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Altitudinal tree- and forest-limits of mountain birch ( Betula pubescens Ehrh. ssp. tortuosa (Ledeb.) Nyman) were measured (m a.s.l.) on 229 sites forming a regional network of sites intended for long-term monitoring. Regional and local topographical variables used for correlations with the recorded elevations included slope aspect, inclination, morphology, snow depth and shortest distance to the sea. No relationship between past human utilization of natural resources and the vertical extension (width) and position of the tree-limit ecotone was found and thus the ecotone is regarded as natural. It is concluded that tree- and forest-limit altitudes are regionally controlled by macroclimate, and correlate negatively with the degree of maritimity. On a more local scale, snow conditions, and microtopography, are important for tree- and forest-limit altitudinal position. The ecotone is wider in snow accumulation areas than in deflation areas, and tree- and forest-limit altitudes are generally higher on slopes with a varied micro-topography than on flat slopes. Slope aspect and inclination are also important, and the highest tree- and forest-limit altitudes are generally found on steep, SE-W-facing slopes. Tree height at the tree-limit is independent of the analysed topographical parameters and fairly constant at 2.7 m, suggesting a strong common environmental control. Many of the results presented in this paper are confirmations of the results of earlier, small-scale investigations or of surveys lacking statistically treated data.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution changes in major crops can reveal important information about cropping systems. Here, a new centroid method that applies physics and mathematics to spatial pattern analysis in agriculture is proposed to quantitatively describe the historical centroids of rice, maize and wheat in China from 1949 to 2014. The geographical centroids of the rice area moved 413.39 km in a 34.32° northeasterly (latitude 3.08°N, longitude 2.10°E) direction at a speed of 6.36 km/year from central Hunan province to Hubei province, while the geographical centroids of rice production moved 509.26 km in the direction of 45.44° northeasterly (latitude 3.22°N, longitude 3.27°E) at a speed of 7.83 km/year from central Hunan province to Henan province. The geographical centroids of the maize area and production moved 307.15 km in the direction of 34.33° northeasterly (latitude 2.29°N, longitude 1.56°E) and 308.16 km in the direction of 30.79° northeasterly (latitude 2.39°N, longitude 1.42°E), respectively. However, the geographical centroids of the wheat area and production were randomly distributed along the border of Shanxi and Henan provinces. We divided the wheat into spring wheat and winter wheat and found that the geographical centroids of the spring wheat area and production were distributed within Inner Mongolia, while the geographical centroids of winter wheat were distributed in Shanxi and Henan provinces. We found that the hotspots of crop cultivation area and production do not always change concordantly at a larger, regional scale, suggesting that the changing amplitude and rate of each crops’ yield differ between different regions in China. Thus, relevant adaptation measures should be taken at a regional level to prevent production damage in those with increasing area but decreasing production.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various kinds of geoecological change in the tree-limit ecotone of the Scandes Mountains during the period 1970–95. The focus of the study is a part of a regional network of sites intended for long-term tree-limit monitoring, with special stress on effects of climatic variability. The elevational tree-limits of Betula pubescens sp. Sortuosa, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris, which rose in response to the climatic amelioration earlier this century, now show clear symptoms of increasing climatic stress and disturbance. This manifests as defoliation, growth recession and reproductive failure, locally leading to some initial elevational tree-limit retraction (unbalanced mortality). Defoliation was preceded by decades of weak summer cooling and an increasingly maritime climate, but recently it correlates significantly with low winter soil temperatures, causing death of needles, shoots and buds. In some habitats, Betula pubescens has suffered from mechanical stress and disturbance by increased snow accumulation. Tree-limit decline is paralleled by analogous responses of high-elevation boreal forests as well as the ground cover, encompassing elevational range-limit retraction of certain plant species, deterioration of alpine/subalpine dwarf-shrub heaths and terricolous lichen mats. These processes coincide with indications of enhanced periglacial activity, chiefly wind deflation of frost-heaved top-soils at exposed sites. Presumably, reindeer trampling and grazing play a certain role in the latter context, although this disturbance interacts with climate cooling and increased storminess. Short-term extreme events, particularly concerning winter climate (e.g. ground frost), represent previously underrated disturbance mechanisms in cold-stressed, high-altitude boreal forest. The results suggest mechanisms of tree-layer regression, which lag behind the most severe stresses and disturbances by decades and make cold-marginal trees increasingly sensitive to climatic extremes and, in addition, unable to respond progressively to later positive weather anomalies, due to major defoliation and hypothetical xylem cavitation. The recorded changes are logical in consequence of the irregular climatic cooling and a more maritime climate since the late 1930s. In a wider perspective, the results fit a current pattern of natural geoecological destabilization and rapid vegetation change in the North Atlantic region. In addition, the results are discussed in the perspective of global climate change and biogeographical records over the past few decades.  相似文献   

