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我国为什么要派科考队去北极考察,北极地区的科学研究对于全球变化的研究有什幺作用,在北极地区进行科学考察为何很艰险?本刊特请中国首次远征北极点科学考察队队长、中国科学院地理研究所副研究员李拴科撰写此稿,以飧读者。  相似文献   

1999年5月25日,国家海洋局局长张登义在北京宣布,经国务院批准.在7~9月间,中国国家科考队将首次在北极进行科学考察活动。据悉,这次北极科学考察,是我国第一次由政府部门直接组织对北极地区进行大规模综合性科学考察。由国家海洋局、中国科学院、国土资源部、农业部、教育部、中国气象局和国家测绘局等部门相互支持,通力合作,共同组成国家考察队,由国家海洋局极地考察办公室负责组织实施。  相似文献   

影响北极地区迅速变化的一些关键过程研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
最近研究证明 ,近半个世纪来 ,北极地区正在发生迅速变化。部分地区温度上升了 2- 3°C ,北冰洋海冰退缩 5 %,中心地区海冰厚度变薄 ,海面压力降低 ,中上层水淡化和变暖 ,吸收CO2 能力增加 ,臭氧耗损和紫外线辐射增强。中国于 1 999年开展了“中国首次北极科学考察” ,在楚科奇海、加拿大海盆、白令海以及临近海域开展了海冰气相互作用的多学科综合考察 ,对北极的区域特征及其在全球变化中的作用研究获得一些新的认识。观测到加拿大海盆中层水持续增暖的现象 ,揭示了西北冰洋与白令海水体交换的途径和次表层暖水结构 ,发现了加拿大海盆是北冰洋河水的主要储存区。利用联合冰站观测数据 ,模拟了北冰洋夏季大气边界层结构和下垫面能量平衡的变化特征 ,定量给出了北冰洋夏季海 /气和冰 /气之间湍流通量和边界层参数的差异。海 /气CO2 的通量观测表明 ,考察区的大部分海域均为大气CO2 汇区 ;西北冰洋海冰区具有较高的生物泵运转效率 ,楚科奇海陆架是一个高效的有机碳“汇”区 ,寒冷水体中微生物活动并未受到明显抑制。沉积物的地球化学过程研究表明 ,海底表层沉积物中碘含量存在着由低纬度到高纬度增加趋势 ,北极地区可能是碘的汇区 ,碘可作为极区古海洋中的地球化学元素变化的重要指标。楚科奇海、白令海  相似文献   

中国第二次北极科学考察海冰物理数据的解释   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2003年7-9月间,为了探讨北冰洋海冰变化同气候的关系,中国第二次北极科学考察对海冰物理及其相关的物理海洋、大气边界层进行系列合作观测。观测的冰形态、海洋和气象要素将用于确定调查期间大气海冰海洋之间的热力和动力交换。本次考察获得的冰物理性质方面的原始观测数据将在中国南北极考察网公布。为了方便各方人员使用这些数据,本文给出这套资料的描述和解释。  相似文献   

雷瑞波 《极地研究》2019,(1):114-116
中国第9次北极科学考察是自然资源部组建后组织实施的第一次极地考察。本次考察队共有131名队员组成,包括1名来自美国特拉华大学的科学家和2名来自法国巴黎第6大学的科学家。2018年7月20日,雪龙船离开上海码头,至9月26日考察结束,历时69天。  相似文献   

北极地区碳循环研究意义和展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
全球变暖引发了北极地区的快速变化。北极地区苔原冻土带退化、海冰面积退缩和厚度变薄将使北极生态系发生重要变化 ,因而引起碳的生物地球化学循环过程变异。为精确评估北极地区对人为大气CO2 的吸收通量 ,围绕北极苔原、边缘海和极区海域的碳循环研究引起了重视。调查表明 ,北冰洋和亚北冰洋海冰区是海洋吸收大气CO2 的重要汇区 ,北冰洋具有吸收大气CO2 约 1×GtC/a的能力 ,北冰洋夏季冰缘区的长光照和高生产力促进了对大气CO2 的吸收能力 ,北冰洋深水环流和通风作用也有利于表层碳向深水转移。最近有些调查表明 ,如温度继续升高 ,北极苔原有可能从碳汇转变成大气碳源。国际上正加强北极地区碳循环研究的规划和计划 ,企图通过改进现场调查观测手段以及研究方法 ,来定量研究和模式预测变化中北极地区的碳汇潜力及其对地球气候的影响。  相似文献   

