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This paper describes results from a geophysical study in the Vestbakken Volcanic Province, located on the central parts of the western Barents Sea continental margin, and adjacent oceanic crust in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The results are derived mainly from interpretation and modeling of multichannel seismic, ocean bottom seismometer and land station data along a regional seismic profile. The resulting model shows oceanic crust in the western parts of the profile. This crust is buried by a thick Cenozoic sedimentary package. Low velocities in the bottom of this package indicate overpressure. The igneous oceanic crust shows an average thickness of 7.2 km with the thinnest crust (5–6 km) in the southwest and the thickest crust (8–9 km) close to the continent-ocean boundary (COB). The thick oceanic crust is probably related to high mantle temperatures formed by brittle weakening and shear heating along a shear system prior to continental breakup. The COB is interpreted in the central parts of the profile where the velocity structure and Bouguer anomalies change significantly. East of the COB Moho depths increase while the vertical velocity gradient decreases. Below the assumed center for Early Eocene volcanic activity the model shows increased velocities in the crust. These increased crustal velocities are interpreted to represent Early Eocene mafic feeder dykes. East of the zone of volcanoes velocities in the crust decrease and sedimentary velocities are observed at depths of more than 10 km. The amount of crustal intrusions is much lower in this area than farther west. East of the Kn?legga Fault crystalline basement velocities are brought close to the seabed. This fault marks the eastern limit of thick Cenozoic and Mesozoic packages on central parts of the western Barents Sea continental margin.  相似文献   

Seismic profiles across the transform continental margin off the Ivory Coast and Ghana (Western Africa) illustrate the structural style resulting from the early Cretaceous phase of shear stress which leads to the final separation between the African and Brazilian continental margins in this area. Most of the characteristic tectonic features observed along this portion of margin (asymmetric grabens on the Ghanean platform, folds of the deep Ivory Coast basin, the Ivory Coast—Ghana marginal ridge) are believed to result from progressive transform contacts between the African and Brazilian continents as their margins were created during early Cretaceous time. A major tectonic unconformity inferred to be of upper Albian-lower Cenomanian age, may be a direct consequence of the final separation of the continental margins. The later evolution of the transform margin is chiefly explained by thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(6-7):601-614
Coastal and ocean environments worldwide are coming under increasing pressure from resource development. In some cases, integrated coastal zone management programs have been successfully adopted. However, with the collapse of offshore fisheries and competition among industries for use of the seabed, many maritime countries are recognizing that more data are needed to support the sustainable management of offshore resources. Developments in multibeam mapping technology, in concert with traditional geoscience survey techniques, now provide the capability to image the sea floor in high resolution. Examples from the Canadian Atlantic continental margin are used to demonstrate the application of high-resolution sea floor mapping techniques to develop data bases and maps; these maps are fundamental information for the future management of offshore resources.  相似文献   

Multibeam bathymetry, high (sleeve airguns) and very high resolution (parametric system-TOPAS-) seismic records were used to define the morphosedimentary features and investigate the depositional architecture of the Cantabrian continental margin. The outer shelf (down to 180–245 m water depth) displays an intensively eroded seafloor surface that truncates consolidated ancient folded and fractured deposits. Recent deposits are only locally present as lowstand shelf-margin deposits and a transparent drape with bedforms. The continental slope is affected by sedimentary processes that have combined to create the morphosedimentary features seen today. The upper (down to 2000 m water depth) and lower (down to 3700–4600 m water depth) slopes are mostly subject to different types of slope failures, such as slides, mass-transport deposits (a mix of slumping and mass-flows), and turbidity currents. The upper slope is also subject to the action of bottom currents (the Mediterranean Water — MW) that interact with the Le Danois Bank favouring the reworking of the sediment and the sculpting of a contourite system. The continental rise is a bypass region of debris flows and turbidity currents where a complex channel-lobe transition zone (CLTZ) of the Cap Ferret Fan develops.The recent architecture depositional model is complex and results from the remaining structural template and the great variability of interconnected sedimentary systems and processes. This margin can be considered as starved due to the great sediment evacuation over a relatively steep entire depositional profile. Sediment is eroded mostly from the Cantabrian and also the Pyrenees mountains (source) and transported by small stream/river mountains to the sea. It bypasses the continental shelf and when sediment arrives at the slope it is transported through a major submarine drainage system (large submarine valleys and mass-movement processes) down to the continental rise and adjacent Biscay Abyssal Plain (sink). Factors controlling this architecture are tectonism and sediment source/dispersal, which are closely interrelated, whereas sea-level changes and oceanography have played a minor role (on a long-term scale).  相似文献   

