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马凌  谢圆圆  张博 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1430-1445
知识经济时代,地理学与世界移民研究越来越重视知识移民及其流动。本文以广州市高校海外留学回国的知识移民为例,采用深度访谈等质性研究方法,从多维视角探讨其回流和嵌入母国和回流地的动态过程及结果。研究发现:① 高校海归知识移民的回流动力机制主要包括工作机会和跨国比较发展优势,以及家庭关系和文化归属等;② 回流后高校知识移民面临着工作、生活、社会关系网络等方面的再嵌入;再嵌入的过程和结果受到工作及工作环境等结构因素和日常生活等非制度情感因素的共同作用;③ 由于拥有较高的跨境智力资本和较强的跨地方社会关系网络,其地方嵌入过程体现出较强的能动性。跨国流动背景下,他们的身份认同表现为混合文化身份的跨地方主体性,其“家”的意义建构也呈现出一种多元的特征。研究指出,多地方的社会嵌入通过跨地方的社会关系使得海归知识移民产生归属感,而并不完全依附于有边界的地理空间,这一定程度上打破了以往地理位置所定义的“地方”,而将关注点放置于基础的工作、社会关系网络与日常的生活实践。从微观和主体视角细致探究海归人才回流嵌入的过程与结果,可以进一步完善转型期知识移民的理论和研究框架,也可以为中国人才政策和发展战略提出指导建议。  相似文献   

农民工回流务工区位研究——以河南省45个村为例   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
回流已成为中国农民工流动的重要趋势,未来将重塑农村人口流动的空间格局。论文基于901份田野调查数据,采用描述性统计和多元Logistic回归方法,对农民工回流务工区位及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:农民工回流后务工区位选择主要以县城为主,其次为村庄,中心城区和集镇较少。省外回流和省内回流是农民工回流的基本形式,但二者在务工区位选择上存在一定差异。回流务工区位以本属区位为主,但也存在少量非本属区位。影响回流农民工务工区位选择的显著性因子主要包括年龄、居住区位、村人均收入、村务工比、村地形、前务工地类和回流源地等。农民工回流后,虽然整体上解决了跨区域的长距离奔波问题,但仍在更小的空间尺度上继续存在务工和务家的平衡问题,距离在回流务工区位选择中具有重要作用。居住区位与务工区位具有对等性,社区内部的信息交流影响着回流者对务工收益的评价,成为务工区位决策的重要机制。在回流务工区位选择上,存在路径依赖现象。县城应成为农区新型城镇化发展的重点和主要载体。  相似文献   

戚云亭  任然  曹凯 《地理科学进展》2022,41(10):1913-1925
随着出国留学人数和留学回国人数的不断增加,海归就业难的情况引发了一系列公共讨论,也进入了学者的研究视野。论文借助布迪厄的实践理论及场域、共知、惯习、资本等作为概念工具,基于33位硕士归国人员与73位雇主的访谈资料,从地理学角度分析了留学归国人员的求职困境。结果表明,留学归国人员和雇主分别处于国际教育场域和本土就业场域。国际教育场域以西方机构发布的全球院校排名为主要表征,根植于西方为主导的全球高等教育等级体系。因而留学人员往往认为留学获取的资本在本土就业场域具有可转换性,有利于个人及家庭的向上社会流动(upward social mobility)。而雇主的招聘实践受到本土就业场域内一系列本地化规制的影响,近年来对海外资本的需求和认可度逐渐降低,更加重视本地化文化资本和植根于本地场域的具身体验。论文的分析兼顾本土地方实际、全球教育结构以及个人能动性,为留学归国人员和雇主之间关于海外资本价值的非对称认知与相关实践提供了理论解释,揭示了资本在社会流动性、全球化背景下的跨地方动态转换过程,并强调移民语境下的资本、共知、惯习等具有明显的地方根植性特征。  相似文献   

