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Abstract– The feldspathic lunar meteorites contain rare fragments of crystalline basalts. We analyzed 16 basalt fragments from four feldspathic lunar meteorites (Allan Hills [ALHA] 81005, MacAlpine Hills [MAC] 88104/88105, Queen Alexandra Range [QUE] 93069, Miller Range [MIL] 07006) and utilized literature data for another (Dhofar [Dho] 1180). We compositionally classify basalt fragments according to their magma’s estimated TiO2 contents, which we derive for crystalline basalts from pyroxene TiO2 and the mineral‐melt Ti distribution coefficient. Overall, most of the basalt fragments are low‐Ti basalts (1–6% TiO2), with a significant proportion of very‐low‐Ti basalts (<1% TiO2). Only a few basalt clasts were high‐Ti or intermediate Ti types (>10% TiO2 and 6–10% TiO2, respectively). This distribution of basalt TiO2 abundances is nearly identical to that obtained from orbital remote sensing of the moon (both UV‐Vis from Clementine, and gamma ray from Lunar Prospector). However, the distribution of TiO2 abundances is unlike those of the Apollo and Luna returned samples: we observe a paucity of high‐Ti basalts. The compositional types of basalt differs from meteorite to meteorite, which implies that all basalt subtypes are not randomly distributed on the Moon, i.e., the basalt fragments in each meteorite probably represent basalts in the neighborhood of the meteorite launch site. These differences in basalt chemistry and classifications may be useful in identifying the source regions of some feldspathic meteorites. Some of the basalt fragments probably originate from ancient cryptomaria, and so may hold clues to the petrogenesis of the Moon’s oldest volcanism.  相似文献   

We model the fluids involved in the alteration processes recorded in the Sheepbed Member mudstones of Yellowknife Bay (YKB), Gale crater, Mars, as revealed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover investigations. We compare the Gale crater waters with fluids modeled for shergottites, nakhlites, and the ancient meteorite ALH 84001, as well as rocks analyzed by the Mars Exploration rovers, and with terrestrial ground and surface waters. The aqueous solution present during sediment alteration associated with phyllosilicate formation at Gale was high in Na, K, and Si; had low Mg, Fe, and Al concentrations—relative to terrestrial groundwaters such as the Deccan Traps and other modeled Mars fluids; and had near neutral to alkaline pH. Ca and S species were present in the 10?3 to 10?2 concentration range. A fluid local to Gale crater strata produced the alteration products observed by Curiosity and subsequent evaporation of this groundwater‐type fluid formed impure sulfate‐ and silica‐rich deposits—veins or horizons. In a second, separate stage of alteration, partial dissolution of this sulfate‐rich layer in Yellowknife Bay, or beyond, led to the pure sulfate veins observed in YKB. This scenario is analogous to similar processes identified at a terrestrial site in Triassic sediments with gypsum veins of the Mercia Mudstone Group in Watchet Bay, UK.  相似文献   

A crater and its ejecta: An interpretation of Deep Impact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We apply recently updated scaling laws for impact cratering and ejecta to interpret observations of the Deep Impact event. An important question is whether the cratering event was gravity or strength-dominated; the answer gives important clues about the properties of the surface material of Tempel 1. Gravity scaling was assumed in pre-event calculations and has been asserted in initial studies of the mission results. Because the gravity field of Tempel 1 is extremely weak, a gravity-dominated event necessarily implies a surface with essentially zero strength. The conclusion of gravity scaling was based mainly on the interpretation that the impact ejecta plume remained attached to the comet during its evolution. We address that feature here, and conclude that even strength-dominated craters would result in a plume that appeared to remain attached to the surface. We then calculate the plume characteristics from scaling laws for a variety of material types, and for gravity and strength-dominated cases. We find that no model of cratering alone can match the reported observation of plume mass and brightness history. Instead, comet-like acceleration mechanisms such as expanding vapor clouds are required to move the ejected mass to the far field in a few-hour time frame. With such mechanisms, and to within the large uncertainties, either gravity or strength craters can provide the levels of estimated observed mass. Thus, the observations are unlikely to answer the questions about the mechanical nature of the Tempel 1 surface.  相似文献   

