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基于空间生产理论,构建了“区域主体间的战略互动作为区域空间生产机制”的解析视角,对北京、上海两大中心城市及其外围地区的战略互动过程及区域空间发展绩效进行了深入比较分析,认为上海及其外围地区之所以能够成长为高度一体化的区域,同区域主体间持续采用相向型互动战略密切相关;而北京大都市阴影区的形成与长期固化,则与北京及外围地区之间长时期以来采用背离型互动战略直接相关。最后,从促进区域主体间积极战略互动的角度,讨论了减缓、化解大都市阴影区问题的可能路径。  相似文献   

农业多功能性与都市区土地利用管理——框架和案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄姣  马冰滢  李双成 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1791-1806
采用理论和案例分析相结合的方法探讨了农业多功能性对都市区土地利用管理的意义和实现途径。论文从农业多功能性的多尺度嵌套层级结构出发,构建了基于农业多功能性评价的都市区土地利用管理框架,然后基于高清卫星遥感影像解译、文献资料整理等分析了北京市海淀区1968—2014年间土地利用、农业多功能性和土地利用管理措施的变化及相互作用。研究指出:都市区土地利用管理者应该在区域尺度和农户/农园尺度农业多功能性评价的基础上,围绕农户/农园与区域、国家等各级社会经济系统的相互作用,从改进土地用途管制分区和发展多功能农业两个方面进行区域的农业用地管理。最后,展望了未来的研究方向,希望优化都市区土地利用管理,推动都市型现代农业建设,并促进区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

伴随全球化的蔓延,快速城镇化地区的增长与收缩已成为地区发展转型研究中的国际性话题。改革开放以来,珠江三角洲在外来资本和廉价劳动力的双重推动下实现了农村城镇化发展,随之出现了大量的“城乡一体化(Desakota)”混杂空间。然而,2008年的金融危机对城市发展造成了巨大冲击,地区产权结构的不同导致了更新政策的差异,城市中出现增长与收缩并存的新空间现象。基于此,文章从区域农村城镇化的特殊条件出发,结合城乡二元土地产权结构的制度背景,探索珠江三角洲“Desakota”形成的内在因素,并提出理解城镇增长与收缩的分析框架。后危机时代,城市国有土地和集体土地与国家产业政策的匹配程度存在巨大差异,为不同地区带来了截然不同的发展机会。实证分析部分以东莞市为例,通过夜间灯光数据探索城市增长与收缩的空间分布特征,同时结合典型地区的案例分析,从产权视角切入分析地区出现差异化发展的机制。土地是决定地区发展方向的本质性因素,城市中产权明确且结构单一的国有土地有利于更新置换并实现再增长,而产权零散、用地混杂的集体土地往往因改造成本高而难以推动更新发展,地区出现“穿孔式”收缩。  相似文献   

城市是一个动态发展系统,外生和内生的行动者通过互动促进城市发展。跨国机构作为重要的外生行动者,在一些城市的全球化发展过程中产生了重要的作用。案例城市波恩正是在联邦、州和地方政府的权力和政策安排下,创造了跨国行动者嵌入的制度环境和背景,以联合国机构为主的众多跨国机构通过与政府、企业和居民,以及非人类行动者在建立国际合作的共同诉求下积极转译,产生互动效应,为城市建构了稳固而“无缝”的行动者网络。行动者的不同目的和行为方式在塑造网络的同时,也重新建构了城市空间,空间成为检验网络构建是否成熟的一种重要的表现方式。波恩的城市空间实现了从外交政治功能向国际合作功能的转型;形成以联合国机构为轴心,其他机构点状辐射的轴辐式空间集聚;同时,由于资源、信息和所处地位的不同,波恩不同行动者在网络节点之间产生不均等的权力空间。行动者不断的排斥、冲突、协商和融合的过程,促进了城市空间功能不断完善,也致使以跨国机构为核心的行动者网络逐步成熟。通过引入行动者网络理论(ANT),本研究把跨国机构作为重要行动者与城市全球化发展相结合,更深入地解析了城市全球化过程中多重行动者的互动过程。  相似文献   

