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This case study on the Borkena wetlands in north‐eastern Ethiopia tells, through the voices of the inhabitants, the story of the occupation and management of an area where agro‐pastoralists (Urrane) and farmers have progressively settled. It shows how different policy changes and natural disasters have transformed the type of peoples' livelihoods and land use patterns in the wetland. It tells the history of relationships between smallholder peasants, irrigation farmers, commercial farms, and the Urrane, where conflicts as well as collaboration developed, and it shows how different stakeholders behave and consider their own situation. The study also reveals that development intervention by World Vision Ethiopia (WVE) had mixed impact on peoples' livelihoods in the wetland: sedentary peasants have benefited while the Urrane have been adversely affected. The main issue is the marginalization of pastoralists, with the denial of their traditional land use rights by three successive regimes and administrations. Any solution to the cohabitation of the different groups and livelihoods will have to address the issue of land rights for the pastoralists and promote the fair participation of all stakeholders in the future management of the wetlands. Good governance and the competence of the state actors at local levels are the crucial issues for the realization of the suggested solutions.  相似文献   

Empirical models designed to simulate and predict urban land‐use change in real situations are generally based on the utilization of statistical techniques to compute the land‐use change probabilities. In contrast to these methods, artificial neural networks arise as an alternative to assess such probabilities by means of non‐parametric approaches. This work introduces a simulation experiment on intra‐urban land‐use change in which a supervised back‐propagation neural network has been employed in the parameterization of several biophysical and infrastructure variables considered in the simulation model. The spatial land‐use transition probabilities estimated thereof feed a cellular automaton (CA) simulation model, based on stochastic transition rules. The model has been tested in a medium‐sized town in the Midwest of São Paulo State, Piracicaba. A series of simulation outputs for the case study town in the period 1985–1999 were generated, and statistical validation tests were then conducted for the best results, based on fuzzy similarity measures.  相似文献   

Kirkup et al. (1998) [Australian Geographer 29, pp. 241–55] criticise our theory of alternating flood regimes and question its application to river management. A brief but critical appraisal of their work shows many errors and misrepresentations. When these are corrected, their challenge is found deficient.  相似文献   

This paper discusses extensions of GAP‐trees from three aspects and its implementation based on non‐topological structure in order to enhance access to large vector data sets. First of all, we apply cartographic generalization rules to build a generalization procedure of the GAP‐tree, which makes coarse representations more consistent with human cognition. Second, we replace the three‐dimensional (pseudo‐) Reactive‐tree index with a 2D R‐tree index and a B‐tree index to improve the system efficiency. Finally, we compress a binary GAP‐tree into multi‐way GAP‐trees in order to reduce data redundancy. The shallower multi‐way GAP‐trees not only eliminate redundant data but also accelerate the system's response time. The extensions have been successfully implemented in PostgreSQL. A test of Beijing's land‐use data at the 1:10 000 scale demonstrates that the extended GAP‐trees are efficient, compact, and easy to implement.  相似文献   

A new raster‐based GIS model that combines multi‐criteria evaluation and least‐cost path analysis was developed to determine the optimal haulage routes of dump trucks in large scale open‐pit mines. The model logic can consider multiple criteria simultaneously (i.e. speed, water body, ore body, curve, visibility, haul road maintenance) and can rate the adverse factor scores of truck movement using fuzzy membership functions. After establishing the weights of five factors by pairwise comparisons, the average adverse score grid can be generated by the weighted linear combination of factor and constraint scores. New software, called Dump Traveler, was implemented to improve the availability of the developed model. An application to the Roto South pit in the Pasir open‐pit coal mine, Indonesia, showed that the software can provide rational solutions to determine the optimal routes on truck haulage operations. Moreover, the layout of available haul roads can be evaluated to consider the trade‐off between road maintenance costs and the potential for traffic jams. Variations of weights for factors were found to be sensitive to the optimal haulage routes determined by least‐cost path analysis. The software provides both optimal routes on truck haulage operations and approximately estimated travel times along the routes, therefore it can support other truck dispatching software that mainly considers scheduling problems.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to study the relationship between terrain complexity and terrain analysis results from grid‐based digital elevation models (DEMs). The impact of terrain complexity represented by terrain steepness and orientation on derived parameters such as slope and aspect has been analysed. Experiments have been conducted to quantify the uncertainties created by digital terrain analysis algorithms. The test results show that (a) the RMSE of derived slope and aspect is negatively correlated with slope steepness; (b) the RMSE of derived aspect is more sensitive to terrain complexity than that of derived slope; and (c) the uncertainties in derived slope and aspect tend to be found in flatter areas, and decrease with increasing terrain complexity. The study shows that although primary surface parameters can be well defined mathematically, the implementation of those mathematical models in a GIS environment may generate considerable uncertainties related to terrain complexity. In general, when terrain is rugged with steep slopes, the uncertainty of derived parameters is quite minimal. While in flatter areas, the DEM‐based derivatives, particularly the aspect, may contain a great amount of uncertainty, causing significant limitation in applying the analytical results.  相似文献   