The estimates of the age of the Kaali impact structure (Saaremaa Island, Estonia) provided by different authors vary by as much as 6000 years, ranging from ~6400 to ~400 before current era (BCE). In this study, a new age is obtained based on 14C dating charred plant material within the proximal ejecta blanket, which makes it directly related to the impact structure, and not susceptible to potential reservoir effects. Our results show that the Kaali crater was most probably formed shortly after 1530–1450 BCE (3237 ± 10 14C yr BP). Saaremaa was already inhabited when the bolide hit the Earth, thus, the crater‐forming event was probably witnessed by humans. There is, however, no evidence that this event caused significant change in the material culture (e.g., known archeological artifacts) or patterns of human habitation on Saaremaa.  相似文献   

Abstract The pattern of radial and concentric offset dikes at Sudbury strongly resembles fracture patterns in certain volcanically modified craters on the Moon. Since the Sudbury dikes apparently formed shortly after the impact event, this resemblance suggests that early endogenic modification at Sudbury was comparable to deformation in lunar floor-fractured craters. Although regional deformation has obscured many details of the Sudbury Structure, such a comparison of Sudbury with lunar floor-fractured craters provides two alternative models for the original size and surface structures of the Sudbury basin. First, the Sudbury date pattern can be correlated with fractures in the central peak crater Haldane (36 km in diameter). This comparison indicates an initial Sudbury diameter of between 100 and 140 km but requires loss of a central peak complex for which there is little evidence. Alternatively, comparison of the Sudbury dikes with fractures in the two-ring basin Schrödinger indicates an initial Sudbury diameter of at least ~ 180 km, which is in agreement with other recent estimates for the size of the Sudbury Structure. In addition to constraining the size and structure of the original Sudbury crater, these comparisons also suggest that crater modification may reflect different deformation mechanisms at different sizes. Most lunar floor-fractured craters are attributed to deformation over a shallow, crater-centered intrusion; however, there is no evidence for such an intrusion at Sudbury. Instead, melts from the evolving impact melt sheet probably entered fractures formed by isostatically-induced flexure of the crater floor. Since most of the lunar floor-fractured craters are too small (<100-km diameter) to induce significant isostatic adjustment, crater modification by isostatic uplift apparently is limited to only the largest of craters, whereas deformation over igneous intrusions dominates the modification of smaller craters.  相似文献   

Some eucrites contain up to 10 vol% silica minerals; however, silica minerals have not been studied in detail so far. We performed a mineralogical study of silica minerals in three cumulate eucrites (Moore County, Moama, and Yamato [Y] 980433). Monoclinic tridymite was common in all three samples. Moama contained orthorhombic tridymite as lamellae within monoclinic tridymite grains. Y 980433 included quartz around an impact melt vein. The presence of orthorhombic tridymite in Moama indicates that Moama cooled more rapidly than the other two samples at low temperatures (<400 °C). This result is different from the slower cooling rates of Moama (?0.0004 °C yr?1) than that of Moore County (>0.3 °C yr?1, after the shock event) at high temperatures (>500 °C) estimated from compositional profiles of pyroxene exsolution lamellae. The difference of the cooling rates may reflect their geological settings. Y 980433 cooled slowly at low temperature, as did Moore County. Quartz in Y 980433 could be a local product transformed from monoclinic tridymite by a shock event. We suggest that silica minerals in meteorites record thermal histories at low temperatures and shock events.  相似文献   

Abstract— A shower of meteorite fragments fell at ~0730 h local time on 1998 June 13 near the town of Portales, New Mexico. Thus far, 51 pieces of the Portales Valley (H6) meteorite have been recovered. This meteorite has an unusually large number of metallic veins. Some of these veins are also unusually thick, having widths on the order of centimeters. These wide veins have fine Widmanstätten structure, which is the first time it has been seen in an ordinary chondrite. This structure indicates the metallic veins and the host chondrite cooled slowly. These veins appear to have been produced by shock-metamorphic processes, which we infer produced a >20 km diameter impact crater on an H-chondrite planetesimal.  相似文献   

An unusual, prominent dark streak located in Mesogaea (near 8°N, 191°W) is described. Its appearance is unlike that of most dark streaks on Mars, many of which have ragged outlines, are variable on short time-scales, and are presumed to be erosional. The Mesogaea streak has a tapered, smooth outline, and no changes within it were observed. We suggest that this streak is depositional and that the low-albedo material originated within the associated crater itself. The source area is identified with a compact, low-albedo region on the crater floor. Two possible origins for the dark material are suggested: (1) deflation from a recently exposed, relatively unconsolidated subsurface deposit, and (2) production of ash by a volcanic vent.  相似文献   

