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The snow/sea-ice albedo was measured over coastal landfast sea ice in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica(off Zhongshan Station)during the austral spring and summer of 2010 and 2011. The variation of the observed albedo was a combination of a gradual seasonal transition from spring to summer and abrupt changes resulting from synoptic events, including snowfall, blowing snow, and overcast skies. The measured albedo ranged from 0.94 over thick fresh snow to 0.36 over melting sea ice. It was found that snow thickness was the most important factor influencing the albedo variation, while synoptic events and overcast skies could increase the albedo by about 0.18 and 0.06, respectively. The in-situ measured albedo and related physical parameters(e.g., snow thickness, ice thickness, surface temperature, and air temperature) were then used to evaluate four different snow/ice albedo parameterizations used in a variety of climate models. The parameterized albedos showed substantial discrepancies compared to the observed albedo, particularly during the summer melt period, even though more complex parameterizations yielded more realistic variations than simple ones. A modified parameterization was developed,which further considered synoptic events, cloud cover, and the local landfast sea-ice surface characteristics. The resulting parameterized albedo showed very good agreement with the observed albedo.  相似文献   

由于高分辨率遥感应用需求增加的牵引,国内外发射了越来越多的光学遥感卫星载荷.然而,随着传感器分辨率的增加,大气对地表信息干扰的问题也越来越突出,光学遥感图像的大气校正问题,因载荷特点和应用需求的改变面临着一些新的挑战,有必要对其进行总结和分析.本文在介绍大气校正现状和原理的基础上,按照光学遥感卫星大气校正输入信息来源不同,把大气校正方法归纳为基于图像和图形处理方法、基于辐射传输计算、基于图像自身信息反演大气参数、基于大气同步校正仪的大气校正4类进行介绍.最后,结合我国高分辨率光学卫星的发展方向,对当前的大气校正应用方案和未来发展进行了讨论和展望.  相似文献   

卫星对地观测中大气与地表辐射贡献的参数化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
吕达仁  段民征 《大气科学》1998,22(4):638-648
卫星对地观测定量遥感地表与大气特性是当前地球科学与应用研究的关键手段之一。在定量遥感中区分大气和地表在地-气系统对空间散射辐射中各自的贡献与作用是关键的一步。这一问题的核心是基于辐射传输方程的数值计算建立起适合应用于遥感反演中分离大气与地表贡献的参数化表达式。本文对特定的气溶胶气候类型和可见/近红外波段建立起定量的表达形式,并对表达式的物理含义和拟合精度进行了分析。最后讨论了其应用的可行性和进一步的工作。  相似文献   

王星茹  蒋惠  何川  陈魁 《气象科学》2024,44(1):138-146
为深入了解我国不同背景地区大气冰核浓度特征,本文通过在我国不同地区进行大气冰核及气溶胶的采样观测。研究发现:观测期间,黄山光明顶的冰核浓度数值均值为2.208 L-1;南京地区的冰核浓度数值均值为7.16 L-1;泰山山顶的冰核浓度数值均值为3.455 L-1;泰山山底的冰核浓度数值均值为4.818 L-1;新疆地区无沙尘天气冰核浓度数值均值为11.27 L-1;新疆有沙尘天气冰核浓度数值均值为51.812 5 L-1。研究给出了不同背景地区的大气冰核浓度的温度谱和湿度谱的分布。同时,研究发现,冰核数浓度与粒径大于0.5μm的气溶胶粒子数浓度的相关性较高,也就是气溶胶粒子中大颗粒所占比例越高,冰核数浓度越高。此外,还建立了基于活化温度、过饱和度以及大于0.5μm气溶胶粒子数浓度的冰核参数化方案,它们可以分别适用于沙漠地表,相对清洁的背景区域和人为污染较多的城市背景。  相似文献   

Based on airborne observations during the Baltex Bridge Cloud (BBC) campaign in September 2001, the impact of two layer cloud systems, gas absorption and surface albedo on cloud radiative smoothing is investigated. Multispectral nadir radiance measurements have been conducted which cover the visible and near infrared wavelength range. The observed radiances are transformed into Fourier space where ranges of scale-invariance are identified. Associated slopes and scale breaks are determined and used to characterize the impacts on cloud radiative smoothing. The results reveal that an increase of gas absorption reduces the small scale slope and the scale break due to a decreasing likelihood of horizontal photon transport. Another impact is that the increasing gas absorption reduces the cloud surface interaction, which is indicated by an increase of the large scale slope. An increasing surface albedo results in large scale cloud radiative smoothing and is associated with a decrease of the large scale slope. This effect depends on the cloud height and the cloud morphology. Two layer cloud systems exhibit a similar behaviour in Fourier space as large surface albedos beneath a single cloud deck. It is argued that the impact of two layer cloud systems on large scale cloud radiative smoothing may not be typical for two layer clouds.  相似文献   