乡村发展与重构格局特征及振兴路径——以广西为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
乡村重构是实施推进乡村振兴战略的重要手段,系统开展典型地区乡村发展与重构的格局特征及问题识别研究,是新阶段面向乡村振兴战略需求科学施策的基础。以广西为案例地,基于熵值法支持下的TOPSIS模型,分时段综合评价全区乡村发展水平和乡村重构强度的格局特征,识别乡村发展与重构的问题区域,探讨实现乡村振兴的调控路径。结果表明:研究期内广西乡村发展水平快速提升,乡村地域正在由相对均质走向异质发展态势;各研究时段经济、社会、空间重构强度均值逐渐增大,经济重构愈发加快,空间重构后来居上但仍相对滞后;经济—社会—空间重构耦合度和协调度均值逐渐提升,但当前协调水平仍然不高。基于上述研究,识别出乡村发展与重构存在若干问题的7类计37个县域,问题区域的形成折射着地理环境影响的痕迹,是社会经济要素变化背景下地形地貌、区位条件、资源条件、经济基础、行为主体、区域政策多种因素综合作用的结果。乡村地域的健康发展有赖于经济—社会—空间的协调耦合,乡村振兴的实现既需要从宏观层面统筹谋划乡村重构的区域路径,还需要针对问题区域及其关键领域研制促进乡村社会经济发展和空间优化的调控措施。  相似文献   

张鹏  陈雯  吴加伟  袁丰 《热带地理》2020,40(4):589-603
合作园区作为区域间资源优势互补、互利共赢的合作手段,对缩小地区差距,促进区域协调发展,增强区域整体竞争力,提升区域更高质量一体化水平发挥着重要作用。合作园区逐渐成为跨区域合作研究的重要内容,相关研究基于飞地经济理论、空间生产与空间重构理论、社会资本理论、增长联盟与跨界区域理论等,从园区合作主体、管理体制、空间治理、利益分享等角度,对合作园区的类型、合作动力、合作效应等进行了探讨与研究。研究主要结论为:1)合作园区类型多样,按照参与主体、合作治理形式、园区产业功能进行了划分,形成层次递进的分类体系;2)合作动力包括政府驱动、市场因素驱动、社会因素驱动、利益分享驱动等方面,各种驱动力相互作用,利益分享是合作园区发展的原动力,利益协调是影响合作园区可持续发展的关键;3)合作效应主要表现为促进区域经济增长、产业布局优化与转型升级、区域协调发展、城镇化进步及区域综合竞争力提升等。但相关研究存在对部分合作园区类型划分标准不统一、合作动力缺乏量化支撑与耦合关系研究、合作效应研究滞后且缺少科学客观的系统评价体系等问题。未来合作园区研究可开展集合作类型、合作动力与效应于一体的合作模式的系统综合研究;针对合作园区所映射的区域合作治理问题,可以创新探索跨区域合作治理驱动机制等深层次的相关理论研究;宏观层面区域一体化的政策评估,可依托合作园区案例进行深度的理论与实证研究。  相似文献   

The imposition of exclusive statutory real property rights in or near pastoralists’ areas and their migration corridors permanently excludes and extinguishes pastoralist rights to mobility and access to required resources. Seasonal interactions with non-pastoralist land use actors often occur during pastoralist migrations between rangelands and highlands or dry season grazing areas. In an embedded case study in Northern Kenya, in which interviews based on semi-structured questionnaires were held with pastoralists and non-pastoralists, we investigated how non-pastoralist land use actors manage encounters with migrating pastoralists within the context of the Land Administration system. We found that the majority of non-pastoralist land use actors encounter migrating pastoralists during distinct periods. Most never allow herders access to privately owned land. A small proportion allow access and make temporary verbal or written access agreements containing provisions on grazing fees, grazing regulations and rules to protect private property. The majority of non-pastoralists are unwilling to have access arrangements formalized. We argue that land rights adjudication should identify and confer all existing land rights to all users to avoid obstruction or renegotiation for access, and recommend the inclusion of pastoralists’ access rights as real property rights in the Land Administration system.  相似文献   