Coesite has been identified within ejected blocks of shocked basalt at Lonar crater, India. This is the first report of coesite from the Lonar crater. Coesite occurs within SiO2 glass as distinct ~30 μm spherical aggregates of “granular coesite” identifiable both with optical petrography and with micro‐Raman spectroscopy. The coesite+glass occurs only within former silica amygdules, which is also the first report of high‐pressure polymorphs forming from a shocked secondary mineral. Detailed petrography and NMR spectroscopy suggest that the coesite crystallized directly from a localized SiO2 melt, as the result of complex interactions between the shock wave and these vesicle fillings.  相似文献   

Abstract— Post‐impact crater morphology and structure modifications due to sediment loading are analyzed in detail and exemplified in five well‐preserved impact craters: Mjølnir, Chesapeake Bay, Chicxulub, Montagnais, and Bosumtwi. The analysis demonstrates that the geometry and the structural and stratigraphic relations of post‐impact strata provide information about the amplitude, the spatial distribution, and the mode of post‐impact deformation. Reconstruction of the original morphology and structure for the Mjølnir, Chicxulub, and Bosumtwi craters demonstrates the long‐term subsidence and differential compaction that takes place between the crater and the outside platform region, and laterally within the crater structure. At Mjølnir, the central high developed as a prominent feature during post‐impact burial, the height of the peak ring was enhanced, and the cumulative throw on the rim faults was increased. The original Chicxulub crater exhibited considerably less prominent peak‐ring and inner‐ring/crater‐rim features than the present crater. The original relief of the peak ring was on the order of 420–570 m (currently 535–575 m); the relief on the inner ring/crater rim was 300–450 m (currently ?700 m). The original Bosumtwi crater exhibited a central uplift/high whose structural relief increased during burial (current height 101–110 m, in contrast to the original height of 85–110 m), whereas the surrounding western part of the annular trough was subdued more that the eastern part, exhibiting original depths of 43–68 m (currently 46 m) and 49–55 m (currently 50 m), respectively. Furthermore, a quantitative model for the porosity change caused by the Chesapeake Bay impact was developed utilizing the modeled density distribution. The model shows that, compared with the surrounding platform, the porosity increased immediately after impact up to 8.5% in the collapsed and brecciated crater center (currently +6% due to post‐impact compaction). In contrast, porosity decreased by 2–3% (currently ?3 to ?4.5% due to post‐impact compaction) in the peak‐ring region. The lateral variations in porosity at Chesapeake Bay crater are compatible with similar porosity variations at Mjølnir crater, and are considered to be responsible for the moderate Chesapeake Bay gravity signature (annular low of ?8 mGal instead of ?15 mGal). The analysis shows that the reconstructions and the long‐term alterations due to post‐impact burial are closely related to the impact‐disturbed target‐rock volume and a brecciated region of laterally varying thickness and depth‐varying physical properties. The study further shows that several crater morphological and structural parameters are prone to post‐impact burial modification and are either exaggerated or subdued during post‐impact burial. Preliminary correction factors are established based on the integrated reconstruction and post‐impact deformation analysis. The crater morphological and structural parameters, corrected from post‐impact loading and modification effects, can be used to better constrain cratering scaling law estimates and impact‐related consequences.  相似文献   

Newly acquired, sequentially spaced, high-resolution near-infrared spectra across the central section of crater Copernicus’ interior have been analyzed using a range of complementary techniques and indexes.We have developed a new interpretative method based on a multiple stage normalization process that appears to both confirm and expand on previous mineralogical estimations and mapping. In broad terms, the interpreted distribution of the principle mafic species suggests an overall composition of surface materials dominated by calcium-poor pyroxenes and minor olivine but with notable exceptions: the southern rim displays strong ca-rich pyroxene absorption features and five other locations, the uppermost northern crater wall, opposite rim sections facing the crater floor, and the central peak Pk1 and at the foot of Pk3, show instead strong olivine signatures.We also propose impact glass an alternative interpretation to the source of the weak but widespread olivine-like spectral signature found in low-reflectance samples, since it probably represents a major regolith constituent and component in large craters such as Copernicus.The high quality and performance of the SIR-2 data allows for the detection of diagnostic key mineral species even when investigating spectral samples with very subdued absorption features, confirming the intrinsic high-quality value of the returned data.  相似文献   

