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Mangen. De eldste finner ved sjøen Mangen — Sigfrid og Morten i Sør-Mangen — synes å ha vært fastboende allerede tidlig i 1630-årene. Den forste er i den gamle folketelling opfort med en alder av 70 år, mens Morten da var død, idet enken Berte er notert som bruker av den ene plassen i Sør-Mangen. Straks efter bygslet imidlertid Per Sigfridsen — fodt i Mangen 1635 — Morten og Bertes plass av sogneprest Jens Boalth (sies ved de tider å ligge under »Mangen hospitalsgods«).  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of so-called wine trails as planners and managers of viticultural landscapes, using the case of the Finger Lakes region in New York, USA. Using key informant interviews, it assesses the current capacity and the future potential of these non-governmental, fee-based ‘clubs’ to mediate between global markets and the local agricultural landscape in the absence of policy frameworks designed for this purpose. Though it finds little evidence of such mediation today, the paper argues that the structure and institutional position of wine trails, organizations whose members’ livelihoods depend substantially on long-term landscape coherence, position them to play a more assertive role in doing so in the future, particularly in places marked by lax planning regimes and scarce resources.  相似文献   

遗产廊道是绿道基础上形成的概念,融休闲游憩、文化与生态保护于一体。本文运用最小累积阻力模型,结合GIS技术尝试探讨遗产廊道适宜性分析的新途径。主要的思路是:把遗产和生态休闲活动作为一种空间水平过程,基于土地利用属性和遗产廊道元素的不同阻力分布,模拟其空间扩张状况,在此基础上进一步分析确定适宜建立廊道的区域。依据公众偏好调查,和在此基础上的专业人员评价,来确定土地利用属性和遗产廊道元素的阻力系数。在有关探讨的基础上,针对一个快速城市化进程中的典型地区———浙江台州市案例,进行了较详细的呈示和讨论。  相似文献   


Gardens in Australia are considered an important site of heritage maintenance and negotiation for their capacity to materialise transformations in everyday life, design, lifestyles, demographics, environment, as well as social and cultural practices. In the case of conservation areas, gardens tend to be valued in terms of their closeness and potential to preserve specific historical elements. Plants in these gardens are cultivated to evoke period designs, such as Federation (c.1890–1915) and cottage gardens. In this article we turn to gardens and gardening to make sense of entanglements between cultural, historical and environmental elements, and we ask: what role do plants play in shaping our understanding of suburban heritage? To answer this question, we draw on oral histories, archival research and ethnography in Haberfield, the first model garden suburb in Australia. We show how plants channel and mediate multiple concerns that contest and extend ideas of heritage circulating in public discourse. Foregrounding the centrality of plants, this article contributes a dynamic definition of heritage that includes the entanglement of environmental stewardship and individual and collective heritage.  相似文献   

全球文化景观遗产的时空分布及列入标准分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过长期的探索,自1992 年文化景观被正式列入世界文化遗产类型到2013 年的20 余年间,共有54个国家和地区的85 项文化景观遗产诞生。文章以联合国教科文组织世界遗产官网的文化景观遗产信息为数据源,统计并分析其时空分布、评价标准和遗产类别,结果显示:1)文化景观遗产数量在20 a间呈持续增长趋势,欧洲增长趋势与全球类似,亚洲增长潜力大;2)文化景观遗产集中分布在气候条件适宜人类生活且经济较发达的北半球中纬地区,欧美地区文化景观遗产数量超过全球的50%。大洲中欧洲约占全球的一半,亚洲其次,遗产大国以欧洲发达国家如意大利(6 项)、法国(5 项)、英国(4 项)和德国(4 项)为主,中国也已有4 项;3)入选的85 项遗产主要符合评价标准(iii)、(iv)和(v),说明文化景观遗产价值的评价焦点为表现遗产地独特人地关系的持续演进和延续能力;4)对51 项文化景观遗产类型进行的统计表明:具有持续特征的有机演进类约占60%,是国际主要关注类型;5)世界文化景观遗产全球共识将在未来使其空间分布相对均衡,中国尚有较大的申报空间,重构文化景观遗产类别将利于其申报和保护。  相似文献   

In Spain, the birth of interest in the nation's industrial heritage dates from the 1980s and occurred alongside the process of deindustrialization. Policies concerning derelict industrial sites have shifted gradually from destruction to preservation, rehabilitation, and enhancement, and industrial heritage enhancement projects are now widespread in the country. However, a clear mismatching has arisen between institutional and academic initiatives and local communities, which exhibit widespread disinterest in or even rejection of industrial remains. This problematic situation can be related to the utilization of industrial heritage as an economic resource without paying much attention to its connections with memory and identity. Also, the mismatching is due to a positivist approach to industrial heritage whereby the monument and the museum are prioritized. We argue that projects which consider industrial remains as part of cultural landscapes might shorten the gap between the institutional and economic side of industrial heritage and its identity‐building and popular facets.  相似文献   

