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The water level of the Lake Michigan basin is currently 177 m above sea level. Around 9,800 14C years B.P., the lake level in the Lake Michigan basin had dropped to its lowest level in prehistory, about 70 m above sea level. This low level (Lake Chippewa) had profound effects on the rivers flowing directly into the basin. Recent studies of the St. Joseph River indicate that the extreme low lake level rejuvenated the river, causing massive incision of up to 43 m in a valley no more than 1.6 km wide. The incision is seen 25 km upstream of the present shoreline. As lake level rose from the Chippewa low, the St. Joseph River lost competence and its estuary migrated back upstream. Floodplain and channel sediments partially refilled the recently excavated valley leaving a distinctly non-classical morphology of steep sides with a broad, flat bottom. The valley walls of the lower St. Joseph River are 12–18 m tall and borings reveal up to 30 m of infill sediment below the modern floodplain. About 3 × 108 m3 of sediment was removed from the St. Joseph River valley during the Chippewa phase lowstand, a massive volume, some of which likely resides in a lowstand delta approximately 30 km off-shore in Lake Michigan. The active floodplain below Niles, Michigan, is inset into an upper terrace and delta graded to the Calumet level (189 m) of Lake Chicago. In the lower portion of the terrace stratigraphy a 1.5–2.0 m thick section of clast-supported gravel marks the entry of the main St. Joseph River drainage above South Bend, Indiana, into the Lake Michigan basin. This gravel layer represents the consolidation of drainage that probably occurred during final melting out of ice-marginal kettle chains allowing stream piracy to proceed between Niles and South Bend. It is unlikely that the St. Joseph River is palimpsest upon a bedrock valley. The landform it cuts across is a glaciofluvial-deltaic feature rather than a classic unsorted moraine that would drape over pre-glacial topography. This is the fifth in a series of ten papers published in this special issue of Journal of Paleolimnology. These papers were presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (2004), held at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. P.F. Karrow and C.F.M. Lewis were guest editors of this special issue.  相似文献   

Invertebrate colonization of lakes following the uplift of land from the sea was studied in four lakes, currently situated between 39 and 24 m a.s.l., on the central Norwegian coast. The lakes were isolated from the sea between 9500 and 7700 years B.P. Animal and algal remains picked from core samples showed that the first colonizers preserved as fossils were usually members of the Chironomidae, Daphnidae/Chydoridae, Acarina, Porifera (Ephydatia mülleri and Spongilla lacustris), Bryozoa (Cristatella mucedo and Plumatella spp.) and Charophyta (Chara sp.). Of the chironomids, the genus Chironomus was present in the oldest lacustrine layers of all four lakes, but other genera recorded at the marine/lacustrine boundary were Dicrotendipes, Procladius (?), Einfeldia, Microtendipes, and Glyptotendipes. Remains of the caddis fly family Limnephilidae were also present in the earliest lacustrine sediments in Kvennavatnet and Kvernavatnet. The oldest invertebrate fauna is typical for mesotrophic lakes. However, chironomids and mites have been present in this area from at least about 10?500 years B.P. A diverse chironomid community was established between 300 and 800 years after isolation from the sea at Kvernavatnet on the island of Hitra, while only between 80 and 120 years passed before a comparably diverse community developed at Kvennavatnet on the mainland coast. A similar development of the invertebrate fauna occurred in Kvennavatnet, Kvernavatnet and Storkuvatnet. However, Litjvatnet deviates greatly from the ‘normal’ pattern because a tsunami disturbed the bottom sediments and fauna. The tsunami, a gigantic sea wave, was caused by a submarine slide from the Norwegian continental slope. It reached Litjvatnet, today located 24 m a.s.l., but was not traced in Storkuvatnet at 30 m a.s.l. This event happened about 7200 years B.P.  相似文献   

7 000年来渤海西岸、南岸海岸线变迁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渤海西岸、南岸从全新世海侵边界至现在海岸线之间的海岸低地是7 000 a B.P.以来多个三角洲进积的结果.由于黄河人海泥沙数量巨大,导致下游河道频繁摆动,活动三角洲(超级叶瓣)位置多次变迁.滦河三角洲活动叶瓣位置也多次变迁.海岸线变迁受三角洲演化控制:活动期推进、废弃初期后退和之后的长期稳定,表现分片突进模式.整体来说研究区各时期海岸线表现出局部突出、局部内凹特点.在这样的三角洲群地区不可能出现近乎匀速的平推式海岸变迁.  相似文献   

