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Planetary bodies a few hundred kilometers in radii are the precursors to larger planets but it is unclear whether these bodies themselves formed very rapidly or accreted slowly over several millions of years. Ordinary H chondrite meteorites provide an opportunity to investigate the accretion time scale of a small planetary body given that variable degrees of thermal metamorphism present in H chondrites provide a proxy for their stratigraphic depth and, therefore, relative accretion times. We exploit this feature to search for nucleosynthetic isotope variability of 54Cr, which is a sensitive tracer of spatial and temporal variations in the protoplanetary disk's solids, between 17 H chondrites covering all petrologic types to obtain clues about the parent body accretionary rate. We find no systematic variability in the mass‐biased corrected abundances of 53Cr or 54Cr outside of the analytical uncertainties, suggesting very rapid accretion of the H chondrite parent body consistent with turbulent accretion. By utilizing the μ54Cr–planetary mass relationship observed between inner solar system planetary bodies, we calculate that the H chondrite accretion occurred at 1.1 ± 0.4 or 1.8 ± 0.2 Myr after the formation of calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), assuming either the initial 26Al/27Al abundance of inner solar system solids determined from angrite meteorites or CAIs from CV chondrites, respectively. Notably, these ages are in agreement with age estimates based on the parent bodies’ thermal evolution when correcting these calculations to the same initial 26Al/27Al abundance, reinforcing the idea of a secular evolution in the isotopic composition of inner disk solids.  相似文献   

Analysis of the NWA 2086 CV3 chondrite showed a matrix/chondrule ratio of 52%, similar to Bali, Mokoia, and Grosanaja. Nearly twice as many chondrule fragments as intact ones demonstrate that an early fragmentation phase occurred prior to final accretion. After this event, no substantial mechanical change or redeposition is evident. Rims with double‐layered structures were identified around some chondrules, which, in at least one case, is attributed to an accretionary origin. The rim's outer parts with a diffuse appearance were formed by in situ chemical alteration. During this later process, Mg content decreased, Fe content increased, and olivine composition was homogenized, producing a rim composition close to that of the matrix. This alteration occasionally happened along fractures and at confined locations, and was probably produced by fluid interactions. Iron oxides are the best candidate for a small grain‐sized alteration product; however, technical limitations in the available equipment did not allow exact phase identification. These results suggest that NWA 2086 came from a location (possible more deeply buried) in the CV parent body than Mokoia or Bali, and suffered less impact effects—although there is no evidence of sustained thermal alteration. This meteorite may represent a sample of the CV parent asteroid interior and provide a useful basis for comparison with other CV meteorites in the future.  相似文献   

The NWA 5491 CV3 meteorite is a CVoxA subtype, and composed of two substantially different units (titled “upper” and “lower” units) in the cm size range with original accreted material and also subsequent alteration produced features. Based on the large chondrules in the “upper” unit and the small chondrules plus CAIs in the “lower” unit, they possibly accreted material from different parts of the solar nebula and/or at different times, whereas substantial changes happened in the nebula's composition. Differences are observed in the level of early fragmentation too, which was stronger in the upper units. During later alteration oxidizing fluids possibly circulated only in the upper unit, mechanical fragmentation and resorption were also stronger there. In the last phase of the geological history these two rock units came into physical contact, but impact‐driven shock effects were not observed. The characteristics of this meteorite provide evidence that the same parent body might accrete substantially different material and also the later processes could differ spatially in the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite consists of heavily aqueously altered chondrules, CAIs, and larger mineral fragments in a fine‐grained, phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix. The vast majority of the coarse‐grained components in this meteorite are surrounded by continuous, 1.5 to >200 μm wide, fine‐grained, accretionary rims, which are well known from meteorites belonging to petrological types 2 and 3 and whose origin and modification is still a matter of debate. Texturally, the fine‐grained rims in Tagish Lake are very similar throughout the entire meteorite and independent of the nature of the enclosed object. They typically display sharp boundaries to the core object and more gradational contacts to the meteorite matrix. Compared to the matrix, the rims are much more finegrained and characterized by a significantly lower porosity. The rims consist of an unequilibrated assemblage of phyllosilicates, Fe,Ni sulfides, magnetites, low‐Ca pyroxenes, and forsteritic olivines, and are, except for a much lower abundance of carbonates, very similar to the Tagish Lake matrix. Electron microprobe and synchrotron X‐ray microprobe analyses show that matrix and rims are also very similar in composition and that the rims differ significantly from matrix and bulk meteorite only by being depleted in Ca. X‐ray elemental mapping and mineralogical observations indicate that Ca was lost during aqueous alteration from the enclosed objects and preferentially crystallized as carbonates in the porous matrix. The analyses also show that Ca is strongly fractionated from Al in the rims, whereas there is no fractionation of the Ti/Al‐ratios. Our data suggest that the fine‐grained rims in Tagish Lake initially formed by accretion in the solar nebula and were subsequently modified by in situ alteration on the parent body. This pervasive alteration removed any potential evidence for pre‐accretionary alteration but did not change the overall texture of the Tagish Lake meteorite.  相似文献   

