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城市区位条件与企业区位动态研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
刘颖  郭琪  贺灿飞 《地理研究》2016,35(7):1301-1313
随着新新经济地理理论的发展,企业异质性的研究逐渐受到重视,不同效率企业的区位选择被认为是造成城市生产效率差异的重要原因。验证企业区位选择对城市生产效率的影响,以及探讨企业区位选择的城市影响要素是研究的关键问题。沿用Baldwin和Melitz等学者的研究思路,从企业区位主动选择与被动选择的视角,理解中国城市生产效率的差异及其变化,分析企业区位自选择效应的空间差异。在此基础上,采用2002-2007年的规模以上工业企业面板数据,通过建立基于企业进入、退出区位动态的回归模型,揭示企业区位自选择效应的作用机制和城市影响因素。研究发现:企业区位自选择效应确实存在,不同效率企业的主动选择和被动选择都会影响城市的生产效率。生产率较高的工业企业倾向于选择科技研发水平高、市场潜力大、产业相对集聚的城市,生产率较低的工业企业更容易因城市高昂的要素成本和激烈的行业竞争,尤其是同行企业竞争而被挤出。此外,政府的政策优惠可以吸引高效率企业进入,但这种政策倾斜也会加剧其他企业的退出。因此,提高科技水平、扩大市场规模、促进产业集聚、合理运用政策调控是提高城市竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

Lydia Kiroff 《Urban geography》2017,38(10):1573-1602
Auckland is New Zealand’s largest city with the largest concentration of creative sector employment and businesses in the country. This paper examines the spatial distribution of firms in the design creative subsector across the Auckland Region and in inner Auckland and ascertains the key determinants of firm location. The macrolevel findings indicate that the architectural and specialized design firms have similar spatial distribution patterns across the Auckland Region, while the advertising subsector demonstrates an extreme tendency toward spatial concentration only in inner Auckland. All three subsectors have a strong propensity to clustering within inner Auckland; however, one CBD (Central Business District) fringe area, Parnell outperforms the rest. The microlevel findings reveal hybridized creative clusters of uneven density. Parnell’s unique brand and place-specific characteristics were the key determinants of firm location which led to the spontaneous collocation of firms. These location decisions had the unintended consequence of creating agglomeration economies.  相似文献   

朱晟君  金文纨 《地理学报》2021,76(2):398-414
产品相关多样化是企业发展的重要战略.经济学研究认为企业内部因素会影响企业的产品多样化策略,而一些地理学研究则发现企业外部的地方因素也会影响企业发展.为了弥补当前研究中关于企业微观发展战略外部影响因素的空白,本文基于2012-2016年中国出口产品贸易数据研究地方出口产品结构对企业出口产品相关多样化的影响,并进一步探究地...  相似文献   

环境管制影响下的佛山陶瓷产业区位变动机制   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
沈静  魏成 《地理学报》2012,67(4):467-478
环境管制已成为影响污染产业区位变动的一项因素.目前国内外相关研究多采用统计数据的模型分析方法,但对环境管制发挥作用的方式和程度却存在很多争论.本研究以广东佛山市陶瓷产业为研究对象,运用半结构式访谈分析方法,采用区位变动中的推拉模型,探讨环境管制在(产业) 迁出地对佛山陶瓷产业区位变动的推动机理,以及在(产业) 迁入地对佛山陶瓷产业区位选择的拉动作用机制.结果发现,① 环境管制是影响污染产业区位变化的重要因素,并且在迁出地和迁入地之间形成一个相互联系的过程,迁出地环境管制将通过企业行为影响迁入地环境管制.② 探讨环境管制对企业区位变化的影响机制从政府和企业行为互动的角度具有很好的解释,而非仅考虑治污成本的影响.③ 在中国式地方分权的背景下环境管制成为地方政府调控本地产业发展的重要政策手段.但“污染避难所”假说是否成立仍然是一个难题.  相似文献   

大连市文化企业的空间分布变化与区位影响因素   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
张丽  韩增林 《地理科学》2020,40(4):665-673
基于大连市2000年、2008年和2016年文化企业数据,以街道为空间尺度,运用全局自相关、热点区分析、负二项回归模型等方法探究大连市文化企业空间分布变化与区位影响因素。结果发现:① 大连市文化企业空间布局整体呈现明显的“市中心”偏好,2000-2016年文化企业空间扩散现象明显,但核心城区的集聚程度却不断提高,最终呈现出“两心一带”的分布格局。② 大连市的南部地区一直是全市文化企业的热点地区,表现出明显的圈层特性。在研究时段内热点区域面积减少,但是热点集聚中心的位置没有发生变化。③ 生产型文化企业仍高度集聚于传统中心城区,消费型文化企业则向城区边缘和新区扩散,形成多中心集聚的分布格局。④ 在街道空间尺度下,区位要素和集聚要素对文化企业的区位选择具有显著影响,政策要素的影响不显著。与消费型文化企业相比,生产型文化企业对集聚效益、文化资源和商务环境等因素更敏感。  相似文献   