随着城市产业转型升级和县域经济快速发展,人口回流已成为现阶段中国人口迁移与流动过程中的重要组成部分,回流劳动力是乡村振兴和新型城镇化的重要力量,对于区域协调发展意义重大。距离是人口流动空间选择的核心解释变量,在多维邻近性视角下探究多种距离对流动人口回流的影响,有利于深化对人口回流机制的理解。论文借鉴多维邻近性分析框架,基于2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,采用二元Logistic回归模型探究地理、制度和社会邻近性对流动人口回流意愿的影响。研究表明:① 回流群体主要是受教育水平较低的大龄已婚流动人口,其在劳动力市场不占优势,但家庭对其情感需求与依赖较大,回流意愿明显。② 不同维度邻近性均对流动人口回流意愿有较强解释力,地理、制度和社会邻近性对回流意愿均有显著负向影响,长距离跨省或跨方言区迁移的劳动力回流意愿更为强烈。③ 不同邻近性对回流意愿的影响存在群体异质性。高学历群体回流意愿受其所在流入地参保情况的抑制,同时受到方言和地理距离的不同影响;新生代流动人口则较易受非正式制度邻近性影响而选择回流;长期外出劳动力的回流意愿会因其已熟悉流入地方言并在流入地积极参保而降低。  相似文献   

This article explores the complex relationship between communal conflicts and antistate armed militancy in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. Based on fieldwork in rural communities, the research found that individuals who emerged as dominant actors as a result of their involvement in communal conflict were at the forefront of antistate militancy. The article highlights the role of antistate militancy in the Niger Delta in the emergence of new elites in local communities. It argues that antistate militants who became new elites in local communities are now being integrated into the network of Nigeria’s ruling class. Meanwhile, ordinary civilians that were not involved in antistate militancy continue to contest the dominance of these new elites in local communities. This situation tends to perpetuate community conflicts in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region.  相似文献   

采用质性研究方法,以中部地区湖北的“毛嘴模式”为例,围绕武汉汉正街与仙桃毛嘴镇的城乡联系问题,研究人口回流及返乡创业所带动的地方发展,解析其对乡村振兴的重要作用。研究发现:①劳动力回流受家庭需求、家乡发展环境等多重因素影响;资本回流的主要影响因素是雇佣“本地化”劳动力,也涉及城市更新及其“外部性”效应的间接影响;②技能型劳动力回流以及企业家在城-乡间的高频流动,有利于发挥流动人口的“桥梁”作用;③回流人口主要从事与之前就业相关的行业,倾向于在镇区或市区购买商品房,促进了乡村经济转型,同时利于社会资本的培育,重塑了乡村社会空间。  相似文献   

This paper questions the assumptions of ‘diaspora’, ‘citizenship’ and ‘development’ underlying diaspora strategies targeting a specific pool of overseas Malaysian ‘talent’ migrants. I examine the Malaysian state's discursive attempts to construct a carefully contained economic ‘diaspora'—the ‘Malaysian diaspora'—through its talent return migration programme. In this process, there is a portion of the ‘Malaysian diaspora’, especially non‐bumiputeras (sons of soil), who are doubly neglected and excluded: first, from access to full and equal citizenship (which arguably contributed to their emigration in the first place); and second, from eligibility and recognition to participate in Malaysia's talent return migration programme. However, recent political activism calling for electoral reform and overseas voting rights challenges state‐constructed visions of the ‘diaspora’ and their expected roles in advancing ‘development’. This paper concludes by highlighting questions raised by the Malaysian case, linking these explicitly to how diaspora strategies—as they have been conceived, practised and contested—challenge the broader Migration and Development paradigm.  相似文献   

Through in‐depth interviews and participant observation with 40 1.5 generation Korean New Zealander returnees, we explore life trajectories and identify both short‐ and long‐term reasons for return. Short‐term reasons for return include moving home when entering adulthood in order to begin a career, gaining new experiences and finding a future spouse. Longer term influences include the difficulties of living as minority‐status immigrants in the host society, transnational connections and a longing for a sense of ‘home’. Our consideration of longer term migration strategies sheds light upon the often forgotten difficulties and complexities that can underlie an individual's return.  相似文献   

