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The range expansion patterns of Spartina alterniflora and the roles which sexual reproduction and asexual propagation play in range expansion were investigated at the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Two range expansion patterns of S. alterniflora at its advancing fronts could be found (1) S. alterniflora–mudflat front (S–M) and (2) S. alternifloraScirpus mariqueter–mudflat front (S–S–M). One feature revealed by this study was that a flush of seedling recruitment and establishment in spring was a crucial way for S. alterniflora to colonize new habitats and achieve a fast rate of range expansion. The mean number of seedlings recruited at the S–M front was much higher than that at the S–S–M front. Once established, the survivorship of seedlings was high, both at the S–M and S–S–M fronts. The established seedlings formed new tussocks quickly by vegetative tillering and growth of rhizomes and these finally merged into dense meadows. The mean distance of range expansion of S. alterniflora, after one growing season at the S–M front, was 25.4 ± 3.1 m yr−1 and 2.7 ± 0.5 m yr−1 at the S–S–M front. Sexual reproduction by seedlings and asexual propagation by tillering and growth of rhizomes were the two main means by which S. alterniflora could maintain a fast rate of range expansion on the salt marshes of the Yangtze Estuary. The colonization behaviors of S. alterniflora on advancing fronts differed as a reaction to various external and internal factors. The impact of abiotic and biotic factors governing the range expansion of S. alterniflora and its implications for the spatial structure of tidal wetlands are discussed.  相似文献   

Suspended particle dynamics were investigated in the Ogeechee River Estuary during neap tide in July 1996. Samples were operationally separated into ‘ truly suspended ’ (settling velocity <0·006 cm s−1) and ‘ settleable ’ (settling velocity >0·006 cm s−1) fractions over the course of a tidal cycle to determine whether these two fractions were comprised of particles with differing biological and chemical characteristics. Total suspended sediment, organic carbon and nitrogen, chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations were measured in each fraction, as well as rates of bacterial hydrolytic enzyme activity [β-1,4-glucosidase (βGase) and β-xylosidase (βXase)]. The majority of the suspended sediment (by weight) was in the truly suspended fraction; all measured parameters were largely associated with this fraction as well. When compared to the settleable material, the truly suspended material was significantly higher in % POC (5·7±0·6 vs. 3·9±1·8), % chlorophyll (0·07±0·02 vs. 0·03±0·01), % phaeopigment (0·030±0·006 vs. 0·018±0·012), and weight-specific maximal uptake rates (Vmaxper mg suspended sediment) of both enzymes (1·8±0·4 vs. 0·7± 0·2 nmol mg−1 h−1βGase and 1·1±0·3vs . 0·3±0·2 nmol mg−1 h−1βXase), providing clear evidence for a qualitative distinction between the two fractions. These results are interpreted to mean that the more organic-rich, biologically active material associated with the suspended fraction is likely to have a different fate in this Estuary, as ‘ truly suspended ’ sediments will be readily transported whereas ‘ settleable ’ sediments will settle and be resuspended with each tide. These types of qualitative differences should be incorporated into models of particle dynamics in estuaries.  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent one of the significant components of global change. A comparative study of invaders and co-occurring natives is a useful approach to gaining insights into the invasiveness of exotic plants. Spartina alterniflora, a C4 grass, is a widespread invader in the coastal wetlands in China and other regions of the world. We conducted a comparative study of S. alterniflora and native C3 species, Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter, in terms of their gas exchange and efficiencies in resource utilization. We tested the hypothesis that S. alterniflora has growth-related ecophysiological advantages over the natives in its non-native range, which result in its rapid growth and enhance its invasiveness. Photosynthesis, leaf area index (LAI), specific leaf area (SLA), and the efficiency of resource use (light, water, and nitrogen) were examined monthly for eight months in 2004. Overall, S. alterniflora had greater LAI, higher maximal net photosynthetic rate (Amax), and longer growing season than those of the native species. On average, the efficiencies of S. alterniflora in light, water, and nitrogen utilization were respectively 10.1%, 26.1%, and 33.1% higher than those of P. australis, and respectively 70.3%, 53.5%, 28.3% higher than those of S. mariqueter. However, SLA of S. alterniflora was significantly lower than those of P. australis and S. mariqueter. Although there was no general pattern in the relationship between invasiveness and plant photosynthetic types, in this study, most of the ecophysiological characteristics that gave S. alterniflora a competitive advantage in the Yangtze River estuary were associated with photosynthetic pathways. Our results offer a greater understanding of the relationship between invasiveness and plant photosynthetic type. Our results also indicate that LAI and the length of the photosynthetic season, which vary with habitats, are also important in invasion success.  相似文献   