中全新世7~6 ka东亚季风气候的高分辨率石笋记录   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
基于神农架青天洞石笋两个230Th年龄、582条纹层计数和183个氧同位素数据,重建了7~6ka B.P.期间平均3年分辨率的δ18O变化序列。持续约580年振幅达1.8‰的δ18O在平均值-9.66‰上下波动,指示了东亚季风降水强度的长期演化趋势和高频振荡信息,大致划分为4个百年尺度旋回。青天洞与阿曼石笋δ18O记录的对比表明,东亚季风和印度季风在百年或更短时间尺度上同相位变化,可能反映了两地季风气候受统一的印度洋/太平洋大尺度水汽循环控制。功率谱分析揭示出163、81、16和11年的周期,大致与树轮Δ14C百年至数十年尺度太阳活动变化周期相同。  相似文献   

钟巍  熊黑钢 《中国沙漠》1999,19(4):343-347
策勒绿洲沉积地层及地球化学元素的研究表明,虽然近4 ka B.P.来本地区气候环境的干旱状况持续未变,但期间仍有若干次相对湿润与干旱化加剧时期的波动。结合年代学的研究,以约2 000 aB.P.为界,其以前气候以相对湿润为主,而此以后,则以持续干旱为主要特征,且揭示出4 次具有突变性质的气候转干时期,即自约1 500a B.P.开始,类似本地区现今气候环境特征已经出现,自约1 200 a B.P.至1 000 a B.P.、1 000 a B.P.至630 aB.P.期间和200 a B.P.以后,策勒地区沙漠化进程急剧加强。本研究揭示了4 ka B.P.来本地区持续干旱化的特征,并有后期加剧的趋势,而上述气候的转干事件与塔里木盆地古城废弃事件之间具有良好的吻合关系,表明气候环境的自然演化是影响人地关系的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

通过应用因子分析法对尼雅剖面中的多种地化元素和氧化物的分析,在R、Q型因子分析的基础上,提取出古气候信息。初步的研究表明:近4000a来,尼雅地区气候环境仍以干旱化为主,但此期间出现过多次不同程度的干湿变化,大致可分为5个气候期:4.0~3.0kaB P.相对暖干期;3.0~2.2kaB.P.相对冷湿期;2.2~1.6kaB.P.相对暖干期;1.6~1.0kaB.P.相对冷湿期;1.0kaB.P.左右之后的相对暖干期。  相似文献   

传统的公平与效率停留在经济系统内部,存在着很大的局限性,而可持续发展的公平是代内公平与代际公平的统一,可持续发展的效率是经济效率,生态效率和社会效率的统一,目前,我国水资源现状特别是北方地区的情况非常严峻,水资源分布和开发利用既不能实现公平也不能体现效率,文章在分析南水北调工程合理调配水资源,实现水资源可持续利用的公平与效率的基础上,提出了实施南水北调工程,实现水资源利用的公平和效率需要采取的对策建议。  相似文献   

通过柴达木盆地察尔汗地区湖相沉积物的L*、a*和b*值与有关地球化学指标的相关关系分析,对湖相沉积物颜色指标在古气候研究中的意义进行了探讨,并据此分析了130 ka B.P.以来该区的古气候演变过程。结果表明,L*值与沉积物碳酸盐含量正相关,L*值高时,气候冷干,碳酸盐含量较高;反之,气温上升,湿度增加。b*值和a*值与沉积物中Fe、Mg含量相关,高a*值反映气温较高,b*值可用于反映湖水深度变化和有效湿度的变化,b*值高,湖水浅,氧化作用增强。察尔汗地区色度曲线反映的气候变化特征与其他的气候指标曲线相吻合。  相似文献   