Regional development differentiation is a complicated spatial and temporal dynamic process. Recent developments in spatial statistics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have led to an increasing interest in quantitative analysis and visualization of the process. However, so far, few direct connections have been made between the newly developed methods and classic spatial development theories, which would be very helpful for the interpretation and understanding of regional spatiotemporal differentiation. Using basic concepts and academic principles of polarized growth theory and gradient transfer theory, this paper quantifies the concept of regional development space. It then proposes a method based on GIS to visually simulate and analyze regional development spatiotemporal differentiation through a case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region (BTHMR), China. The main research results are as follows. 1) The proposed method, built on classic theories and well-developed GIS technology, presents a good picture of regional development spatiotemporal differentiation. 2) The levels of regional development, in terms of per capita GDP across BTHMR, diminished significantly with increased distances away from city propers (which can be seen as the regional growth poles), leading to the appearance of development valley zones between different cities. The development valley zones between each city coincided with their boundary areas, which indicates that administrative boundaries have some impact on regional development, if the regional division is based on administrative boundaries. 3) From 1993 to 2007, the development level in the whole BTHMR improved significantly, of which polarized growth was dominant, especially for Beijing and Tianjin. However, as the two economic development engines in BTHMR, the pull effects of both Beijing and Tianjin on their peripheral areas were comparatively weak, except for those on Tangshan. 4) The structure and pattern of gradient transfer and balanced development in the BTHMR had not been completely developed yet, and the sustained polarized development of the regional economy in BTHMR was still going to be the main trend in the next 5–10 years.  相似文献   

中外区域政策对比研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
刘勇  毛汉英 《地理研究》1995,14(4):51-61
区域干预包括区域分工与协作受阻和区域差异扩大两个方面.发达国家主要面临的是空间差异扩大的区域均衡问题,其区域政策都是在经济发展达到一定的水平[人均GDP达500多美元(二、三年代当年价)]时制定和实施的,中央财政用于区域均衡政策的经费一般占到10-30%.我国区域政策面临区域发展和区域均衡双重任务.“九五”及到2010年期间,我国区域政策的总原则应该是效率优先、兼顾均衡.主要措施是加快空间一体化市场的建设,做到产业政策与区域政策相结合,适当加大扶贫工作的力度.  相似文献   

Theory on environmental governance and water governance emphasises decentralised, devolved forms of interaction between stakeholders. As previously excluded actors are empowered to take part in governance, new forms of cooperation are created. This paper examines how the cooperative principle has influenced stakeholder interaction at the local and international scales of water governance in South Africa. Water policies and initiatives have been set up to promote multi-level governance that emphasises cooperation between various stakeholders. The emphasis on cooperation and inclusiveness is particularly pertinent to the South African context because of its apartheid past. The paper asks whether there have been new forms of cooperation between a wider array of actors, as the theory proposes. By using the case studies of the Sabie catchment and the Lesotho Highlands Water Project to examine local and international level governance, the paper finds challenges related to power disparity and interdependence of actors, and risk perceptions of inclusive decision-making. It is found that at both the local and international level, the state, which is a 'traditional' actor, still plays an influential role in decision-making. 'New' actors such as businesses, civil society, and regional institutions are more visible but have limited decision-making power. Non-linear, time-consuming forms of cooperation occur in water governance.  相似文献   


This paper examines two key dimensions of the impact of immigration for Australia and related policy aspects. One is sub-national and the other is national. They are, first, the regional location aspects of immigration and, second, the aggregate unemployment implications of immigration. These are chosen so as to focus on two important issues that condition public attitudes towards immigration. In relation to the first, there is a common positive view that channelling migration towards regional areas assists regional development and reduces pressure on metropolitan areas. The paper reviews regional concepts embodied in Australian immigration policy and the ways in which visa arrangements have implemented policies geared towards the regional dispersal of immigrants. Using official data, it discusses the demographic impacts of these policies and, in particular, considers the extent to which immigrants to regional Australia remain there over the longer term. In relation to unemployment, a common concern is that immigrants take jobs from local workers. The paper examines—using statistical regression methodology—the relationship between immigration and national aggregate unemployment in Australia. It evaluates the net consequences of immigration for both existing residents and new arrivals together. The paper concludes that, with good policy design in each case, regional location encouragement can be effective for immigrants and that immigrants need not take more jobs than they create. The analysis demonstrates that mixed-methods approaches to important social science issues can be productive, and helpful also for policy. Evidence, such as that presented in this paper, offers a powerful basis from which to counter negative public and political discourses surrounding immigration in contemporary Australia.  相似文献   