 Results of a detailed geophysical transect across the transform continental margin off Ghana, at the eastern end of the Romanche Fracture Zone in the Equatorial Atlantic, are presented. Seismic refraction, single-channel seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic data were collected, and seismic, gravity, and magnetic models along the transect are shown. The 6- to 11-km-wide ocean–continent transition (OCT) is characterized by a high-velocity, high-density, high-magnetization crustal zone. The models show no evidence for any underplating of the continental crust adjacent to the margin but minor melting and intrusion of the continental crust may have occurred in the vicinity of the OCT. Received: 6 February 1995/Revision received: 24 July 1995  相似文献   

Seismic and sequence stratigraphic architecture of the central western continental margin of India (between Coondapur and south of Mangalore) has been investigated with shallow seismic data. Seismic stratigraphic analysis defined nine seismic units, that are configured in a major type-1 depositional sequence possibly related to fourth-order eustatic sea-level changes, comprising regressive, lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The late-Quaternary evolution of the continental margin took place under the influence of an asymmetric relative fourth-order sea-level cycle punctuated by higher frequency cycles. These cycles of minor order were characterised by rapid sea-level rises and gradual sea-level falls that generated depositional sequences spanning different time scales. During the regressive periods, dipping strata were developed, while erosional surfaces and incised valleys were formed during the lowstands of sea level. Terraces, v-shaped depressions, lagoon-like structures observed on the outer continental shelf are the result of the transgressive period. In the study area we have recognised a complex erosional surface that records a long time span during the relative sea-level fall (regressive period) and the following sea-level lowstand and has been reworked during the last transgression. We also infer that sedimentation processes changed from siliciclastic sedimentation to carbonate sedimentation and again to siliciclastic sedimentation, marking an important phase in the late-Quaternary evolution of the western continental shelf of India. We attribute this to an abrupt climate change at the end of the oxygen isotope stage 2, between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Bølling-Allerod event (14?000 yr BP). This sensitive climate change (warming) favoured the formation of reefs at various depths on the shelf, besides the development of Fifty Fathom Flat, a carbonate platform on the outer shelf off Bombay developed prior to 8300 yr BP. The highstand systems tracts were deposited after the sea level reached its present position.  相似文献   

The Afowo-1 well is situated west of Lagos on the onshore part of the Dahomey basin. Biostratigraphic data from this exploratory well have been used to determine the subsidence history of the western part of the Nigerian continental margin. The formation of the Dahomey basin is associated with rifting and break-up of the African and South American plates. Lithospheric cooling and contraction probably produced post break-up subsidence of the basin. This concept of a thermally controlled isostatic subsidence is supported by reconstructed subsidence curves. After the component of subsidence due to sediment loading has been removed, it is found that the tectonic subsidence yt varies directly as √t, where t is the time since subsidence began.The time/temperature/depth relations for sediments in this part of the Nigerian continental margin have been reconstructed from the subsidence and palaeotemperature data. The results clearly indicate that most post-Turonian sediments have hardly been subjected to temperatures higher than 75°C at any time. Insight into the level of maturation of the organic matter contained in the sediments has been provided by the extent of ‘cooking’ to which these sediments have been subjected. The hydrocarbon prospects of this part of the Nigerian continental margin are poor.  相似文献   