胡春生  周迎秋 《地理科学》2014,34(5):614-620
以兰州盆地0.8 Ma B.P.阶地为例证,运用古地磁测年方法,通过收集相关文献,分析讨论了0.8 Ma B.P.阶地与0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件的联系。结果表明:① 0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件主要表现在气候转型、构造运动等方面,具有群发性和全球性特点;② 兰州盆地以及其他区域0.8 Ma B.P.阶地存在的证据,表明河流在0.8 Ma B.P. 前后普遍发生过一次下切事件;③ 0.8 Ma B.P.阶地是河流对0.8 Ma B.P.环境突变事件的地貌响应,构造运动为提供了下切驱动力,而气候变化则控制了下切时间。  相似文献   

In the sediment of three Swiss lakes at a range of altitude from 514 to 2017 m, the Bölling and the Preboreal are recognized as two periods of rapid biotic changes. The main reason is rapid climatic change that triggered shifts in different groups of aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Although these groups would be expected to have very different response times, e.g., to increasing summer temperature, their assemblages responded with surprizing synchroneity. For extracting climatic signals from stratigraphies, the quickly responsive indicators like oxygen isotopes or beetles are useful. For understanding ecological dynamics under a changing climate, the comparison of biota with various response time are important.This is the sixth of a series of papers to be published by this journal that was presented in the paleolimnology sessions organized by R. B. Davis and H. Löffler for the XIIth Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), which took place in Ottawa, Canada in August 1987. Drs. Davis and Löffler are serving as guest editors of this series.  相似文献   

黄土高原东缘晚全新世高精度高分辨率石笋古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于山西武乡太行龙洞一支石笋5个230Th年龄和190个氧同位素数据重建4 400~150 a B.P.高分辨率δ18O序列。石笋δ18O值逐渐增加,除最近约600 a外,在千年尺度长期趋势变化上与中国南部其它洞穴记录相一致,表明晚全新世亚洲夏季风强度持续减弱响应于同一驱动机制。一次显著的气候突变事件发生在2 550~2 000 aB.P.,与史料记载的干旱期大致相对应。功率谱分析揭示出106 a周期,与树轮Δ14C太阳活动周期大体一致,说明百年尺度上太阳活动与东亚季风变化有一定关联性。  相似文献   

基于“综合-比例法”(Composite Plus Scale,CPS),利用近年来已发表的数据集成重建我国华南北热带地区11.5―2.5 ka B.P.温度变化序列。结果表明,该地区冷暖变化可以分为三大阶段:11 500―9 500 a B.P.为全新世早期阶段;9 500―4 000 a B.P.为全新世大暖期阶段;4 000―2 500 a B.P.开始出现降温过程。功率谱和小波分析表明:华南北热带气候变化具有多时段、多尺度冷暖周期变化特征,在千年尺度上,1.3 ka和3.3~3.9 ka是其冷暖变化的主要周期。序列中可以识别出一系列气候波动事件,如8.2 ka、7.9 ka、7.1 ka、4.1 ka气候事件。交叉小波谱分析表明:ENSO对华南北热带地区温度变化有着显著影响,特别是7 ka B.P.以来其影响进一步加强。通过与其他序列的对比发现:华南北热带地区的气候变化是对全球变化的响应,但也同样存在区域差异。  相似文献   

史威  朱诚  马春梅  朱青 《地理科学》2008,28(5):703-708
重庆中坝遗址地层Rb、Sr、Hg及TOC研究表明:Rb、Sr和Rb/Sr值较好地反映了约4250a B.P.以来气候变化过程,主要干冷期可与敦德冰川δ18O曲线谷值、湖光岩沉积物磁化率和Ti曲线峰值、以及大气14C浓度峰值和太阳活动水平较长期变化的低谷对比,反映出地层中Rb、Sr不易受人类活动干扰的特性。结合考古遗存对比还发现,Hg、P、Ca、Mg和TOC记录了该遗址约4250a B.P.以来人类活动的三个不同演变阶段。进一步研究认为,盐业遗址的衰落可能与洪水事件、盐泉资源的过度消耗以及由此造成的利用难度加大有关  相似文献   

任美锷 《地理科学》2002,22(5):543-545
我国古籍所载黄河下游最早河道有禹贡河和山经河,它们在今郑州以北均沿太行山东麓北流。其原因可能与公元前4280年太行山大地震有关。  相似文献   