A large shock‐induced melt vein in L6 ordinary chondrite Roosevelt County 106 contains abundant high‐pressure minerals, including olivine, enstatite, and plagioclase fragments that have been transformed to polycrystalline ringwoodite, majorite, lingunite, and jadeite. The host chondrite at the melt‐vein margins contains olivines that are partially transformed to ringwoodite. The quenched silicate melt in the shock veins consists of majoritic garnets, up to 25 μm in size, magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates. The magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates are the terrestrial alteration products of magnesiowüstite and quenched glass. This assemblage indicates crystallization of the silicate melt at approximately 20–25 GPa and 2000 °C. Coarse majorite garnets in the centers of shock veins grade into increasingly finer grained dendritic garnets toward the vein margins, indicating increasing quench rates toward the margins as a result of thermal conduction to the surrounding chondrite host. Nanocrystalline boundary zones, that contain wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, and magnesiowüstite, occur along shock‐vein margins. These zones represent rapid quench of a boundary melt that contains less metal‐sulfide than the bulk shock vein. One‐dimensional finite element heat‐flow calculations were performed to estimate a quench time of 750–1900 ms for a 1.6‐mm thick shock vein. Because the vein crystallized as a single high‐pressure assemblage, the shock pulse duration was at least as long as the quench time and therefore the sample remained at 20–25 GPa for at least 750 ms. This relatively long shock pulse, combined with a modest shock pressure, implies that this sample came from deep in the L chondrite parent body during a collision with a large impacting body, such as the impact event that disrupted the L chondrite parent body 470 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— Diogenites are recognized as a major constituent of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorite group. Recently, several papers (Mittlefehldt, 1994; Fowler et al, 1994, 1995) have identified trace-element systematics in diogenites that appeared to mimic simple magmatic processes that involved large degrees of crystallization (up to 95% orthopyroxene) of basalt with extremely high normative hypersthene. Such a crystallization scenario linking all the diogenites is highly unlikely. The purpose of this study is to explore other possible models relating the diogenites. Computational major-element melting models of a variety of different potential bulk compositions for the eucrite parent body (EPB) mantle indicate that these compositions show a similar sequence in residuum mineral assemblage with increasing degrees of partial melting. Numerous bulk compositions would produce melts with Mg# appropriate for diogenitic parent magmas at low to moderate degrees of partial melting (15% to 30%). These calculations also show that melts with similar Mg# and variable incompatible element concentrations may be produced during small to moderate degrees of EPB mantle melting. The trace-element characteristic of the orthopyroxene in diogenites does not support a model for large amounts of fractional crystallization of a single “hypersthene normative” basaltic magma following either small-scale or large-scale EPB mantle melting. Small degrees of fractional crystallization of a series of distinct basaltic magmas are much more likely. Only two melting models that we considered hold any promise for producing different batches of “diogenitic magmas.” The first model involves the fractional melting of a homogeneous source that produces parental magmas to diogenites with an extensive range of incompatible elements and limited variations in Mg#. There are several requirements for this model to work. The first requirement of this model is that the Dorthopyroxene/melt must change during melting or crystallization to compress the range of incompatible elements in the calculated diogenitic magmas. The second prerequisite is that either some of the calculated diogenitic magmas are parental to eucrites or the Mg# in diogenitic magmas are influenced by slight changes in oxygen fugacity during partial melting. The second model involves batch melting of a source that reflects accretional heterogeneities capable of generating diogenitic magmas with the calculated Mg# and incompatible element contents. Both of these models require small to moderate degrees of partial melting that may limit the efficiency of core separation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We carried out a petrologic and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) whole