Inter‐decadal periods of high and low flood activity have been considered to be the dominant factor driving river metamorphosis in catchments along the New South Wales coast. Recent work has questioned the data analysis techniques used in delineating the so‐called flood‐and drought‐dominated regimes (FDRs/DDRs). Concerns have also been raised about the validity of invoking a climatic control for river metamorphosis documented during the post‐European period, when extensive anthropogenic alteration of catchment and riparian vegetation has also occurred. This paper reviews the evolution of the FDR/DDR concept. We examine the evidence for FDRs/DDRs, and highlight problems with the original hydrological data sets, as well as with the techniques employed in the time‐series analysis. We discuss conceptual problems encountered in applying flood‐frequency analysis, and the failure of the proponents of the FDR/DDR theory to consider large‐scale climatic circulation patterns and the geographical boundaries of their influence. We conclude that the validity of the FDR/DDR notion has been seriously over‐stated, and that managing rivers on the basis that FDRs/DDRs have occurred in the past, and will continue to occur in the future, is likely to be ineffective.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Decision Trees and Dempster–Shafer's Theory of Evidence have long claimed to be more error‐tolerant than conventional statistical models, but the way error is propagated through these models is unclear. Two sources of error have been identified in this study: sampling error and attribute error. The results show that these errors propagate differently through the three AI models. The Decision Tree was the most affected by error, the Artificial Neural Network was less affected by error, and the Theory of Evidence model was not affected by the errors at all. The study indicates that AI models have very different modes of handling errors. In this case, the machine‐learning models, including ANNs and Decision Trees, are more sensitive to input errors. Dempster–Shafer's Theory of Evidence has demonstrated better potential in dealing with input errors when multisource data sets are involved. The study suggests a strategy of combining AI models to improve classification accuracy. Several combination approaches have been applied, based on a ‘majority voting system’, a simple average, Dempster–Shafer's Theory of Evidence, and fuzzy‐set theory. These approaches all increased classification accuracy to some extent. Two of them also demonstrated good performance in handling input errors. Second‐stage combination approaches which use statistical evaluation of the initial combinations are able to further improve classification results. One of these second‐stage combination approaches increased the overall classification accuracy on forest types to 54% from the original 46.5% of the Decision Tree model, and its visual appearance is also much closer to the ground data. By combining models, it becomes possible to calculate quantitative confidence measurements for the classification results, which can then serve as a better error representation. Final classification products include not only the predicted hard classes for individual cells, but also estimates of the probability and the confidence measurements of the prediction.  相似文献   