Little scaled studies on the entire planet Mars, and large scale studies of a local area (3600 km in diameter) seem to indicate geographic relations between martian fiuidized craters and ridges: all the intensely ridged areas exhibit a lot of fluidized craters. Because the presence of fluidized craters indicates low viscosity states of the martial surface, this relation would indicate that the compressive stresses only induced ridges when they occurred at times and places of low viscosity states of the martian surface.  相似文献   

Abstract— The cumulate eucrite meteorites are gabbros that are related to the eucrite basalt meteorites. The eucrite basalts are relatively primitive (nearly flat REE patterns with La ~ 8–30 × CI), but the parent magmas of the cumulate eucrites have been inferred as extremely evolved (La to > 100 × CI). This inference has been based on mineral/magma partitioning, and on mass balance considering the cumulate eucrites as adcumulates of plagioclase + pigeonite only; both approaches have been criticized as inappropriate. Here, mass balance including magma + equilibrium pigeonite + equilibrium plagioclase is used to test a simple model for the cumulate eucrites: that they formed from known eucritic magma types, that they consisted only of magma + crystals in chemical equilibrium with the magma, and that they were closed to chemical exchange after the accumulation of crystals. This model is tested for major and rare earth elements (REE). The cumulate eucrites Serra de Magé and Moore County are consistent, in both REE and major elements, with formation by this simple model from a eucrite magma with a composition similar to the Nuevo Laredo meteorite: Serra de Magé as 14% magma, 47.5% pigeonite, and 38.5% plagioclase; Moore County as 35% magma, 37.5% pigeonite, and 27.5% plagioclase. These results are insensitive to the choice of mineral/magma partition coefficients. Results for the Moama cumulate eucrite are strongly dependent on choice of partition coefficients; for one reasonable choice, Moama's composition can be modeled as 4% Nuevo Laredo magma, 60% pigeonite, and 36% plagioclase. Selection of parent magma composition relies heavily on major elements; the REE cannot uniquely indicate a parent magma among the eucrite basalts. The major element composition of Y-791195 can be fit adequately as a simple cumulate from any basaltic eucrite composition. However, Y-791195 has LREE abundances and La/Lu too low to be accommodated within the model using any basaltic eucrite composition and any reasonable partition coefficients. Postcumulus loss of incompatible elements seems possible. It is intriguing that Serra de Magé, Moore County, and Moama are consistent with the same parental magma; could they be from the same igneous body on the eucrite parent asteroid (4 Vesta)?  相似文献   

Abstract— The Foelsche structure is situated in the McArthur Basin of northern Australia (16°40′ S, 136°47′ E). It comprises a roughly circular outcrop of flat‐lying Neoproterozoic Bukalara Sandstone, overlying and partly rimmed by tangentially striking, discontinuous outcrops of dipping, fractured and brecciated Mesoproterozoic Limmen Sandstone. The outcrop expression coincides with a prominent circular aeromagnetic anomaly, which can be explained in terms of the local disruption and removal or displacement of a regional mafic igneous layer within a circular area at depth. Samples of red, lithic, pebbly sandstone from the stratigraphically lowest exposed levels of the Bukalara Sandstone within the Foelsche structure contain detrital quartz grains displaying mosaicism, planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs). PFs and PDFs occur in multiple intersecting sets with orientations consistent with a shock metamorphic origin. The abundance and angular nature of the shocked grains indicates a nearby provenance. Surface expression and geophysical data are consistent with a partly buried complex impact crater of ?6 km in diameter with an obscured central uplift ?2 km in diameter. The deformed outcrops of Limmen Sandstone are interpreted as relics of the original crater rim, but the central region of the crater, from which the shocked grains were likely derived, remains buried. From the best available age constraints the Foelsche structure is most likely of Neoproterozoic age.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the formation and collapse processes of transient craters. Polycarbonate projectiles with mass of 0.49 g were impacted into the soda-lime glass sphere target (mean diameters of glass spheres are ∼36, 72, and 220 μm, respectively) using a single-stage light-gas gun. Impact velocity ranged from 11 to 329 m s−1. We found that the transient crater collapses even at laboratory scales. The shape (diameter and depth) of the transient crater differs from that of the final crater. The depth-rim diameter ratios of the final and transient craters are 0.11-0.14 and 0.26-0.27, respectively. The rim diameter of both the transient and final crater depends on target material properties; however, the ratio of final to transient crater diameter does not. This suggests that target material properties affect the formation process of transient craters even in the gravity regime, and must be taken into account when scaling experimental results to planetary scales. By observing impacts into glass sphere targets, we show that although the early stage of the excavation flow does not depend on the target material properties, the radial expansion of the cavity after the end of vertical expansion does. This suggests that the effect of target material properties is specifically important in the later part of the crater excavation and collapse.  相似文献   