Annual growth rings are well-defined in some shrubby species distributed along the Patagonian steppe and provide useful information to identify the environmental factors that influence the radial growth of shrubs in the region. However, little is known about variations in ring width from these species and their relationships with local environment. In this paper we present 18 growth ring width chronologies covering the last 2–3 decades from the shrub Anarthrophyllum rigidum (Fabaceae) encompassing most of its natural range of distribution in Argentina. Interannual variations in growth were first analyzed collectively to identify common regional patterns. In addition, shrub growth at each site was compared with local climate records and site-specific characteristics. Based on a principal component analysis (PCA), sites were joined in four major groups related to the site proximity to the Andes (foothills versus Patagonian plateau) and latitude (north versus south Patagonia). The relatively similar percentage of PCA variance associated with each group reflects environmental differences among sites. Consistent with this observation, we noted large variability in the responses of the A. rigidum woody growth to regional climatic fluctuations. At most sites, this species is favored by abundant winter precipitation, warmer spring and autumn temperatures (controlling the duration of the growing season), cool summers, or a combination of these factors. However, deviations from these patterns are also recorded. Our study represents the first large-scale dendroclimatological analysis of a shrubby species in southern South America. The results presented here provide information on the main patterns and factors affecting the growth of A. rigidum in Patagonia, and may be useful for determining well-suited practices for management and conservation of this ubiquitous species.  相似文献   

中国的地形起伏度及其与人口分布的相关性   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The relief degree of land surface (RDLS) is an important factor for describing the landform at macro-scales. This study defines a concept for RDLS and applies the concept for population distribution study of the entire country. Based on the concept and macro-scale digital elevation model datum and ARC/INFO software, the RDLS at a 10 km×10 km grid size of China is extracted. This paper depicts systemically the spatial distributions of RDLS through analyzing the ratio structure and altitudinal characters of RDLS in China. The conclusions are drawn as follows: the RDLS in more than 63% of the area is less than one (1) (relative altitude is less than 500 m), reflecting the fact that most of RDLS in China is low. In general, the RDLS in the west is larger than that in the east and so is the south than that of the north in China. The RDLS decreases with the increase of longitude and latitude and the change of RDLS at the latitudes of 28°N, 35°N, 42°N, as well as at the longitudes of 85°E, 102°E, 115°E could reflect the three major ladders of China. In the vertical direction, the RDLS increases with the increase of altitude. Analysis of the correlation between RDLS and population distribution in China and its regional difference shows that the R2 value between RDLS and population density is 0.91 and RDLS is an important factor influencing the spatial distribution of population. More than 85% of the people in China live in areas where the RDLS is less than one (1), while the population in areas with RDLS greater than 3 accounts only for 0.57% of the total. The regional difference of correlation between RDLS and population within China is significant and such correlation is significant in Central China and South China and weak in Inner Mongolia and Tibet.  相似文献   

基于GIS的定位观测数据空间化   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
属性数据空间化是当前GIS领域的前沿问题之一。在对中国624个气象站多年平均气温数据空间化过程中,通过使用30秒分辨率的数字高程数据,把气温分解为受经纬度、海拔高度影响的规律性成分和受其它因素影响的非规律性成分两部分,并分别用多元回归和反距离权重内插方法对二者实施空间化,最后将空间化结果进行合成得到基于栅格的中国多年平均气温分布数据。该数据既能反映气温在空间上的宏观变化,又能反映气温在局部地区的微观变化。该方法可供其它类型观测数据空间化、特别是在观测站点稀疏的情况下参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examines the sea ice cover minima in the western Arctic in the context of several climatic mechanisms known to impact its variability. The September latitude of western Arctic sea ice is measured along 11 equally-spaced longitudes extending from 176º?W to 126º?W in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, 1953–2010. Indices of seasonal atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections and annual mean Northern Hemisphere temperatures (NHT) and CO2 concentration are orthogonalized using rotated principal component analysis, forming predictors regressed onto the sea ice latitude data at each longitude using stepwise multiple linear regression. Prior to 1998, small amounts of September ice edge variance are explained by teleconnections such as the Arctic Dipole, Arctic Oscillation, and Pacific-North American Pattern. NHTs begin explaining large amounts of ice edge variance starting in 1998. For the 1953–2010 period, up to 68% of the ice edge variance is explained at 161°?W in the Chukchi Sea, mostly by NHTs. With the exception of the three easternmost longitudes (136–126°?W), the teleconnections and NHTs explain over 50% of the regional ice edge variance. Increases in both NHTs and ice retreat since the mid-1990s account for the large explained variances observed in regression analyses extending into recent years.  相似文献   