Seabed sediment textural parameters such as mud, sand and gravel content can be useful surrogates for predicting patterns of benthic biodiversity. Multibeam sonar mapping can provide near-complete spatial coverage of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data that are useful in predicting sediment parameters. Multibeam acoustic data collected across a ~1000 km2 area of the Carnarvon Shelf, Western Australia, were used in a predictive modelling approach to map eight seabed sediment parameters. Four machine learning models were used for the predictive modelling: boosted decision tree, random forest decision tree, support vector machine and generalised regression neural network. The results indicate overall satisfactory statistical performance, especially for %Mud, %Sand, Sorting, Skewness and Mean Grain Size. The study also demonstrates that predictive modelling using the combination of machine learning models has provided the ability to generate prediction uncertainty maps. However, the single models were shown to have overall better prediction performance than the combined models. Another important finding was that choosing an appropriate set of explanatory variables, through a manual feature selection process, was a critical step for optimising model performance. In addition, machine learning models were able to identify important explanatory variables, which are useful in identifying underlying environmental processes and checking predictions against the existing knowledge of the study area. The sediment prediction maps obtained in this study provide reliable coverage of key physical variables that will be incorporated into the analysis of covariance of physical and biological data for this area.  相似文献   

This work deals with the identification of potentially contaminated areas using remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and multi‐criteria spatial analysis. The identification of unknown illegal landfills is a crucial environmental problem in all developed and developing countries, where a large number of illegal waste deposits exist as a result of fast, and relatively unregulated, industrial growth over the past century. The criteria used to perform the spatial analysis are here selected by considering the characteristics which are ‘desirable’ for an illegal waste disposal site, chiefly related to the existence of roads for easy access and to a low population density which facilitates unnoticed dumping of illegal waste materials. A large dataset describing known legal and illegal landfills and the context of their location (population, road network, etc.) was used to perform a spatial statistical analysis to select factors and criteria allowing for the identification of the known waste deposits. The final result is a map describing the likelihood of an illegal waste deposit to be located at any arbitrary location. Such a probability map is then used together with remote sensing techniques to narrow down the set of possibly contaminated sites (Silvestri and Omri, 2008 Silvestri, S. and Omri, M. 2008. A method for the remote sensing identification of uncontrolled landfills: formulation and validation.. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(4): 975989. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), which are candidates for further analyses and field investigations. The importance of the integration of GIS and remote sensing is highlighted and represents a key instrument for environmental management and for the spatially‐distributed characterization of possible uncontrolled landfill sites.  相似文献   

WebGIS (also known as web‐based GIS and Internet GIS) denotes a type of Geographic Information System (GIS), whose client is implemented in a Web browser. WebGISs have been developed and used extensively in real‐world applications. However, when such a complex web‐based system involves the dissemination of large volumes of data and/or massive user interactions, its performance can become an issue. In this paper, we first identify several major potential performance problems with WebGIS. Then, we discuss several possible techniques to improve the performance. These techniques include the use of pyramids and hash indices on the server side to handle large images. To resolve server‐side conflicts originating from concurrent massive access and user interactions, we suggest clustering and multithreading techniques. Multithreading is also used to break down the long sequential, layer‐based data access to concurrent data access on the client side. Caching is suggested as a means to enhance concurrent data access for the same datasets on both the server and the client sides. The technique of client‐side dynamic data requests is used to improve data transmission. Compressed binary representation is implemented on both sides to reduce transmission volume. We also compare the performance of a prototype WebGIS with and without these techniques.  相似文献   

It is well received in the space syntax community that traffic flow is significantly correlated to a morphological property of streets, which are represented by axial lines, forming a so called axial map. The correlation co‐efficient (R 2) approaches 0.8 and even a higher value according to the space syntax literature. In this paper, we study the same issue using the Hong Kong street network and the Hong Kong Annual Average Daily Traffic datasets, and find surprisingly that street‐based topological representations (or street–street topologies) tend to be better representations than the axial map. In other words, vehicle flow is correlated to a morphological property of streets better than that of axial lines. Based on the finding, we suggest the street‐based topological representations as an alternative GIS representation, and the topological analyses as a new analytical means for geographic knowledge discovery.  相似文献   