Journal of Geographical Sciences - Urbanization has caused significant landscape changes in rural areas, leading to the emergence of urbanized landscapes (ULs), which have been generally criticized...  相似文献   

陕西传统村落文化遗产景观基因识别   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
文化遗产景观是地域文化的符号表征,文化遗产景观基因则是地域文化代际传承的基本“遗传”单位和文化遗产景观形成的决定性因子。目前文化遗产景观基因研究已成为文化地理学的重要方向之一。通过识别与提取隐藏在文化遗产景观内的文化基因,可反映出地域文化的基本特质。传统村落是最具代表性的地域文化遗产景观,整体上延续和传承了中国优秀的传统文化,并集中体现在传统村落内的文化遗产景观之中,对传统村落进行遗产性景观基因识别研究可揭示地域文化的人文地理性和传统村落的社会文化性。基于地域文化遗产景观基因理念,以陕西省35个代表性传统村落为例,首先从宏观和中观尺度,分析了传统村落遗产性景观的文化环境特征;其次从微观视角,建立了传统村落文化遗产景观基因识别指标体系,综合运用景观基因识别与提取方法,对传统村落文化遗产景观的基因特征进行分析,识别出传统村落的地域文化特质。本文旨在从文化地理学的视角认识和保护传统村落文化遗产景观,为实现传统村落的文化复兴提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Two small high-Arctic glaciers (Longyearbreen and Larsbreen) on Svalbard (78°N 15°E) were studied with respect to glaciological and hydrological characteristics. Fieldwork during the melting season of 1993 and 1994 was coupled with digital map analysis based on high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) to reveal the dynamics and temperature regime of small glaciers in a high-Arctic environment, and its relationship to the material transport and sedimentation of these glaciers. The study showed Longyearbreen and Larsbreen to be low activity glaciers, cold-based with temperate patches, and thus having a low potential of basal erosion. The transport of ions and suspended solids in the glacial meltwater implies storage of material in and around the glacier which comes into contact with the meltwater. The study suggests that small Arctic glaciers couple the slope system with the fluvial system and therefore build a highly effective denudation system. Small polythermal glaciers are therefore important in understanding Pleistocene and Holocene landform development in cold regions.  相似文献   

“传统”农业景观旅游保护困局的反思(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球范围对"文化景观"重新燃起兴趣需要从多维方式来解释。传统栖息地,人民和他们在特殊环境里的生活方式的价值改变过程是和与遗产地有关的"文化、社会和经济建设"的引入密不可分的。自上世纪90年代开始,文化景观作为一种新型遗产列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,它强调人类与环境相互作用的重要性,需要了解景观在时空上的动态性。观念的变化产生了对标志性景观和传统社区的"动态保护"。从交叉学科的视角来理解这一交互过程对规划和保护可持续遗产景观至关重要。遍及全世界的各试点项目和案例研究都引起了关于遗产景观的可持续性和旅游的至高无上作用的批判性反思。全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)能否受益于旅游产生的经济资源,需要基于研究的方法来分析机会和预期,评估其战略政策和自上而下的政策。  相似文献   

曹帅强  邓运员 《热带地理》2018,38(1):131-142
根据景观基因及其图谱理论,探讨景观基因及其图谱和画卷式旅游规划概念,建立了基于三者之间内在关系的古城镇“画卷式”旅游规划技术;遵循“一目标、二意义、三功能、四特性、五要素”的理论结构,探讨以基因信息的遗传路线和文化故事表达为图谱形态的“画卷式”旅游规划模式。在此基础上,以靖港古镇为例,结合实地走访与历史文化特色分析等方法,探寻了该古镇景观主体基因图谱,构建并运用了“画卷式”旅游规划模式。结果表明:靖港古镇宜居宜业的生态文明是主体基因图谱表达的画卷模式;军事科教的活动体验是内在唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式,地方性很强的民俗活动是外在唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式;宗教文化活动是局部唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式。  相似文献   

