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Major fault zones in mountain areas are often associated with cold‐water circulations and hydrothermal pathways. Compared with the massif as a whole, the deep groundwater flows in these high hydraulic‐conductivity zones modify the thermal state of the surrounding rock. This paper examines the thermal effects of groundwater flow in the area around the steeply dipping La Léchère deep fault zone (LFZ, French Alps) and associated shallow decompressed zone. We used a 3D numerical model drawn up from groundwater circulation data to investigate the La Léchère hydrothermal system and the thermal state of the rock in the valley sides. Hydrothermal simulations showed that convective flow into the LFZ cools the valley sides and creates a thermal upwelling under the valley floor. An unsteady thermal regime that continues for about 10,000 years is also needed to obtain the temperatures currently found under the valley floor in the LFZ. Temperature‐depth profiles around the LFZ show disturbances in the thermal gradients in the valley sides and the valley floor. Convective heat transfer into the LFZ and the decompressed zone, and conductive heat transfer in the surrounding rocks produce an unsteady, asymmetric thermal state in the rock on both sides of the LFZ.  相似文献   

通过对郯庐断裂带江苏新沂—安徽宿松段历史及现代地震活动性分析、地震地质调查结果及沿线跨断层水准测量结果的综合分析,认为郯庐断裂带新沂—宿松段近期地震危险性主要位于新沂—泗县一带和明光一带,其中新沂—泗县一带近期有发生Ms5.0~6.0级地震的活动背景;明光一带近期有发生Ms5.0级地震的活动背景.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带江苏新沂——安徽宿松段地震危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对郯庐断裂带江苏新沂—安徽宿松段历史及现代地震活动性分析、地震地质调查结果及沿线跨断层水准测量结果的综合分析,认为郯庐断裂带新沂—宿松段近期地震危险性主要位于新沂—泗县一带和明光一带,其中新沂—泗县一带近期有发生MS5.0~6.0级地震的活动背景;明光一带近期有发生MS5.0级地震的活动背景。  相似文献   

断层破碎带对非发震断层场地地震动的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
任春  罗奇峰 《地震研究》2005,28(2):162-166
运用动接触单元对断层场地中的非发震断层的实际运动状态进行了模拟,并结合有限元模型分析了断层场地中非发震断层对场地地震动的影响。通过计算和比较无摩擦力、有摩擦力和无断层三种工况,探讨了动接触单元模拟非发震断层的合理性。计算中还考虑了断层破碎带及断层破碎带土的一些性质,结果表明考虑断层破碎带的存在对于地震动是有影响的。同时还指出,在研究实际非发震断层对场地地震动影响时,应具体考虑场地诸因素的复杂性。  相似文献   

武都—康县断裂带活动性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
武都—康县断裂是位于甘东南地区区域大断裂中的一条左旋走滑并兼有逆冲分量的活动断裂。通过卫片解译和野外地质调查,对活动断裂几何分段、地貌和地质特征进行了研究。结果表明:武都-康县断裂可分为西(F1)和东(F2)两段,分别为上板桥-长坝镇断裂段和沈家园-窑坪断裂段;晚更新世以来断裂的活动形成了丰富的断错地貌现象,例如水系和山脊左旋位错、断层三角面、断层崖、垭口、鞍部、跌水和地裂缝。断裂西段为全新世断层,年代距今(1.730±0.111)ka至(1.670±0.141)ka之间,活动性比较强烈,并在甘泉一带发现全新世活动特征明显,主要以左旋走滑为主,同时伴有逆冲分量;而东段可能是晚更新世断层,以逆冲作用为主,并伴有左旋水平运动。  相似文献   

红河断裂带活动性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红河断裂带是一条大型的走滑断裂带,该断裂带北起青藏高原东部,云南西北部,穿越越南北部,向东南延伸到南海,全长超过1000km。根据印支半岛前新生代的古地块与华南地块的接触关系,将红河断裂带分为海陆两段。断裂带自从第三纪以来,经历了左旋运动,右旋运动以及局部旋转,南北两段的活动性有一定的差异性,现今断裂带在最北端活动强烈,曾多次发生6级以上地震,南段现今活动较为平静。  相似文献   

It is indicated by historical records and the exploratory trench on the Weihe fault that the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan segment of the Weihe fault zone has experienced a historical earthquake and 3 paleoearthquake events in the past 9110a. The historical earthquake, namely, event Ⅳ, occurred between 1487 and 1568 AD. The date of paleoseismic event Ⅰ is (9110 + 90) a, and the ages of events Ⅱ and Ⅲ are unknown. The coseismic vertical displacement of events Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ is 0.5m, 0.5m and 0.2m, respectively. The exploratory trench also indicates that the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan segment of the Weihe fault was active in the Holocene.  相似文献   