Abstract— Crystallization of a magma ocean on a large terrestrial planet that is significantly melted by the energy of accretion may lead to an unstable cumulate density stratification, which may overturn to a stable configuration. Overturn of the initially unstable stratification may produce an early basaltic crust and differentiated mantle reservoirs. Such a stable compositional stratification can have important implications for the planet's subsequent evolution by delaying or suppressing thermal convection and by influencing the distribution of radiogenic heat sources. We use simple models for fractional crystallization of a martian magma ocean, and calculate the densities of the resulting cumulates. While the simple models presented do not include all relevant physical processes, they are able to describe to first order a number of aspects of martian evolution. The models describe the creation of magma source regions that differentiated early in the history of Mars, and present the possibility of an early, brief magnetic field initiated by cold overturned cumulates falling to the coremantle boundary. In a model that includes the density inversion at about 7.5 GPa, where olivine and pyroxene float in the remaining magma ocean liquids while garnet sinks, cumulate overturn sequesters alumina in the deep martian interior. The ages and compositions of source regions are consistent with SNC meteorite data.  相似文献   

The present paper describes observations of crater growth up to the time of transient crater formation and presents a new empirical model for transient crater growth as a function of time. Polycarbonate projectiles were impacted vertically into soda-lime glass sphere targets using a single-stage light-gas gun. Using a new technique with a laser sheet illuminating the target [Barnouin-Jha, O.S., Yamamoto, S., Toriumi, T., Sugita, S., Matsui, T., 2007. Non-intrusive measurements of the crater growth. Icarus, 188, 506-521], we measured the temporal change in diameter of crater cavities (diameter growth). The rate of increase in diameter at early times follows a power law relation, but the data at later times (before the end of transient crater formation) deviates from the power law relation. In addition, the power law exponent at early times and the degree of deviation from a power law at later times depend on the target. In order to interpret these features, we proposed to modify Maxwell’s Z-model under the assumption that the strength of the excavation flow field decreases exponentially with time. We also derived a diameter growth model as: d(t)∝[1-exp(-βt)]γ, where d(t) is the apparent diameter of the crater cavity at time t after impact, and β and γ are constants. We demonstrated that the diameter growth model could represent well the experimental data for various targets with different target material properties, such as porosity or angle of repose. We also investigated the diameter growth for a dry sand target, which has been used to formulate previous scaling relations. The obtained results showed that the dry sand target has larger degree of deviation from a power law, indicating that the target material properties of the dry sand target have a significant effect on diameter growth, especially at later times. This may suggest that the previously reported scaling relations should be reexamined in order to account for the late-stage behavior with the effect of target material properties.  相似文献   

Charles A. Wood 《Icarus》1973,20(4):503-506
The heights of central peaks in lunar craters are directly proportional to crater diameters, implying that peak height is a function of crater-forming energy. A similar relationship exists for terrestrial meteorite and TNT craters whose uplifts are of rebound origin. A rebound origin for lunar central peaks implies an impact origin for central peak craters. Correlation of peak heights and crater depths provides direct evidence for lava filling of crater floors.  相似文献   

The presence of central peak craters and the absence of central pit craters on Triton implies a surface rigidity similar to the Saturnian and Uranian satellites and stronger than that of the Jupiter satellites Ganymede and Callisto. Tectonically degraded terrain may exist at the antipode of the large impact structure on 1989N1. Dome craters on Triton may represent a form of solid state volcanism.  相似文献   

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