Microphysical and radiative effects of ice clouds on diurnal variations of tropical convective and stratiform rainfall are examined with the equilibrium simulation data from three experiments conducted with a two-dimensional cloud resolving model with imposed temporally and zonally invariant winds and sea surface temperature and zero mean vertical velocity. The experiment without ice radiative effects is compared with the control experiment with ice microphysics (both the ice radiative and microphysical effects) to study effects of ice radiative effects on diurnal rainfall variations whereas it is compared with the experiment without ice microphysics to examine ice microphysical effects on the diurnal rainfall variations. The ice radiative processes mainly affect diurnal cycle of convective rainfall whereas the ice microphysical processes have important impacts on the diurnal cycles of both convective and stratiform rainfall. Turning off the ice radiative effects generally enhances convective rainfall during the morning and evening and suppresses convective rainfall in the afternoon whereas turning off the ice microphysical effects generally suppresses convective and stratiform rainfall during the morning and enhances convective and stratiform rainfall in the afternoon and evening. The ice radiative and microphysical effects on the diurnal cycle of surface rainfall are mainly associated with that of vapor condensation and deposition, which is controlled by air temperature through saturation specific humidity. The ice effects on the diurnal cycle of local temperature tendency are largely explained by that of latent heating since the diurnal cycle of radiation is insensitive to the ice effects.  相似文献   

The precipitation responses to the radiative effects of ice clouds are investigated through analysis of five-day and horizontally averaged data from 2D cumulus ensemble model experiments of a pre-summer torrential precipitation event. The exclusion of the radiative effects of ice clouds lowered the precipitation rate through a substantial reduction in the decrease of hydrometeors when the radiative effects of water clouds were switched on, whereas it increased the precipitation rate through hydrometeor change from an increase to a decrease when the radiative effects of ice clouds were turned off. The weakened hydrometeor decrease was associated with the enhanced longwave radiative cooling mainly through the decreases in the melting of non-precipitating ice to non-precipitating water. The hydrometeor change from an increase to a decrease corresponded to the strengthened longwave radiative cooling in the upper troposphere through the weakened collection of non-precipitating water by precipitation water.  相似文献   

光学遥感利用可见光、近红外和短波红外传感器对地物进行特定电磁谱段的成像观测,是遥感科技中发展最早,也是目前对地观测和空间信息领域中应用最为广泛的技术手段.随着近年来光学成像、电子学与空间技术的飞速发展,高空间、高光谱和高时间分辨率遥感技术不断取得新突破,为光学遥感图像处理与应用技术发展创造了前所未有的机遇和广阔前景.本文首先概述了光学遥感的基本原理和发展历程,然后重点介绍了光学遥感图像的数据特点及光学遥感图像处理技术与方法,阐述了光学遥感在生态环境、自然资源和国防安全等领域的应用情况,讨论了未来光学遥感信息技术与应用发展的几个主要方向和趋势.  相似文献   

卫星高光谱大气CO2探测精度验证研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星高光谱大气CO2遥感探测对全球气候变化研究意义重大,卫星CO2反演产品的地基观测验证是获得产品精度评价、发现算法可适用范围和局限性的重要环节,因此地基高光谱CO2的观测验证研究对提高卫星产品定量精度至关重要。本文综述了当前国际上大气CO2探测卫星的研制进展,短波红外大气CO2的反演方法进展,重点阐述了地基高光谱CO2探测技术进展及其对卫星大气CO2的定量探测精度验证方法和技术研究进展,并对该研究领域未来的发展提出展望。  相似文献   