chondrite compositional study of Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95577. GRO 95577 has many petrological similarities to the CR chondrites. Although the INAA data show patterns indicative of terrestrial weathering, some of the elemental abundances are consistent with a relationship to CR chondrites. The oxygen isotopic composition of GRO 95577 plots close to the Renazzo CR chondrite on the three‐isotope diagram. However, GRO 95577 is remarkable in that the chondrules are completely hydrated, consisting almost entirely of phyllosilicates, magnetite, and sulfides. Although GRO 95577 is completely hydrated, the initial chondrule textures are perfectly preserved. The chondrules are in sharp contact with the matrix, their fine‐grained rims are clearly visible, and the boundaries of the dark inclusions can be easily discerned. Many chondrules in GRO 95577 have textures suggestive of type I chondrules, but the phenocrysts have undergone perfect pseudomorphic replacement by yellow to brownish serpentine‐rich phyllosilicate, with sharp original crystal outlines preserved. The chondrule mesostasis is a green aluminous chlorite‐rich material, most likely a hydration product of the feldspathic mesostasis commonly found in anhydrous type I chondrules. Some chondrules contain magnetite spheres, most likely formed by oxidation of metal. We propose that GRO 95577 be classified as a CR1 chondrite, making it the first known CR1 chondrite and expanding the range of alteration conditions on the CR parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of an extensive study of the Fountain Hills chondritic meteorite. This meteorite is closely related to the CBa class. Mineral compositions and O‐isotopic ratios are indistinguishable from other members of this group. However, many features of Fountain Hills are distinct from the other CB chondrites. Fountain Hills contains 23 volume percent metal, significantly lower than other members of this class. In addition, Fountain Hills contains porphyritic chondrules, which are extremely rare in other CBa chondrites. Fountain Hills does not appear to have experienced the extensive shock seen in other CB chondrites. The chondrule textures and lack of fine‐grained matrix suggests that Fountain Hills formed in a dust‐poor region of the early solar system by melting of solid precursors. Refractory siderophiles and lithophile elements are present in near‐CI abundances (within a factor of two, related to the enhancement of metal). Moderately volatile and highly volatile elements are significantly depleted in Fountain Hills. The abundances of refractory siderophile trace elements in metal grains are consistent with condensation from a gas that is reduced relative to solar composition and at relatively high pressures (10?3bars). Fountain Hills experienced significant thermal metamorphism on its parent asteroid. Combining results from the chemical gradients in an isolated spinel grain with olivine‐spinel geothermometry suggests a peak temperature of metamorphism between 535 °C and 878 °C, similar to type‐4 ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 is the largest sample of chondritic regolith breccia, making it an ideal source for research on accretionary processes and primordial chemical mixing. One such process can be seen in detail through the first identification of a eucrite impactor clast in an L chondrite breccia. The ~7 mm diameter clast has oxygen isotope compositions (Δ17O = ?0.240, ?0.258‰) and pigeonite and augite compositions typical for eucrites, but with high areal abundance of silica (9.5%) and ilmenite (1.5%). The rim around the clast is a mixture of breccia and igneous phases, the latter due to either impactor‐triggered melting or later metamorphism. The rim has an oxygen isotope composition falling on a mixing line between known eucrite and L chondrite compositions (Δ17O = 0.326‰) and, coincidentally, on the Mars fractionation line. Pyroxene grains from the melt component in the rim have compositions that fall on a mixing line between the average eucrite pyroxene composition and equilibrated L chondrite composition. The margins of chondritic olivine crystal clasts in the rim are enriched in Fe as a result of diffusion from the Fe‐rich melt and suggest cooling on the scale of hours. The textures and chemical mixing observed provide evidence for an unconsolidated L chondrite target material, differing from the current state of NWA 869 material. The heterogeneity of oxygen isotope and chemical signatures at this small length scale serve as a cautionary note when extrapolating from small volumes of materials to deduce planetesimal source characteristics.  相似文献   