A long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) survey of the entire West Iberian slope and rise has provided the first overview of the interrelationship between structure and sedimentation patterns on a continental margin. The results emphasize the importance of slope-following contour currents as a depositional mechanism in fashioning this continental rise. Terrigenous sediments transported down-canyon by-pass the rise which does not consist of a series of coalescing fans. The sedimentation patterns identified on the sonographs can be interpreted in terms of facies models and caution must be exercised against over-emphasis of downslope processes in models for the construction of lower slopes and rises.  相似文献   

Satyavani  N.  Shankar  Uma  Thakur  N.K.  Reddi  S.I. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2002,23(5-6):423-430
Multi-channel seismic reflection data from the western continental margin of India (WCMI) have been analyzed to construct a plausible model for gas hydrate formation. A reflector at 2950 ms two way travel time (TWT) on one of the sections is interpreted to represent the base of the layer of the methane hydrate, identified by a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) that lies almost 500 ms beneath the sea floor. BSRs of similar origin are common world wide, where they are usually interpreted to mark the base of gas hydrate bearing clastic sediment, with or without underlying free gas. In this study we present a model with the contrasting physical properties that produce synthetic wavelets that match with the observed BSR amplitude and waveforms for varying source-receiver offsets of multi-channel seismic reflection data. The preliminary results presented here put important constraints on models that predict the distribution and formation of hydrate. Offset-dependent amplitude recovery also gives an appropriate response for hydrate characterization.  相似文献   

对东海北部陆缘地区NH 0504孔和东海Dh1井全新世地层的孢粉进行了研究,划分出5个孢粉组合带和2个亚带,恢复了该地区植被演替、气候波动和古环境演变的5个阶段,为该区的地层年代划分和对比提供了科学的证据,为全新世古植被、古气候和古环境的重建提供了重要的孢粉学资料。划分的5个阶段为:第1阶段为针阔叶混交林-草地,反映出当时的气候以温凉略湿为特征(前北方期);第2阶段为含常绿阔叶树的针阔叶混交林,反映出当时的气候以温和略干为特征(北方期);第3阶段为以常绿栎类和栲属等为主的常绿阔叶林,反映出当时气候以热暖潮湿为特征(大西洋期);第4阶段是以栎、松和禾本科为主的针阔叶混交林,反映出当时的气候以温暖略干为特征(亚北方期);第5阶段是以落叶栎类、常绿栎类、松为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶、针叶混交林-草地,反映出当时的气候以温暖湿润为特征(亚大西洋期)。  相似文献   

墨西哥Sureste盆地是墨西哥最具油气潜力的盆地,但与北部相比,勘探程度不高。自招标以来,受资料品质以及含盐岩的影响,尽管陆续有油气发现,但盆地构造演化与构造单元划分仍没有明确的定论。基于地震、重力、磁力资料,结合区域地质特征,通过2D Move软件,采用地球物理与地质相结合研究,确定了Sureste盆地构造演化特征,明确了Sureste盆地断裂特征、盐下、盐上构造单元划分以及构造样式,总结了各单元构造形成时间。研究认为,盆地断裂大致呈NE—SW、NW—SE以及近EW向3个方向展布。受早期基底形态控制,盐下构造具有“两坳一隆”特点。板块构造演化影响下的盐相关构造的形成受控于重力滑脱影响,盐上构造具有“南北分带,东西分异”,形成时间具有“东早西晚”的特点。该研究为后续Sureste盆地构造分析以及勘探研究指明了方向,对国内边缘海盆地的构造研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The area reviewed covers the Mid-Norway continental margin between latitudes 62°N and 68°N. Main structural elements, as defined at the base Cretaceous level, are the Tröndelag Platform, underlying the inner shelf, the Möre and Vöring Basins, located beneath the outer shelf and slope, and the Möre Platform and the Outer Vöring Plateau, forming a base of slope trend of highs. Sediments contained in the Mid-Norway Basin range in age from Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. The basement was consolidated during the Caledonian orogenic cycle. Devonian and Early Carboniferous wrench movements along the axis of the Arctic-North Atlantic Caledonides are thought to have preceded the Namurian onset of crustal extension. Rifting processes were intermittently active for some 270 My until crustal separation between Greenland and Fennoscandia was achieved during the Early Eocene. During the evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea rift system a stepwise concentration of tectonic activities to its axial zone (the area of subsequent continental separation) is observed. During the Late Palaeozoic to Mid-Jurassic a broad zone was affected by tensional faulting. During the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous the Tröndelag Platform was little affected by faulting whilst major rift systems in the Möre and Vöring Basins subsided rapidly and their shoulders became concomitantly upwarped. During the latest Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene terminal rifting phase only the western Möre and Vöring Basins were affected by intrusive and extrusive igneous activity. Following the Early Eocene crustal separation and the onset of sea floor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, the Vöring segment of the Mid-Norway marginal basin subsided less rapidly than the Möre segment. During the Early and Mid Tertiary, minor compressional deformations affected the Vöring Basin and to a lesser degree the Möre Basin. Tensional forces dominated the Late Palaeozoic to Early Cenozoic evolution of the Mid-Norway Basin and effected strain mainly in the area where the crust was weakened by the previous lateral displacements. The lithosphere thinned progressively and the effects of the passively upwelling hot asthenospheric material became more pronounced. Massive dyke invasion of the thinned crust preceded its rupture.  相似文献   