李佳洺  孙威  张文忠 《地理研究》2018,37(12):2541-2553
以微观企业数据为基础,采用核密度空间平滑和条件逻辑选择模型等方法,重点关注企业在城市内部微观尺度下的区位选择,并对北京典型现代服务业和制造业区位选择的差异进行对比分析。结果表明:① 北京中小型制造企业倾向于在集聚区分布,符合马歇尔式产业集群的特征,而服务业则是大型企业更倾向于集中布局;② 尽管微观尺度下多样化和上下游产业链对现代服务业和制造业依然有重要影响,但是与宏观尺度下不同的是对于现代服务业来说过度多样化并不利于其发展,对于制造业来说区域专业化劳动力规模而非专业化程度更为重要;③ 政府对地铁等公共设施布局选址将对现代服务业的微观区位产生重要影响。  相似文献   

This article provides new empirical evidence on the patterns of firm entry across sectors and space. Based on Pavitt’s four manufacturing industry categories—supplier-dominated, scale-intensive, specialized suppliers, and knowledge-based—we use China’s firm-level database, covering all manufacturing firms with sales above 5 million RMB from 1998 to 2008, to investigate the relation between spatial patterns of new entry firms and industrial structure change and firm heterogeneity. Based on our analysis, there are three key findings. First, industrial structure change plays an important role in influencing the sectoral pattern of new firm entry. Second, the transformation from a supplier-dominated industry to a scale-intensive industry from 1998 to 2008 in China has largely influenced spatial patterns of new entry firms (mainly spatial agglomeration and entry similarity between regions). Third, the heterogeneity of firms (mainly firm ownership, firm size, and technological relatedness) affected the location choice of new entry firms. Based on our findings, we conclude that the importance of industrial structure change and the heterogeneity of firms in revealing the spatial pattern of new entry firms should receive more attention. Key Words: China, firm entry, firm heterogeneity, industrial structure change, sectoral and spatial pattern.  相似文献   

上海高新技术企业创新结网影响因子实证分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
曹贤忠  曾刚  朱贻文 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1301-1309
在界定上海高新技术产业和行业分类的基础上,基于上海市科委高技术企业年报系统数据,运用结构方程模型分析方法,比较分析了生物医药产业、电子信息产业、新材料产业和高新技术改造传统产业4类高新技术产业创新网络形成过程中的影响因子、影响路径及影响机制。结果表明:高新技术企业创新网络形成过程中主要受到企业规模、企业发展阶段和企业影响力等因子的核心影响,且为正向促进作用;高新技术产业不同行业创新网络的影响因子存有较大差异,如政府干预因子对新材料产业创新结网影响较大,且通过投入创新活动资金的形式干预创新网络构建,但对其他产业创新结网影响相对较小;所有制、空间区位和中介服务等影响因子对高新技术企业创新结网的影响均较小,甚至不产生作用。通过4个高新技术产业创新网络影响因子的实证分析,总结归纳了高新技术企业创新结网的形成机制。  相似文献   

史进  贺灿飞 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1282-1296
新企业是产业空间重构的重要驱动力。采用1998-2007年中国工业企业数据库,以金属制品业为例,发现金属制品业新企业成立的活跃地区由东部沿海转向中西部地区,特别是中部地区。随后建立“全球链接、区域竞争和地方环境”的分析框架,通过城市层面的面板Tobit模型,考察新企业成立空间差异的影响因素,并突出企业效率在这些因素作用过程中的影响。研究发现:① 外向型城市有利于新企业成立;低效率的新企业只是追求劳动力的低成本,但是高效率的新企业还能兼顾劳动力的高质量。② 区域市场潜力大的城市有利于新企业成立。③ 市场化环境好的城市有利于新企业成立,地方化经济对新企业成立无显著影响,而适度的相关多样化能够促进高效率新企业成立。  相似文献   