All of the techniques used to measure stratospheric HCl during the two BIC campaigns involved high resolution infrared spectroscopy. The balloon-borne instruments included five different spectrometers, three operating in the solar absorption mode and two in emission (at distinctly different wavelengths). Ground-based and aircraft correlative measurements were made close to the balloon locations, again by near-infrared spectroscopy.Within this set of results, comparisons between different techniques (absorption vs emission) viewing the same airmass (i.e., on the same gondola) were possible, as were comparisons between the same technique used on different gondolas spaced closely in time and location. The final results yield a mean profile of concentration of HC1 between 18 and 40 km altitude; an envelope of ±15% centered on this profile encompasses all of the results within one standard deviation of their individual mean values. The absolute accuracy of the final profile is estimated to be no worse than 10%. It is concluded also that the measurement techniques for HCl have reached a level of performance where a precision of 10% to 15% can be confidently expected.  相似文献   

遥感能周期性地获取大范围的地表作物信息,通过适当的反演方法能够定量地提供作物在区域尺度上的生长状况;而作物生长模型可以在单点尺度上模拟出作物生长发育的动态变化,对作物长势以及产量变化的做出机理性解释。将遥感信息与作物生长模型结合能实现二者优势互补,已成为目前作物长势监测和估产研究中的重要方法。本文总结了遥感信息和作物生长模型结合的两种主要方法,即驱动法和同化法,介绍了两种方法的常用算法、优缺点及国内外的应用情况,同时总结了将二者结合的研究趋势以及目前研究中存在的一些问题,旨在为后续遥感信息与作物生长模型结合的研究提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

An inter-comparison study of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at 0.55 μm retrieved using different satellite instruments and algorithms based on the analysis of backscattered solar light is presented for a single scene over central Europe on October 13th, 2005. For the first time comparisons have been performed for as many as six instruments on multiple satellite platforms. Ten different algorithms are briefly discussed and inter-compared. It was found that on the scale of a single pixel there can be large differences in AOT retrieved over land using different retrieval techniques and instruments. However, these differences are not as pronounced for the average AOT over land. For instance, the average AOT at 0.55 μm for the area 7–12E, 49–53N was equal to 0.14 for MISR, NASA MODIS and POLDER algorithms. It is smaller by 0.01 for the ESA MERIS aerosol product and larger by 0.04 for the MERIS BAER algorithm. AOT as derived using AATSR gives on average larger values as compared to all other instruments, while SCIAMACHY retrievals underestimate the aerosol loading. These discrepancies are explained by uncertainties in a priori assumptions used in the different algorithms and differences in the sensor characteristics. Validation against AERONET shows that MERIS provides the most accurate AOT retrievals for this scene.  相似文献   

In the context of the next AQUA Train satellite experiment, airborne measurements were carried out to simulate satellite measurements. They were conducted between September 25 and October 12, 2001, off the coast of southern France over the Atlantic Ocean and over the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. During the intensive Field Radiation Experiment on Natural Cirrus and High-level clouds (FRENCH/DIRAC 2001), natural ice clouds were sampled from in situ and remote sensing measurements. On October 5 and 7, 2001, cirrus cloud decks were described by a complete data set acquired by: (i) in situ microphysical instruments onboard the TBM-700 aircraft: PMS probe, and Polar Nephelometer (ii) and downward-looking radiative instruments onboard the Mystère 20 aircraft: an infrared radiometer, a lidar, a visible imager with polarisation capabilities, and a middle infrared radiometer. Moreover, classical thermodynamical measurements were carried out onboard the Mystère 20. Mean microphysical characteristics of cirrus deck are derived from interpretation of remote sensing measurements. These properties are compared with those derived from in situ microphysical measurements in order to evaluate the radiative impact of natural cirrus clouds.  相似文献   

对流云中冰相过程的三维数值模拟 I:模式建立及冷云参数化   总被引:51,自引:22,他引:51  
本文建立了一个完全弹性三维冷云数值模式。采用参数化方法处理冰相微物理,包括冰核化、凝华、结淞、雹干湿增长以及融化等15个主要过程。使用理想初值条件和环境场对模式进行了检验,证明是可靠和稳定的。三维对流云系统的一些主要特征均能够成功模拟出,例如弱云外补偿下沉运动、云中水平涡耦及其分裂、中层障碍流、弱回波结构等。  相似文献   

The bulk single-scattering properties of cirrus clouds required for driving the radiation scheme in large-scale climate models are computed with respect to various size distributions and ice crystal shapes. It is shown that the average ice crystal size, defined as the ratio of total volume to the total projected area, can well-characterize the effect of various size distributions in determining the bulk radiative properties of cirrus clouds. Details of the size distributions are not significant in specifying the radiative properties of these clouds if the effective average size is thus defined. Therefore, the ratio of the total volume to the total projected area is an ideal parameter for describing the bulk single-scattering properties. The effect of ice crystal shape is not critical in the parameterization of the extinction coefficient and single-scattering albedo. However, the various crystal habits must be accounted for in the parameterization of the asymmetry parameter. The resulting parameterization is intended for radiative transfer calculations involving cirrus clouds in large-scale models.  相似文献   