Results are presented from particle flux studies using sediment trap and current meter moorings along a transect at the European continental margin at 49°N within the EU-funded Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project. Two moorings were placed, at the mid- and outer slope in water depths of 1500 and 3660 m, with traps at 600 and 1050 m and at 580, 1440 and 3220 m, respectively. Residual currents at the mid-slope follow the slope contour, whereas seasonal off-slope flow was registered at the outer slope. At 600 m on the slope fluxes are similar to those in the abyssal North Atlantic. The flux of all components (bulk dry weight, particulate organic and inorganic carbon, lithogenic matter and opal) increased with water depth. Highest fluxes were recorded at 1440 m at the outer slope, where off-slope residual currents mediate particle export. The injection of biogenic and lithogenic particles below the depth of winter mixing results in the export of particles from shallower waters. Calculated lateral fluxes of particulate organic carbon exceed the primary flux by over a factor of 2 at 1440 m on the outer slope. Estimated lateral fluxes of suspended particulate matter in the water column and intermediate nepheloid layers at the outer slope are potentially large compared to sinking fluxes measured by sediment traps. A comparison is made of particle flux at three continental margin sites and two sites in the adjacent open North Atlantic, from which it is seen that bulk and organic matter flux increases exponentially with proximity to the shelf break. The percentage contribution of particulate organic carbon to biogenic fluxes increases from a mean of 5.7% in the abyssal N. Atlantic to 13.9% at the continental margins.  相似文献   

