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While habitat destruction always causes species extinctions, the rate of extinction may be highest in those habitats which become the most fragmented as they decline in size. For this reason, knowledge about the patterns and origins of rain forest fragmentation in the tropics may prove useful in efforts to preserve biodiversity. This paper calculates the degree of fragmentation in the tropical rain forests of 51 nations containing 83 per cent of the world's tropical forests. By these measures, West Africa and Central America have the most fragmented tropical rain forests in the world. Not surprisingly, rain forests in the Amazon basin are the world's least fragmented. Some patterns of tropical deforestation appear to produce more fragmentation than others. A two-stage least squares analysis of these data suggest that deforestation driven by smallholders is most likely to produce highly fragmented forest habitats. The implications of these findings for policy and for further research are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Hawai‘ian honeycreepers have undergone widespread extinction and population declines due to human disturbances, including habitat fragmentation, introduced predatory mammals, alien competitors, and introduced avian diseases. The Hawai‘i ‘amakihi (Hemignathus virens) is one of seven extant Hawai‘ian honeycreepers that, like all other native honey‐creepers, vanished from the low‐elevation native forests on the island of Hawai‘i due to these disturbances. But recent observations indicate that ‘amakihi have begun to recolonize low‐elevation forests in eastern Hawai‘i. In this article we discuss the current abundance of Hawai‘ian ‘amakihi in a suburban habitat on the island of Hawai‘i. We also examine the ‘amakihi's relative preference for native or exotic vegetation. Recolonization in low‐elevation habitats underscores the importance of the remaining native forests. However, concurrent with this recolonization, eastern Hawai‘i is undergoing a residential building boom that has resulted in increased deforestation and forest fragmentation. Thus the future of honeycreepers is uncertain, given the widespread environmental changes taking place in eastern Hawai‘i.  相似文献   

Modification and channelization of streams and rivers have been conducted extensively throughout the world during the past century. Subsequently, much effort has been directed at re-creating the lost habitats and thereby improving living conditions for aquatic organisms. However, as restoration methods are plentiful, it is difficult to determine which one to use to get the anticipated result. The aim of this study was to compare two commonly used methods in small Danish streams to improve the physical condition: re-meandering and passive restoration through cease of maintenance. Our investigation included measurement of the physical conditions in 29 stream reaches covering four different groups: (1) re-meandered streams, (2) LDC streams (the least disturbed streams available), (3) passively restored streams (>10?years stop of maintenance) and (4) channelized and non-restored streams. The in-stream habitats were compared through analysis of the measured physical parameters and by applying a habitat model. We found that re-meandering is a more effective way of re-creating near-natural physical conditions in small streams compared to passive restoration. This is probably due to the limited energy in small streams which restricts re-shaping of the stream channel. However, based on habitat suitability modelling, the change to the physical condition did not translate into improved habitat suitability for young of the year brown trout highlighting the value of using several methods when evaluating restoration success.  相似文献   

Potential fish habitat along the Drôme River, France, is a function of the distribution of large woody debris, boulders, undercut banks, gravel substrate, and pools. The distribution of these features is, in turn, a function of channel geomorphology, watershed and riparian forest characteristics. We conducted field work and analysed aerial photographs for 190 elementary segments of 500 m length along the Drôme River's 95 km course from the Alps westward to its confluence with the Rhône River near Loriol. The Drôme River does not follow the classic pattern of a monotone downstream decrease in gradient and change in channel characteristics. Although channel gradient, braided index and channel incision all decrease downstream, stream power is independent of longitudinal distance. These variables are largely controlled by geomorphic, human or hydrologic factors at the reach scale. Potential fish habitat richness decreases downstream, but individual habitat variables affecting habitat richness do not necessarily decrease downstream, many being controlled by local factors rather than by position along the continuum. Large woody debris is more abundant in braided reaches located directly downstream of confluences with main tributaries or downstream input sites. Boulders are most abundant downstream of failed bank protection works or in gorges. To improve fish habitat in the Drôme River, we recommend taking a long-term and large-scale perspective. Because structures placed in this unstable channel are likely to be washed downstream, we propose to emulate natural river dynamics and to permit large woody debris to enter the channel in unstable reaches via bank erosion, and that this debris not be removed (as is routinely done now) but permitted to migrate downstream through the system, creating fish habitat en route.  相似文献   

