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经济全球化、全球金融危机与中国——基于金融地理学的视角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2008—2009年的全球金融危机对西方发达国家尤其是英美经济体的影响是深远的,反映在经济、政治和社会的各个层面。相关学科的学者从不同的视角对金融危机的爆发作出了解释。论文尝试从金融地理学的角度分析经济全球化与全球金融危机之间的关系并探讨危机对中国的影响。首先,研究考察了经济全球化背景下新的国际劳动力分工的形成,指出了金融危机的传导机制,并描绘了金融危机对世界经济地理塑造的空间差异。对中国来说,全球金融危机是外部性的,西方发达国家的经济衰退和消费收缩直接影响了中国的出口,但危机并没有动摇中国的金融体系。其次,解释了为什么全球金融危机没有动摇中国的金融体系。制度的空间异质性、市场经济制度的多样性、政府积极的宏观调控和中国以银行主导的金融体系都是重要因素。第三,金融危机之后中西方金融地理学家对中国问题的兴趣逐渐增加,文章总结了最新的研究进展并指出其存在的不足之处。最后,在西方金融地理学最新研究进展的基础上,对中国金融地理学的学科构建提出了建议。 相似文献
网络演化是演化经济地理学研究的重要内容和新近热点之一。在当前的理论探讨中主要强调路径依赖和惯例对网络演化的强化作用,对于信任这个关键要素缺乏深入探讨。本文通过深度访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,对比金融危机前后广东省纺织服装行业生产网络的空间结构,揭示信任与生产网络演化之间的互动机制。研究发现:信任是维系生产网络稳定性的基本要素之一,信任的强弱程度主要受合作类型(市场关系)、地理接近(空间关系)和社会文化接近根植性(社会关系)等因素影响。金融危机作为一种负面外部冲击,重构了广东省服装行业的生产网络。在这个过程中,较强信任关系的网络连结(潮汕地区)得以保留,并在危机过后进一步强化;而部分较弱信任关系的网络连结(珠三角地区)发生断裂,且在经济回暖之后被潮汕地区的网络所取代。 相似文献
Lorraine van Blerk 《Area》2008,40(2):245-253
Despite an emerging body of work on youth transitions, research has yet to explore the often unconventional routes to adulthood for young people marginalised through poverty. By drawing on interviews with 60 young commercial sex workers in Ethiopia, this paper explores the connections between poverty, migration and sex work and demonstrates that sex work provides a risky alternative, but often successful, path to independence for some rural–urban migrants. The paper concludes by offering recommendations for policies that seek to support young sex workers by enabling them to maintain their independence while seeking different employment. 相似文献
Here we seek to spatialise aspects of the Northern Rock Bank crisis of 2007 by marrying two radically different approaches. We combine a discussion of financial lending practices with an articulation of herd behaviour in conditions of uncertainty. Both were part of the still-unfolding picture of a traumatic episode in the geography of finance but also convey lessons on the behaviour of society in situations of shortage. 相似文献
This study examined the impact of economic deficits due to structural adjustment processes on shifts in the organization of work by gender and migration status in Ecuador. Work is organized according to Lawson's social hierarchy scheme: ownership; authority and control over employees; autonomy in one's own work; and the nature and range of skills used in production. After a brief review of the related empirical literature, the author describes the concepts, categories of, and study area of work and then begins the empirical analysis. Data were obtained from 1,884,816 individual records of economically active persons in 1982 and 2,946,547 persons in 1990, from the censuses of 1982 and 1990 for the entire nation, and from fieldwork observations by Lawson. Structural adjustment policies (SAPs) associated with devolution tend to further aggravate inequities, especially among the disadvantaged. Findings are presented for male and female nonmigrants, migrants, and female migrants. During the 1980s, female migrants experienced primary economic activity, especially as self-employed, family, or low skilled employees; and declines in high skilled public sector employment and service activity, especially in wage labor. The economic impact was greater by gender than by migration status. The shifts only improved the relative position of women in self-employed and ownership jobs. Females lost public-sector employment to males; overall wage declines were more severe in the informal sector. Down-sizing in the public sector and shifts toward capital-intensive production marginalized female migrants. Fieldwork operationalizes losses among females/female migrants. 相似文献
After the 1997 financial crisis, many retrenched workers preferred not to return to provincial homes but remained in Bangkok to establish informal retail businesses in branded and other consumer products. In contrast to traditional street vendors, who specialized in food items primarily catering for low‐income customers, and focused on high volume, these ‘new generation’ street vendors also adopted more formal business practices. Given their greater sophistication and better education, we hypothesized that they would be more organized advocates of vendors' rights and thus more prone to conflicts with municipal authorities. Based on interviews, however, we found that new generation vendors are adaptive to location and business strategy, and prefer a low profile in dealing with officialdom. By contrast, traditional vendors remained more tied to particular spaces, are more likely to stand up for their rights to use public space and, because they expect more from government, are more prone to conflicts with municipal authorities. Our findings relate to ongoing discussion on the rights and needs of street vendors to access urban public space and the responsibilities of authorities to meet and provide for these informal sector livelihoods that make up a significant share of the national economy in Thailand, as elsewhere in the global South. 相似文献
John M. Wahr 《Geophysical Journal International》1981,64(3):705-727
Summary. We compute the luni-solar forced nutations of an elliptical, rotating, self-gravitating, elastic, hydrostatically prestressed and oceanless earth. Several recent structural models are considered, each possessing a fluid outer core and solid inner core. Complete results are given for the nutation of the 'axis of figure for the Tisserand mean surface' which best represents the observational effects of the Earth's nutational motion. Differences between results for different structural models are observationally insignificant. Differences between our results and Molodensky's are as large as ∼ 0.002 arcsec at six month and at 18.6 yr. 相似文献