美国科学家在新一期《科学》杂志上发表论说,北极圈内的湖泊数量在最近30年中明显减少。科学家认为,这一变化显然是由全球变暖引起的。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖已是众所周知的问题,而它现在已经涉足冰雪覆盖的北极地区。一个专门研究北极气候变化的科学家小组8日宣布,气候变暖对北极地区的气候产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

一直以来,地质学家都认为北冰洋下面蕴藏着丰富的油气资源。2004年8月,欧洲联盟3艘破冰船在北极进行大洋钻探。它们在北纬88度,水深1200米处钻探发现,5000万年前北冰洋曾是个淡水湖。在大约长达80万年的期间,水面大量生长蕨类植物满江红,沉积物中有机碳高达5%。雄辩的事实再次证明:北冰洋具有生油潜力。据估计,北冰洋面积约1300万平方公里范围内,蕴藏着大于90亿吨的油气,大约占世界未开发油气储量的25%。  相似文献   

北极航线包括东北航线、西北航线与北冰洋中央的穿极航线。作为联结亚欧最短的航运线路,北极航线独有的战略地位与潜在开发价值已吸引北极域内外国家的关注并对北极区域作出战略倾斜,北极航线由此成为各国战略利益争夺的前线阵地。虽然北极航线由于其自身地缘特征实际为北极航线沿线国家所掌控,但航线自身的公共属性决定了其战略价值的“外溢”,北极域外国家在北极航线同样具有重要的国家利益。北极航线目前存在国际规则不成体系、国内法与国际规则相冲突等矛盾,俄罗斯与加拿大将东北航线与西北航线“内水化”是造成国内外规则冲突的根本因素。中国作为北半球航运大国,北极航线的开通将进一步推动我国进出口贸易以及保障我国石油能源安全储备,对我国具有重大战略意义。由此,提升北极航运的参与度,以“负责任大国”形象与北极国家合作的方式参与北极事务以维护本国航运利益,进而推动北极航运治理规则体系的完善,是适合现实参与北极航线实践的中国对策。  相似文献   

1 目的意义 通过国际合作,扩展我国极地考察的空间范围和考察的深度,提升我国的极地考察与研究水平以及后勤保障能力,增进国际合作与交流,维护和扩大我国的极地权益和国际影响力.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾-埃默里冰架-冰穹A的综合断面科学考察与研究计划(简称PANDA计划)是由中国科学家牵头组织的大型南极考察与研究计划,是国际极地年中国行动计划的核心计划,也是国际极地年核心科学计划之一.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):227–243, 2010

An interdisciplinary study was conducted at Qijurittuq (IbGk-3), an archaeological site located on Drayton Island along the eastern shore of Hudson Bay, Nunavik. Local Inuit made important contributions to the research. High school students participated in the field school, and elders shared their traditional knowledge. The elders expressed an interest in the source of the wood used to construct Qijurittuq's semi-subterranean dwellings, and this inspired us to expand our research in that direction. This interdisciplinary study included a reconstruction of the geomorphological and environmental history of Drayton Island, wood provenance and dendrochronology studies, research on house architecture and settlement patterns, and a zooarchaeological analysis. This paper synthesizes the preliminary results of this interdisciplinary investigation within the context of climate change. We discuss the persistence of semi-subterranean dwellings in eastern Hudson Bay long after they had been abandoned elsewhere. At Qijurittuq, their abandonment corresponds with the end of Little Ice Age. However, at the same time, the development of more permanent contact with Euro-Canadians was having a strong impact upon Inuit culture.  相似文献   