The Changjiang fault zone, also known as the Mufushan-Jiaoshan fault, is a famous fault located at the southern bank of the Changjiang River, near the Nanjing downtown area. Based on multidisciplinary data from shallow artificial seismic explorations in the target detecting area (Nanjing city and the nearby areas), trenching and drilling explorations, classification of Quaternary strata and chronology dating data, this paper provides the most up-to-date results regarding activities of the Changjiang fault zone, including the most recent active time, activity nature, related active parameters, and their relation to seismic activity.  相似文献   

野外地震地质调查结果表明,1902年7月3日汪清6.6级地震的发震断裂是春阳-汪清-珲春NW向断裂,是晚古生代以来继承性活动的复活断裂,曾有多次活动。特别是新生代以来,由于太平洋板块对欧亚板块的俯冲作用,使NW向断裂发生引张或张扭性(左行)滑动,形成了汪清地震的发震断裂。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe east Kunlun active fault is an important NWWtrending boundary fault on the northeasternmargin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau.The fault extends fromthe northside of the Qiangtangmassif in the west,runs eastward through the Kusai Lake,Dongdatan,Xidatan,Tuosuo Lake andMaqu to the north of Zoig毢(Van Der Woerd,et al.,2002;Ma Yinsheng,et al.,2005;Seismological Bureau of Qinghai Province,et al.,1999;Li Chunfeng,et al.2004).The intenseleft-lateral strike-slip move…  相似文献   

六盘山东麓断裂的古地震研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
向宏发  池田安隆 《中国地震》1999,15(1):74-81,91
野外详细调查和探开挖揭示,在六盘山东麓断裂的孙家庄-海子峡地段自距今4.6万年以来存在有6次古地震位借事件的地质形迷,它们分别发生在距今35250,20250,14750,12150,8550和4000年前,各次事件的重复间隔依次是15000,5500,2600,3600和4550年。按M-D经验关系,事件1,2约相当于8级地震的位错,其余各次事件约相当6.5-7.5级地震的位错。  相似文献   

Groundwater flow and contaminant transport are strongly influenced by hydrogeological spatial variation. Understanding the textural heterogeneity of aquifer and aquitard units is critical for predicting preferential flow pathways, but is often hindered by sparse hydrogeological data, widely spaced data points, and complex stratigraphy. Here, we demonstrate the application of a relatively new air permeameter technology, providing a cost-effective, rapid alternative for characterizing hydrostratigraphic units in the field. The aim of this research is to (1) characterize the variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity across shallow-marine hydrostratigraphic units of the Whanganui Basin, New Zealand, and (2) assess the variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity within individual hydrostratigraphic units and relate these changes to facies and depositional environments. Results suggest heterogeneity within fine-grained aquitard units is controlled by bioturbation, whereby burrowing, ingestion and defecation results in grain size segregation and differential micrite cementation. Coarse-grained heterolithic aquifer facies display sharp changes in permeability across planar to cross-bedded sets, related to current and wave energy fluctuations within shallow-marine depositional settings. Bedding plane orientation creates high permeability zones that promotes down dip subsurface flow. Down dip gradation of coarse-grained nearshore facies into fine-grained shelf facies along the paleo shoreline-shelf transect is suggested to promote lateral and vertical groundwater flow within the basin fill. Air permeameter techniques have potential for application within groundwater basins around the world, providing datasets that facilitate greater understanding of groundwater systems, informing practices and policies for targeted water quality management.  相似文献   

Study on Paleoearthquakes of the Eastern Liupanshan Piedmont Fault Zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on trench excavation and detailed field investigation, the authors have ascertained that 6 paleoearthquake events have occurred in the Haizixia area of the Eastern Liupanshan Piedmont fault zone since 46Ka B.P. The recurrence time of 6 events were about 15000a, 20250a, 14750a, 12150a, 8550a and 4000a B.P., respectively, the recurrence intervals were about 15000a, 5500a, 2600a, 3600a and 4550a, respectively. According to M-D empirical relations, the vertical dislocation of events 1 and 2 corresponded to the dislocation of the earthquake with M8.0; the vertical dislocation of events 3-6, was corresponded to the dislocation of earthquakes with M6.5~7.5.  相似文献   

