关专业之间的交流,促进学科发展,本刊编辑部于7月20日在广州地理研究所组织举行了关于"‘冰臼'与‘壶穴'之争”的专题讨论会.与会者有来自广州地区有关的专家、学者和专业科技人员共20多人,南方日报并派记者到会采访.会议自始至终充满热烈气氛,专家们以严肃认真、实事求是的科学态度进行了全面深入的探讨.在此基础上,为满足广大读者的迫切要求,现将所收到的专家书面发言稿,包括未能到会的专家为本栏目撰写的稿件一并刊出.为客观地反映会议情况,同时解决稿件多而版面不足的矛盾,特别是为持不同见解者提供发表意见的一席之地,稿件一律以简短的笔谈形式编发.又根据"文责自负”原则,稿件处理力求在内容、观点、风格等方面保留其"原汁原味”. 虽然,对本专题的讨论现已暂告一段落,但这绝不意味着争鸣已"划上了圆满句号”.广大读者通过对两年来争鸣过程的深入了解和分析,当可作出各自的判断.今后,如有新的意见和建议,还可直接向本刊提出,我们仍会以各种适当方式予以及时反映. <争鸣园地>将是一个常设栏目,希望广大读者继续给予有力支持,我们也将一如既往竭诚为读者提供周到服务. 曾昭璇(华南师范大学地理系教授): 近来争论的冰臼和壶穴问题看来应该结束了.想利用"冰臼”这个珍奇地貌现象来办旅游点的同志是不会放弃他的观点的,学术界对"冰臼”论的错误,也不会同意的. 本人认为所谓冰臼,实为壶穴,即为近代流水作用所成.理由可举几个例说明. 1. 40年前,本人研究红土荒坡时见到,大雨后红土荒坡被流水冲蚀一条小沟.小沟内的水流呈急速旋涡状流动.因此,很快小沟两坡就被蚀出一个个小型的"壶穴”地形来了.可见壶穴是近代流水所成的. 2. 1956年考察"韩江上游地形”时,在急流冲刷的花岗岩河床上,即可见到壶穴成群发育,并且有些呈"管状”壶穴,成行成排时,就把河床掘出一条深深刻入岩体中的小沟,成为河谷加深的部分.这表明洪水期流水涡流侵蚀作用的强烈. 3. 北方我去黄河壶口瀑布考察时,也在瀑布两侧的石质河床面上看见散布的壶穴.在陕西岸段看到一个标准的壶穴,它的上覆地层为红色土及黄土层,不见冰碛物.这也说明即使在北方,壶穴地貌也是流水侵蚀的结果. 4. 有一年,黄河修刘家峡水库,我有幸随水利部工程车去参观.亦见峡底出露后呈现巨型壶穴群的地貌,壶穴直径大至5~8 m,使河底每呈小型瀑布式的涡流,正如今天山区的瀑布潭一般,也说明黄河峡谷水下峡谷底部壶穴地貌,也是现代流水侵蚀的结果. 5. 在新出版<热带地理>2001年第21卷第2期封三照片②"揭西石肚溪冰碛砾石表面形成的‘钉头鼠尾'冰川擦痕”是错定的.这是泥石流中的擦痕,泥石流流动时,石块互相撞击产生的.因为本人在北欧平原(波兰)及北美冰碛区(加拿大地区)所见的"钉头鼠尾”砾石上刻痕,有它的特征,不是这样的. ①冰川刻痕石块是成群分布,不是个别出现,要小心去找才能找到.我曾在庐山大校场冰川末端找到过,所以不相信李四光教授说这是冰川堆积物.那里大小石块是一起堆着的. ②冰刻条痕是有个磨面的,磨面很光滑.磨面上还有一群不同走向的磨痕,也是成群的作同一走向. ③冰刻痕是在光滑磨面上,以几组深度不同、大小不等、方向不一的刻痕存在的. ④"钉头鼠尾”刻痕与石块节理、矿物成分无关.如庐山的石壁上冰川水平擦痕,是花岗岩体近水平排列的长石成带状时,长期风化后呈槽状水平刻痕似的风化槽形凹入.故本人不相信这几条凹槽是冰川U形谷两侧的冰磨痕. ⑤刻痕冰碛层产状也是每呈层状,磨圆也不错,且下部多在冰川磨光岩面上堆积着,即冰碛物也是呈层状产出,不像"蛇形丘”(冰川下河流)的大小不同石块与沙泥堆积在一起. 以上的成果都是国际地理学会、地质学会的野外共同考察后的共识.本人参加国内学会组织的考察所见所谓"冰碛物”没有这些情况,而是与泥石流的情况一致的.  相似文献   