刘志高  张薇 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1349-1363
以演化经济地理学为理论基础,综合经济地理学、产业经济学等相关研究成果,认为中国高新技术产业的形成与发展是本地要素与全球力量、历史条件与现实努力、技术创新与制度变革共同作用的结果,并构建了基于多尺度、多要素的中国高新技术产业分叉动力机制分析框架。同时,以武汉市作为案例区,通过梳理武汉市生物产业形成和演化历程,总结影响其生物产业发展的要素和作用形式。研究发现:生物产业与本地光电子产业之间的技术联系、高校和研究所、以及企业本身仅仅是决定生物产业在武汉市形成的一部分因素,地方政府、跨国公司和留学归国人员等主体也是促成生物产业“生根发芽”的重要主体,它们在武汉生物产业发展的各个阶段,作用程度是不同的。这一点是区别于欧美发达国家以技术为核心的产业分叉研究的,也在一定程度上反映出中国目前的高新技术产业发展仍然停留在“量的扩张”阶段,与欧美发达国家以“质的提升”为主的发展本质有所不同。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):661-683
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the global expansion of gated communities has become an increasingly important part of the residential geography of many cities. The gated community phenomenon has not been researched in West African cities, and the extent of these communities' formation and convergence or divergence with global trends is unknown. This article provides the first-ever analysis of their formation in Greater Accra, Ghana. The analysis suggests that the globalization of real estate markets and Diaspora living are important aspects in the residential geography of Accra. The concept of "transnational houses" is employed to explain aspects of the local property market that are being globalized and differentiated from local housing. Transnational houses add another layer of diversity to the contemporary urban geography of Greater Accra.  相似文献   

何深静  刘臻 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1046-1056
亚运会的成功举办对广州的经济、社会、文化产生了深远影响,同时也触发了广州新一轮的城市更新,涉及颇多社区与居民。现有研究仅关注亚运会前期的影响,缺乏对其后续影响的跟踪研究。本文对亚运会期间更新改造的三个案例进行跟踪研究,对比更新前后社区居民在物质、社会和心理层面上所受影响。研究表明:由于城市更新缺乏对社区居民的全面考虑,更新改造导致部分居民的社会经济地位降低,社会网络破坏,邻里关系拆散,社区满意度下降。这场快速、效果显著的城市更新,在物质层面上一定程度地改善了居民的居住环境和质量,但在社会层面和心理层面却对社区居民造成了较大负面影响。作为与政府和开发商不均衡博弈中的弱势方,社区居民成为亚运轰轰烈烈的城市更新改造中的社会成本承担者。城市更新应更多关注社会利益与公众参与,提倡多元化的城市更新目标。  相似文献   

In 1992, Puerto Rico's governor and police superintendent incorporated the National Guard with local police in a militarized battle against crime. Mano dura contra el crimen (strong arm/iron fist against crime) policies led to the gating of 82 public housing communities in the island. Simultaneously, privileged private communities organized and petitioned municipalities to retrofit their neighbourhoods with gates in the name of safety. These enclosures followed the privatized management of all public housing communities in the island only a few years before. Based on ethnographic research, I examine the sociospatial outcomes of these policies, how they reframe community participation and deploy a discourse of self‐responsibility that distributes power unequally across private and public housing communities. While in the privileged communities these policies have cultivated community leaders and invigorated social life as residents take control over public space, the gates in the communities of the poor reflect a skeletal structure of democracy. Private management companies impose increasingly restrictive regulations in attempts to organize the community and the only recourse to participation is to engage in small acts of everyday resistance, from apathy to subversion. As part of larger neoliberal tendencies to retrench the ‘public’ in favour of the ‘private’, the mano dura policies curtail democracy as the voices of the poor are silenced and the scope of efficacy of the rich expands.  相似文献   