刘传明  曾菊新 《地理研究》2011,30(12):2209-2221
县域综合交通可达性与经济发展水平之间具有密切的联系。在借鉴现有成果基础上,完善了不受分析空间尺度大小影响的综合交通可达性赋值测度法,尤其强调了火车站的节点属性及其等级对可达性的影响。并以此测算湖北省79个县域的综合交通可达性,结合系统聚类分析法揭示其空间差异规律。并应用主成分分析和系统聚类分析法分别测算县域经济发展水平...  相似文献   

The Ramsar-listed Coorong lagoon lies at the terminus of the Murray-Darling River system in South Australia. Diatom and foraminifera relationships with water quality were characterised in order to develop diatom- and foraminifera-based models with the potential to infer water column salinity. Seventy-four samples were collected during 2007, a year of continuing drought in the catchment, and of no discharges at the Murray Mouth. The sample sites had a salinity gradient of 1.8–190 g l−1 total dissolved solids. The diatom data set comprised 215 taxa, while there were only eight taxa in the foraminiferal data set. Canonical correspondence analysis of diatom species-environment relationships showed that salinity explained the largest proportion of diatom variance. Hence, a diatom-based salinity transfer function with reasonable predictive power (measured vs. diatom-inferred salinity r jack2 = 0.82; Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction = 16 g l−1) was developed. Application of the transfer function to fossil diatom assemblages from The Coorong suggested that pre-European salinity values were generally >50 g l−1 and that salinity declined following settlement. These results, however, contradict the recent history of The Coorong where there have been substantial lagoon-wide salinity increases. The pre-impact diatom flora has no analogue in the modern data set, highlighting the degree of departure from past conditions. CCA of the foraminiferal data set identified salinity and total nitrogen as the variables with the greatest explanatory power. However, accurate predictive models could not be developed using either variable due to low foraminiferal abundance and species richness. These factors may have been a consequence of diminished foraminiferal recruitment rates over successive years, an artefact of reduced marine water input to The Coorong. Future attempts to generate predictive models from this region would benefit from the inclusion of data from distant locations, since suitable analogue sites do not exist in close proximity. The study has generated useful insights to the apparently broad salinity tolerances for several cosmopolitan diatom and foraminifera species, and has identified a number of diatom and foraminifera taxa that may prove useful in the qualitative interpretation of down-core trends in The Coorong and the lower Murray River region.  相似文献   

Major and trace elements, minerals, and grain-size were analysed from the early to mid-Holocene (12 to 4 ky BP) period of a sediment core from the Alpine lake Oberer Landschitzsee (ObLAN, 2076 m a.s.l.), which is located on predominantly crystalline bedrock on the southern slopes of the Austrian Central Alps. Geochemistry and mineralogy were compared with diatom-inferred (Di-) ‘date of autumn mixing’ (Amix), DOC, pH, and selected indicator pollen species from the same sediment core. Principal components analysis (PCA) indicated a positive correlation between processes triggered by temperature and precipitation (e.g., lake mixing, DOC). PCA grouped indicators of physical weathering and enhanced catchment run-off (sand, quartz, feldspar), elements of weathering (e.g., Ti, Rb, Mn) under dryer conditions (clay to silt fractions), and elements that probably were related to changes in redox conditions (Cu, Fe, S, Zn). The duration and height of the snow-pack played an important role in this high-alpine environment, affecting weathering, erosion, pH, and lake stratification. Low Alnus viridis pollen abundance, together with markers for increased elements of erosion, indicated extensive snow-pack. Changes in S coupled with As, and elements indicating increased weathering, reflected climate oscillations. LOI was affected by productivity and erosion. High (late) Di–Amix coupled with increased Di-DOC indicated prolonged summers with increased productivity. Cold and wet (snow-rich) phases and subsequent melting caused low pH and a decoupling of the significant linear correlation between sedimentary Ca and Di-pH. Weathering and leaching during climate deteriorations opposed the long-term trend in a loss of cations and forced in-lake alkalinity generation during the following lake warming. Overall, the multi-proxy study indicated complex climate-driven processes within different time-scales (long-term trends, climate oscillations, seasonality). The climate oscillations within 12–5 ky BP corresponded well with the cool and wet phases known from central Europe suggesting a dominant common Atlantic climate impact. When Mediterranean climate established between 5 and 4 ky BP, its influence on the southern slopes of the Alps increased.  相似文献   

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