We studied textures and compositions of sulfide inclusions in unzoned Fe,Ni metal particles within CBa Gujba, CBa Weatherford, CBb HH 237, and CBb QUE 94411 in order to constrain formation conditions and secondary thermal histories on the CB parent body. Unzoned metal particles in all four chondrites have very similar metal and sulfide compositions. Metal particles contain different types of sulfides, which we categorize as: homogeneous low‐Cr sulfides composed of troilite, troilite‐containing exsolved daubreelite lamellae, arcuate sulfides that occur along metal grain boundaries, and shock‐melted sulfides composed of a mixture of troilite and Fe, Ni metal. Our model for formation proposes that the unzoned metal particles were initially metal droplets that formed from splashing by a partially molten impacting body. Sulfide inclusions later formed as a result of precipitation of excess S from solid metal at low temperatures, either during single stage cooling or during a reheating event by impacts. Sulfides containing exsolution lamellae record temperatures of ?600 °C, and irregular Fe‐FeS intergrowth textures suggest localized shock melting, both of which are indicative of heterogeneous heating by impact processes on the CB parent body. Our study shows that CBa and CBb chondrites formed in a similar environment, and also experienced similar secondary impact processing.  相似文献   

Abstract— To constrain the metamorphic history of the H‐chondrite parent body, we dated phosphates and chondrules from four H6 chondritic meteorites using U‐Pb systematics. Reconnaissance analyses revealed that only Estacado had a sufficiently high 206Pb/204Pb ratio suitable for our purposes. The Pb‐Pb isochron date for Estacado phosphates is measured to be 4492 ± 15 Ma. The internal residue‐second leachate isochron for Estacado chondrules yielded the chondrule date of 4546 ± 18 Ma. An alternative age estimate for Estacado chondrules of 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma is obtained from an isochron including two chondrules, two magnetically separated fractions, and four bulk chondrite analyses. This isochron date might represent the age of termination of Pb diffusion from the chondrules to the matrix. From these dates and previously established closure temperatures for Pb diffusion in phosphates and chondrules, we estimate an average cooling rate for Estacado between 5.5 ± 3.2 Myr/°C and 8.3 ± 5.0 Myr/°C. Using previously published results for Ste. Marguerite (H4) and Richardton (H5), our data reveal that the cooling rates of H chondrites decrease markedly with increasing metamorphic grade, in agreement with the predictions of the “onion‐shell” asteroid model. Several issues, however, need to be addressed before confirming this model for the H‐chondrite parent body: the discrepancies between peak metamorphic temperatures established by various mineral thermometers need to be resolved, diffusion and other mechanisms of element migration in polycrystalline solids must be better understood, and dating techniques should be further improved.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two unusual dark clasts found in the Vigarano CV3 chondrite were examined using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Both clasts lack chondrules, Ca-Al-rich inclusions, and coarse-grained mineral fragments; they, instead, contain abundant inclusions that consist of fine grains (<1 μm) of homogeneous Fe-rich olivine, thus resembling the fine-grained variety of dark inclusions in CV3 chondrites. The external shapes of inclusions in the clasts bear a close resemblance to those of chondrules and chondrule fragments; some of the inclusions are surrounded by dark rims similar to chondrule rims. Our SEM observations reveal the following unusual characteristics: 1) the inclusions are not mere random aggregates of olivine grains but have peculiar internal textures, that is, assemblages of round or oval shaped outlines, which are suggestive of pseudomorphs after porphyritic olivine chondrules; 2) one of thick inclusion rims contains a network of vein-like strings of elongated olivine grains; 3) an Fe-Ni metal aggregate in one of the clasts has an Fe-, Ni-, S-rich halo suggesting a reaction between its precursor and the surrounding matrix; and 4) olivine in the clasts commonly shows a swirly, fibrous texture similar to that of phyllosilicate. These characteristics suggest that the dark clasts in Vigarano are not primary aggregates of dust in the solar nebula but were affected by aqueous alteration and subsequent dehydration by heating after accretion to the meteorite parent body. The fine olivine grains in these clasts were presumably produced by thermal transformation of phyllosilicate, as is the case with those in the two thermally metamorphosed Antarctic CM chondrites, Belgica-7904 and Yamato-86720. From textural and mineralogical similarities, some of the dark inclusions and clasts previously reported from CV3 chondrites and other types of meteorites may have origins common with these clasts in Vigarano.  相似文献   