张侠  张洁 《极地研究》2004,16(2):145-150
国际极地科学界正在酝酿一个大型的国际极地考察与研究合作计划--2007-2008国际极地年计划(IPY)。本文分析了提出IPY的科学背景,译介了IPY计划制订小组公布计划框架的5个科学主题。根据对IPY科学主题的分析,认为本次IPY反映了公众对于极地环境发生快速变化的深度关切。高密度、新技术、多学科的国际合作考察与研究将成为本次IPY最显著的特点。2007-2008IPY将是我国极地考察与研究加强国际合作,迅速提升研究水平的一个难得的契机。  相似文献   

An integrated program, “Microbiological and ecological responses to global environmental changes in polar regions” (MERGE), was proposed in the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007–2008 and endorsed by the IPY committee as a coordinating proposal. MERGE hosts original proposals to the IPY and facilitates their funding. MERGE selected three key questions to produce scientific achievements. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms in terrestrial, lacustrine, and supraglacial habitats were targeted according to diversity and biogeography; food webs and ecosystem evolution; and linkages between biological, chemical, and physical processes in the supraglacial biome.MERGE hosted 13 original and seven additional proposals, with two full proposals. It respected the priorities and achievements of the individual proposals and aimed to unify their significant results. Ideas and projects followed a bottom-up rather than a top-down approach. We intend to inform the MERGE community of the initial results and encourage ongoing collaboration. Scientists from non-polar regions have also participated and are encouraged to remain involved in MERGE.MERGE is formed by scientists from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK, Uruguay, USA, and Vietnam, and associates from Chile, Denmark, Netherlands, and Norway.  相似文献   

特殊形貌MgO材料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
科技的发展、进步对材料的要求越来越高,随之而来的是各种特殊功能的复合材料的问世。作为复合材料,增强改性添加剂的特殊形貌MgO材料也获得了长足的发展。系统介绍了晶须MgO、纳米MgO及其他特殊形貌MgO的用途和制备方法。指出盐湖镁资源的综合利用和可持续发展并兼顾环境保护是今后研究开发的方向。  相似文献   

This paper explores three theoretical approaches for estimating the degree of correctness to which the accuracy figures of a gridded Digital Elevation Model (DEM) have been estimated depending on the number of checkpoints involved in the assessment process. The widely used average‐error statistic Mean Square Error (MSE) was selected for measuring the DEM accuracy. The work was focused on DEM uncertainty assessment using approximate confidence intervals. Those confidence intervals were constructed both from classical methods which assume a normal distribution of the error and from a new method based on a non‐parametric approach. The first two approaches studied, called Chi‐squared and Asymptotic Student t, consider a normal distribution of the residuals. That is especially true in the first case. The second case, due to the asymptotic properties of the t distribution, can perform reasonably well with even slightly non‐normal residuals if the sample size is large enough. The third approach developed in this article is a new method based on the theory of estimating functions which could be considered much more general than the previous two cases. It is based on a non‐parametric approach where no particular distribution is assumed. Thus, we can avoid the strong assumption of distribution normality accepted in previous work and in the majority of current standards of positional accuracy. The three approaches were tested using Monte Carlo simulation for several populations of residuals generated from originally sampled data. Those original grid DEMs, considered as ground data, were collected by means of digital photogrammetric methods from seven areas displaying differing morphology employing a 2 by 2 m sampling interval. The original grid DEMs were subsampled to generate new lower‐resolution DEMs. Each of these new DEMs was then interpolated to retrieve its original resolution using two different procedures. Height differences between original and interpolated grid DEMs were calculated to obtain residual populations. One interpolation procedure resulted in slightly non‐normal residual populations, whereas the other produced very non‐normal residuals with frequent outliers. Monte Carlo simulations allow us to report that the estimating function approach was the most robust and general of those tested. In fact, the other two approaches, especially the Chi‐squared method, were clearly affected by the degree of normality of the residual population distribution, producing less reliable results than the estimating functions approach. This last method shows good results when applied to the different datasets, even in the case of more leptokurtic populations. In the worst cases, no more than 64–128 checkpoints were required to construct an estimate of the global error of the DEM with 95% confidence. The approach therefore is an important step towards saving time and money in the evaluation of DEM accuracy using a single average‐error statistic. Nevertheless, we must take into account that MSE is essentially a single global measure of deviations, and thus incapable of characterizing the spatial variations of errors over the interpolated surface.  相似文献   

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