State Geography Standards in 2004   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):182-184

National Geography Standards for the middle school years generally stress the teaching of latitude and longitude. There are many creative ways to explain the great grid that encircles our planet, but the author has found that students in his college-level geography courses especially enjoy human-interest stories associated with lines of latitude and longitude. In particular, certain nautical “rites of passage” and GPS-enabled adventure show how some people identify with these imaginary lines as places to celebrate and explore. The author contends that humanizing this global geometry enhances student understanding and appreciation at any grade level.  相似文献   

中国高山林线的分布高度与气候的关系   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
王襄平  张玲  方精云 《地理学报》2004,59(6):871-879
通过研究我国高山林线的分布高度沿纬度、经度的变化格局,和对高山林线处的温度和基带降水等气候指标的分析,对我国高山林线分布高度与气候因子的关系进行探讨。结果表明:(1) 我国高山林线高度表现出明显的纬向和经向变化,总体趋势是:在北纬30o以北,高山林线高度随纬度升高而下降,下降速率为112 m/度左右;在30oN以南,则表现出较大的东西部差异:在东部,高山林线高度变化不明显,西部则随纬度增加呈上升趋势。在相似的纬度上,高山林线高度呈现出从东向西升高的趋势。高山林线在藏东南的洛隆、丁青、工布江达一带 (约29o~32oN,94o~96oE) 达到4 600 m,为世界最高林线高度,并以此为中心向四周降低。(2) 影响高山林线高度的主导气候因子为生长季温度条件。我国高山林线高度的温度指标为年生物温度3.5 oC,温暖指数14.2 oC·月,生长季平均温度8.2 oC。该指标相应海拔高度的地理差异,导致了我国高山林线高度的纬向、经向变化,和从沿海到内陆林线高度的差异。(3) 降水对高山林线高度有显著影响。在中高纬度地区,相同纬度上干旱区域的高山林线高于较湿润区域,降水量是通过温度间接作用于林线高度的。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on early Holocene tree growth and alpine tree-limits in the northernmost Swedish Scandes (Lapland). Megafossil wood remnants in peats and lakes were searched for over a large area at elevations high above the modern tree-limits. Wood of Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens spp. tortuosa and Alnus incana was discovered near the shore of a small lake (999 m a.s.l.) c. 500 m higher than today's tree-limit of Pinus sylvestris in this region. Radiocarbon dating yielded values of unprecedented age, c. 8500–8100 14C years BP for all three species and in addition 5400–4500 14C years BP for Betula and Alnus. The highest position of the Pinus tree-limit occurred during the early Holocene, which compares well with the situation reconstructed by megafossils in the southern Scandes. It now appears that the long-term tree-limit and climate histories are broadly the same in entire mid- and northern Fennoscandia. Corrected for glacio-isostatic land uplift, the tree-limit record suggests that the summers were c. 2.4°C warmer than today at 8500 14C years BP . A dry continental climate with substantial seasonal contrasts is likely to have prevailed during this period, which restricted the occurrence of glaciers and glacier activity. Most circumstances point to the overriding importance of the Milankovitch orbital theory for pacing or forcing the long-term postglacial climate change. The results are inconsistent with most inferences based on pollen, certain macrofossil records and general circulation simulations. These proxy environmental histories have frequently advocated a mid-Holocene thermal optimum and an oceanic and humid climate in northern and western Fennoscandia during the early Holocene. The uncovered discrepancy between the outcome of the objective and factual megafossil method and more subjective/inferential microfossil methods should be important for Quaternary plant ecology in general, stressing the usefulness of megafossil studies.  相似文献   