《热带地理》自 1999年第 4期起开辟了“争鸣园地”栏目 ,并以粤东“‘冰臼’与‘壶穴’之争”为题开展热烈讨论。至今两年来 ,在广大读者竭诚支持下 ,本栏目在国内外地学界已产生了广泛影响 ,争鸣至今热度未减。现因内容安排等原因 ,对本专题的讨论只能暂告一段落。为继续贯彻“学术争鸣”方针 ,加强地学各相关专业之间的交流 ,促进学科发展 ,本刊编辑部于 7月 2 0日在广州地理研究所组织举行了关于“‘冰臼’与‘壶穴’之争”的专题讨论会。与会者有来自广州地区有关的专家、学者和专业科技人员共 2 0多人 ,南方日报并派记者到会采访。会议自始至终充满热烈气氛 ,专家们以严肃认真、实事求是的科学态度进行了全面深入的探讨。在此基础上 ,为满足广大读者的迫切要求 ,现将所收到的专家书面发言稿 ,包括未能到会的专家为本栏目撰写的稿件一并刊出。为客观地反映会议情况 ,同时解决稿件多而版面不足的矛盾 ,特别是为持不同见解者提供发表意见的一席之地 ,稿件一律以简短的笔谈形式编发。又根据“文责自负”原则 ,稿件处理力求在内容、观点、风格等方面保留其“原汁原味”。虽然 ,对本专题的讨论现已暂告一段落 ,但这绝不意味着争鸣已“划上了圆满句号”。广大读者通过对两年来争鸣过程的深入了解和分析 ,  相似文献   

Bird-watching is an increasingly popular leisure activity. Previous research has taken for granted the identity of people who watch birds, often categorised by their level of skilled practice as ‘dude’, ‘birder’ or ‘twitcher’. Feminist geographers encourage us to explore identity work as an outcome of the reciprocal relationships between practices and place. Our feminist approach illustrates that the practices of bird-watching are always much more than categorising birds as species. This paper illustrates how the practices of bird-watching are integral to the making and remaking of sense of place as ‘home’ and ‘away’, to sustain identities beyond accepted categories of ‘dude’, ‘birder’ and ‘twitcher’. The creation and application of different types of ‘bird-lists’ helps to explain the ways in which practices of bird-watching facilitate making sense of place as simultaneously ‘home’, ‘away’ and habitat, as well as the identity work of home-maker, citizen-scientist and tourist. Our insights into these leisure practices of bird-watching are drawn from analysis of data gathered from 21 people who actively bird-watch and reside on the South Coast, New South Wales, Australia by combining research methods of talking, walking, drawing and photography.  相似文献   

《新闻早报》【天宫一号与神舟九号今日将实施手控交会对接】组合体在轨飞行6天后,天宫一号与神舟九号2012年6月24日11时9分将短暂分离,并在12时58分实施第二次交会对接,12时55分成功完成。此次对  相似文献   

This paper examines the language and phraseology of ‘creative destruction‘ (‘renewal‘ and ‘exploitation’) expressed in urban planning procedures concerning one particular house in West Jerusalem: 28 Radak Street. Through a forensic examination of the planning-related communications about this address, the work analyzes the various stages of the ’destruction’ and ’renewal’ of the property. It demonstrates how each of the various actors involved (Municipality, planning committees, legal courts, private entrepreneur and local residents) uses different language and phraseology to present their argument, while the voice of the original Palestinian owners of the house is entirely absent from the planning battle.  相似文献   