Travertine deposits of calcium carbonate can dominate channel geomorphology in streams where travertine deposition creates a distinct morphology characterized by travertine terraces, steep waterfalls, and large pools. Algae and microorganisms can facilitate travertine deposition, but how travertine affects material and energy flow in stream ecosystems is less well understood. Nearly a century of flow diversion for hydropower production has decimated the natural travertine formations in Fossil Creek, Arizona. The dam will be decommissioned in 2005. Returning carbonate-rich spring water to the natural stream channel should promote travertine deposition. How will the recovery of travertine affect the ecology of the creek? To address this question, we compared primary production, decomposition, and the abundance and diversity of invertebrates and fish in travertine and riffle/run reaches of Fossil Creek, Arizona. We found that travertine supports higher primary productivity, faster rates of leaf litter decomposition, and higher species richness of the native invertebrate assemblage. Observations from snorkeling in the stream indicate that fish density is also higher in the travertine reach. We postulate that restoring travertine to Fossil Creek will increase stream productivity, rates of litter processing, and energy flow up the food web. Higher aquatic productivity could fundamentally shift the nature of the stream from a sink to a source of energy for the surrounding terrestrial landscape.  相似文献   

Large wood frequency and volume were examined as a function of landscape characteristics at different spatial and temporal scales in 50 reaches of the Upper Little Tennessee River basin with drainage areas ranging from 0.3 to 30.1 km2. Riparian forest cover was described laterally at the reach scale and longitudinally 1 km upstream in all tributaries. Riparian cover was analyzed with geomorphic and additional landscape variables to isolate factors that most influence wood in streams. Forested area immediately surrounding the reach was the strongest predictor of wood frequency and volume, although upstream riparian cover can explain additional variation in wood distributions. An optimal forested buffer width around the stream for large wood was not evident. The relationship between the riparian forest and wood weakens in bigger channels, as fluvial transport of pieces increases. Resurveys demonstrate that large wood is most dynamic in wide, forested reaches and changes function during floods to store sediment and organic matter.  相似文献   

Measurements of two small streams in northeastern Vermont, collected in 1966 and 2004–2005, document considerable change in channel width following a period of passive reforestation. Channel widths of several tributaries to Sleepers River in Danville, VT, USA, were previously measured in 1966 when the area had a diverse patchwork of forested and nonforested riparian vegetation. Nearly 40 years later, we remeasured bed widths and surveyed large woody debris (LWD) in two of these tributaries, along 500 m of upper Pope Brook and along nearly the entire length (3 km) of an unnamed tributary (W12). Following the longitudinal survey, we collected detailed channel and riparian information for nine reaches along the same two streams. Four reaches had reforested since 1966; two reaches remained nonforested. The other three reaches have been forested since at least the 1940s. Results show that reforested reaches were significantly wider than as measured in 1966, and they are more incised than all other forested and nonforested reaches. Visual observations, cross-sectional surveys, and LWD characteristics indicate that reforested reaches continue to change in response to riparian reforestation. The three reaches with the oldest forest were widest for a given drainage area, and the nonforested reaches were substantially narrower. Our observations culminated in a conceptual model that describes a multiphase process of incision, widening, and recovery following riparian reforestation of nonforested areas. Results from this case study may help inform stream restoration efforts by providing insight into potentially unanticipated changes in channel size associated with the replanting of forested riparian buffers adjacent to small streams.  相似文献   