利用毫米波云雷达、微波辐射计联合反演方法,对2015年11月11日安徽寿县的一次层状云过程的云参数进行了反演,将所得云参数加入到SBDART辐射传输模式中,进行辐射通量计算,并将计算的地面辐射通量与观测的地面辐射通量进行了对比分析。研究表明:1)利用毫米波雷达和微波辐射计数据联合反演的云参数比较可靠;2)利用SBDART模式并结合反演的云参数,可以准确实时地计算地面及其他高度层的长短波辐射通量;3)在反演的云参数中,光学厚度对地面各种辐射通量的影响是最大的,云层的光学厚度越大,到达地面的太阳短波辐射越小,地面反射短波辐射也越小。另外云底温度越高,云体向下发射的红外长波辐射越大。地面向上的长波辐射是地面温度的普朗克函数,随地面温度而变;4)云对地面的短波辐射强迫为负值,对地面有降温的作用。云对地面的长波辐射强迫是一个正值,对地面有一个增温的作用;5)云对地面的净辐射强迫随时间变化很大,它的正负与太阳高度角和云参数有关。  相似文献   

作物病虫害遥感监测与预测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物病虫害作为严重的生物灾害已危及到世界农业生产和粮食安全,病虫害对我国粮食生产造成的损失日益加剧,植保部门目前使用的测报和防控方式无法满足大范围的精准、高效、绿色科学防控需求.因此,建立基于遥感手段的高效、无损的大面积病虫害监测预测方法,将提升我国大面积作物病虫害的监测和测报精度与防控水平,有利于减少农药施用,对保障国家粮食和食品安全,实现农业可持续发展具有重要战略意义.近年来出现的多种形式的作物病虫害遥感监测方法和技术手段为病虫害的有效防治和管理提供了重要支撑,通过对相关技术方法进行综述,本文从多尺度下的作物病虫害遥感监测与预测机理、监测方法、预测预报方法、典型模型与应用等方面阐述了作物病虫害遥感监测和预测预报研究进展,并探讨了作物病虫害遥感监测当前面临的挑战以及未来发展趋势,建议通过建立全国尺度的作物病虫害遥感监测预测系统,构建作物病虫害绿色智能防控体系,实现病虫害大面积、快速的监测、预测预报和精准、高效、绿色科学防控.  相似文献   

均一模式和两层模式是两个忽略气溶胶垂直非均一、并广泛用于卫星遥感的辐射模式。通过两个模式的数值模拟,分析了气溶胶的垂直非均一对向上天空亮度和卫星遥感地面反射率的效应。数值模拟选用了24个有代表性的气溶胶模式。对于具有强分子散射的卫星短波通道,由于分子和气溶胶散射性的明显不同,应用均一和两层模式计算的向上亮度往往存在较大误差。对长波通道,如果气溶胶的光学特性随高度变化不大,该亮度误差较小,但如果存在不同散射相函数和一次散射反照率的气溶胶层,该误差仍可能较大。对于干净的大气,由均一和两层模式计算的亮度误差可分别高达31.4%和31.5%,而对于混浊的大气,该误差可分别高达67.8%和59.2%。该亮度误差可以引起地表反射率解存在大的不确定性,特别是对于短波通道和强吸收的气溶胶。对于包含强吸收气溶胶的混浊大气,均一和两层模式不适合于大气订正应用。  相似文献   

利用1993年和2004年长三角地区的卫星遥感资料,分析了该地区的3个主要区域南京、上海、苏锡常及其周边的土地利用类型变化,定量地评价城市用地扩展程度.结合2004年地表温度(LST)卫星资料,揭示了城乡LST空间分布特征及其差异.结果表明:上海、苏锡常和南京11a期间城市建设用地动态度K分别为204.0%、354.3%和99.2%,苏锡常城市扩展程度最快;不同土地覆盖类型的LST不同,城市用地LST最高,其次作物地,林地最低;城乡之间平均地表温差具有季节变化,冬季最大,而秋季最小.  相似文献   

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