以湖南省龙山县惹巴拉村寨为例,采用文本分析法与深度访谈法,基于社区增权视角,优化文化遗产地治理路径。结果发现:1)文化遗产地社区失权体现在经济失权、心理失权、社会失权及政治失权4个方面。2)文化遗产地通过权力合作、权力共有及权力激励等社区赋权方式再分配资源、权益及资本。3)权力共有路径下,强化政策透明度和社区话语权,有助于社区主体参与治理;权力合作路径下,扩充资源分配渠道、强化主体合作关系,有助于社区治理渠道扩展;权力激励路径下,规范治理主体、治理对象及监管方式,有助于社区治理政策细化。文章借助“社区增权”理论,将旅游引发的“社区失权”改进为“社区增权”,补充完善文化遗产地治理研究,可为其他少数民族文化遗产地的治理提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Students of human landscapes often view those landscapes as documents and seek to “read” them for cultural and historical meaning. But how does one learn to read landscape? And how can students be taught to do it? After many years of teaching courses about commonplace American landscapes, I have discovered that students must learn two things before they can expect to read human landscapes. First, they must learn to pay attention to commonplace things which most Americans normally ignore. Second, they must master vocabularies that permit them to classify elements in the landscape and to connect small things with larger ideas. Two examples in the landscape of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania—the town's war memorial and a scattering of California bungalows-demonstrate how these ideas work.  相似文献   

根据客家文化景观基因理论及其"地域机制",以客家扩展聚居区炎陵县为例,结合历史文献查阅和实地调研,发掘分析该县客家文化的景观基因。研究结果表明:(1)迁徙由来、地域背景分别是客家文化景观的共同基因、本土基因;(2)由共同基因以"反客为主"的作用方式与本土基因形成了地方客家景观本质特性的主体基因;(3)保护与传承意识形态是决定其主体基因能否在世代遵循并坚守着"原汁原味"文化传统和文化精神传承过程中的人为基因。基于这些独特基因构成内在相关联的地域机制而所表达的特征,提出了应加强客家文化景观基因的数字化保护管理、传承开发政策等对策。  相似文献   

Landscape values are a type of place value and are identified and mapped using public participation GIS (PPGIS). PPGIS engages nonexperts to identify important spatial information for environmental or natural resource planning. In 1998, we used PPGIS to identify landscape values for the Chugach National Forest (Alaska) plan revision process. In 2012, we conducted a longitudinal study of the same national forest using Internet PPGIS to identify changes in landscape values. The empirical results indicate stability in landscape values both in importance and spatial distribution. However, the use of different PPGIS methods (paper map vs. Internet) in the longitudinal study also introduced challenges in interpreting and explaining the spatial results. We discuss trade-offs in conducting longitudinal PPGIS research using mixed methods. PPGIS appears well suited for public lands planning, and national forest planning in particular, but barriers to use, such as regulatory approval, remain formidable.  相似文献   

中国的非物质文化遗产,尤其是独具少数民族特色的非物质文化遗产十分丰富。湖南省虎形山花瑶乡的非物质文化遗产有挑花艺术、打蹈舞、乌哇歌、花瑶服饰艺术等保存较好、文化内涵丰富、级别较高的非物质文化遗产。在一定条件下,这些非物质文化遗产能够与旅游相结合成为品级较高的旅游产品。旅游开发可以促进遗产保护,遗产保护好后反过来可以提升旅游开发层次,从而形成旅游开发和遗产保护的良性互动。在此互动过程中应注意运用社会学互动原理,根据互动各个阶段的具体特征进行针对性研究,采取正确的方法和手段以促进非物质文化遗产保护与旅游开发的良性互动,达到双赢。  相似文献   

One of the most culturally significant roads in the world, U.S. Highway 66 (commonly referred to as Route 66) has connected Chicago and Los Angeles since 1926. In order to explore what heritage themes Route 66 sites convey to tourists, we assessed the information presented to visitors at nearly four‐dozen museums and interpretive sites astride the road using the qualitative software Nvivo 10. Five themes dominate interpretation. Route 66 thematically flows east to west with Chicago as the beginning and Los Angeles as the end of the road. Mobility and personal freedom of movement via the automobile are encapsulated in the history of the road. In addition, Route 66 highlights nostalgia for the 1950s with classic American automobiles, music of the era, and neon lights representing this golden age of the highway. Economic decline, and often the economic continuity of communities, is frequently found in interpretive materials. Finally, Route 66 museums are repositories of community memory as oral histories preserve the narratives of individuals and families who owned businesses on and lived near the road for multiple decades. We conclude with several observations about interpretative themes that are overlooked as well as regional differences in the geography of memory along Route 66.  相似文献   

哈尼梯田文化景观及其保护研究   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
文化景观及其保护是当前的研究热点之一。本文对景观概念及其研究的演变 ,以及文化景观及其主要研究内容与进展进行了总结 ,并具体探讨了地处云南南部亚热带山地的哈尼梯田文化景观的概念、特征、结构和功能及其保护措施。  相似文献   

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