珠三角新晋跨境制造业企业地理集聚与区位选择   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
珠三角的跨境资本因其文化多元性、地缘特殊性而受到国际经济地理学家的广泛关注,“多元资本主义”等多种理论框架被提出以解释其特殊性。然而,由于数据、方法的限制,相关研究多停留于理论及定性探讨层面,基于微观企业样点的研究较为欠缺,特别是纳入企业异质性等新经济因素的定量模型研究更为缺乏。论文基于微观企业样点数据,综合考虑传统一般经济因素与制度、集聚、创新、企业异质性等新经济因素,采用核密度分析方法以及空间回归分析,研究了2005—2009、2009—2013年2个时段的珠三角新晋跨境制造业企业(new-born cross-border manufacturing firms, NCMF)的空间分布格局与差异,并重点关注金融危机前后(2005—2009年)这一特殊的经济转型时期,珠三角NCMF区位选择的影响机制。结果表明:①珠三角NCMF的空间集聚程度较以往有所降低,2005—2009年与2009—2013年2个时段的NCMF在结构与分布特征上呈现出较大的差异,热点区位在2005年后开始由珠三角东岸地区向西岸拓展,2009年后则再次呈现以东岸为主的集聚特征;②金融危机前后,珠三角的发展动力发生了根本性的变化,以往吸引跨境制造业企业的劳动力成本优势与开发区政策优势逐步弱化,而集聚因素、创新因素以及企业异质性成为影响跨境制造业企业空间集聚与区位选择的关键影响因素;③处于动力转换期的珠三角,需要通过构建完善的制度环境、建立创新网络、增强要素集聚、根据企业偏好制定多元化引资政策来重新获得发展的新优势。论文旨在从企业微观层面揭示经济区域内部的外商直接投资区位,同时也为理解转型时期中国以珠三角为代表的外向型经济区域的动力转换与空间重构提供实证参考。  相似文献   


The amount of packaging sent to landfill sites for disposal has gained increased prominence as an environmental issue in Canada as a result of the 1990 National Protocol on Packaging. Recognizing that a number of factors affect a corporation's decisions to modify its packaging, this study seeks to understand forces external to the firm that motivate companies to reduce their packaging waste. Firms in two sectors—soap and cleansing compounds and cosmetics and toiletries—were surveyed by mail questionnaires and personal interviews. Government policies, consumer preferences, and retailer demands were among the external pressures found to affect packaging decision making. Access to external sources of information from suppliers, subcontractors, producer services, and industrial associations was also found to play a role in a firm's decision to modify packaging. In some instances, the impact of external factors was related to differences in the internal characteristics of firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations arrived at from the data analysis.  相似文献   

多尺度知识溢出研究——以进出口互动效应为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘君洋  朱晟君 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2493-2507
知识溢出是地理学探究的重点话题。知识可以在不同的地理尺度上溢出,其效应具有差异化的表现。本文选择进出口互动效应作为知识溢出成果的表征,并基于2002—2015年中国海关进出口贸易数据,实证测度了企业从进口侧所导入的知识在企业内部、区域内部以及区域之间三个地理尺度上的溢出对企业出口所造成的影响。研究发现,在全国范围内,企业自身和企业所在的区域进口新品种的产品,能显著促进企业出口新品种的产品,且前者的促进效应更强。同时,企业邻近区域进口新产品,对本地企业出口新产品存在负向影响。然而,该影响在发达地区中表现为负,在欠发达地区表现为正。文章结果反映了不同地理尺度上的知识溢出具有差异化的表现,溢出效应存在距离衰减特征。本文丰富了地理学对于知识溢出话题的认知,具有一定的理论和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

演化经济地理视角下的技术关联研究进展   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
技术关联是现阶段演化经济地理学的重要概念,对演化经济地理学的发展和现实经济增长路径的探索具有重要意义。本文在演化经济地理学的背景下,探讨技术关联的概念和测度方法,从静态和动态2个视角探究技术关联影响产品演化的微观作用机制,并在国家、区域和企业等不同尺度上梳理了相关研究成果,绝大多数研究证明了产品演化路径显著依赖技术关联,即遵循路径依赖过程。近年来一些研究成果发现,有些区域通过向技术不相关产品进行演化从而实现了路径突破,并对其原因进行剖析,发现金融危机与扶持政策等外生力量和地方环境与制度等内生变量都会导致路径突破。中国发展路径的特殊性为西方演化经济地理学研究提供很好的案例,同时也为中国演化经济地理学的发展创造重要契机。  相似文献   

The establishment of inter-firm networks is a key resource for the competitiveness of small firms. The literature on small firm networking stresses the importance of building a balanced network of regional and extra-regional networks in order to engender optimal levels of firm performance. In peripheral regions, the academic debate is focused on understanding how geographical remoteness affects the spatial orientation of networks of small firms. Based on the analysis of survey responses and financial accounts of 26 small manufacturing firms located in Sweden's northern periphery, the study investigates how the spatial configuration of networks, and particularly their regional and international components, is related to other aspects of the firms, such as geographical location or level of performance. The study shows that increased geographical remoteness tends to promote the establishment of international relations instead of hindering them and that peripheral small firms able to penetrate international markets tend to achieve higher levels of productivity. The subsequent discussion stresses the need to rethink the spatiality of policies promoting small firm networks, from a locally-bound to a more diversified, internationalised one.  相似文献   