A sampling and computational approach for estimating nutrient fluxes from a salt marsh ecosystem is presented. Extensive and intensive sampling of tidal velocities, water depths, and nutrient concentrations was made synoptically across three tidal creeks, connecting a 34 km2 South Carolina salt marsh with surrounding coastal waters. An estimate of nutrient exchange over each sampling period is based on measurements over four tidal cycles during a neap and spring tidal regime. The computation of instantaneous fluxes of NO3?NO2?, NH4+, and o-PO24? was based on the cross-multiplication of concentration, velocity, and integrated over the cross-sectional area of each tidal creek. The net flux of nutrients was estimated using a least-squares regression model which included periodic functions simulating tidal and diurnal cycles. This computational approach allows for a rigorous test of the statistical significance of the measured nutrient fluxes and a basis on which interpretations of the ecological significance of the exchange can be made.Tidal patterns in inorganic nutrient concentrations and the corresponding exchanges are presented for a spring time sampling. Nitrate-nitrite was exported consistently from the marsh to the coastal ocean with a mean value of 8.0 kg per tidal cycle for the neap sampling set and 15.6 kg per tidal cycle for the spring set. This corresponded to high concentrations of nitrate-nitrite (0.6 μM) on the ebb tide with low concentrations (0.1 μM) on the flood tide. Ammonia flux was variable and did not portray a consistent tidal concentration pattern. Concentrations ranged from 1 to 6 μM. Ammonia flux was exported to the coastal ocean only during the spring tidal set with a mean value of 114 kg per tidal cycle. Ortho-phosphate was also exported only on the spring tidal set with a mean flux of 40.0 kg per tidal cycle. A tidal concentration pattern of high concentrations (0.6 μM) on the ebb tide and low concentrations (0.05 μM) on the flood was consistent for ortho-phosphate during both neap and spring tidal sets.  相似文献   

The nearshore frontal zone off the coast of Georgia was found to be an area of high phytoplankton and bacterioplankton abundance and activity. Phytoplankton and bacterioplankton populations on the seaward side of the frontal zone had significantly higher photosynthetic and heterotrophic potentials than the nearshore side of the front. Phytoplankton species composition changed across the front, verifying that the front is a barrier to cross shelf mixing. Nearshore, large chain forming diatoms dominated, while smaller single cell diatoms and cyanobacteria dominated the seaward side of the front. Increased bacterioplankton activity was found associated with phytoplankton photosynthetic activity. Light appeared to be the major factor controlling photosynthesis across the frontal zone. Nitrogen, phosphorus and silica were present in similar concentrations, well above levels that would limit photosynthesis, on both sides of the front. Therefore the outflow of nutrients from rivers or estuaries did not influence primary production directly.  相似文献   

Biological invasion has received considerable attention recently because of increasing impacts on local ecosystems. Expansion of Spartina alterniflora, a non-native species, on the intertidal mudflats of Jiuduansha Shoals at the Yangtze River Estuary is a prime example of a spatially-structured invasion in a relatively simple habitat, for which strategic control efforts can be modeled and applied. Here, we developed a Cellular Automata (CA) model, in conjunction with Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, to simulate the expanding process of S. alterniflora for a period of 8 years after being introduced to the new shoals, and to study the interactions between spatial pattern and ecosystem processes for the saltmarsh vegetation. The results showed that the CA model could simulate the population dynamics of S. alterniflora and Phragmites australis on the Jiuduansha Shoals successfully. The results strongly support the hypothesis of space pre-emption as well as range expansion with simple advancing wave fronts for these two species. In the Yangtze River Estuary, the native species P. australis shares the same niche with the exotic species S. alterniflora. However, the range expansion rate of P. australis was much slower than that of S. alterniflora. With the accretion of the Jiuduansha Shoals due to the large quantity of sediments deposited by the Yangtze River, a rapid range expansion of S. alterniflora is predicted to last for a long period into future. This study indicated the potential for this approach to provide valuable insights into population and community ecology of invasive species, which could be very important for wetland biodiversity conservation and resource management in the Yangtze River Estuary and other such impacted areas.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to understand the role different salt marsh plants on metal distribution and retention in the Lima River estuary (NW Portugal), which to our knowledge have not been ascertained in this area yet. The knowledge of these differences is an important requirement for the development of appropriate management strategies, and is poorly described for Eurosiberian estuaries, like the one selected. In addition it is important to understand the difference among introduced and native salt marsh plants. In this work, metal levels (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were surveyed (by atomic absorption spectrometry) in sediments from sites vegetated with Juncus maritimus, Spartina patens, Phragmites australis and Triglochin striata (rhizo-sediments), in non-vegetated sediments and in the different tissues of the plants (roots, rhizomes and aerial shoots). In general, rhizo-sediments had higher metal concentrations than non-vegetated sediments, a feature that seems common to sediments colonized by salt marsh plants of different estuarine areas. All plants concentrated metals, at least Cd, Cu and Zn (and Pb for T. striata) in their belowground structures ([M]belowground tissues/[M]non-vegetated sediment > 1). However, when considered per unit of salt marsh area, the different selected plants played a different role on sediment metal distribution and retention. Triglochin striata retained a significant metal burden in it belowground structures (root plus rhizomes) acting like a possible phyto-stabilizer, whereas P. australis had an higher metal burden in aboveground tissues acting as a possible phyto-extractor. As for J. maritimus and S. patens, metal burden distribution between above and belowground structures depended on the metal, with J. maritimus retaining, for instance, much more Cd and Cu in the aboveground than in the belowground structures. Therefore, the presence of invasive and exotic plants in some areas of the salt marsh may considerably affect metal distribution and retention in the estuarine region.  相似文献   