Research on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, particularly projects aiming to contribute to practical adaptation initiatives, requires active involvement and collaboration with community members and local, regional and national organizations that use this research for policy-making. Arctic communities are already experiencing and adapting to environmental and socio-cultural changes, and researchers have a practical and ethical responsibility to engage with communities that are the focus of the research. This paper draws on the experiences of researchers working with communities across the Canadian Arctic, together with the expertise of Inuit organizations, Northern research institutes and community partners, to outline key considerations for effectively engaging Arctic communities in collaborative research. These considerations include: initiating early and ongoing communication with communities, and regional and national contacts; involving communities in research design and development; facilitating opportunities for local employment; and disseminating research findings. Examples of each consideration are drawn from climate change research conducted with communities in the Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   

Policy Boosterism,Policy Mobilities,and the Extrospective City   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

This study develops the notion of “policy boosterism,” a subset of traditional branding and marketing activities that involves the active promotion of locally developed and/or locally successful policies, programs, or practices across wider geographical fields as well as to broader communities of interested peers. It is argued that policy boosterism is (1) an important element of how urban policy actors engage with global communities of professional peers and with local residents, and (2) a useful concept with which to interrogate and understand how policies and policy knowledge are mobilized among cities. A conceptualization of policy boosterism and its role in global-urban policymaking is developed by combining insights from the burgeoning “policy mobilities” literature with those of the longstanding literature on entrepreneurial city marketing. It is supported by illustrative examples of policy boosterism in Vancouver: the city's Greenest City and Green Capital initiatives, the use of the term “Vancouverism” among the city's urban design community, and demonstrations of new urban technologies during the 2010 Winter Olympics that were used to market a particular vision of the city's governance to people from elsewhere, but also—crucially—to local audiences. The article concludes by highlighting four foci that might frame future work at the intersections of policy boosterism and policy mobilities.  相似文献   

China's overseas industrial parks contribute to political and economic cooperation,cultural exchange between home and host countries.Current studies mainly discuss the ef-fect of overseas industrial parks from the perspective of institutional and cultural difference,multi-scale coupling,as well as key partnerships,while little attention has been paid to the comprehensive analysis of overseas industrial parks.Based on a theoretical framework,this paper explores the overall effect of China's overseas industrial parks from the geo-effects perspective by using field interviews and a case study approach.The research shows that:(1)the geo-effects reveal the over effect of overseas industrial parks from the multiple and com-plementary dimensions of geopolitics,geo-economics,geo-society and geo-culture;(2)the Cambodia Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone,as a flagship BRI project,has produced the prominent and positive geo-effects;(3)the institutional-economic-cultural-environmental adaptability of overseas industrial parks is becoming important.Overseas industrial parks must be rooted in the politics,economy,society,and culture of host country;embedded in local social networks;balance the rights and interests of all stakeholders;and form the community of interests,community of destiny,and community of responsibility with political mutual trust,economic integration,cultural inclusiveness,and social harmony.The paper not only deepens the understanding about the overall effect of overseas industrial parks,but also provides decision support and theoretical reference for government policy makers and the overseas investment of enterprises.  相似文献   

Although the way in which local communities in The Gambia identify drought has remained predominantly traditional, their response to the hazard has undergone significant change over the past three decades. Some of the changes, even if short-lived, have been beneficial, and have reduced the severity and duration of the hardships and penury which can accompany droughts in this part of the world. Nevertheless, other changes in the local response system, coupled with wider social, economic and political developments over the decades, are threatening to weaken the tolerance of local communities to hazards and increase their exposure to droughts. This article examines some of the strategies which local communities employ to identify and respond to drought, the extent to which responses have changed over the past decades, and the implications of some of these changes for the vulnerability of local communities in The Gambia.  相似文献   