Fields as found in the geosciences have properties that are not usually found in other disciplines: the phenomena studied are often three‐dimensional (3D), they tend to change continuously over time, and the collection of samples to study the phenomena is problematic, which often results in highly anisotropic distributions of samples. In the geographical information system (GIS) community, raster structures (voxels or octrees) are the most popular solutions, but, as we show in this paper, they have shortcomings for modelling and analysing 3D geoscientific fields. As an alternative to using rasters, we propose a new spatial model based on the Voronoi diagram (VD) and its dual the Delaunay tetrahedralisation (DT), and argue that they have many advantages over other tessellations. We discuss the main properties of the 3D VD/DT, present some GIS operations that are greatly simplified when the VD/DT is used, and, to analyse two or more fields, we also present a variant of the map algebra framework where all the operations are performed directly on VDs. The usefulness of this Voronoi‐based spatial model is demonstrated with a series of potential applications.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of scale (exhibited by spatial sampling) in modeling mean slope from lidar data using two representations of scale: lidar posting density (i.e. post‐spacing) and DEM resolution (i.e. cell size). The study areas selected include six small (i.e. approximately 3 km2) urban drainage basins in Richland County, SC, USA, which share similar hydrologic characteristics. This research spatially sampled an airborne lidar dataset collected in 2000 at a 2 m nominal posting density to simulate lidar posting density at various post‐spacings, from 2 m through 10 m. DEMs were created from the lidar observations at a corresponding cell size using spatial interpolation. Finally, using these DEMs, a sensitivity analysis between modeled terrain slope and lidar post‐spacing was conducted. Results of the sensitivity analyses showed that the deviation between mean slope and modeled mean slope decreases with finer posting density and DEM resolution. The relationship of mean slope with varying cell sizes and post‐spacing suggests a linear and a logarithmic function, respectively, for all study areas. More importantly, cell size has a greater effect on mean slope than lidar posting density. Implications of these results for lumped hydrologic modeling are then postulated.  相似文献   

Many parts of the world with young mountain chains, such as the Himalayas, are highly susceptible to landslides. Due to general ruggedness and steep slopes, roads provide the only way of transportation and connectivity in such terrains. Generally, landslide hazards are overlooked during route planning. In this study, in a test area in the Himalayas, various thematic layers, viz. landslide distribution, landslide hazard zonation, landuse/landcover, drainage order and lithology are generated and integrated using Remote Sensing–GIS techniques. The integrated data layer in raster form has been called a ‘thematic cost map’ and provides an estimate of the cost of route development and maintenance. The relative cost assignment is based on experts' knowledge. Route planning is based on neighbourhood analysis to find various movement possibilities from a pixel to its immediate neighbours. A number of patterns such as those analogous to movements in chess games have been considered. Two new neighbourhood patterns, named here Knight31 and Knight32, have been conceived in addition to commonly used Rook, Bishop and Knight patterns. The neighbourhood movement cost for moving from one pixel to a connected neighbour has been calculated for a 7×7 pixel window considering distance, gradient cost and thematic cost. Dijkstra's algorithm has been applied to compute the least‐cost route between source and destination points. A few examples are presented to show the utility of this approach for a landslide‐safe automatic route planning for a highly rugged hilly terrain.  相似文献   

All systems have causes and effects that can be appreciated at different spatial scales. Understanding and representing the complexity of multi‐scale patterns in maps and spatial models are key research objectives. We describe the use of three types of correlation analyses: (1) a standard Pearson correlation coefficient, (2) a ‘global’ multi‐scale correlation, and (3) local geographically weighted correlation. These methods were applied to topographic and vegetation indices in a small catchment in Honduras that is representative of the country's hillsides agro‐ecosystem which suffers from severe environmental degradation due to land‐use decisions that lead to deforestation, overgrazing, and unsustainable agricultural. If the geographical scale at which topography matters for land‐use allocation can be determined, then integration of knowledge systems can be focused. Our preliminary results show that: (1) single‐scale correlations do not adequately represent the relationship between NDVI and topographic indices; (2) peaks in the global multi‐scale correlations in agricultural areas coincided with the median farm size, but there was no evidence of any community or larger‐scale land‐use planning or optimization; and (3) local multi‐scale correlations varied considerably from the global results at all scales, and these variations have a strong spatial structure which may indicate local optimization of land use.  相似文献   