川渝地区气温随地形、经度和纬度的变化(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Using the daily temperature data of 95 meteorological stations from Si-chuan-Chongqing Region and its surrounding areas, this paper adopted these methods (e.g., linear regression, trend coefficient, geographical statistics, gray relational analysis and spatial analysis functions of GIS) to analyze the relations of temperature variability with topography, latitude and longitude. Moreover, the rank of gray correlation between temperature variability and elevation, longitude, latitude, topographic position and surface roughness also was measured. These results indicated: (1) The elevation affected temperature variability most obviously, followed by latitude, and longitude. The slope of the linear regression between temperature change rate and elevation, latitude and longitude was 0.4142, 0.0293 and -0.3270, respectively. (2) The rank of gray correlation between temperature change rate and geographic factors was elevation > latitude > surface roughness > topographic position > longitude. The gray correla-tion degree between temperature change rate and elevation was 0.865, followed by latitude with 0.796, and longitude with 0.671. (3) The rate of temperature change enhanced with the increase of elevation. Especially, the warming trend was significant in the plateau and mountain areas of western Sichuan, and mountain and valley areas of southwestern Sichuan (with the warming rate of 0.74℃/10a during the 1990s). However, there was a weak warming trend in Sichuan Basin and its surrounding low mountain and hilly areas. (4) The effects of latitude on temperature change rate presented the specific regulation, which the warming rate of low-latitude areas was more significant than that of high-latitude areas. However, they were consistent with the regulation that the increasing of low temperature controlled most of the warming trend, due to the effects of terrain and elevation on annual mean temperature. (5) Ba-sically, temperature variability along longitude direction resulted from the regular change of elevation along longitude. It was suggested that, in Sichuan-Chongqing Region, special features of temperature variability largely depended on the terrain complexity (e.g., undulations, mutations and roughness). The elevation level controlled only high or low annual mean temperature and the range of temperature change rate in the macro sense.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):250-256

In this study, pairs of students in fifth and seventh grade generated and answered questions based on maps. More than 90 percent of the questions they generated made sense with reference to the map on which they were based. Each of these questions was coded in terms of both its informational content (symbols, latitude and longitude, and scale) and the process by which a map user obtains the information from the map (map reading, map interpreting, map inferring). Results indicated that students most often generated three types of questions, which together accounted for more than 80 percent of all the questions: 1) read symbol, 2) infer latitude and longitude, and 3) interpret scale. Qualitatively, the questions were analyzed for what they revealed about student confusion about map content. Problems with all three aspects of map content were common among both fifth- and seventh-grade students. The problem-posing technique proved useful for evaluating student's knowledge.  相似文献   

We present a glaciological and climatic reconstruction of a former glacier in Coire Breac, an isolated cirque within the Eastern Grampian plateau of Scotland, 5 km from the Highland edge. Published glacier reconstructions of presumed Younger Dryas‐age glaciers in this area show that equilibrium line altitudes decreased steeply towards the east coast, implying a arctic maritime glacial environment. Extrapolation of the ELA trend surface implies that glaciers should have existed in suitable locations on the plateau, a landscape little modified by glaciation. In Coire Breac, a 0.35 km2 cirque glacier existed with an equilibrium line altitude of 487 ± 15 m above present sea level. The equilibrium line altitude matches closely the extrapolated regional equilibrium line altitude trend surface for Younger Dryas Stadial glaciers. The mean glacier thickness of 24 m gives an ice volume of 7.8 × 106 m3, and a maximum basal shear stress of c. 100 kPa?1. Ablation gradient was c. –0.0055 m m?1, with a mean July temperature at the equilibrium line altitude of c. 5.1°C. The reconstruction implies an arctic maritime climate of low precipitation with local accumulation enhanced by blown snow, which may explain the absence of other contemporary glaciers nearby. Reconstructed ice flow lines show zones of flow concentration around the lower ice margin which help to explain the distribution of depositional facies associated with a former debris cover which may have delayed eventual glacier retreat. No moraines in the area have been dated, so palaeoclimatic interpretations remain provisional, and a pre‐Lateglacial Interstadial age cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The lower reaches of the Minjiang River and its adjacent areas were among the most active prehistoric archaeological areas in Fujian Province. The accumulation types of Neolithic archaeological strata are roughly divided into dune sites and dune/shell mound sites. The sites can also be roughly divided into estuarine, coastal, and sea-island sites based on their geomorphic features. The cultural development of these prehistoric sites is of great significance for understanding the migration and spread of Austronesian civilization. Based on luminescence dating of typical Neolithic sites on Haitan Island, their quartz-OSL (optically stimulated luminecesence) burial ages were determined. Synthesizing previously published results, the temporospatial distribution characteristics of the sea-island sites on Haitan Island are discussed, and the relationship between Neolithic human activities and regional geomorphic processes is analyzed. The results show that: (1) the spatial and temporal distribution of the Haitan Island Neolithic sites are closely related to small-scale geomorphic features and are controlled by mesoscale geomorphic processes. The sites were mainly distributed in the foothills of two high hills along an NNE-SSW trend. With an increase in altitude, the features were distributed as “single site (I) - superimposed site - single site (II)” and appear successively. Single type sites (I) mainly appeared at low sea level, whereas single type sites (II) mainly appeared at high sea level. Superimposed sites were not subject to sea level changes. The relative elevation of the superimposed sites in the study area indicates the optimal residential area for human activities in the region. The single site with an elevation lower than the optimal residential area was mainly restricted by the lowest residential area, whereas the single site at a higher elevation than the optimal residential area was mainly affected by livelihood patterns. (2) High sea level caused by the “backwater effect” in low latitude areas in the southern hemisphere, and coastal aeolian sand activity influenced by sea level fluctuations in the middle Holocene correspond well with human activities recorded in the cultural stratigraphy of sea-island type sites. The altitude of coastal aeolian sand accumulation can be used as an indirect index to estimate the age of coastal dunes.  相似文献   