Abstract— The matrix of the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite Murray contains rare micrometer‐sized prismatic crystals of aragonite that formed during late‐stage parent body aqueous alteration. The aragonite was identified by X‐ray microanalysis coupled with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), TEM selected area electron diffraction and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. The sixteen crystals found all occur within loose and elongate submillimeter‐sized clusters and one cluster is present in each of the two thin sections studied. Orientation determinations using EBSD show that the c axes of aragonite crystals within each cluster lie roughly in a plane, itself aligned approximately parallel to the long axis of the host cluster. Aragonite is inferred to have crystallized after calcite but before completion of static/impact‐related compaction. The clusters developed by growth of aragonite within films of aqueous fluids that had a relatively high Mg/Ca ratio. These fluids were focused within zones of high porosity and permeability along a weak compactional fabric in the matrix and this fabric is also likely to have influenced the orientations of aragonite crystals as they grew. These results suggest that aragonite probably occurs in most of those carbonaceous chondrites that have undergone moderate degrees of parent body aqueous alteration and may provide further insights into the evolution of pore fluid compositions and volumes and the chronology of asteroidal evolution.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 11042 is a heavily shocked achondrite with medium‐grained cumulate textures. Its olivine and pyroxene compositions, oxygen isotopic composition, and chromium isotopic composition are consistent with L chondrites. Sm‐Nd dating of its primary phases shows a crystallization age of 4100 ± 160 Ma. Ar‐Ar dating of its shocked mineral maskelynite reveals an age of 484.0 ± 1.5 Ma. This age coincides roughly with the breakup event of the L chondrite parent body evident in the shock ages of many L chondrites and the terrestrial record of fossil L chondritic chromite. NWA 11042 shows large depletions in siderophile elements (<0.01×CI) suggestive of a complex igneous history involving extraction of a Fe‐Ni‐S liquid on the L chondrite parent body. Due to its relatively young crystallization age, the heat source for such an igneous process is most likely impact. Because its mineralogy, petrology, and O isotopes are similar to the ungrouped achondrite NWA 4284 (this work), the two meteorites are likely paired and derived from the same parent body.  相似文献   

The disruption of the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) at ~470 Ma is currently the best-documented catastrophic celestial impact event, based on the large number of L chondritic materials associated with this event. Uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating of apatite and its high-pressure decomposition product, tuite, in the Sixiangkou L6 chondrite provides a temporal link to this event. The U-Pb system of phosphates adjacent to shock melt veins was altered to varying degrees and the discordance of the U-Pb system correlates closely with the extent of apatite decomposition. This suggests that the U-Pb system of apatite could be substantially disturbed by high-temperature pulse during shock compression from natural impacts, at least on the scale of mineral grains. Although many L chondrites can be temporally related to the catastrophic LCPB impact event, the shock conditions experienced by each individual meteorite vary. This could be due to the different geologic settings of these meteorites on their parent body. The shock pressure and duration derived from most meteorites may only reflect local shock features rather than the impact conditions, although they could provide lower limits to the impact conditions. The Sixiangkou shock duration (~4 s), estimated from high-pressure transformation kinetics, provides a lower limit to the high-pressure pulse of the LCPB disruption impact. Combined with available literature data of L chondrites associated with this impact event, our results suggest that the LCPB suffered a catastrophic collision with a large projectile (with a diameter of at least 18–22 km) at a low impact velocity (5–6 km s−1). This is consistent with astronomical estimates based on the dynamical evolution of L chondritic asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent measurements of ordinary chondrite physical and thermal properties along with new geothermometry studies have provided the necessary parameters for updating a previously proposed model (Miyamoto et al., 1981) for the thermal evolution and internal structure of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Model calculations assumed a heat source term derived from the decay of 26Al (justification is provided). Differences from the previous model include: varying the thermal diffusivity parameter with increasing temperature (and decreasing porosity), using variable physical and thermal parameters to provide end member models, and incorporating a shortened thermal history of 60 Ma (obtained from new Pb-Pb chronology of phosphates) rather than 100 Ma. Times of isotopic closure in chondrite phosphates overlap the thermal model estimates, and postmetamorphic cooling rates from the model approximately coincide, in both trend and magnitude, with metallographic and fission track cooling rate data. Model calculations attempt to match peak metamorphic conditions in the central portions of these bodies and yield accretion ages between 1.4 to 3.1 Ma after calcium-aluminum inclusion (CAI) formation. Model calculations also predict that both the H and the L chondrite parent asteroids consisted of ~80% equilibrated and 20% unequilibrated chondritic material and that their original radii ranged from 80 to 95 km.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of comet 81P/Wild 2 particles, collected in aerogel by the Stardust mission, has been determined using synchrotron Fe‐K X‐ray absorption spectroscopy with in situ transmission XRD and X‐ray fluorescence, plus complementary microRaman analyses. Our investigation focuses on the terminal grains of eight Stardust tracks: C2112,4,170,0,0; C2045,2,176,0,0; C2045,3,177,0,0; C2045,4,178,0,0; C2065,4,187,0,0; C2098,4,188,0,0; C2119,4,189,0,0; and C2119,5,190,0,0. Three terminal grains have been identified as near pure magnetite Fe3O4. The presence of magnetite shows affinities between the Wild 2 mineral assemblage and carbonaceous chondrites, and probably resulted from hydrothermal alteration of the coexisting FeNi and ferromagnesian silicates in the cometary parent body. In order to further explore this hypothesis, powdered material from a CR2 meteorite (NWA 10256) was shot into the aerogel at 6.1 km s?1, using a light‐gas gun, and keystones were then prepared in the same way as the Stardust keystones. Using similar analysis techniques to the eight Stardust tracks, a CR2 magnetite terminal grain establishes the likelihood of preserving magnetite during capture in silica aerogel.  相似文献   