The magnetic field over the central Levant continental margin, off northern Israel and southern Lebanon, and the adjacent Levant Basin has two distinct trends. Mount Carmel and its offshore continuation (Carmel Nose), which are the surface expression of a large subbottom structure that extends from the land area across the continental shelf to the continental slope, form a dividing zone between the two magnetic trends. South of the Carmel structure the magnetic field trends east-west, while north of the Carmel structure it trends northeast and north-northeast.Several pronounced magnetic anomalies exist mainly north of the Carmel structure, the majority of which trend north-northeast and northeast, parallel and sub-parallel to the trend of the magnetic field in this area. Some also trend northwest, perpendicular to the trend of the magnetic field. In several cases the magnetic anomalies indicate large lithological elements which continue from land to sea.Gravity and seismic refraction data show that the two magnetic domains north and south of the Carmel structure are associated with areas of different crustal structure. South of the Carmel structure the continetal-oceanic crustal transition zone is located beyond the continental margin at the base of the continental slope, while north of the Carmel structure it is located under the continental shelf, near the shore. On land, there are also differences in the structure of the crust north and south of the Carmel structure, the crust being much thinner north of the structure than south of it.We suggest that some of the large magnetic anomalies off the Central Levant were formed during the rifting phase of the eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):15-29
In this paper, the design, calibration and application of an integrated geochemical–hydrodynamic model are described. The model comprises three parts: A hydrodynamic submodel that was adopted from a depth-averaged, semi-implicit hydrodynamic model, a geochemical submodel based on equilibrium partitioning of chemicals between aqueous and particulate phases, and a particle dynamic submodel that simulates resuspension, transport and settling of suspended particulate matter (SPM). The integrated model was implemented in San Diego Bay (SDB), a heavily urbanized, semi-closed mesotidal embayment. A series of model calibrations were carried out based on observations on salinity, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and SPM. Salinity calibrations indicated that only 15% of precipitation in the drainage area of SDB could reach the bay, presumably due to the dams on the tributary rivers. Steady-state calibrations of PCBs based on fixed concentrations at known ‘hot spots’ have reproduced observed PCB concentrations in both the dissolved and particulate phases. SPM calibrations showed that shipping-induced resuspension produce more SPM than natural processes. Based on the calibrated model, the annual transport of PCBs out of SDB was estimated to be 3.85 kg (3.5 kg and 0.35 kg in the dissolved and particulate phases, respectively), much higher than the previous estimates based on steady-state assumptions. It was also found out that only a small portion of the fine sediment exported from SDB was derived from riverine input. This model can be applied to the studies of the transport and fate of other chemical species. It can be transplanted to other coastal areas as well. The integrated model represents a novel framework in which geochemical processes in coastal environments can be investigated on a truly dynamic basis.  相似文献   

High resolution and multichannel seismic profiles coupled with multibeam echosounder (seafloor relief) data, acquired along the northern Sicily continental margin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea), document the occurrence of mound and pockmark features, revealing fluid escape processes. Along this margin, morphology of the high-gradient continental slope is irregular due to the presence of structural highs, slope failures and canyons, and is interrupted by flat areas at a mean depth of 1500 m.Seismostratigraphic analysis tools and methods were used to identify fluid escape structures and to work out a classification on the basis of their morpho-acoustic characteristics. The detailed 3D bathymetric chart was used to define the top view morphologic features and their areal distribution. With the aim to evaluate the geochemical content of fluids, we collected a 2.3 m long sediment core in correspondence of a pockmark at a depth of 414 m. Pore waters were sampled every 10 cm and analysed in relation to their conductivity (EC) and composition (δ18O, δD, Li, Na, K, Mg, F, Cl, Br, NO3, SO4).The new data show the occurrence of different types of structures with highly contrasting seismic and morphologic signatures, both dome-type and concave-upward structures. The latter have a characteristic circular shape and are known as pockmarks. Morphobathymetric, stratigraphic and structural data suggest that these structures occur along fault planes, mainly associated with diagenetic carbonates and fluid venting activity. Pockmarks could be the result of both fault and landslide structures, as they appear aligned along a straight direction and occur in proximity of the slope, and are associated with slope instabilities. The structural features are possibly associated with the recent tectonics mapped on-land as well as the widespread seismicity of the margin.Geochemical features reveal that pore water is slightly enriched in heavy isotopes with respect to Mediterranean seawater, while the distribution profiles of EC, ion concentration (Cl, SO4, Na, K, Mg, Ca), ion/Chloride ratios (Na/Cl, K/Cl, Ca/Cl, Mg/Cl and Alk/Cl) seem to indicate the existence of an external source of fluids and the occurrence of sediment-fluids interaction processes. A possible mechanism causing pore water freshening could be the destabilisation of gas hydrates.  相似文献   