韩增林  胡盈 《地理科学》2021,41(4):634-644
全球化时代是发展海洋经济的时代,海洋渔业是海洋经济的重要部门,是深耕蓝色国土的重要一步.以典型海洋城市大连市为案例,基于海洋渔业企业视角研究海洋渔业产业,建立海洋渔业企业数据库,运用核密度方法分析大连市海洋渔业企业的空间格局演化规律,建立回归模型重点分析了 2011-2018年海产加工企业在区位选择时的影响因素.结果表...  相似文献   

The amount of packaging sent to landfill sites for disposal has gained increased prominence as an environmental issue in Canada as a result of the 1990 National Protocol on Packaging. Recognizing that a number of factors affect a corporation's decisions to modify its packaging, this study seeks to understand forces external to the firm that motivate companies to reduce their packaging waste. Firms in two sectors—soap and cleansing compounds and cosmetics and toiletries—were surveyed by mail questionnaires and personal interviews. Government policies, consumer preferences, and retailer demands were among the external pressures found to affect packaging decision making. Access to external sources of information from suppliers, subcontractors, producer services, and industrial associations was also found to play a role in a firm's decision to modify packaging. In some instances, the impact of external factors was related to differences in the internal characteristics of firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations arrived at from the data analysis.  相似文献   

吴磊  尹梁明  杨登宇  郭源园 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1829-1839
文章引入“多样化联系空间”视角,使得空间附着了更多的社会、经济、制度和文化等内涵,并以此作为城市微区位和企业区位选择的空间基础。理论上,企业在城市微区位的选址不仅是通过市场机制与经济因素发生,也特定于区位的经济、社会和地理的紧密交织及其交互作用,其理论机制是空间的多样化联系以“成本共担”的形式降低企业的生产成本和交易成本,从而引致企业的区位选择和空间集聚;并以深圳市的高新电子信息企业为例,应用OLS回归、地理加权回归(GWR)和半参数地理加权回归(SGWR)模型,对城市微区位、多样化联系与企业区位选择的耦合进行实证分析,结果显示城市微区位存在显著的空间异质性,且存在全局变量和局部变量的差别,这在一定程度上验证了城市微区位的多样性、异质性。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):285-317
Applied design and creative services are central to the formation of metropolitan landscapes and urban culture (both in historical and contemporary contexts), as well as to the production of the full range of industrial and consumer goods. More specifically, applied design firms are essential to the development of advanced industrial systems, and facilitate the operation of flexible production regimes by (1) enabling production differentiation in segmented markets, (2) improving productivity, (3) promoting production synergies, (4) enhancing short-run customized production, and (5) contributing to the condensing of longer-run style cycles. A case study of design and creative services firms in Vancouver discloses that such firms exhibit important commonalities with other producer services industries (e.g., intermediate market orientation, clustering propensity, divisions of labor). At the same time, firms engaged in the production of design may be differentiated from “mainstream” business or corporate service firms in terms of (1) location and milieu, with a clear affinity for the CBD fringe and inner city, rather than the CBD proper; (2) function, with an emphasis on creativity as both raison d'etre and operating characteristic; and (3) services-goods interface (design services are not “arms length” from goods production, like most business services, but are directly concerned with the style, configuration, and identity of end products). Finally, the clustering of design and creative service firms exemplifies the “internal specialization of the production spaces of the large metropolis” (Scott, 1988), although empirical evidence from the Vancouver case asserts the significance of sociocultural, as well as economic, features of agglomeration. [Key words: design, production, inner city, clustering, agglomeration.]  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies of business start-ups, closings, and relocations rely on a single data base, DUNS Market Identifiers. This data file to U.S. business establishments provides researchers with essential information about individual firms and establishments. It also exhibits serveral idiosyncracies and requires careful consideration of the meaning of such basic terms as “location”and “firm.”Drawing from a recent survey of 500 New Jersey firms. I consider some of the methodological amd conceptual issues Dun and Bradstreet data pose for industrial location analysts. The Dun and Bradstreet listings exaggerate the exaggerate the incidence and magnitude of establishment openings and closing.  相似文献   

基于成都、西安高新区企业调研数据,在构建企业投资决策驱动指标体系的基础上,采用因子分析法考察企业投资决策的驱动因素,并运用单因素方差分析和相关性检验进一步探究企业异质性与投资决策驱动因素的关系。结果表明:(1)信息通信水平、获取高素质人才、人际关系网络等构成企业投资决策的关键驱动指标,而跨国公司集聚、获取自然资源、决策者偏好等指标的解释力度最小。(2)企业投资决策由6个维度因子构成,其重要程度由高至低依次为政策、产业集群与人力资源、城市环境、城市区位、企业集聚以及关系因子。(3)入园越早、规模越大、总部型及出口型企业均更加依赖政策驱动;私企与外企、一般服务业企业与高级服务业企业、部分迁移企业与非迁移企业、办公区企业与科技园企业、办公区企业与厂区企业分别形成了基本对立的投资驱动偏好。  相似文献   

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