Variable complexity of the US Continental Divide trace   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Map-view complexity of 65 contiguous segments of the conterminous US Continental Divide trace was evaluated by the divider method, with each segment’s geometry approximated by a fractal dimension (D) value, or two D values applying to fine and coarse scales of inspection. Results support a generalization that D values in the range 1.05–1.12 are typical for drainage divides viewed at regional to national scales. However about 20% of cases reviewed in this study are smoother (D = 1.01–1.04) or more complex (D = 1.13–1.18) traces. Complexities of these watershed boundary segments show no significant correlation with physiographic province or local relief. The primary influence of bedrock lithology and surface process is seen in zones of Quaternary volcanism, where uncommonly smooth and highly complex divide trace segments are more the rule than exception. Uncommonly smooth divide traces are also found descending mountain pediments in areas of parallel drainage, and some of the most tortuous traces are associated with drainage patterns disrupted by non-fluvial processes. Divide trace segments crossing terrain with uniform lithology show decreased complexity, but traces with the broadest range of complexity, including highest D values, occur in areas with moderate, not extreme, degrees of bedrock diversity.  相似文献   

中国陆地区域气象要素的空间插值   总被引:181,自引:8,他引:181  
在区域农田生态系统生产力模拟模型研究中,空间插值可以提供每个计算栅格的气象要素资料。然而,在众多的气象要素空间插值方法中,并没有一种适合每一个气象要素的普适的最佳插值方法。本文以全国725站1951~1990年整编资料中的旬平均温度和计算得来的675站的月乎均光合有效辐射日总量(PAR)为数据源,选用了距离平方反比法(IDS)、梯度距离平方反比法(GIDS)和普通克立格法(OK)等3种插值方法,进行了方法选取的探讨。交叉验证结果表明:3种方法中,温度插值的平均绝对误差(MAE)的排序为IDS>OK>GIDS,其值分别为2.15℃、1.90℃和 l.32℃;在作物生长季节(4-10月),MAE分别 20℃、1.9℃和 1.2℃ ,表明GIDS在温度插值方面更具实用价值;对于PAR,MAE的排序为OK>GIDS>IDS,其值分别为 0.83MJ/m2、071MJ/ m2和 0.46MJ/m2,说明复杂的方法并不必然具有更好的效果。对这2个气象要素的空间分布特征分析表明:温度和PAR的经、纬向梯度和高度梯度均具有明显的季节性变化特征;温度的纬向梯度有近似正弦曲线的较强的季节变化,表现为夏季高,而冬、春季低;温度的高度梯度年  相似文献   

Using geomorphological knowledge, spatial data and GIS methods, one can obtain phytogeomorphological site variables describing interactions between landforms and vegetation. We used 15 site variables derived from maps to explain forest site productivity in southern and central Finland expressed as dominant height of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) with ages of 30–110 years. These site variables were grouped into two: Group 1 with seven variables describing geographical conditions of sites including climate, and Group 2 with eight variables describing local morphometric and soil properties. We calculated slope and aspect from a 25 × 25 m DEM. The catchment area, calcium content in soil, length of the growing season, radiation index, sea index, lake index, past highest shoreline and total annual temperature sum with threshold + 5 °C were also obtained. Then we classified the landforms of 688 sample plots into four major types and 15 sub-types. We applied regression analysis to explain the tree height as a function of the tree age and the phytogeomorphological site variables. When the tree height was explained with the tree age and the Group 1 variables, the remaining standard error of the model was 16.6–17.9%. When the Group 2 variables were added to the analysis, the standard error decreased slightly. The most significant variables were the temperature sum, latitude coordinate and length of the growing season. Other significant variables were elevation, slope and aspect. The major landform types, sub-types and watershed area did not explain the tree height. Furthermore, if the forest site types determined in the field were included, the remaining standard error decreased by ca. 2%, showing the importance of field information.  相似文献   