Human activity has been recognized to be an important geomorphic agent, and the resulting changes to landforms and land cover are regarded as a global problem. Although there has been much research into the relationships between geomorphic processes and types of land use such as agriculture, mining, and urbanization, it is important to clarify spatiotemporal human impacts on topography on a regional scale when predicting future changes in land cover.This study examined changes in land use to clarify the distribution and impact of anthropogenic changes to landforms, as well as the influence of geology on the extent of these changes. In a case study from Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, changes in land use over the last century were analyzed using a geographic information system (GIS). The study area, which covers approximately 4930 km2, has experienced urban development since 1950 and has a current population of over 5 million. Land use data were prepared using paper-based early editions of topographic maps. Subsequently, the distribution of anthropogenic landforms was evaluated by comparing landforms with regional geological data.GIS analysis using our prepared land use data, landform data, and regional geological data has clarified the following characteristics of the study area. (1) Land uses prior to 1950 were constrained by topographic relief. After 1950, land use was characterized by urban sprawl. Urban areas expanded and contained both higher elevations and steeper slopes at their margins. The relationships between land uses and landforms during this urbanization are unclear. (2) The area of urban land increased in the geological regions with Paleogene sedimentary rocks (PSD) and Mesozoic granitic rocks (GR) during the 20th century. The largest coal mining area in Japan was located in the PSD geological regions, and ancient iron working was common in the GR geological regions, particularly during the 7th century. This result indicates that the land use distribution, especially urban areas in sloping terrain, is related to the regional geology. (3) Deforestation related to land use resulted in steeper terrain in forest land in the PSD and GR geological regions. These changes to landforms in forest areas occurred as a result of rapid urban sprawl and have created many new boundaries between forest areas with steeper slopes and urban areas with gentler slopes. This phenomenon may have caused an increase in the frequency of sediment-related disasters.This case study indicates that predictions of anthropogenic changes to landform, which are important for the assessment of global climate change and natural hazards, must clarify the relationships between land uses, landforms, and regional geology.  相似文献   

长江三角洲人口分布演变、偏移增长及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
闫东升  孙伟  王玥  徐诗瑶 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):2068-2082
在长江三角洲区域一体化上升为国家战略背景下,论文运用核密度、重心、集中指数和偏移—分享等方法,研究2000—2018年长江三角洲人口时空演变规律,并采用定量方法探讨人口偏移增长影响因素。结果表明:① 部分城市主导下的人口集散趋势转变,并未显著改变区域人口不均衡格局,且集中度呈现稳步增长态势。② 基于偏移—分享法的研究发现,人口增长格局转变主要表现为部分欠发达地区人口增速加快,如三省一市上安徽省转变为正偏移增长、城市尺度上核心发达城市为主的正偏移增长向部分欠发达城市为主的正偏移增长转变、县域尺度上正偏移市辖区由核心区向边缘区的转移,但人口向少数大城市、市辖区集聚的态势显著,而多样化的人口偏移增长态势表征了未来城市发展策略的差异化需求。③ 经济因素、社会发展和财政水平等是长江三角洲人口偏移增长的重要驱动力,而影响因素的时空演变表明,未来人口均衡化政策的制定不仅要因地制宜,更要与时俱进。  相似文献   

俞立平 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1610-1617
构建区域创新政策评价的理论框架,在宏观知识生产函数中引入信息化作为创新技术进步的替代变量,基于DEA与Malmquist指数,用全要素生产率指数存量来衡量区域创新政策。并以省际高技术产业为例进行了实证,研究结果表明:区域创新政策的特征和评价维度决定评价的多样性,基于政策效果与政策交互作用的区域创新政策评价具有重要意义;区域创新政策总体上处于稳步提高阶段,较低地区以西部中部地区为主;区域创新政策测度模型系统性较好,其检验方法有待进一步深化;采用政府研发经费投入作为区域创新政策的替代变量值得商榷。  相似文献   

作为大城市边缘区的新兴城市化地区,近年来凭借其用地空间广阔、限制因素少、区位条件好等优势而在许多城市尤其是沿海大城市的经济发展中迅速崛起,成为大城市空间扩展的主要方向和引起大城市地域空间结构发生根本性变化的主要力量地区。文章以天津滨海新区为研究对象,从城市地域功能、空间布局、空间联系等几个方面系统分析了大城市边缘新兴发展城区地域空间结构形成与变化的历史过程、现状格局,并对其未来发展的趋势进行了预测,指出了在发展过程中存在的一些有待解决的矛盾与问题,以定性的宏观分析研究,为我国其他大城市地区的空间发展研究提供了一个较为典型的比较案例。  相似文献   