The hornblende‐ and biotite‐bearing R chondrite LAP 04840 is a rare kind of meteorite possibly containing outer solar system water stored during metamorphism or postshock annealing deep within an asteroid. Because little is known regarding its age and origin, we determined 40Ar/39Ar ages on hornblende‐rich separates of the meteorite, and obtained plateau ages of 4340(±40) to 4380(±30) Ma. These well‐defined plateau ages, coupled with evidence for postshock annealing, indicate this meteorite records an ancient shock event and subsequent annealing. The age of 4340–4380 Ma (or 4.34–4.38 Ga) for this and other previously dated R chondrites is much older than most impact events recorded by ordinary chondrites and points to an ancient event or events that predated the late heavy bombardment that is recorded in so many meteorites and lunar samples.  相似文献   

Abstract— The trace element distributions of individual minerals from seven acapulcoites and lodranites have been studied. Systematic differences are evident between some members of the two groups. Specifically, pyroxenes from the lodranites MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88177 and Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88280 exhibit depletions of the rare earth elements (REE) and other incompatible trace elements (Ti, Zr, Y), relative to acapulcoite (Acapulco, Allan Hills (ALH) A81261) pyroxenes, that are consistent with the formation and removal of 15% or more silicate partial melts from these meteorites. Phosphate REE patterns in these lodranites also support this scenario. However, other members of the acapulcoite‐lodranite clan exhibit more complex trace element variations. Elephant Moraine (EET) 84302, which has been classified as transitional between the acapulcoites and lodranites, generally has trace element characteristics similar to the acapulcoites. However, its plagioclase REE compositions suggest a somewhat greater degree of metamorphism than that experienced by acapulcoites such as Acapulco and ALHA81261. Similar and elevated REE abundances in the silicate phases from acapulcoite ALHA81187 and lodranite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 95209 suggest that these two meteorites, in fact, experienced similar thermal histories. This probably included some silicate partial melting, although little melt appears to have been lost from the samples. The observed variations in the trace element abundances of these samples from the acapulcoite‐lodranite clan emphasize the complex and varied processes that have acted on their parent body. The simple bimodal classification of these meteorites based primarily on petrographic criteria, which has been used to date, appears to be inadequate to describe this diverse group of samples, as they represent a range of degrees of partial melting, both with and without accompanying melt migration. In some instances, secondary processes on the parent body, such as cryptic metasomatism, have further modified sample compositions.  相似文献   

We measured concentrations and isotopic ratios of noble gases in the Rumuruti (R) chondrite Mount Prestrud (PRE) 95410, a regolith breccia exhibiting dark/light structures. The meteorite contains solar and cosmogenic noble gases. Based on the solar and cosmogenic noble gas compositions, we calculated a heliocentric distance of its parent body, a cosmic‐ray exposure age on the parent body regolith (parent body exposure age), and a cosmic‐ray exposure age in interplanetary space (space exposure age) of the meteorite. Assuming a constant solar wind flux, the estimated heliocentric distance was smaller than 1.4 ± 0.3 au, suggesting inward migration from the asteroid belt regions where the parent body formed. The largest known Mars Trojan 5261 Eureka is a potential parent body of PRE 95410. Alternatively, it is possible that the solar wind flux at the time of the parent body exposure was higher by a factor of 2–3 compared to the lunar regolith exposure. In this case, the estimated heliocentric distance is within the asteroid belt region. The parent body exposure age is longer than 19.1 Ma. This result indicates frequent impact events on the parent body like that recorded for other solar‐gas‐rich meteorites. Assuming single‐stage exposure after an ejection event from the parent body, the space exposure age is 11.0 ± 1.1 Ma, which is close to the peak of ~10 Ma in the exposure age distribution for the solar‐gas‐free R chondrites.  相似文献   

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