邹斌  解思梅  郝春江  陆军  尹涛 《极地研究》2000,12(4):291-300
船载卫星遥感图象处理系统是针对南极考察气象航线预报、冰区航行的海冰预报和导航需要而研制的船陆两用多功能软件系统。采用了最新的 DEL PHI可视化软件开发工具 ,开发了用于 WINDOWS98环境下的 32位的程序 ,并针对接收系统开发了 WINDOWS设备驱动程序 ,提高了在 WIND0 WS98多任务环境下 ,接收程序的实时性和可靠性 ;采用面向对象的程序开发方法和开放式的体系结构 ,便于功能的更新和提高 ;采用 SGP4/SDP4轨道模式及两行元素的轨道参数计算出卫星星下点的位置 ,实现了在 1 A图象上计算逐点经纬度的快速动态定位和图象显示的功能 ;采用迭代法利用电子地图网格数据 ,在接收的卫星云图上迭代套上地形及海岸线。组成了适合船陆两用的多功能快速灵活的图象处理系统 ,可以在 1~ 2分钟瞬间内完成一幅图的定位套网格和套地形线的工作。解决了南极海冰监测和冰缝、水道预报的难点。可以使图象上下滚动、左右移动、任意放大、缩小和剪取 ;可以随着鼠标的移动显示出图上任意一点的经纬度 ;能够在图上标出任意目标物 ,如船位、站位、岛屿等等 ;能够方便地在图上画出航线 ,直观地判断船所处的位置和航线周围的气象和海洋环境状况 ;解决了在茫茫海洋和冰区中航行找不到参照物时的困惑 :能够输出任意大小的 2 4位真  相似文献   

Pronounced climate warming during the past century has been well documented in high-latitude regions. Nonetheless, considerable heterogeneity exists in northern climate trends. We examined the roles of cryospheric landscape and lake depth in modulating the rate and magnitude of local climate responses through a paleolimnological study of lakes from southwest Yukon, Canada. By sampling lakes at varying distances from the Wrangell-St. Elias ice fields, we hypothesized that, for lakes of similar maximum depth, sites closest to the ice fields would be relatively complacent in terms of their chironomid and diatom assemblage changes over the past ~200 years. This hypothesis is based on the moderating effect of the glaciers on local climate, which would be most pronounced in the lakes nearest to the ice fields. However, given the known ecological differences between deep and shallow lakes, we further predicted that, for a given distance from the ice fields, a sediment record from a shallower lake would show the greatest change in stratigraphic subfossil assemblages. Because of the complicated shape of the ice fields, we applied the longitude for each site (which decreases from west to east) to approximate the proximity of our study lakes to the ice fields. Consistent with our predictions, we observed a space-transgressive pattern in the chironomid assemblage turnover that was associated with their proximity to the ice fields (r = ?0.75, P = 0.034, n = 8) across lakes of similar depth (mean maximum depth ± 1, SE = 18.1 ± 2.6 m). Considering a broader network of lakes that represented a greater range in maximum depth (4.9–29 m), we found that differences in subfossil chironomid assemblages between the modern and ca. AD 1800 sediment layers were strongly related to lake depth (r = ?0.77, P < 0.001, n = 15), but failed to detect a significant relationship with latitude or longitude (i.e. our proxy for proximity to the ice fields). Similarly, our comparative high-resolution analyses of two lakes with distinct lake morphometries, but similar proximities to the ice fields, demonstrated the predicted contrasting pattern: we observed pronounced post-1880 changes in the biotic assemblages in the shallow lake and a muted and delayed response (i.e. ~1970s) in the deeper lake. Our findings confirm that cryospheric landscape features can strongly modulate regional climate. Furthermore, our work shows that investigators need to be conscious of how climate change affects the structure and functioning of lakes of different typologies, which influences the way in which paleoclimate signals are recorded and interpreted.  相似文献   

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