在结构损伤识别中,损伤发生的时间、损伤定位及损伤程度是三个核心问题。本文利用HHT方法结合经验遗传-单纯形算法分析刚度突变MDOF体系在地震波输入下结构的动力损伤识别问题,并以刚度突变4DOF结构体系在ELCentro地震波输入下结构动力特性识别为例进行了讨论。通过Fourier变换得到了结构损伤后的自振频率,利用HHT方法识别出结构损伤发生的时间,在此基础上运用经验遗传-单纯形算法识别出结构损伤后的刚度,从而确定了损伤的程度。  相似文献   

Deep structure and material properties of faults can be understood by observing and simulating the particular phase in a fault fracture zone. This paper reviews the development of fault-zone seismic waves in the seismological domain. The present research status of fault-zone head wave and trapped wave are summarized systematically. Based on recent progress in this field, the paper discusses the prospect on the utilization of seismic wave in fault structure research.  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘活断层带断层气的基本特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对西秦岭北缘活断层带断层气活动基本特征的研究认为:本活断层带是本区地球排气的主要通道;在走滑断层拉分区,地球排放气体活动的强度与地震活动有密切的关系;本带东段断层排气活动比较强,西段断层排气活动比较北,并讨论了两形成差异的原因。  相似文献   

卡兹克阿尔特断裂带活动特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
尹金辉  陈杰  郑勇刚  李锰  胡军 《中国地震》2001,17(2):221-230
卡兹克阿尔特断裂带是帕米尔和天山新生代造山带间一个重要的活动构造边界,通过对其活动构造特征的详细地质调查和大比例尺填图,可将卡兹克阿尔特断裂带进一步划分为吉勒格由特断裂带、乌恰地震断裂带和木什断裂带3段.吉勒格由特断裂带的地表破裂为一系列的断层陡坎和偏转的冲积扇,经过别尔托阔依河出山口处时,切割了T1至T3堆积阶地.断裂带在T1、T2和T3阶地的断层陡坎高度分别为0.67m、3.90m和36.50m.对采自T2阶地顶部和底部的粉砂样品进行光释光测年,测定的初步结果分别为8900aBP和10500aBP,因此对T3、T2阶地以来的滑动速率估计分别约为3.5mm/a、0.8mm/a.断裂的前缘开挖的探槽揭示出全新世以来有4次古地震活动.乌恰地震带主要切割克兹勒苏河的T3阶地后缘,沿断裂带分布有大小不等的断塞塘和断层陡坎.1985年8月23日在乌恰地震带上发生Ms7.4地震,地震最大位错为1.5m.根据断层陡坎计算出断裂的滑动速率约为0.54mm/a.卡帕河的东岸探槽同样揭示出有4次古地震活动.在乌恰地震带的东端,木什断裂带地表长度约6km,由数十条左阶排列的反向断层陡坎(坡向北)组成,沿这些断坎多处可见冲沟被断错,横跨断层陡坎的探槽揭示出3次古地震活动.  相似文献   

长江破碎带的研究过程及最新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据南京市及其附近区域(活动断层探测目标区范围)所开展的浅层人工地震探测、槽探、钻探,以及第四纪地层划分、新年代学测试数据等多学科资料,综合评价了长江破碎带的最新活动年代、活动性质、断层相关参数及其与地震活动关系方面的最新认识。  相似文献   

利用随机过程的谱展开理论以及Hudson等人的裂纹介质模型构造一种裂纹数密度是空间平稳随机过程的随机介质模型。这个模型可以将裂纹的微观参数(裂纹数密度)与裂纹介质的宏观性质(弹性常数)联系起来,能灵活、有效地描述实际非均匀裂纹介质。模型算例表明,弹性常数的空问分布特征与裂纹数密度的有差别,而且对不同的弹性常数影响不同。通过改编自相关长度的大小,可以模拟裂缝在两个坐标轴方向上具有不同分布尺度的情况。最后,利用高阶的交错网格有限差分方法,我们模拟了地震波在具有随机分布裂缝岩石中的传播特征。  相似文献   

营口-潍坊断裂带的新构造和新构造活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裂带是郯庐断裂带通过渤海的部分.郯庐断裂带是我国东部一条规模巨大的NNE-NE向构造带,具有长期发育的历史,新近纪以来的新构造活动相当强烈,尤其是位于渤海的营潍断裂带.但因以前渤海石油地质勘探和研究注重古近纪的地层和构造,而有关新近纪以来的地质资料甚少,致使它成为郯庐断裂带新构造和新构造活动研究程序最低的部分.  相似文献   

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