基于无人机遥感的古银叶树群落健康快速诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用无人机低空遥感与地面调查相结合的方法对邻海陆地、远海陆地和盐生沼泽生境的古银叶树群落健康进行评价,利用冠层高度、林窗特征、光合有效辐射截面比、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、氮素反射指数(NRI)、黄色波段指数(YI)以及森林健康指数(FHI)等遥感指标指征古银叶树群落的健康状况。空-地结合的调查结果表明:1)盐生沼泽生境的古树由于树龄高,其树洞大且数量多,生境内生物多样性最低,邻海陆地生境的生物多样性最高。2)盐生沼泽生境的冠层高度最低;林窗面积最大,数量最少,形状复杂度最低;光合有效辐射截面比最小。以上指标在邻海陆地和远海陆地间差异不明显。NDVI、NRI、YI以及FHI的数值均表现出盐生沼泽小于远海陆地和邻海陆地的趋势,而在远海陆地和邻海陆地间的差异较小。3)无人机遥感的评价结果与地面调查结果契合度较高,客观地反映了不同生境古银叶树的健康状态。基于无人机遥感的评价体系在针对具体植物群落修改完善后,可以作为一种快速、无损和定量化的古树群落健康诊断方法。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the potential of 1-m resolution, 128-band hyperspectral imagery for mapping in-stream habitats, depths, and woody debris in third- to fifth-order streams in the northern Yellowstone region. Maximum likelihood supervised classification using principal component images provided overall classification accuracies for in-stream habitats (glides, riffles, pools, and eddy drop zones) ranging from 69% for third-order streams to 86% for fifth-order streams. This scale dependency of classification accuracy was probably driven by the greater proportion of transitional boundary areas in the smaller streams. Multiple regressions of measured depths (y) versus principal component scores (x1, x2,…, xn) generated R2 values ranging from 67% for high-gradient riffles to 99% for glides in a fifth-order reach. R2 values were lower in third-order reaches, ranging from 28% for runs and glides to 94% for pools. The less accurate depth estimates obtained for smaller streams probably resulted from the relative increase in the number of mixed pixels, where a wide range of depths and surface turbulence occurred within a single pixel. Matched filter (MF) mapping of woody debris generated overall accuracies of 83% in the fifth-order Lamar River. Accuracy figures for the in-stream habitat and wood mapping may have been misleadingly low because the fine-resolution imagery captured fine-scale variations not mapped by field teams, which in turn generated false “misclassifications” when the image and field maps were compared.The use of high spatial resolution hyperspectral (HSRH) imagery for stream mapping is limited by the need for clear water to measure depth, by any tree cover obscuring the stream, and by the limited availability of airborne hyperspectral sensors. Nonetheless, the high accuracies achieved in northern Yellowstone streams indicate that HSRH imagery can be a powerful tool for watershed-wide mapping, monitoring, and modeling of streams.  相似文献   

Major floods cause channel changes ranging from complete cross-sectional change to small fluctuations in pool area. We used stream cross-section data on 30 heavily grazed rangeland streams in north-central Nevada to assess changes over a climatically variable 14-year period. There was an insufficient range in ungulate damage to consider differences caused by grazing. Flooding with return intervals exceeding 50 years caused major change on approximately 25% of the surveyed streams regardless of initial stream type. One-quarter of the changed streams continued to experience cross-sectional change during a six- to eight-year period of low-to-normal flows. On these streams, upper banks either receded to expose a new, lower floodplain or flattened to a less vertical slope. On streams that did not change type, flooding substantially reduced pool area, which did not recover during the succeeding period, presumably because energy was insufficient to form pools. High flows flushed fine sediment from the streams that did not change type, but fines returned in six years of low flows. Stream classification did not usefully predict major changes, channel evolution after the change, or differences in the effect of flooding on pools among streams that did not change.  相似文献   

Forest vegetation in the southeastern United States extends westward beyond the Ozark and Ouachita plateaus in Arkansas and Missouri into the Central Plains. Along this transect, luxuriant forests give way to mixed forests and grasslands that include smaller trees and progressively fewer tree species and eventually to grassland‐dominated landscapes in central Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. This transition is directly related to decreasing precipitation with distance to the west of the Mississippi River valley. Many species, however, have abrupt western range boundaries related to physiography and hydrogeomorphic processes. The western range limits for many trees correspond to Coastal Plain boundaries that at a regional scale impose sharper range boundaries than would be expected on the basis of decreasing precipitation. Also, riparian habitats within stream valleys extending westward from the Coastal Plain provide suitable habitats for trees in the dry regions of the Great Plains. The presence of riparian trees in this region is determined largely by the presence or absence of groundwater conditions necessary for survival. For floodplain trees, then, it is primarily habitat—not climate—that determines the location of range boundaries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The subtropical forests, grasslands, and wetlands of Southeast China's Wuyi‐Daiyun Mountain Range provide essential habitats for diverse wildlife, including a dwindling population of tigers. Three primary protected areas, the Meihuashan, Wuyishan, and Longxishan Nature Reserves, contain varied wildlife habitats and also provide natural resources for 7,000 people in several dozen villages. A field‐based study of land use and habitat quality in these reserves shows that anthropogenic bamboo forests are among the least valuable habitats for wildlife but that, as the primary source of household income, bamboo monoculture is spreading rapidly and replacing habitats of greater ecological value. Although authorities in Meihuashan have demarcated the many broadleaf forest patches for strict protection, household income and bamboo‐management research in all three reserves suggests that successful habitat conservation may ultimately depend on more equitable systems of land tenure, improved cooperative cottage industries, and greater local economic diversification.  相似文献   