Multi‐resolution terrain models are an efficient approach to improve the speed of three‐dimensional (3D) visualizations, especially for terrain visualization in Geographical Information Systems (GIS). As a further development to existing algorithms and models, a new model is proposed for the construction of multi‐resolution terrain models in a 3D GIS. The new model represents multi‐resolution terrains using two major methods for terrain representation: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and regular grid (Grid). In this paper, first, the concepts and formal definitions of the new model are presented. Second, the methodology for constructing multi‐resolution terrain models based on the new model is proposed. Third, the error of multi‐resolution terrain models is analysed, and a set of rules is proposed to retain the important features (e.g. boundaries of man‐made objects) within the multi‐resolution terrain models. Finally, several experiments are undertaken to test the performance of the new model. The experimental results demonstrate that the new model can be applied to construct multi‐resolution terrain models with good performance in terms of time cost and maintenance of the important features. Furthermore, a comparison with previous algorithms/models shows that the speed of rendering for 3D walking/flying through has been greatly improved by applying the new model.  相似文献   

Globalization is contributing to the blurring of borders making irrelevant the distinctions between domestic and international health problems. Cross‐border and global health spatial information systems (CBHSIS) are required to address the new global health challenges. There is a need to build and document alternatives for addressing the technological, economic, and sociocultural–political challenges encountered in the creation and deployment of these systems. This paper documents the building of a prototype Web‐based multimedia GIS system for use in a public health context using Open Source Software and Open Specifications and its deployment across the US–Mexico border. These technologies offer advantages in addressing several of the challenges previously mentioned. We highlight the technological and sociocultural–political issues important in successful collaboration across borders and cultures and in the creation of interoperable CBHSIS.  相似文献   

Most multiple‐flow‐direction algorithms (MFDs) use a flow‐partition coefficient (exponent) to determine the fractions draining to all downslope neighbours. The commonly used MFD often employs a fixed exponent over an entire watershed. The fixed coefficient strategy cannot effectively model the impact of local terrain conditions on the dispersion of local flow. This paper addresses this problem based on the idea that dispersion of local flow varies over space due to the spatial variation of local terrain conditions. Thus, the flow‐partition exponent of an MFD should also vary over space. We present an adaptive approach for determining the flow‐partition exponent based on local topographic attribute which controls local flow partitioning. In our approach, the influence of local terrain on flow partition is modelled by a flow‐partition function which is based on local maximum downslope gradient (we refer to this approach as MFD based on maximum downslope gradient, MFD‐md for short). With this new approach, a steep terrain which induces a convergent flow condition can be modelled using a large value for the flow‐partition exponent. Similarly, a gentle terrain can be modelled using a small value for the flow‐partition exponent. MFD‐md is quantitatively evaluated using four types of mathematical surfaces and their theoretical ‘true’ value of Specific Catchment Area (SCA). The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) shows that the error of SCA computed by MFD‐md is lower than that of SCA computed by the widely used SFD and MFD algorithms. Application of the new approach using a real DEM of a watershed in Northeast China shows that the flow accumulation computed by MFD‐md is better adapted to terrain conditions based on visual judgement.  相似文献   

Much of the current research on long‐term landscape evolution and drainage history in SE Australia is built in one way or another on the early work of Griffith Taylor. The controversy prompted by several attempts to incorporate Taylor's work in recent plate tectonics interpretations of the long‐term evolution of SE Australia highlights differences of opinion as to the appropriate methodologies for such investigations. These questions, including the issues of data sources in reconstructions of long‐term landscape history, testability of such reconstructions, and the relationship between the landscape history so reconstructed and larger‐scale, regional landscape histories, appear not to have been addressed in recent literature on geomorphological methodology. This literature notes the demise of critical rationalism and appears to espouse a strongly relativist viewpoint, which relies on the shared understanding among the discipline's practitioners as to what are appropriate data sources and tests for hypotheses of long‐term landscape evolution. This offers little hope for resolution of the current disputes about the evolution of the drainage systems of SE Australia, but puts the onus squarely on us, the practitioners, to develop shared understandings of the appropriate data sources and tests for our hypotheses and grand schemes of the type so favoured by Griffith Taylor.  相似文献   

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