Water flows, concentrations of total (TOC), dissolved (DOC), and particulate (POC) organic carbon and seston were monitored for 52 diel periods in the single creek draining a 270-ha Spartina patens-Distichlis spicata marsh on the upper Texas coast. Rainfall, creek water flows, and water levels in the creek and on the marsh were measured by recording instruments.Rainfall accounted for most marsh flooding, and water outflow was significantly correlated with both rainfall and marsh water level. Creek flows were predominantly outward because microtopographic features and dense vegetation restricted overmarsh water flows and thereby reduced tidal flooding while extending the time of precipitation runoff. Concentrations of organic carbon in water leaving the marsh were highest in spring and summer and averaged 25·62, 21·41 and 3·35 mg l?1 of TOC, DOC and POC, respectively. These were 9·34, 9·93 and 0·04 mg l?1, respectively, higher than bay water. Most POC was 0·3–28 μm in diameter. Seston > 28μ leaving the marsh was 95% amorphous material; the rest was plankton, grass particles and fecal pellets. Loss of organic carbon was directly correlated with net water flux, and thus rainfall accounted for most carbon loss. Net carbon loss averaged 196 kg TOC, 150 kg DOC and 32 kg POC per day. Net annual loss was 2·4–5·5% of net aerial primary productivity (NAPP), or 21·55-30·09 g TOC m?2 year?1.Export from this marsh falls within the range found for other marshes and the data collectively indicate that coastal marshes are not losing as much organic carbon as has been suggested by indirect measurements. The discrepancy between potential and realized export is explained by the fact that export is not a simple removal of excess detritus by tidal action but is a more complicated process mediated by the interaction of additional factors such as rainfall, vegetation structure, microtopographic variation and decomposition, which can serve to reduce the amount and quality of NAPP exported.  相似文献   

为探讨外来引种的互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)在我国海湾的扩展过程,根据1989-2010年遥感影像和野外观测数据,对罗源湾互花米草的分布特征进行分析,结果显示,对该区互花米草近20 a的扩展过程划分为3个阶段:前5 a其沿着高潮带平行于海岸线呈带状扩展;之后5 a在中潮带向湾内快速拓殖;后10 a则扩展缓慢,种群内部的空隙地逐渐被米草覆盖。截至2010年,罗源湾互花米草的总面积约为741.13 hm2。受潮滩环境分带性影响,罗源湾互花米草在高潮带平行于海岸线的扩展速度明显大于垂直于海岸线的扩展速度;在中潮带的快速扩展过程中互花米草倾向于先在潮沟两侧分布,这可能与归槽水和滩面摩阻作用有关,相比较,互花米草在浅洼地的扩展较滞后,该区域随着滩面的淤高过程逐渐被米草覆盖。在其整个扩展过程中,由于互花米草对潮流及悬浮颗粒的阻滞作用,使得其扩展前缘米草斑块和连续种群之间的光滩区成为悬浮颗粒及米草种子容易沉降的区域,互花米草易朝向该区域扩展。  相似文献   