殷秀琴  薛文丽  马辰 《地理科学》2016,36(7):1106-1114
于2014年春、夏和秋季对长白山玄武岩台地原始针阔混交林、次生针阔混交林、次生落叶阔叶林及耕地土壤动物进行研究。结果表明:大型土壤动物的多样性,春季次生针阔混交林为最高,夏季和秋季原始针阔混交林为最高,耕地在3个季节均为最低;中小型土壤动物的多样性,春、秋两季原始针阔混交林为最高,夏季次生针阔混交林为最高,耕地在3个季节仍为最低。根据一维方差分析可知春、夏、秋3个季节原始针阔混交林、次生针阔混交林和次生落叶阔叶林土壤动物类群和平均密度均显著高于耕地(p<0.05);而各生境土壤动物的类群和平均密度季节变化差异不显著(p>0.05)。各生境土壤动物的多样性呈现出随土层深度的增加而降低的趋势。土壤温度、速效P、有机质和土壤湿度的变化是影响长白山玄武岩台地土壤动物多样性地理分布的主要因子。  相似文献   

Market‐based interventions to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) enable the carbon stored in land and forests to be traded as a new and intangible form of property. Using examples from Cambodia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, we examine the property negotiations underpinning this new forest carbon economy. We show that the institutions and land use negotiations needed to ‘produce’ forest carbon interact recursively with existing property claims over land and forests. Even where customary rights are formally recognized (PNG, Philippines), claims to forest carbon are still complicated by ambiguities and complexities surrounding rights to forested land. Meanwhile the new value attached to forest carbon can stimulate efforts to appropriate land and forest resources associated with it, creating new power relations and property dynamics. This interplay between forest carbon and underlying contested property claims in rural forest settings creates an unstable basis for forest carbon markets and raises questions about future access to forested land.  相似文献   

Land use practices in Colorado during the last two centuries altered the supply of sediment and water to many channels in the upper South Platte Basin. As a result of increased supply of sediment and mobility and reduced peak flows, the characteristics of pools associated with channel constrictions, referred to as forced pools, may have been altered. Increased supply of sediment and reduced transport capacity of high flows could lead to aggradation in forced pools. Channel confined by road corridors could lead to high velocities at normal flows, increased energy dissipation from riprap, or even increased pool frequency resulting from failed riprap. To assess potential alterations, four hypotheses were tested: (1) impacted streams will show significantly different mean volume of pools than a control stream; (2) mean volume of pools on streams where land-use activities increased the supply of sediment will be significantly different from streams solely affected by flow regulation; (3) the strongest change in characteristics of pools of impacted streams will be a reduced volume of pools; (4) streams affected by road corridors will show statistically lower spacing of pools than streams unaffected by roads. The downstream spacing and residual volume of twenty consecutive forced pools were surveyed on five streams in the Colorado Front Range that varied from no contemporary impact to multiple historical and contemporary impacts. ANCOVA with stepwise model selection indicated that degree of land-use (categorical), bankfull spacing of pools, upstream riffle slope and expansion ratio were all significant (α = 0.1) predictors of volume of pools (R2 = 0.73). Simple linear regression of mean volume of pools and stream specific variables (gradient, drainage area and discharge) and least square means comparison of mean volume of pools indicated a need to standardize volumes of pools by slope and discharge so that the volumes of pools could be compared among different levels of land-use. Significant correlations between drainage area and volume of pools allowed volume of pools to be standardized by drainage area and thereby discharge. This dimensionless variable was also significantly correlated with channel slope, which permitted the construction of a new variable, PVQS (volume of pools standardized by discharge and slope). Least square means comparison of mean PVQS revealed that the control reach was significantly different from road-impacted reaches. Mean volume of pools was significantly larger in the control reach compared to all but one road-impacted stream. This was likely a function of higher wood loading in the control reach and the competence of high flows in the road-impacted reach. Streams affected by road corridors did not have significantly different bankfull spacing of pools from streams not impacted by roads. The multiple interactions among control and response variables explored in this study indicate the need to identify the most constrained and sensitive response variables when attempting to assess channel response to land use.  相似文献   