This study examines the role of surface geomorphic features in tree establishment at the alpine treeline in Glacier National Park, Montana, through the presentation of a multiscale, conceptual model of biogeomorphic relationships at alpine treeline. Empirical observations gathered through a multiscale field methodology over three summers serve as a base for the model. The model highlights the importance of surface geomorphic features, specifically boulders and terrace risers, in creating favorable local site conditions, largely by protecting seedlings from wind. The sheltering effect of surface features enables initial seedling establishment, and in some cases survival, above current treeline locations, thereby initiating a positive feedback effect that encourages subsequent tree establishment. Geomorphic features are therefore important in linking scales of pattern and process at the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the recent history of kauri is remembered and commemorated on the Kauri Coast, western Northland, focusing on three specific heritage sites: The Kauri Museum at Matakohe, Trounson Kauri Park, and Waipoua Forest Sanctuary. Each site was established to preserve elements of the past before they were lost or irrevocably altered. The museum commemorates the pioneers and the kauri timber and gum industries, while Trounson Kauri Park and Waipoua Forest were intended to represent primeval forest and stand as monuments to people who advocated their protection.  相似文献   

金子兴  魏华  戴周丽 《地理教学》2015,(6):59-61,55
《地理教学》于2013年第22期发表了"‘热力环流’教学难点突破‘四步曲’"一文(以下简称《热》文)。作者为了突破难点,作了四个方向的突破,确实作了很大的努力。但文中有些观点值得商榷,现罗列如下,并作管中分析,望能引起同行共议,批评为盼!1.空气运动:空气上升,近地面空气密度减小,气压变低。2.气温高低:气温升高,空气受热膨胀上升,气压变低。3.山谷风。因白天山顶比山谷升温快,空气受热  相似文献   

Our sedimentological study of Lobos Lake sediments has shown that, below modern deposits, there is a clastic and biological record of three different paleoenvironments: two aquatic (freshwater and mixohaline respectively) and one subaereal. This record documents the climatic and geomorphologic changes that affected the basin during its evolution up to its present water level, from the upper Pleistocene to the Holocene.This is the seventh in a series of papers published in this issue on Paleolimnology in Southern South America. Dr. C. A. Fernández served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Kiribati: an environmental ‘perfect storm’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent environmental discourses and headlines on small island developing states (SIDS) have heralded the grave and impending threats of global warming and associated sea-level rise. These are undoubtedly significant challenges for SIDS, including atoll nations such as Kiribati. Nevertheless, securing small island state futures also requires a renewed commitment to addressing the obvious and immediate threats of urbanisation, pollution and sanitation. Looking at pressures of development on freshwater, this article argues that the future survival of small island states and their societies also greatly depends on managing the impacts of development. Approaches which can concurrently strengthen the resilience of communities and their ecosystems will result in mutual benefits for both sustainable development and climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

Two fundamental pillars of what it is to be a contemporary NGO and ‘do’ development work are being a part of and promoting civil society, and extending ‘good governance’. This article will provide insights into how supposedly universally applicable concepts and models for NGOs to ‘improve’ post-conflict ‘developing countries’ are incorporated into different social and cultural landscapes. Ethnographic fieldwork highlights some of the particularities of governance, as well as everyday challenges of doing NGO work in a remote province of north-eastern Cambodia. In the context of an authoritarian government, where kinship relations cross-cut all aspects of society, NGOs can be understood as embedded in neo-patrimonial networks rather than as a separate and autonomous realm of society as classic liberal theory understands ‘civil society’. Fear also plays a significant role in configuring peoples’ attitude towards authority and is rarely acknowledged in the project of ‘good governance’ which simplistically tends to see post-colonial governments situated on a linear trajectory which will eventually, with significant NGO interventions, reach advanced liberal democracy status.  相似文献   


Raster land cover data has been used to construct adjacency matrices by scanning the pixel edges and calculating proportions according to the land cover types joined. Like joins (e.g., forest to forest) are most common because pixel size is typically much smaller than the average patch size. The dominance of like joins (the matrix diagonal) of the adjacency matrix has led to one interpretation of the matrix as landscape contagion (the tendency of land cover to cluster into a few, large patches). Construction of the adjacency matrix in a vector environment results in a different measurement. In a vector environment, land cover patches are not sub–divided into pixels. Therefore, the main diagonal of the adjacency matrix is zero. Construction of an adjacency matrix in a vector environment estimates the evenness of distribution of edge types, not contagion. The same edge type evenness metric is estimated in a raster environment by ignoring the matrix diagonal and re-scaling the off-diagonal elements so that they sum to one (1).  相似文献   