Wholesale funding and the increase in construction bank-owned real estate in the US financial crisis
Elora Raymond 《Urban geography》2017,38(9):1374-1392
The housing crisis left some metropolitan areas littered with partially constructed subdivisions and developments. Most of these failed developments were built by small construction firms reliant on small banks for finance. Failed construction projects became bank-owned real estate (REO), prolonging the crisis and contributing to an uneven recovery. But there is little research on the spatial distribution or financial processes driving construction REO. I use a finance-as-spatial fix theorization to describe increasing interrelation between construction lending and global capital markets through wholesale funding, and the subsequent buildup of construction REO. Wholesale funding allows small banks to access money markets. Controlling for economic growth, the home price bubble, and financial institutions, I use a national panel regression to identify key factors associated with high levels of construction REO in urban areas. Consistent with a finance-as-spatial-fix analysis, the strongest determinant of construction REO was the type of capital flows into small banks. 相似文献
Boyle P Cooke T Halfacree K Smith D 《International journal of population geography : IJPG》1999,5(3):157-178
This paper investigates the problems in integrating different data sets for social science research. A cross-national analysis of the effects of family migration on labor market participation rates for female partners was used as an example to concretize these problems. The data used in the cross national analysis came from the 1991 British Census Sample of Anonymised Records and the 1990 United States Public Use Microdata Sample. The problems addressed were the following: data collection; manipulation and reliability; question type and definition; and measurement of individual and family variables. As part of the analysis, some empirical findings were also presented. Significant overall differences between the US and Great Britain (GB) samples were observed, particularly concerning graduate qualifications, marital and employment status, and ethnic group. There were higher numbers of married partners and full-time workers in the US sample, while female partners undertaking part-time employment were greater in GB. Furthermore, the US sample had more couples with a female graduate as compared with the GB sample who had a higher proportion of nongraduate couples. Finally, this paper recognized the importance of cross- national research in the evaluation of national ideological and institutional structures. 相似文献
在华FDI的区域差异及其区位选择的演化过程与机制,受企业属性、产业特性及来源国和承接国社会经济环境等多种因素影响.在国际金融危机冲击下,全球虚拟与实体经济波动、国际产业转移新趋势与国家宏观政策新导向等内外部因素不断重构在华FDI时空格局演变过程与机制.基于路径依赖、外部冲击等理论分析框架,本文以泛长三角地区为例,首先从总量、行业与区位选择等方面分析了金融危机前后FDI的时空演变过程;其次通过计量模型对FDI区位选择影响因素演变过程进行实证研究.研究表明,金融危机前后泛长三角FDI区位选择及其影响因素转变遵循路径依赖动态演化模式,主要表现为原有演化路径受到金融危机冲击,伴随市场环境、生产要素成本、创新环境、集聚经济和沉淀成本、制度环境等内外生因素影响,FDI总量、行业与区位选择的演化趋势也呈现出复杂性与多样化. 相似文献
Ladislav Novotný 《Urban geography》2016,37(7):1009-1029
This article contributes to understanding population migration in Central European urban regions and its connection with urban development. This topic has been addressed in other studies, focused mainly on large cities, particularly Prague, Budapest, and Warsaw. Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak Republic, is a relatively small city at the core of one of the most economically developed regions in Central Europe. The region has experienced a transformation of migration trends, from those determined by socialist urbanization to trends resembling those observed in Western Europe. Similar to those of other major Central European cities, recent patterns of migration to and from Bratislava are characterized by a rising intensity of concentration and decentralization, but also reflect several unique historical circumstances. Furthermore, the results indicate that the global economic crisis that erupted in 2007 has eased the intensity of the observed processes, although it has not changed their nature. This effect is similar to that of the economic decline in the 1990s. 相似文献
The effects of armed conflict on cities constitute a large field of research in both conflict studies and urban studies. The topic of urban expansion is also explored by the domain of remote sensing, a sub-branch of geoinformation science. Remote sensing researchers analyze the spatial development of cities in conflict and non-conflict environments using satellite imagery.However, a dialogue or collaboration between these disciplines is virtually non-existent in the scientific discourse, mainly due to stark differences in their methodologies – namely, intensive on-the-ground field research in the case of conflict and urban studies and highly elaborate computer-based analysis of remotely-gathered data in the case of remote sensing.We aim to demonstrate a simple and thus feasible approach for the use of satellite imagery by non-experts of remote sensing, to add a spatio-temporal dimension to the results of in-depth field studies. We apply our approach to the city of Goma, in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is located at the center of protracted armed conflict that has raged for decades. With the support of local knowledge acquired during field visits, we visually analyze a time series of Landsat data and add our own results to those of existing research. Contextualizing the mapped results of Goma's urban expansion between 1986 and 2015, we show how urban growth is linked to particular waves of forced displacement caused by different stages of armed conflict and one particular natural disaster. 相似文献