1990~2000年中国土壤碳氮蓄积量与土地利用变化   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
基于2473个土壤剖面资料和1980年代末~1990年代末陆地卫星TM影像分析中国1990~2000年林地、草地、耕地之间的土地利用变化对土壤碳氮蓄积量的影响。IPCC建议的国家温室气体清单方法计算表明从1990~2000年中国林地、草地、耕地土壤 (30 cm) 有机碳氮库分别损失了77.6±35.2 TgC (1Tg = 106 t) 和5.6±2.6 TgN,年均损失约7.76 TgC/yr和0.56 TgN/yr,其中耕地土壤碳库分别增加了79.0±7.7 TgC 和9.0±0.7 TgN,草地土壤碳氮蓄积量分别损失了100.7±25.9 TgC和9.8±2.2 TgN,林地土壤碳氮蓄积量分别损失了55.9±17.0 TgC和4.9±1.1 TgN。同时根据中国6大行政区林地、耕地和草地之间的相互转换面积、土壤有机碳氮密度的变化率进行估算,表明土壤 (30 cm和100 cm) 有机碳氮蓄积量分别损失了53.7 TgC、5.1 TgN和99.5 TgC 、9.4 TgN。由于中国不同地区土地利用变化的空间格局差异显著,从而导致东北地区土壤碳氮蓄积量变化较大,而华东地区变化较小。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Numerous avifauna species face extinction on New Zealand's two main islands, owing largely to forest clearance and to introduced mammals. In response, New Zealand selects certain offshore islands for the relocation of threatened native birds, first purging them of mammalian predators. Over the past few decades, this procedure has evolved to become fairly successful. Protected habitat “islands” within mainland forested areas are also being created, but with success less certain. As historic habitats are lost, small biopreservation islands may become a standard mechanism for protecting threatened species, a process that can be termed the “miniaturization” of nature.  相似文献   

中国蓼科花粉类型的地理分布格局及其与生态因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从蓼科植物的孢粉类型角度,研究了中国蓼科花粉类型的地理分布格局及其与生态因子的关系。根据中国蓼科植物赖以生存的生态因子,得出中国蓼科花粉类型分布区的主要生态因子,包括地理位置(分布中心)、海拔高度、年降水量、年积温及生境数量。在此基础上,根据同一区域内相同或相似的生态环境条件下分布的现代蓼科各种花粉类型,确定一定花粉类型组合所指示的现代气候和环境,为利用地层中蓼科化石花粉重建古气候、古环境及气候变迁提供了现代孢粉学证据。  相似文献   

太行山淇河流域土地利用变化对生境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山地作为陆地表面的特殊地域单元,地形起伏较大,生态系统较为脆弱,对全球变化信号有放大作用。因此,研究山地土地利用变化对生境质量的影响,对于权衡区域生态保护与发展及土地资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。本文基于InVEST模型,结合土地利用数据,并从地形起伏度视角,对太行山淇河流域2000-2015年生境质量进行研究。结果表明:①2000-2015年期间,淇河流域土地利用变化表现为耕地、林地面积逐渐减少,草地、建设用地面积逐渐增加。②流域整体生境质量较好,平均生境质量指数均超过0.7,且2015年有明显提升。③淇河流域的生境质量变化受地类变化影响较大。耕地、草地、建设用地由于受到过人为干扰的影响,其生境出现不同程度的退化;采伐、毁林开荒等行为导致林地的生境也开始缓慢退化,但由于林地的植被覆盖度较高,抗干扰能力较强,加上逐渐开始对其进行恢复,生境质量水平依然较高。④该流域生境质量在地形起伏度上的分布特征表现为平坦区和微起伏区以一般等级生境质量为主,小起伏区和中起伏区则以高度重要和极重要等级生境质量为主。  相似文献   

黄如楚 《山地学报》2012,30(4):450-453
以福建省永安市麻岭村9 hm2的典型天然阔叶林为试验研究对象,应用系统抽样方法,分别200 m×100m、100 m×100 m、100 m×50 m和100 m×25 m四种抽样密度,探讨林分主要测树因子的抽样估计精度.结果表明:试验的天然阔叶林分平均树高、平均胸径、平均密度与平均单位面积蓄积量等主要测树因子的估计精度都分别要求达到70%以上、75%以上、80%以上和85%以上的最小抽样密度分别是100 m×100 m、100 m × 50 m、100m×50 m和10 0m×25 m.试验的天然阔叶林分胸径Ⅲ组林木蓄积量的估计精度分别要求达到70%以上、75%以上和80%以上的最小抽样密度分别是100 m×50 m、100 m×25 m和100 m×25 m.  相似文献   

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