山区的山地经济协同开发研究——以重庆市三峡库区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山区是生态环境和经济社会发展问题集中的区域。以国家有关资源型城市发展、重庆市近年来区域经济城乡统筹发展、三峡库区治理贯彻实施的大政方针为宏观背景,以三峡库区山地资源系统开发为个案,并将该区域资源状况进行统计学意义上的分析综合,从具体到抽象,再从抽象到具体,为我国山地资源系统开发与山地区域经济发展的科学整合做了探索性研究。最后,有针对性地提出了相应对策措施。  相似文献   

李娜  石敏俊  袁永娜 《地理学报》2010,65(12):1569-1580
利用中国动态多区域可计算一般均衡(CGE) 模型,模拟了低碳经济时代实施碳税政策对中国区域发展格局演进的影响。模拟结果显示,如果各地区实施同一碳税政策,对区域经济的影响存在着区域差异,能源富集地区尤其是欠发达地区的经济损失较大,对发达地区则产生正面的影响,因而将扩大区域经济差异。如果实施差别碳税,对能源富集地区和欠发达地区的影响有所减轻,有利于缩小区域经济差异。针对不同区域制定差异化的低碳经济发展政策,有利于兼顾公平和效率,使中国走上低碳发展和区域经济协调的双赢之路。  相似文献   

为了推动陆海统筹,转变和优化临海产业布局,制定和完善海洋开发政策与体制建设,推进海洋经济发展和海洋强国战略,提高沿海区域经济发展韧性水平,中国自2011年以来先后启动海洋经济发展试点工作。旅游业是中国沿海区域经济的重要组成部分。论文以海洋经济发展试点政策作为准自然实验,基于2007—2020年中国沿海地区各地级及以上城市的面板数据,运用多期双重差分模型,总结和评估该试点政策对区域经济韧性及旅游经济韧性的影响。结果表明:海洋经济发展试点政策的实施能够显著推动区域经济韧性及旅游经济韧性的提升;而新冠疫情事件作为调节变量,削弱了海洋经济发展试点政策对区域经济韧性的影响。在区域异质性上,海洋经济发展试点对中南沿海地区经济韧性的政策效应最明显,而对华东沿海地区旅游经济韧性的政策效应则更为显著。鉴于此,合理扩大海洋经济发展试点,因地制宜规划沿海区域经济体系,对防范系统性风险、提高区域经济韧性及旅游经济韧性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper indexes rural male out-migration and explains changing intensity patterns in Uttar Pradesh, India, since 1961. The sex ratio among non-migrants serves as an indicator of regional variations in rural out-migration. The paper highlights 2 population divergence zones in the underdeveloped Northern hilly and Eastern plain regions. The process of infrastructural development combined with cultural factors and inadequate employment opportunities seem to stimulate rural outmigration. Regional imbalance in economic development seems to be working as a suction economic system. The developed regions in India are utilizing the labor force of backward areas. The number of districts of high and moderately high rural male outmigration has increased, reflecting a wider gap between individual income and regional inequality. Unless the process is reversed in favor of rural areas, strategies for development will only work in capitalistic frameworks which serve the interests of developed regions.  相似文献   

文章旨在通过系统梳理西方区域环境治理的研究进展和前沿问题,以拓展国内区域环境治理研究,对认识粤港澳大湾区乃至中国深入发展以来面临的经济发展—环境保护矛盾和探索可持续发展政策有所启示。文章回顾了20多年以来西方区域环境治理研究的主要成果,总结出区域环境治理研究的理论进展、治理模式与影响效应3个重点议题。政府和非政府主体共同参与区域层面环境问题的应对已成为环境治理转变的重要特征之一。各主体之间采用了由国家政府或者地方行动者主导的协调方式,形成了不同的管理模式。区域层面的环境参与受到了经济、政治、社会等多重因素的影响,同时也对资源环境、经济、政治等方面产生了重要影响。最后,文章提出粤港澳大湾区环境治理研究应重点关注中国特色“一国两制”政策背景下粤港澳大湾区环境治理的组织框架,实施环境治理的地域因素、影响效应,探索促进区域发展的制度安排。  相似文献   

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