Control and eradication of the exotic and invasive plant Spartina alterniflora within the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve, Shanghai, China, is vital for the management and conservation of the saltmarshes. A demonstration project was established using waterlogging and cutting to control this invasive species. Results from 2007 to 2008 showed that, although the managed waterlogging significantly reduced biomass and seed production of S. alterniflora at an early stage, the species subsequently showed rapid adaptation to the long-term waterlogging stress. Thus, managed waterlogging alone was insufficient for the effective eradication of S. alterniflora. However, managed waterlogging for around 3 months, combined with cutting the above-ground part of S. alterniflora at a key stage (flowering period in July), controlled and eradicated the plant successfully. Both the above-ground and below-ground parts of S. alterniflora were killed and the plants began to decompose after 3 months. Furthermore, there was no re-growth of the emergent part of S. alterniflora in the following years. However, once the impounded water was released restoring the natural hydrodynamic regime of the saltmarshes, the seeds and seedlings of S. alterniflora reinvaded the controlled site from the neighboring areas and the S. alterniflora community was re-established. Thus, after eradication of S. alterniflora, control measures should be maintained to prevent the re-establishment of S. alterniflora. The results of this demonstration project indicate a potentially useful and effective approach for the control and management of large-scale invasion by S. alterniflora on saltmarshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact marshes have on the dissolved oxygen content of tidal waters, particularly during summer when respiratory demand for oxygen in adjacent coastal waters is at a maximum and the solubility of oxygen is lowest. The net transports of dissolved oxygen, salt and heat have been measured for 65 tidal cycles during late spring and summer for a small (0·14 km2) salt marsh basin near North Inlet, S.C. The results indicate that export of dissolved oxygen occurs only on tidal cycles that begin between 2:00 am and 10:00 am such that high tide occurs within 4 h of noon. The largest exports of oxygen and heat are produced by spring tides beginning near sunrise. Although the time window for oxygen export is only about 8 h in duration, there is a more or less overall long-term balance between export and import because the magnitude of oxygen export is about 25% greater than import. The magnitude of heat export similarly exceeds heat import but because the time windows for heat export and import are equal, there is an overall export of heat. This study thus suggests that in summer salt marshes of the Atlantic coast export heat and are in balance with respect to the export and import of dissolved oxygen. However, because of the interaction of the diurnal tide with the daily cycle of solar radiation, transient dissolved oxygen concentrations in tidal waters can range from 1.5 to 10.0 ppm. Thus loading of additional oxygen consuming materials to these waters possibly could lead to significant periods of anoxia.  相似文献   

通过分析长江河口湿地典型植物根际沉积物柱样(0~40 cm)中总汞(THg)、甲基汞(MeHg)及其与粒度、总有机碳(TOC)、还原态硫等环境因子之间的关系,探讨了互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵对沉积物中汞形态特征的影响及主控因子。结果表明:(1)不同植物(互花米草、芦苇(Phragmites communis)、海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)和水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani))根际沉积物中THg均值为49.9~100.9 μg/kg,其与粒径小于16 µm颗粒物组分体积百分比及TOC含量之间存在显著正相关关系(r2=0.85,p<0.01;r2=0.58,p<0.01),这意味着沉积物中矿物−有机物复合体细颗粒物的空间分异决定着总汞的空间分异。互花米草入侵促进了细颗粒的沉积,进而间接促进了沉积物中总汞含量的增加。(2)不同植物根际沉积物中MeHg均值为0.3~1.4 μg/kg,MeHg/THg均值为0.4%~1.4%,互花米草、芦苇及海三棱藨草根际沉积物中MeHg含量及MeHg/THg值随深度增加不断减小,但无显著差异,表明了互花米草入侵对沉积物中汞甲基化过程的影响可能有限。Pearson相关分析表明,MeHg/THg与THg、TOC、酸挥发性硫之间不存在显著的正相关关系。硫的K边同步辐射结果进一步表明了硫形态(如有机硫和S2−)变化与MeHg变化关系不大。MeHg/THg值呈表层(0~8 cm)高,底层低的分布规律,表明了表层沉积物中汞的甲基化潜势较大,这可能与表层新鲜有机质(如藻类和植物凋落物)的不断供给及其降解过程密切相关,还需深入研究。  相似文献   

Elemental (TOC, TN, C/N) and stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions and n-alkane (nC16–38) concentrations were measured for Spartina alterniflora, a C4 marsh grass, Typha latifolia, a C3 marsh grass, and three sediment cores collected from middle and upper estuarine sites from the Plum Island salt marshes. Our results indicated that the organic matter preserved in the sediments was highly affected by the marsh plants that dominated the sampling sites. δ13C values of organic matter preserved in the upper fresh water site sediment were more negative (−23.0±0.3‰) as affected by the C3 plants than the values of organic matter preserved in the sediments of middle (−18.9±0.8‰) and mud flat sites (−19.4±0.1‰) as influenced mainly by the C4 marsh plants. The distribution of n-alkanes measured in all sediments showed similar patterns as those determined in the marsh grasses S. alterniflora and T. latifolia, and nC21 to nC33 long-chain n-alkanes were the major compounds determined in all sediment samples. The strong odd-to-even carbon numbered n-alkane predominance was found in all three sediments and nC29 was the most abundant homologue in all samples measured. Both δ13C compositions of organic matter and n-alkane distributions in these sediments indicate that the marsh plants could contribute significant amount of organic matter preserved in Plum Island salt marsh sediments. This suggests that salt marshes play an important role in the cycling of nutrients and organic carbon in the estuary and adjacent coastal waters.  相似文献   

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