This paper discusses one aspect of a phenomenographic study that investigates experiences of individuals who volunteer their time for a variety of catchment care groups in coastal Queensland. Data were collected through group and personal interviews, which were undertaken in 2001. Interviews took place in a number of locations along the east coast of Queensland, from Brisbane to Mossman, just north of Cairns. A number of broad conceptions emerged from the data, and this paper discusses one of these, that of empowerment. Analysis of interviews revealed that some catchment volunteers became personally empowered, and developed skills that they would not otherwise have had. Other volunteers saw catchment volunteering as a vehicle for empowerment that allowed individuals to have a say in decision making and governance of local resources. Many volunteers, however, revealed the difficulties associated with public participation processes, and described power struggles that arose within groups, and at a community level, when catchment group members wanted to be directly involved in decisions affecting their local environments. These struggles were further complicated by a chronic lack of resources. Despite these setbacks, community catchment groups can provide personal and group empowerment, resulting in a 'little voice' as opposed to none.  相似文献   

Medicinal plants and fungi play important roles in the health of Maliseet people of northern Maine, USA. A critical aspect of exercising choice in health care for this community is the ability to locate and have access to these plants. Habitat suitability modeling is a form of geospatial technology that can enhance health sovereignty by identifying locations in which populations of medicinal plants can be conserved or established. However, use of this technology within indigenous communities has been limited. Focusing on the medicinal plant muskrat root, Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf., we generate a habitat suitability model for eastern Aroostook County, Maine (1,055,653.659 ha) that also takes community needs into consideration. Drawing on participatory ethnographic data as well as environmental characteristics, our model combines ecological and sociocultural parameters to identify previously unknown populations of A. americanus that are accessible to tribal elders. Our model successfully predicted 95% of A. americanus locations in our field validation data set of ∼71,000 ha. Results suggest that approximately 0.6% of our study area contains suitable habitat to plant muskrat root that could also meet tribal members' gathering needs for the future. Increasing the number of potential collection sites gives communities options for gathering, thereby enhancing health sovereignty. Broadly, our work suggests that, when done in partnership with communities, different forms of geospatial technology can be beneficial tools for efforts to promote health sovereignty.  相似文献   

China's overseas industrial parks contribute to political and economic cooperation, cultural exchange between home and host countries. Current studies mainly discuss the effect of overseas industrial parks from the perspective of institutional and cultural difference, multi-scale coupling, as well as key partnerships, while little attention has been paid to the comprehensive analysis of overseas industrial parks. Based on a theoretical framework, this paper explores the overall effect of China's overseas industrial parks from the geo-effects perspective by using field interviews and a case study approach. The research shows that:(1) the geo-effects reveal the over effect of overseas industrial parks from the multiple and complementary dimensions of geopolitics, geo-economics, geo-society and geo-culture;(2) the Cambodia Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, as a flagship BRI project, has produced the prominent and positive geo-effects;(3) the institutional-economic-cultural-environmental adaptability of overseas industrial parks is becoming important. Overseas industrial parks must be rooted in the politics, economy, society, and culture of host country; embedded in local social networks; balance the rights and interests of all stakeholders; and form the community of interests, community of destiny, and community of responsibility with political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural inclusiveness, and social harmony. The paper not only deepens the understanding about the overall effect of overseas industrial parks, but also provides decision support and theoretical reference for government policy makers and the overseas investment of enterprises.  相似文献   

The development of overseas industrial parks is a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative and an expected experimental way of promoting inclusive globalization by inventing new forms of cooperation between China and local host countries. Policy mobility, a classic theory within international political geography addressing the connection between local and global policies, has implications for overseas industrial parks development. In this paper, we argue that policies are not easily moved directly from one place to another; instead, policies are embedded due to the role of local actors in policy mobility. This article first provides an overview of seven China-Southeast Asia economic and trade cooperation zones identified by the Ministry of Commerce, and analyzes their key participants. It then discusses policy mobility by looking into the roles of revenue, land, and talent in developing these industrial parks. The paper finds that these parks face challenges, such as the complicated geographical environments of host countries, huge pressure from enterprise investment capital, the lack of overseas service platforms, and underdeveloped agglomeration economies. In the light of the current situation, policy suggestions for the future sustainable development of overseas industrial parks are put forward.  相似文献   

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