The processes of globalization and debt crisis led to dramatic changes in African countries. In the context of a new economic crisis – now on a global scale – it is useful to revisit debates regarding the impact of earlier policies in response to economic crisis on the poor, with a focus on very low‐income informal women workers. In this paper, we adopt a gender analysis framework to examine contending perspectives about the differential impacts of globalization, liberalization and structural adjustment programs on African women and men. We comment on two predominant schools of thought that appear to underlie and define the majority of case studies situated in African countries. While one asserts that globalization and liberalization offer entrepreneurial opportunities for women, an opposing view contends that the neoliberal political and economic reforms connected with structural adjustment policies have been devastating for poor women workers. A review of available empirical research on the responses of informal economy women workers to challenges of increased workload, reduced income and curtailed access to social services, cautions against dogmatic adherence to conceptual perspectives that either assume workers in the informal economy to be dynamic entrepreneurs when they cannot be, or condemn only contemporary policies for conditions that are the product of complex historical processes. 相似文献
Waquar Ahmed 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》2014,35(2):179-196
The Indian economy suffered a balance of payment crisis in 1991, which provided the context for the rolling out of neoliberal policies, also referred to as the New Economic Policy in India. This paper examines the national and global causes and context of India's economic crisis and adoption of neoliberal policies. While grounding my analysis in historical‐geographical materialism, I argue that India's economic crisis was a product of certain contingent conditions. I draw attention to India's pre‐neoliberal economic regime and analyse how the earlier‐established relationship between revenue generation and expenditure ran into trouble; what changes occurred in the organization and management of revenues and capital; nature of interventions of the state in the circulation of capital; changes in the physical aspects of circulation of commodities, together with foreign trade and the formation of the ‘world market’; and the rise of the United States as the only global superpower. I conclude that India's economic crisis of 1990–91, and the neoliberal policies that followed, are products of contingent historical and geographical conditions. A teleological approach towards examining global capitalism and production of economic crisis often neglect such contingencies and provide a set of causalities that may, at best, be classified as incomplete. 相似文献
Mariastella Pulvirenti 《The Australian geographer》2000,31(2):237-249
Studies on Australian migrants and housing consistently confirm that the Italianborn have the highest home-ownership rates of all birthplace groups in Australia. Only a few studies have suggested explanatory factors, including agrarian histories and economic aspirations. This paper demonstrates that home ownership for post-war Italian migrants to Australia was indeed conditioned by these and other factors, but within the broader process of migration. Conditions of poverty in Italy made sistemazione (settling down) the goal of migration. Built into sistemazione was a gendered moral imperative to achieve it. Work experiences demonstrate how this imperative conditioned home ownership in Australia. 相似文献
Xuanzi ZHANG 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(11):2379-2381
<正>From September 5th to 9th,2022,the 5th Asian Conference on Geography (ACG) was held in Thai Nguyen,Vietnam.As the key biennial academic event under the auspice of Asian Geographical Association (AGA),this conference was co-organized by Thai Nguyen University (TNU),Association of Vietnamese Geographers (AVG),Institute of Geography,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).Under the theme"Geography in Dynamic Asia",the conference was attended by over 360 participants from 26 countr... 相似文献
Mudimu GD 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》1996,17(2):179-194
This article examines the interplay of changes in urban environments, economic reforms and women's strategies in sustaining family livelihood through a case study based on the survey of off-plot urban cultivators in Harare, Zimbabwe. It also exemplifies the nature of gender-based conflicts arising from varying perceptions of the uses of open urban spaces. This article is organized into four sections. The first section briefly discusses some contemporary issues regarding urban agriculture in eastern and southern Africa. Specifically, it examines the role of women and the conflicts that arise over the use of urban spaces for agricultural activities from the perspective of women's struggle and strategies for sustaining family livelihood. The second section gives some background to urban agriculture in Harare, emphasizing the contribution of urban agriculture to women's strategies for maintaining household food and cash income security as a response to economic reforms and how this comes into conflict with Harare City Council's view. The third and fourth section discusses the results of the survey of urban agriculturists, illuminating how female participation in the activity has distinctive motivations and contributions to the household and the urban economy. Finally, the conclusion outlines the challenges to city planning in a tropical country faced with demand for agricultural use within the urban environment. 相似文献