In OMEX-II-II, 9 cruises gathered optical data, principally by transmissometer. The distribution of optical turbidity caused by concentration of particulate matter (PMC) in the water column over the northern Iberian margin shows several features related to hydrography. It is concluded that a signal of PMC seen in Mediterranean Water (MW) found north of 42°N is not carried from its source at the Gibraltar Sill and Gulf of Cadiz because it is shown, using intermediate stations, that this turbid plume decays, mainly by fall out but also partly by mixing, to very low levels around southern Portugal. PMC maxima sometimes seen in MW on the northern Iberian margin are thus most likely to result from intermittent local resuspension by MW interacting with slope sediments. The highest turbidity is found over the upper slope and is the result of (i) shelf edge resuspension and off-shelf flow of turbid plumes, mainly between 100 and 300 m depth, and (ii) resuspension under the slope current aided by internal waves, in the depth range 500–800 m where the density gradient between ENACW and MW is maximal. Below the MW, flows are generally slow, and turbidity is low. The bottom nepheloid layer in deep water is also weak with PMC values <100 mg m-3. The focus of resuspension activity on the upper slope means that the region is an efficient exporter to the ocean of sediment that either escapes from the shelf or sinks to the bed from surface production. This accounts for upper slope sediments recorded in other studies as sandy or in places as rocky bottom.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial history of the NW European continental margin   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
In this paper new and previously published data on the Pleistocene glacial impact on the NW European margin from Ireland to Svalbard (between c. 48°N–80°N) are compiled. The morphology of the glaciated part of the European margin strongly reflects repeated occurrence of fast-moving ice streams, creating numerous glacial troughs/channels that are separated by shallow bank areas. End-moraines have been identified at several locations on the shelf, suggesting shelf-edge glaciation along the major part of the margin during the Last Glacial Maximum. Deposition of stacked units of glacigenic debris flows on the continental slope form fans at a number of locations from 55°N and northwards, whereas the margin to the south of this is characterised by the presence of submarine canyons. Glaciation curves, based primarily on information from the glacial fed fan systems, that depict the Pleistocene trends in extent of glaciations along the margin have been compiled. These curves suggest that extensive shelf glaciations started around Svalbard at 1.6–1.3 Ma, while repeated periods of shelf-edge glaciations on the UK margin started with MIS 12 (c. 0.45 Ma). The available evidence for MIS 2 suggest that shelf-edge glaciation for the whole margin was reached between c. 28 and 22 14C ka BP and maximum positions after this were more limited in some regions (North Sea and Lofoten). The last glacial advance on the margin has been dated to 15–13.5 14C ka BP, and by c. 13 14C ka BP the shelf areas were completely deglaciated. The Younger Dryas (Loch Lomond) advance reached the coastal areas in only a few regions.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios (δ13C) of total organic carbon were measured in surface sediments from the continental margins of the northern and western Gulf of Mexico, the north coast of Alaska and the Niger Delta. Gulf of Mexico outer-shelf isotope ratios were in the same range as has been reported for Atlantic coastal shelf sediments, ?21.5 to ?20‰. Off large rivers including the Mississippi, Niger and Atchafalaya (Louisiana), δ13C values increased from terrigenous-influenced (around ?24‰) to typically marine (~?20‰) within a few tens of kilometers from shore. This change was accompanied by a decrease in the amount of woody terrigenous plant remains in the sediment. Alaskan continental margin samples from the cold Beaufort Sea had isotopically more negative carbon (?25.5 to ?22.6‰) than did warmer-water sediments. The data indicate that the bulk of organic carbon in Recent sediments from nearshore to outer continental shelves is marine derived.  相似文献   


The very unique continental margin of North Victoria Land, Antarctica, is characterized by complex bathymetry, reflecting control by glacial, tectonic, and marine processes. The abnormally shallow shelf can be divided into a deep, rugged, glacially dominated inner shelf and a smoother, shallower outer shelf, which is dominated by marine and glacial marine processes. Deep u‐shaped glacial troughs incise the shelf, while relict v‐shaped canyons incise the upper slope. Trending northwest‐southeast along the eastern edge of the area lies a rugged chain of seamounts representing the southern extension of the Balleny Fracture Zone. The continental slope is dominated by strong contour currents and gravity processes.  相似文献   

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