Many migrants and their descendants make journeys to their homelands, and these visits form an important part of their ethnic identities, kinship relations and transnational connections. While such journeys have attracted increased attention recently, there has been relatively little exploration of the experiences that migrants’ children have when visiting their parents’ homeland, especially in an exile context when there has been little contact with the homeland for an extended period. This paper examines why the children and grandchildren of Estonian migrants to Australia journey to Estonia, and the experiences they have there. Motivations for visiting are complex and varied, and typically interweaved with parents’ stories, ethnic identities, kinship and curiosity. While visiting was a positive but emotional experience for some, it involved awkward encounters for others. This paper explores how these journeys led to respondents reconceptualising their senses of identity, belonging and home, and how many came to align their identities to both Estonia and Australia simultaneously.  相似文献   

The 167 sample lake-water pH-diatom calibration data-set created as part of the Palaeolimnology Programme within the Surface Water Acidification Project (SWAP) is re-analysed numerically using nine different numerical methods, six based on simple two-way weighted-averaging (WA), and the other three involving Gaussian logit regression (GLR) and maximum-likelihood (ML) calibration, the modern analogue technique, or weighted-averaging partial least-squares regression and calibration. Root mean squared error of prediction and maximum bias were estimated for all nine methods based on 10,000 internal and 10,000 external cross-validations involving a training-set, an optimisation-set, and a test-set. The results show that WA with a monotonic deshrinking spline equals or slightly outperforms WA with linear inverse deshrinking, especially in external cross-validation. Methods that employ tolerance downweighting generally have an inferior performance except when combined with monotonic deshrinking. It appears that simple two-way WA extensively used in SWAP cannot be significantly bettered. Thanks to increased computing power, better software, and more rigorous cross-validations, GLR shows good performance, especially in external cross-validation.  相似文献   

Over two decades after the scholarly interventions that coalesced into ‘critical GIS’ as a field within GIScience, critical GIS remains underdeveloped in conversations on teaching and learning. The literature on GIScience education has emphasized content more than pedagogies – what to teach versus how to teach to move students toward particular learning objectives. This emphasis is reflected in dominant curricular approaches to critical GIS, in which questions around the complicated origins and complicit social, political, and economic relationships of GIS are taken up as discrete topics, tacked onto instruction that otherwise prioritizes technical dimensions of GIScience. We argue that GIScience coursework must resist such modularization by approaching critical GIS not as a set of topics, but an orientation to GIS praxis that ‘does’ GIS from within a questioning stance, to ask how we know. We outline specific curricular shifts and teaching practices we have used to foster this orientation in GIS students, offering ways of continually engaging students in practicing this orientation as they learn strong technical GIScience content. Finally, we trace the successes, challenges, and tensions sparked by these critical GIS pedagogies, drawing on student evaluation comments from our courses and reflecting on broader implications for GIScience instructors and geography faculty.  相似文献   


A survey of users of geosciences data in Great Britain, carried out as part of the Databank Pilot Study jointly supported by the Department of the Environment and the British Geological Survey, indicated a priority requirement for a central geosciences data index. The consultations suggested that the system should contain information about the sources, accessibility and nature of data held in both centralized and widely-distributed collections. To illustrate to users how such a system would appear in its final implementation, and in order to refine the system's specification, the British Geological Survey developed, on an Intergraph Interpro 32 Workstation, a working demonstration of a ‘user-friendly’, interactive graphical index, capable of satisfying the requirements of a wide range of users of geosciences data. This paper describes the development of the ‘demonstrator’, its structure, content and implementation, and the benefits of adopting such an approach.  相似文献   

Groundwater exploitation is an essential aspect of the numerous processes of transforming the urban natural environment for human gains. We use the political ecology of borehole exploitation in Nigeria’s urban environment to understand the micro-and macro-level processes mediating the transformation and changes in urban “groundwater scape”. The fieldwork processes depend on field counting of borehole distribution, in-depth and semi-structured interviews, and a review of secondary literatures. We argue that the social and environmental changes arising from the exploitation of groundwater bespeak the active and continual manifestation of the interplay of combustible interests and power friction among institutional agents within the permissible range of the natural environment. Such dynamic power relations engender a pattern of socio-natural transformation consistent with Swyngedouw’s notion of urban metabolism- “a series of interconnected heterogeneous and dynamic but contested and contestable processes of continuous quantitative and qualitative transformations that re-arranges humans and non-humans in new and often unexpected ways”.  相似文献   

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